The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 08, 1899, Image 2

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    3(cfrd Iftver Slacier.
rcretnry Hitchcock of the interior
h-partmcjit irmitly lmw an unlcr cnn
celiiiK the 1H jiprriiijH thjtt ivtp "ntnteil
jihccpnien to praxe within tin Rainier
forest rtierve, und hereufter all flieep
will mewUt'M fro)" )" r''-rvation.
In making the exctosion onler, the hoc-r-'tary
wiiil: "The (ranting of audi ja-n-niit
wits jwl in coiifnrrnity, but nuIht
jnterfenvl with lb objects fur vhvU fr
st reervijujix pre .'.rnutivl." For this
rawm hu ieelineil to function mvh ht
niitit. TJie ilf-eittion of Secretary Hitch-
ick, it is xjtuf, in twt tireftvlVnt, nnd
it will only lie a nutter of ti;ne la-fort
jheepnreexWiJleil frojn jt)l tjiu forest
reserve of fie c-ottjitry, iwlli'ling ti e
icrvat CuwMtle riwrve of Oregon, Tlu
government ban wht out turi;U ityyutH,
wlto have tiiaclee.xtensivp i;nei-tijruti.onH,
anil by wjuwe rejurhs the K'iTetiry ol
the interior in onviieed (but nlieer
ifrtiJtiK in tin; forest is injurious to the
growth of young teeo ninl (fraK. There
in nonood rnu.soi) why t!. go've'rflineut
Mumbl ailopt a polipy of niteriwlinin to
ward the HlutepuiHU of Oregon in grant
ing them tfu gpoeinl privilege- of free
nanturuge, noniethJog which the other
farmern of the country cannot take til
fantage of, wjiile in the slate of Ohio,
one of the greatM jvool-pnJuci)it(Matc
in tlie Union, tjie jvool groMcr urecon:
pelletl to find Iheir own juiiitliriige for
Jheir ghei-p, Tlu hW of KatdiTn Ore
gon at one line itrfiisheil excellent pim
turogfl for i-heep nuil rattle, Jin( this
latige ban 1) iwti ptiteji ut, and if nr
vstric.tioiiH are plaeeil on forest grazing,
it will he hut u few ctrn until such
ranges are rinipU'Udy di'ntroyed also.
The necrejary in pursuing thp right pol
icy, one in conformity with the intent ot
the executive order establishing tlu
.forest rent-nee, und, if continued, out
.valuable mountain forest nipl perma
nent water mipplio will remain intact,
ami it ix not likely that the nhecpmen
will have to go out of business either.
The bead of the rejwun bureau snyi
there are good nwiiM for Imlief that tin
lndiunx of the United Statex aru nut ile
.creasing but increasing in numbers, on!
he ix confident that the return for KMX
will i-how a considerable gain over thoxi
for 18!X), when the Indian population o'
th United States, not inclining Ahiska
was 24!),273. It is doubted by those win
have made a social study of the stibjee,
whether t)'e Indian population of tin
present territory of the United States, at
the time of tb? discovery by Columbus,
w nx much us 5tX),000, and many judi
cious iniiuirerx Jijive doubted w bt'thef il
much exceeded StX),(XH). The Indians in
their nncivilii'.ed state had nothing but
the game of the forests upon which t.
depend for their food and clothing, ami
least had but a crude method for secur
ing the j-ame A little consideratioi.
will show that when game was almost
the only iueanx of food 'supply, it bad t.
be very plentiful to supply half a millioi
people, T'' Indians seldom cultivate,
th unmr-d, Jodny, -in the Da-
kotas and Indi;in territory, many ol
tlieni are prosperous farmers. With i.
better shelter and clothing, mi l a sure:
food supply us'der civifiition, the eon
ditions ought to naturally increase theii
immbern rather, than cause tl.em to di.
.off, hh nntnyl ave been taught to believe.
A new form of money orders was is
' wied September 4th, w hich is as near t
the bank check in size and shape as pos
sible. As about 75 per Cimt of t' e
money orders are now collected through
ths banks, it wjis considered important
enough, by the post office department to
make trie1 moiiey orders uniform in size
to ordinary bank notes, as it was a grea'
inconvenience to bankers to use the olo
form with the commercial pajuT tbej
handle. The new order will also be of
greater convenience to postmasters, h
will take less time to make them out,
and by the use of carbonized paper, tin
advice or notification to be sent by the
issuing to the paying postmaster is i.
reproduction of the order. Hy Ibis op
eration discrepancies between the order
ami the advice arc prevented, as there
will be absolute uniformity between the
two, A receipt will also he furnished
by the issuing postmaster, show ing the
number and date of the order and the
amount for whiidi issued. This will
also be a reproduction uf the carbon
process. .
The disputclu1 tell of another "vie
tory" in the Philippines, American
fcjrceH,'scaJi.n(t very steep mountain a
thousand feet high, in the far,! of the
lire of 400 bttljditu, But pone of the sol
diers wa.H killed or wounded, except
three, w)iQ were jiurj by falliil? rocks,
which mti-t lead li reader to believe that
the army t)f ban, lits were about n
harmloisti aj-a com puny of "kids", with
toy pistols. Portland Telegram.
Some ides of the wonderful increase
in the buxinesn of lie post olliea depart
Utunt.U bad from tlic fact that an ex
penditure of $30,3t:J,20y.r;t for carrying
the mails in l-'WS had swelled to f")2,2t)4,
$2,23 i H)).8, n increase to nearly
double in ten years. In 187it the total
jengtb of Plr J'wtal roufe wad 79,W1
mile; tlu last report sjiows it to be now
174,777.. The iinniial transportation over
these routes in J.87'J was 9ti,497,4i;l miles,
the last report showing a milage of ?U,
693,0)2, In other words, less thai) twenty
jew lius sfjeu an incrt'ase of 1 10 jht
cent in the total nnn?s of route, am? of
l'.)l per cent in tl; gryss of annual mil
age, A partial idea of what t)ii)j whole
nysbB of fhe transportation ii bulk'of
our mail plotter has grown to umler gixHj
lnanagepient, end owing to the gnat in,
crease in gepepij literacy, is derived
from the following statements taken
from figurps iu the ):ut annual r'jvirt of
the postmaster general : Of traveling post
ptfioes, on railway, steamboat, eWetrie
and cable tramways, we have 1,268 lines,
covering UW.756 miles, with a grand to
lal. milage of 233,5tM,343. Over tbea.
jmd throughout the service were handled
i,34,.l,iti'.',320 pieces of first-class matter,
5,R7(i,043,fKX) pieces of inferior classilica-
tion, and fWl,4!t2,4!K) pieces of jmrely
citv handling, a grand total of 12,8-17,-
11)8,710 pieces. These, if only averaging
the length of a medium-sized envelope,
would stretch 1,213,750 miles, or a little
over forty-eight and one-hnlf times
around the earth.
A fidr'semple of our late straw berry
crop and the price received wax that of
three acres grown two miles south of
town by a (am tr w ho don't care to have
his name mentioned. From bis three
acres he shipped through the Hood Ki vet
unk n 5:13 crates for w hich he received
fSii. Ilesides this be sold 'berries
enough to make the total for his three
acres amount to (KK) crates. His gross
ales amounted to 11.55 a' crate. Taking
out the expense of boxes, picking, pack
ing and water for irrigation, be had left
iK) cents a crat net for his own lal)or.
The crop was well cared (or, which took
considerable labor, but who can say that
f540 was not a good return for the time
spent in cultivatilg three acres of land?
L ........ .'
Secretary Tozier, of the state press
association, reported ax follows: There
were in the state on August 15th, 222
publications entered ax second class
matter at the several post otliees. Of
these 1H0 are weeklies, 38 monthlies, 19
dailies, 4 semi-weeklies and one semi
monthly. I class them as (!4 republican,
29 democratic, 1(1 populist, 1 prohibition,
14 religious, 3(1 independent, 10 fraternal,
I agricultural, 2-amateur, 5 college, 7
miscellaneous, 2 poultry. -Estimating
the state's mpuhition at 4IX) IKK), it will
be seen that Oregon has a newspaper for
every 1,800 people. .' . ' 1
Klondike District.
F.wtoh (1 uuiku ; Nineteen years I have
been in Hood Uiver, 21 years, in Wasco
county, but in all that time I have never
seen so much rain this time of the yea
ax we have Is-en having lately. Nor iu
all that time I have not seen a dog that
rides in a wagon and springs at the
passersby, mid very nearly gets in i
trouble.' What's the matter with "You
and Me" that he doesn't reisirt such
things as that? And he was right there,
too. Kut I don't know.
After writing to a paper printe 1
,n this country in a foreign language,
about Hood ftiver, many letters have
come to me asking how land can be
bought,, ami if it can t.i bom
steaded. Many families w ant to com.).
I urn glad to see that Hood Uiver has
a fine paper now, just as big as The
Dalles papers. Hurrah for the Ola' r!
M. L. Nix is building a two story
house, 30x30, with a porch all aro ind
and a big eel ar underneath. er
got short, so he and wife went to the hol(
Klondike has fino oats and tomatoes,
if the snow don't get them before they
are ripe. The oats will be cut for hay
.'. V. HlU-STHOM,
In thin, liberty 'ov n,' lo intry, Klon
dike, Oregon. . ;
AbeiTronibie' Narrow Eieane.
, They were talking at the Metrojtfilitan
club the other night ubout the hard
fighting and hard-drinking old gene aU
of the'American army in its. ealy days,
and some stories of old General Aber-
romliie, "who never tasted water,'
went round. "My father," said one of
.he members, "once asked General Ab
jrcrombie why it was that he had such
a natural distaste for water."
' " 'I'll full you of an incident that'll
bel4 to ehiin it, was the. frank old
v'eneral'x reply. 'A good many years
a to I was en s.-ing the great t'ontinentitl
d'vidu. It was colder than Greenland. In
one of my saddle-pockets I had a jug i f
urliirikv mill iu the other u 1111? of wiuer.
ell, "it was so cold that the jugof wat ir
troze up anil ousteii. Mipposmg n una
been inside of me!' " Washington Post.
Judge Prather today sold Aug. Ilucb-
ler's Hood River property to W. B. Cole
tor f oti.
"Hext on tlie market for coughs and
colds ami all bronchial troubles; for
croup it bax noeoual, writes llt'nrv It
Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of One
Minute Cough Cure. lllianix lirosius.
And now that our smallpox friend
Shutt, baa fully recovered be ix called
upon to endure the torture ol lieing t le
butt 'of var.ous newspaper punsteis, who
say his was a remarkable case, that
w hile he w as Shutt in, he broke out, and
now that he has ceased to break out
he's Shutt out ; and w hen be told them
to Shutt ui thev called him a scab orin
tcr and said that bix sign indicated a
yellow journal. Stitch treatment is any
thing but fraternal. Chronicle.
K. K. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cured
of piles by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
after suffering seventeen years and trying
over twenty remedies. 1 hyxieians ana
surgeons endorse it. lSeware ot danger
ous counterfeits. Williams & llrosius,
It is estimated that between 250,00)
ami 300,000 bushels of grain will Ins ha
vested on the Yakima Indian reserva
tion this fall.
IMVitt's Little Early Kiserx perma
neutly cure chronic constipation, bilious
ness, nervousness and worn-out teeiing;
cleanse anl. regulate the entire system.
Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken
"famous little pills, Williams &
Chester H. lirown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me
oi a severe case oi inoigestion , cin
strongly recommend it to all dyspeptics.
"Digests what you eat without aid from
the stomach anil cures dyspepsia. Will
iams & lirosius.
A few days sinco a large Thoman cat
was walking through a field of high
weeds, when a haw k swoojied down and
carried him up ubout thirty feet, the
cat howling bloody murder. Soon Tom
U-gan to scratch, spit and paw, and the
big bird dropped to the earth with her
prey, when Sir Thomas pounced on his
enemy and made quick work of her. The
hawk got hold of the wrong bird that
time. Chronicle. .
There's always hope while there's
One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of
pneumonia left my lungs in bad shape
and I was near the first stages of cm
sumption. One Minute Cough Cure
completely eur.'d me." writes Helen
Mcllenry, Pismark, N. D. Gives instant
relief. William, & Iirosius.
Mr. Hoburt, if renominated for vice
president, will be the ftrst to be honored
with the distinction in. a great many
years. If reflected be will be the firs't
vice president to serve two. terms since
John C. Ca'houn.
Kudu) Dj spepsio Cure is a scientific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and the medical
press, It "d gests what yon eat and
positively cures dytpepsift,' M.A.Ketron,
Bloomingdale, Tenn., says It cured him
of indigestion of ten vears standing.
v )i nanus e. .prcsiu.
People who imagine that Lo, the Poor
Indian, is puiMing in bin cbiiwotn de
cimating gate in the United States will
be surprised to realize that though not
so hostile as formerly he is still with ux
to tbf extent of 3tXMXX). He w much
improved morally from what he wax,
but he has not fallen behind to any con
siderable extent. It ix a case of the sur
vival of the fittest, and while the Indian
w ill eventually have to go, he ix not
gathering up his traps and getting ready
to start ax yet. Moro Observer.
The Arlington Advocate says there ix
hardly a lxv in Arlington over teu years
of age' that is not found with a ipud of
tobacco in bis mouth when out of his
parent's sight.
Not n Goficl Ten nut (or tlie kuuthcra
The typicul negro tenant urrivea ut a
new home in a mule wagon cr ox curt
with a bundle of rngK, n frying pan and
u covey of children, and he stay with u'
landlord v. bo may have raved him from
(lestitut'oii hy advancing1 prevision and
dry goods only bo Ion- uh the caprice of
the hour dictates. Bays' bippiucottV,
band owners w ho have sunk into finan
cial ruin hy mortfrnpinr their property
have nearly ulwayH been dragged lnt -the
dough by the ilTort to help their
negroes out of it. The crop made by thu
average ncfrro farmer is Kiibject to many
'Oiitinpencies' besidcM those or tli
weather. He does not hcntate to leave
his field nt the most crltieul season if
pleasure culls him; "bip meetings" he
never can resiid and these tnke place
during the important agricultural!
months of July ami August, first nt one
church anil another, ftcr Hi
mules have been working hard all the
week in Ibis busy season they ureofteui
driven ten to fifteen miles on Sundays,
carrying- wuiroiilonds of men, women,
and 'children, long- bright ribbons fly.
ing out from the bends of the femalti
members of .the family, whose hair has
been tightly plaited and bound with
cords during the week in order to pro
duce a holiday sensation in an ample-psyche-knot
nt the back and a bushel
like roundness in front; they appear in
fancy waists and big sleeves and regale
themselves and their friends with a
dinner of fried chicken, cake und water
melons after the meeting, rags being
good enough to wcur, hoe iiilte und
bacon pood enough to cat during the
week. Like his African ancestors, the
Amerienn negro is miserable without
jollifications and fcastings; if he cau
have them he w ill do n hard job of work
between times.
Why She Can Itonch Much Ulghe
Tonea Than l lonllle (or Man.
The scientist who discovered iu the
human larynx the anatomical reason
w hy woman has u soprano voice and a
man n bass one was n woman, Mrs.
Knurin Seller, says the Philadelphia
1 lines. She was a German, born in
Wurtzburg. Left a widow with twe
children to support, she'resolvcd to be
ome a teucher of singing, but taulden
ly lost her voice. Then she determined
to rind out why; also to discover the cor
rect method of singing, so that others
might not lose their voices. For this
purpose she studied anatomy. She dis
sected larynx after lurynx ami spent
years in her rcareh, -trying to find for
one tiling v.hy women's head tones
could reach high ' while men had no
soprano toiics. At length her search
was rewarded. Bhe discovered t:ndcr
(he microscope one day, two small,
u-edge-shapf'd.euftilages whciic action
produce.', the highest tones of the hu
man voice. She made her discovery
public. It vxrited greut uttention
among scientists. Her own brother, a
physician, praised the treatise in the
highest ' terms till he found his own
lister hud written it. Then bedashed
it down, fwyiug in u rage that sdie would
be better attending to her housework.
Mine. Seiler's portrait, a marble relief,
's in pot-session of the Ameiieau Phil
osopbical society of Philadelphia, ot
w hich she was a member. She wrote,
among other books, "The Voice in Siug
ing" und "The Voice in Speaking."
An Old Dame Who Narrowly Escaped
ivlth Hrr Life.
Although it does not appreciate con
Inement in a paddock, it is easy to
lume u fawn and it makes a delightful
pet until it attains to yeni s of indiscre
tion, says the lliulminton Magazine. A
tame roe i:sed to follow the children
everywhere round the old castle cf
Duutroon and even up the stairs and
into the rooms. One of his little play
fellows hud been obliged to give up his
room to a gentleman who had come to
-stay there and the surprise of the guest
was unbounded when the head and
neck of u roe protruded through his
half-open door. "Dear me!" he said,
"game must be extremely plentiful in
these parts."
Yet, just ns a kitten would be the most
delightful of pets except for its un
fortunate habit of growing into a cat,,
so a roe and especially a buck, becomes
too much of a handful as a pet when it
grows up. Their beautiful little horns
are both sharp and dangerous and a
tame roebuck very iieiuly put an old
w oman off the road and into the Crinan
canal by its obtrusive- attentions. It
meant no harm;, it really expected to
get u lump of rock salt, with which if.
had usually been rewarded for its
caresses, but the old dame did not ap
preciate its uncanny approaches u'ad
narrowly escaped w ith her life.
I'nrrot Disease.
Psittacosis, the peculiar form of bron
chial pneumonia communicated by par
rots, has hroken out in Genoa, 14 eases,
eight of them fatal, being traced to a
single importation of two sick ltra
zilian parrots. The health board has
warned the citizens against harboring
parrots us pets, At .Berlin the veter
inary school hag found that out of 174
sick parrots 54 were suffering from
tuberculosis. The disease is hereditary
in the birds, and is intensified by the
close confinement ond discomfort of the
voyage to Europe.
Qurrr Funeral Maale.
At a recent funeral in Vlncennes,
France, the remains were those of u
man past 80, a band played a series of
polkas and mazurkas and wound up
with the Marsellaise at the grave. It
was done in obedience to the orders left
by the deceased. He said he had lived
80 years and had had a good time and
saw no reason for mourning over th
departure. - ,
Kew Ena-laBd'a Cultivated Area.
In 20 years the cultivated area of Xew
England has diminished from 11,150,00',
acres to 10,740,000.
The ToleiUi Het kly Blade.
The Toledo Weekly DUde has an enor
mous circulation at all times. The year
of a presidential rnmpaign however, it is
reguiany re'j nv pear 2,uw,akj peoiue.
Not only repuhuVuns, but M-ople of all
classes, in every H'ctii in of the United
States read it for political information.
For thirty years it has iieen a regular
visitor in every part of the Union and is
well known in" almost every one of the
70,0110 isU!hoes in the country. It is
edited with reference to a national cir
culation and people of all politics take it
because of its honesty and fairness in the
discussion of all public cpuextionx. It is
the favorite family pajxT, with some
thing from every mcmlier of the house
hold. Serial stories, isietry, wit nnd
humor; the household department (liest
in the world). Young folks, Sunday
xcbiMil lessons, the farm stead, thecpicst
ion bureau (which answers ()iiestioi s to
Hiibscrik'rs), the news of the week in
cjinplete form, and other, special fea
tures. Specimen copies gladly xent on
application, and if you will send us a
list of addresses, we will mail a copy to
each. Only fl a year; If you wish to
rai. e a club, write for ternis. Address
the Hindu, Toledo, Ohio.
Settle Up.
All persona ItnoU'lui; tin hikcIvck Indebted
to lue lire respect fully iiHki tl to cull Hild m-l-
,1.. VI r h.u.1.. 1.... .. I..... I. .if u'ltli mil Mill.
iwor, II. U. Kvttrhurt, who i tuitliorizeU ti
ci,ii ii iur me unci uive rt'eeino.
'. I.. fOlTI.K.
Bids Wanted.
Hy the director of ihool dlntrlct No. 4 foi
the.lmiltor work of the whisil tint Minx for I hi
uti I uu term of & iiumm im. Itids lo he in on oi
behire Meptemher t". Is: il. Adiliftwi
I'. II. II1M(U7!H,, IMIrU-l Clerk.
- Freslf , vCr;7s;; . ;
" Two or three (.'nub i'u.v for iiiile t ' Itlter
ih'e Kurm, :( mllcn wM l town. Innulre
m - j. w. mukVu.v
NOTICE KO U'l'i; 11 LI CAT! O.N .
Land Office nt Omrm Vity'.'Oirn., Kept. 2
Irtifl. Nullce Is herehy flvei lint, the I'oilnw-InM-iiHiueU
settler ha tiled nmlee of hlH 111
leotlun to make llnnl pnsif In mippirl of hi,
ijlnlin, and that said pnsif will he made he
fine the ItetrMer and Idvelver at Oregon Oily,
On joti, on OetoiM-r 14, Hni, viz:
If. K. 12,1 a, fur lie aoulheiisl uf nl henst ',
ic etioii n. MMiihweMt ' uf toiilloveMt wctloii
I, liDrth t of mirthwel t if sectluuil, town
-411 i i north, raiiKc N eait.
lie mi Mien the hilliiwuu wltnessin W pnvi
lit ioiiiIiiiiiiiik remit, -iii-e tixn und ctilllvu
tlun of mi ll hind, vlx: ,
John Nick Klaen, Hahinel Woodward. Thar
Ulli tier and lllhnn t- raser. Nil of ( awaili
hocks, Oregon. .
ss,l.t CJISI. II. MOORKH. Itilster.
ITIinhcr Land, Art June S, IK7S.J
United Sliilcs l.andotllee. The Dalles, Ore
iron. Auk. Ill, lHiitl. Nntiee In hereby given
thai In compliance with the provlstuiw uf tin
let of einiKiewi of Junu H, 1S,H, entitled "An
act for the sale of tlmlier lands In the Htateit o,
t'ulilOrnia. Ori-jfon, Nevuda und Washington
lVrrtloiy," . ! .
Of Hood Itlver, cimnty of Waaeo. slute of Ore
Kon, Iiuk this day tiled In thin uliiee her nwurii
Htatement, -n. Ill, for the purchase of tliv
north Miutheast and in n 111 nolll Invent
of M i l ion No. l'"i, tu Uiu nship No. 1 noi Ui.
riuine No. 9, V. M., anil will otter pnsf In
uow mat me laini sotini is more valuable
lor it limner or xtone tliiin lor airrieiilliiral
purpoaea. nnd lo establish her eluiin to said
land hi'forelhe Kelsler ar.d Keceiver of litis
olllco at The Dalles, Oiei;on, on Huturduy, the
inn uay in November, ihmi.
Mhe tinmen a wltnrwa; W. It. Wlnnnx, I.
Itradlc.v, J. I.. Ileii(liiiii and Hurry Wyutt,
all of llisid Klver, Oregon.
Any nnd all persona elaimlnc ndversely the
aboe-leiTil.t I amis are rmpuwleil m tile
their claims In thin offlit; on or betore mild
11th day of November, HiO.
sHnlO J A VP. l.tJC.VH, Keglster.
Tlmlier Land, Act Jane S, fiK. "' ':,(
' li lilted Ktate Land Otrttv, The Ialles, Ore
gon, Mepi, A, WW. Notice la hereby given
ttiat In i-oinplianee with the provisloiiH of the
act of innicrcMt of Jane :i, IS.s, enllili'it "An
m l for the sale ot limber lunila In the Hlatriol
1 'iilllon In, th-rgon, Ncruda und V unblngton
1'eiritni.r," the tollowimr uf med perwm havi
thla day tiled, lu this .uiliife Uicir nwuro xtute
ineiits, to wil: f i ' '
KRKft K'MIMmj.V -"
Of lliHid ItlVer. coMiity of Wasco, state OfOrt
iron, sum-n Ktatenient Noj 14.";, for the pur
chane. ol tlie north uorl hi-:ic wiuthuest
'4 nortl east und lot tl, section i, tuu ii.siilp
north, ri.nge east, W. M.
ilUIUSAKi) TA Yl.Olt,
Of Hood Itlver, county of Wasco, stnte of Ore
gon, swirn stulenieiit No, lei. for the pur
elinse of the south sout hwest Kecllon a,
gotitheiud Koulhrust seetiuti u, and noi ill
weal lioi-liiwesl wclioll S, township 2
north, range euut, M.
That they will otter proof to show that thp
land nought In more valuable for It timber or
iitone Hum for ugricciltiiral purN,'ii, and to
eMtahllxh tlielr clalniH lo Ktid land before the
KegiMer and Itucelver of Ihla otllee ut The
Dalles, Onyon, on .Saturdav, the lath day ol
November, IWW.'
W'ltiires: O. It. Hartley, W. II. MoOrorv,
Perry McOrory, Kred. K Hiinpnon und Hub
bard Taylor, all of Hood Itiver, Oregon.
Any i nd all persons-claiming adversely the
above-diHTila'd tnnda are reipiented to tile
thelrelulm-lii thin office on or before said Hth
day of November. WW.
aiinlO , . JAVi I. LL'OAH, Ucgioter.
Side Saddle for Sale.
A (Side Muddle In good order, which will be
sold verv reasonable; cnn In; seen at mv house
near Tucker. JIIiH. AI.IOE K'K.V1I
I.und OlTiee at Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. 30.
lS!ltl.-N'otiee U heebyglven that, tlie follow-lug-mimed
set tier ha veil led notice of their In
tention to make final proof in support of theii
claims, and that said proon will tie made he.
lore W. M. I'nuhy-. V: K. ,'oinmlKloiier foi
District of Washington, ut Uoldimdale.Woah.,
on Tuesday, October 1?, IHiltt, viz:
II. K. No. HT.V), for the aouttieasl (pinrter of
northwest qiiHrler. north half of southwest
(luarler, and lot S, section I, luwnshlp 3 north,
range 12 east, V. M.
He nnmeii the tilloxtins; witnesses to prove
his continuous resideiu upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vl,:-
Joseph Hllvn, John Pnffmn, AnUmlo Itran
(Uinho nnd Ocorge Bradford, all U' Lyle T.O.,
Washington. 1
II. F. No. 11751, for the south half of southwest
quarter of section 1, tied norlh half or north
west quarter sect ion' 12, township a north,
range 12 east, W. M.
W'ho ninnes the following wltnossesto Drove
his continuous rcsidcnci; Ukiii anil cultiva
tion of, Raid land. Viz:
Joseph Hilva, Antonln Hrnnoulnho, John
Dulli on and Ocorge Bradford, all of l.yle I'.O.,
jottv vrviivEY," 1 ,
II. K. No. Wil. ir SHe wmthui!t iiurter of
sivtlon I. toa nship.i north, lunge l-i loil.W ..VI.
Who names the Ariowing witnesses hi prove
his continuous resuieui upon and cultiva
tion of sukl land, viz: . i
Joseph ISilva, Antonio Ilrunqulnhn, Tim
othy Drlseoll and tfrie Bhippy, all op Lyle
I'. ., Wasliltigton.
sloil W.--4. DUXBAK, Register,
A good girl to work In a private family,
Writ- to Sirs. A. H. tlcnnett. The lalles,Or.
For Kent.
An 8-room honse. Apply to
Clubbing Offer.
All subscribers to the Glacier who- pay In
ndvanee and 50c additional can huv the
Twlee-a-week Kepublie or the Toledo- lllude
sent to their address for one year.
Ijind Office at The Dulles, Oregon, Aug. 16,
Notice i hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of her Inten
tion to make final pnsif in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made before
(Jeorge T. Prather, .11. S. t!ommlssloner, at
Hood Kier,Oregon,on f'rtday,.Sept, 2t,lMW,rls;
One of the hei s and for Hie heir of Turner F.
Moore, dei-eased, H. K. No.') for the east
northwest1, and lota i nnd 2,Ltii)n 14,towi
ship 1 south, range lOeast, W, M,
she names the following witnesses- to prove
her conUnnous resident- upon and flultiva
tion of said, land, vix:
H. W. Wait, Julia Walt, V. W. Nason and
Kredcrick Kncadson, all of Mt. Hood, Or.
lSs22 IKY P. LUCAS, Register.
Piano for Sale.
A Perkfr Piuno, in good order, for sale bv
d C, K, HARK-IUif,
Having ptirchuwcl the stock of (lroocriei owned by 0. U (topple, will continue
buniuciis ut the old aland and solicit a ihure of your pnlr.inutff.
Will Sell for Cash Only.
Will eurry a hill line of Mron-rlex, Kiour and Keed. I'm'luiv Ulii'ri Ijii ex
change for goods. The best (jn.'illty w ill be kept constantly on hand,
t all and w u -
A Drive Sale on some lhies to Close Out,
. . . ' ' AXI) . '. ' ' -i';':r:r ; :;' :
Immense Reductions on. others to Reduce stock
We are securing that desired space for. Fall
and Winter Goods.
Jewelry and Silverware '.
Toilet ArtieleH and Perfumed
Clotbiiig, Men'it and Uorx' .
IlarneHH and Whip
Stove .
Mill nnd Ixgcrw' Stipiliif(,v ........ ,
Men'u Furniubiu HihuI,,, , -,M'i...
Cria-kfry nnd (HasHwaiV ; . . .
PaaitH nnd KhoeH
Bring Your Farm Proiuce anil Cash.
Our priced ntv same in either case,
Free ileli very. Prompt. Kew (ioods. Xw. Mtlnal.s. New Prices. A
plete line of ( Merchaiulise.
Rand & Stewart
All Teams stop at
A complete and up-to-date
stock of Groce
ries,: fresh and cured
meats, Bacon and Lard,
Cigars and Tobacco,
Fruits and Vegetables,
etc., etc.
. . ; 1 11 "rri'T,r' 1 ; 1 1 1 ;
HeudiU:ii4er for Flour and Feed. 8ole ugents for tbu
(iriiiiulnled and Snowdrift, brand of Flour, both of
w liicli brutitlit titw guiTuiiteed, Cur jtiht arrived. ,
Ilolled ll.irle.v $1 per Kaek.
A, fuvv Fctiit Jars alill tin band, which, we are closing out
nt -Vic for half g.illnn and T ie lor jiIIoiim.
Fresh (reuinery lluttero-M! per roll.
1.1 ibest cash price paid for Fat Stock, wood and p'tidiice.
We are anxious to tin business with you, anil to that end '
will do our beut to please you.
Store opens at C 'A, M. Ootids delivered free ol charge.
CLYDE T. B0NNEY, Proprietor.
A we eiasct to move- Into our own. building aoon, we will for the
next 10 day muke special price on UryOOo ls, Men's and Hoy's Clotli
itig, Hats iuid Ch)s, and men's. Women, and Children's- Underwear. If
you want bargains iu these linos see-us.
i all Ms of Fmittre, Carpets, Wall Papsr, etc. u
I challenge any one to get tower price on House Furnishing Ooods than I can quote,
hpcuial ligurcs given ou. uuiidirg muteriul for contract work.
The la?t results yon must uee the .best niaterials. The
HOOD RIVEIt PHARMACY contiuuea to be up to
date in everything Iu the Drug line.
Prescriptions a Specialty.
fcipraying materials warranted the pure stuff.
. . . .Cut to half price to close.
Cut to half price to close.
. .-. .('tit 30 to 4(1 jht cent to clow.
. . . .Cut SH's u!r cent to close.
. . , .Cut 2") ier cent to close.
. .Cut 'M) r cent to close.
. . . ..Cut 25 per cent to jimke trtyUi. ,
I':-. .Cut 23 ht cent to please Vnu."'
, . . .Cut JO to 51) per cent rednciiiu stocl
Reciprocity Corner,
Hood River's
Business House,
Meat Market
li f " ', S M
,2 -Lm
this Week.
For Bale
1. The William Kennedy Improved Krull
Kami, il Iiilli southeast of Hood Jt ve't III! ,
acres; fine heui-ing oi-i-hard; good impi-o,.
nients: nest wilier, spring, rnoe -i..Ki': Will t o
old In small tracts . acres In cultivation.
2. Tlie lohn I'nl Improved Knrni.O' mil, ''
south of lliaid Hli-fci; lid ai res; silaiT-is in "ill-'
tlvallon; gisid lumi; well wutcrid. I'llee
JI.OHO 'I inns eusy.
S. The Anton Wise Improved Krull k'.irm. '
7 miles soulhwest of Hood Itiver; lil a -les; ;.
ill aiTes in cn'tlvatlon. Klne soil. Spring
waier. i riei-,
4 M F..' :mi. T IIV II in V r..F ..i.l.. r-i n
Sum Improvement; 1 il ai res.
.'i. H. 4 of H. -V. of X. W. !4' H. 12, T. t S..K.
10 K.i.'-tt trw; some ImproM'miiia. J.U). , . "
' . S. of N. W. u,H. W. i. of N. W. V, and
N. W. V. of rt. W. K. k. T. J N . iu I;.- no
Ueies, friOO.. .,,
7. The i. Divers tlraln nnd llsy farm; het
'nt li valley; miles siMilhAest of ll nnl
itlver; 2111 acres; cjO iiitm In one. field; Una
rain and tlinolhy land; giaal springs. I'i-Icm '
!l,(IU0i i.el lns easy. , . . . . ;
H. The ('lias. II, Itogcrs ,',-aere llomeste id
Kiuuliton: uood collage and barn; air.iik'' 1
water. rrhe y.UU.
ft. The old Itogcrs .Mill properly nt Kru-ik-ton,
with falls and water power on l'lie us'
creek. Price J-K). ....
10. The Dr. liarrelt Improved Print Kartn', t , '
in. oul hu est of I lis ui Klver: 120 ni.( 70 ac ei ' i .11
In -ulllilion;Uuises Iu fruit; tine Mprlinr; .. ; t
inches Irrlguiing wati r. I'rlre te,:t; will hi
eiia in part-els. it'
ll, lid aen-s on llisi t river. KiiutSldc,2iii'ilc
tl gallon spring-. Onlvl,l00. ' '
' - i -"
12. The I.. Netr lloine; 10 aeres on HikmI r v--r;
2 miles; gisal water; plentv or fruit; a ' '"
heiiutlliil honie. I'rt sl.siM. Ten aciea.a ij ' ' ' -house
lor t' 'hi, , , .
I f. Thus. W.iilllncr H'oiucstend. at, tlllhl i , '
ash.; Iim acres; line saw tiniher; gooil ao,l;
well watered, tmiy S-"i; a rare hurguin.. -.
11. Tlie Wel.lner llomcsle id. in neres. neir
Mosler; !MI neres clcareil; 2 springs; -ti h.i nu V '
mvs; good Improvement.. Holy trl ,0tM.
l'. The W. II. Disho p Home In Ho-),l Klve-, ;
lot Hand part of lot 7 hloek I, Waueoma uddu. -
I Ion to Hood. Kivvi; a prclty home, tinlj t,W.
!(!. Klve aeres cleared and hi clover, t' J hi.
southwest ol IIimhI Itlver. Only f Mi. ..
l1. The HanttM rry hoiiu', 2'.j miles sout'i,
west il town; M acres. Kverytiilng eoinple i J
und handy;isd fruit, good waier. only il.'i )
H. Tlie Chester Welds home. In I he hllls.itn'i H;
mile east ol town; u- preity hmo;gov)d ti-tit
and water; 40 acres. ):i'y it, Intl. ',
Id. The flarvey f'rapis-r SO acre Km It Kurmv - ...!
iiu ol llie lirsl In tiie valley All lurnilure,, , .
m nil l.iiph'menls anil stoelt go witli I u rn.
.Soil, water, fiull and Improvemeiita tlrsu
eluss. I'riee SI.OiO. . . , v.
21. I, ots for sale in Mowers iiddltlon tollisi 1
Klver ut JltW. Terms tuny. l-.'jv;.
' t ;
21. The Kranlc ("iruiiller lni;irovl fnift an t . "
grain farm; 7H ai res; -li in cuhivulion; 1,00 y'. "
hearlngapile trees; and hum; fln-i'i-.' -;M
wahT and plenty of it; house uud iurni fur- ;
nislied. rriee-5-VIO; tt'nns easy; ' ' '- '
!? Si.i
ti. The. I. Wlcklrini f ,'irni," mllos sotthw.xt -,..
of I ovn; 8-t aires' food hulhliiusuud Inijirove- J
me lts; spring w' T and "si liiclics free for Ir- -
riga. Ing. I'rn-e 1.IKKI. !:i '
2tj Korty neres, :l eleirel; nortli of young :n .
oiv'iurd and east ol (V-isin's; oil IjcvI Mtilimo
rarnii A No. 1 lau 1. Only iHI.
2t. The lliisklr! pi ice, I mile wesl of town; '
4 iwr -s; g-10 I spring water; gisat oreliard; new
framu lioil.liua.s. ( loly 4--00; one-third cusli,
bilu ice at"t pi r cent lmt annum. ,
2i. The Ir. Morgan lions-aid lit Inlliil ' ';
niver; ue v 11.11 11. uu ly ssou.
N. 15. Terms are easy -on nil the uhova
'anils, with Interest u( H per cent.' l'er s il-?.
firing liM'allous on honu'sleails nni!'( 1 - iCi,i
elaUiis should apply ut The Kinporliuo. , ,
FURNirURE. .--;..:.
I have jul iwolvod a st ick of furniture. In. .
eluding some ti-;d room suits.ifiiuelies,
liiHiKses ill. short, cvei-viiilog nsunliy foun.l
in tii-stiilusR furnituro store. A full I. no
of paints and oils at ,. prices that'y competition. T have- iil.-ui
nude- nrrnngemcntsi to do undertaking
work nnd can lnrnl-ii ill short not iee cnskcls
ut reasonable prPv". Picture framing- and
11 iholsterliig 11 ape. laity. Thaiijtiiig my
nciny iiiitrotis for past favors, and solicltin r
your patronage lu the hiturc; I am yonrs for .
nu mess, - . K, miKitKlUk
notice mil ruHiiioATiox. t ;v
fyiml Olflce at Vaneouver, Wash., July 2H !
Notice Is hereby given tliat the follow ' '
Ing-named settler has tiled noi Ire of his Intrn, ;
Hon to miikc rlniil proof-In support of hln ;
claim, and that said proof will lu in.ele hrio; ' -'
W. 11. rreshy, I'nitel States t'-Mninissloiier'- --
tor nistrict, or Washington, at tils ofUce.ln :;
(loldendale, Washington, on Monday. .Mci'-L
ll,.liitt!l, viz: Ml
KHAN'lv .1. l'KTK.KHj 1
Homesteail Knh-v No. K117 for th uo.u.-
lialfofi northwest iiuurler mid Hiln-.l and 4, '
-iieuon ;i, mwusiiipu norlh, mugel2enst,W.VI.
He names the t- llowing wliiiewea in provu , -
lis eonttnuoim ieslilene U)hii and eultlvu-
Ion of, said land, vi.;
August Burg, Chester W. Hell, .lohn C'neU
tin anil Krank K. Wylle, all or (Jlenwooil I'- ;
I., VVashington. , -
it IU syru'A:.L):IJJ,.v!U4,sl,'1,' ' '
NoricK F6u'iHraucATioj:"T"
Land Oltlce ut. Orison Cltv, Orit, Aug. in .: :
lW.-Xotl is nerehy given tliat tlio lollii-".
iiig-mimed sctiler lias tllud uoticu ot his In."""
lention lo iiiukt. llnnl proof, m support of Ins
elulin, and tliut salit ro III be luuile tie:ore ''
tlie lli glst'T und heeeivur at oh-goinJity tire i
on Oi-lober 1, l.illd, t: . ..
KitAACIM C. I.IT'rt.K, I
il. K No. 10,045, for tlie east wnitlienul V 1
and loin g anil 4, oeetiun ll,.touhlu 3 Nuilh.
i-nnge H'-J east. '
He names the following witnesses, to prove- -his
conlinuoiis ivsideiKM upon, unit cultivu
tion of, Mrid land viz: '
; Win. (l. Hteel, ur l'ortland, (ire.; O. ('. Vo. "
cQin. of (Salmon, ore.; chic. Kl ver, of Wuol.
niila. ore.- Adulf Asehotr, of MnVmot tjre
Ii2.ris2il CH AH. 15. MOOKK.S, Itugintir.
NOT1CK FOH l'uirLICATl'ox!" :
Ijind Offlce at Oregon City, Ore., August 18 .
MHO. Notice is hereby given thut the tollow."
ing named settler has tiled notice of hl.,ln,en
tlou to make final proof in support of Ins
claim, and that mild proof will be made before '
the Ucgtster and kex-eiver ut Oregon City.tirtf..
October 2, l.S'SI, v izi , . .
ot.I Kit C. YOCL'M, ' " "
H. E. No. 10,0-iti, for 1 tic, east yt northeast :
and lots 1 und 2, section 21, tmviisjilp 1 south, '
range KJ easf. .
He names tlio following wltnessen lo proru .
his uonliuuous residence' upon uod oulllvu
lon of said land, vi.:
Win. U. isteel, of Portlimd. Ore.; K. C. I.ltllc, 1
of.Salmon, ore.; Clins. Kryer, of Wupinilhi,,
Ore ; Adolph Asehofl, of Mai-mot, Ora.
aSVcM CII.VS. li; MnnltKS, Keglster.
Land Office nt Vuncouver. Wasr,, Aug. 17, :
IHiift. lieo Is hcroby given tliut thn follow-,
liig-naincd settli-r has tiled notiee of. his In- '
tctition to Imiko final priKif in support of : 1
his claim, and that Mild proof will be made '
before the Kegbiter und hixiver I'. H. Land .
Office at Vaiiiouver, Wasli., on Maliirdav.
Kfptetiilier ail. IsW. vig; 1
Hloio W, KfUXIlAI.'WKN,
IT. R. No. Mil", for the west ;-, luirthwest
northeast "4 northwest '4, aud nmttiwest 'I '
aoutliwesl MHtiop M, township 0 norlh,
range I2'east, W. M, , f
lie names the following wltnessm to prove
his continuous ri-sldeuce tlKii und cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: 1
Minerva Kerg, Krank Hhaw, Vlnzens Itorda
and Albert id-rtsch!, all of Ulenwood 1". O..
aug2.,s2tl W. H. OI NBAK. Iteglster.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 30
(KM. Notice is hereby given that tlie tollowi
ing named settler hint (tied notice of his in.
tention to make final proofin supiairt of ins
claim, and tliut said proot will be made before
the Keglster and Itecclvei- C.H. Ijimi Office at
Vancouver, Wu.-di,, on Weiluesdiiy, Oitoucr Is
ISISJ, V'lIK - - . - .
II, E. No. Ktti. for IIij southeast nuarter of
ection 8 Uiwiuhio H north, range (2east,W.M,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his eon 1 1 11 nous resi.leuoo Usili iuid oultiva. -ttonof
iauil lund. viz
James 11. Hub-ford, Christian. Deickson.
James Kiti and Thomas M. Whitcomb, all of
Lyle P.O., Washington.
kUj . W, It. PL'NBAM, Heglster,
: .' 1 1
- 3
it ?.
1,-.- -f