The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 11, 1899, Image 2

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3esd Jiver Slacier.
FRIDAY, auuuiST 11, 1S99.
Hood lveH to i.aveuiiother paper.
8. P. Sliutt, late of the Fossil Journal,
Condon Globe and Sum pter News, has
purchased a home in Hood River and
indicated his purpose to start a paper.
He at first tried, to purchase the Gla
"'c'ie'Rj but'lltid.fng it nut for sale, an
'.lio'onct'ft his intenlion to start another
v paper. -It Is his great privilege to do
j sofoliiers iriey poma'and etnrt news
papers, but thero is no crying need of
another paper in Hood River. The
.Glacier has been, published for ten
v jeaTs," and in that time no one tiaB
jininssed wvallh by ow ning it. There
has nevrr been a time ,yhen .the old
hand press of the Glacier could not
supply llie demand for local newsBut
there lias been many times -when its
proprietor thoiiKbt the paper had been
started before its tlnie. The-present
proprietor has kept it going during the
past five years by doing all the me
chaiijeal.wprjt within hia own family,
' ' UvCiie same uuiu living uu aim iu-
ing his farm. By hard work he has
been able to give the community a
newspaper that, more than anything
else, has tended to make known the re-r:-:s
ifffiWf! of. this sectioni -jThe.GLACTER
" has never been, a partisan paper, has
been reasonable in its charges for-ad-.verllsing
and subscription, lias labored
faithfully for Hood River, where its
proprietor has been a resident for 22
years, and there is no fear that its work
ist$jippreciated in the com m unity
a, -i.Hof.hi iihwiireaioi-ytofhe-ieldest i n
vHi&bltfiti t hn's' thfr'atmosptiere remafned
1 -clear so long in the' summer as it has
this reason. Here it is the. 12th of
""Aii gun t an d tli'e "s n o w e'a p ped ' in o u n t
ains are in plain view every day. This
delightful state of the. atmosphere may
be attributed to the vigilance of the
. superintendent of the Cascade and
-- Bull Rmi reserve and his efficient
force of supervisors and forest rangers.
Forest reserves are all right. Govern'
nient should assume the same super
vision over all forests, and then ur
'ujfYq$X f liiiirilersmlght -bg i thing of
'the"pasitjt;:'s y'Kv'-
Now is a printers' strike for variety.
This is something new in these days of
machine type-setting and jobless old
printers. Yet it takes a good many
printers and other men besides the
; - linOtypeis to get-out a paper like the
- ' . ; NeW iYorU -Sun. '. ;As to the merits -of
the strike no definite, opinion can be
. expressed at this time and distance, but
it would not be surprising if the men
; liurfa good dause to strike;,. for tjie Sun
. is the .NftVsr..Yotfe .that
" more; perhaps, thaii piiy .oMierdelights
' to il.espiso pd. degrade the whii-
- - iry to manual ion, anu wui.
worships mammon, Portlaua yiei
' "J.;'.;.iT
Dunbar, of the Supreme court, Is being
roomel !" J'.e &,,De.r.natotf9V P.oniinee
nil' t he republican ticket at the next
'.. t .electpu,'.. -Oregon Dunbar needs no
"croortitfli"'for governor. While nc
i weiridcut'of'rOlynfpin, he -was elected',
i s fifiilinallv'.. miirreme vuaie from tbie
county. He is well fitted by 'education
4j ;:',.T-!nnd xperience for govenor, and there
Van be "no better nomination made.
Uoldeudale Sentinel. : '
TITe editor of the Pukwana, S. D.,
Tree-s, in writing up his description of
the trip to Portland on the editorial
excursion, says: ."It is stated that in
the vicinity of La' Grande three and
four crops of wheat are, raised a year,
It never freezes." ;,. That editor posted
hi mself on this conn t ry. ;
aiiiuj jc.'T.he Regulator"-Co.' has -Invited Hhe
viJ.UHteers from Tbe -Dalles to go home
from Portland on the company's boats.
v vTtiey. have accepted the invitation and
' """"w ill' cohie up on Saturday next, ar
riving, at JThe Dalles about 5 o'clock,
- wtierewlhey Will '1)6 tendered a gran d
reception. ;
m Pan'y"of. rough riders, after the
'Wyie of Roosevelt's Rough Riders,, has
boen orgapized in Portland. They wjll
i'iftfciSaie in the. reoeption to the One
on volunteers in Portland today,
..'.''a'scp is ahead of us all in weicom
"Tng'the -volunteers. Ihe good citizens
of that town gave a big blow out and
.t , , receptipn three weeks ago, before the
"arrival of the boys in the state.
Si Ui ftfc:V""S
The Oregon Press Association will
"' Atigusi 21st. The sixth annual regatta
Ih&XaXe. "'at Oregon ; vi ill : be Jheld at
''-:iApWailijuta"tiuie ."-."--:r.s-'i'..";:.?'
. . Peaches,. peach. plums and prunes are
MY'')'Ae,etborhaod ' The
v tii'illes, and at -Mosier-these 'crop's are
" i;fdKS .'M-'i'-fi ''' ,;;:.'; .
- . A -woman in La Grande 'supports
," . lietIf vsndi Jtivalid huband, and has1
l";frlteViie'd"the old homestead, all from
, ,,. tie.1icceiptR.of her (Hiicken. ranch.
', .t ';. r.v ', i; . .' . '
.vi(f:: sfilwi'lie-Ekhiis, an old and popular
i;ftr oii Ihe-O. R. & N., inet with
''''!' iViUitent riear .Arlington.. . The side
roitI:f? ,b:is eiiKine broke, driving, the
'vend through the floor with great force,
i Mr. .lSvaiia' leg . was cauKht, eruphing.
f. the fjotaJ tireakiiig the bones of the
eg between the knee and ankle.
f J Dalles neonle are takinir un outi ttir In
t- it i Jsimiaiia inar. o ne inousann
ine ni"yntiiiiia or at. the tasido.
To Trout Lake and Mt. Adams.
Ralph Savage, Sam Eliot," Howell
Ackerman of Portland and your pencil
pusher, the junior member of the GtA
CiER.force, spent last week at Trout
Lake a"nd Rft. Adams. Ralph Savage
and Sam Eliot started, Tuesdayj over
the" divide from the lake to tiie.liead
waters of the Little White Salmon,
while the rest of us left on foot for.
home," making, the ..thirty miles frqnjj.
the lake to White Salmon post office in
seveu hours. ' Te party caught lots of
fish at the lake aiid. made the ascent of
the mountain cm Saturday. -. r
. The country between here rnd Trout
Lake is comparatively level and open,'
the last ten miles being through the
lava beds covered "with pine timber.
The 14 miles between the lake and the
show line of Mt.' Adams is a good stiff'
up grade, though not uearly so steep (is
the last five miles to MtV Hood Most
of tliis regionis covered With' forests of
valuable pine timber. There is only m
tajl owr this part of the route, and it
is now' pretty badly out up byitiumer
ous sheep trails, which makes it very
ditlicult to keep on the right 'trail to
thempuntaiii. t The.fiyeyiiile ascent of
Mf SAdami frofrf tife? sjig w-li ne ;is made
on the southern spur, mostly over the
rocks and bowlders free from snow.
The top of th If. spur is within about 800
feet of tbe highest point and Is called
(lie first summit. From here to the
base of the second,. the highest
-peinVof the mountain, is. a" sifow' field
half a mild "lii ' Jen'gtb'v.atid filled with
treacherous crevasses. The copper rec
ord box, placed thereby the Mazamas
in 1805, is chained to a rock witltiri.SOO
feet Of the top. '.. C D. ..Mdbre and pa'rty,
who made . the ascent last, xummer,
found the box lorn from its anchor and
the Mazaina book and all past records
for SO years or ni'ore entirely destroyed"."
In this box is'tlie registry of Fred G'
Pherman of the Xfi geological sur
ey 'u'ltywhd. feached the top of the
mountain on the: 23d of July, and who
statedhat he; found the, height of M',
Adams to ,1ie"lit70;Xeat This places'
the height ubout ..250,Lfeet above thr
Mazama , measurement, : until which
time it w-as-upposert' to be but a little
over 9,000 feet lu; hHght; Oregoniani
have dis!ikd ;t admit that our graiifi
old Mt. Hood is oversliadowed by Mt
Adams, but-Uiey will tiow have to givt
in, whileVthose. who- have scaledhpth
peaks will be jilad to .know that
liard climb up Mt, Adams puts theiaa
thousand' feet above the top ofMt.
Hood. . The top of the niountain is a
big enowfield. From here a magniri
eient view is obtained of the greater
r6rtions of Oregon .-and Washington
Five miow peaks appear in view, Ifoorf,
Jefterson and the Three Sisters iit'Oie
gon; St. Helens and Rainier in Wash
ington, whileaglimpse .tif the snow capped
Olympics of Pnaet Sound nwj
be secured throiigh the fog and smoke
The region, between Adams and Raul lei
Is very drugged, many of the rocky
polnta helng eove ted w ith- suow. '
The coHtitry-uroUtid Troufxake js a
splendtdtiayirrg'and dairying count rv,
and jnany of . (the ranchers tlvere lia
prettyf substantial dwelling ".' houses;
ann seem to oe maKing moneyi 'jvi
Stadleman. the nost master a't Troiii
LKkhMfa;Kood dairy .'ragcjli awd senlf
to WMite paimoft, eyery. weejc fnm -tn
.ISOMh iltls.oi' ereitnerv;.tiii te'r. Sin
gets 'about 3" or 4 feet devp in thin
country and sleighing lasts ovei four
months. Trout Lake is an ideal place
, fr caitijM'pg.aud. there fare.qiumber 91
parties 1 here fnnu -Portland, The Dalles
ana Mtiort-iaversj- rrieti.ty.-.of, lisli nuav
be caught in the lake, though they are
not so good in flavor as those caujihi
in ithecreeks of the" outlet and Inlet.
as the lake is tint a few feet deep and
merges into a swam pat 'one-end.
A trip from life lake' to Mt. Adams
plainly shows the ravages of-contmued
pasturing of sheep in . the. mountain
ranees. Many of the hills, once cov
ered with meadows of bunch grass, are
now eniirejy.tiarei only sann and gravel
is rleft, the soil' haying' beeii.; washed
away by the waters of : the hieliinij
snow. Tlie sheep were put into the
range so . early .1 his year .that the sheep
herders ate now kicking at each other
for having destroyed what, little range
mere was iert. . - ; ,
From the (Omaha Exposition.
Omaha, Neb., July 24,1899. Onv
aba's big show has now been in pro
gress since the 1st of July, and, altho7
there is no rush at all, the directors an
nounce that the receipts are encourag
ing and 8atisfact6ryVeqnsidering the.
.season oPryear,. and that thev have- in
so short a time'f'paid roiming expense
ana $4t),uw or oja claims. The feat
ures-which are specially- emphasized
this year, and which gave it the name
of "Greater America Exposition," are
the triitu, Oriawaii and from
those isles of the sea which, a -few
months ago, we thought we had cap
tured and -purchased,, but which are
giving us'today a good -Illustration of
the tact that a titra In Hand is worth a
whole flock in the bush. Speaking of
turns, 1 wouio say .mat tne i'titlipptite
Islands have contr'liiuted a very rjire
and varied collection to tlilsexposition
The parrots are a host in themselves
the largest about the size- of 'pigeons,
and from that, down to .the size of a
snow hird. Fancy one of these tif bits
talking! Wouldn't the children jump
clean out of their clothes with delight
and astouishnient? .'fhere are bows;
arrows, hats, baskets, beads, belts, war
implements, group of water buffaloes.
specimens at. the wild . animals ,of the
ouippin ;groapt including, snake
only 30 -or --lio -feet long-alt'or these
having' leftthe taxidermists "Hand un
def a fli) years' guarantee tbaVthev are
perfectly .safe-, .under- the-Iosest In--spectionv::
The ti neojlejptlnioJ. "shells
and coral is enough to make one. sea
sick. Many things kire yet to be added
to this department to give it variety
and Interest, to thSse learu
about the resources f these islands.
'In:;the Government building-there is
most everything in the line of swords.-
gutis,.arrowsiand equipments of-war-fare
and a laTge collection of portraits
of fambusmun ,of kut country.- Qui U
a : large 'space .is. devoted to Lincoln
re lies -of various kinds. I. stood in the 1
Lincoln monument in the cemetery at
Snringfield, III., a few weeks ago. and
Kaw many of the sacred relics. . The
monument is crumbling and thought
to be unsafe, and it lias been decided to
pull it down' and rebuild it;- i
As I stool looking In a gl iss ease in
the Go vern til cnt. building at the things
which once belonged to Uiteaur the
I murderer of Garfield, a lady came up
Uu a bustling, business-like' manner,
and as she looked in s-he' exclaimed":
1 "Well, this gits me!" 'Vjiat i it thatl
gits' you" 1 venturer!, -vvny, nere
is Giteau's brains." "In what way
: does the brainsKgit you, madam?" t'l
paicl,.. still honestly seeking .informa
tion. . "Why, it's so nice to nave
'em, so people can look at' them."
Sitting at the east end of the "lagoon"
and looking down the. long-and taf
fully-arraiiged groups and mWs'of elee
trie' lights and watching -the - ghfftih-j
gotvdolas and the gasoline propellers,'
my reveries : were broken- by a man sif
ting near who wanted to favor, nie with
some special inforuiat iotl::,:'," lii)n't- yrtu;
knnw," he began, '?this is an exact re
production of the. .empJ.e?V. VSIrliflh't,
Rtiow it." "wen, it is," "JJoyou
mean toay that tfiis w hole1 arririigei'
m e 11 1 - of :b.u ild 1 Bgst' ahi un d: ' t hilairoon ,
verandas, coj.oujidea,; grass plofstlower
plots,' spaces, " driveways, . .drinking,
fountains, arrangement and number of
lights, a wise duplicateiof Sol
omon's temple?'?. sHe attlrmedithtttit
'as that it had been modeled after it,
that every age of- the world dad;repro.--
pronucea, H-; ;Jt uaa peeUieWKjiea
originally by a niajj who had ."otMain
ed speciricatioiii butf 'of t he clbuds' I
.was getting inforniatpn. so fast U,atKl
ven t u red to: 9 k tli. name iVf Jth.jV'h.eayT
en-liisf)ired afchiiedtr He bad" forgot
ten It was a good while ago. He was
not sure whether it was '"Moses," David
orMierntel, bnt -Has one"of Mtejt't
old MWn?Z. Tills reminded Aeofth
old brother (see Fanny- Fern)? Whojwas
trying to score 'a n'oiiit relating now
Daniel safely led. i tieichi J drea ofi-IsraeH
out or the Red Sea, and how Moses
came up out of .t;heUB.n's den without
the smell of fire on his garments:-v" .':i;t
: If tlier'ftreerrttiife' ;in"n('8 there
1m a;delfcateiys liard-hhtlnfe sermon in
the fine painting .repTseiitiiig Francis
Wiliard wlth her. noble, refined'and
kindly expression, surrounded by select
faces fronj sthe...idiotie, the savage"; the
criminal aiid-lotyat ic tlasses; a.tid touch'
erf W i t h lie.4: r;tQ'st; 'ex qu is tt ft'pi ebe of
a t i ret '' A-meFiea-n-woma n an d her po
litical' peers.'! r." y X;' !
"' Much, space and several entire fmlld-"
I j I ffc' k r6 .j-,t"; niioQcii piedV-hutatldltloiif',
'.itefbtH(r cojMjjtraJet,iitYiF t ficiugh'
11 is noi 10 reacn nie piopjn
ions and Variety rof last seasoil'S eX
hjbit, yet, HS'tbesummeredvanpes and
iirodut'ts of the farm a re'sccu red many
tilings will lie' brought ;.ln -trorii the
fields, and many things of special in
terest to the farmers who will then he
better prepared-10 attend. - Attoget tier
ihe exposition, wttli its milliim of elec
mil lights, is very creditable to the ex
hibitors and to the city of Omaha.. .
ST. Howe
The-above letter - was written for
publication two weeks ago hut waflui.-
.avoidablv-crowded ouc-rED j -r
. , i --a
One Minute Cough .Cure qUlfklV cures
otonittte summer1 coughs and coids. "I
mdsider It a 'most wonderful medicine,
quick: and safe:". W-.--WI Mertont
Myhe.w, Ys.. Williams & Brosifls..
- Advertised letter list. ; -J
f7)X.Wm Jt . ..
Danavon, 'apt J
Huekins,. Walter
MeNeal, O O
Pa ton, 3 B
Parton. 8 D
lijcliardson, Ja
-Hnvder. It A 1 "
Vinyord -Stanley
Zeek, Saiiford '""' "'
Zeek. Sant j
Reard,Mrs J. -a
er Eii -
liawhenlt, Mr4-M"E
r I S la
;(!'4- 'T
; ,-- C- . .-:.i : " ' -' -'' ... ' ' -''.tL. J". . :'
All ; parties owing unsettled
accounts' in the r G. D." Wood
worth matter are hereby notified
to call and settle the samewith
out further delay, as this busi
ness must be closed. If imme
diate payments are not made,
the instructions are to enforce
collections by legal process.
W. H. ASH, j
Agent for R, L, Sabiri, Assignee
of said Accounts. I
t '!'
Bids for Wood Wanted.
RO cords of fir ajid 10 cords of oak, four-foot
wood, to be delivered -in the basement of the
Hood RiVcr school . house by Oct. 1st.' j Bids
win oe openea Aug. zo, im. i e.-
8. H. COX. Chafrman-rr
:-' : T. MeDoNAi,l),-';lerfe School ftls't JbA
Economy Shoe Shop.
Men s half soles, hand-stitched, SI; riailed
best. 75c: ueoond, 60o: third. 40c, " Ladles' hand
8tltchedT7oc-: nulled besfci a0o: second; 'Uao-l Bee
stock and work iB-Hood River. JV
- - . . u. ,yw jcajus, rropneior.
Piano for Sale.?
1 Villi
.0 X
A Decker fiano, In good order, fto'salei by "
1 V- T! 4M1AK1.
Notice of Assessment.
To the Stockholders of the Hoort RI ver FHM
wrowers' union, or i-iooa Kiverv-Wasco
. County,. State of Oregon: - 1
You are hereby not iflea . that an- assessment
oi tour uojiars per snare on me capital stock
Of said corDoration has this dav been levied.
due and payable at once, and to beoome de
linquent thirty days frofn- and after The
a ay oi August,juu.:. payments to Denoaae
to ine secreiAry oi.aia corporation. ,
-By order ol tha Board of Directors-. 1
. : ujniuw
N.'C. Ij;van, Sirtaj-y.
Dated July 29, 1809.
Turkeys, for Sale
Trio of Brome turkeys. Apply at this office.
- - Wanted. 1
By man -and wife, room- and board on. a
farm in-Hood .BUver Valley.:: btate location
and terms. Address Box 411), Portland, Or.
I have Just received a stock of furniture, in
cluding some elegant bed-room 8UltHtouches,
lounges in short, everything usually found
in a first-class furniture store. A full line
of paints and oils at prices . that
defy competition. I have - also
miido arrangements to do undertaking
work and can furnish at short notice caskets
at reasonable prices. I'haure framing and
upholstering a specialty. Thanking my
many patrons for paxt favors, and soliciting'
vrlur patronage in the future. I nmlyotirs for
business,, -.H W, ii. '.SUKUU1LL,
Rand mim0mrtt
Will Open for Business, Friday, August 1.1, 1899.
:;r ,.-v(;f i r. . BIO OR
ir.JWe.hove bought-the Wood worth stock.
.the bargains. - .. -.' - . -
i.'ti :,';::;;:;50 percent, on the $
Odds and ends, outside brands, will be - sold at this or any price necessary to prove
that oitp intention Is to divide with you; " " -
V-'-'''';'-''75''pepxent-'Oii the'-'S',11.
'' Will be accepted for fi large ovoratoct of staple- gooda.
':t. s 80 to 90 per cent, on the $
.,. Will. buy. goods worth 110 to 130 . pe? cent.-; pa account of (the rapidly advancing
" Will suit us on spring goods whloh should-l)ave beort-sold-while locked up. We
yanf 'the.-ioom, for; fall and winter, goods. . Prlc lists -auttiihandifcllls. handed
youuvheii. we ilnd time. , Come and .see us. pyGume every ljoUvy ""'i -. J' --
f -'
' As we expect to move into oar, own building soon, we will for the
- next 60 days make special priceis on. Dry Goods, Men's and Boy's Cloth- ' ,
"': ' sing, Hats and Caps, and men's. Women and Children's Underwear. If
' 'J''"' you want bargains in these lines see us. . . '-'
i ; Oi all n of Fornitnre, Cam, Wall Paper, ale.
I . . ,. . ' .' i : -iJi--
I challenge any one to get lower prices on House Furnishing Goods than Tean quote,
bpecial llgures given on building material for contract work. '
All Teams stop at
A complete and up-to-date
stock of Groce
ries, fresh and cured
meats, Bacon and Lard,
Cigars t and Tobacco,
Fruits and Vegetables,
etc., etc.-
Headquar'ers for Fruit Jars. Just received, a large sup
, ply of Easy Vacuum ami Mason Jars, and as they take too
much room we shall push them at prices that, can not be .
'beaten.- You can not mistake by buying your fruit jars at :
once. '
: : We have a stock of goods fresh and equal to anybody's .
stock-. We are always on hand for business, arid hope to...
win by giving our customers the very best service possible;, - ;i -.
. We are headquarters; for good 'goods. We .(Va,! jj'ouf
trade, and to that end will do our best to please ou,..t . ..
.' Berry pickers, berry growers, berry shippers berry eat
ers, we are the people to feed you. " 1
: Store opens at 0 A. M. Goods deljvered. -
CLYDE T. BONNEY, Proprietor.
i at;
- Gloud Cap Inn,
TberFamous; Resort at Snow Line of Ht Hood,
:.',( , , Will be opened to the public July 8d.- Daily stages, from Hood Rivor. , '
i. ? : ' The finest trip and most accessible glaciers In America Pure air, cool .,.
- nights, unrivalled scenery. Build up your tired system in the health
giving ozone of the high altitudes. .
f ; " v. For reservations, rates, etc., address - ' ..
1 " H. D. LANGILLE, Manager.
. . liuckey t Olinger, Stage Managers. . .
The best results you must use the best materials. The
HOOD RIVER PHARMACY continues to be up to
date in everything in the Drug line. - . :
. Prescriptions a Specialty.
-Spraying materials warmnfeft the pure stuff. :'.'' ' ;.'
,t' V.:t.c- ;y'itlv Si';'. yyv: .'' .
!:;!!' ful-.-i 'fi ' v1. .! r';'j.!is. rand.
Wo want only one day for looking over
Reciprocity Corner.
Hood River's
- Leading
rf -.Ai '- .''- .:-;t.-i-'"': '-' - :: -'- i i - ' ,j ,
'jsJ fit ' "i I "-' T"' ' '
. Combination!
Meat IVIarket
' Si
4 '' "'; .' v.r - kiwi
Painter arid Decorator,
Hood River, Or.
House Painting, Hard 0i4 Finishing, Grain
ing, Paper Hanging, Kalsomining.etc. Thirty
years' - experience. Guarantees satisfactory
results or no pay! Estimates gratis. Leave
orders at Glacier Pharmacy. ,
Has opened In Hood ltlveC wltti a good stock
of Harness. All kinds of harness and shoe
repairing. In the Odd Fellows' building.
Having purchased th gallery of D. Brad
ley, I am prepared to .do' first-class work in
my line. Gallery open evpry duy .in the week
except Sunday. Now IS the iime to get gmd
work at fair prices. Promptness and first
class work our motto.: ;
FOSTER, Photographer.
$5 RewardK
Strayed, a pule 'red a-year-old steer, with
brindle stripes: spear brand on left hip. Bought
of Harbison Bros. Above reward will be paid
jon return of sleerr , . CLYDHJ T. BONNJEY.
: : : ,. . ; .'. ,
Wanted. 1 -
To trade a one-liorsa baekp.'a Hcrht one-'
horyewagon,. ..,., r .pHCXOlGH.
For Sale orlTritde. , ,
: One 8x10 running gear Truct,vide tires;
cheap, or will trade lor light spring wagon.
Address Box 67, P. O. clty. w '.:
Land Office at Vancouver,, "Wash., Jnlv 6,
181)9. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlers have filed notiee-of their in
tention to make final proof in support of their
claims, and that said proof will be mad
before the Register and Receiver tfc 8. Land
Office at Vancouver, -'Washington-; 'on Tues
day, August 2, 18W, viz: . ...
'...-.'' : LEVI SMITH,
H. E. No. 9231, for the sou'tieast quarter of sec
tion 22, township 8 north, range 12 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of Said land, viz.- '
Frrthklin P. Thompson.' ThomasJ. Whit
cotnb, Ellis B.Hewctt ftnd Thomas M. Whit
comb, all of Lyle P. O,, Washington,.
H.'E. No. 9008, for the southwest, quarter of
southeast quarter section 18, northwest quar
ter of northeast quarter,, and northeast quar
ter of northwest quarter, pud lot 1 of section
19, tovnshtp3 uorth. range 12 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses ' to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultivation
of, said land viz: .'." '
Levi Smithj Thomas J.i-Whttcomb; Ellis B.
Hewett and Thomas WU. Whltcomb, all of
Lyle P. O., Washington. -
Jyl4ai8 W. R. DTJNBAR,"R'egister.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon July IT,
1899. Notice Is hereby given that-the following-named
settler has filed notice" of his In
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will, be made before
George T. Prather, U.S. Commissioner, at
Hood River, Oregori, on Thursday.'AUfcUst 81,
1899, viz.--. . . - v -, -'vV
Of Hood River, Oregori, H.'E. No; 4793, for the
southeast northwest and northeast
southwest li section 23,, township,-S north.'
range 10 east, W. M.
He Dailies the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence - upon aud eultiva
tioh of said land, viz:
-Christ Dethman;' WilliaM EhrcTs, Alfred
Wood and William A. Slingertand, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
J.V21U2.) ; JAY. r; XUC;A:, Iteglster.
, Land Oice iat .The PalleiGregon, July
17, 1899. Notice is- hereby ,glven:iMiat the
following named settler has Ttiled'notice of
her Intention to; make final' m-oof in support
of her clulmj; and that su fa proof, will ber
made before George T. Prather,' IT. Com
missioner, at Hood Hiver, Oregon, 'on Tues
day, August 29, 1899. 'lz: , -.. , !.
Of Hood River; Oregon, H. E. No. hlOg," for the
southeast southeast M section 2j southwest
yt southwest. section 28, aqd north 4 north,
west W section 33, township ? north , range 10
east, W. M. ' - - -
Bhe names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: ." s ' ,
Mrs. Alice F. Copple, Troy Shelley, B. T.
Young and Alfred Wood, all of Hood River ,Or.
Jy21a25 JAY P. LUC Ag,. Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 19,
1899. Notico is hereby given Hint the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of her in
tention to make final proof in support of hor
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. -8. Land Office,
at Vancouver, Wash., : on . Friday, Sept.
I, 1899, viz: .'.'-. j. . ',";'
H. E. No. 8320, for the south : yt southeast
section 83, and south southwest- section
34, township 4 north, fange 11 east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of said land,.viz:' , . ;;
Jacob Jackson, Flora Hansen, Robert Clem
ens and Sarah Capps, all. of White Salmon.
Wash. -. . , ,.-t ,., a - .
j,v2Ssl :- W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Washf July 28,
1899. Notice is hereby given that theV following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof wilt be made before
W. B. .Presby, United States Commissioner
for district of Washington, at his office lu
Goldendale, Washington, on Monday, Sept.
II, 1899, viz: . .... - .
Homestead Entry No. 8117, for "the1 south
half of northwest quarter and lots 8 and 4,
section 8, township north, range 12east,W.M.
He names the fallowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultlva-
tion of, said land, viz: . ., ;. - r
August Burg, Chester W. Boll, John Coch
ran and Frank F. Wylie, all of Glen Wood P.
O., Washington. 1
a4s8 : : W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June $. im.f
OnHed States Land Office, The Daijes, Ore
gonv JtVnp-19, 1899. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with' the provisions of the
act of congress-ef June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of UTn ber lands In tbe States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington -Territory,"
... v -. iT .- ; x - :.
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore.
gon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn -statement,.
No. 185. for the purohase of the
south northwest and north y. southwest
of section No. 21, in township No. 1 north,
range No. 9 east, W. M., and will offer proof to
show that tbe land sought-is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural -purposes,
and to establish- his-olaim to said
land before the Register- and Receiver of tills
office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, tbe
2d day of September, 1899. -
He names as witnesses: 1 L; Winanfc Eph
Wlnans, M. P. Neff and W. E, Winans, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reqnested to file
their claims in this office on or- before said
2d day of September. 1899. .
jeasazo- - - ..jax-i lxwjas, uegister.
Notice is hereby given to the residents of
Road District No. 28. which includes the town
of Hood River, that all persons must destroy
any Canadian thistles, Russian thistles or
China thistles that are on their place or places
and any place or places they have in their
chargo. Any person or persons failing to de
stroy such thistles before they go to seed are
subject to a severe fine. ..
This law was passed by the lastOregpn leg-,
islature and is now in effect. -
J. H. DUKKS, Su pervlspr Dlst. 211.
A school check drawn in favor of El'za 8te-
vens for '886. The check is worthless 'o-anv
one but the owner, and the finder will pie '9
ii.ave at tais. oc. , y
i'-- .' ''-.;' : .-;..-
. - - v - - - - - -
' " '.-'.-..'-.' - ' "