The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1899, Image 3

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    .3fo6d:Biver lacier.
. .FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, J8l)9.
a!.'-: t
Go to Sherrill's for carpets.
Hammock 'b for 75c at Sherrill's.
. No trouble to show goods at Bhen ill's.
, .Buy an Iron bedstead ' at Bherrill's;
ortiana prices. .. : .
j .H.- G.- Wyatt has liought out the
: laundry business of r. Jfoley. .
- Mrs. 8. J. LaFranee went to Port
land Monday on a business trip.'
Money to loan on real estate by
y.I)b you want lumber? If so, see
? . -r- .-v .Tucker.
,1? '.' Take your pictures to Bherrill's and
- nave tueiu irutueu.
. ,v - Full" line prepared paints always ou
..... hand at teiiernil's. , . u
Airs. J. H. CradlelmuKh came up
ironi fori land KunUay evening.
.' Dorranee Bmlth came up from Cas-
' cade Locks on the Regulator, Monday
:- All kinds of bargains boutrht and sold
at the Emporium., t?ee bulletin board
L. . N. Blowers has purchased the
1 Husbands iroiK-rty, two lots ana a
house, in Hood River.
Dr. D. RIkks. lately from Mississippi,
. has located at Mt. Hood and will en
gage In the stock business. .''.?
Ladies' shirt waists, men's and boys'
. crash hats and caps, and a full line of
" Straw goods at the Racket blore.
- T. H. Clark recovered sufficiently
.' ft our his late sickness to be able to go
to nis liome at v aseo last t riday.
'st O: P. McFall has aecepled a position
In the Multnomah box factory in Port
. laud and left for his new field of labor
o n Tuesday.,
Miss Ethel Wood worth went to
Goldendale lust Friday, here she will
h Visit relatives and' later attend the
" ui-ademy at that place. .
Quickly cure constipation and rebuild
and invigorate the entire system never
itriie or tiauseaie ' DevVitt'a Little
Early-Risers. Williams & Brosius. '
B. F. Belieu returned from Portland
The new grade leading out to the
.bust Bide is opened clear through and
teamsters are - driving over - it. With
empty vehicles. Three or lour more
turnouts are needed, and " with' these
and a few other touches the work will
tie complete. The big-hill on the old
road has always .been a retarding ele
ment in the development of Jiast Hood
River, but with the easy grade now
nearly finished, the days of hot wagon
tires and smoking brake shoes are over.
Supervisor Harbison, who has had the
management of the work, will publish
in the u lacier a statement or all cash
exiienditures, with the list of contrib
utors and amount given by each, as
soon as the few outstanding uubscnp
tions have been paid in. '
J. Herbert Preston, representing the
muxicai nepariment or ine Jacobsen
Book & Music Co. of The Dalles Is in
Hood River, and Is prepared to sell
pianos, organs and musical instruments
generally, at prices and terms within
ihe reach of all. The company repre
sented by Mr. Preston acts as sole agent
tor ine sale or me famous Histey organs.
Ludwig.Klnusbur.vand Howard pianos
in tins district. Air. rreaion is located
at the Mt. Hood hotel, and after a trip
to the country lying between here and
l rout laKe, on . the Washington side.
intends lo visit the residents of Hood
River valley.
Mrs. R P. Orr of Wasco, who Is
camped with her family in Parkhurst
addition, inet with a serious accident
Wednesday evening, she was Invited
by Mrs. J. F. Armor to ride up the hill
iu her buggy. While passing near the
tew house of H. Pugh. the horse took
fright and wheeled suddenly. Both
ladles were l brown ,ut. Mrs. Orr's
ankle was bioken, while Mrs. Armor
cscaed without injury. Dr. Shaw set
the fracture, and the lady was taken to
the house of her sister, Mrs. P. Bpaugler.
John Wnhlschlegel met with a se
rious accident at Bert Tweezy 'scamp
near Davenport's big mill, July 19th.
a nouoie-nitieu -ax leu trom a uiocK
and cut him on the call' of the leg, inuk.
i tig a gash one inch deep ami Ave inches
long. He lias since been on crutches.
Mr. Wnhlschlegel is a grandson of Jos.
McGuire. Dr. Khaw has charge of the
case and the wound is healing nicely.
E. C. ' Rogers came down from his
ranch on upper Neal creek Tuesday.
He reports crops of all kinds good. The
lint liu l.nllt hjuitulimi
I tumlf iF Ihut eu.illitii liutlu houn f .A
t,f I J . 11 f. ... W ... I . I ' ).U.l I I udWIIUll 111 I II- ."-'. " ' I I. , UVTU LI t.'l
r? 1 . . . v I irii. ul 11miiii. hoiunca Ihuii li.i..u
ler road that way. They were much
lelid and P. 8. Davidson, sr., is niov-
it into it. '1 be house is two
A. CooK
man & Paulson's mill.
J. F. Click of Colorado is In the val
ley hwiking for a slock ranch r rather
a ranch where lie can Keep stock ana
.have a range tor them.
Mr. and Mrs. Bengstakesand family,
who have been stopping at Mrs. Alma
' - home iu Portland, Monday? .
A. L. Btauffer and sister, Ella, ar
rived fio'm Wadsuorth, Ohio, .'1 hlirs-
day ot last week ami will make their
lutnie-with C. F. Btautler of the East
Bide. ; ., . .
The new house of II. Pugh is com-
and is nicely finished.
was theeoniructor. ,
Iriitaling stings, bites, scratches,
wounds and cuts soothed and healed by
DeWitt.'s Wltcli Hazel rialve, a sure
- and sale application tor lortured flesh
Beware "of Couuterfeils. . Williams &
-s'HriVBaieham after taking an iii-
veiitory of his nursery stock nuds that
he has-1 7,000 truit trees. He will can
vass., the neighboring settlements to
-sell some of his trees. -
Hamilton Clark, .of Chauncey, Ga.,
.says , he 'suffered with itching piles
twenty years before trytng XeWitt's
Witch. Hazel Salve, two boxes of which
completely cured him. -. Jieware of
worthless and dangerous counterfeits
Williams &, Brosius. . .
;-:iPM)f. P. A. Bnyder Is spending the
' suiiiiiier at Missoula,. Montana. He
lias secured the principalship of the
Ontario, Malheur countysctiooi, at a
aiary oi a month.
'6ur baby was sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever. . Al
though we tried many remedies she kept
get ting worse U util we used One Minute
Coun Cure,' it relieved at once aud
cured her in a few days.'.' B: L. .Nance,
Priu - High Bclioor'ButlUitle, Texas,
Williams & BroBius. '; v - , , .
:,.Eva Belieu, while' packing strawber
ries on her father's place, nut her name
and address iu a box. The box was
bought by a lady iu Council Blutt's,who
wrote' Eva a letter and staled that the
berries were the nicest she ever saw.
Bhe paid $&90 for the crate. ; . .
;';K?idal Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly
digests food without aid from the stom
ach,' and at the same time heals and re
stores the diseased digestive organs. It
is the only remedy that does bo h of
these tilings and can be relied upon to
permaueiiily cure dyspepsia. VV'ill
iams & Brosius. -
ii,vKirbyson, C. & Wheeler, Arthur
Pierce and Frank Pierce' have, during
the past few hos, bought Estey or
gans of 'The Jacobsen Hook & iMusic
Co.-of The Dalies, represemed here ty
J. H. Piestoii, ' and are very much
pleased, with their bargains. ;
Ko'dol byspepsia' Cure cures dyspep'
sla localise its ingredients are such that
it can't help doing so. "lite punliccaii
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising fioui imperfect diges
tion," James M. Thonius,' M. D., In
American Journal of Health, N. Y.
Williams & Brosius.
Judge Prather did a land office busi
ness last Friday. Five homesteaders
made final proof before him as U. B.
coiijiiiissioneT. . They were" Jos. A.
Knox, Jas. A. Cook, John F. Dodson,
Jacob M. Lenz and Clias. W. Murphy.
C. J. Hayes assisted. Judge Prather in
examining the witnesses. .
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me
more good than all blood medicines and
other pills," writes Geo. H. Jacobs, of
Thompson, conn, rmmpt, pleasant,
never gripe, they cure constipation,
surprised when Mr. Rogers told them
of the prices paid here for country pro-
nuce. . iney had been getting 10 and
Vi cents a dtizen lor eggs all summer.
Miss Mabel Boormati. accompanied
bv her cousins. Tina and Laura Cramer
of Malheur county, who came to spend
the slimmer here, spent: two or ihree
das iu. Mosier last week and report a
very pleasant time. Miss Mabel Boor-
man, .on reaching home, was- very
agreeably surprised to nnd a 7o organ
waiting lor her, a present from her
I areins. ' . ; .; -;
t JoIih and Joseph Dimnilck. who are
Volunteers in 1 loop G, 4th cavalty, i
the f'hilipi ines, liave written home
that they wiil soon tie discharged. The
Fnedom of May 28th. a naner publish
ed in Manila, which was sent home by
tneuojs, says mat the volunteers in
the 4th Cavalry would sooir be dis
charged. ...
The Hood . River.. Fruit Growers'
Union has completed its labors with
the strawberry crop of the present sea
son and has mailed final checks to the
growers. This is earlier than the task
has ever been finished in previous sea
sons. Ihe average sum per crate re
turned to growers is about $1.60.
Samuel T. Howe, a former resident
of Hood River, arrived here Sunday
evening from Missouri. Mr. Howie
has been sojourning in Texas for the
past nve or six years. He finds many
changes in Hood River. He Is an ex
pert dentist and at one time did all the
dental work for the valley. , ;
Tuesday, the following nartv started
for a nip to Mt. Adams aud the sur
rounding country: Bam Eliot, Ralph
bavage, Howell Ackerman -and,;.Ned
lilythe. '1 he ; boysf will scale the
mountain, and while in camp will live
off the game of the country, such as
ueur, mouutam sueep, mountain trout,
etC. ---
A young man named Tvler got his
thumb badly lacerated at Davenport's
mill, last Friday, by coming iu contact
witn a circular saw. Dr. Watt dressed
the wound, and Tyler is In a fair way
to save his thumb, which was nearly
severed from his band.
Earl and Meigs Bartmess. Mr. Mc
Donald, Tom Kent, Grace and Belle
Howell, Nellie Hey nobis. Gladys Hart
ley,' Grace 'aiupbell and Sadie Orr
went to the forks of Hood river for an
outing last Tuesday. ' . I
uncie unver isurtrnesi started on
Tuesday for Eugene. He went fo
Portland on the boat, and from there
will goon his wheel'. He expected to
reacu bau-m ine nrst day out from
Miss Marguerite Shelley aud brother
Albert went to the sea coast at Ocean
Park, Wash., Tuesday. They will join
the family of their uncle, H. S. Lewis,
who are spending the season there.
Rev. J. L. Hershner and family left
on Thursday morning for Monmouth,
folk county, where they will spend
about two weeks with Mrs. Hershner's
people. - ... , ....
Miss Ellen and Henrietta Eliot came
up from Portland last week. Dr. and
Mrs. Eliot ivent to Portland, Tuesday,
for a two days' visit. .
Mrs. W. H. Perry has reen quite
sick ! and is under the care of Dr.
Watt. We are glad to learn she is im
proving. - . .
' Blowers & Son on Monday sold 40
acres of land in' the Crapper district to
P. H. Martin of Prineville for $1,800.
Mrs. W. P. Watson, who has been in
poor health lately, went to the sea side
at Newport on Monday.
Wanted Men to harvest the crop in ,
wages to go
K.J JBEbk. 43BRk -JBwm 4HBIh ": -
At Reasonable Prices. ; Big Sellers Just Now
Ladies' fancy Jersey-ribbed Summer Vests... ..........i 12jc
Misses' fancy Jersey-ribbed Summer Vests...... : 7Jc
Men's summer merino Underwear, each....... 30o
4 Great Bargains in Hosiery.
Ladies' very .Hue fast tan Beam ess Hose, good value at 25c
our price I..;.......: ". 20o .
Lalles' Stainless, Seamless Black Hose, none better made for .
the price v .' 10c :
Ladies' fine, good weight Ribbed Hose 15c
Misses' 2-thread tan Ribbed Hose, a hummer 12Jc
Ladies' Shirt Waists, nice patterns. ... i 50c
- A nice assortment of neck and Sash Ribbons at money-saving
rates. '
Ladies' latest Lawn Ties 30o
- Mosquito Netting, per bolt '. 45o
. Fisherman's Luck.
Rev. 0. D. Nickelsen and Ike Neal-
eigh spent last, week fishing at Sandy
Flat. They report Jots of. fish and a
good time. Thursday i;nns naa ine
good luck to land a salmon trout with a
No; 8 fly that was 371 iuches-in length
and weighiVl6i- pounds. -: This is the
biggest fish" we ever, heard of being
caught above the falls, but as this is a
preacher's fish story It must be so. ihe
gentlemen had Ike's wagon and team
with them,, and wnue tne- men were
off fishing one of the- horses got loose
and left for home, r A tmy Indian
cayuse wandered into camp, and by
padding the horse's harness with a big
quilt the cayuse. was hitched. to the
wagon, and made to supply the place
of the missing horse. They started off
all right, but going down a slight
grade the team started for the woods on
a run. The cayuse soon brone loose
and left. The homeward-bound fisher
men were also left, but M. F. Loy hap
pened along at that time and loaned
them an exira horse..: ". , , - ;
At a Bargain.
Some fine fruit, land near town. Including
spring of 60 gallons per minute, and other
water rights. . T. R. COON
For Sale
One of the best paying small fruit farms In
Hood Elver. Oood location. Well watered.
Good buildings and a plesant borne. Tills is
a bargain. Call at this office.
arouse the torpid liver lo action and give . .. .. ;. . ' v
you clean blood, steady nerves, a Hear ei man county, uoou
T,.i.. o iith.. r..uliJ win to work at once.
u.i.a .. iibmiuj Ml t vv ' ' 1 1 1
iams & Brosius. , . . ,
A-1.. Mason returned to Portland,
Mwnday. He has been spending his
vacation on his ranch on the East Bide
since the letter carriers' excursion, and
during that time he has finished build
ing a five-room ' cottage on his place.
He enjoyed life by putting in 20 hours
a day at hard labor. Mr. Mason is
thoroughly in love with Hood River,
and every time he comes here is more
than ever convinced that he has (he
best location iu the valley for fruit
trees. ... , , . , . -. . .'v.
( V -Meritorious Mention... " .' ,
The Glacier Is permitted to pub
lish the following letter, which gives
meritorious mention of a Hood River
boy, and which his many friends here
will appreciate: "
San Fkancisco, July 25, 1890 Hon.
M. P. Isenberg, Hood Uiverj Or.--Dear
Sir: This note is to say that Steward
Isenlierg, your son, did not accompany
me homeon the ground that, he was
needed for a time to show my successor
the ropes of. the office. Although it
was a very great disappointment, he
acted Ihe man atid soldier in the mat
ter and will do his duty?''" ' I
wish fun her to assure you that in the
13 months your son served as my or
derly and clerk lie was a model sol
dier. Sober, intelligent, active, untir
ing in energy and zeal: and his work.
even In a subordinate position, assisted
very materially In securing any good
results which may have accrued from
my administration of my office. I beg
to remain, sir, very respectfully,
, Maj. and Chief Surg., U. S. V.
' .' ,. -
Mount Hood Notes.
N. J. Devoid lost his buggy horse on
Monday last with chronic catarrh.
Frank Blaker came to Mt. Hood to-.
day to see about the job of painting the
school house.
L. D. Boyd Is finishing! our school
house thi week aud has three men
woi'kiug on it. : f : ., : , i X h
L W. Tonilinson sold his team aud
logging outfit to J. Tl Cooper and then
started for the harvest fields.
Will Edick ht-s only-about half a
crop of oats. He says he sowed them
on the halves the diggers got the rest.
Hon. D. R. Cooper and family went
over to the berry patch and were gone
two days. Tliey returned home witn
17 gallons of blackberries. , '
Roberts' sheep packer got into the
middle fork of Hood river, last Thurs
day, and nearly lost his life. One of
his hordes went down the river, rolled
over and over, and when, he got out
it was found that one of his eyes was
put out. - You & Me.
r Married." "
In Portland, July 27, 1899, N. T.
Chapman of Hood River and Miss
Myrtle Monrie.
In Hood River, August 1.J899, Carl
'Williams' and Miss Carrie Davis, both
of Sherman county;' Rev. liD:' Nick
elsen officiating.
- Farm for Sale.
i'0 acres, nearly all In cultivation. The very
cjioiceof Hood Elver valley: 2 miles south ol
town, rrice n.n an acre. fi., M. i)iKKUW,
For Sale.
( One of the earliest and best places to make
money on the Columbia river. For bartlc
uiars can on or address V. WINCHELiU
24 Acres,
One mile from town; 9 in strawberries, one in
oiacKoerrics, one in raspDemes, uoo rrult trees.
iuv KiHpu vines, mooa improvements. Iu-
quire at tne Mood Klver ItACKET STORE,
An Invitation.
A cordial invitation Is hereby extended to
an my customers, ooin past ana prospective,
to call at the nursery and examine the large
assortment of clean, thrifty trees and plants
oeing grown tuts year, the like of which Was
-never seen in this region before. 1 will count
It a pleasure to show you through the nur
sery grounds and orchards whether you place
an order or jiot. Over 200 varieties of fruits
are oeing grown hero for our own use and
amusement.- H. C. BATEHAM,
Columbia Nursery, Hood Klver, Or.
r Sows for: Sale.
; Two blooded Poland China Sows; one with
o pigs, lor sale ny J. c, BOOQ-i,
Bids for Wood Wanted;
ive cords of Oak wood, 6 cords of pine
wood, 24 Inches long, to bedellvered at Frank
ton school house by Sept. 1st. Bids will be re
ceived, at tne. clerK's residence at East- Bel
tnont until Auerust 15, lSHfl. . -;';
JM. H. NIUKEIXEV, District Clerk. '
For Sale.
Wind Mill and Tower and Force Pump for
Wagon Repairing.
All kinds of wn?on repairing done on Rhort
Rotlce and at reasonable prices, at the old
nogers mill In Krankton. C. H. ROGKIts.
: Fresh Milk,
Areated and deodorized, 6 cents a quart.
Time Schedules.
. Depaut
' 10:42 p.m.
Flyer .
4:j7 p.m..
8 p.m.
8 P.m.
. 10 p.m.
6 a.m.
Ex. 'Sunday
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth.Omaha,
Kansas . City. St
Louis, Chicago
and the East..
Walla Wajla, Spo-J
St Paul, Duluth,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
Ocean Steamships
For Ban rancisco
Every Ave days.
, 'Fast
' Mall
4:00 p.m.
6:57 a.m.
4 p.m.
7 a-m.
Tuei Thur.
and Sat.
6 a.m.
Tuesj Thar
i mo a.m.
daily ex.Sat.
Columbia River
.. Steamers. .-
To Astoria an way
, landings.
Willamette River.
Oregou City, New-
DeiKaiem ss way
landings. . -
Willamette and
Yamhill Rivers.
Oregon City, Dayton
and way landings.
Willamette River.
Portland to Corval-
11s & way landings.
4 p.m.
bone & McDonald
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Which we will sell at live and let live prices.
Agents for Osborne Mowers and Reapers.
It Pays
to Paint.
' There is nothing that adds to the selling value or
the renting value of a house like good paint there
is nothing that makes home more home-like than
good paint. ,
It pays to paint. The better the paint, the better
it pays. , , - v.
Sherwin-Williams ;.
, Paint .
pays in the beginning because it goes so far pays in ;
the end because it lasts so long; and looks so well, a-"
long as it lasts. There is no paint hke it for beaut '
and durability, for economy aud satisfaction, - - . -v
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy.
u "1?,l?,Wra for pure fresh Drugs, latent Medicines and Wall Paper. Prescriptions and
ramily Kecipesa specialty. , . .. .. - V
.TITft W Kfl'P....PPTflli!9 realized; retrirtis made promptlv'. Consleriments io."
chase larsre quantities of fruit for canning purposes. ','''.. '
ah Kiima oi unit uoxes aaa craws on hand. Come and sec us; we mean business:
Stndebakcr Waarons and Snrlnir Wflconq. Ptnnnf.Tr nnninn Tni. r-ittTfi.
ton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Discs; Bad?or Spring Tooth Harrows. These are the best
and are sold at as low prices as are charged for chennur c-radia nf roii i;..t i. .n
examine the goods. . , - .
N. C. Evans. Tres.
E. E. Ssavaok, Sec. and Treas.
(3. R.
C. It.
Castmeb, Vice Pr
' - , ' . (lncorpo."ated). . : ; .,;.'. :. ; f
Unexcelled facilities for liandllnir real estate: Parties wlshlns- to riisnosn of nrnnon
will find it to their interests to list the same with us. Conveyancing done and titles exam
ined. Abstracts furnished. -- .i i
brail lioxes, crates and packages ol all kinds, storago warehouse.
I have otiened a choice lot of Groceries in the store room formerlv occnnlert h- tin' m.miI
iver Pharmacy. Will also deal in Flour, Feed, eixt.
Our firoods are all new and choice, nnd we will mm to lrnnn tha hpai. nt.:ntl iim.o .
sales and small profits will be our motto. Come and see us. . . . . . . -.
4:80 p.m.
Snake River.
S:S0 p.m.
Mob, Wed.
and Frl.
4:30 .m.
Tues., Thur.
'and Bat.
JLv Lewlst'n
Riparla to I.ewlston ex.Frlday.
All Kinds of Jewelry
Kept on hand at Chas. Tern pie' j. If you don't
see what you want, give him your order and
ne win eei it lor you at icnsiern prices.
A top liugjfy and a two-reated, half
plutform hack lor sale. E. E. Savage.
Mrti. E. Bihiw, who hag lieen quite ill
for the ust two months is better again.
- The old Konem' homestead at Frank
ton was sold during the week for $5i0
The new building for Bradley'a bak
Digests what you eat.
It artificially d igests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or?
gans. . It Is thelatestdiscovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can aDDroach it in efficiency. - It in-
ery is progressing towards eouiletioii.'! 6tantly relieves and permanently cures
Jyspcyaia, iuuicmiuu, ucai uuuiu.
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Si ck Headache, Gast ral gi a, Cram ps, and
all other results of i mperf ect di gestion.
Prepared py E. C. DeWltt A Co., Chicago.
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
B. Clark, Agent, Hood River.
.;".':. : THE--
Navigation Co.
Through v Freight and
Passenger Line.
Daily liot. Dalles anfl Portlanfl
All Freight Will Come Through
. -. Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles.'.,. .'....V..8.45 A. m.
Lekve Portland...;..:.';.";.;.;. ..'7.00 A. m.
Teachers' examination for certirirait 8
will l e held in The Dalles Aug. Dili.
Fred Snow of Portland is visiting li's
niolher, Mrs. E. 8nuw.
Jones, the tombstone man, is in town.
I One way.. fiO
Round trip 2 SO
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced
tor sale by. Williams & iro.-ius.
W.G ALLAWAY, General Agent,
. . Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In tho valley.)
- , ' ..DEALER IN . . , r..-,,
G-eneral .2verc2a,nIce,- ,
i : i Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
Notary PuMic
Oregon. .
MortgogeR. and all kind ot lo-. v
Justice of the Peace . . . i
for Hood River District ( . ; -
' I am prepared at all times to draw andxecuto Deeds and
gal papers carefully prepared.
- I am also prepared on short notice to furnish correct Abstracts. Also represent thenldrat
and strongest Insurance companies; so if you want your property iDsurcd don't fail to call on
me and get a policy in a reliable insurance company.
And when it comes to Real Estate, I am the one you want to see. If you want to buv, sell
or rent any land in Hood River valley or White Salmon, don't fail to callon or write to inc. I
also negotiate loans on real estate. I have been a resident of Hood River val lev for in vears,
therefore am thoroughly acquainted with the valiev. OKO. T. PRATHER. Hood River.
- Timber Land, Act June 3, 178.1
- United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 11, 1899. Notice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands In the States of
California, Oregou, Nevada and Washington
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn
statement No. 142, for the purchase of the
north yt southeast and north southwest J4
of section 2K, in towi.ship No. 1 north.-range
No. 9 east, W. M and win offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office
at The Dal les, Oregon.on Wednesday, the 20th
day of September, 1899.
- He names as witnesses: H. G. Wyatt, Bert
V. Wyatt, W. A. Winans and A. D. Winans,
all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are lequested To file
their claims In this office onorbcHiresald2uth
day of September, ISM). .
jyHsl5 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. .
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregwnf July 11,
1899. Notice is hereby given that tUe follow
ing named settler has tiled notice of hrs inten
tion to make final proof In support of h is
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Monday, August 21, 189t, viz:
Of Mosier, Oregon, H. E. No. -1501, for tho
south y, northwest i and lots :j and t. sccticu
4, township 1 north, ranfje 11 east. W. M.
He names the following wlwessc lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cul'.lvp
tlon of said land, vie
John Kvans, J. P. Hnvder. Weorne Ireland
and Bud Young, all of Mosier, Oregon.
Jyllalrt JAY. I. LUOAS, liet-i-feT.