he Hood River Glacier. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. XI. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1899. NO. 1. HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Every Friday by ' 8. F. III.VTIIK. . Term, ol aiitmf rltlnn $.Ui a year w lien paid In advance; fi l( tint paid in advance. TIIK Mtll.e. The mail arrives from Ml. Hood at 10 o'clock a. m. WeriueUays mul 8uIiiiU)h; departs the same iluyi At nwin. hor ( heiioneth, leaves at S a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays ami atnrtays; ntiitti hi ti p. m. Km While lljiion leans daily at l:;!u p. m.j arrives al l.;iu a. m. Iriim While halmoti leaves for Knlita, (illnmr, Trout Lake ami Glen wood iloiida.. a, Wednes days ami Kthlays. iter IK. i" 7, I, (.'. Meets Bsaland Ihini Moll a) a lu each month. IJ. HHIUAliD, ti. O. J. H Keboi'son, Soeri'iary. C1ANHY POsT, No. lit, li. . 11. -Meet, at A. J (I. I'. W. Hall lnt r.itiud is uf each uiontli at 2 o'clock . m. All 1. A. It. moiiiboiH lu vlled to Inuct with Ub. !.. lliu.. Commander T. J. Ct NHlNO, Ailjuluiil. CANBY W. R. '., No. 1 Meets first Sstnr. day of each month In A. ti. I . W . hull at J p. m. Mas, ti. P. mow..).',, Prc-julcul. Mas. Ursi'I.a Iji'kkk, Kevrutarv. HOOD KIVK.R I.OIKIE. No. Utt, A. F. and A. M. Mecis fiatnrdav evenina on or e-eloie each full moon. il. Y. I) .viuso., W, M. U. McIiukai.0, Secretary. HOOD UIVKIt (;IIA1"I Kit, No. 27, R. A. M. Mcela third Friduy nliiht of cacti month. K. L. rijiiril, II. f. O. K. Williams, Secretary. HOOD KIVER CHAPTER, 'o. 2. O. K. 8. Meeta .Satuidtiv alter each full moon. Mas. hva Iiaynk, W. M. O. E. Williams, Kvcrutary. OI.KTA ASHKMHI.Y, No. M, I'titled Art's.ms. Meet sreond aisd foil rt ii AioiiiIhv lniclitf of each liionth at Kiute nily hall. B others and abler, cordially invited to nn-.i w I i nx. A. f. liA'l'KI.All, M. A. S. B. Cray, Secretary. Al'COMA I.OIKiK, No. PO, K. of P.-Mccts lu A, O. U. W. hall ev.-r,- 'iVe duv nk-hi. !. V. l.KAilAU. (;. c. 0. T. PlMTHKR, K. of R. Si 8. TilVKKHIDK I.ODliE, No. f.S, A. O. P. V. Jt Meets Hrst and third Miturdavn of each moiitu, J. fc. IIami, M. W. J. K. Watt. Financier, H. L. lloU K, Recorder. IDI.KWILPE I.OIH1E. No. 107, 1. O. O. F Meeta 111 Fraternal hall everv ThuiKday Iiljtht. O. It. Hahtlky N. O. il. 1. HmBABi), Secretary. y F. SHAW, M. D. Telephone No. 81. All Calls Promptly Attended Office upstairs over Copp!e's store. All calls left. at the orllee or residence will he promptly attended to. . ,, i JOHN LELAND UliNDlCIiSON ATTORNEY-ATI.AW, A flSTRAi TER, NO TARY PI HI.1C ami HEAL KSTA'l'K AtiKXT. For 21 yeara a rehldent of Oregon and Wash ington. !ia had many jer expe.ieiice in Real Estate matters, as abstiacter, .cuiel.eroi titlea and aiteut. l-ttlisiiu lion guumiilet d or no cliaige. J F. WATT, M. D. Graduate of RcllevitP Ifoapltal Medlcnl C il lexe, In (ieneial pr.ictiee al Hood River, Oregon. HuiKeon for 0. B. & N. Co. Is especif.lly fqHippvd to treat catarrh of nose and throal and diacasen of omcn. ha'eial teinia fur ollice tiealiiient of clirouie catea. JJETISTiY pr H. W. P.enjumln, dentist, of Portland, will ,.ae regular visiis in llooil River, and will .iave rooms at thi- .Mt. Iloo 1 hotel. All the lif ferent tnethiMls ol crowiiluir and lilliug iietlt. Prleea reasonahie, and auii.-iiictiou KUuiauleid. Portland Ollice Room 3U Oiei;oiiiun huihl Ing. piONEEIl MILLS IlAnmsoN Eros., Troph. FLOUR. FEED AM) AM. CEREALS Ground and manufactured. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom (rinding done every Saturday. During the busy acason addillunal daya will be lueiit.oued in the local columns. HOon KIVER, OI1KGON. gRADLEY rilOTOG RATHER. Gftllpry opi ti three iIrvr in the wppIc Tliurmlav, Kriilay rihI 'Salunlay until further notice. Fiiht-cluHst work ntid All Work Warranted. QOLUMBIA NUPoERY Large Rflaorlnient of all kinds of nursery B.ock. Kend lur cata log .... II. C. BATEIIAM, HikmI Kiver Or. piIE GLACIER BARBER SHOP. Grant Evass - Proprietor, noon itiVKii, or. JJT. HOOD SAW MILLS TOMI.lvtO.il Bkos, Props. FIR AND TINE LUMBER Of the bpt. q'lnlity alwas on hand at jiriog to unit the times. DALLAS & SIWXGLKK, UEAI.EKS IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware Kitchen Furniture, numbers' Goods, Trim in! Tools, Etc. We have a new and pfimtdcto stork ot hitrdwiiiv, cloven and tinware, t" which we will keep coiihtantly adiline. Our priivs will continue to be as low a? 1'orllauJ prices. EEPAIEWS TIIWIRE i SPE liLTT. f QF I II From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Conipreliou.ive Kevlew of tha Import ant Happening! of tho 1'aat Wock! Culled From tho Tolocritph Coluaaul S An onidinitified Amoriciin -soUlinr aits killed in Havana, in a row with the police. ' . General MerriJwn has asked for more tioopa. . He want cavalry this time to prevent disorder at Burke and Mullan. Pnwideitt Diaz, of Mexico, will ac cept on invitation to visit Chicago and the United States duiing the full fes tival. JnrlK'U linker, of the United States difltrict court at Indianapolis, lint ion i lured a decision in which ho holds that axheiilT is lesponsible for a prisoner in his charge, and is subject to damage for his lynching. Tho , Oregon - regiment, though en titled to come home first, is fur from Manila, bearing the brunt of tho Law ton campaign, and may not be back when the time for the return of the volunteers begins. Mexico is considering the refunding of hot existing national 6 per cent gold debt held in loreiga countries. The scheme anticipate! an increased prin ciiial, but a reduolion ir. tho amount of annual interest by reason of a lower rate. Judge Mayhew has doniod the ap plication for a wiit of habeas corpus for County Oommiflnioners Boyle and Stimson, who ato in jail at Wurdnar. In rendering the decision, he denied every material contention of the appli cants. President McKinley has sont the fol lowing cablegram to Otis at Manila: "Convey to Law ton and the gulaut men of his command my congratula "tions upon the successful operations during the past month, resulting in the capture of San Iflidro.' " On" the i birthday of the king of Spain, many Spaniards in Havana raised flags over thoir houses. This made the Cubans rise in revolt. The house of Juan Monttoto, a Spanish merchant, wad raided by Cubans and tho Spanish flag torn down. Tho po lice intetfeied and clubbed tho raiders, arresting several. A Washington dispatch says: The brilliant campaign of Colonel Sum mers, of Oregon, under General Law ton, is likely tb win him a brigadier general's commission. Colonel Sum mers is now commanding a brigade, and if there was a vacancy in the brigadier list, lie would be named at onco. General Pilar, a Philippine officer, is tired and wants to surrender. A Georgia colored couple burnod their four childien nearly to death; the man ran away; the woman was caught in tho act. Fivo thousand Spanish prisoners have been taken into a northern province of Luzon, beyond reach of aid by Ameri can troops. Dock laborers atCienfurgos demand ed more pay, and not being satisfied, raised a riot, in which ouo was killod and several wounded. C. V. Nordstrom, who murdered William Mason in Seattle over eitiht years ago, has been sentenced for the fourth time to be hanged. William Lockndge, an escaped Mis souri robber and niurderei,wlio was re ported to have been drowned recently at Astoria, has been discovered and ar rested in Montana. The gigantio copper trusts recently formed by Marcus Daly and W. A. Clake, rival Montana mllionaires, have taken up the Western Washington cop per belt, near Index. Rear-Admiral John G. Watson, who will relieve Admiral Dewey in com mand of tho Asiatic squadron, sailed for his post on the steamet City of Peking from San Francisco. Several prominent government offi cials at Washington have organized themselves into a committee to receive subscriptions for a Dewey fund. United States Treasurer Roberta will receive the subscriptions. The first sent in was f250, from Felix Angus, of the Baltimore American. At Moscow, Idaho, the United States grand iury session returned indict ments against the ringleaders of the mob that delay-id the Northern Pacirlo and the O. R. & N. mail trains, and some 400 others of the Canyon creek and Wardner miners that participated in seizing the trains. The United States government il about to establish a permanent mili tary poet in Southeastern Alaska. Light fortifications are to be put in and a large force of troops will be sent north as soon as they can be spared. The recent trouble over the Canadian boundary and a rapidly glowing feel ing of uneasiness among the Indians if said to be the cause. LATER NEWS. A Democratic conference has been iallod to meet in St. Louis this week. The grain shovelois' fitlike at Onf all), K. Y., has been settled, and the men will leturn to work. The supreme court did not decide tho Oregon "overlap" case in hkh so much interest has been exhibited,' and it goes over until the October term. The section men o the Grand Trunk railwuy system recently asked for an increase in wages, which was refused, and about 800 men have struck. ,4 The strike' affects thu road from Ssrma, Ont., to Portland, Me. A portion-of the'lfwaco lailway''& Navigation Company's trestle at II Waco collapsed, while the beacii train was passing over it, and the locoinotivi was dumped oveiboard into the bay, but fortunately no one was injured. While digging for relics at the sit of old Foit Mackinac, in Michigan, six complete skeletons were un earthed. This is possibly the burying place of some of the victims of the massacre which took place 130 yean ago. Three Chicago men, employes of the Aetna Powder Company, at Aetna, were blown to atoms in tho explosion of a tank of nitro gycerline. A pipt leading from the engine burst, igniting some saw dust and leaves near a flue leading into the room containing the nitro-glyoerine tank. ' General del Pilar, one of Aguinaldo'f peaoe envoys, says: "The insurgent) are anxious to surrender, but want tin assurance first that there will be n( putting to dcuth of tho leaders in tlx rebellion, and some proof that Ameri cans will carry out tho general state monts in thoir proclamation. Uncle Sam will inform Brazil that she must be mure careful in future. Her disopnrtety to the Wilmington is to receive attention. A proper repm sentation of the facts will be made, and it is expected that the Brazilian government will promptly investigate and make amends. No troublo is ex pected. . Private letters from Riga, province of Livonia, Prussia, report that Lettish and Lihunaniun workmen there quar reled because the lutter worked for lower wages, and street fighting fol lowed, whereupon tho military inter fered. Several workmen were killed, many injured, and a number of housei were destioyed. A fund of $160,000, drawn from a dividend on 400,038 shares of world's fair sock, is being set aside for needy and suffering members of the various Illinois volunteer regiments of Cook county who sorved in Cuba. Funds are reported now on hand to pay a 4 per cent dividend on the stock, and a relief committee will be appointed from the socioty of the army of San tiago to act with a committee of colo nels of tho regiment to secure tho divi dend. Agonoillo is , said to be in Hong Kong under an assumed name. Nearly 400 persons lost their lives in the big Australian hurricane. Arbitration, it is said, will have first place in the peace conference. England will press a number of large damage claims against Nicaragua. Ex-United States Senator Charles Buckalew, of Pennsylvania, is dead. The wife of a Georgia planter killod a negro who tried to enter her room. Vice-President Hobart is slowly re covering from his illness, and is now able to sit up. The Buffalo strikers have taker Bishop Quigley's advice and are re turning to work. The Yukon river is open from Lake Lebarge to Dawson, but the ice on the lakes is still solid. The Keina Mercedes, one of Cor vera's Beet sunk off Santiago last July, has arrived at Hampton Koads. Four men wera killed in the Wai Eagle mine at Rossland, by the hoist getting away from the engineer. A Chicago court has held that bank directors are not liable for the mis management of funds by a speculating president, The Atlantic linei Paris ran ashore on the English coast. She lost hot course in a heavy fog. The officers and crew kept cool and the passengers were taken off without fatality. The cruiser Olympia, with Admiral Dewey on board, has left Manila for this country. The first stop will be al Hong Kong. An enthusiastic farewell was given by the vessels and forts in Manila harbor. Levi Moore, a clerk in the city market, at Kansas City, shot and per haps fatally wounded Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Mis. Ella Land is and Mrs. Anna Meek, in a jealous rage. The Campbell woman had deserted Moore for another man. Major-General Otis has declined to recognize the rebels to the extent of agreeing to an armistice, but he has notified the American commanders to refrain temporarily from aggressive ao tion. Thus he is in a position to re-; some hostilities at any time. This will defeat any subterfuges to gain time, which would not be thu case if the geneial agreed to an armistice. 1 Property Loss Estimated at $1,000,000. DRUNKEN WOMAN UPSET LAMP People lleeanm rnlo-Strleken mnd Wera Inabla to Sara Anything Hullilln- Material Scarce. .-' '. v -. ,. - oria, B. O., May 23. The main portion of the city of Dawson was de stroyed by tire on April 26, causing loss of $1. 000,000. In all. 111 build ings, including the British North America bank, were bured. The newa was brought down by T. S. Humes, a son of Mayor Humes, of Seattle; J. Toklas and a third party, who left Dawson April 27, and mada their way out by canoe to Lake Lebarge, and then over the ice, having a most perilous trip. Toklas re)otta that the fire occurred in tiie very heart of the business center of the city, beginning near the opera house, on the water front, on d "spread ing with unusual rapidity. It was driven by a strong north wind, destroy ing everything in its way on that street down to and including Donahue & Smith's establishment. - The fire then took in all of the water fiont buildings abreast of the same blocks. It ciossed the street, burned through and spread over to Second street, covering the principal business portion of Dawson, leaving it all in ashes, with the firemen helpless and powerless to do anything. The fire consumed everything from Timmin'i Royal cafe down to and opposite the Fairview hotel, the build ings being as dry as timber. The lames spread with such rapidity that tho peoplo became panicstricken and unable to save anything in the way of furniture, goods and clothing. Among the most prominent of the firms burned out were the Bank of British Noith America, the Canadian Bank of Com merce, McLelhin & McFeeley, of Vic toria, Vancouver and Dawson; the Parsons Piodnce Company, of Winni peg; the Royal cafe, Donahue & Smith, the Aurora saloon, the Bodesa, the Madden house, tho Victoria hotel, the McDonald block and the California ex ohange. There is a famine in all kinds of bnilding material as a result of the fire. The few articles still remaining outside of tho burnt district hare quad rupled in prices. Doors are selling for $35 each, d r locks $8 each, nnd every thing else in proportion.' Nothing in the way of rebuilding enn be done un til the opening of navigation, several weeks from now, as there is not over 8,000 feet of lumber in the place. The fire was caused by a drunken woman upsetting a lamp in a disorderly house. None of the big warehouses were touched by the fire, so there will be no shortage of provisions, even if the lakes should not open before the middle of June, which is now predicted. Provisions have not advanced in price, nor clothing, the companies be ing determined apparently to do all in their power to relieve the general dis tress. A conservative estimate of the loss is $1,000,000. This is based on Klondike valuations. This is the third lurga fire that visited Dawson. , IN THE LAST DITCH. Fillpinna, Anxloua to Surrender, Still right for Time. Manila, May 23. The United States Philippine com mission has submit ted to the Filipino commissioners a draft of the form of government the president is to establish. According to this plan a governor-general will be appointed for the islands by the presi dent, as will also a cabinot, and later an advisory council will be elected by thL?SSJ?li.- - Heady to Give Vp. Manila, May 23. Judge-Advocate Alberto Barretto, one of tho Filipino commissioners, conferred today with the American Philippine commis sion. The primary object of the con ference was to ascertain the kind of government that the United States proposes to establish here. The Fili pino commissioners have no power to effect a settlement, but must refer all matters to Aguinaldo. In an interview, General Gregorio Pilar, one of the peace envoys, said: "The insurgents are anxious to sur render, but want the assurance first that there will be no putting to death of the leaders in the rebellion, and some proof that the Americans will cany out the generons statements in their proclamation. "We have been acquainted with the Americans only a short time. If they are sincere, we will agree to uncondi tional surrender. In negotiations en tered into with authorized Spanish offioers in the previous rebellion, simi lar promises were made, bnt were not carried out. Ruiz and others were put to death in spite of these promises. "If we give np our arms we are at the complete mercy of the Americans. "We realize the hopelessness of a Filipino republic, for the people are now impoverished, and a continuance of hostilities would only increase the suffering." TORNADO-SWEPT TEXAS. Oreat I.oaa of Property In Erath and Tltua Counties. Houston, Tex., May . 24. One of the worst tornadoes that has visited Texas since the storm which destroyed the town of Cisco, three years ago, and in which some 60 pooplo were killed, passed over portions of Erath and. Titus counties yesterday noon, tho facts of which were received here today. The storm came fiom the northwest, and passed over strip of country 200 yard wide, in a southeasterly direction. The tornado wai accompanied by vivid lightning and a heavy hail storm. A , - Eufrerai houios nil'C .t'Sli L-nitdings were wrecked in several loc - ities, the most serious being at Mount Pleasant, Titus county. " 'Thejnoon services had just closed, and the people were leav ing when the wind struck the building. A bolt of lightning and the wind de scended upon the house simultaneous ly, wrecking it, and scattered the de bris in all directions. Vt. A. Kauf man was instantly killed, and 16 other persons were more or !"sa injured, some fatally Three ar j in a dying onndition, according to reports. A woman with a babe in her arms was struck by lightning, bin miraculously escaped death. A little girl was strip led of her clothing, but only slightly butt. The tornado struck Stephen ville mid did considerable damage, wrecking- many lionses, bnt no one was killod. Tho Cumberland Presbyterian church was nnroofed and badly dam uged. Many buildings in Stepheuville were leveled, among thorn the Metho dist church. One man was killed and three injured near Dublin. It is re ported that several were killod seven miles northeast of Stephenyille. Tiees nnd crops in the wake of the storm were reported to bo destroyed, but au thentic details of the disaster have not been reoelved. THE DAWSON f:ZZ. Woman Who Caused It and Her Com panion! Hnra ileen Arreated. Victoria, R. C, May 24. No fur ther details of the' Dawson fire have been received. " The only accident known to have occurred befell a fire man, who was severely hut I about the head by a blazing log, which was blown from a burning buil ling. It is stated that tho woman wh' nonet the lamp which caused tlstrph3 and the other inmates and occupants of tho house have been arrested and may be severely dealt with. A re port is also current here that only the bank of British North America of the chartered financial institutions was de stroyed, not both it and the Bunk of Commerce. Riley, Toklas and Humes, the men who brought out the news of the Are, are reported to have collected hun dreds and even thousands of dollars as private mail-cairiers for "tho prompt delivery of the communications of which they were bearers. One of these was addressed to the inspector of the Bank of British North America, and considerably reduces the amount of the bank's loss by fire. It is understood that tho record of tho bank notes con sumed was destroyed with them, but it is nevertheless quite possible that this will not mean lost money. PORTRAIT OF DEWEY. Vermont Commissions Thomas II. Wooo to Taint It. New York, May 24. The state of Vermont has commissioned Thomas W. Wood to paint Admiral Dewey's por trait, and immediately after the ad miral has been welcomed in the harbor of New York he will pose for his pio ture, which, when finished, promises to remain in history as famous as that of Farragut on the Hartford. The artist is a fellow-citizen of Ad miral Dewey. He wrote to the ad miral in October, making the sugges tion, and a few days ago, under date of January 80, he received an ac knowledgment of his letter and a cheerful consent to the plan. Mr. Wood will make two paintings if time will permit one a bust of the admiral and the other a full-length portrait showing the admiral standing on the bridge of the Olympia in the white duck uniform that ho wore when he gave the order to attack Montojo't fleet. TO REDEEM IN GOLD. Currency Reform Planned by the Re publican Committee. Washington, May 23. Il is under stood that the house Republican cau cus committee appointed to frame a scheme of currency reform has agreed npon a measure along the following lines: The redemption of all obligations of the government in gold on demand. Greenbacks, when once redeemed for gold, to be reissued only for gold. Permitting national banks to issue notes to the paper value of their gov ernment deposit in the treasury, in stead of 90 per cent, as at present Permitting the minimum capacity of national banks to be $25,000 instead of $50,000, as at present. This plan is much less comprehen sive than ardent advocates of general currency revision have Urged, but was adopted because harmonious agree ment on it was possible, which was not the case when mote radical measure were suggested. Commission Submits Rebels a Form of Government. ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE LIBERAL (lovernor-Oeneral to lie Appointed by the I'realdeut. amal a Advisory Council Klfietert by ifi. ' ''eoprb. , ' rt MAnila, May 21. i'ro.essor P.iiih mann, head of the Unitei' Stales Phil ippine commission, today submitted the lollowing written pi ipositiot.a to the Filipinos: While final decisions a; ' to form of government is in the h.Aids of con gress, the president, undot his military powers, pending the act on of con gress, stands ready to ofTo the follow ing form of government: A govurnor L'oneral to be appointed uy the presi dent; cabinet to be appointed by the governor-general; all judi-'S to be ap pointed by the president; 'leads of de partments and judges either Americans or Filipinos,-! r both; also general advisory council. Its members to be chosen by the people by a form of Suffrage to be hereafter caiefnl)y de termined npon; the president earnestly desires hlooiUhed to oease, and the people of the Philippines at an early date to enjov the largest measures of self-government compatible with peace and order. Tho commission prepared this scheme, and the president cabled his approval. The Filipinos ave made no definito proposition exee inr cessn tion of hostilities untilithy can pre sent the Question of peace t tho peo ple. Schurmann told the I' ilipinos they had no means of gathering the people together, as the Americans con trol most of tho ports. He also re minded them of the liberal form of government offered them, and pointed out that it was hotter than conditions existing under Spanish rule. Gozaga, president of the Filipino commission, admitted the form of government pro posed was liberal. Civilian members of the Philippine commission have de clined to co operatt r wl.V. e ottajr. liien.UtiS of Ihri cOiliiiriftiiuri; ha' the former consider Aguinaldo's late de mand preposterous, aftor Otis' refusal of armistice, referring to his wish for time in ordor to consult the Filipino congress. WORK NEARLY DONE. First California nnd Second Oregon Will lie Among the First to Iteturn. Washington, May 24. General Otis oabloB from Manila to the war depart ment that the transport Warren ar rived safely on the 18th inst. The Wurren had 1,200 men of the Sixth artillery aboard. The war department is proceeding on the theory that bv the end of July not a volunteer will be left in Manila, and General Otis' report today that the transport Warren has arrived ad vances the time when the homewad movement of the volunteer troops will begin. Already notice has been issued that mail for the First California and Second Oregon volunteer regiments should not be sent to Manila, but to Sun Francisco. Model Camp at Tresltllo. Washington, May 24. In anticipa tion of the prompt return of volunteer troops in the Philippines, the secre tary of war today telegraphed instruc tions to General Shatter, commanding the department at San Francisco, to establish a model camp at the Presidio for the accommodation of about 4,000 volunteers from Manila, pending their muster out. The New Cruisers. Washington, May 24. The board of naval bureau chiefs today agreed upon the details of the six new cruisers, Denver, Des Moines, Chattanooga, Galveston, Taooma and Cleveland, which are the only vessels provided in the last naval appropriation bill that can be undertaken this year, owing to the inability of the department to se cure armor for them. They will be sheathed with copper and of 3.100 tons when light, and 3,400 tons when ready for a cruise. That is slightly larger than the Raleigh and the Cincinnati, which are of 3,000 tons. . " The speed is fixed at 16 knots, or 2 knots per hour less than the Ra leigh, but this deficiency is more than made up by the large steaming radius of the new ships. At full .speed, they can steam without replenishing the coal bunkers for 2.800 knots, while at the rate of 10 knots they . can cover 6,925 miles, or the entire distance from San Francisco to Manila. Water tube boilers will furnish the steam for twin-screw engines of 4,500 horse power each, placed in a separate com partment. McKinley Visits Hobart. Washington, May S3. The presi dent and Secretary Hitchcock attended the 70th anniversary of the celebra tion of the organization of the Wes ley Methodist chapel. T,- During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. McKinley went out for a long drive. They stopped for a time at the resi dence of the vice-president, who they found improving and sitting up.