The Hooc River acier It's a Cold Day When We Get -Left. VOL. X. nOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1899. NO. 51. if.' HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Every Friday by S. F. BLYTHE. Terms of subscrlptlon-ll .SO a year when paid In advance; l if not paid in advance. Till M A U.S. The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock . m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the same days at noon. - For Chcnoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. TuesdnyB, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m. rFor White Salmon Icavgs daily at 1:3U p. m.; fcrorlves at fi:80 p. in. From White Salmon leaves (or Fulda, Kilmer, Trout Lake and Glen wood Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays.. 8 IKI IK-i. I ATIREL REBEKAII .DKfiREB l.ODGE. No. 1 87, i. 6. O. F. Meets Hist and third Mon days in each month. . , f It. J. lllllBARD. S. O. - J. H. FFRCtTSON, Seerelary.: -v . - CANBY POST, No. 16, G. A. U. Meets at A. O. U. W. Hall first Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. K. members in vited to meet with us. J D. ft. Hill, Commander T. J. Cunning, Adjtitcnt. "piANBY W. R. C, No. 16 Meets first Satur j day of each month in A. O. U. w. hull at 2 pTfn." ' Mrs. ;. I. i rowkll, President. Mrs. Ursula Dukks, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODGE, No. 105, A. F. and A. M . MeciB Saturday evening on or before each full moon. Ji. F. 1..vidson, W. M. D; McDonald, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday niirlit of eiicli moutli. E. L. Smith, H. P. O. E, Williams, Secretary. - HOOD RIVER CHAPTER, Kn.RO.R8. .Meets Saturdav after each full moon. Mrs. Eva Haynes, W. M. G. E. Williams, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans. . Meets second and fourth Monday nightt of each month at Fraternity hall. B others and sisters cordially invited to luret with ub. ..(.,.. . A. P. Batkiiam, M. A. 8. 8. Gray, Secretary. i ,AX7AUC0MA LODGE, No. !, K. of P. Meets -'- V In A. O. U. W. ball everv Tne-dnv ult;ht. G. W. Graham, C. C. .0. T. Prather, K. of R. & 8. K1VERSIDE LODGE, No. BS, A. O. 0. W. . Meets first and third Saturdays of each "-" month. J. E. Ranu, M. W. 1 . J. F. Watt, Financier. :- H. L. Howk, Recorder. I DLEWILDE LODGE, No. 107, I. O. O. F. Meets In Fraternal hull everv Thursday night. . O. B. Hartley N. G. . i ; ' -H. J. Hibbard, Secretary. ' M. SUAW- m. D. "-- ' :- Telephone No. 81. All Calls Promptly Attended . . Ofllcc upstairs over Couple's store. All calls ' left at the oilice or residence will be promptly attended to. ' ,: . JOHN LELAND BENDKR80N ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ABSTRACTER, NO- : TARY PUBLIC and REAL ' ESTATE AGENT. For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington, tins had many jears exierience in Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher uj titles and agent. Satisiactiou guaranteed or no charge. J F. WATT, M. D. Graduate of Bellevne Hospital Medical Col lege, 1884. .In General practice at Hood River, Oregon. Surgeon for O. R. It N. Co. Is especially ' equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat and diseases of women. - Special terms for otlice treatment of chronic cases. -.' . D ENTISTRY Dr. R. W. Benjamin, dentist, of Portland, will make regular visits to Hood River, and will have rooms at the Mt. Hood hotel. All the li ferent methods of crowning and filling teeth. ' Prices reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. .' Portland Office Room 314 Oregonlan build , lng 1 " , . j, piONEER MILLS '. Harbison Bros., Props. FLOUR, FEED AND ALL CEREALS Ground and manufactured. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom grinding done every Saturday. During tht busy season additional days will be mentioned in the local columns. HOOD KIVER. OltKGOTf. gBADLEY . PHOTOGRAPHER. Gallery open three days In the week Thursday, Friday and Saturday until . further liotice. First-class work and All Work Warranted. QOLUMBIA N0R-3ERY Large assortment of all kinds of . nursery Block. . Send for cata- :- log -f - II . C. BATEIIAM, ; ' v . Hood River. Or. piE GLACIER ; BARBER SHOP. . . Grant Evans - Proprietor. HOOD HIV ICR, OR. JT. HOOD SAW MILLS - .; v Tommsson Bkos, Props. ' "...i.FIR AND PINE LUMBER'S... ; Of the best quality alwas on hand at , I'ric'S to suit the times. . DALLAS & SPANGLEK, : ' DIALERS IN Hardware, Steves and Tinware Kitchen Furniture, Plumbers' Goods, Pruning Tools, Etc. We have a new and rompl.-te stork of hiirdwHre, stoves and tinware, ! which we will kef p cotiKtantly adding. Our prices will continue lo be as low a Portland prices. REPAIRING TIHWARE 1 S?E I1LTY. I NEW8JF THE IK From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happening of the Fast 'Week Colled From the Telegraph Colunnl Porto Rico is to have a first-class postal service. The oruisor Chicago will pay the Moors a significant visit to remind them of claims due us. - ' The Italian ministry has resigned. DiBoassion over the exposure of official correspondence caused the rupture.- Sadie Tunic, a 13-year-old Russian girl, was struck by lightning in a crowded New Yotk street. She suffered Bevere burns?, but is still alive. At Hutohinson, Kan., John Moore, while being tried for the murder of liifl five children, admitted that he had killeJ them so that he could get work. The military government has decid ed to return to the" United States all ex-volunteers now serving sentences in Cuba for misconduct under their terms of enlistment. - The California raisin-growers' asso ciation have secured control of 90 per cent of the product of the counties of the state. The packers have accepted the terms offered, and will work in harmony with ths association. The new Montana copper company has been organized, with a capital of 75,000,000, and MarousDaly as presi dent. Several other large properties will be united with the Anaconda mines, and more thorough wotk done. . The president has appointed Hon. Bert VV. Bowen, of New York, as min ister to Persia. Minister Bowen was consul-general at Baicelona before the Spanish 'war broke out. "The plaoe had previously been tendered ex-Governor Lord, of Oregon. : An insurance decision of much im portance has been rendered by a New York oourt against the Equitable Life. It is held that ' polioy-holders are en titled to a share in all the- oompany's surplus, in proportion to the amount of his poicy and paid premiums. The California Packers' Association has been incorporated, with a capital stock of $2,600,000. It is composed of some of the largest fruitpacking estab lishments in the Btate, and its object will ' be to control and regulate the prices of canned fruits which it will ship to all parts of the world. Mr. Shurman, the president of the United States Philippine commission, expresses the opinion that the inter views accorded by Getieral Otis to the Filipino represetatives will have a good moral effect, aa tending to convince Aguinaldo's representatives that the American authorities mean to give the Filipinos a good government, and not one of the Spanish Boit. Quay's friends are working hard to influence senators in favor of seating him. . . The Reading, Pa., Iron Company ad vanced wages for the seoond time this year. Strikers at Cleveland were success ful in obtaining more wages and shorter hours. The price of gas in New York has been reduoed from $1.10 to 65 cents per 1000 feet. German papers are anxiously advis ing President McKinley to give up the Philippines. Lieutenant Gilmore has been heard from. He has sent word of his cap ture to General MacArthur. Cecil Rhodes has failed to secure the aid of the British government in his Cape-to-Cairo railway scheme. Paymaster-General Stewart, having reached the age limit, will be retired with the rank of rear-admiral. Howell T. Morgan, who returned to South Bend, Ind., from Alaska, where he had lost his mind and money, com mitted suicide. Secretary Hay has been formally no tified of the release of the Spanish garrison at Ponapet, in the Caroline islands, and of a naturalized American citizen named Meiinder, held as a pris oner of war since last summer. Aguinaldo has again sent envoys to General Otis with peaoe proposals, but as they bear the same instructions as before they will accomplish nothing. They still insist that consent of the Filipino congress must be obtained. As a result of Geneial Torres' op pressive conduct toward American merchants trading at Bluefields, Nica ragua, - this government has deter mined to require the Nioaraguan gov ernment to relieve him ftom duty at that point. Archbishop Corrigan's letter to the pope, thanking him for his declaration against "Americanism," was answered immediately by the caidinal secretary of state, who expressed to the arch bishop the great satisfaction which it gave his holiness. ' LATER NEWS. Several negros were killed in a storm Which swept - over chambers county, Georgia. At a fire in Massllon, O., one fire man was killed and a woikman fatally injured. ; The president and Mrs. McKinley have gone to Hot Springs, Va., for a 10 days'. vacation. Fifteen cases of disease in Leclaire, la., have been identified by officers of the state boatd of health as smallpox. The Davenport council has declared a quarantine against Leclaire. The Topeka Capital has'" started a popular Subscription to purchase a sword for General Funston, the brave Kansan. Every county, town and city in the state is asked- to contribute. : i George Olmstead,' oonductor of the train the ' Wardner rioters stole, has been arrested. He ran between Wal lace and Burke - for years, yet persists he did not recognize any of the orowd. At Doniphan, Kan., District Judge Stuait refused to grant a divorce to Ellen Phillips from P. O. Phillips, be cause their marriage was brought about by an advertisement in a matrimonial paper. . Major Marchand, leader of the famous Marchand expedition, which was returning from Fashoda, on the Nile, to the Red pea, en route to Franoe, ia reported to have been killed by a band of marauders. The Missouri house has passed And sent to the governor an important bill requiring Missouri corporations to keep their principal office in the state, and , providing that at least three di rectors shall be residents of Missouri. Governor Stanley, of Kansas, has addressed to the governors of Western states pressing invitations to attend the annual convention of the trans Mississippi commercial congress, which will be held in Wichita, May 81 to June 8, inolusive. Representatives of more than a score of the leading plow manufacturing con cerns of the United States met in Chi oago, and virtually completed organiza tion into which it is proposed ulti mately to take all manufacturers of agricultural implements. - The cap italization of the. new combination is placed at over $65,000,000. At Oahkosh, Wis., the engine room of the saw mill of the Paine Lumber Company was wrecked by a boiler ex plosion. The watchman, Eugene Du bois, and his wife and child, were the only persons in the mill. The woman was killed outright. The child died an hour later, and Dubois may recover. Cold water turned into a hot boiler caused the explosion. : .... At Cedar oreek, in Cass oounty, Ne braska, a cloudburst occurred, causing several thousand dollars' damage. Rudyard Kipling has been offered and has agreed to accept the degree ol LL. D. from McGill university, Mon treal, Canada. The sheriff of 'Shoshone county, Ida ho, has been arrested by the federal authorities, charged with bribing and abetting the Wardner rioters; and stepa have been taken to oust him from office. Cyrus Dolph, of Portland, Or., son of the late . United States Senator Dolph, of Oregon, has been recom mended by the examining board at the Presidio for a second lieutenantcy in the regular army. Admiral Dewey's physician says l.e is in perfect health. He has not been more than 20 miles away trom Manila since the first day of last May. and he has not felt the necessity of a physic ian's aid in that time. - British industry is being forced to the rear, and growing American - com petition alarms England. We are tak ing rich markets fronT her. Skill in Engine building on this side ia bring ing in orders from abroad. At a monster mass meeting held in Chicago the president and government were endorsed, and the Philippine war was declared to be just and holy. Sup port was pledged to the boys who are fighting for the flag 10,000 miles from home. . " President McKinley stated Sunday that he believed the war in the Philip pines would be at an end within 48 hours. This conclusion is based upon highly gratifying cablegrams received from Mr.' Schurgan, president of the peace commission. It is rumored that Mabini, president of the cabinet and minister of foreign affairs in the so-oalled Filipino govern ment, who is. a radical, is to be suc ceeded by Patreno, the framer of the Spanish treaty of 1896. This change is regarded as significant at the pres ent jODOtuie. It is declared in Washington that the president's nervous condition and ill health are the result of his incessant smoking. Of late, he has smoked from breakfast to bed time, and while at work he has constantly a cigar in his mfftrth. He almost rivals the late General Grant as a smoker. Governor Thomas ' has announced that within a few days, if Piesident McKinley and the secretary of war con tinue to ignore his communications on the subject of the return of the Colo rado regiment from the Philippines, he will take steps with the view of secur ing the immediate recall of the troops. ... $, j3en.- 'Miles - Blamed by the ... . . Army Commission. ; SECRETARY ALGER CLEARED General ISapan Cenfiureft for-? Kxceaslve Purchase ' of Untried Kationi Meat rackers Exonerated. - Washington, May 9. By direction of the president, who approves the find ings, Acting Secretary of War Meikle john, oday made public the report and findings of the military oourt appointed to investigate the charges made by Major-General Miles, commanding the aimv, that the bsef supplied to the array during the war with Spain was unfit for the use of the troops. The most important features of the report are: - The finding that the general's find ings that the refrigerated , beef was treated with chemicals were not estab lished; that his allegations concernins the canned fresh or canned roast beef were sustained as to its unsuitability for food as used on the transports and as a long-continued field ration; cen sure of General Miles for "error',' in failing to promptly notify the secretary of war when he first formed the opin ion that the food was unfit; censure of the commissary-general (then General Eagan) for the too-extensive purchase of the canned beef as an untried ration; censure of Colonel Maus, of General Miles' staff; the finding that the pack ers were not at fault, and that the meats supplied to the army were of the same quality as those supplied to the trade generally, and the recommenda tion that no further proceedings will be taken in the premises. The conclusion of the court adverse to further proceedings based upon the charges is as follows: ' "It has been developed in the course of the inquiry, as recited in this report, that in some instances some individu als failed to perlorm the full measure of duty or to observe the proprieties whiob dignified military laws com mand; but the court is of the opinion that the mere statement of official facts developed meets the end of discipline, and that the interests of the service will be best "subserved if. further pro ceedings be not taken." ' ' UNION MEN BARRED. May Mot Be Employed in Coenr d'Alene Under Martial Law, Spokane, May 9. The miners of Shoshone county, Idaho, that proposed to operate during the reign of martial law may do so only on condition that they do not employ members of the Coeur d'Alene Miners' Union. This is the martial law as lard down by General Merriam and Attorney-General Hayes,, of Idaho. ' At a meeting of the mineowners in this city this morn ing', Mr. Hayes presented this man date. The owners uheerfully promised to obey. ' . "We're going to clean up the Coeur d'Alenes," , said Attorney-General Hayes prior to his departure for Boise. "I have seen some of the mineowners today and they have been informed by the proper authoi hies, that they cannot employ anyone conneoted with a crim inal organization in the oounty. The miners' unions in Shoshone oounty contain many desperadoes and crimin als who have under the protection of the unions perpetrated dimes and out rages.' .Twice has it been necessary because of these men and their organi zations to put the country under mar tial law. We want to put a stop to that sort of thing." TO INVEST BACOLOR. Country Around San Fernando Will Be Swept of Rebels. Manila May 9. To clear the Filipi nos out : of Bacolor about five miles southwest of San Fernando, will be the next task of the Americans. The rebel general, Mascardo, has a force of 600 men there, well armed and pos sessed of plenty of ammunition. His troops have never met American sol diers, and they think, according to re ports carried to San Fernando, that they oan "whip the whole lot." Bacolor is well intrenched, and thou sands of natives are working like beav ers digging trenches and carrying the dirt - in baskets. The enemy uses his riflemen for fighting only, but compels the bolo men and Chinese men, and even women, to labor- incessantly. The rebel outpost is about a mile be yond San Fernando, with a trench that holds between 200 and 800 men. From that point several ' volleys were fired last night upon the camp of the Twen tieth Kansas regiment. Neither Major-General MaoArthur nor Major-General Lawton moved to day, although each reconnoitered the country in his vicinity or some miles from headquarters, developing the presence of small forces of the enemy. In the vicinity of Laguna de Bay, the. rebels are extremely aotive, but the lines of General Ovenshine and Colonel Wholley, who is commanding General King's brigade during the latter'd ill ness, have been materially strength ened, and there is no danger in that direction. OPPORTUNITIES IN PORTO RICO Room for Tounj Men of Enterprise and Kngrergy. - . Washington, May 9. Owing to the large number of inquiries that have been received by the members of the insular commission since their reoent leturn from Porto Rico, General Rob ert P. Kennedy has prepared a state ment as to the resources and conditions in Porto Rioo, which he thinks will cover the points upon which the great est interest has been manifested. Con cerning the people themselves, General Kenedy says: "There can scarcely be found on the globe a more hospitable and warm hearted people than those of Porto Rice. They are in full sympathy with American institutions. There is a great deal of poverty in the island, as it is understood in the United States. That is, the people live in flimsily constructed huts, have few clothes and still less of ready money, but, owing to the bounty ot nature around them, they oan live with little work and few worldly goods and still not suffer from either cold or hunger. The stories of starvation upon the island are baseless fabrications. ' "While the richer classes live well in beautifully appointed homes and have been, for the most part, educated abroad, so that they can speak Englsh, the percentage of illiteracy among the poorer classes is very high, reaching 90 per cent, but this is laigely due to the fact that there are no schools worthy the iiame outside of the largest towns, or, indeed, one might say, in the whole island. "As to agricultural opportunities, I should say that not one-fourtb of the land, is under cultivation, and thous ands of aores yet remain to be given over to husbandry. Lands are held at good prices, owing to tire promise of an influx of people from the United States. Still, there is opportunity for many thousands of persons who really wish to engage in agriculture in the island. That there are great oppoi tun itiea in Porto Rico is unquestionable. To young men desiring to seek per manent homes and who have a good stock of energy and enterprise, Porto Rico offers great inducements. But I would discourage the simple adventurer who expects to leap a quick and un earned rewdrd. "The opportunities for stock-rais ing, it appears to me, are superior to those in almost any part of the United States', and this without disparagement to our own country." " FRANCE PRESSES CHINA. Demands Concessions for Missionary Outrages. Peking, May 9. The French minis ter, M. Piohon, has demanded mining concessions to the value of 1,200.000 taels in the province ot Szechuan, one of the largest in China, and traversed by the Yang-tse-Kiang, as indemnity for the recent imprisonment of a French missionary. The demand is considered exorbitant. The Chinese say that' the existing conditions of re bellion are not due to any laok of en ergy on the part of the government, whioh has frequently consulted the French minister regarding the best means of obtaining the freedom of the priests in question. According to advices from Hankow, capital of the province of Hoo Fee, the Russians contemplate taking definite action with reference to property now owned by British subjects in the Rus sian Jardine concession. . The Russian consul refuses to reoognize the titles of the claimants. The affair threatens to interfere seriously with the Peking Hankow railroad project, and the dis missal of , the Russian official . is con sidered to be the only remedy. Admiral Dewey Accepts. New York, May 9. Dewey cabled Saturday that he would accept the $100-a-plate banquet to be tendered him on his return. This is only one of a number of functions now being planned , and given great impetus by the arrival of the cruiser Buffalo, which made record-time home from Manila . in 44) days. All the officers declare that Dewey is in the best of health and spirits, and is satisfied with being the head of the navy, wants no presidential troubles, and is planning to oome home as soon as peaoe is con. eluded. Powder Plant Wrecked. Pottsville, Pa., May 9. The powder mill plant of the Pottsville Water Company, located seven miles east, blew up today, destroying 18 tons of powder. No workmen were about the plant at the time of the explosion. A gang of tramps, it is believed, set fire to a magazine, which contained 14 tons of blasting powder. Five minutes later there was a second explosion, when the drying-house, containing four tons of powder, went up. The two explosions wrecked the entire plant. Debris was carried for a distance of half a mile. The loss amounts to about $10.000. Cruiser Buffalo Home. New York, May 9. Flying a ."homeward bound" penant, the Unit ed States cruiser Buffalo, came into port this morning after a record-break ing run from Manila. She brought 596 officers and men from Dewey's fleet, more than half of whom participated in the battle of Manila bay. The men are those whose - terms of enlistment have expired. Nearly Plunged Into Civil War by Two Generals. AN EXPEDITION ON THE RIVER Gunboats Bombard and Capture Two Towns ou the ltlo Grande Hebels' Daring; Trick at San Fernando. Manila, May 10. The army gun boats Laguna de Bay and Cavadonga returned today from an expedition up the San Fernando river, where it was', learned that just before the battle of San Tomas the insurgents were almost plunged into civil war. : .General Luna, when an engagement with the Americans was inevitable, sent bank to Bacolor to demand of Gen eral Mascardo reinforcements. Mas on rdo said he would take orders only from Aguinaldo. Luna, with a soli tary regiment, made a forced march to Bacolor. Mascardo ordefed his com mand to form in line of battle. Out side of the opposing forces the insur gents camp was all confusion. Aguinaldo was terrified by the situa tion and ordered his chief of staff, Col onel Arguelles, to make peace at all hazards. The soldiers were waiting orders to fight when Arguelles called a conference with the rival generals. Aguinaldo begged Luna and Mascardo not to plunge the Filipino forces into civil strife at such a time. His entreaties prevailed, Luna re turned to the front with reinforce ments, and Mascardo was oonrt-mar-tialed for insubordination. The bat tle of San Tomas followed, and Luna received wounds in the shoulder and groin that will surely disable him for the rest of the campaign, and. may . cause. hie death. Guagua was bombarded and carried by assault. The insurgents fired the town and abandoned a small gunboat of their own. : It was from the civil governor of the district, Jose Enfante, who stayed to welcome the Americans, that the news about Luna was received. He said that 5,000 to 8.000 natives had been killed since the beginning of hostili ties, and 500 insurgents retreated from Guagua toward Bacolor-when., they heard the cannonading by the gunboats as they approached up the river. In the graveyard at Guagua are 400 newly made graves. , The insurgent forces have been di vided, one body, under command of General Mascardo, going to the west of San Fernando, and the other, com manded by General Antonio Luna, moving north. Both these leaders claim supreme command of the Fili pino army. . General 'Luna will fall baok to Terlac. and from that plaoe move toward San Isadoro. . - General MacArthur will make San Fernando his base of operations, send ing out detachments of troops as they may be necessary. ' Rebels' Daring; Trick. Manila, May 10. The Filipinos sur prised the United States forues at San Fernando with a dating trick yester day. A railway train, with an engine at, each end, was run almost to the -American outposts, and in plain sight of the town. Before-theyNoould be reached a gang of natives sprang off the train and tore up several lengths of railway track, boarded the train again and steamed away, so quickly that theie was no opportunity to capture the raiders. The Nebraska regiment is asking for temporary releif from duty. Only 875 men of this regiment are left at the front. -.-'. ' BIG RAILROAD TRUST. Consolidation of Lines Between Boston ': and Chicago. Cleveland, May 10. According to a high official of the Vanderbilt lines in this city, the details of a big railroad tiust, whioh is to include all the lines between Boston and Chicago, are now being worked out and the consolidaion may be completed within the next few weeks. The recent puronase of short lines . in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois was in line with the plans for the consolidation which has been in contemplation. It ia not the purpose to have all the lines unfler one management exactly, but to apportion them among the Pennsyl vania company, the vanderbilt inter ests and the Baltimore & Ohio Com pany, when it shall have been reorgan ized, giving to eaoh system the lines that it can use to the best advantage. German Meat Bill. Berlin, May 10. It is authorita tively stated that the oommittee of the reiohstag to whioh was referred the meat inspection bill which was substan tially ' agreed upon by the imperial cabinet and the United States ambas sador, Andrew D. White, has reported against the measure and in favor of bills hostile to Air.encan interests, and that the government will probably re fuse to sanction it. The bill, as re ported back, provides for an examina tion of American meats impossible to enforce without utterly destroying American trade with Germany.