3ced liver Slacier. FRIDAY, MAY 5, IS99. This Is a lawubiding community, and it U uo pleasant duty for the Gla CIF.R to chronicle the outrage that was committed in our peaceful village lust Friday night. The citizens of (he town owe it to themselves to see that the guilty party is hunted down and made t suffer the penalty of the law. The state bourd of horticulture warns fruit growers that a large percentage of Paris green and other arsenical prep aratioiia are extensively adulterated. The new law requires all dealers in .praying materials .to provide a certifi cate specifying the per cent of purity of materltJ jjoW. ;.v H-l ! The crime of the strikers In blowing Up the Bunker Hill mine 'at Wardner Is a sad commentary on our civiliza tion. Are these lawless miner? Amer icans? or a.Te ;they Spaniards or. Fil ipinos? - The appointment of Mr. W. H. Bishop as store-keeper at the Puyallup reservation is a good one. Civil service examinaiHoHureiiioti.lway8 a farce..: The first shipment of Hood River ptrw berries, last year, was made on May 8thh ;' - .'. Grand ; Work "of the Oregons. . The Glacier is indebted to Dr. Bro sius fora copy of .Freedom, a daily paper published in Manila, containing u full account of the battle of Malobau. We copy 'part of the article relating, to the work of the Second Oregon: In the- battle of rMalabon on Satur day, March 251 h, the Second Oregon regiment U; 8..V. took an active and leading part, and displayed courage, valor ai d endurance of the highest order. For years to come I lie work of litis regiment last' Saturday will be pointed out ns-aii example of what can lie achieved' by volunteers. No vet erans of Wellington or Napoleon or Grant could have done better. No one can possib'y conceive the heroic bravery if the Second Oregon on this occasion unless he has walked over the battle Held; over the insurgent trench ph, one after another; through the thickets and jungle; -over, open .Htretchea where for 600 yards the boys faced a steady rain of bullets; and up to the final insurgent lines which consisted really of a fort with stone loop holes. This is not ex njrgcratioti. , It is not half the truth. The whole' truth concerning the work of this regiment will not be written. No one snw it all, and descriptions of those rushes through fields where the air was fairly chargpd with pulsing lead would hardly be believed. . Why was tlie regiment not annihilated? God only knows. . There is an old saying that it takes a ti n of lead to kill a sol dier. The natives are phenomenally poor marksmen. This fact and a favor nigprovidence saved the Oregom, as it did other regiments :. from de struction. The insurgents with repeating Mau neisthew torrents of leaden hail at our lines at- random some bullets must find a victim. Col. Summers should be proud of his regiment; the eighth army corps should be proud of its record; and the good peo ple of the great slate of Oregon can words express how they feel. : People of Oregon, your sons . have this day proved that their blood is like that shed at. Thermopylae and Bunker's Hill the blood of heroes. The contractor on the stone work of the grade of the new road on the East Bide is pushing the work rapidly and has made a good showing towards the completion of his contract. O. P. McFall has moved on his lot, recently, purchased of P. Spangler, on the East Side. . f T T ... I J ..!! 1 ' - . .1 j. j. ljucKey anu laiuny nave moveu into ttie rralher House, recently va cated tiy Xl. P, McFall. . Monday, County Treasurer Phillips nold $800 of bonds issued by school dis trict No. 5, located in Hood River val ley. The bonds draw 6 per cent Inter est and are to run 20 years, with the option of paying them in 10 yetirs. The purchaser was V. E. Bell, .of Spo kane, wJ)o took the bonds at par and gave a"pf.iimiua of '.36.--Mountaineer. Mrs. M. F. Shaw visited' friends in Portland this week. . . Messrs. Erb and Gorman; have put in peveial Acetylene gas plants for our citizens, and the light gives great sat isfaction. The. , BarrW t school, both . depart ments, closed on Wednesday. t Thos. Shere, who was Injured on the flume aboutt month, ago, was taken to a Portlan (Ufqspi tal, last Friday. His. condition is serious, and it is feured am putation of Ms leg will be necessary. Sally -Bartmfss ;visjted with Grace and Effel Smith, at Franktpn, for sev eral days during the week. Mfss-AUce; Graham .went as fi.r as Portland, i'tn'iMonday, with her sister Grac'pJv'vfh'o'1 started on that date for Chicagd." ''.V- '.."' ". . ' Rev, J. W, Jenkins will give his 11 lustrjtedrleclure. on '. Jamaica at the v etiir(y. ' viii jsuiao vuuivu uu too eve- ning'orMay )6th. '.:; '.'ie iaojuiers-r .monument. ,-. ,. Mr.(JAj,rWrians president of the Red Cretstfpclefy of Hood River, has received the following letter: Portland, Oregon, Aprih.25, 1899. Madam President: The erection of a monument in memory of the fallen he roes (of Oregon has been agitated for Borne time past.-. -The leading military men jitrQiigiy endorse the project and have asked .. the Oregon Emergency Corps' and Red .-Cross.. Society to co-op-eraie with thtfm to secure the success of Ibis noble object. .To this end the Port land Auxiliary ha taken the initiative uira wiH -give a umner in mis ciiy on May l0.th, the proceeds of which will be set aside for the purpose named. It has, furthermore, bpen decided to in vite"' the auxiliaries throughout the utatvtirwoi-k witli.-us and devote the namcilayi' Weiruesihiy, May 10th,to the ra't-ing of.monev,. bv it lu.ch,entert'ain nient r in any other way deemed lies', Ivr I hlti wo! thy obje t, (he proceeds of the same to he applied jointly with ours to be known as the contribution of the women of Oregon to the mon ument fund. .'. .' - ' . - Please take action at once and let us endeavor to give substantial aid toward the erection of a memorial belit ting the memory of those who have laid down their lives for their country. Respect fully, Mrs. F. K. Lounsbuky, Rec. Sec'y O. E. C. and R. C. S. When Pa Conies Home. My pa don't come home ev'ry day ' x- To lunch with ma and me; . . . He's Jest an awful busy man, An to be can't," you eea. .'.' He says if he Iiuh time he "Jest Steps, out an' gets u bite;" Or else he "goes without a thing" Till he comes home at night! But when the front gate goes slam bang - Then Towse he pricks his ears All' runs and hides, an' evryeme Is all put out, It 'pears; 1' An' ma she shrieks. "Oh. sakes alive Things come all In a hunch! - . Run, Ted, tell Kale lo fry some eggs; Your pa's come homo to lunchl ' ; And then there's such a goln.' onl An' pa says, with u frown, "It ihls Is all you've got for lunch, I'd better stayed down town!" An' ma, she says, "Ted, leave the room; ' You sit and crunch, and crunch! ..... by can't you be a good boy when ' - Your pa comes heme to lunch? ' An' pa, he's awful gruff an' cross, ' An' ma, she's crosser yet,. . i ... An' Kate, she's crossest of 'em aH, ' An' tells me what I'll get If I don't stop a-makln' noise, Or get out of her way: An', say, I'm awful glad my pa Uon't come home ev'ry day! - . "- Klchard btlllman Powell, in Truth. "The way to sleep," says the scientist, ':is to think of nothing." But this is a mistake. The way to Bleep Is to think it is time to get up. . There Is a prospectlvemineof hidden wealth under almost every farm in Oregon. It is dis covered by a thorough system of under drainage. Pacific farmer. A Salem man claims to have an umbrella that bus been in his possession twenty yeurs. That's long enough; he ought to return it. Ice Cream Parlors. Mrs. Mercer desires to make known to her friends and customers that she will furnish Icecream through the summer months. Also, will curry ii full line of bakery goods. Lunches served at all hours. m5 GREAT WESTERN Feather Renovator Is cleaning feather beds and pillows at Hood Klver. Have yom- new feuthers renovated to destroy the effective feather moth and also its organ; yon r older ones for health as well as cleanliness, for they will be good as new and as large. - In house cleaning you clean up ev erything but the feathers. After sickness or death in the family, you clean up everything but the feathers. By having them renovated by tills new and improved process your feath ers will have more life and bulk; us an lllas tration, two pillows will be as largo as three. Give us a trlul and be convinced. Satisfac tion guaranteed or no charges made. O. A. K A UN, Proprietor. In the Morse & Early building, Hood Klver. Notice of Assessment. To the Stockholders of the Hood River Transportation and Boom Company: You are hereby notified that an assessment of ten (101 per cent on the capital stock ($1.00 per share) has this day been levied, due and payable at once, and delinquent from and after the 15th day of May, 18UH. Payable to the treasurer, Geo. P. Crowell, at Hood River, Oregon. By order of Board of Directors. - Dated April 29, 1899. C. D. Henrich.. I S. M. Blowrks. , HENRICH & BLOWERS, DEALERS IN Machinery ; and Vehicles, Mitchell Vngoti8, Henny Busrgies, Myers' Pumps tuxl Hn.y Tools, BUsell and Case Plows nnd Harrows, Champion Mowers and Rakes, eto. Horses for Sale. A good team of horses, age 5 and 6 years; weight about 1200 and 1300 pounds. For lur ther information inquire at Glacier office. - Ice Delivered. Leave orders for ice at Williams & Brossus' drug store. It will be delivered twice a day, morning and evening. WM. GRAHAM. JOHN HULLT'8 Has opened in Hood River with a good stock of Harness. .All kinds of harness and shoe repairing. In the Odd Fellows' building. Wanted. To rent, a small house, preferably furnished, In Hood River or vicinity, for June, July and August, 1899. Address, stating terms, size and location, Mrs. C. K. Cranston, Pendleton, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 25, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler ha.i filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of his clu.im.nnd that said rtroof will be mn.riA hp. fore the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles. oregom on saturuay, June , isiih, viz: CHRISTIAN WYSS, , Of Mosler, Oregon, H. E. No. 6023, for the southwest northwest northwest J;' south west Y, section 30, township 2 north, range 12 east, W. M. - He names the followinj witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and .cultiva tion of said land, viz: Carl J. E. Carlson, Adolph'-Oodberson-nd Wallace Husbands, of Mosier, and Eniile Schanno of The Dalles, Oregon. ' a28je2 ' JAY P. LUCABj Register. : Timber Land, Act June 8, 1A78. V " : NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, April 25. 1899. Notice Is hereby given that In compltacne wit h the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," v MARY A.. EDDELMAN, Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day (lied in this office her sworn statement No. 138, for the purchase of the southwest hi southwest M section 22, and south y southeast J, and northwest southeast of section 21, In townsnlp No. 2 north, range No. 9 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish her Claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, tho 3d day of July, 1899. She names as witnesses: W.L. Nichols, G.D. Wood worth, Alonzo Westoverand Frank Da venport, all of Hood River, Oregon. ; Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 3d day of July, 1899. a28jc8tt JAY P. LUCAS, Register. Alarm Clocks Just received. Price S1.25, Warranted for 2 years and good for 6 years. a21 CHAS. H. TEMPLE. Wagon for Sale. -A second-hand wagon, nearly good as now, furtW.--' A. S. DISBROWi , The. Old Reliable Shoemaker Is still ou deck and mends shoes w itle you wait. C. WELDS. , , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., April 1, 1899. Notice it hereby given that the follow, ing-named settlers have filed notice of their In tention to ma ke final proof in support of their claims,and that said proof will be made before W. B. Presby, United state Commissioner for District of Washington, at his office In Goldenaale, Wash., on Tuesday, May lti, 1899, viz: ' ': JOHN BERNNEGER, Homestead Entry No. 9012, for the north west quarter of the northeast quarter, the north half of northwest quarter, and south west, quarter of northwest quarter section 22,. township K north of range 10 east. W. M. . He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Alois Welngartner. Christian Guler, William Coote and Claus H. Pearson, all of Trout Lake P. O., Washington. Also, CHRISTIAN GULER, . ! . Homestead Entry No. 83 S7, for the east half' or southwest quarter, soumeast quaner 01 northwest quarter and Houthwest quarter-of nortneast quarter section -jo, townsnip o norm of range 10 east, W. M. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, suid land, viz: Alois Welngartner, Fred J. Eckert, Anton Guler and John Bernneger, all of Trout Lake P, O., Washington. Also, ANTON GULER, : Homestead Entry No. 9516. for the southwest quarter of northwest quarter, and west half of souiuwesi quurrer 01 section zo, ana soum east quarter of southeast quarter of section 2ii, township 6 north of range 10 east, W. M. He mimes the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: ' Fred J. Eckert, Alois Welngartner, Jacob Pchmld and John Wyder, all of Trout Lake P.O., Washington. Also, . V ALOIS WEINGARTNKR, Homestead Entry No. 814, for the lots 2, 3 and southeast quarter of northwest quarter, and northeast quirter of southwest quarter of sec tion 19,' townships north of range Ueast.W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Christian Guler, Anton Guler, John Bern neger and William Coate, all of Trout Lake P. O., Washington. a'm 12 W. R. I 'UNBAR, Register. , Timber Land, Act June 8, 18;8. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATI ON. United State's Land Office; The Dalles, Ore gon, Mi.roh 25. PJ99. Notice is hereby given t nut In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 188, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," GEORGE WILLIAMS, r Of Hood River, county of Waseo, state of Ore gon, has this day filed in this off ice his sworn statement, No. 11, for the purchase of the southeast of southeast of section No. (I, in township No. 2 north, range No. 10 east.W.M.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before the HegiMer and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Ore gon, on Monduy, the 5th day of June, 1899. He names as witnesses: Henrv Priirare. C A. Hlckei, John T. Nealeigh and George Slrau-J anan, an or iiooa itiver, uregon.- Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 6th day of June, 1899. . , , ; mar3lj2 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. - ; Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, March 28, 1899. Notice is hereby -given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of Juno 3. 18.8. entitled "An aot for the sale of timber lands In the states of' California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory.'' "' ''' WALTER T. DICKEY,' V Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement. No. 136, for the purchase of the south northwest and north southwest J of section No. 21, In township No. 1 north, range No. 9 east, W.M., and will offer proof tv show tbat-the land sought Is more valuably for its timber or stone than for agricultural fiurposes, and to establish his claim to wild and before the Register and Receiverof this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the auin any oi dune, iowi. , -..,...., He names its witnesses: L. Wlhntls," Eph.' Yv inans, m. r. in en ana w. . u w mans,, au oi Hood River, Oregon. .''.. . Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 10th day of June, 1899. , i mar31J2 , , JAY P. LUCAS, Register.. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March 14 1899. -Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of con gress of June 3, 178, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, .Nevada and Washington Territory,'' the following-named persons have this day filed in this office their respective sworn state ments for the purchase of the tracts described herein and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at i he Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the 20th day of May, 1899, viz: . HARRY G. WYATT, of Hood River, on sworn statement No. 129, for SW W Sec 24, Tp 1 N, R 9 E, W M. staf ment No. 130. for the. NE Sec 23, Tp I Pi,ftV., W JV1.. w CHARLES H. MATNEY, of Hood River, on sworn statement No. 131, for the N iV Sec 28, Tp I N, R 9 E. W M. - wiluam THUMrsuji, or uoon uivcr, on sworn statement No. 133, for the S8E Wand S SW Sec 25, Tp 1 N, R 9 E, W M. witnesses: E Butler, Charles Matney, W A Winans. William Thompson, W Montgom ery, H G Wyatt, Bert V Wyatt and D Brad ley, all of Hood Klver, Oregon. : - . ..' marl7ml9 ' JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, ; - Land Office, at Vancouver, Wash.,' April 1, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their Intention to make final proof in support of their claims, and that said proof will be made before W. B. Presby, IT. S. Commis sioner for District of Washington, at his of fice in Goldendale, Wash., on Wednesday, May 17, 1890, viz: . , , 4 - WILLIAM COATE, '"! Homestead Entry No. 8767, Tor the east half of northeast quarter, north west quarter of north; east quarter, and nort "least quarter of nort h west quarter section 24, township- 6 north Of range 10 east, W. M. , He name the following witnesses to prJe hisqontiniious residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz- ., ; .' Fred J. Eckert, Claus H. Pearson, Christian, Guler and Alois Welngartner, all of Trout Lake P. 0 Washington. Also, . : . , ,u CLAUS H. PEARSON, Homestead entry. No. 93, 6, for th east half of southeast quarter and southwest quai ter'Bf. southeast quarter section 24, and northwest, quest quarter of northeast quarter of section 25, township 6 north of range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: . . t," William Coate, Fred J, Eckert, Anton Guler and Jacob Scbmld, all of Trout LakeP, O., Washington. Also. . : JOHN WYDER, Homestead Entry No. 8209, for the south half of northeast quarter, and nortbeast quarter of northeast quarter of section 27, and northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 2J, township 6 north of rai.ge 10 east W, M. - He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: John Bernneger, Jacob Schmfd, Christian Guler and Anton Guler, all of Trout Lake P. O., Washington. Also - : Homestead Entry No. 8422, for the lots 1, 2 and 8, and the northeast quarter of the sohthwest quarter section 80, township 6 north, of range 11 east, W. M. - ' - :.: , .- r."- He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: . Claus H. Pearson, William Coate, John Wy der and John Bernneger, all of Trout Lake P.. O., Washington. Also, .-; ... .... JACOB SCHMID. Homestead Entry No. 8368, for the West half of southwest quarter section iJ, th northwest quarter of norhwest quarter section 84, and northeast quarter of northeast quarter of sec tion 33,'ownshi p 6 north of range 10 east,W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon,- and cultiva tion of. said land vlzs John Bernneger, John Wyder, Christian Guler and Antc-P GPr,.ull of Trout Lake P. O., Washington. V .-"; aTmia W. tt. DUNBAR, Regslster. The best results J'riu inust use the best materials. The : , ;' HOOD RIVER PHARMACY continues to be up to" -r -date in everything in the Drug line. . T Prescriptions a Specialty. Spraying materials warranted the pure stuff. ; !.:.".:; ; i ; -.V' .. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. BECAUSE IT That Is the basis an which we ask for your patronage. We wouldn't expect you to buy at this store for any other reason. We pay spot cash for every dollar's worth of goods we handle, buy cheaper than people who do not, and are therefore lr'i In position to give our customers the benefit;- Give us a chance to prove our as-: ,w " sertions; it will be money in your pocket to do so. ' ' , ' ' ' A. S. BLOWERS & 0N. ; in Why You H Trade A.. i. .vv-'.1 -"',- - .'V ? . . ' J: , -i lit - H - 4 Hood River's Leading Business House. J . We kill, In our own slaughter, house all the lieef we sell.- ; ' 2... .We sell all the beef and pork we kill. We have a Rood pns .. ture In whi-h to hold slock, and in eoiiBequence our beef is abso lutely first class. ' . - " ': r- 8. We render In our own kettle all the lard we sell. . . , v, , "... 4. We sell all the bird we render, and we don't have to lie . about oar competitors' article to do it. " ( " ' J 5. - We keep a complte and up-to-date stock of Groceries, Fancy .ii Breakfast Bt icon, Siig-ar-v-uivd Hatua, Klour and Etiod, artd as we pay sx)t cash for our goods l and npetid Hone of our time in wit her- lug and gossiping,-, we are ahle to oeeiisionally got Home bargains. ! 6. ,..".Vlifi we buy jiargtuu's forcusli we sell bargains for cash.' ... j 7..' We shall have.a special -sale on. many articles Saturday af-' ' i ternoori and evening.-.' ;If jou jinss tins sale you will lose money, , . If . ' 8. We giiarahtee'tili jcoods we. sell..' You cannot make a mis- ,. -;. take.by buying all oods at Reciprocity " Corner. That t he public - - appreciate this is shown. by the fact that our list of regular custom ers is daily Increasing. Our trade is growing rapidly upon the trade of those who patronize us day by day. Our customer once, oar customer always. " , '. '"'. . r . ., 9. We deliver goods promptly and free, of charge to any part. of town. ., , ' y , .-. ' . , ;. : , . ' . '10 Wre deal also in WOOD dtdivered to any part of town. ' .We are receiving three of four cases of eggs a week. ; CLYDE T. ; BONNEY, Proprietor. 'PTTTVT'P Poef in TTco J- J JI1A .' ' UCDli XIX J OC Can sing, but this SINGER is a bird. We are selling Singer c .i -Sewing Machines for. $2-5 cash, or $30 on the Installment plan; $10 . :. down, balance In monthly payment of $5 eachl These are high- ' : V;: . ariuj Hye-drawer machines, finished in oak, with 'all modern iin ...provements.'Iiro one heed he without a sewing machine at these prices and on these easy terms. Come and see them. . - r Cr. D. "WOODWOBTH. Dealer in General Merchandise, Farm Implements, Lumber.eto. 1" , .. , . ; J ; Hoof .River, Oregon. . : "Yum Yum wovpti wire .' .-. i. : : . Common wovi n wire Mattress la)., .. . r "u ' ' Wool Mattress ;...-. 2 60 ' -"-i Excelsior, wool top Mattress ...2 25 . ,' ,; i . ..j .. Bedsteads ........ 160 : , ... .- ...... I challenge any one to get lower prices in Portland on these goods or any others that I nave to sen, . GEO. T. PRATHER, Justice of the Peace' . .;. for Hood Kiver District j , .'-.It - , I am prepared at all times to draw and execute Deeds and Mortgages, and all kinds of .le gal papers carefully prepared. , . ; f 1 - I am also prepared on short notice to furnish correct Abstracts. Also represent the oldest and strongest insurance companies; so if you want your property insured don't fail to call on me and get a policy In a reliable insurance company. ... .i- " And when it comes to Real Estate, I am the one you want to see. If you want trt buy, sell or rent any land in Hood Elver valley or White Salmon, don't fail to call on or write to me. 1 also negotiate loans on real estate. I have been a resident of Hood River valley for 19 years, therefore am thoroughly acquainted with the valley. GEO. T. PRATHER, Hood River. . Mason Work. Wm. Ehrck and E. W. Udell have formed a f artnership and are prepared to make con racts for all work in their line, such as plas tering, bricklaying, stone work , etc. a21 For Sale. One of the earliest and best places to make money on the Columbia river. For partic ulars call on or address V. WINCiHELL. PAYS YOU TO; al Mwt Corner, 4f.T . - I ' J fax-'-' ,i"5 t 1 4 "i This pump can be seen at the store Of A. 8 Blowers & Bon. . WM, TXIvLKTr, Agent. Mattress.. ...82 6 S. E. BARTMESS. ' - ( '. - ' ' ' ' 'f Notary Public for . ): -v. Oregotr. Are You Interested? TheO. E. A.N. Go's new book on the Re sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our readers are requested to forward the addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the work will be sent them free. This is a matter ALL should be interested in, and we wonld ask that every one take an interest and for ward such addresses to W. H. Hurlbiirt-General Passenger Agent, O. K. it N. Co. .Portland. 1 THE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is the place to get the latest and best In con fectioneries, candies, nuts, tobacco, cigars, etc. Home-Made Candies. W. B. COLE, Proprietor. Wagon Repairing. All kinds of wagon repairing done on short Rotioe and at reasonable prices, at the old nogers mill In Frankton. C. H. ROGERS. - A Desirable Home. For salS.VTour acres,' one- In -strawberries; bearing fruit trees; plenty of water for Irriga tion.: Located near Frankton graded school. Price reasonable for cash. : P.COKHES. Fresh Milk, . Area ted and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. F. H. BUTTON. Strayed. " Three head of cattle, i-oming two years old. Earmarked and branded on right hip. . Will pay a reward for any Information con cernlng them. - S. W. CUKRAN, Vlento. FOR SALE. Lumber Wagon, 2 inch C0 00 . Will sell part oi all of my ranch. E. K. SAVAGE. Do You Want - ' To buy land in Hood River : - Valley. If so, don't fail to See Tucker! Fruit Land, Berry'; Land',' rain -Land, or c Hay land, at prices you can'tiequal In the valley. H. It. TUCKER, Tucker, Or. 20 Acres. I will sell 20 acres. Improved or unimproved land, within one mile of Hood River school; prettiest building site in the valley. J27 W. J. BAKER. 24 Acres, One mile from town; 0 In strawberries, one In blackberries, one in raspberries, 900 fruit trees, 200 grape vines. Good Improvements. Iu qulre at the Hood Ri ver RACK ET STORK. P. F. BRADFORD. Manufacturer of Manufactures all klndsf Frplt Boxes, Berry Crates and Baskets. Especial attention paid to made-up packages. - i HOOD ItlVKR, ' - - OREGON. That 50c Shirt. ' Webavea fine latindried White. Shirt for half a dollar. Come and lay" in a supply while yon - can get thetir at-this figure. We have . ten dozen 'of t hem, hut they will not last' long at this price. Ack for' That 50c Shirt. G. D. WOOD WORTH. 1 Land for Sale. In S tracts, varying In size, from 40 to 80 acres. Highly improved, partly improved "" and unimproved. Abundance of Irrigating . water on most of the land. No trouble to show property. Eastnide i miles nrit; Neargood school. - ' HAKBIBON BKOB. :- . Wanted.; To do harness work for dry 'oak wood: also. - vs produce taken lot part pay for all barnes -. work. -i2o , -. . e. b. Calkins. .., . ; Eggs for Hatching. Buff Wyandotte. S3 for lo. n - E. E. SAVAGE. At a Bargain. Some fine fruit, land near town, Including spring of tSO gallons per minute, and other water rights. . ' T. R. COON. A Sightly Home, With Vi acres of lani,- Inside the corporate limits of Hood River, can be pui chased very reasonably. 120 bearing fruit trees, M acre la strawberries, besides raspberries, black ber. ries ana otner iruit. uooa water, good nous and outbuildings. Inquire of the Glacier. 4i For Sale One of the best paying small frutt farms in Hood River. Good location. Well watered. . Good buildings and a plesant. home. This i a bargain. Call at this office. ' Strayed. A brown mare, ubout ! bands high: 6 year old; box brand on left shoulder; righ hind an kle has been cut on wire and is not yet healed. Liberal reward will be paid for her return or information given to WM. THOMPSON. Good Ranch for Sale. Six miles below Hood River, on the river and railroad; well adapted for early frnit. Strawberries and other small fruits on the place. Beanng orchard. Plenty of water for Irrigation. Also, good timber for lumber or wood. For terms apply to - . .. TO 17 - CONRAD REPP, Hood Klver. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. :;. United States Land Offlce.Vancouver, Wash., March 18, 1899. Notice is hereby given that: i--incompliance with the provisions of the act oi congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for , the sale of timber lands in the BtatesofCul- :"i ifornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington -. Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4. 18.42, ' " GEORGE H. NICOLA I, Of Portland, eounty of Multnomah, stateofOr- . egon, has this day Hied in this office his sworn ' ' statement No. 1899, foiv the purchase of bm:'tz south southeast , northwest southeast'. v . and southeast Kouthwest section N0.8, in township 8 north, range No,10 E..W.M. and "-' will offer proof to show that the land sought is-- more valuable for its timber or stone than for . agricultural purposes, and to establish his ' claim to said land before the Register and ' -- Receiverof this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, the 28th day of May, 1899. " . , He names as witnesses: Ronald D. Cameron, ' Charles D. Moore, William Wendorf and Iver ' " Hamre, all of White Salmon P. )., Wash. . .. Any and all persons claiming adversely the ' above-described lands are requested to die -their claims in this office on or before said 2jth day of May, 1899. marlvm.9 W. R. DUNBAR, Register. . Timber Land, Act June 8, 188. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , United States Land Office, Vancouver, 'V ash., March 20, 1899. Notice if- hereby given that In - compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the saie of timber lands In the stales of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public lands states by act of August 4, 1892, , . x EDITH H. N1COLAI. Ot Porf land, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day. filed In this office her sworn statement, No. ItOl, for the purchase of the east southeast 34, northwest southeast and southeast northeast of section No. 4. in township Ao. 8 north, range No. 10 east, . W, M , and will offer proof to show that the -land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agrlcultuml purposes, and to -establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Van couver, Washington, on Friday, the 2jUi day of May, 18t. She name a witnesses: Ronald D. Cam eron, Ivre Hamre, Charles T. Moore and Will- lam Wendorf, all of White Salmon Pi O., Washington. Anv and all nersons clalmlne adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said -2ith dav of May, 1309. mf 1