The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 28, 1899, Image 3

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Hood Jiver Slacier.
FRIDAY, APRIL 28. 1899.
brief Local matters.
Bikes for sale t Denzer's. .
i Bike ft rent at; Denzer's.
Have your bike repaired at Denzer's
Hliirt waists at Bone & MeDoiialii'n.
B'ny your' school shoes from Bone &
Mclonal'l. -:' "' 1
' Rural New Yorker seed potatoes at
the Racket Store. .-"
Fine line of cr-Hih hats just opened at
' Bone & McDonald's.
Full line of loguer'a shoes just opened
; by Bone & McDonald's.
Money to loan on real estate liy
. " John L. Henderson, agt.
For SuleAi tlie Real Estate Empo
rium, 100 ai res; 4 cleared; wnall house;
7 liill-a out, East Hide; only $300.
-.' Lnd'fs' shirt waists, men's and hoys'
crash hats and raps and a full line' of
straw poods at the Racket Store. .
-..--' Mrs. J. H. Oerdes has opened a hak
ery and restaurant. : Dalles bread fresh
every day. Try her lftc meals. ,.- ,
Commencement V exercises of the
Hood River eighth (tra'le will be held
in , the U..B. church, Friday evening,
May 6th. ; '
t n. Mrj; J.os. A..C, Brant of Vancouver
d. Iier rlster." Mrs Bert Graham,;
5 lawt wefk and went from here to v it
" her sister, Mrs Davis, at Typh Ridije.
Land For Sale. 60 acres 8J miles
frorri town arid J mile south f Bel
: mont. chep and on easy terms For
particulars, address Chas. Elrey. Was-.-
co, Oregon.
-Notice Have you n farm for sale or
for rent, or do vu know f any person
ho'dimr farming lands that they wIhIi
to dispose of? 1 1 so. please write to rmy
Bireiit of the O R & N 'o. and he will
send von h circular. that will in'erest ynu;
. It makes no diffewice how ( the'
woi"d if you ue DeWitt'a Witch Hazel,
falve:!' will quickly hcnl and leave no
ecar. : Williams & Broslus. . v
Just received, a new lot of snllor
.w'nlklnir' hats, at Miss Alice Gnili'im's.,
; Pneumonia Inirrippe, couvhs, colits;
oroiijvand whooi-imrcomrh readily viel f
to On" Minute Oonirh Cure Ue tills
retnoilv in Ifine and nvc a doctor's Ml!
or theundcrt'tker'! Wlltams& Brosius
''' ; If yvn- are -In need of garden hose.
call at Denzer's ; , J
Bv a'l'.iwl 'jt theaccumnlfitlons In Ihe
Viowcls tii remain, the entire svsteui Is'
poismed. DeVVitt's Lh tie Eirly Risers
regulate the hownls. Try them and you
will always use them.'- William's &
Br-wins. . ,
Some of the rpsults of nei?leeed dys
peptic conditi n of the st'iniHch ait
cin"er, cn"inriptiiiiir heart d'wiise and
enilrpsv- Kodol . DymicpMlu ('ore pre
vents nil this bv efTectinu a nu'ck cure
in all caes of dyspepsia. Wlllltms &
Bmsius. ; ' '
. G. .1." Oeslii'6f was up in the Mt.
Ho"d district last wee k and ""fnleiel
the Hsscssnieut of tlmt part of the vat
-ley He urns there will tie quite an ad
dition to ' the assess'ible . properly in
that section.; .... . t
T have anything: you miv want in
'ttnliicd'hrtt fir. sailotv. ' Flowers, ritt
.'; trittiiti'ncs of 'at!, kern's, at
Wood worth's. .Miss Alicr Graham
For tents, hammocks, camn chairs
and camptnst utensils, . call at Denzer's.
"Tf von have piles, pure them. No use
nilrtprilplntr " horvlhle oiierat.iona thai.
' 'si truth remove the results of the disease
-without . distttrMnar the disease Itself
A P'nee yoiit- eonfidenee in DeW't.1 's
!. Witch Haz.'l Salve. It has never fxi'ed
to cuw 'fchera .- It. will not fail to cure
j. you. .Williams Ss Brosius. , , ;
"Tf you hive a tired fee'ins do not flit
' -'your svstem with p' isonons 'medicine;
.- tiny on" of those bVatitifuJ hammocks
-for sale at Dfnzer's and be relieved.
Rol.t Rand has traded 12f acres of
his firm and 1J lots next the Mt. Hood
.. hotel fo.r,12fl acres of meadow lairtl near
'-, to Mr.' Reward of that place.
Mr: Saward desluns to hu'ld and open :
. a restaurant and lodging house in Hood
River.x . .... .. ',.- ..
J. D. Briiite, editor and proprietor of
;'the' Democrat, Lancaster,N.H.,avs; "I
would hot te without One Minute Conirh
Cure for my hoy. when troubled with a
, rough "or cold; Tt Is thp dest reniedy for
'" croup I ever used." Williams' & Brosius.
,: fapt. B'owers Is .hat-ine the srouii'd
adioininir the Spring Water company's
. spring laid. int In town lots and will
aooh nl ace" them on the market This
wl'l be the: most desirable res'dence
prpprty within the corporate limits. .
jiv- !nJ .'. .think you can cure that
! "id'ght attac k of Dvspepsta bv dietlnir, or
that it will cure Itself Kodol Dvspppsht
fr'.ut'e wHl cnre it ; It "digests what.yoti
at";ahd restores the digestive organs
t to . health. ' Williams & Brosius.
F. G. Erb and R. J. Gorman of The
-,:ijilles were in Hood River last week
. and put in an Acetylene gas plant for
,..('. T 1oii ne V. They are now arrang
V -1 tig .'tn.ilght the stores, of S. E Bart
'tiiPK8, Q' D" Woodworth, .Williams &
J' '" '."", .'..' The l ody of Harper Hanson, whof
: ; '. L ws drowned last Anmist bv the tip
',"'' settJnsr of a small loiit in the Columbia
'. .. 'l''' river near M"sier,' was found Tuesday
.moih lug, washed ashore near the host
";'' landinir east of town , Coroner Butts
''' ' was 'notified, n inuest held,, anrl Mie
r'j v'-.-'ir. .remaipit were identified by tiieelothing
;'t v as those of vounir Hanson. Ph burial
'" ' '.'" toik place at White Salmon, Wednes-.
J .W afternoon.
" yu suffer from tenderness or fnll-
. . nesson the right side, pains under shottl-
"J" : der hiade, constipation, hillousnpss.sick-.-;dV
. .. Il eadache.aiid feel dull, heavy and sleepy
i; -v.;. -. ."v otir liver is tr.ld and couireg'ed De
V't:'1 ' " W itt's 'Little Early Risers will cure you
:;' tToitip'Iv, ileasantlv and permanently
:.;" - iiv :r movJnff the conircst'on ami causing
v the bile ducts to open and flow natur
a liy:' 'lyThey'are tt'ind pills Williams
' Brosius. ':':-v.".v v.. V ;
.-. ;v.-"'.'.Tlhe 'enterprising Portland Evening
w..',::,- Televrnnio is. .nfrerinuf to srive a $450
";;I)lftnj' IO 'the tnost popular . school
v.'Ieachvr iii Portland. " Vottntr ciiupons
' are printed in the puper every dav.and
the friviids of the teachers cut out the
.' .'. ) coupons and send them to the Tele
grain with t he name of the teacher 'f
.. .. their choice. The vo'lng contest will
J,";,, lust, tHl..nie tihiein July . Hood River
; ..w;. is voting for two favorites, Orace Eliot
,,j...' nnd,.M.ary Frazler: The price of the
iite'-psnex is -ceiits a week, and vOu' Uhw
j'sa one- viv'e- top every copy of the paper
,v yo?J .rewire ' .: - -., : s
Monday ttioniiiig the atoosptrrjiTln
this vicinity was hiitd with a huzy
substance that obscured the sun and
tbe surrounding mountains. Every
body was puzzled to know bow to ac
count lor tne phenomenon. ' mime
thought Mt. Hood waa in eruption and
even imagined they could scent the
sulphurous odors that sometimes escape
I'roiu fissures in crater rock on the
mountain. Tbe same phenomenon
was observed at The Dalles, aud it was
the supposition there thai it was caused
by a strong east wind blowing dust
from the plains of Easteru Oregon.
' H. H. Bailey has been engaged with
a force of men, since the lotu of Febru
ary, in cleaning out the improvement
(Jo's ditch and leveling the same. In
one place he had to tower the flume
for half a mile from 6 to 20 inches, lu
another place he raised half a mile of
flume fnuu 2 to 13 inches.- Owing to
the bad weaiher it was not a very de
sirable Job. Mr.' Bui ley expects to
have the water flowing in the audi l-y
the fli'st pari of next week. The gauges
aieail made and will be put iu next
week. , . .
According to the Davidson Fruit Co.,
it is poor policy to use a pine crate tor
shipping fruit, as tbe pungent, resin
sincil peuetrutes aud damages the fruit,
particularly when snipped in reirigera
lor cars. The outside appearance of
tbe ciate is Inferior also. We -were
shown a recent letter to tbe Davidsou
Fruit Co.. from a Snake river fruit
gi;ower in which he satdi "Your lurch
berry crates re O. it;. I am tired of
using Bull pine and will get some bet
ter soil if possible." ' - -
The regular meeting of the Wasco
County People's Forest Protecti ve As
sociation will be held in Dufurou Sat
urday, May 6th, at tine o'clock, p. m
VVe will be gluil to welcome us many
of: thej I. zeinJ of Hood Kiver valley as
uia ie unie to come. 1 his we
consider to be of vital import to each
and every t'uimer in Wasco county; in
directly, .if not Uirecily, a q'lestion of
mieienl to all business men ot the
ounty.i 1. D. Dhivkk, President.
'' Jaines' T. Cooper' '.aril ved, " Sunday
uiuiiiiug Irom Umatilla county, where
he had a contract for 'shearing 2.000
sheep.'' Elmer Urioble and 14. i". i'oung
were with him"' ., Mr. Cooper sheared
4tiy sneep in 52 days, at 7 cents a piece.
tiv husstieareil 113 in Molilalia in hulf
a uy. r. l uesday he went io Jjyie,
where he will shear with the Murray
bojB of Cauias Prairie. " '
JackVBinna iud C. A.. Hickle have
purchased ail ; up to dule' gruphaphone
uuU talking uiuciiine and wul soon
bill tne valley for entertainments at
all I lie school houses and mill camps.
1 he programme of the eulertaiuaieiit j
will be. interspersed with Irish, songs
and dances, Irish aud negro speeches,
and altogether they w ill put up a good
snow'. -:
- Piof. B. -C. Pullmann, '-'hypnotist,
and Prof. bhattucK, ventriloquisi., wiz
aid and iimgu-iun, Will uppeur loliigln,
Ap;ll alii, in nld armory hull. . flic)
einiie well lecouiiiieoded and a good
enteilaibment is promised. Reserved
seals, 60c, for sale ut Glacier Pharmacy;
geneial uduiissioii, 25c. ; .
Deuzer and Bradley have renovated
the u.d uruiory ball aud put in a stage
and scenery. 1 his hail is the 111031
convenient ball in town fr eiiteituiu
menu, ami now llial it is put 111 shape
and will be kept in first class order,
the tliunKs of the ciiieus. arc due the
proprietors ' !l ' - ' '
E. E. Blodgett, upholsterer and fur
iniure repuirer, juaitiess maker, repairs
all kinds of lurniiuie, stoves and kuho
line stoves, umbrellas, etc.; keys fifed;
dues ail kinds of line mechanical woi'K
and chair recalling. Carriage minming
III ull Us blanches. Chauipilll building.
Dr. H. K. Hines of the Poriland
Uinveis.ty will occupy the pulpit of
ihe M. lii. church next Sunday April
Mill, boiu morning aud evening. The
ir. bus many friends in Hood River
aud all will be glud to hear biiu preach.
Tins strawberry crop is very promis
ing. Jever was there a prospect for a
netier crop in Hood Kiver. 1'ne abun
dant bioouis are of good size, which
promises' good' sized berries, ihe sea
son is a weerf or more lute.
Hon Einiie Schauuo has sent a lot
of oi the Report Hf the Board of
Horticulture to li.ioJ River for 'distri
bution 10 ihe fanners. Tlicy cull be
procuied at La trance's and at E. L.
biuiih a ollice.
J. Gessllng ha3 finished the assess
ment of flood Kiver valley and made
708 assessments Willi an -assessed val
uation of 2y8,0U0. This is outside of
raidioud," telegraph aud telephone
companies. ' -; v '';'""'
John Hullt, late of Grass Valley, has
oie..ed a harness shop in the Odd
Fel.ows building. He makes a special
ly of mending harness und shoes and
has a good stuck of harness on baud.
Mrs. li. R. Aliard, teacher of the
primary department in Barrett school,
was laid off two days this week on ac
count of sickness. ; Kay imbler, of Prof.
Howe's room, taught lu her absence.
Miss . MellaWhite returned to her
home life- Polk county iii Monday.
Harold Hershner went with Miss Wliiie
and will spend" several weeks with his
gralldpaleuts. . .".' --'.
., 'The People's Store moved into their
new quarters last 'week aud are How
be iter prepured. Hlian ever to accoiu
odate the. -public in their hue of goods.
Luckcy & Foley have a contract to
haul wood tor O. 1'. Biuuej, which
will keep them busy ail summer, luey
commenced on tne worn Monday.
The infant cbi.d of Mr. Barir, O. R.
& Is. agent at VlelHo, died ul that place
fotiudiiy .evening and wus buiied 111
Tdiewilde ctiiieleryi'lTiesday.
M1S. H. C. Buleham and Mre. J. L.
Hershner are 111 Pun land ibis week 111
attendance at the. Portland association
of Congregational churches. ;
E. E. Savage .has purchased 2 acres
of laud of Capt. Blowers, situate on t he
hill ubove the spring 01 uie opnng
Waier Co.
RevrFrank Spaulding goes to Moro,
Humlayto help in the dedication of
the new M. E. church at that place.
Miss Grace Graham will start tor
Chicago the first of May, to spend the
summer wlih a sister at that place. .
- Wm. Alexander has moved up from
Vancouver and will run tbe boarding
house at Wood worth's mill.
. The LL. L. Co's gang will play the
Hood Kiver. base hull ciub next Sunday
at .2 o'ciocU. . ..';' ; , . . '. .'
"Mis Minnie Elton "returned to her
.hoiije iii The Dulles oil Saturday.
... ..Wild sunflowers . ure gelling to be a
r'are'hiu'g ph the couiiimns.
Will be ofl in aliout ft week. Then we will be two doors east of
present location.. : , . , . .
. Here are a few of our offerings: . '
Ladies' fine vlci kid silk top shoes, reduced from $3.25 to $2.75.
V: Ladies' flue vlcl kid, vesting top, from $2 to $1.00.
Ladies' Oxfords, from $1.25 toll. -
Men's all-wool pants, from $3 to $2.50.
Men's black dress pants, part cotton, from $1.75 to $1.50.
Men's new style crusher bat, from $1.75 to $1.50.
V Men's fine black hat, guaranteed one year, from $3 to $2.50.
For new goods, latest styles and lowest prices iu millinery, see
Strawberry Crates. We learn cer
tain parties outside of. Hnod River are
olferinif to turnish crates at apparently
lower figures than are quoted at , this
point. ". We desire to caution growers
Hgalnst the use of crates made ot pine
or fir, or, of hallocks made of fir or Cot
tonwood. These woods give an odor to
the berries that renders them, objection
able.: , 'Ihe only wood obtainable that
is suitable for crates or bullocks is
spruce, such us is being furnished to
tbe growers by the union. '1 he use of
pine or cot ton wood would be sufficient
ground for refusing to necepl such
crates for shipment. - A few pine crates
in a carload:, not-only spoils 'the con
tents of the crate but also affects the
entire contents of t he cur. The growers
can ill afford to sacrifice'.on price of
berries to save a cent apiece on crates.
Hood Kiver Fruit
Gkoweks' Union, "day, just enough to say it rained, and
' Ed Underwood and son ! Willie of
White Salmon, were 'seriously injured
on Tuesdsy by a runaway team. They
were plowing, and something going
wrong willi the harness, were fixing it,
when t lie team became frightened at a
gust of ind blowing the leaves about.
Both got to ihe horses' heads, but they
could not hold them ' ' The horses
trampled the two men and both were
hurt, tlie father seriously.' Dr. Shaw
was culled and found that Mr. Under
wood had four rilis fraclured, one rib
perforating the hunt.. The doctor
cuMed uirain on Wednesday and found
him much liet ter, with chances in favor
of his recovery. t, : j'
1 Blodgett is in own and ready jfor
businehs with a full line of harness,
collars, whips, swet pads, etc. First
class repairing a specialty. Prices to
suit the limes. All work left in my
care will . receive prompt attention!
Give me a call autl get prices. - Respect
fully yours, T.'L. Blodgett ,':
C. D. Moore br uiitht over a nice b-x:
of asparuifiis, which is for sale at the.
City Market.
, ' Uncle Oliver Bartmecs caught a Do-;
ly Varden silnion in Hood river
Thursday- morning,' which ' measured
30 Inches in length. -.v.--: ,;
Sam Blowers is 1n tlie agricultural
implement business with C.D.Henrich.
- Something of interest to every one in.
our ad vertising columns today.
Slimmer .Term of Normal School. ':. '.;
A summer term of ten weeks will he
held at the State Normal school at
Monmouth, beginning, Tuesday, June
26,h.' The renular work of the school,
including preparation for all state anil
county examinations, will be tiven by
the Normal faculty. Grades made wl'l
lie credited toward' graduation. Tulti
$6.25. Board and lodging, from 2.5(1
to 3 dollars per week. Total expense,
from $35 to $40. For announcements,
address, Secretary of the Faculty, Nor
mal School, Monmouth. '. . '
Monthly Report i"
Of -the Hood River public school, for'
month ending April 21. 1899. - '
Number days taught 20
Number da vs at tendance.
2, loth
Number days absence.
. Tin
Number cases tardiness..; 19
Total number enrolled..... 13f
Averasre number belonging 1 18
Average daily attendance........;.',...' 107:
Nunlier neither absent nor tardy... . 39
and were as follows; ,'
Primary Department. Ruliy Barn--hart,
Bessie Mooney, Paul Blowers,
Aubry Blowers, Everett Rand Gert-
rude Irwin. . ' ; '.' :":.''
First Intermediate Department, r4.
Leila Hershner, Edith Merrill,' Silvia'
Russell, Blanche Howe, Lester Foss,
Grace Neice, Theo. Neice, . Ray'NeTcef
Second Intermediate Department.,.---Hatold
Hershner, Henry Brown, .Mae,
Noteman, Grace PrntheV, .Willie Fo.s,
Wulter Howell, Lenore W'niHHS, ..Hjj.ivr
vey Rand. Annie Eudleman, George
Howe. Clara Irwin '.-.-':
Princiial's Department. Samuel,
Blowers, Louis Baldwin, Belle Howell
Ernst Hinrichs, Nettie Kemp, Gladys
Hartley. Pearl Cox,' Ida Stranaban,
Laura 'Hill,' Win. Walker, Gertrude
Buskirk, Percy Adams, Idel Wood
work, Agnes Ingbretson. ;:. -t . , ..
' . Mount Hood Notes. : . "
'. H.. H. Tomlinson returned f ura a
trip to Portland, Tuesday, where he
has been purchasing a new planer for
his mill at Mount Hood. He w ill fawn
be able to fill all orders for dressed lum
ber at short notice. .
G J. GessHng gave us a call,' last
week. ' He" seeing. 'to take u great inter?
est in all the ranchers' improvements.
He must be going to write a book- on
the wealth of our valley. We have an
idf a It may be ready by, April 1, 1900.
D. R Conner and L. W. Tbtnlinsori
mt to The Dalles this week with R. Mc-
Kamey as witnesses to nnfke ftnal proof
on the latter'a homestead. ;
Our mail csrrier is doing a good Job
of carving the mail bet ween lt. Hoori
and Hood River; making the runs on
time and ahead of time most, every
trip.: . . .. ,Yoii;&Me..:,:
,; v f v.'u'j; VfV I.;'i1i:,.,it J
' Judge . Kent had a close call last
Monday morning. He was splitting
wood In his wood shed witli a double
in tied ax, using' the ax with one hand,
when it glanced back and struck him
alongside the bead,- cutting a gash two
inches long. 1 i '
' 'For the most beautiful, nicely located
and cheapest residence lots ever offered
for sale iu Hood River, see Blowers'
Park ' Addition,- now 'being surveyed.
Right ill town, -011 State street. Now
is your time to get cheap homes. , ,
: A. S. BlXWERS.
Loren .Seward came up from. Van
couver Tuesday and Wednesday he
commenced the erection of a two-story
building, 2 by 44, on his lots on River
street, which will be occupied as a
boarding bouse and barbershop,
" A mere snrinkle of rain Yell last Rnn-
to. make happy those ; persons who
"never knew it fuil to rain for seven
Sundays if il rained on Easter."
: The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E.
church will serve ice cream, Monday,
May 1st, under tbe oaks ai Mrs. N.: J.
Mercer's bakery. Beginning at 2.80
Rev. J. L. Hershner was chosen
moderator of tlie Portland Congrega
tional asi-ociutioti. .- .
Prunes, which were thought to be a
failure, now promise a fair crop.
' Mdioii Sunderland ... was up from
Portland, V ednesday. ' ;
: v - : Church Notices.
Congregational Church.-Servlce next Sun
day, at 11 a. m. Preaching by the pastor. C.
E. service at V:;s0 p. m. .
, Plan of wrvtces of the M. E. church at Hood
River aud Belmont- r .
1st Sundays-rllood Klver.morn and evening
- 2d Sundays Belmoot morning, Hood Kiver
8d Sundays Hood Rlvermorntng and even
ing; Belmont, morning, by J. H. Feak.
4th 8'indays Sunday school and fc.porth
League at Hood Kiver, -eveuing service at
. '-liearest," asked the confiding girl; after her
usual manner, "am 1 reailv vour rlrst and on-
ly love?" "No, darling," said the young drug
gist, "but you are something Just as good."
-" AT LaFRANCE'S. ' "
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
: It artificially di gests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening arid recon-i
structingthe exhausted digestive or
gans It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
- Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, sour otomacn, rtausea.
Sick Headache, Gastralgi a.Cramps, and
all other results of i mperf ect di gestioo.
.. Preparad by E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Obtcago.
Tme Schedules.
Arrive .
'.'.' Fast ,
' Mail
Salt. Iafee, Denver,
Fast ';
Mail .
4:00 p.m.
Ft Worth.Oniuha,
Kansas City. St.
Louis, Chicago
ana trie n.asu .
Walla Walla, Spo-
. 4:87 p;m.
St. Paul, Duluth,
Flyer :
5:67 a.m.
MiiwauKee, i:ni
cago and East.
4 p.m.
Ocean Stbauships
t ortian Francisco
Every five days.
8 p.m.
CoiUmbja River
4 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
10 p.m.
To Astoria and way
landings. .
Willamette Kiver,
4:30 6.111?.
; 6 a.m.
lOregou Oltyi New-j
Ex. Sunday
Derg.Maicni ei way
Willamette And
:30 p.m.-
- 7 a.m.
. TuevTliur.
and Sat.
Yamhtt.l Rivers,
Mon, Wed.
Oregon City.DayUra;
and r ri.
aua way lunaings,
Willamette River.
Portland to Corvat
. .'' a.m.
4:30 - .m.
Tnes, Thur.
and Sat..
ljSt way landings.;
ana cai.
Lv l.ewist'n
r:4B a. in.
Shake River.
6:45 a.m-dai-
dally cx.8at. Rlparla to Lewtaton ex. Friday.
Gen'l Pass, Astent, Portland, Or
Jj. B. Claek,' Aent, Hood Elver.
bons u McDonald
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, '
Which we will sell at live and let live prices.
Agents for Osborne
TTTnLTJ L'Qrn -nTiTriTiQ realized: returns made promptly. Conslenmenta so
JllUXiriOl JTXVXVjJiiO - Hclted and liberal advances made. We also pu
chose large quantities of fruit for canning purposes.
AH kinds of fruit boxes and crates oh hand. Come and see us; we mean business.-
Studebaker Wagon's and SpHng Wagons; Planet Jr. ftarden Tools and Cultivators: Can
ton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Discs; Badger Spring Tooth Harrows. These are the best
and are sold at as low prices as are charged for cheaper grades of tools. Get our prices and,
examine the goods, i. .. j , -
.' ' ' , The place
Tl-tm rvrt Untnnf- TIITnrlinirinrt Tlfrtll
Uw&q, moiii mmmt n m rap, xmm anil uiis,- m; m,y
:-'.:', m, ,, - , ",.:'..-. ''ul ' i IS AT ' '''-.' -' -'-.-'-( ..'-; J '';' :
" r CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor, , v5 . i
Prescriptions and Family Recipes earefully compounded. , .. '''.,
N. C. Evans, Pres. .
E. E. Savage, See. and Treas.
, . . - . , . . .. t Ii4l ;.' -., H : : J-
' Unexcelled facilities for handling real estate. Parties wishing to dispose at real property
will find it to their interests to list the same with us. Conveyancing done and titles exam
ined. Abstracts furnished. - . - . , ..- , . . ,., (
Fruit Boxes, crates and packages of all kinds. Ktorage warehouse.
I have opened a choice lot of Groceries in the siore room formerly occupied by the Iioo4
River Pharmacy. Will also deal tn Flour, Feed. etc. . . . t
Our goods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keep the best at all times. Quick
sales aud small profits will be our motto. Come and see us.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House ia ths valley. J ,
' ''. ' '-.' .' ' DEALER IK ' ' -' : ' '
IDr3r Goods, , Clotlb-Ingr,
; '., , . ' '. AND', . . ' "' "
Plour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
HOOD RTVER, - - - - - - ORECO
Hardware, Harness, Doors, Sash, Paints, Oils,
- - ;- Guns: and Ammunition, ' .i
Stoves, Shoe Findings and Bike Supplies,
Land Office at Vancouver. Wasl-.. March 25,
ISfin Nni.lcn Is 'hereby eiven that the follow-
lmr-narfiedsettlers have filed notice of their In
tention to maka.ilnal p.rdoT tn support of
their elaiuis.and that said proofs will be made
hefore W; B. Presby, U 8. Commissioner tor
Tiiatrlnt. nf Wnshlne-ton. at. his offlco in Gol-
dendale, Washington, on Thursday, May 18,
-.' ." ' charles' feller, . !i -
Hnmislrai1 Entrv No. 9018. for the northeast
quarter of section 22, towuship 6 north, range
izeast, w. ra;
He names the-following witnesses to prove
his continuous residonce upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: - . ,
. Robert Barker, Mary A. earner, August,
Berg and T. J. Shaw, all of Glenwood P. O.,
Washington.'- Also, . : .- - -
. . : MARY A. BARKER, ' ;
Rnmnstpnd EntrV No. 8245. for the "west half
of southwest quarter, northeast quarter of
southwest, quarter, and lot 8 in section 27,
township 6 north, range 1'2 east, W. M.
She name's tlie loll jwlng witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: ' ;
Charles Feller, Albert Bertsehi, August Berg
and T. J.-Shaw, all of Gl-nwood P. O., Wash.
marsimo ,, , w. tt. uurvca n., Kejjis'-er. ,
Land Office t Vancouver, Wash., April 8,
1899. Kotice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed, notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support- of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before'
the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office a,
Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday,, May. US,
1899, viz:. '- . '-,:'
., . ' IVER. A. HAMRB, - . '. - '
Homestead Entry No. 10.1SI, for the west, k
northwest, quartor and west souUiwest M
section fl, township 8 north, range 10east,W.M,.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and. cultiva
tion of said land, viz: .
Knute S. Kntitson; Charlivy Knutson, Peter
Sather and Hhrlatiau Larsan.; all of White
Salmon, Wash. ..,. . -
. a:m!2 -,K V. R.. DURBAR, feexister. ;
Mowers and Reapers.
to buy your ....'.;'.?',' '.V-'..; ; .
Tln - hnno!ntrt nvsA
O. R. Oastner, Vice Pr
C. R. Bosk. ...
what makes prices so low on
40 Acres
For sale. Goad apple land: lays ws11, ner
good scnooL Land uot bard to clear.
marU , . J. P. HIUTROM-
Ijand Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Airll ,
1899. Notice is hereby given that Ui fclliw
ing Darned settler has filed notice his luteii
tion o make final proof in 'nupuort. of hi
claim, and that said proof will be miwte bofor
the Register and Receiver, at Xlie iMlles,
Oregon, on Tuesda , May 23, 1899, vias .
Of Mt. Hood, a. K. ko. &buw, Kir uu nortn
southeast , northeast. K outlwet , and
lots, section 31, township I north, range M
east, W. M. v- ,
He names the following; wUngssM t prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
David R. Cooper. W. 8. Gribbte, Fred Knud
son and Robert Leasure. all of Mt. Hood, Or,
a7ml2 -,,;. , JA Jf. LygAB, Register.
' Land Office at Vancouver. Wah Anrit 18.
1899. Notice is' hereby given ttU, the following-named
settler bos Sled notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of h!
claim, and that said proof will lie made bv
fore F. W; Kale, Clerk of the Superior Ooir-t
of the state-of Washington for Khamai
county, at Stevenson, Wash., on Thursday,
May 25, 1899, viz: - . ;i
H.-E. No. 10,452, for the southeast quarter nf
southwest quarter and southwest quarter of
southeast quarter of section 15. and uortb bf
of northeast quarter section 22, towjishtr t
nor -,h, range 9 cast. W, M.
He names the followlns wltnesw to prii
his continuous restdcuoe upon and u1ti- -tion
of said land, viz: -
I. M. Coulter. Charles Kcves. William lug
and .Geortre Tyrcl.l, all of Chenowclh P.
Washington. -
ttUuilO W. R. DUNBAR, Hctf&.t.