The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 28, 1899, Image 2

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    5ood Iftver. Slacier.
It is a settled fact that Hood River
will have the nutlonttl editorial asso
ciation to entertain for a couple of
hours on the 3d of July. According to
tlie programme, .the. editors, on their
way to Portland, will breakfast at The
Dal!e$ July 3d aud then o by bout to
PorfUiiyJ vThey .will take dinner at
Hood River and remain with us for
two hours. ' 1$ is now in' order for a
mcetipg of (L-itizeiis to be called to make
arrangements for the entertainment of
our visitors. From 800 to 1,000 people
are exptil6d to-le. in the excursion
party. ''There will be work forevery-i
;. IJody iti he't iiig to prepure the dinner
an'd"ext'et:hiig welcome to the' visitors
that will fc-tiie, from every state of the
Union. . Hood River, may want to
prepare some printed matter showing
our resources: and liidustries, and
the iuuttei' should be' attended tosooiu
. A representative of the Oregon editorial
association and the citizens committee
of Portland was in PLod River 'last
week and offered a plan to advertise
2-Vhe:stutev-A hook of 5,000 copies,' to views arid desciipiive articles
of the 'liferent sections, will be pqli
lished and given to the editors us a
. sou veil fr ' of Yheir visit. '' It will ',be
u:haridsomely"printed arid boUiidt the
electrotypts Jiiude in Chicago, and tip
expeute will be spared, to, make Jt
Work that will be prized - as . well as a
ready' reference When the editors write
. up, their trip. Spuce .in this t0"k Is
. sol.J at $50 a .tt;e-' Another scheme
thought well of by 'Our people Is to
have printed an "artistic Polder, wi.h
Illustrations, conudning a 'write-up
of Hood Ri ver valley, and ' which eat)
be mailed to any one asking infoima;
' tion about the valley. "These'' routieis
will have jt.o. be. decjded . soon; and a
rrieeting of the citizens Jf the valley
should be called and the work, - com
menced. " .:.' . ' - " ' " . :,!;
s Our brothers of the press who vii-lt
Portland and Oregon in July will be
tendered-a reception worthy of the
name;"' It la proposed to make their
stay one round of pleasure from start to
'' ilnfc.'.fl'he'l'ortland press club has
fabricated and promulgated the follow
, ing itinerary : Arriving at Huntington
via the Oregon Short Line, the delegates
. the national editorial association will
-1 be met by the press club, Sunday July
2d, and will breakfast at Baker City,
partake of one of Grandma Munra's
r" ' "celebrated diriijers,' speiid a'few hours
In La Grand and run to Pendleton for
supper. Aftet remaining a feWi hours
there, :they will start for Portia nds
' reaching The rialles for UreaittHt,iHke
boats to Hood River, stopping there
forr dinner; thence tot Vancouver for
. supper, .rea('hitig: thisjity In the eve
' ii trig, After the close of tfie session,
' . . July.Ttii, the time until the evening of
, .July 1,0th will be spent in this city and
state. Portland Dispatch. ,Y.
tfl,A)other meeting of the Wasco Coun
ty. Forest Reserve Protection Assocla
will be held at Dufur May 18th. . The
Dispatch," which Is alive to the neces
sity of protecting our forests and water
. supply, invites Hood River to be rep-
! v ' resented at'the meeting It says,truly,
.'Our interests are the same; why not
.y ussist each other In' protecting them?''
'T 'The Glacier hopts that Hood River
will send a delegation to meet will)
v ... ..the citizens of Dufur, to consider mat
.:!i..!:toi!8.tlat. affect our interests as much as
any part of Wasco county.
The Oregon volunteers are expected
to return from Manila about the 15th
of 'June. A grand ovation will be
given (he regiment when it arrives in
.Portland,, arid every town in the state
from whence the regiment was recruit
ed will welcome home, their. volunteers
in.a.befilting manner. ; Portland will
have a'big celebration -on the 4th of
'' July, 'and the Oregon1 veterens : will be
the great attraction In the parade. " ;
' The editor of the Rural New Yorker
Bays he never goes to any hotel to eat
& but heCalU for apples, and If he doesnt
'tc.M::;teet.the"in'!'he intimates.' to the hotel
....,,Meper that 'i hat particular hotel js sev-j-ViT'
' jfr.'ij.years., behind the. times.. He pro
poses that everyone inteiesied. in. the
1 U i&AieriCiifn. apple folh)w his plan and
'WJithUslirto'hpnie to hotel keepera the
:-,fcvwes?l(y-6'f providing, apples for their
Vgirests .'as well as trtpieal fruits.'-.
,VX .The.O, A. li. state encampme,nt at
MeM-iri-nviile, June 20th, 21ft and 22(1,
" promises "to be niore" largely attended
; ttin'ri'.hn'y'ous encampment in the
state.' 4' Among other attra'ciions it is
jB.Vpelerf tlia('the Sei'bnd Oregon will
' participate in the parade. . " ,t
-.f.v.jv.' J '.'., Texas, Strawberries."?
- . ' ' There, was an advance in the straw-
v'C;.';f'' ,'U''jriarHet .yesterday oh account of
B better berries that, are arriving and
-a pf;r,tti')0ifdrtlieri'fact 'that there is auch a
r fioO t''''.',':'";heavy rleuiand at. Northern points ..for
X'v-)the',frjjit.-'IJuyer from tlie North pay
g'ootf piices an.d "give the cash right on
. Hie spot. Jt is said 'that the fruit, that
V:ik" iroiiiir!;Knrtlt" - this' venr. ia much
t jiiwi ' u'peii6r;t);ti)()t.'if anyp'revioua season.
-ns day-ifroiii night, the berries- being
., . , ... bi lirni bnd -luscious. . It' Is also said
.-K- :! lhat.the a.y.erHge receipts of the farmers
... - . Jn the iAlvin country are $75 a day: per
'., fan'weri Gal veston News. - ; . .
' N.' '' Vr' 1 la nilh. l)oo it.lfK Iho
r , a v v-'Ill. in K'MK ,III..U nil,,. .IC
" " work on the East Fork li rliratlnj' ditch.
The rmit of the ditch east of Neal creek'
is ull grubbed 8nj ready for the ditcb
log machine, except about one mile,
and t tie company expects to have the
water down-us far as Lage'a or Wiu
cheil's plac in time for tlie irrigating
season of 1890... "
' 'Patriotic Answer:
Answering the kupposed question of a for
eigner as to how many states there are In the ,
Union, the Salt Lake Tribune eloquently says:
forty-five states and some territories; they !
fill all the space between the two great oceans, I
and at one buele call last summer in every I
one soldiers fell Into line; the tread of the i
thousands whs like tolling the hells or nes
tlnv. and the flashtmrB of their standards re
flected back the sunlight through one-eighth
of the sun's dally round. And they all siiealc
one language, all sing the same songs; all tarn
for inspiration to the same nag; and though
each Is a separate wave, when blended they
make but one ocean, and when in fuil roar
all the shores of the nation are shaken, for in
majesty, In latent power, In unapproachable
splendor, there Is no counterpart torihem lu
nil the records of the nations that have exist
ed since nations were first organized on the
earth-; . " .' ". - - '., , .:
Q. D. Woodworth and wife are laboring en
ergetically for the building of a V. B. church
parsomige In Hood Klver. Thers was the
chief effort that built the handsome church
structure In Locust Orove, Sherman county.
Moro Observer.- ''
A nice strawberry ranch within two miles
of town Is for sale cheap. The owner wants
to sell bad and go to the mines, where he
thinks a fortune awaits him. Twenty acres
of land, all kinds of fruit, good improvements.
Address V. 0. box US, Hood River, for further
particulars. WiU sell or trade.
Peaches are killed, the strawberry crop Is
short, and there Is but little prospect for ap
ples. Ir anything should happen to toe wa
termelons we will begin to hear something
about the black man's buroen. Columbian.
' A couple named Newton Lord and Jennie
Helper were married In an eastern town re
cently and the edl'fCr of tbe local paper was '
almost clubbed to cieatn ny trie inoignant
groom because he made use , of the headings-"Lord-llelpiT."
". -
MlsS Helen Gould, strange -to Bay, has be
come famous without, getting up before worn
mii's clubs and reading papers or trying to
all-die a sinking country with a universal euf
truge liie-preserver. . .- ; - .
C. D. II en RICH.
8. M. Blowebs.
, HENrilCH & BLOWL.R3,
. ' j DBALKBS IN '.'''','
Machinery' !aiid '- Vehicles, Mitchell
' Wairons, Heiiny BuL'K'e-",
Myers' Pumps and Hay Toi is. Bisse'l.
" '--"and Case Plows and Harrows, -
Cliampion Mowers and Rakes, ete.
A brown mare, about Id hands high: 6 years
old; box brand on left shoulder; righ hind an
kle has been cut on wire und is not yet healed.
Liberal reward will bepold for her return or
Information given to WM. THOMPoON.
Horses for Sale.
A good team of horses, age 3 and fl years;
weight about 1200 and MOO pounds. For fur
ther Information inquire at Glacier office.
; Ice Delivered.
' f eaVe orders for ice at Willlams& Brossus'
drug store. It will be delivered twice a day,
morning and evening. WM, GRAHAM.
. JOHN HULLT's ''' :-
Has'opene)! iffHond Rfver with -go.'.dstock
of Harness. All kinds of harness and Bhoe
repairing. In the Odd Fellows' building.
; Wanted.
To rent, a small house, preferably furnished.
In Hood River or vicinity, for June, July and
August, 1S99. Address, stat ing terms, size and
location, Mra. C. K. Cranstot., Pendleton, Or.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 25,
1899. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
-settler ha.s nled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and thatsaid proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles.
Oregon, on Saturday, June 8, 1899, viz: -
Of Mosier, Oregon, H. E. No. 6023, for the
southwest '4 norlhwest , northwest J,' south
west y, section SO, township 2 north, range 12
east, w. M. ' -
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: - ,
Carl J. E. Carlson, Adolph Godberson and
Wallace Husbands, of -Mosier, and Emile
Schanno of The Dalles, Oregon.
a2sje2 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.,
" Timber Land, Act Jnne8, 1A78. v
. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 25, 1899. Notice is hereby given
that in compliacne with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 188, entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Of Hood River; county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this office her sworn
statement No. 138, for the purchase of the
southwest 14 southwest M section 22, and south
jsoutheast and northwest southeast
of section 21, In townsnip No. 2 nort h, range
INJn pnat.. W. Hf and will nflVr nrfinf to how
that the land sought Is more valuable for lts1
timber or stone than for agricultural pur'
I oseS, and to establish her claim to said land
lefoi e the Reglste:- and Receiver of this office
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 3d day
of July, 1899. .
"She names as wttnesses: W.L. Nichols, G.D.
Woodworth, Alonzo Westover and Frank Da
venport, nll of Hood River, Ortgon. , !
Any and all persons olalruing adversely the
above-described -.lands are lequested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 3d
day ,(f July, 1899,.. ; ' - ,-
a28je3o " .. ; '. ;JAY P-: LUCAH; Register.'
Alarm Clocks ;r
F . . ...... -. - ...
Just received. ". Price 81.25. . Warranted for 2
years and good for 0 years. . !
821 ; ,;' . . :: CHAS. H. TEMPLE.
; Wagon for Sale.
A second-hand wagon, nearly good as new,
forS'O. . -- ;:. - .,' A. B, DISBROW.
-Tlie . Old Reliable
Shoemake Is still on deck arid mends shoes
while you wait. ..-'. ' ;. WELDS.
i i ' 3' G REAiTr WESTERN
leather Renovator
Is cleaning feather beds and pillows at Hood
River. Have your 'new feathers renovated to
destroy the effective feather moth and also its
organ; your older ones for health as well ag
cleanliness, for they will be good as new and
as large.- In house cleaning you clean up ev
erything but the feathers. After sickness or
death in the family, you clean up everything
but the feathers. By having them renovated
by this new and Improved process your feath
ers will have more hfe and bulk; as an Illus
tration; two pillows will be as large as three.
Give us a trial and be convinced. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or no charges made.
... O. A. KAUN, Proprietor."
At the big armory hall. - .
Bees for Sale.
I have several hives of Bees that I wWNieH
at from $2 50 to 8 a stand. JOS. HEN GST.
Jersey. Bull for Sale.
, Jersey Bull, which' I will sell
forSJ8. ' . - H. C- HEN GST, '..
c For. bale or Trade.
One Set double harness.
carSJ W. A. eiilNGSELANS..
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., April 1,
1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow,
lng-named settlers have filed notice oftbeir In
tention to make final proof in support of their
claims.and thatsaid proof will be made before
W. B. Presby, United States Commissioner
for District of Washington, at his office lu
Goldenuale, Wash., on Tuesday, May lvi, 1899,
Homestead Entry No. 9012, for the north
west quarter of the rorthea-st quarter, the
north half of northwest quarter, and south
west quarter of northwest quarter section ZJ,
township ii north of range 10 east. W. M. -
He names t he following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence. upon and. cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Alois WeTngartner. Christian Guler, William.
Coate and Claus H. Pearson, all of Trout Lake
P. O., Washington. Also,
Homestead En I ry No. 83 !i, for the-east half
of southwest quarter, southeast quarter of
northwest quarter and southwest quarter of
northeast quarter section 25, township 6 north
of range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to -prove
his continuous residence npon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: - '. !
Alois Welngartuer, Fred J. Eckert, Anton
Guler and John Bernneger, all of Trout Lake
P. O., Washington. Also,
ANTON -GULEB, . " , , '
Homestead Entry No. 0515. for the sotitliwest
quarter of northwest quarter, and west half of
Boutnwesi quarter 01 seciion zo, ana souiu
east quarter of southeast quarter rf section 'ii,
township 5 north of range iOeast, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npon, and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: . ' ' T ,
Fred J. Eckert, Alois Weingartner, facob
Schmtd and John Wyder;all of Trout Lake
P.O., Washington. ' Also, -.-.'.-, i i-u":il
Homestead Entry No. 8i4, for the lots 2, 8 and
southeast Quarter of northwest quarter, and
northeast quarter of southwest qmnter f sec
tion 1, ixiwnsnipo oi range ii east, yv .ivi.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon' and cultiva
tion oi said land, viz: .
Christian Guler, Anton Guler, John Bern
lieger and William Coate, all of Trout Lake
P.O., Washington. ;
a.'mlj, ., W. R. 1 -UNBAR, Register. ;
Timber Land, Act June 3, 18 8.
U nited State. I,and Office; The Dallee, Ore
gon, Mi.rch 25. 1899. Notice Is hereby given
Unit In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June 3, 18.8, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In t he States ot
California, rOregon, Nevada and WasBinglon
territory,'' .
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state Of Ore
gon, has this day fllnd iu this off ice his sworn
statement, No. 1:14, for the purchase of the
xoulheast y. of southeast yt of ctton No. i, in
towns, up No. 2 north, range No. 10 east.W.M..
an ' wili offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish hisclaim to said land before the KegUter
and Keceiver of this office at The Dalle-. Ore
gon, on Monday, the 5th day of June, 1899.
He names as witnesses: Henry Prigge, C. A.
Hickei, John T. Neaieigh and- George Strau
ahau, all of Hood River, Oregon. -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said olh
day of June, 1899.
mwrBlJg JAY P: LUCAS, Register.
' Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. .
United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, March 28, 1899. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions ol the
act of congress of June 8, 18.8, entitled "tn
act for the sale or timber lands in-the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and. Washington
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn
statement, No. 186, tor the purchase of the
south Yi northwest and north southwest
of section No;. 21, in township No. 1 nort h,
range No. 9 east, W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than foragricultural
fmrposes, and to establish- his claim to said
and before the Register and Receiver of this
office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satut&ay, the
10th day of June, 1899. '; : - !
' He "hatnes as wilnessesi - L. Wlnahs, "Eph
Winnns, M. P. Neff and W. R.cW loans, all of
Hood River, Oregon; . s I . ,
Any and all persons claiming adversely1 the
above-oescribed lands are requested ' -to. file
their claims in this office on --or' before said
10th dy of June, 1899. " " -
marSTJ2 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. ,
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March
14 1899. Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of con
gress of June 3, li. 8, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber lands in the states of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
the following-named persons have this day
filed In this office their respective aworn state
ments for the purchase of the tract described
herein and will offer proof to show ithat the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for ngriculturul purposes, and
to establish their claims to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at he
Dalles. tiregon, on Saturday, the 20th day of
May, 181W, viz: . ...
HARRY G. WYATT, of Hood River, on
sworn statement No. 129, for SW L Sec 24, Tp
BERT V. WYATT, of Hood River.on hworn
stat- ment No. 130. for the NE k Sec 2, Tp 1
N, R 9 E, W M. '
CHARLES H. MATNEY, of Hood River,
on sworn state.nent No. 181, for the N V Sec
2J. Tp I N, R 9 E. W M.
. WILLIAM THOMPSON, of Hood River, oh
sworn statement No. 132, for the N -SE4 and
N V, SW y. Heo25, Tp 1 N, R 9 B, WM.
DARWIN BRADLEY, of Hood River, on
sworn statement No. 133, for the S VSE Jiand
S y. SW Sec 2-5, Tp I N, R 9 E, W M.
Witnesses: E Butler, Charles Matney, W A
WlnanS. William Thompson, W. Montgom
ery, H G Wyatt, Bert V Wyatt and D Brad
ley, all of Hood River, Oregon.-
marl7ml9 - JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
.Land Office at Vanconver, Wash., April
1, 1899; Notice is hereby given that the
following named settlers have filed notice of
their Intention to make final proof in support
of their claims, and that said proof, will be
made before W. B. Presby, U. S Commis
sioner for District of Washington,1 at his of
fice In (loldendale, Wash.; on Wednesday,
May 17, 1899, viz: !
Homestead Entry No. 87(17, for the east half of
northeast quarter, north west quarter of north
east quarter", and northeast uarter of nort bt
west quarter section 24, township 9 north of
range IOeast, W. M. : - ? ; - - 'tit .
He names ihe following witnesses to jfove,
his continuous residence upon aud.jauJ.tpva-,
tloh of said land, viz- "
Fred J. Eckert, Claus H. Pearson. TJhrlGtlan
Guler and Alois Weingartner, allwof Trout
Lane P. O., Washington. Also, ' - u..
- " . CLAUS :H. PE ARSON,; ' ' -
Homestead entry, -No. 93 6, tor the east half of
southeast quarter-and onthwest' quaiter of
southeast-quarter-section 24, and northwest
quest quarter of northeast quarter of section
25, township li north of range IOeast, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: . -- - ;
William Coate, Fred J. Eckert, Anton Guler
and Jacob chmld, all of Trout Lake P. O.,
Washington. Also. I, .-
Homestead Entry No. 8209, for the south half
of northeast quarter, and northeast quarter of
northeast quarter cu section 27, and northwest
quarter of northwest quarter of section 2-j,
township 8 north of 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land viz:
John Bernneger, Jacob Sehmld, Christian
Guler and Anton Guler, all of Trout Lake P.
O., Washington. Also, ..,-.,..
Homestead Entry No. 8422, for the lots I, 2 and
8, and the northeast quarter of the soli th west
quarter -section 80, township 6 north of range
11 east, WM. ' ' - . , - .
lie names the following witnesses to prove
h'ls continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
- Claus H, Pearson, William Coate, John Wy
der and-John Bernneger, all of Trout Lake P.
O., Washington. Also, -
JACOB SCHMID, ' -Homestead
Entry No. 83 i8, for the west half Of
southwest quarter section 2 the northwest
quarter of norhwest quarter -section 84, and
,K.ithDuet nmirtpr ,,f ' nnrthpniat nnn.tnr-,if spn.
tloh 83,ownshl p 6 north of range 10 east,W.M. J.
. tie names me lonowing wnnesses w prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, said land viz:
. John.Eern.pegcr, John Wyder, Christian
Guler and Anton Guler, all Of Trout Lake P.
O.. WastiagloD.
j-Uli W. B. HVSSAR, Beeeister.
. Fj IS - tiv SsS&kPtS -
; The besfr resulU'yoa must the best nmterials.f The 3 '. ft
,.HOOD..KIVER PHARMACY continues to' b-fu.p to j '
date in everything in tlie Drug line. t. , , . "' .;
vt Prescriptions a Specialty. "
.' Spraying materials warranted the pure stuff. -
".. " .....
That Is the basis an which we ask for your patronage. Ve wouldn't expect
ydn to buy at this store for any other reason. We diiv soot cash for everv dollar's.
worth of goods we handle, buy cheaper than people who do not, and are therefore
In position to give our customers tue bcnclit. Uive us a chance to prove our as
sertions; It will be money in your pocket to do so. ;-- ,.,,; ,- ; ... nf-i'
'''''''''''' ' v'
, . . '.-', f- "-. . '-' i. '
-v ... . . -.- ... -
'S WW V- 'I fP-f '' n - -i
. - 1 '
Hood: River's Leading Business House.
. I. VVe kill in o'jr own fi!au?liter house all the beef we sell. .
2. We sell all the beef and pork we kill, i- We have a good pas
ture in which to hold stoGj?, and in ?onse'quence our beef Is abso-- '
..v; lutel first Class. : ! ,., -t :
., ... 3. We render in our own kettle ull the lard we sell. '. .-.
4. We fell nil the lard we render, and -we don't have to- lie n
about our ninetitors' article to do it. ' ' . ', :, :'...-- ... . . .
5. We keep a complte and up-to-date ptock if Groceries, Fancy -.
, Breakfast Bacon, Sugar-cured Hams, Flour and Feed, and as we
P!,ysPot cash for our goods and t-pi'iid tione ofv our time in liber '
rv ing.and gossiping, we are able to occasionally get Mirte bitrgalns. . t ' .
6. ' When we bay bargains lor cash we sell bargains for cash. . ' ' -
. .. -i-- , j,ii .i di'iv v . .".v. . .. . . t.
' : C7."' We shall have a special sale on many articles Saturday af- '
- ternoon and evening. If you miss this sale you will lose money.
' 8. ' We guarantee'all goods we sell. You cannot make sr mis--' --,
V -' V ,aKe ?;y bllJ " "11 totids at Reciprocity Corner. That the ''public " '
v appreciate this is shown by the fact that our list of regular cus'om--;'
ers is daily increasing. Our trade is growing- rapidly--upon the - .'
N trade of those who patronize us day by day. Our customer once,
. otir'customer always. : i e
;.'..,'-'. 9. We deliver goods promptly and free of charge to any part: ;
of town. ., . '" .'-'"' '' -"' '-.;'-"'' , '
;. 10 - We deal also In WTOOD delivered to any. part of town.
We are receiving three or four cases of egiis a week. . ..
v CLYDE T. ; BONNEY, Proprietor. ?
PTIlVrP ' EPSt 111 TTA
Can sing, but this SINGER Is a bi"rcT.;: :We - are -.'selling .Singer,.
; Sewing Machines for $25 cash, or $30" on ;th"e. installment plan; $10 -v -'
down, balance in monthly payments , of ;$a' each,, :'.Tiieie are high- '
-arm, live-drawer machines, finished in. oak .with ail modern im-
provements. No one need be without a sewing machine at these
prices and on these easy terms. Come and Bee them.ii-1 i. ' ' ; . -
Dealer in General Merchandise, Farm Implements, Lumber.etc.
Hood River, Oregon;, X :,;;
i ... . Yum Yum wovon wire Mattress..; (2 & '. , . .., .
, Common wov. n ivire Mattress 1 60 " "! -
- - Wool Mattreso .......,..s 2 SO-' ., .: .t-H .',.'' J ...
fcxcelslor, wool top Mattress , 2 25
. ... - . .: . Bedsteads i 60 '' '
r I challenge any one to get lower prices In Portland on these goods or ' any others that I
uuve w sun. , .
geo. t. prather;
Justice of the Peace ,, - .''.' . ' .. ... r N.otary' Public for
for Hood Iti ver District 1 . . - - ' ' J, J Oregon. -.
- I am prepared at all times to draw and execute Deeds and Mortgages, and all kinds of le
gal papers carefully prepared. , . . . - '. : ' ; ; -. . -
- I am also prepared on short notice to furnish correct Abstracts. Also represent the oldest
and strongest insurance companies; so If you want your property , insured don't fail to call on
me and get a policy in a reliable insurance company. ' o
. And when it comes to Real Estato, I am the one you want to see. If you want to buy, sell
or rent arty land In Hood Klver valley or White Salmon, don't fait to call on or write to me. I
also negotiate loans on real estate. I have been a resident of Hood River valley for 19 years,'
therefore am thoroughly acquainted with the vallev. GEO. T. PRATHER, Hood River.-
y v Masonv Work.
" Wm. Ehrck and E. W. Udell have formed a
partnership and are prepared to make con
tracts for all work in their line, such as plas
ter! ngjbricktoylngJstone work , etc. . a2t .
For Sale.
"One of the earliest and best places to make
money on the Columbia river. For partic
ular!! call on or addrero V. WINCHISLL.
.7H4,ts .'.11
..':?;!', ' -' '
tin'l expect" "
1 '
This pump can be seen at. the store of A. 8
Diuwiriu u ouii,
WM. TfLLETf, Agent.
Are You Interested?
The O. R. & -Ns Co's new book on the Re
sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is
being distributed. Our readers are requested
to forward- the addresses ,of their Eastern
friends and ncqualmnces. and a copy Of the
work will be sent them Tree. This Is a matter
ALL 'interested. in, and we would
asif .ttweyef y one. take an. Interest and for
ward such addresses to'W.TT.'Hurlburt. Gen
eral Passenger Agent, .O. It. & N. Co.,Portland.
' v 't .rr . i
a ...... . msm
Is the place to get the latest and best In con
tectioneries, candles, nuts, tobacco, cigars, etc.
Home-Made Candies. .
W. B. COLE, Proprietor.
Wagon Repairing.
All kinds of wagon repairing done on short
Rotice and at reasonable prices, at the old
nogers mill in Frankton. O. H. ROGERS.
A Desirable Home.
For sale. Four acres, one in strawberries;
bearing frnit treesr plenty of water fop irriga
tion. Located near Frankton graded school.
Price reasonable for eash. -. t P. COR PES.
Fresh Milk, "
' Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart.
. , . F. H. BUTTON.
Three head of catt le, coming two years old.
Earmarked and branded on right hip.
Will pay a re vard for any Information con
cernlng them. 8. W. CUKRAN, Vlento.
Lumber Wagon, 2 Inch ...........$60 00
Will sell part oi all of my ranch.
-- E. E. SAVAGE.
Do You Want -
' " " :" To btiy land In TJood River
- -'.. . - f Valley., If so, don't fail to .
r. See. Tucker! ; " -
r Fruit Land, Berry Land (Jfralh, "Land, or
Hay land, at prices Vou can't equal In the
valley. . B. 11. tU GK ER, Tucker, Or.
20 Acres.
I will sell 20 acres, improved or unimproved
land, within one mile of Hood River school;
prettiest building Bite In the valley. ,
J27 - W. J. BAKER.
24 Acres, v ;
One mile from town; ft In strawberries, one in
blackberries, one in raspberries, 900 fruit trees,
200 grape vines. Good improvements, ln
qnlre at the Hood River RACKET STORE.
Manufacturer of ,
Manufacture all klndsof Fruit Boxes.Berry
Crates und Baskets. Especial attention paid
to made-up packages. ...
That sqc-Shirt.. J
We bavea finelandr!ed White
Shirt, for lialf a dollar. :r Come
and lay in a suppiy while you
can get them at this Hkture. We
have ten, dozen of, them, but
- they will not last long at this
price. Ask for '': -.
That 50c Shirt.
Land for Sale.
In 8 tracts, varying in size, from 40 to 80
acres. Highly improved, partly Improved
and unimproved. Abundance of irrigating
water on most of the hind. No trouble to show ,
propeity. East 81tib4i miles nut. Near good
ichooL , HAKBI30S BROS.
Wanted. 5
,-.To do harness work for dry oak'wopd: also,
produce taken for part pay for1 all harness
work. " ,120 ; - K. D. CALKINS.
Eggs for Hatching.
Buff Wyandotteo, J3 for Li,
1 j . ... .
At a Bargain.
Pome fine fruit land near town, Including
spring of 60 gallons per minute, and other
water rights. - . T. R. COON.
A Sightly Home, .u
With IV acres of land, Inside the corporate
limits or Hood River, can be piuchnsed very
reasonabl v; 120 hearing fruit trees, i acre In
strawberries, besides raspberries, blackber
ries and other fruit. Good water, god house
and outbuildings. Inquire of the Glacier. 43
, , For Sale
One of the best paying sniall frutt farms In
II'Mid River. Good location. Well watered.
Good buildings und a plemnfc home.. This 1.
a bargain. Call at thlsoffiqf, .,
"Ditch Stock for; Sale.
I have 24 shares of stock In the East Fork
Irrigating Co..fhat I will, sell for $125 spot
cash. Payments to the amount of 162 have
been made on the samei B: R. TUCKER.
Good Ranch for Sale.
Six miles below Hood River, on the river
and railroad; well adopt, d for early fruit.
Strawberries and other small fruits on the
filace. orchard. Plenty of water for
rrlgatlon. Also, good timber for lumber or.
wood. For terms apply to
ml7 CON It AD Ri:PP, Hood River. -
- Timber Land, Act flune 8, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.,
March 13, 1899. Notice is hereby given that
incompliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, 18. 8, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands- In. the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the PublioLand
States by act of August 4, 1802, -
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, sioteofOr
egon,has this day filed in this office his sworn Nm ls!19. for thft vtlnv-hnsA of l.h A
south 4 southeast i, northwest southeast
14: and southeast Southwest section N0.8,
in township 8 north, range Nn.10 E..W.M. ana
will offer proof to show that the land soughtls
more valuuble for its timber or stone than for
agricultural ' purposes, and to establish bia
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Friday, the 2th day of MaV; 1899.
He as witnesses: Ronald O. Cmeron, .
Charles D. Moore, William Wendorf and Iver
Hamre, all of White Salmon P.O.. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file '
their claims In this office oil or before said
2. th day of May, 1899. ," -
marI7mi9 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
' - Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.,
March 20, 1899. Notice if hereby given that In
compliance with the .provisions of the act of
oongressof June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sa e of timber lands In the stales of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory,'! as extended to U the public lands
states by act of August 4, 1892,
Of PorMand, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has ibis day tiled In this office her
sworn statement. No. 1901, for the purchase of
the east southeast., northwest W southeast '
and southeast. 14 nortbesst of section No.
4. in township No. 8 north, range No. IOeast,
W. M., and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish her claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Van
couver, Washington, on Friday, the 8th day
of May, 18119. -
She name as witnesses: Ronald D. Cam
eron, Ivre Harare, Charles D. Moore and Wlll
iam-Wendorf, all of WbRe Salmon P. O.,
Washington..-- ...-.-.-
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In-this office on or before suid
2.ith dnv of May. I399... - . -
mar2423 Y. R. DUNBAR, Register.