The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 21, 1899, Image 3

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    3fooM$ver Slacier?
;7'FRIDAYj -APRIL 21, Jo99v ?
Shirtwaists at Bone' & McDonald's.
' Seed corn for sale by G. J. Gessling,
Buy your sclioot shoes from Bone &
Fine line of crash hats just opened at
none jaouoiiaia's. ,t. ' -. .:
-' Full line of logger's shoes just opened
y uone a Mcuotuucra. .-rv.-vt,-.:
Money to loan on real estate by
-;;: t JOHN Jj. HENDERSON, agt.
' The best stock of building material
in town is kept by Uenaer. ".i-.-:4
- Supt Gilltert is in charge of the ex
acuinatlone at the public school. . , .
Dr. O. C. Hoi lister, the popular phy
sician of The Dalles, will move to Port
land in June. . ..
Mrs. J. D. McCully and son Russell,
of Eastern Oregon, are guests of Mrs.
M. F. Shaw.
Miss Maud McCray came up from
Portland, Katuruay, and will visit in
Hood River for a couple of weeks.
Misk Hester Howe, teacher of the
Vieuto school, came up to attend the
institute ana spent nunaay at Dome.
Robt. Husbands, who was taken sick
with typhoid fever January 7th, was
out on the streets last week for the first
time.-- v:c" ''''" ' "
- Miss Madge Warren is teaching a
tiiree-mootiMf term or eoliooi at center-
vill, Wasco county. Miss Cora Cop-
pie is faiinng ai uignt Mile.
Tom Pierce, who has been in the
, hospital at 1 lie Dalles Hitice last May,
with sciatic ihcumittisui'. dime down to
Hood River ou . Wednesday and is look
ing for. a job, , , ,( , ,. . v , ,
--- W.' A.- Slingerland brought, in the
'first ripe strawberries of the season and
left them . at this office, io be seen and
sampled.' That, id, we: guess, .they, are
strawberries. .;,'.,,.,,-,.,, !.,;
v. Hon. Em Me Sclianno has been
1 oil i ted iiu.i (foinmissioner for ihisdis
,tr ct. '; Mr 8chunuo lias proven lihu
':e't' to I the right man in the right
place as fruit commissioner., '
Prof. PitUman, the great hypnotist
and ventriloquist, will appear at K. of
r. hail, ' Hood Kiver, soon. '-Watch
for the tate.: Reserved seats, 50c, ! for
nle at Glacier Pharmacy. . General ad-.
niissi 25c. -su t.vV;!.,,,..
-"- m m. him miin 2 lit 1 1 , o
from town and mile south of Bel
mont, cheup sod on easy terms For
.particulars, address Cuas. Elrey, Was
o, Oregon. " ; :; '- ''
" Notice. Have you a farm for sale or
for rent, or do you know of any person
holding fanning lands that they wish
to dispose of?.-; it so, please write' to any
agent of the O R & N. ( o. and be will
send you a circular (hat will interest you
. D. Hough kept a record of: the snow
fail during the past winter and finds ii
amounted to a total of 50 Inches, as
follows: IVc. 29th, 2 inches: Jan. 1st.
12; 2d, 2;3d. 2; 5th, 2; 6th. 5; 7th, 2;
Oth and 10th,4;-Utb, 4; Hih, 1; Feb
1st, 3; 2d, lj7th, 5Jj 28th, Sj total, 50
inches." " ' . "2 , ".'''" " '' i
, It makes ho difTerence liow bad the
" wound If von use DeWltt's Witch Hazel
Bave;H will quickly hear aflcjjea. yep tk
scar. Williams b Brosius. -n-.-.-i j
" Just received, a new lot "of sailor
walking hats, at Miss Alice Graham's;
;:' Pneumonia, - laerlppe coughs,, colds,
croup and wlmoi-ingcnugh readily yield
,to One Minute-CouglTtUire. , Use this
remedy in t ime and save a doctor's bill
or 1 he undertaker's. Williams & Brosius
.... Bikes, bikes, bikes! If yott want one,
go and see Denser. ' He is agent for the
only up-to-date wheel sold In Hood
River. .-?'.''
ty allowing lueuccumuiauons in ine
(towels to remain, the entire system Is
poisoned. De Witt's Little Early Risers
reaulate the bowels. Try them and you
will always U9e them. . Williams &
Br-sius. - ;
We . are" ' headquarters for fishing
tackle. Come and see us before buy
ing Our hooks are warranted to catch
and cliarroed to draw,. at Denzer's.
: George - Hardin,' formerly Of. Hood
.River, who came "down from Sherman
county last week with a band of horses,
was taken sick on the way, caused by
exposure. Pneumonia -set in, and he
died at Mr. Meeoe's place, on the East
Side,' April " 18th. The remains' were
taken to Moro, Sherman county, for
burial." -
Some of the results of neglected dys
peptic conditions of the stomach are
cancer, consumption, heart disease and
epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Jure pre-i
vents all this by effecting a quick cure
in all cases of dyspepsia. ' Williams &
Brosius.';-';' '' ' ."V':;'- v -
-I have' anything you may want in
trimmed hats or sailors.' Flowers, rib-
. . - I 2 ,, ,. , .. .
i.'tio aim niiuiuiuia i on niuiiO nv
WochI worth's. Miss Alice Graham.
If yott have piles, cure them. No use
undergoing horrible operations that
imply remove the results of the disease
without disturbing the disease itself.
.Place vour .. confidence .in De Witt's
Witch H isel Halve. It has never failed
to cure others; it ' will not fail to cure
you. Williams & Brosius. '
Hon. E L. Smith, Capt. Blowers,
W. A. Slinuerlund aud 'others' of the
Masonic lodge, went to The Dalles by
tioat on Wednesday, to meet with the
itoyai An-n t napier oi ine ianes..; ,
J-i D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of
At i . r kt i ur
llie LWinucvai, umicaBier, i. n.,na.Bi
would not be witiiout One Minute Cough
Ctire for my boy, wheti troubled with a
cough or cold. It is the best remedy for
croup lever used." Williams & Brosius.
Mrs. 13. E. Lynns accompanied her
. troi h r Herbert to Pori laud, last week,
returning on Wednesday, f ,
, Don'ti think- you can cure .that
alight attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or
that it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure will cure it; it "digests what you
eat" and restores the digestive orgaus
to health.' Williams & Brosius. v ; ;
Losiie Welds, while 'walking' along
the street, one day lust week, stumbled
and fell to the ground, dislocating his
cIIkiw. : !,..' .: ii . '
. If you suffer from tenderness or full
tiessou the rightside.paitis.under.shoul-der-blade,
coi ist ipation ,bi liousness.sick
lieadache.and feel dull, heavy and sleepy
your liver is torpid and congested. De
Witl's Litile.Early Risers will cure you
promptly, pleasuutly and permanently
by removing the congestion and causing
lie bile ducts to open and, flow tiatur
jmII.V. They are good pills ; Williams
A,Broi.u; ' .
W. B. Perry and his partner, R. E.
McFarland, came over- from Sumner,
Wush., on their bikes, last week, com
inif by way of Eilenshurg, Yakima and
Goldendale. They -came thtxugh in
"four days from Pugetsound. Mr.Perry
is largely Interested in buying, evap
orating and shipping fruit,-.- His com
pany, the Perry-McFarlaud Fruit, Pro
duce and Evaporating Co., has a big
three-story building alongside the tail
road track at Sumner. . He says the
Puyallup valley raspberry has a rep
utation tike the Hood River strawberry
and stands shipment to the Dakntas
without refrigeration. Mr. - Perry
dropped in on the old folks and gave
them an agreeable surprise. He finds
many changes iu Hood River since
leaving here two years ago. .j.
Notwithstanding the very inclement
evening, about 60 persons attended, the
social given at itiver f orest f arm on
Monday evening. ' It was a rvery en
joyable occasion. iThe Congregational
church expresses its appreciation to
Mrs. Parkenfor opening her home for
this social and her unsparing efforts to
make U pleasaut and successful. . ..
A..P. Clark and family arrived from
Vancouver last Saturday and are camp
ed In a tent at the bridge. Mr. Clark
desires to rent a small tarm, witn a
view to purchasing if he likes the coun
try, and iii the meantime would like to
obtain employment till the strawberry
season opens, v ,-..' - . :
i The Glacier has lately added a' job
press and a well selected lot of type for
plain job work, such as letter heads,
note heads,. bill beads, envelopes', cardsf
circulars' business cardsj visiting cards,
etc.- Job work will be doiie at. Port
land prices, aud the Glacier pays the
tretnut. : : . ,,j ..... , ... .
Mrs. Mattle Winans. being the re
cipient of a box of beautiful shells from
Manila, very , gnnerously gave each
member ot the Red Cross eight shells,
just enough to -make a tomplete set of
jewelry; tor wnicn sue nas . trie tnanKs
of the nieniliers. ;.. .'.' - ,'.',, .,'.. -.'.
P, A -Triillinirer and wife of Astoria
are visiting Dr. Watt. Mrs. Trullinger
s Dr. : Watt's sister; ' Mr. TruiiitiKer is
an invalid from the effects of the grip.
But he h gaining in health and avoir
dutois. gathering the latter at the rate
r a pound a day. ' " i
R. F. Lane.' recently1 from . Pendle
ton, has. located invHood River. Mr.'
Lane is a painter and -does sign writ
ing and wlli give -lessons in landscape
painting. a sample ot nis worn, wiucti
is very fine, can be. seen at Bartmebs',
. The. contract has been let for orjen
I' g the stone- work of the new East
lde wagon road to W. R. Brown of
The Dalles for $720; work to commence
on or before April 24th, and the grade
to I completed in ou days. . ;
Miss Sadie Montgomery, daughter of
the late Mrs. Montgomery, has broken
up housekeeping and went to Ska
mokawa, Wash., on 'Wednesday, ac
companied by her brother-in-law,--Dr,
K.ent, as far as r nrtiatid. ,
John Payton returned from Montana
tast week.' He finds so many changes
in Hood. River that he hardly knew
i lie place, and as he left his mustache
In Montana, ..his friends hardly knew
him. - . - .
W. A. Slingerland shipped the best
load of apples, from a .money stand
point, that ever came to Hood River
Fifty-five, boxes -ofYellow Newtowns
broughttn bVi Friday netted him $2 a
lid at tlie iJepotP; 7 ' .' ; .:
Those wishing to possess a copy of
the Report of the ' Board of Horticul
ture for 1890 can get the same by send
ing 15 cents to H. E. Dosch, secretary
Ix ard of horticultuTe,. Portland, Or. ,
.Our streets presented a lively appear
ance last Saturday.: - The big delega
tion- that came Irom The Dalles to at
tend, the teachers'' institute was aug
mented by many from the valley.
School funds have been apportioned
to Hood River schools, as follows: No.
2, $158.00; No. 3, $277.70; No. 4, $144.50;
$108 50; No. 61, $111.20. "' " ;
' Mr. and Mre.' J. E. Rand went to
Portland. Wednesday, ' as delegates to
the Maccabee state encampment. They
will visit at Vancouver and expect to
tie gone a weeKj-!;-.;..,!- v!;; -:j j
The pupils of the Barrett school are
having . three 1 days' vacation while
Principal Howe is on the examining
board during , the examinations at the
town school. .. .,' , , V. '
Mrs Belle Bartlett is building a cot
tage on her lot liought of Cant. Blow
ers, near Mrs. Baldwin's place on the
bill. Jus. Liaugilie Is doing the worK. ,
Mrs. Helen G. Bateham, Mrs. Rachel
Hershner and Miss Mella White were
chosen delegates to attend the Portland
Association orcongregational Churches
Earl and Meigs Bart mess have been
sick all week and confined to the house.
This is rough on the boys, as they are
compelled to miss school examination;
The graduating class at Frankton re
ceived . their diplomas last- Monday.
The fortunate ones- are Miss Carrie By-
erlee, Thos. Calkins and, Roy Ellis. :
A. W. King returned Saturday from
Pendleton, where he spent two weeks
with his brother. G. W. King, who is
recovering from a paralytic stroke. ' : .
A mass meeting was held ' ut ' Mc-
Minnville which adopted resolutions
asking . the president to return home
the Oregon volunteers.,, ; .
W. B. Shutes, who is working with
L NefTs gang of railroad bridge build
ers' in Sherman county, came down
troni there Monday. . v
President J. M. C. Miller of the Phil
omath college has tendered his resig
nation', to take effect' at the end of the
school year.' ; -' "' J ' j ;! -;
Mrs. Bert Smith and Miss Ruby
Walters of Portland were the guests of
Mrs. Fred Howe during the first part
oftheweek.t '' .;:.:; :!-:;'-.':
' A Chinaman at' Woodworth's wood
camp bad the misfortune to break his
arm, last Saturday, and was taken to
Portland.. -.;' . , v.f. '
Wm. Alexander, wife and daughters
Nellie and Miutie, of Vancouver, are
the guests of G..D. Wood worth aud
family. ... . ' ' '
C. H. Ellsworth' lias moved here
from Vieuto and rented L. NefTs fruit
ranch. ; 7 , , . . '
InduHtrial Agent Jiidson of. the O. R.
& N. Co. was on our streets Saturday.
Mrsl M M. V. Rand is visiting' her
daughter, Mrs. W.G.CIelland, at Moro.
1 Miss Florence Hanna accompanied
her father to Hood River last week. ,
Lost-.-A ladies' penknife. . Finder
will, please. leave at this ottice. . ;
Bone & McDoiiflU have fresh cream
ery buiter.tediiyv ' " : ' i
. ... ' " -Jrij -V;;""'
".'' ," . ' - '- . ' :" ' 1 -,.'' - .' ' 1 . L?'--
i V
Will be off In about a week.V Then
present location. .V i ;
Here are a few of our offerings-
; Ladies' fine yicl kid silk top
i Ladies' fine VIci kid, vesting
v l Ladles' Oxfords, from $L25 tofl.'
Men's all-wool pants, from S3
Men's black dress pants, part
"'"4" ' ' i '
; Men's new style crusher bat,
Men's fine black hat, guaranteed one year, from $3 to $2.50. '.
For new goods, latest styles and lowest prices iu millinery, see -'!'"
l . . , i- : iVi .--a. -J 1. . . : .iu-'' ;,:'; :.
, Nr'-- - y i i " it ,;s.. ti-i;:-': .7 '.Ziii-t ,.
Prof. J. H. St. Lawrence and son of
Colfax, Wash., lectured in Hood Rivr
last weeK on phrenology and mind
reading. The professor has been blind
since 5 years of age. - His wife is blind
also. Prof. St.' Lawrence is a brilliant
speaker and debator. While here be
met a number of old- friends, among
them . ueo. . T. fra.tiier, Mrs. lna tireg
ory and Jos. McGuire and family. He
took dinner with Walter, McGuire and
family,, where his old-time friends were
gathered to enjoy his company. - He
gave some music while there, when the
telephone 'came- In" good play.'rFrom
Mr..Bonn.ey's residence to Reciprocity
Corner they held their, receivers down
and enjoyed the musical treat- The
professor has promised to come again
to Hood River next fall.' iinU;'vi j
, ,.1 - Mount Hood Notes. !' ' ; 'f' ' :
fi April showers , prevail 'and 'stopped
most all the work around here.''
D. R. Cooper has just finished sowing
one hundred pounds of red clover seed.
Nothing like it! ' ; , ' T :' ' "" : i
James ' Cooper ; and - Elmer Gribble
have gone shearing, - and several - men
from the lower valley went with them.
They have 24,000 bead to shear, at one
place in Umatilla county.; ...
The way our . sawmill 'man ' steps
around, the last two or' three days, is
no trouble to him." Some may ask,
"What is the cause of it?" We would
suggest, that anyone inquisitive, make
a personal call at bis residence.
; Dr.; D. Biggs is doing some much
needed . work on horse , teeth, . in our
vicinity , w ,".,-'.';';.."..'', '''";' '',
. Our mail carrier is making light ning
express time since he got his fast horse.
. ." '-- You AND Me. :
V 1 Birthday Party-'-V - : (
vRutb Harbison celebrated-the sixth
anniversary of her birthday last Satur-!
day by inviting in several of her little
friends to spend the afternoon. 1 Nu
merous - invitations- were - extend-,
ed, and . those who found it conve
nient to tie preseut were: liertie t;ros- j
by, Mamie Mohr, Mabel Feak and Joy
Mason, besides her sisters Blanche and
Hester. Enjoyable games were played 1
and a collation - was spread .such as
makes glad the inner child., All ex
pressed having a pleasant time aud de
parted wishing Miss Ruth mauy happy
returns of her natal day. ' -
...... . : 1: ; ::.
' The Newspapers' Luxury, i -..
With our 'new territory and popula-;
tion, the press will become interesting I
and newsy. One morning we will be
edified with the cheerful news that we :
have au insurrection on our bands in
Cuba; the next day one in old Porto
Kico, and as soon as these are we 14 un-
der subjection or stale, we can have ;
one on the islands in the Pbilllpine
possessions. These will le repeated as
often as desired. What a luxury the
American people have acquired for the .
newspapers of this day. Portland Dis-.
patch, x - " - -.,.'. -
Ditches - and Flumes Crossing Roads.
Regulations 'for- irrigating ditches
and .flumes crossing county roads are
ordered as follows: Ditches are to be
covered not less than 32 feet; Inverted
siphons to be long enough to leave not
less than 4t) teet or roadway; ann an.
ditches, flumes and siphons are to lie
low enough to leave surface of road on
an even grade, ay order ot county
court. - N. C. Evans. ;
A fresh cow wanted. Apply at this office. "
A nice strawberry ranch within two miles
of town is for sale cheap. The owner wants
to sell bad and go to the mines, where he
thinks a fortune awaits him. Twenty acres
of land, all kinds of fruit, good Improvements,
Address P. O. box 115, Hood River, for further
particulars., win sen or iraae. .,..:!.....,.-'.
Miss Maud Oeeand brother Frank of Port
land are visiting their grandmother, Mrs, A.
Mayes.'::;; .- - ...;) ci i: .-;,,
The five-year-old son of W. M. Oopple of
Dukes valley has been dangerously sick with
lung fever. .,-ni.
High water In the Columbia is predicted by
many wbq.keep posted in regard to the snow
in the mountains. The mountains and snow
fields between the Snake and Columbia rivers
are said to coiitala more snow than usual,
and if the melted snow causes floods in the
two rivers at the fame time, it may be that
the high-water mark of '94 . will be wasbed
away. . f - ' j ,
:U .To The Public. 7 ! --
I want to let the people who suffer
from rheumatism and sciatica know
that Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved"
me after a number of other medicines
aud a doctor had failed. It is the best
liniment I have ever known of. J. A.
Dodgen, Alphaharetta, CJa. Thou
sands have been cured of rheumatism
by this remedy.' One application re
lieves the pain. For sale by: Williams
& Brosiu. i'
Are You Interested?
The O. R. & N. Go's new book on the Re
sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is
being distributed. Our readers are requested
to forward the addresses of their Eastern
friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the
work will be sent them free. This is a matter
ALL should be interested In, and we would
ask that every one take an Interest and for
ward such addresses to W. H. liurlburt. Gen
eral Passenger Agent, O. K. fc N. Co.,Portland.
we will be two doors east of 1
i ' ;! .'' ,; ' -:i
shoes, reduced from $3.25 to f2.75r ' ' ' '
top, from $2 to $1.60. .' : .. i- ;' t,.-kV
to $2.50.
a.)' yiui '!- h'j'.
cotton, from $1.75 to $1.50.
- - -s -, . ,
from $1.75 to $1.50.
t-.:. 1
a, '.,'.f','. '', Bora.",. '.''.;.'.
in Hood River valley, April v, 1899. to Mr,
and Mrs. Dorrance Smith, a daughter. -
At Mount Hood, Or., April 17, 1899. to Mr.
and Mrs. H. H.Tomltpson, twin boys.. Mother
ana iwins aoing wen. --
- -, -in
e.i'M. .i.t .r Obituary, .i; i-.e
Mrs. A. J. Montgomery died at her real.
dence in Hood River, Oregon, April 10, 18
Mary A Barnes was born in Pike county, III.,
In January, 1851; crossed the plain with her
rattier in um ana sett lea in Linn county,
Oregon. She was married to A. J. Montgom
ery in 1867 and moved to Wakiakum county.
Wash., where she resided until the death of
her husband and father two years ago. Fail,
ing health compelled her to seek a change of
climate ana sne movea 10 xne uanes. remain
ing there but a short time till she moved to
Hood Kiver, where she lived to the time of
her sad death.. The nature of her disease was
consumption. Her remains were taken to
Hkamokawa, Washington, and laid to rest
beside her husband.- She was the honored
ana loving mother of six children, five of
wnom survive ner. ne was converted at the
early age of 15 and lived a faithful Christian
life to the end. During her sickness she fully
trusted In her Savior. Her loss is deeply felt
Dy an ner ennaren, tue youngest peing 11
years of age. '.1
- 1 Dearest mother, thou hast left us ' -' j
Here thy loss we deeply feel; i
. -.'"But 'tis God that has bereft us,, " . j
- He can all our sorrows heal, t . -'i - '
' Church Notices. "'1'
Plan of services of the M. E. church at Hood
River and Belmont - !-; '
1st Sundays Hood River.morn and evening
' 2d Sundays Belmont mvrning, Hood River
evening. - . 1. - 1 - '
8d Sundays Kood Rivermorning and even
ing; Belmont, morning, by J. H. Feak; "' -
4th S'jndavs Sunday acliool and Enworth
League at Hood River,, evening service at
.' . . -'.f i
. During the civil war 22,570 Union soldiers
died in confederate prisons, while of the con
federate prisoners in Union bands 20,436 died,
ine wnoie nnuiDeroi union soiaiers capiurea
and held in Southern prisons was in round
numbers 270,000, while the whole number of
confederates captured and' held in Northern
prisons was in rouna numoers zai.uuu. ' ' ' ;
Delicious Italian i l
Creams, i
Marsjimallows and !
Maple Chocolate w '
M Creams, i : i
- AT LaFRANCE'8. f
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and alda
'Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
stantly relierea and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
' m....l..iU Cn.a Cfnm.Al, - VailDM
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C OcWitt A Co., Chicago.
Time Schedules.
Depart Fr'm HOOD RIVER Abbive
Fast !
4:00 p.m.
i--..i. : i
'i Fast, '
5 Mall
Salt Lake, Denver,
Kansas; City. St
ana ine Bast.
Walla Walla, Spo-
- Flyer :
, 4:37 p.m. .
Kane, Minneapolis
St Paul, Dulnth,
MiiwauKee, uni
cago and East.
' ''. '
For San Francisco
Every nye day.T
:i ' : i r
Columbia Rivkk
8 p.m.
- . 4 p.m. t
Ex. (Sunday
- tiaturaay,
10 p.m.
To Astoria and way:
, , .landings.
Willamette River.
4:80 p.m.
6 a.m. . lOreeou City. New-
Ex. Sunday berg.Salem 4 way
lanaings. .. .
3:30 p.m.
Mon, Wed.
and FrL ,
' 7 a.m. .
Tues. Thur.
' and Sat.
Yamhti.i, rivers.
Oregon Clty.Dajtton
ana way uinaings,
6 a.m.
Tues, Thar.
: . Ana Sat.
Willamette River. 4:30
Portland to Corvai-Tues., Thur.
1IH1S way landings.! . ana au
Lv Lewist'n
1:40 a.m.
daily ex.Sat
Sxakb River. , 5:45 a.m.dal-
Riparla to Iwlston ex.Frlday.
! Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
E. B. Clark, Agent, Hood River. . . -
-,v:V.: Jersey. Bull.; j X
I have a thoroughbred Jersey Bull that will
stand at Riverside Farm, 8 miles westof town.
Terms $1.50, but payable at time of service.
- ni!24 .. . . W.,MOTO, ,
, Flyer i
. 67 a.m.
i: 4 p.m.!
iiH-.,' Si ' '
! ;r ,ii.r :
,.; J:,. '
- '; -! -' .;(:;( - 'i..., 5. l;t
k -",'-' ,: . v. 'i;, ? ; CARRV: A
"'.'1 ,;:
v;.: i i '
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
t.;t -.t. ait -'v
' . ' '.. .'-'. . .;.!,; ' -.'-"'' -.--!-'! !. i ::.,-.o---.-" r -1 v. ,,,.-,
f . -., ,,,' v ' .Which we will sell at live and let live prices. , ';,''
; ;: Agents for; Osborne Mowers and Reapers. v
..Vicf- I ;-!-u - 'i ,: , .v-:. .-::-. If-'il- j;.' C- J :V,:., r : ' ,
"v eii' th-Avji(il.oJ"j'"-tMjt-a'5 ii - " 'V - -'.'--".' . r -
-. . -itt. i-'rrUi -!t- ..'l '. it .;-.'. -' ' ' .v . - . .. . . ", - "t.,V 7 . .
TTTflXJ L'QTV- TilTCCQ realized: returns made promptly.. Consignments so
XXXVTXXiiOX 1 rXki.JXUO licited and liberal advances made. , W also pup
chase large quantities of fruit for canning purposes. t I. i v - - ... .
; i aii, ainas oi iruit ooAes ana crates on upu.
Studebaker Wagons and Spring Wagons; Planet' it. Garden Tools and Cultivator! Can
ton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Discs; Badger Spring Tooth Harrows. These are the best
and are sold at as low prices as are charged for cheaper grades of tools. Get oar priced and
examine the goods. ----'. -" '
i'fi Mill f.:l u.,:l - , . '.
... The place
r.f H)A. an trrit !.." --'(-, rf . --.
Drags, Meat IMcis, Wall
:-,.'.. - . ; - . .
i.'- it j-a i:.
' ' ' V , ? J' CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor,
i m f.i ;t ln. 'prescriptions and Family Recipes carefully compounded.
;iJ -niT .i-ii -1 . , I 7 b;;i--,!-.,
,,N, C. K vans. Pres., '"-, ..,, ,,
E. B. Savage, 80c. and Treas.'
;. tl ul wht jKytii- a:iU'.4f : ..j i-:iIncorPtear :.',. .
:! Unexcelled facilities for handling real estate. ' Parties wishing to dispose of real property
will find it to their interests to list the. same with us. Conveyancing done and titles exam
ined. Abstracts furnished. '"'" - ' i .
Fruit Boxes, crates aud packages oi all kinds. htorage warehouse. ; . , i
1. 1 j
I have opened a choice lot of Groceries In the store room formerly occupied by tte Hoo4
Kiver Pharmacy. Will also deal in Flour, Feed, etc. , , .
. - Our uroods are all new andholce. and we will aim to keep the best at all times. Qutelc
sales and small proflm will be our motto. . Come
:l? GEO. P. - CRO WELL, '
'',kVJ' Successor to E. Iu Smith-Oldest Established House la the valley.J ...
XDr3T; i O-oqd.s,i 'r.'Clotla-ianLgv
t I -v: - : ;.;;?:-!,! ) j ;!.; 'ii: AND-; v 'i "-i ';'' f'S' '"'-
"V'L.Plour,'; Eeedr
t.y .'i.;va ; -i!:ji'';t ,ni '.- w ,V'-yri; , V . - :;;. .'.-"..!.'" ', ''"; 'ff. .'"'
AND CASH ONLY, Is what mpkes pricen so low on ( ' " ' .A
Hardware, Harness) Doors, Sash, Paints, .Oils,
j vrt .v !"--'! Guns and Ammunition ;
2 Stbyes, Shoe Findings and Bike Supplies,
?t :-,..:-J - ... 7.-
Land Office at Vancouver. Wasf., March 25,
1899. Notice is hereby given thalthe follow-'
ing-named settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make finjl proof in support of
their claime.nnd that said proofs will be made
before W, B. Presby, U. S. Commissioner for
THst.rtntof Wnshlncton. at his office in Gol-
dendale,..Waehlngton, fln.IhttrsdaXt.May 18,
';7 CHARLES FELLER, ' v- ;
Homestead Entry No. 9016, for the northeast
quarter of section 22, township 6 uorthj range
12 east, W. M. " , . " ' , . '
He names the following witnesseg to prove
his continuous residence upon and, cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: ' .
Robert Barker, Mary -A, Barker, .August
Berg and T. J. Shaw, all of jGlenwood pfj O.,
Washington. Also,' ,,''" : 1.
, J';V, J; MARY Xr BARKER,"2''"" ;i l
Homes tend Entry No. 8245, for the west half
of southwest quarter, northeaHt quarter of
southwest quarter, and lot 8 In section 27,
township 8 north, range 12 east, W. M,
1 She names the foil wing witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, via: " '
. .Charles Feller, Albert Bertschl, August Berg
and T. J. Shaw, all of Glenwood P. O., Wash.
mar81m& W. R. DU N BAR, Register.
Land 'Cfflce at Vancouver, Wash., April 8,
1899. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at
Vancouver, Wash., on ' Tuesday, May 16,
J899, viK :-r ' ..' . . ... : ., . : '
,'..."," ' IVER A, HAMRE, f t
Homestead Entry No.-10,181, for the west'
northwest quarter -and west southwest yt
section 8, township 3 north, range 10east,W.M.
He names the lollowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence, upon and- cultiva
tion of said laud, viz:
Knute 8. Knutson, Charley Knuteon, Peter
Bather and Christian Larson, all of White
Salmon, Wash. .i ' . ,
a7mU.;. W. B. J) UNBAR, Register. .
- ' - . - -' ' Q, I-.
FULL LINE 'OFf; ';p3F',7"
i ,: ,f' '. '1' ''i.T.i:j. mj: .s-.-)4:Vv;-
come ana see us; we mean Business,
INU AW Xvlli,
. "-' ' t: '.
to buy your
, - . ;; -v -i
Paper, Paints ii Oils, etc., etc., '
IS AT i.
' 'f'-'i-V-j.-fCt:--' ' --
O. R. CUxTNEB, Vlee Pre
C. K. Honk. ,
and see us, ;
' EtcM Etc. ' V(M'l '
- - - - ORECO
;i -'-
Land Office at The Dalles,. Oregon, March
14. 1899. Notice i. hereby given that the fol-lowing-named
settler hns filed nntieeof hi
Intention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made bvtore
the Register and. Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, April 25, 1899, vim ., t .
: , ! , CHRISTIAN WY89, , - ,.. .
Of Mosler, H. E. No. 7183, for the nortlie
southeast l4 section 25, township 2,
range 11 east, W. M. " -, - . ;
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence' upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vie:
Carl J. E. Carlson, Adolph Godoerson and
Wallace Husbands of Mosler, nd Emit
Schnnno of The Dalles. .t
ml7a2l , , , JAY P. LUCAS, Roglater,
;v ;, ' 40 Acres-
Fosale. ' Good apple land: lays well, near
good school. Land not hard to clear. :
mar!7 . J. P. HILLtTRO"M.
" Land Office at The Dalles Oregotij April ,
1399. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in support of hi.
claim, and that said proof will be madebpfore
the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles,
Oregon, on Tnesdnj , May 23, 1899, viz: -
- ' iOHANN G. FISCHER, ; -Of
Mt. Hood, H. E. no. 6S00, for the nortit
southeast l4, northeast. H southwest , and
lot 3, section 81, township 1 north, range I
east, W. M. .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon .and ontttva
tion of said land, viz: ...
David R. Cooper. W. 8. Gflbble, FredKnnd
son and Robert Leasure. all of ML Hood. ur.
a7ml2 ' JAY Pi LUCAS, Register.
: Paradise Farm.
Span of work hordes (1400 lbs enehj for $110.
Best full blood Imporled lioar and young
ttolaielu Bull service fl each. ' '-
' '- '