The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 31, 1899, Image 4

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Did y' ever stop your ears' up,
'Nd listen to your teeth.
As they dance 'nd clank 'nd clattei
On the crackers underneath? . ,
Kin y' make your ears go wobbly
Like a donkey when he brays?
I'll bet y' can't make both your thumbs
Go roun' two different ways!
Kin y' yawn as If y' liked it.
With your mouth shet tight?
Y' don' know how t' cluck your tongue
Naw, that ain't right!
Kin y' whistle on two fingers,
Like a ningine callin' "coal?" '
Sny lemme see your sling-shot
You got a fishin'-pole? - "
Y' can't stan on your head-'n'-han's
'Thout a wall to prop
D' y' ever go in swimmin -
An' never tell your Pop?
. The teacher's watchin' both of us
-- She's on to me, I gues' ,
F she keeps me In f'r talkin' t' you,
I'll lick you at recess!
New England Farmer. ' :.-
Ujrs an insult," said John Stone;
I "you shall send them right back.
- . J-You're just as near a relative as
the Gordons, yet they have got every
thine, lust because they were there
when your aunt died; and then because
they knew you were entitled to some
thing,. In fact, just as much as they,
from her estate, have sent you this coi
lection of odds and ends." ,
"Hush, John; never mind. It's not
worth talking about, and we might as
well make the best of It. Beggars can't
be choosers, you know." sagely re
marked his wife.. .
The cause of this outburst was an
oblong ereen pasteboard box, which
had just arrived, and whose contents,
so Eleanor Stone said, were not worth
the express paid on It. An accompany
In? note, addressed to Mrs. Stone in
explanation of the box, was as follows
"Dear Eleanor: I send you herewith,
what mother, May and I have picked
out as your share of Aunt Marcla's be
Inn fin its Thev weren't as much as an
tlciuated. and we divided the rest
among ourselves, as we had the care of
her in her last Illness. Your affectionate
cousin, EFFIB GORDON."
Eleanor Stone took the note and flung
It in the stove. "So much for . my
cousin's affection. It's too bad. I know
Aunt Marcia must have had some mon
ey, and as for the bother of her last 111-
npai it wm Rlf-Hrnpht which makes
me doubly sure she left something, for
the Gordons are not the kind to put
themselves out for nothing. If we only
had Just a little of her money to tide
us over until you get well and put us on
our feet again." - ...-.
Aunt Marcia was Miss Marcia Per
kins, a maiden great-aunt of Eleanor
Stone, who had lived somewhat as a
recluse and who had recently died.
Eleanor turned the box upside down,
gazing regretfully at the little heap on
the table. There was an old-fashioned
bone hairpin, two bits of lace, sur
mounted with lavender bows, such as
old ladles wear for caps, two or three
cheesecloth dusters, five handkerchiefs,
a hair-ring, and an old-fashioned
daguerreotype In a rusty black and gilt
case, showing the faded countenance of
a genteel-looking youth of past date.
"There," said Mrs. Stone, derisively,
"Is my share of my late lamented aunt's
estate, and here am I, who expected a
hundred or two, anyway, as hard up
as anybody could be, with John sick
and unable to work, while Aunt Susan,
Effle and May Gordon, who know noth-
lng of hard times, are probably basking
in the sunshine of her dollars."
At this point, .being of a philosophical
turn of mind, she gathered up her in'
herltance, put it away in the closet, and
devoted herself to her husband, who
lay grumbling on the sofa, a victim in
the clutches of rheumatism; . ;
Several weeks later Eleanor was
brooding over the financial situation,
when the bell rang, and an elderly man
stood at the door. He introduced him
self as "Mr. Clavers," and said that
being the Gordons' family lawyer, and
V -. .. .. I . . . ,n ... ... . 1. 4 .1 ...
uupjeiuiit$ iu ue tu wtvu mm uujr, no
had come at their request to ask a little
favor. . . .
"Would Mrs. Stone care to part with
a little old-fashioned daguerreotype the
Gordons had sent her in a box of things
that were Miss Perkins'?"
Eleanor's curiosity and suspicions
were aroused by the sudden desire for
this worthless relic of former days. Mr.
Clavers explained that the ladles had
taken a fancy for it, as ah antique
merely. They would be quite willing to
purchase it, and if a $10 bill would be
any object
"No," answered Eleanor, spurred on
to refusal by a sudden conviction. "I
didn't get many of my aunt's things,
but what I did I .shall keep," where
upon she arose and politely but unmis
takably bowed the astonished old gen
tleman out. -.
Then she hurried to the closet, and,
rummaging around, soon found the
box, and In it the daguerreotype case.
This she opened and began to scratch it
all over with her thumbnail and to fin
ger its surface carefully, hoping, all the
while, that she had not let a $10 bill go
for nothing.
1 It might really be a whim of Aunt
Susan's, after all, to want the old thing,
yet somehow it seemed to Eleanor that
she had once heard Aunt Marcia speak
of . a daguerreotype case with a secret
spring and false back which was a
much prized possession, the gift of a
dear friend.
Suddenly she gave a gasp and John
looked up from his couch in time : to
see something white flutter to the floor.
Forgetting his rheumatism, he sprang
from the sofa and stood, reading over
Eleanor's shoulder a bit of writing on
a scrap of paper that meant much to
those two.
"I, Marcia Perkins, hereby give to the
person who, after my death, becomes
the owner of the daguerreotype of Jo
seph Thurston, in the case of which
this paper will be placed by me, the
sum of $2,500."
That was as far as they went "O!"
said Eleanor. ' '
"Hum," said John, and there was a
silence for as many as three seconds.
"Go on," said John, r - -
"It's nothing more about us. It's only
that he," waving the placidly pictured
young man, "was her lover. He was
drowned at sea, and her house and oth
er belongings are to be sold and the
money is, to go to the Seamen's Or
phans' fund. ... ."
"So Effle and the others will have to
give up what they have already taken
possession of, and instead of every
thing will have nothing."
"Good enough," concluded John, In a
satisfied tone, "provided this paper is
perfectly legal. Thought they could
slight you entirely, but Instead they
made a mess j)f it themselves' by giving
you a cast-off, insignificant-looking
trinket, which happened to be the most
valuable thing your aunt left after all."
"If everything is only turned over to
us without any trouble," concluded hlq
wife.- "To think of their pretending
she didn't leave anything."
There was little trouble over the mat
ter, the paper being dated, Signed, and
witnessed. Thus- the Gordons reluc
tantly saw their knowledge of , the
daguerreotype's secret cam too late,
while the Stones) with its aid, wer
enabled to buy a pleasant little home,
where, secure from "hard times," thej
enjoy life together, the daguerreotype
case' occupying the place of honor.
Boston Post
Seasons Given by One Who Knowt
the Men of To-day.
There Is a good deal of discussion
over the fact that many women do not
marry. In fact one would almost imag
ine that it is only the men who marry
nowadays. There is a reason for it of
course, and there seems to be an effort
on the part of many to find It out. Some
say it is because she is "too vain," oth
ers that she Is "too extravagant," "too
mercenary," "too modern." However,
Winifred Black throws a few Interest
lng side lights on the subject, many of
which show the color of truth. She
says: -
"The modern woman doesn't marry
because the right man doesn't ask her.
Women to-day are just as anxious to
be married as their grandmothers were;
sensible, honest women are living to
day, and the man who wants to marry
one of them can do so, but they are not
looking for that kind of woman. A
man falls in love with an empty-head
ed, heartless doll for her pretty face,
and then complains because he flndi
the doll's head is hollow. When a man
chooses t a sweetheart because she
wears .'dead swell' clothes, and then
falls to lamenting over the cupidity of
woman when that same girls asks him
what his revenue is before she decides
about loving him he is not quite as logi
cal as he might be. Now, is he, really I
"Any woman worth marrying will
marry the man she loves even If he
can't scrape up money enough to pay
the minister. She may not be happy
with him after she marries him, but It
will not be his poverty that makes her
miserable. The great law of natural
selection holds Its sway with the just
as well as with the unjust. You can't
educate the human nature out of a
woman any more than you can refine
it out of a man. ' .. ".' ....
"A master of the science of economics
will elope with an extravagant creature
just as quickly as a proud, high-tempered
woman will mysteriously fall in love
with a stupid nobody. Dan Cupid,
Esq., "has gone out of fashion, but he
Isn't dead, not by ' any ' manner of
means, and never will be. Men put
women on a pedestal, but they set the
pedestal in the mud. N
"A woman's friends hear of her mar
riage with a sigh of relief. A man's
friends hear of his marriage with a
gasp of Incredulity." . .-"
-; For Players and Typewriters.
In this age of wear and tear on the
nerves . anything . to . save them from
shock is a great help. Scientists have
Invented a rubber thimble to protect
the fingers in piano playing and type
writing. The tips of the fingers are not
only nerve-centers, but one of the most
sensitive . parts of the body. - Conse
quently the finger nerves receive many
severe shocks in practicing or type
writing.' The new thimbles are made
of rubber, to fit the ends of the fingers
like gloves, and will lessen the shock to
the nerve centers. The speed also is
increased 10 per- cent by their use. It
Is certain that the ends of the fingers are
kept from becoming callous and the
nails from splitting.
A Discouraging Sign.
"How is your son getting along with
his literary work, Mrs. Rockingham?"
'I don't '.believe he s making much
headway. Nobody ain't accused him
of stealin' any of his writln's from any
body else, so I guess they can't amount
to much." Chl6ago News. " ,
' To Float Stranded Vessels.
Vessels can be easily removed from
sandbars by a new apparatus consist
ing of an endless chain of buckets to
be attached to the sides of the vessel
and driven by engines to excavate the
sand from around the hull until the
ship floats free. . . .; v j..- ' - ''..-
The first thing a man does when he
gets married is to try to practice econ
omy by shaving himself.
The great trouble Is, people haven't
very good sense, and they are not dis
posed to be very fair. - , .
Too many excuses for failure to do
your duty are worse than none at alt
A Veteran Plainsman Who Has Been a
Fighter and Hunter for Fifty Years
Eome of the Exploits in Which He
Figured. -
One of the most famous Indian scouts
and the last of the great hunters and
trappers common in the Rocky moun
tains fifty years ago is Major William
F. Drannan, who still sees service
among the Nez Perces of Idaho. He
carries a knife with which he has scalp
ed thirty-five Indians, after having
killed them In fair fight .
It was Major Drannan who captured
Captain Jack, the chief of the Modocs,
In 1873, and put an end to the Modoc
war. -The conflict between the United
States troops and the Modoc Indians
broke out during one of Major Dran-
nan's periodical attempts to : "settle
down" and farm. Couriers dashed up to
his ranch, their horses covered with
foam, and brought the news that Cap
tain Jack and his Modocs bad gone on
the war path. '
The whole, settlement was soon In a
state of great excitement . The In
dians killed all the defenseless ranch
ers they could and then fled to the lava
beds of Idaho and Intrenched them
selves In a cave. Somebody had to ride
to Jacksonville, a hundred miles away,
to warn the town and bring re-enforce
ments to the regular troops. Nobody
cared to undertake it Major Drannan
saddled Black Bess and started at sun
down. . All night long the sharp eyes
of the scout and the sagacious nose of
his pet mare picked out the trail as un
erringly as a bloodhound. Before sun
rise the Major rode into Jacksonville
and told the sheriff to gather a strong
posse, as Captain Jack was on the war
path and murdering settlers by the
score. General Wheaton, in command
of the regular army forces stationed at
Llnkvllle, sent for Major Drannan and
commissioned him to organize a scout
ing force. With this force he scouted
a strip of country about forty miles
long every day In front of where Cap
tain Jack and his men were Intrenched
In the lava beds, because the officers
feared an uprising of the Utes as well.
Not an Indian showed his head. Their
stronghold was nothing more than a
big cave In the lava rock, but it was
absolutely secure. There was only one
place to get In, a narrow passage, but
there were numerous rifle holes on the
east and south sides.
General Wheaton determined one day
on taking Captain Jack by storm and
for three days the whole command,
backed by howitzers, were turned loose
on the Indians. The assault failed.
General Wheaton lost sixty of his men,
while the Indians did not appear to
have been singed.
General Canby took command and
tried to take Captain Jack by storm
himself. He lost 100 men and failed.
A "conference was arranged between
General Canby, his chaplain. Colonel
Thomas, two Interpreters, and Captain
Jack, all without arms. Before It was
held Major Drannan went to Colonel
Miller, Canby's aid, and said:
"Colonel, If the general ever goes to
that council with Captain Jack he will
never come out alive."-
The Major- repeated bis warning
again and again, but Captain Thomas
said, "The Lord will protect us," and
General Canby laughed at the idea of
treachery... ,. ...... . .. ." ';; v"- -;" ;
The conference was held and General
Canby, together with Colonel Thomas
and George Meacham, Interpreter,' were
traitorously shot down by the Indians.
. Captnre of Capt. Jack. !
Major Drannan then had the cave
surrounded by a double ring of guards,
knowing very. well that the supply of
horse meat on which the Indians were
living was about exhausted. Soon he
found ' that Jack was sending the
squaws and children away, to save
food. Every Indian that attempted to
escape was captured by Drannan and
his men. They all said, "We heap hun
gry." -. ' .-: ' '
One night: Drannan, .. scouting as
usual,' crossed the trail of three -In
dians. One track was quite large and
long, a second smaller, and one quite
small. '
"Captain Jack, his squaw, and their
little girl are running away," said
Drannan to Black Bess. "They are
starving," and they've started out to
Clear creek to catch fish."
The Major had been in the saddle
twenty-four hours, but he never hesi
tated. He took up the trail and fol
lowed It as rapidly as he could push
ahead. Across miles and miles of grav
el ridge there was nothing to go by
except sometimes a bent twig or a
pebble turned by the feet Finally the
Major looked down in the valley from
the top of a high ridge, and caught
sight of the three Indians. He trem
blingly put his field glasses to bis eyes,
and, sure enough, it was Captain Jack,
his squaw and little girl. . '
"Where are you going, Jack?" asked
the Major, as be rode up to the big
chief who had been causing all the
trouble. '. . '
"Heap hungry,", said Jack, dejected
ly. "Guess go Clear creek catch fish."
A few hours later the old scout rode
into camp with his three prisoners. The
capture put an end to the Modoc war. :
Drannan avenged the murder of the
Davis family, which was a sensation
al horror of the plains thirty years ago.
An Inoffensive family of settlers was
killed in cold blood by a party of Mexi
can greasers, who then made off with
their cattle. The deed was laid to tfie
Ute Indians.
"No," said Drannan, with his usual
sagacity, "this Is the work of greas
ers." . ' ''; ' '
Lieutenant Jackson detailed him a
squad of men and he started in pursuit.
He traveled all day and about 9 o'clock
at night Black Bess sniffed the air cu
riously. "Here's their camp," said Drannan,
triumphantly. Sure enough, by the
light of the dying embers the little
posse could discern the forms of the
greasers. - The cattle feeding near were
those taken from Davis' ranch.
"We'll give you five minutes to get
ready," said the Major to the Mexicans,
who pleaded abjectly, as they were
surrounded. At the end of five min
utes they were lined up and shot. '
Drannan started on his remarkable
career from St. Louis with Kit Carson
in 1847 and when 15 years old killed hlg
first Indian or rather two of them.
Major Drannan is to-day lithe and agile
and stands 6 feet 2 Inches in his stock
ing feet He still eats bear meat and
sleeps on an elk-skin bed. "
Borne People in Every Community
Who Are Never Satisfied.
In every community there are chronic
growlers, always finding fault with the
existing condition of things, and no
better satisfied with attempts that are
made in the line of Improvement
A " Western village had been sorely
scourged by fire, its principal business
portion having been burned twice.
There was no fire department, the citi
zens apparently being of the opinion
that it would be too expensive.
Among them was a man of the name
of Grinders, who, while invariably
grumbling at the lack of enterprise dls-
played ' by the business men of the
place, opposed any and every attempt
to oreanlze a fire deDartment "We are
taxed too heavily already," he said. :
But after the second disastrous fire
there was such a clamor for better pro
tection In the future that the town trus
tees purchased a chemical engine, with
hooks, ladders and the usual parapher
nalia, provided a room, and a volun
teer company was organized.
"It's a waste of money," said Grind
ers. 'It will be twenty years before
there's another big fire. Mark my
words. Lightning doesn't strike three
times in the same place. You'll see."
Several years passed without any
real occasion for the services of the
new fire department The company, it
is true, turned out in response to sev
eral false alarms, and always made a
creditable display when on parade, but
Grinders was Irreconcilable. -.
"Look at it!" he exclaimed. "Five
hundred dollars thrown away abso
lutely thrown away! . I told you we
shouldn't have any more fires, but you
wouldn't listen to me."
One day, however, a fierce blaze broke
out In one of the stores in the rebuilt
business district The fire company
was promptly on hand, and by stren
uous exertions put out the flames be
fore much damage was done. The work
of the "fire boys" was creditable In the
highest degree, and it was .the general
opinion that they had saved the town
from a third calamity.
'What do you think of our fire de
partment now, Grinders?" asked one
of the exultant merchants the one, in
fact, in whose store the fire had started.
"H'mph!" growled Grinders. "How
much did you lose?" '
"Only about thirty -five dollars," re
plied the merchant "Mostly empty
boxes. The boys put the fire out before
It got into my goods." . . .
"H'mph!" growled Grinders again.
"Five hundred' dollars to put out a
thlrty-flve-dollar fire!"
And after that he grumbled worse
than ever. Youth's Companion.
The "Lady" Question in Germany.
Germany is having its "ladles" and
"gentlemen" question. A controversy
has arisen with regard to the style
which should be adopted in addressing
- O
t mi - i
women. There are,
language, of the fatherland, four names
whprehv that nellflrnrmi olnsn mnv ha
ucoigunicu u.uiu aiuu
(spouse), frau (lady), and welb (wife).
To save the not Infrequent disputes
and heartburnings which arise from
impertinence and Ignorance in the use
of any one of these terms, It Is now
proposed that one shall be officially al
lotted to each of the recognized grada
tions of the "scale social." : In this
manner, a general's wife shall
be '
known as his "consort;" she of an offl
clal of the next lower grade shall be
that " happy person's "spouse;" the
middle-class partner becomes her bus
band's "lady," and the worklngman's
helpmate Is simply his "wife." New
Orleans Picayune. -.
Pruyn Have you heard that horrible
story about old Stlffe being burled
alive? Dr. Bolus (hastily) Burled
alive? Impossible! Why,, he was one
of my patients. Exchange.
Some men walk so lazy and worth
less on the streets that you know they
are on their way to a saloon.
OME men, nay, many men,
have a reprehensible habit of
showing the notes and letters
written them byglrls not only to other
men, but, what is still worse, to wom
en," the Baltimore News quotes
bright girl as saying. "Every woman
knows that this Is true. Doubtless
there is not one of us who has not had
submitted to her scrutinizing gaze an
epistle written by some fair maid to a
man whom she thoroughly trusted.
This breach of confidence on the part
of masculinity for it is nothing less
was brought vividly to my notice by a
man who handed me three letters,' writ
ten by feminine friends, to read.
"Eve left me with a full heritage of
curiosity, and I was just , wild to see
what was in those notes. I was just
tempted and I fell. I read them,
even criticised them, for you see I am
Interested in the man," says a writer in
the Philadelphia Inquirer. "I was alto
gether horrid and dishonorable, but one
thing the incident did for me. I resolv
ed instantly that never would that man
get a scratch of the pen from me any
more than an Innocent 'I will be pleased
to have you,' etc. He won't even get
that if he can be reached by telephone.
"Two other men don't hesitate to say
that they read each other's mail. In
deed, one of them does most of the cor
respondence for the firm, and if his
chum is busy makes a draft of an an
swer to the letter which it is necessary
should be responded to immediately,
the latter copying it docilely at his leis
ure. In this way the one was writing
to the other's fiancee, while she, poor
girl, was pouring out her heart to her
betrothed, innocent, that the' outpour
ings were read by this rank outsider,
who.havlng no sympathy in the matter,
must have had no end of amusement
out of it
J "A girl should never write anything
m a letter to a man that she doesn't
. mind a select coterie of his friends see-
lng fiancee or no fiancee. '
-. "There Is a general idea that only
very young men are addicted to this cus-
iom, but this is a mistake. Men of S3,
which is certainly an age of discretion,
have no more conscience about show
ing letters than a boy of 18."
Foctety Women Keep Young., "7
; The fashionable woman looks as
young and rosy at 50 as the unfash
lonable woman generally looks at 30?
It is because she takes care of herself.
The : unfashionable woman gets her
beauty sleep every night and never dis
sipates In the matter of balls and little
suppers, while the rest of the world is
asleep. She eats her three meals a day
and at Just the proper hours. Every
thing on her table is wholesome and
intended to keep her skin rosy and her
little body lissome. She thinks it al
most Immoral to clog the pores of the
skin with powder and pomade, and
she believes In nature absolutely. And
just there is the difference. The fash
; lonable woman believes in "art She
knows that nature is a wonderful
restorative, but she has infinitely more
faith in art and science. When the
wrinkles begin to come the fashionable
woman knows of pomades and mas
seurs. She has found that the Turkish
bath will do more towards making her
eyes lustrous and her skin clear than
all the ten-hour sleep and whole-wheat-bread
remedies in the world. . She
wears corsets snug ones, too but they
are corsets that fit the figure and do
not grip it in a cast-iron vise, and she
hangs her skirts from the hips. But
she can dance all night and be as fresh
and rosy next day as if she had never
seen the inside of a ballroom. New
Orleans Picayune. :';
To Clean Oatrlch Feathers.
Cut some white curd soap in small
pieces, pour boiling water on them, and
add a little pearlash.' When the soap
is quite dissolved and the mixture is
cool enough for, ; .the .hand " to. . bear,
plunge the feathers Into It; draw the
feathers through the hand until the
dirt appears squeezed out of them; pass
them through a clean lather with some
blue In It, then rinse in cold water with
. . . . .1 J ., , .
uiue. w kivc mem kuuu wwr. Deal
thJ 'others against the hand to shake
rf o
near a nre. wnen perrectiy dry curl
each fiber separately with a blunt
knife or ivory paper-folder. ,
Tooth Paste.
: Violet tooth paste is the latest and
perfumes the breath. Violet tablets
are carried by some women in the
glove or pocket, in place of sachets.
There is a substitute for the old onr-h.
ets powder, but it Is expensive. L Violet
flannel costs $15 a yard, but cut up in
bits as long as the cloth lasts. There is
also a preparation for the hair, which
makes my lady's tresses as fragrant as
she wishes. '
Lore in the Home. '
"In the first few months of married
life love is so sufficient and loving so
simple that there seems no other need
in life,": says the Ladles' Home Jour
nal. "But by and by, when care be
gins to shadow them, when duties pre
sent themselves, and, strangely enough,
conflict with each other, when convic
tions clash and tastes differ, then both
husband and wife begin to refiizn that
back of love must stand Justice, pa
tience, honesty, sincerity and magnan
imity. Indeed, on these depends the
very continuance of love in marriage,
for it is not possible to go on loving un
less that Is found which is worthy of
love. The world is full 'of men and
women who think, either because they
like to think so, or, sadly, because they
uiusi, mai uuo cull luvt; w nuir vuc uw,
not respect One may pity, may' have
an infinite yearing tenderness ' over
what one cannot respect, but love is of
royal birth and recognizes only ' what
Is as royal as itself. The way, then, to
keep love secure in married life is not
so much to be anxiously watching and
guarding lest it .should escape, or cry
ing that love has spread its wings be
cause the first holiday romance is re
placed by graver feeling, but by. living
along simply and honestly and frankly
together, on a high plane, looking most
and always toward 'whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are hon
est whatsoever things are just what
soever things are lovely, . whatsoever
things are of good report.' Then Love
will be not a captive, but a most will
ing guest." : . : ..:'. '
Girls' Physical Training.
Many mothers who have felt at times
that young, enthusiastic but inexperi
enced physical culture teachers were
using more zeal than discretion in the
training of their girls, will appreciate
these words of caution given to moth
ers and teachers by an experienced di
rector who Is a physician as well: "In
the great race of life," she said, "health
Is . no handicap o a woman... But
strength is not necessarily synonymous
with health. Some of the muscles may
be strong, and some may be weak.
Strength should never be the primary
aim of physical education. Exercises
for beginners should be of the simplest
and, while graceful movements should
be cultivated, too much attention
should not be given to the prettlness
of the exerlcses. "Great care must be
taken that in all physical exercises
there shall be correct posture that shall
allow, free circulation. Twenty' min
utes' exercise taken out of doors is
worth an hour's exercise . In .a class
room that lacks pure air. . Running in
the fresh air Is magnificent exercise for
a girt and graceful movements in run
ning will be found conservative, of
energy." '
-' How to Climb Stairs.
Many' people will be surprised to
know that there is a scientific way of
walking upstairs. A physician, In tell
ing how it is done, says that usually a
person will tread on the ball of the foot
in raging eacn siep. xnis is aisiincuy -
a bad practice; it wears and tires the
muscles, as it throws the entire sus
pended weight of the body on the mus
cles of the legs and feet.' : ' '
In walking upstairs the point to be
secured is the most equal distribution
of the body's weight possible. The feet
should be placed squarely on the step,
heel and all, and then the work . should
be done slowly and , deliberately. , In
this way there is no strain upon any
muscle; but each , one does its duty in
a natural manner. .. . :
The practice of bending nearly double
when ascending stairs is extremely per
nicious. It cramps the lungs, .and,
makes the heart work harder. A slight
ly forward inclination Is all that is nec- .
essary to make the method of going up
stairs above described a much less la
borious task than it usually is. '
Boxing a Bride's Kari . -In
Lithuania, a province of Russia,
it is customary that the bride's ' ears
should be boxed before the marriage
ceremony. No matter ' how tender
hearted the mother may be, she always
makes it a point of administering a
hearty smack to her daughter, in the
presence of witnesses, and a note is
made of "the fact The mother's inten
tion is a kind one, though the custom
itself is bad. The reason for it is to pro
tect the bride should her , marriage
prove an unhappy one. In that case she
will sue for a divorce, and her plea will
be that she was forced into the mar
riage against her will, and on that
score the verdict of the Judge will be
In her favor. . . '
A 8tory-of Mary Lamb.
Mrs. ; Co wden Clarke, who recently
died in England, was fond of telling
how her Latin teacher, Mary Lamb,
Ella's sister, entertained her with a
fellow pupil at dinner. When the little
party was seated at the table the teach
er said: "Now; remember, we all pick
our bones. It Isn't considered vulgar
here to. pick bones." '. . ,';
To Remove Freckles and . Tan.
Venice soap, one ounce; lemon Juice,
one-half ounce; oil of bitter almond,
one-quarler ounce; dellquldated oil of
tartar, one-quarter ounce; oil of rhod
ium, three drops. :',
For Chapped Hands.
Oil of cocoanut, one : ounce; ' lemon
juice, one-quarter ounce'; alcohol-, one
half ounce; glycerine, two ounces; rose
water, one and one-quarter ounces.
Long-Delayed Correction..
Postmaster Tuttle, of Carthage, Mo.,
has Just received froml the Federal
government a draft for $8.28 In pay
ment of a debt that has been running
since the civil war, but of which Tuttle
knew nothing. . It appears that In set
ling with Captain Tuttle tor his ser
vices as a soldier one day's - pay was
overlooked. It took Uncle Sam thirty-
four years to discover the error.-'
.- i
In Finland women have the right of
suffrage. They usurp men's privileges
and are carpenters,' paperhangers,
bricklayers and slaughterers.