The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 31, 1899, Image 3

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jooa rover Glacier
, -FRIDAY, MARCH 81, 1899?
Highland Park. :
Harness oil Tor sale at Denzer's.
..Get your bike repaired at Denzer'a.
Go. T; Pralher 'had a new cook stove
for sale.: -"r
. 8..JN LaFrance went to Portland
Monday. ;
-' Mrs,. Alma Howe " went . tot Viento
Saturday, retuniliigMonday.
. , Money to loan on " real "estVtd hy
s .: Buy your school shoes from Bone &
Where Is Highland Park? ;
, . Bethewel Hendryx of While Salmon
has wen gran tea u neioii. .
'',.'. Lost, An open-face Union watoh
Finder will please leaveat Glacier offlee
k Shirt waists, shirt waists, at Bone' &
c Donald's.
.. . Fine line of crash Hats just opened
at Uone dc McDonald's... - v.'.v-;
. ' Mrs. J. Wick ham returned from Sa-
!em last Saturday . fV , ' "
r,, A teachers', institute will be held in
Hodtt River on the 15th of April.
L. Neff and wife of, Wasco were in
,.' Hood River during the first part of the
Dh ShaV is ' the latest to taekl'the
fiery, unturned bike, but he rides grace-
fully. ,: -.--:
The 3laciee will tell yon, about
Winv- Boonuan has lioujiht M. V,
Rand's property in town aucl will oc-
cupy it as a residence.
-: Regular -. meeting of Canny post,
"."Q 'A;.R. and W. U. C. tomorrow at 2
. , o'clock".' ..;.
The public school column appearing
this week was writteu for" last week,
but was crowded out. ' '
; '! - -'Jos. Purser Is ' selling" strawberry
plants, dug, trimmed and all ready for
selling, lorfi per inousuna.
V ' Wanted You rig man 16 or 18 years
..." old to, work on trim runcii coming sea
'"'' son. ; 'Apply at Glacier office.
'-'" L.' N.: Blowers returned,-Sunday!
- from a trip to tiumpter... He says -the
snow Is still two teet deep at that place.
vT.;J. Cunning, who is laid up with a
broken leg, is suffering much - pain
from the wound and is making slow
Doug Langiile and Bert Stranahan
started, on Monday for the McCoy
creek mil jes, gpitig'by the Lewis river
,'.' Denzer,' nowVoan furnish you wilh
building material of all kinds. Come
'' and get prices. "..." ; ; -
'"' Wm.' Ellison.'now employed as night
operator for the U, K. & JN. company
Altiiua, is visiting relatives in Hood
Land For Sale? 60, acres 3 miles
from town and J mile south of Bel
-monr, cheap and on easy terms. For
j?particularBf address Clias. Elrey,rWas
co. Oreiron. " .; :
Before you go fishing, ealtjt'Tenee:r'8
- and get a complete outfit of fishing
Nbtice.r-Have you a farm' for sale'or
for'rent, t do you know of any person
icholdiuar fafiuing, . lands that they wish'
to dispose of?, t. It so, pleiise writeHo aity
r. agent or the U. R. & JN . IX. and tie will
send you that will,
- The lareest and best stock of puiuts
.V ver kept at liood. River, : now.on ex-
ak w:,;.i.Jibiti6i. at .i.'enzer.'s store. '''' ;";::' ;
H Before the discovery of One Minute
i'S.Cough'Cure'.'uiinlsfers .Were greatly dis
i. turned by coughing congregations. No
'' excuse for It-uou--Williams &.Brosius.
It is said that Charley Clarke caught
Cn,tUe!,cfn'SUieriei(rjr process of the
a o V-prcfessor and mesmerized Flitit Brad
. J ford and -E: H. -Pickard. L , . ; ;
V?;,'Glve me a liver regulator and I can
'' regulate the world," said a genius The
' lv druggist handed him a , buttle, if De
' Wilt's .Little Early Risers, the famous
! r- little pills.; ; ,.Williaiiis & Broaius.-:
v Worknien : are engaged ;puttin'g: up
."sr .-..the telephone poles and wires 'for the
-.j flocal telephone system. ". Central office
'.:Si'ii will be iu Wiiliams:& Brosius , drug
. . store. . . :
41.!". For aquick remedy and one that js per-.
; fectlysafeforchildren letus reooromeud
.-;K,"-.t)ne MihUte Cough Cure. : It is excellent
for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the
it? v'thWiatO Cughs.' WillianisA Brosius.
HuM.Ihoii Bros. have. sold' another 40
aereafef.' land to the sunie party who
btlight.80 acres of them last fall. ?
.('"''Happy Is-the man or woman who can
eata good harty meal without suffering
rfv" afterward f If you can not. do it.takeKo-dot-DyspVpsla
Cure. Itcjpbn-sns what you
v&v eat and cures all forms odyspepsla and
;ln4igestion..'f Williams & BrosLus.
tc.v fiF. H. Button coiumeh.eeaj-;-TueRday,
with a force of men, to-improve: White
Salmon river'for driving logs. , ' .
3rrf'-6hw", on el-
i W etfie street car line, writejiJlhat.'Uis Utile
fj ? T. daughter was very- lw; wi 1 1 croup,' a i id
hra -v her life saved after ''uM : ph.ysicjans had
' ie j failed, -only by using One MiuUte Cough
bos. : .- r As the season of the year wheli pneu
?'';. tuntita, la grippe, sore throat) 'coughs,'
-.nv.iiJ cod, catarrb,roiichitis aiid,lOiig trou
Sflvv " bles are to be guarded against, nothing
;'."lsu nne substitute," wiifanswer the
urb(8e''iirU"Jii8ta8g()od"as One Miu
Ute Cough Cure.' -That fs the one Infalli
ble remedy for all lung, throat or bron
chial troubles. Insist vigorously upon
having it If "something else" is offered
iyou, Williams & Brosius. ,V. :
D. R. Cooper is shipping Ills apples
that he Jias kept oVer frpm;;.last; fall.
He is getting $1.25 a box iu". Portland
and has over 400 boxes : t . .
.j If you tiave.aTOUgb',thr'ii"ijitrrrita-(lo"ri;'
" weak lungs, pain in the chest, tiillieult
breatbinir.croiipor hoarseue'ss.'let ussug
gest One Minute Cough Cure. A I ways re
liable and safe. ; Williams & Brosius.
" W; At ISIlngerland has -fom menoed
to b'uiid an apple house, ' 24x60 feet
in size, which will be the largest apple
house in; Wascrt'eounty, .,
sema; skin disease, and especially Piles, I
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvestands first j
and bestIjook out for dishonest people j
who try Jo imitate and counterfeit it. It's
their endorsement of a goojj: ar(i-le.
.ii)..i.'iM..f.B i . t : . .. . 1 .
t's- Witch.' Hazel Butfe.r will
iaais it Bcosius.-
T4ie--d4 rectors oCJ.he I.HfladtJRlvgr
Fruit Urowers' Union wish to an
nounce that they expect to be doing
business at V the j Union warehouse
during the strawberry season, the same
as in preceding years. p They have
made arrangements for supplying
crates as usual, and have encouraging
reporik Wohi ' the markets.': - Increased
facilities for handling the business will
be furnished by the railroads and if the
growers will stand by the directors
there ia no reason . why . the season
should not be one of the most success
ful in the history. of the valley. All
reiiQrts and ruuinrs that the Union is
"going out of business" ' are untrue so
fan, as the directors are concerned.
i Christian Uuler and wile , have pur
chased, of E. L. Smith, the old Stollerl
ranch. at. Tj'out Luke, iiear the base of-
Mt' Adams; '--Theyre,; arranging to
build a new house and barn this season.
in order to more comfortably accom
module their giiesls during the coming
sumpier. ' The ;'iriut' Jjake. section
wiih .its "In'iiiHilerabie cav;s,. splendid
fishing and magnificent scenery, offers
many attract Ions' for a summer outiner;
ami we are; pleased to leani that the
Stoller nlaee liax fallen into! such ex.
celleni; h.hd:i ' : . ; H ; . .
The Da V idsori . " Fru it' Co's. " corres-
pnudeiit ' ill . the' strawberry district of
soumern v Missouri and northern Ar
kansas' reports; under date' of March
26th,' that the prospect is good for a full
crbpof strawberries and apples through-
out;lbat distHot.'i'The,: fall and winter
having been -favorable Tor ..these two
va'riet igs f 'tlii'f Peacies a re: k 1 1 led
Van Buren, Ark., expects to ship 400
cars of strawberries this season.
D.'N. Byerlee, - whose place is on the
state road west of "town, has a hot bed
that has Drought the plants along
nicely. He has cabbage and . cauli
flower plants ready to set out, and has
a fine lot of tomatoes, celery, tobacco.
sweet potatoes and other plants coming
on. He finds that plants do best when
taken from the hot bed and set at once
In the ground, not earlier than 4 o'clock
in the afternoon. :'-
An "! Even ins With 'American
Writers," at the U.'B. church last Fri
day- night, entertained a: full house.
The programme was admirably ren
dered all the way through, and the ap
preciative audience-(earned more of the
ives ' and characters - of American
authors than could have been learned
by ;putUng in the same time at the
best library iu the land. ... ' - .
K. Pealer is bedfast and entirely help
less. His wife Is a good nurse, but she
can hardly be expected to hold out In
doing tier household work and looking
aner ner invalid nusoand. The iielKh
bors have been kind in renderinir as
sistance. ..Mr. reaier Had a rail when
he was taken worse, about a month
aao, and since then has had no use of
his left arm and shoulder.
Our tongue is not very smooth.' and
we are loo awkward to give you a song
and dance, but let us tell you that e.
have, for; sale the' best ' bicycle ever
brought to Hood River. Our price is
rfo, and iryou pay more, you only pay
for the manufacturer's name and not
for material. Come and examine our
wheel before buying. At Denzer's.
The members and ' friends -of ' the
U. B. church will give a reception at
the residence of Mrs. G. D. Wood
worth, Friday evening, April 7th, to
all who, helped to build the U. B. " par
supage... All persons who' t'Ontributed,
Iri; mohey'or, w.i'urk, towards the erection
of the buildiug. are cordially invited.
The hard winter was severe on rose
hushes;. -rMany . rose -bushes that bad
lived through hard winters for 20 years
or more, succumtied this tune and were
killed down to' the ground. H. C.
Heugst, who is an expert gardener and
florist, .lost man. v of his choice, roses
and flowers, - i -' - ' , --r ; -
The suit of -the Hood River Lumber
ing companyprotesting against the
award of damages by the viewers ap
pointed to condemn the mouth of Hood
river for. boom purposes, , in the circuit
Court last, week, was decided adversely
to me company oy judge liradsuaw. ;
Levi i Clarke;' father of Chas. ' N.
Clarke of ...the Glacier Pharmacy, has
rented Capt. Coe's cottaue near the
armory and will move here from The
Dalles with his family. Me has also
purchased a lot in South Waucoma. -
The portly form of. Jos. A. C Brant,
editor (if'' the Vancouver Columtian,
arKeneu our sanctum door last Satur
day . Mr. Brunt, wife am) son came
up on the Regulator and visited with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert Graham over'Sun-
day.. : . ' - -
The GlaCIR was in error last week
in slating that Wood vorth's store gave
an ' enlarged picture and frame "with
very $20 worth of goods sold. - The
nlarged picture only is given, but it
n Itself is a handsome present. , . -,, .
Miss ' Ezma Jones, who has . been
pending the winter with her . uncle
nd aunt. 'Mr. and Mrs. J..J. Liiickev. r
siaris today tor rendieton, where she
will visit for a few days and then no to
her home at. Tekoa, Wash. .
Albert I; Mason came up from Port-
laud, Saturday, and was engaged blast
ing out stumps on his ranch on the
East Side.- Monday.- Mr. Mason " will
soon have another teri acres ready to
set tSple trees."' 5 ''! :
Geo. T." P'rather has .blank applica
tions for -marriage licenses. It is not
necessary now Jto go to The Dalles to
procure a-license of this character.
Pay you r uiotiey to, J ude Prather and
get your license. , :. . , . . ;
Mrs. E. E. Lyon, has been quite sick
fram the effects of baying a toot hex-
acted, tier little boy , has also been
ick with the grip. Mrs. W. H. Perry,
mother of Mrs Lyon,' has been acting
as nurse in the afflicted family. - , ,.
Uncle ' Oli.ver Bartmess gave the
editor a copy of the Religious . Tel
escope, the organ of' the U.' B.- church
at Dayton, Ohio. Uncle Oliver has
been a reader of'paper for 65 years.
Mrs Oscar Stranahan, who is visiting
hef old home-.a'Northfleld, Minn.,
had the misfortune to' fall on the ice
and break an arm. . Mr. Stranahan ex
pects her. home soon. , (t
J. R. . Galligan, who was so. tiadly
urt last week by the breaking of the
sweep of his grubbing machine, is iui-
rovltig slowly.
Miss Jessillne Dlsbrow, daughter of
Arthur Disbrow, is attending the Bar
rett school and boarding with tier aunt,
Mrs. D. G. Hill. .-, . .? : .- ,,
Mrs. Green Johnson;- National, lec
turer for the W. V. T. U., . will lecture
in Hood River, Sunday evening, April
Mr.Stewart of' I'orrtanii
;ls v 'si ting .-
i iiocni Biver.
Rict5 Paleol
Julfa MarloWer
lace Bool
your foot jn, and at the same
think you cannot get astyhsh
that's a mistake. 'We tan fit
famous "Julia Marlowe."'
5 .
-.. :...; Headquarters for Millinery. . .-:
- , j.
Summer boarders are beginning to
make inhumes for stopping places. The
Parker house will receive its first guests
from Portland early in April. To
prettier or more desirable summer
boarding place can be found In Oregon
than that presided over by Mrs. John
Parker. .V : ..: - (. ; v;.
-Genuine: Singer sewing macbiues at
Wood worth's for "r'2o. '
Mrs. Dr. Allard and daughter Inez
of Troutdale visited Prof. Ri-R. Allard
and wife last week. :.
, ; Church "otices. '
Services will be held in the M. E.
church next Sunday both morningand
evening, . The Easter occasion will be
commemorated in the morning witli a
sermon by the pastor and special music
by the choir, i ne regular singer s wm
he assisted by Miss Anne Smith; Mrs.
C. L. Connie and Mr. Chas. Clarke.
The public is most cordially invited.
Congregational Church. , Services
will be held, Sunday, at 11 a. ni. This
service will be appropriate to Easter.
Special music will be furnished. In
the evening at 7.45 the Sunday school
will give a concert. An Easter can
tata will be presented by young people
of the Sunday school. An Easter em
blem will 'be given to every Sunday
school scholar. ..., .-, , - ... ;
: Easter exercises at the U. B. church
next Suiidav. Short sermon by the
pastor at 10:30 a. m., followed by Easter
services by the children, consisting of
songs, recitations,' "etc., after which
there will be the distribution of . gifts
from the Easter tree. ' All are Invited.
' There will be an. Easter service atl
Mt. Hood, April 2d. Services at ;11 ar.d
3 o'clock.. Also a basket dinner Oofwe
oiieand all. . Brimr vou r" baskets i an
oliserve Easter. ... ...All are' In vi led '.by.f'
Rev. C. Coop, preacher in Charge. ,
Bethel A. C. Church, Hood River.--Easter
service.. - Preaching at 11 ai Hi
subject, "The Atonement'; '7.30p.fn.
"Prophecies Concerning-the -State.ot
the Dead." Elder L. G. Dix, pastor..
Beimont Leaeue The secqnd lee-.i gans. ' ltisthelatestdlscovereddlgest
t'ir on' "The Two Roads and the Two ant and tonic. No other preparation
Destinies of the- Human Race;" illus-l'tari approach it in efficiency. It in
trated by a small chart, will be deli verr : etantly relieyes and permanently cures
ed by'Bi-oiher T. Shere, at Belmont Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
church, Sunday evening, at 7.80 p. m-Flatulence, Sour Stomach, .; Nausea,
r- Mount Hood Notes, "
The weather has been :very fine" for
the last few days and the farmers are
seeding around here. .- , -- '
; Fred Goodfellow sold his ranch iier
Mt. Hood, last Monday, to Mr. Thomp
son of Hood River. , : - .. :', ;
Elmer Gribble took two loads of
spuds to Hood River, Tuesday. .. .
Some of our farmers have, garden
seeders but they prefer planting their
garden by hami. - . : . . -v--:
J. G. Fischer went to Hood River to"
advertise his homestead this week.
Robt. Leasure caught an otter last
Sunday and a coyote, Monday. ,
Out postmaster returned home last
Saturday, from down the river, where
he had been on business. You & Me, I-
A postal Inspector visited Mt. Hood
on Wednesday and found our post of
fice all right. '
Bora. : . ;;..'";' ' ' ;".
River valley, March 23,
to Mr.' and Mrs'
C A; oil more,
a son. A .
At Wasco' March 15, 1890, to; Rev.'4
and Mrs. (Jhas. Elrey, a son.
At Portland, Oregon. Iareh 18, S99t.E. unday
to, Mr. ana Mrs, r nil Mattuews, a
daughter.;'' : ( :" ". ;v'' ; , i
At "-Mt. Hood, Oregon, March" 25,
1899, to Mr. and Mrs. H. H. MeyefsY
daughter. - - -Jtr --
At White Salmon, W.a8h., March-27;j i
1899, to M r, and Mrs. Cox, a son! - -';' o
At LaFRANCE'8. - ' V"
'"rTpc-,-n-or '
Dnhhai- Nrtr 9 No a bit of It. This Is only
KUDDcr r B pian everyday citizen,
looktnir for TJTH best place In town to purchasj
Fora number of years we have practiced -footography.
It is not.a profession, it's a
combination of art .and Uusiness. It is
the knowledge of feet and the art of fit
ting them rig ht.r . - -
We have iearned a good deal .about
feet, shoes and leather, also shoemakers;
and some of . them don't know as much
as they .ought to; but there is one
at least that knowa how to make a shoe -that
Is the easiest thing you ever put
titiie the: most elegant-. You may
fit that will be comfortable, but
everybody (with some style of the
. . '
40 Acres
For sale. Good apple land: lays-well, near
kudu huiiuui..: ajuuu uol ijuro vo clear.
Horses for Sale or Trade
I have two or three youne horses that I wtll
sell or trade for cattle. Also, one thorough
bred Jersey bull calf one month old. Apply to
miy J. W. MUKTUJN,
V Riverside Farm, 8 miles west of town.
if. Hay for Sale.
- Seven tons of best Timothy and Glover Hay
ipr saie ai jio a ton Dy . u. it. UASi wiiK,
' .. . "; -on the Oonnell plane,
For Sale.
1: Frnlt. farm Hood nft.vlnfl' nrnnnrf.v In ntv.
pies and strawberries. Splendid location, 2
miles from depot.-
Fresh Jersey Heifers
For sale. Apply at this office, or to
A. R. BYRKtiTT, White Salmon.'
24 Acres,
One mile froni town; 9 In strawberries, one In
blackberries, one In raspberries. 900 frolt trees.
200 grape vines. Good Improvements. In-
qmre at the Hood Kl ver KAUK.KT STORE.
'" Two Lots for Sale. "
' Two desirable lots, 1 and 2, "block 3, Wlnans
addition. For particulars address the Glacier.
" i ; 74 1-2 Acres
For sale: miles from town. Improved land
and some of the best in the valley. Inquire of
. j. ij&e ranee, or on roe rancn to
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
gtructirig the exhausted digestive or-
6icliHeadache,Gastralgia, Cramps, and
all other results or imperfect digestion.
' Prepared by E. C. DeWItt A Co., Cllcago
Time Schedules.
.'Mall '
15:42 p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft Worth.Omaha.
i Fast
4:00 p.m.:
Kansas City. &t
IiOuls, Chicago
.and the East.
Walla Walla, Spo-
. .kane.Miuneapollsl
; Spokane
' Flyer
6:57 a.m.
i-iyer .
4:37 p.m';
- til ram, uumm,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago ind East. . . '
A p.m.
Ocean Steamships
For San Francisco
Every Ave. days.
8 p.m.
Columbia Rivbb
4 p.m.
To Astoria and way
iu p.m.
landings. ,
Willamette River.
4:30 p.m.-Ex-tiunday.
6 a.m.
Oregon City, New-
x. Sunday
. Derg,t3aem b way
; landings. -
Yamhill Rivers.
3:80 p.m.
Mon, Wed.
. and Frl.
k.'$ues. Thur.
Oregon Clty.Dayton
-jt ana eav .
aDd way wnaings.
Wllia'mette Ttfver.
- 6 a.m.
rTaes, Thur.
. ana Sat. ,
4:80 -.m.
Portland to Corval-
Tues., Thur.
lisis way landings.
and Sat.
1:45 a.m. .
dally ex. Sat,
Lv Lewlst'n
Snake River,
6:46 a.m.dal-
Rlparla to Lewtston
, Gen'l Pass. AgenVPortland, Or
E. B; -Clask, Agent, Hood tllver.
Sealed Bids 1, :
. For the construction of a section of county
-road, mostly-stone work, along -bluff near
tovn ortlooa itiver, are nereoy inviiea. Bias
to be sent to J. S. Harbison by April 10, 1899.
r&Dt. J. H. Dukes of Hood River will show
parties the location and furnish particulars.
Right reserved to reject any or an Dius.
- J. 8. HARBISON-, Roaa Supervisor,
V " Jersey Bull..
l have a thoroughbred Jersey Bull that will
stand at Kiversidd FArrh.S miles wostof town.
Terms $1.50, but payable at time of service.
, .m24 -; ., J. W. MORTO.V.
CHouse arid lt ibt Sale.
5" . 'tot 60x100, t.hree-room house, nicety finished;
Good woodshed. Price 8325, . M. A. GOOlf.
Get Your Horses, fr
All nerions havlnsr 'horses wintered at my
MlaiS In Si.erman fidnnty vlil please meet mi
at toe urrtway plSce, Jisst Side; Friday, AhrU
7 th,
illll :
nt a:.w ux nm. aiteraooa. -p? vjiAa.v.i.-
bone &
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Which we will sell at live and let live prices.
Agents for Osborne
. . .- . . The place
Mn Patfint Ifftta Wall
CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor, '
- ' ' ' Prescriptions and Family Recipes carefully compounded.
'' k..
And, Agricultural Implements.
Studebaker Waarons and Spring Waeons:
ton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Discs; Badger Spring Tooth Harrows. There are several
tainy good lines oi inese goons som Duioniy
At as low prices as are charged for cheaper
uome ana see us ana get our prices. . .. ' -
N. C. Evans. Pres. ' .
B. -E. Bavaqb, Sec. and Treas.
',' : '" -(Incorporated). - :
TTnexcelled facilities for handllnsr real estate. Parties wishing to dispose of real property
will find it to their Interests to list the same
ined. Abstracts furnished.
Fruit Boxes, orates and packages ot all Kinds, storage warehouse.
t have onened a choice lot of Groceries In
River Pharmacy.-.. Will also deal In Flour, Feed, etc.
-. Onr ennds are all new and choice, and we will aim to keep the best at all time. Q uick
sales ana small pronis win ne our xuullu. yviue
- Sucoessor to E. L.Smith Oldest Established House In th valley.J .' i
; ' ' ' DEALER IN ' ! ''"''.- v ' ; ' , : :' s-'U 1
IDxr O-odd-s, ClotliLlaag:,
. Elour, Feed, Etc., Etc. .
HOOD RIVER, ' ' - . - ''
Land Office at Vancctuver, Wash., Feb, 23,
l9. Notice Is hereby sriven that the follow.
lng-named settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make final proof In support of their
claims, and that said proof will be made F. W. Kale, Clerk of the Superior Court
of. the state of Washington for Skamania
county, at Stevenson, Wahlngton,,on Friday,
April 7, man, viz: -. ...
XT T? HJn fillA tr.r th. Aast. tit
and east H of northeast hi section 23, towuship
8 north,; range east, W. M.
Jie names tne ionowing witnesses w prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Charles Robertson, George Tyrell, Charles
Walthers and S. Torguson, all of Cbenoweth
P. 0., Washington. . ' ,
H. E. No. 8442, for the southeast 'i of section 2,
township 8 north, range 9 east, w. M. r
He names the fallowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and -cultiva
tion or, said lana. vu; v.-i ., .
Hert Veach. Ueoree Tvrell. George M. Berry
and Charles Walthert, all of Chenoweth P. O.,
Washliigton, , 'jj !....
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March
14 1899. -Notice .Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act of con
gress of June S, 1B78, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber lands In the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory."
tne touowing-namea persons nave mia any
filed In this office their respective sworn state
ments for the purchase of the tracts described
herein aud will offer-proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuablo for Its timber
or stone than .for agricultural purposes, and
to establish their claims to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at ihe
Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the 20th day of
May, 1899, viz: - - - v
HARRY G. WYATT, of Hood River, on
sworn statement NeT;129, for SW 8eo 24, Tp
IN, R9E, W M.
- BERT V. WYATT, of Hood River.on sworn
stat'mentNo. 130. for the NEH8eo23,Tpl
N, R 9 E, W M.
CHARLES Hi MATNEY, of Hood River,
on sworn statement No. 181, for the NffK Sec
28.TplN, ROE. WM. -
sworn statement No. 133. for the S JSE Xand
a U. 8W V, Sbc 25. To 1 N. R 9 E. W M.
Witnessest E Butler, -Charles M-athey.'W A
Wina.Tia:--WllUfim Thotnneon. W Montgom
ery, H GW'fttt,Bert V:wyatt;ud D-Brad-
ley, all of Hood River, Oregon.- v-
: marUmlft .i .JAY P. L0CAS, Register.- -
' Two re!aena lota,'a, 4w5cene for Hood
RUef property'; Inquire Siacier ijSce.- .y , : r
' A-"- ?' ' ,.. .' ; ' "'
Mowers and Reapers,
to buy your . .
Pannr Paints and (life fitn fife
Planet Jr. Garden Tools and Cultivators: Can
one 5iii. r oose are trie oest ana are sold oy
grades of goods'.
a. R. Uastnbr, Vice Pre
C B. Bonk. ..
with us. Conveyancing done and titles exam
- :
the slore room formerly occupied by the Hood
wiu ee us.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Feb. 2"?,
1899. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of bis In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made befoiit
Register and Receiver at The D&llea, Oregon,
on Monday, April 17, 1899, viz: -: ,
Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Application No.
4418, for the northeast section 18, tou nship
1 south, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to move
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
W. W. Nason and F. Khudson. KU Hood,
Oregon: James Knight, Klngsley, Oregon;
m8a7 . .'JAY P, LfJCAS, lteglster.
' Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March
14, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof In support of hi
claim, and that said proof will be ia4e bciore
the Register and Receiver at The Dalle:, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, April 25, 1899, viz:
- '- CHRISTIAN WY8S, '. .
Of Mosier, H. E. No. 7183, for the' northeast
southeast H section 25, township 'l north,
range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vizi v
Carl J. E. Carlson, Adolph Oodberson, and
Wallace Husbands of Mosier, uiid KmU
ecnanno oi xne juaues.
Land for Rent. -
Five acres of good land for rent on shares.
Also, 10 acres for sale. : 1. H. GliliDES.
1 Land to Rent.
Twenty acres, more or Ipsr. Can gbe tenant
work all spare time. CHAS. CHAN lit.KK.
Land Offlee at the Dalles, Oregon, February
18, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof in support of his
oUiim, and that said proof will t made befora
the Register and Receiver ai Tlie;Dalles, Ore
gon, on Monday, April 17, 1899. viz:,
; . . . -WILLAUD W. NASON. 'i
Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Application No. "'
6576, for the northeast Vt section 17, township I
south, range 11 cast W. M.- ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:-
, Henry W. Walt. H:.R1ehmoriaAd George
Perkins of Mt. Hood,- Oregon; ttiid James
Knight of Kihgsley. Oresfon. r
Mia" . . .. JAY l'-.ttreA'iveglster. -