The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 24, 1899, Image 4

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Where now are youth's superb domains?
A garden 'neath a darkening sky,
A tangled garden bleak and dry,
la all that barren age retains. " .. ,'
Where are the roses and the boughs
That once hung low with fruity gold ?
The vines are sere, the vines are old,
The trees in dusky torpor drowse.
Where are the glorious sunset gleams
That spread their long rays of delight,
Mingling the hopes of day and night?
They shine across a waste of dreams.
, . j
O In that garden of the past
Bloomed flowers more than earthly fair,
Beauty and Strength and Love bloomed
there, - -
And Trust too quickly giv'n to last. ..J
Yet in that garden still doth ring C
The voices of a day long dead, , ,
I hear the. very words they said,
Borne on the gentle breeze of Spring.
That life is vain then, who shall say,
If in a dream be lives again
With every joy that crowned him when
The sword of youth kept pain at bay?
And while the sense of natural things
Of times that smile, of times that weep,
Visits my pillow as I sleep,
Again my Garden smiles and sings.
Portland Transcript.
pn HE mummy necklace was
quaint, rough thing, more quaint
than beautiful, yet with a certain
nlcturesaueness. and an undeniable
fascination, alternate beads of cornel
lan and gold, and two tiny hearts hang-
- lng from the three central beads.
My father gave It me one day, know
ing I had a fancy for these out-of-the-way
jewels. I do not know Us history,
but was told It had been taken on? the
neck of a mummy. ""
' From the moment It was given me
Its curious fascination overcame me.
I wore it day and night. I fancied it
would bring me luck. I certainly felt
tiny soft pinches on my neck .mude by
the beads. - This I wondered at for u
time, but afterward grew too accus
tomed to them to wonder. There "Were
I t XI 1 . .. 1 . . . 41 fx .nn.A
. curious mm k a uu lue mauo, mejr wwo
chipped off or indented. .' Here and
there were dark stains. -
From the moment I began to wear
.the necklace my health failed. I grew
weaker and weaker, and at last fell
: seriously ill. Naturally I did not dream
of connecting my illness in any way
with the Influence of my mummy neck
lace. ' On the "contrary, I clung to It
more and more, believing it to be a tal
isman. . -,,-.'.., -
I was lying on my sofa one day, when
a friend, who had observed my neck
lace then for the first time, said, "Why
vaii wenr thflt? It Isn't nrettv. Let
me look at it."
She held It a moment and then shiv
ered. ' ..' '
"O, It's a horrible thing! Don't wear
It It will bring you dreadful ill-luck.
I believe those are the marks of teeth
and the stains of blood!" r? '?
I said, "It bewitches me. I can't bear
to part with it, and I wear t day and
night.'" ' '
Another friend of mine took a dislike
to it. She was a believer In magic of all
sorts, and was persuaded that the neck
lace had made me 111 and was prevent
ing my recovery. " "' ' ;
"Yes," she said, "It has an Influence
that I believe but for evil." ......
At last she persuaded me to let her
take It to a clairvoyant. A certain cob
bler in a suburb of London was the
clairvoyant we chose. He and I had
had strange experiences some time be
fore this, but, as Rudyard Kipling says,
"that Is another story." - " - ; - 1
I parted with the necklace reluctant
ly. My friend promised to arrange an
Interview with the cobbler, the next
day, If possible. -
That night I fastened my pearl neck
lace on,' missing the feeling of the
mummy chain.
I lay awake all night. I was not al
lowed a Bleeping draft, and I had
coughed till I was exhausted, but not
sleepy. . :. ,
Towards dawn my nurse shut the
door between her room and mine. I re
member observing the light coming
through the empty keyhole of her door,
and each side of my dark blinds.
The rain beat loudly on the windows.
I lay listening to the weary sound. .
Suddenly my wrist was seized and
violently shaken; the bangles I wore,
hung with talismans, rattled and Jin
gled together." Another moment and
my throat was seized by tightly clutch
ing, strong hands. .'""'
T i ,1 If. 1 1 r p i . i .. i.'j.ii. ja
It Is terrible."
Still the clutch tightened. My pearl
necklace was shaken. Even then I
thought: "The pearls will be scattered."
Then the thought came swift and
horrible: .
: "He has come for his necklace." (He.)
The next flash of thought was, "This
Is a struggle of thousands of years ago
being re-enacted. Death Is terrible. If
only I could call for help! If only I
could speak!" But the fingers clutched
my throat too tightly.
And then I opened my eyes and saw
a great gray formless thing. It lay
stretched out on my bed, and through
It I saw the light shining through the
empty keyhole.
Even then, through "my terror, I
thought: "Shall I be believed when I
tell them to-morrow? Yes, it must be
true, because I hear the rain beating
on the window-rtane all th time."
And all the time the clutching and
"Jie struggling never ceased upon my
'oat. ' I seemed to be so near to
" struggling on my part was
'-"iftit that supreme mo
hejost distinctly the
lL-ray, transparent
" mt out tato&cTyJg;'
I for help to someone stronger tnan tne
thing; and then it moved, It lifted,
melted away into a gray mist disap
peared. . -
. Then I. sat up in bed; lit a candle,
which I never darecLput out again; ob
served the hour by my watch between
4 and 5; and lay back, stricken, ex
hausted, trembling .longing for some
thing human to come and draw up the
blinds, and let In even the wet, dismal
daylight, rather than lie alone with the
memory of my midnight horror.
Two days after this my friend who
had taken the necklace to the clairvoy
ant came, bringing it back with her in
a sealed envelope, begging me not to
touch it
She gave me an account of her inter-;
view before I told her my experience. ,
The clairvoyant, in bis trance, had)
become unusually excited when shdi
placed the necklace in his hands. Ilii
paced about the room, then flung bim-t
self on the floor, saying, "Dying, dyingj
I see autumn leaves everywhere -thalj
is death. - O, tell her never to touch l(
again. It Is an accursed thing. It be
longed to an Egyptian king thousands
of years ago. Blood and warfare fol-i
lowed his footsteps. He wore it. It
has never been on a woman's neck be
fore. He knew she wore it, and when
he missed It from her neck he waa
angry. He wants Ms necklace again.
She must not wear It It will be death
to her. But even now she may be saved
If she never wears It or even touches It
again," t. ...
-lleftoff wearing that necklace and
finally parted with It, for Ill-luck was
my lot as long as it was in my possession.'-
I r.f.,r ' :-;';
That Is the true story of the mummy
necklace as far as I-am concerned. 1
have . never seen "my terrible visltoi
again. Will he come again some day
and ask what. I have done with hli
necklace? Lady's Realm.
London has one street seventy feel
long, being the shortest street In the
city. - ' '""
The new cable which has been laid
across the Atlantic weighs 650 pounds
to the mile. This Is the biggest, of all
the cables. .''.'. . . v V'
At Swedish weddings, among the
middle and lower classes, the bride
groom carries a whip. This Is an. em
blem of his authority In the domestic
Only seventy years have elapsed since
the first railway In the"world was fin
ished. ,i ' During ' ,that , comparatively
Lbrlef ' period' four hundred thousand
miles has been constructed.
' The Swiss society Rambertia has laid
out'an Alpine garden at Montreaux, at
an elevation of six - thousand feet,
where tne characteristic trees and flow
ers of the country- are to be cultivated.
Steel rails now figure as the cheapest
finished product in wrought " iron or
steel. A good lesson on the -finances
of modern industry is also afforded by
them. To establish a steel-rail works,
an expenditure of $3,000,000 is required
before a single rail can be turned out.
The steel Is made to conform to an ac
curate chemical composition the most
accurate In the ordlnaryrange of tech
nical operations. ;
In Arizona a railroad company is the
builder of a dam to form a reservoir
for water for the supply of the locomo
tives. The dam is curious in - being
formed partly "Of steel plates. A ma
sonry foundation runs across the bot
tom of the gap, and masonry abutments
are built on each side,, .and the-center
and main portion Is a steel frame faced
with steel plates. ' The plates are bent
to give them stiffness. The steel por
tion is 190 feet long and' forty feet high,
equal to the front of a block of low
city houses." ; The plates are three-
eighths of an Inch thick.
There Are revere! Wajri of Aacertaln-
' lng the E peed Made. ,
Not one person In . a hundred who
travels has any Idea of the speed of a
train, and even a large percentage of
the regular trainmen cannot tell with
any degree of accuracy. Engineers use
their driving wheel as a gauge. They
know Its clrcummerence, and- by
counting Its revolutions within a cer
tain time can tell very accurately the
speed at which they are running.
A favorite method of timing agiong
passengers Is to count the telegraph
poles. As a rule, these poles are planted
thirty to the mile, but In prairie coun
tries, where only a single' wire Is used,
the number diminishes to twenty-five,
so that rule will not always work. The
most accurate method, and the most in
use by experienced railroad men, Is to
count the number of rail Joints the
train passes over In twenty seconds.
The rails on nearly all roads are thirty
feet In length, and the number passed
over in twenty seconds Is the speed
per hour a train is running.
For Instance, If a passenger can
count thirty clicks on a rail joint in
twenty seconds, the train Is running at
a speed of thirty mles an hour. Actu
ally, this method falls a little short, as
In the example given above the speed
would be nearer thirty-one .than thirty
miles, but It Is near enough for all prac
tical purposes. r- . :
"Women's Skulls the Cheaper. -
A medical student Is authority for the
statement that women's ' skulls '- com
mand a much lower price than those of
men. "It is possible," he says, "to ob
tain the skull of a woman for $1.50,
while that of "fl, cannot be had for
less than
a woma'
ably srrf;
to be, V
"on why?: Well,
ule, IS conslder
Xh's. i It is said
ilopedi It' Is an
e article and
vsclence; bencs
David Glasgow Farragut, first admiral
of the United States navy, was born In
Tennessee. - He entered the navy as a
midshipman and fought his first battle on
the Essex in 1814. He served in the navy
fifty-eight years. He was 60 years of age
' when the civil war came. His first orders
in that conflict were' to capture New Or
leans, which he did under heroic circum
stances in 1862. In this battle he de
stroyed forts carrying 120 guns, twenty
armed steamers, four ironclads and a
multitude .of fire rafts. He was made a
rear admiral for this in 1862. In 1863 his
I Beet aided in the capture of Vicksburg
and Port Hudson, and one year later cap
tured Mobile. It was at Mobile that he
' was lashed to the rigging of his flagship,
I the Hartford, while under fire. For his
I bravery Congress made him a vice-ad-xiiral
in the fall of 1864, and in 1866 the
! flice of admiral was especially created
I tor him. After his elevation he was placed
n charge of the European squadron of
;his Government. He died at the Ports
mouth navy yard unexpectedly In 1870. ,
Alfred B. Lloyd Sees and Talk
'- ' with Many of Them, i
The English traveller Mr. Alfred B.
Llovd. made the journey from Victoria
iNyanza to the mouth of the Congo in
three months, the quickest time on rec
1 ord, using the Congo steamboat service
1 and railroad for two-thirds of the way.
traveling through the great equatorial
forest of which Stanley gave so vivid
a description. His route was a little to
the south of Stanley's road, and he saw
much of 'the dwarfs who Inhabit the
forest region. . -' -
"1 was three weeks crossing the
great forest," he paid, "Often the dark
ness evtn at midday Is remarkable.
Sometimes I" was unuble to read at
noon, when as you know the sun near
the- equator Is almost, directly over
head.' One' 'day I tried to bhotograph
my tent, but failed on account of the
dimness of the light I walked through
out the forest journey, though I had a
saddle ass With me. I could not use
him without constantly exposiug my
self to the danger of being unsaddled
by the vines that hung over the path.
We sometimes narrowly escaped being
killed by the fall of enormous trees,
some otwhose trunks measured over
20 feet in circumference. The silence
of death reins in tills..- forest I unless
broken by animals or the fall of trees."
Mr. Lloyd -saw many more dwarfs
than Stanley met In the same region
and thus described them:
Ml saw a great many of the pigmies,
but, generally speaking, they kept out
of the way as much as possible. At
one place In the middle of the forest
called Holenga, I stayed at a village of
a few huts occupied by so-called Arabs.
There I came upon a great number of
pigmies who came to see me. They
told me that unknown to myself they
had been watching me for five days,
peering through the growth of the
primeval forest at our caravan. They
appeared to be very frightened, and
even when speaking covered their
faces. . I slept at this village, and In the
morning I asked the chief to allow me
to photograph the dwarfs. He brought
ten or fifteen of them together, and I
was enabled to secure a snapshot- I
could not give a time exposure as the
pigmies would not stand still.
, "Then with great difficulty I tried to
measure them, and found not one of
them over four feet In height. All were
fully developed. , The women were
somewhat slighter than the men, but
were equally well formed. ."7- .
"I was amazed at their sturdiness.
Their arms and chests wero splendidly
developed, as much so as In a good
specimen of an Englishman. These
men have long beards half way down
the chest, which Imparts to them a
strange appearance. - They - are very
timid, and cannot look a stranger in the
face. Their eyes are constantly shift
ing, as in the case of monkeys. They
are fairly Intelligent
David Dixon Porter, second admiral of
the United States navy, succeeded Farra
gut in that office, his commission dating
from Aug. 15, 1870. He was born in Penn
sylvania and entered the navy as a mid
shipman when he was 16 years old. He
was a lieutenant in 1841. In the first
eighteen years of his service he was ten
years in the Mediterranean service and
the remainder of the time on duty with
coast surveys. He was in command of the
mortar flotilla at the capture of New Or
leans, and in 1863 was made an acting
rear admiral and assigned to command
the Mississippi river squadron. For his
services in reducing Vicksburg he was
made a rear admiral ' in 1863. In the
spring of 1864 he fought with Banks on
the Red river expedition. The North At
lantic squadron was placed in his charge
in 1864, and he attacked and captured
Fort Fisher, protecting Wilmington. The
fight lasted twenty days and was very
bloody. He was made vice-admiral in
1866 and soon after was placed in charge
of the naval academy at Annapolis.
"I had a long talk with the chief, and
he conversed Intelligently about the
extent of the forest and the number
of his tribe. Except for a tiny strip of
bark cloth, men and women are quite
nude. They are armed with bows and
arrows the latter tipped with deadly
poison and carry small spears.,, They
are entirely nomadic, sheltering . ; at
night In small huts two feet to three
feet in height - They never go outside
the forest -During the whole time I
was with them they ' were perfectly
friendly.' '..' ." " .: " !- '
He la One 'of 'the Greatest. Land
"' - Owners In the World. ;...,
' At the present nioment, when New
foundland and the Newfoundland dif
ficulty with the French are on every
one's Hps, It Is Interesting to recall that
this Island the "tenth Island" of the
world, as Beckles Wlllson has remind
ed us In his recently published work
is to all Intents and purposes In the
hands of a single man, and that man,
by birth at least Is a Scotsman.
To convey an Idea of the real size of
Newfoundland It may be as well to
state that It is a sixth larger than Ire
land. But It is doubtful If Robert Gil
lespie Reid's 5,000,000 acres, were they
even "In Irelarid," would - possess 'the
value which that extent vof territory
promises to possess in Newfoundland.
"For since the colony, tired of official
Inertia and the lack of capital, decided
to turn over Its assets to a private cap
italist by means of the measure known
as the Reld contract," it has been dis
covered that Newfoundland is not only
a rich country, but one of the richest
on earth." -. .' '' '.'." ',.'."'
Everyone must remember Gllead P.
Beck In that entertaining work, "The
Golden Butterfly," and of his marvel
lous discoveries of oij In a certain
waste territory In Canada. . Mr. Reld
Is said not only to have "located" nine
teen oil wells on his land, but enormous
George Dewey, third, admiral of the
United States navy, is a Vermonter by
birth. He is in his sixty-first year of age.
He graduated from the academy at Ann-
.apolis before the civil war and immedi
ately sought active duty with the Union
fleets of Foote and Farragut then press
ing the Confederate navy in the South
He served with such gallantry under Far
ragut that he was especially commended
in writing by that eminent commander. At
the end of the war he cruised in European
waters and was with the Asiatic squadron
for a time. Returning to the United
States, he was given shore duty, which
was not to his taste, and he returned to
the sea. In January, 1898, while on land
duty at Washington, he requested to be
sent to sea again. The Secretary of the
Navy decided to place him in command of
the Asiatic squadron, with little thought
as to what that would in the end mean
for this country. Dewey on taking charge
or tne Asiatic squadron was a commodore.
For the battle of Manila, May 1, 1898,
he was made rear admiral. , -
quantities of coal, Iron, copper and as
bestos as well. "Czar" Reld, as this
quiet, unassuming man has already
come to be called, has already refused
several millions sterling for. his prop
erty, and in spite of the agitation In
the colony to rescind the bargain there
seems every reason to believe that Mr.
Reld will live to enjoy one of the larg
est private fortunes of the period, and
to acquire a European reputation for
his sagacity In exploiting a huge Island
which was barren when he appeared
on the scene.
But this singular man has had, In a
measure,, to pay the penalty which for
tune so often exacts from the success
ful. His career from the day, forty
years ago,- when he left his native
Scotland to seek his fortune, has been
full of many of the rough spots of the
earth and bard work and exposure,
especially in Newfoundland and Can
ada, have obliged him for a time to re
lax his energies. But even while he Is
thus forced to seek an . Algerian re
treat, the mighty work of developing
so vast a property goes unceasingly on.
Reld possesses pluck as well as ability,
for upon a recent occasion he ventured
Into a mine whence no one of his work
men would follow him, and In the sub
sequent explosion sustained severe In
juriesespecially to his eyesight : , -
Bashful Youth's Explanation of a Sud
den Assumption of a Beat.
He Is an extremely diffident fellow,
this South Side youth, but Is also en
amored of a fair maiden. She likes
him right back and is not averse to giv
ing him help in emergencies. But she
finds it a difficult matter to get her ad
mirer to respond to the calls of society,
for be sinks Into, a condition of too
many feet and hands when In the whirl
social. But she has her hopes.
Not long ago, when the chill winds
had reduced the previously deposited
snow into glaring ice, they set forth
to walk to a near-by home to engage In
the attractions of progressive euchre
and chocolates. He was very tender
and solicitous lest she tumble, slip and
fall upon the ley sidewalk. Not being
endowed with the certainty of footing
of the patient burro himself, fate over
took him and he smote the earth with
a crash heard blocks away. -' .- ;
Thereupon a lopk of Intense anguish
sped over his face, for his spine seem
ed shortened. . The "girlie" was In tears
of pity. ; She clasped her hands and
loved him for his woes.
"Oh, Charlie," she murmured broken
ly "does it hurt?" "-
"No," he gasped with a sickly grin.
"Of course not. You see, I always sit
down that way." .'".'' ' '
Now she loves him for his courage
and ability to tell a fib to extricate him-,
self from a painful and unpleasant po
sition. Chicago Chronicle. . ,
A Bank or Brides.
Simla, the summer capital of the In
dian Empire, is a pretty pine-treed
place well up In the foothills of the
Himalayas. A feature of Simla life Is
the annual fair held by the native hiUs
people, an attractive Item of which is
a "Bank of Brides" In an amphitheater,
where sit numbers of young women
who thus calmly announce that they
are candidates for hymeneal honors.
Some Of these aspirants to matrimony
so patiently awaiting a choosing are
quite, pretty, and have intelligent
faces; but those of Mongol caste must
needs linger long for a partner, if per
sonal beauty enters into the equation.
Woman's Home .Companion.
' " Matches Without Phosphorus. '
Kohlmann Rosenthal, an English
man, and Dr. Von Komocki, a Berlin
chemist, assert that they have invent-I
ed a match that will strike anywhere
and no phosphorus Is used In It Thl
Invention, they say, will do away with
the horrors of necrosis, to which em
ployes in match factories are subject ;
There Is one thing that is true of a
widower: he Is always Wondering if he
can bite at a bait without getting
caught In the book.
Convicted Murdereaa Placed Aarainata
Wall and Shot.
The people of Servia have no objec
tions to the Infliction of capital punish
ment upon women; or, If they have ob
jections, they were forced to swallow
them when Mme. Jevrem was executed
for murder recently. She was neither
hanged nor placed In the electric chair.
She was placed against a wall and
shot. "' .
" This happened in a Servian village
near Prokuplje. A Greek priest named
Irle Jevrem had been killed. His wife
and a peasant with whom she had be
come Infatuated were found guilty and
condemned to be shot. On the day of
their fate the two culprits were taken
to the public square and faced a firing
squad of soldiers with loaded i rifles,
ehind the squad stood a huge mass of
spectators from far and near.
The execution lacked no element of
the dramatic. ; The man wept and la
mented and begged for mercy.' The
woman was calm. The squad had
made ready to fire, when an aid came
dashing through the square on horse
back. His coming merely prolonged
the strain upon the two criminals. The
man embraced his knees in the hope
that he brought a pardon; the woman
turned more pale, but was silent. Mer
cy it was, but only partial. The aid
bore a reprive indeed, but only for the
man. : She begged her companion to re
main with her to the end. But the fel
low followed the guards away without
even addressing one word "of pity to
the woman. And then but Is there any
need to tell the rest?
Jkm -
, KJ.
A. correspondent of Printers' Ink
sendif the following to that journal:
West Union, la., has a population of
4,000. .One of its progressive firms is
the dry goods establishment of Thomas
& Magner, the latter a young man with
a training gained in selling goods for
Carson, Pirle, Scott & Co., of Chicago.
The writer called upon Mr. Magner re
rently, and found him engaged In pre
paring a 6-column advertisement to ap
pear In each of the three county seat
papers. - .
I have noticed, Mr. Magner," said
the . writer, "that you . are departing
somewhat from the usual lines In coun
try advertising. Do you find that the
regular .use of page ads is helping your
business?" . -
"Well, yes," said Mr. Magner, "some
thing is helping it, and I don't know
what else to blame for -It. We have
been compelled to put on extra clerks
this week, and still people have been
kept waiting."
"What do you find to be the taking
feature of your ads?"
"Prices," said Mr, Magner promptly.
"Our advertising Is all prices. We
quote low figures on goods of known
quality, and we set apart a certain
hour of the day when we will sell a
certain sort of goods at a cut price. We
also have special sales, from a week to
a month, at which we offer special In
ducements on special lines."
, "Do you find that the trade resulting,
f roin this Is largely cohfined to the spe
cial lines, or Islt general?" -
"General. We seldom sell a cus
tomerespecially a customer from a
distance only the goods used as a
leader. ! It is my Idea that when a
farmer comes to town to buy dry goods
he has a "little list' that has been In
r-. ' m nrAAVo railin no mtnf tin
If we can Induce him to come to our
store, we check off the entire list."
- "Then it Is your opinion that the mak
ing of leaders Is as good a plan In the
country as In the city?" X
"Better. We don't have swarms of
bargain-hunters to contend with. A
man doesn't hitch up and drive ten or '
fifteen miles to buy only a few yards
of prints. But he does buy the prints."
- Disinfection of Streets.
The London streets In summer are
carefully disinfected by-means or wa
ter carts, which are at work by day and
night, while the openings of the sewers
are ' also strewn wun a aisinrectant
powder of the same sort as that used
in solution for the water carts. The
powder used In watering the streets Is
commercially pure potassic perman
ganate, or permanganate of potash, a
powerful oxidizing agent One ounce
Is sufficient for 100 gallons of water.
Ekrs Used tn Calico Work si
OUlco print works use 40,000,000 doz
en eggs per year, wine clarlfiers use
10,000,000 dozen, the photographers
and other industries use many millions,
and these demands increase more ran
Idly than table demands, '- - , ,