The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 24, 1899, Image 3

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    3food'I?iV,er Slacier
JFRrjDAy, MARCH 24 1899. ;
SlaWd ffme at Bartmess', 80c bbl,
That 50 cent shirt.
' i ; Mopiey' to ' ian ". .n real estate' by
List your real estate . witU the Hood
Hiver Trading company
v. Land Fiir.TSafe. '60 acres 8 "miles
from town; and J mile, south of Bel
mont, elieiip and on' easy terms. For
particulars address Clias. Elrey, Was
co, OregotfV"" " '
The HoodilRiver Base" Ball' club will
play a nine." from the O. R. &. N
graders on 8vinday, March 26th, at the
bail ground!) in Farkliurst addition.
..?'Btty'yfif nails, hoes, rakes, . shovels
ana ; strajvtivrry crates or , the Mood
River Tradiirg 'company. . - ,ri :,
Rememlier that Wondworth elves
handsome picture frame and enlarges
the. picture for every $20 worth of
goods bought of hiiti. '-'.
::'N6tiee. --Have you a farm for sale or
tor rent, or no you Know or any person
noiatng Tanning lanos inat iney wiso
to-'dJspose of?; It 8ot please write to any
Ken t of theO.- R. & N; t o. and be will
i i,f;( ifcultjr. .i httfj wi 11 ifiterest you
fif yu.ivan vour deeds, more-aces or
' legal documents, correctly dfwu,, . see
. tiie Hood Hi v-er Trading company;
i-Before'the discovery .of One Minute
Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis
turbed ly cough I rig congregations. ISo
xcuhc for it now; Williams fe Brosius.
Fr g6d building material, at cheap
prices, go io ienzer.
. ''Give me a'ltVer regulator and I can
Jrpg'datej the world," said a genius ,Th-:
.id-rutritisr handed him a bottlevof De-
VV Hi's Little Early Riners, the famous
little pills. Williams & Brosius.
: Don't pny Klondike prices for kitchen
., ware, when you can buy for cost at
,;Denzei"s,':-: ;.,' .V'V.V '..a.,' v'.
, For aquiflk remedy and one that is per
. fectly safe for children let us recommend
, One Minute ( oueh Cure. It is excel lent
' for croup, hoarseness, tickling in- the
tnroal and coughs. Williams Bros! us
" " Is your title clear? Get an abstract
'"of -the thmd River Tradiiiir "couiDHnv
and have it ; passed upon ere it Is too
late. .,; I..: '...
- .:;; If yoU intend to paint your house, re
j(inieiiiler jx-nzer sells the best of paints
'u't half the old prices Come and get
prht'8. " ; ' - .: ;
i JIappjj is the man or woman who can
t at u good hearty meal without suffering
"afterward Ifyoucan not do It, take Ko
... dol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests w liat you
eat and cures all forms of dyspepsia and
indigestion. 4 Williams & Brosius. '
t-M'e doni't buy our nails by the carload
but buy i hem .by the cargo, aiid sell at
i ion rates to c6iiKUUiers; in any quart
vtUyj at Denzer's.,..' , , r ( ..
A J.SIieer,ISedalla,Mo., conductor on el
,' ectric street ear line, writes that his little
daughter was very low with croup, and
ier-.ljfe,jayed rafter all physicians had
faiid;wiiyhy. using One Minute Cough
. JUt.liWiBiaui8 k Brsius... ; .i
CHRctj(ir45r5fTll B-pryijrt thje
: dapper school iwuiae, April 1st, for the
vH'Nlt fMhe" schotl: lihrary., Ai li(-
rryrgr;alJiric, cirialstiiig of reelta-.
tion, iiij(a and dialogues, will be'ren
',' dejtrdber': which the baskets will be
sold. There will be no April fool bas
ketswjjd. v. All are'cordially iuvi ted.
..As thtfseasonof the -year when pneu
ru 'nia, la'gMpfie.'sore throat, coughs,'
:, co)d;vcatarrii nroncttitis and lung trou-
.Wes itfe to be guarded against, uothlnu
- is a itnesunsiiiuie,!' win -answer tne
li.p e" of in "just as gdOfl'.Vas-OneiMiu-eHjough'tiiire;
That 1st lie ione iufalli-
rjWniedy'for all -lung, throat or.brnn
'sliiatM roubles. ;'Ihsist vitrorously upon
haviqg it if "80llethn'ge1se', isoflered
' -you.---Williams fc Brosius. , t
If ynu htlVeAt'OUKh.tbroat irritation,
weak luiiys, pain in the chest, dillicult
t)r'illi i (i ir'i on p or hoarseness, let ussui-
'.'tci.t)jii$ Miuhtc iViuith (Jur.A)ways re-.-
liafile 'aiid safe,t William'sii'.rosius'.. ,
For froH bitee,bUri8,idreiit
zemn, skin disi-'aseaiid especially Piles,
, JJleVVl's )'u l tlzel alvestandl. tirst
ainjl'bestv Loik but for dishoiiest people
wliwflry lo4i(iitateand counterfeit it. It's
' tliejj-;$ejudot'seiiieidT if- a good arliele.
AVomilei'S g'iixis are iiot imitated. Get
UeWitt's Witeti; Hazel, JSave. WUI
i'aiiis & Brosius. i" ' ' :-'r ''': .
.',' Call at Woodworths and seethe new
isrwilgons and buggies that arrived in
the first carload of the kind that ever
j.,oaiiie.to5.Hod River. ,': Also, a carload
'-,( lianiiud flour; one of uails and one
""iifmowmg machines. ; (,
Clyde T. Bonney brought, down from
:'..?t"ife '' allMS, Tuesday morning; a steam
liOMf, ;load of live stock 40 head of
" 'ch'olea' beef 'cattle and 41 hogs. " ' He
..vranld .one. ;arload at The Dalles to the
vriUnion Meat Co.- . . .
All . nieln bers iif 'Riverside lodge and
" -' the Degree of Honor; A. O U. W., are
specl ttl ly' urged to attend the regular
(. imjeting Api 1st. A great treat is in
j' iore. for that oceawoii." . At tJie social
rt! meeting those present will- be enter
taiin.ed : by the very : latest improved
',grHHinphone; the. wonderful", talking
; - machine, through which may be heard,
' in song and story, tbe actual living
. of men and women long- siuce
X'- dead.- This is new instrument, far
' superior to anything heretofore known.
'"y By it the sound of the human voice is
tStsred to lie repixduced by the pressing
of a button, not. "in wheezing, jerky
' squeaks, hut in full volume and perfect
tone. There will als be exhibited the
very latest thing in photography, the
great Edison's ken toscope, by means of
WKicli living, moving pictures are por
trayed upon a screen. Comic pictures,
, l eotjtfs and recitations will fill the pro
gramme. A roar of laughter is assured
, ' from the rise to the fall of the curtain.
&A regular vest splitting, corset ripping
' time. Don't miss it. Bring the old
folks and the baby. ' 1
'V i-. ., . . : . .-
. Ian Maclaren's Sew Work.. ;.
, ! jal, Maclaren, who is now on a leo
' ... tiiring tour in this country, begins in
.Aurearly Issue of , The Ladles' Home
?;:iJt. Journal his lHte6t piece of literary work;
, 'i;"iJt is a series of popular articles in which
he defines the relation that a minister
'J holds to his congregation; how a
' ,Vipr0aClier Is helped by. his people; how a
.ouoongrexat ion can make-tbevinost of a
h'iiiiteri and other phases of - tlio-innst
' 'sitisfactory attitude of a congregation
vtoi"ii pastor. ' ' ,
The fire meetine held at Bartmess1
store, Monday evening, received the
report of the committee appointed to
procure estimates on a small reservoir
and stand pipes. It was found that
reservoir is not necessary. The Spring
water Co. otters the citizens" -the priv
ileire of tapping the mains at street cor
ners for tire plugs. A committee was
appointed to place tbe matter before
the council, requesting it to act. The
estimated cost Is .under $100. - Also, a
meeting of citizens was called for next
Monday evening, at A.O.U.W. hall, to
organize a bucket brigade. - At ibis
meeting ladles are requested to be pres
ent ana retivsnments win oe served at
the close. - II was found that not much
can be accomplished without tbe assist
ance of the ladies even in ' fire protec
tion. The ladies will be eligible to
iiieinbershiu in the bucket brlcade. and
to them will be given the post of honor
In passing empty buckets back to the
taiiK aunng a ore. .'. '.. . . .
Miss Grace Rogers, who has been in
t he - fami I y of C'has. Roirers of Hood
River, and was raised here? has recent
ly discovered the. whereabouts of her
mother. It seems that when but four
years old, her.' mother, ; then named
Emma Lemay, was divorced from her
husband. ' A sister of Lemay had the
child takeit-to the Children's Home in
Portland, from where Mr. Rogers took
her' for adoption. V Recently E. C.
Rogers has interested himself in the
girl and found ber mother at Tacoma,
Her.rnotlir married, again and, Is now
Mrs. John Smith. A photo of a gister
to Grace; it is said, leaves no doubt of
her identity being established. Her
name was Maggie Lemay.- ' ;
A gentleman hired a horse in Hood
River,' one day last week, to go to
Winatis to view some land.--Arriving
i here, he put his Horse In VV. K.
Wlnalis' stable. When ready to f0 out
and look at the land, he went to get hisi
norse, but toe intelligent, animal re
fused to leave tbe stable. , He would
allow himself to be led as far as 'the
door, but no further. The men had to
go afoot to look at the laud.' When
ready to return to Hood Kiver he tried
again to get the horse out of the stable,
but with ail his coaxing, pulling and
threatening, the horse would not come
putbf tbe door. v At last Mr. Winans
rigged up a rope and tackle, and by tbe
united etlorts of the two men the norse
was finally pulled out of the stable. ' '
The Hood River hen Is aware that
spring has come, and as a result of her
industry eggs are coming In freely and
the price has dropped to 12 . cents.
This is a fair price for eggs at this time
of the year, hut when the price gets
below lZj cents, It will pay to pack
them down and hold till the strawberry
season opens. . Two months from how
we will be in . the midst of tbe straw
berry harvest.
Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Savage celebrat
ed the 30th anniversary of their wed
ding on St. Patrick's day, Friday of
last week." A few friends gathered to
iffer longratulaiions and partake of a
good dinner.. . It was the wish of all
present tnat tne esteemed couple may
live to celebrate many happy returns
of the day. ;
J. R. Galligan was seriously Injured
last Friday while at work, with his
grabbing' machine. 1 The sweep broke
and the part attached to the norse
Struck. Mr, Galligan over the, eye.,,. He
was uiiconscius tit)-, t uesttay,. and
doubts were entertained of bis recovery.
The Glacigk Is indebted to E. E.
Savage, for assistance .In selecting and.
setting' Up "our new 'Job ; office. "Mr;
Savage is the most useful man in the
community. If there is anything he
doesn't know we haven't beard of It.
B. F.' Belieu of Portland, formerly a
resident of Hood Ri ver. came up Tues
day. Mr. Belieu has had a serious
siege with the grip, and comes to Hood
River to remain awhile to regain his
health. , . .wi;
L. H. Adams and wife of Portland
were visiting relatives and mends in
Hood River last week. Miss Maud
MaCray accompanied Mrs. Adams;! to'
Portland, where she will attend school.
Howard Isenberg writes to bis father
thai Dave Gibbons is with the Four
teenth regulars and bas been personally
mentioned for bravery during the;
recent battles near Manila.
Arthur Littlefield, a nephew of
William Foss of Hood River, was oue
of the officers on the battleship Maine,
and - was ordered to Bostou one day
previous to the disaster. '
Arthur Davidson and 16 others ar
rived here last week, from LaCrosse
Wisconsin, The big saw mill Is pro-,
gressing rapidly towards completion.
The Glacier is indebted to Capt.
Dukes for tiles of Manila papers, Bent
home by his son Maltie, containing ac
counts of the battles near Manila.
Mr. W. H. Perry was chosen deacon
of the Congregational church, last Suit-
day, to Oil the place made vacant by
the death of .J. N. McCoy. "
A new meat market opened up,
Monday, In the Odd Fellows' building.
Mr. Taylor, from Sherman county,
being the proprietor. . f ...
- Jus. Langiile bas been - engaged,
latelv. hi building a handsome counter :
and shel vl ng for Wood worth 's store. J
Mrs. Hate Barnes, sister oi me laie
J. N. McCoy, died at Anthony, Kaus.;
March 4, )899, aged 77 years. . -
Supervisor Armor bas several teams
at work hauling gravel ou the bad
places along the stale road.-
' A. H, Jewett received an order, last
Saturday, for 60 telephone poles for the
local system at Hood River.
A nephew of Mr. Copper and three
other young men arrived here, Mon
day, from South Dakota.
C. L. Copple's building and the
Langiile bouse have lately received
new coats of paint.
. The Christian Endeavor dime social
was held at J. F. Armor's place Wed
nesday evening.
Tuesday was tbe first day of spring,
and the surrounding hills are white
with suow.
The principal's department of the
Frunkton school will close for the term,
Marcn 31st.
J. T. Neff and R R. Allard will at
tend the educational meeting at Dufur,
April 1st.
,The Fran kton home literary meets
tonight at the residence of , B, F. Ger
king. Hay for Bale. Hood River Trading
company, at the old livery barn. .
J. H. Gerdes has rented 10 0re of
his land .to. Mr. Burdick. j. ; . i, : J . ..-
Mrs. J. H. Cradlebauga I it town,
last Saturday. .; f t
- Nice variety to select from in
. ArAA4.A a i.
Cliri Ln. vuii Mini see LlieU..3. j
T Should you like any stylsj tot displayed, your order will be
promptly filled. - ; : : " :
.-' ' - i. : - - ' ' '
. ; ;.' Headquarters .for mens HatS 1s6, at; prices you can not get ¬
away irom. ... ,'m
our line of Trimming Sil
5; -yjt - !..e5W:-. ;::r,'.;. -
John Leland Henderson,- the attor-
nev and real .esraie . Agein-.- nHK naa
long experience in handling real estate
All parties desiring to sell their "-lauds
should call on him, or, If desired, be
will call on you at your home and list
your property for sale. sHe makes, no
charges . unless he sells, atido.always
divides commission witn tne owner or
any real estate man sending mm a
buver. He Intends to open a branch
office in Portland for tbe puniose of
handling Hood River Valley lands.
Look for his half column "ad" of lands
for sale to appear soon in the GJlacieb.
Dick Darling, a first class shoemaker
from the East; has been employed by
C. Welds. He is an old aquaintance,
having worked with Mr. Welds before.
There is no mistake, he Is an artist of.
the first magnitude. Call and see
some of his work, and patronize home
industry. r.
John Castner was up from ."Portland
during the week. He expects to move
back to Hood Kiver witn nis lamuy
next week. . Yiiu cau take the Keely
cure, Warner's ate cure, aoq oiuer
Cures,' and be cured, but no one has
ever been cured or wanting 10 come
back to Hood River. . : '-.- .- .' ;
The Davidson Frnit company are
in ,w uviinviiiir their new4iuilding near
...... - - y ,
the box factory, wnn a run nneoi lanp
implements aud garden tools.-' Their
hill dropping iseedTdrill,. and wheel Vo
combined. Is the bestthinfe ltf' this line
ever brought to Hood River;'2 i
Harrv Grav and wifeof PueetAound
Visited relatives and frlendsln' Hood
iti ver last week: .They left, M"day
fir Salenr.1 where- Mr Gray will wait
while Mr. Gray goes to Southern Or-rJ
egou to purchase horses ror the Pttger
sound manses- y-i
The social at the home of .Mr. Aiuf
Mrs.0 Ji' Fi Arih6r. Wednesday eve'
was largely attended,, hun-:
area oeing preseiii.,' -wjw a 'Pixvw--
joyable occasion. A large fiumbe
went out irom townv 1 ' " - - . ; '
' Jos. A. WlWjv returned frofai Alaska
last week. ' ,.
r a: .1
In Hood RiveK'March- 18, 1809; 'toi
Mr. arid Mrs. Clyde T.
finnnol;' i'MI..
In Hood 'feief valley,' 'Marclf Oi I
1QIU1 ... M mil Mra k-nut fWili ulrM'P
a sou.
AT LaFRANCE'S. , .:' :
You tee they thought the bicycle In the-
wlndow, was the only one wehad. There
wr ntmtv more inside however. .Andwe
old 'em one each. We can fit you out aUo
If yoa don't wait too long WIIUA
.:-,..."--..WlLLIAMS & BKQsiUS"-
; " Sealed Bids
For the construction of a section, of couritif
road, mostly stone work, along bluff near,
town of Hood River, are hereby lnvlted-' Bids".
to be sent to J. 8. Harbison by April 10, 1899.
Capt. J. H. Dukes of Hood River will show
parties the location and furnish particulars.
Ulght reserved to refect any or all olds. .
J. 8. HARBISON, Koaa Supervisor."'
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March
14 1899. -Notice is hereby given that In com-'
pltance with the provisions of the act of con-'
gress of JuneS, 178, entitled "An net for the
sale of timber lands In theKtates of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Xerrltory,"
the following-named perstns have this, day''
filed in this office their respective 3worn state
ments for the purchase of the tracts described
herein and will offer proof to show that tbe
land sought is more valuable for Its timber, ,
or stone than for agricultural purposes. ariJ,
to establish their claims to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at ihe
Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the 20th day fpf
May, 1899, vi
HARRY G. WYATT, of Hood River, on
sworn statement No. 129, for BW.k Sec tU, Tp
IN, R8E. W M. '
BERT V. WYATT. of Hood River, on sworn
stf ment No. laO. for (Jie NE K Sec it, Tp 1
N, RE, W M.
CHARLES MATNEY, of Hood River,
on sworn statement. No. 131, for the NW JSec
26, Tp 1 N, R 9 E. W M. ' -3
WILLIAM THOMPSON, of Hood Klvcr,.n
sworn statement No. 132, for the N KSEJand
N M SW V Sec 25. To 1 N. R9 B. W M. -
DARWlN BRADLEY, of Hood River, oh
worn Rtntement No. 1H3, for the88EK&nd
8W See 25, Tp 1 N, R K, W M.
Witnesses! B Butler, Charles Matney, TO A
Winans. Williain Thompsoni. W Monteton
crv. II a Wvutt. Bert V Wyatt and D Brad-
-lo.v.iiU of Hood Hi ver, JOregon. 1 to
marimiu, v,. 4A.l-.-r. uuab, uegisusnci
lilaxch 535th.
I ,::
latest styles and most arllstio
1 V. nm y.
ilks at naif the regular price.
-i '
40 Abres
Korale. Good apple land lays well, near
guoa CQWi, , Laau not nara w ciear.
.marl7 .; -; J. P. HILL8TROM
Horses for Sale or Tracte
I hav two or three youne bqraei that I will
sell tr trade for cattle. Also, on thorough
bred Jersey ball calf one month old. Apply to
-mi7 . - J, W; MuKTUn ,
L ,' Rlveralde Farm, I mllea wegt of town.
Hay for Sale.
Seven tons of best Timothy and Clover Hay
Kir sale at 16 a ton by . . R. OASTNER', ;
: , .. j, ... , . ; .. ... tBe eonnei plane,
Trees at Half Price.
have 110-sfronff-S-yeaiMld-apple u-een
which, through mistake, have lost their Iden
tity j I hat I will sell for 4ceaeh. . They are all
oiie kind, and you run no rlHlc of getting a
Door variety. . H. C. BATEHAM.
r-i?. ' ' Columbia yraery. .
For Sale.
'vFrult farm. Good paying property In ap
ples and strawberries. Splendid location, 2J
miles irom aepou - wcu.. a. t ivi ni-.ii
Jersey Heifers
For sale.
Apply at thin office, or to' '
A. B. BYKKETT, White Salmon.
24 Acres,
One mile' from'ttfwnr S In Btrawberrte."6he 'in
blackberries, one In raspberries, 900 fruit tree,
20O"era4ie vines. Good IriiDrovementst lu-
quire the Hood Rtver itAKET 8TORE. j
.aXwo liOts fQTaSaie.
t..:T-o desirable lott. l and t. block S, Wlnana.
aaoation tor paftwuittrs aaa rein uieuiacicr
and some of WW best In U )ley, v iwl"jr. of
ori Sale.-f .v!
Sor xchangei
aVTwo -residence lots. 4 Spokane for llood
Hirer jM-opcrty;- anqnirtwjaoter qmee.-
l' ft
V --
J las tJ
Digests what you eatif
It artificially digests tbe food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or-fi-ana.'
It is the latest discovered digest-
ant and tonic - No other preparation
eaA approach it in efficiency.- It in
stantly relieve and permanently cures
Spyspepsla, -Indigestiotf,'; Heartburn,
nplatulence,' -Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache, Gastralgl a, Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
I;, Prepared by E.C D.Witt A Co., CQleaao.
f! Time Schedules.
10:42 p.m.
;8alt Lake, Denver,
Kt Wortb,Omaha,p Mall
Kansas Citv. 8t
4:90 p.m.
Louis, 'Chicago
.. and tne e-asu -.
Waila Walla, Spo-
Spokane :
. kane.Mlnneapons
- St - Paul, Dututh,
Milwaukee, i;ni
: cago and East
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
For San Francisco--
Every nve days.
fi n m
Columbia Rivkb
4 p.m.
To Astoria and way
landings. -Willamette
4:30 p.m.
nrecron Citv. New-
Ex. Sunday
Derg.Haiem at way
landings. . ( .
8:80 p.m. :
Mon, Wed.
and Frl. v
(I s7 a.m. ,
.Tues. Thur.
.and Sat.
Yamhill Rivbrs,
Oregon City .Dayton
and way uiuaings.
ki.i 6 a.m.
Willamette River.
4:S0'. m. ,
Tues, Thur.
Portland to. Cor-val-
Tues.'i thur.
i and Sat.
lis way landings.
ana eat.
1:45 a.m.
Lv Lewlst'n
8xaii Rrvin. i6:4fi a.m.dai-
'tially ex-Sat.1
Rlparia to Lewlston ex.Frlday'
tfTTTr'riii.nrnr "
; ':t , ' (Jen'i Pass. Agent, Portland, Or , :
e: B. Clabk, Acent, Hpoa itiver,
We- wil fell at 4abHe '.aaailon, on Ma.rch 25,.
W99, at tne nolir OI u o cinc in ine lureuwin
on said dav. at the Jtvetff lable of Howe 4
DuVes tmtlve tovrnerf Mosul- Ri.yeri pie gray
'mftre abontacstenyeais old-,: fttd Jtnown as
the Stockings hore and-tr saroe bejBj heVi
ii Flyer
: ' CARRY A FULL LINE OF " """C;-.. ' : '' '.
Dry, Goods, Boots and Shoes,
"L'T'j-sW'l we will sell at live and let Jive prices.''. 'J.:','""
m :
Agents' for Osborne
mri-eSi ZAt-tt
i-.; .
." .,'.., The place
Dings, W Hefliciis, Wall
; ' ' CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor,
, .; JPrescrlptlong and Family Eeclpes carefully compounded. .
Agricultural Implements.
Stndebaker Wnsons and SDrlne Waeons:
ton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Discs; Badger
rairiy good lines or these goods sola but only
At as lor -prices as are charged for cheaper
wme ana see ns ana get. our prices.
N'C. EVANS, Pres.
E. E. Savaok, Sea and Treas.
' '' ,
(Incorporated). -
Unexcelled facilities for handling real estate.
Will,flnd it ta their interests to list the same
nen. AosiracijS lurnisneu.. - . . .
-' -Fruit Boxes, emtea and pskges of all kinds.. Morage warehouse. .. : ...... r
W(?J't.-'t tr,i -rw ' j' i s ' . -'-'f ".."', "v ' '' " ''
555J-f? sHf ,VAr ;' -,
9 f-h
ikiTi -;lrr;
6 .V.s.'snj,
t have opened a choice lot of Groceries in the store room formerly occupied by tbte Hoo4
. jllver Pharmacy. Will also deal in Flour, Feed, etc. - .?'.... - ' -': '
Otir koods-are all new and choice, and we
sales ana I
i small profit will be onr motto.
:A 'Successor to E.L.Smith Oldest
IDX3T ' :J3bood.s,
Flour, FeecC
hood river,
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 14,
1899. Notice Is hereby given that the follow,
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make Anal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Saturday, April 1, 1899, viz:
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
4586, for the south. southwest U, northwest
U southwest . soutnwest northwest X sec
tion 21, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names tbe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of; said land, viz: '
JVnnt Walla r-hnrln Weill Robert Rob.
rtson and Joseph Purser.all of Hood Klvef.Or.
! ai . . w" v is rm a a uaiaB
iTLand Offioe at' Vancouver, Wash.,. Feb. 23,
l.-MOtlce IS uereoygivcn-tnai ineionow-lng-named
settlers ha ve tiled notice of their in
tAnMntn rt mnlce fltvnl nrftnf in Ktinnort, of their
Claims, and that said - proof will be mada
neiore r . w . A.aie, uiera oi Hie ouprnur wun
of the state of Washington for Skamania
county, at Stevenson, Washington, on Friday,
Apru 7, itsw, viz: ..... ... ...
"- :'? " BERT VEATCH, ''
H. E. No. 8415, for the east K ot southeast hi
and east !4 of northeast hi section 23, towushlp
8 north, range 9 east, W. M. -
tte names tne iouowing wimesses io oruv
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Charles Robertson," George Tyrell, Charles
Walthers and S. Torguson, all of Cbenoweth
P.O., Washington. .
H. E. No. 8442, for the southeast L' of section 2,
township 3 nortn, range 9 east, W. M.
He names the fallowing witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: '
Bert Veach. Ueorge uyreu, oeorge m. cerry
and Charles Walthers, all of Chenoweth P. O.,
m3a7 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
- j Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February
J8, 1899. Notice U hereby given that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalies, Ore
gon, on Monday; ApriU7, 1699, viz: - .
"... 'WILi-' X- SABON,
Of Mt. Hoo
'6576, for the' p
south, range
He jnam.r
his ooutlh'u
tfontJf said,
Henry W
Perkins of
ni:!a7 .
l-l '.:
,J Applioattoh No.
t!tlon-17, township 1
"V- ... . .... . .
finesses to prove
Jan )p
j. f
A X .
Mowers and Reapers.
to buy your - - : .. . -4 .' -
Paper, Pais ana Oils, ela. etc,
Planet Jr. Garden Tools and Cultivators: Pan-
.Bering Tooth Harrows, There are. several
one BKST. These are. the best and are gold, by
grades of goods.
. . t It. ,-AgTNSB,vicerre
v ; , Sons.
Parties wishing to dispose of real property
with us. Conveyancing done and titles exam-
will aim to keen the best at all times. .Quick.
and see us.
Established House In the Valley.)
- .Gbi'ittLg;
Land dfflce at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb, 14,
1899.Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make, final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dullvs,
Oregon, on Saturday, March 2, 189, viz:.
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
iwiu, for tne northeast '4 section 7, tnwn&iup i
nort h, range 10 east, W, M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: ,
Henry Prlgge, George Stranahan," Frank
Davenport and George Williams, all of Hond
River, Oregon. i- ' .'.,
f!7m24 JAY P. LrjCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 2.
1899. Notice is hereby given' that the tol low
ing named settler has' filed notk itl' bis In
tention to make final proof in support f bin
claim,, and that said proof will be made bci'o
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Monday, April 17, 1899, viz:
Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Appllcntlon No.
4418, for the northeast l-i section 18, tow nsliip
1 south, range 10 east, W. M, .-
He names the following witnesses to p. ove
his continuous residence upon utl culilva
tion of, said land, viz:
W. w. Nason and F. Knudson. Mt. "Hor)d.
Oregon; James Knight, Klngsley, Oregon;
. s. Kicnmona, it. iiooq, urtgon.
m3a7 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
: Land Office at The Dalies, Oregon, Marck
11, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that Ihe following-named
settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made odors
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, ou Tuesday, April 25, 1899, viz:
Of Mosier, H.'E. No. 7183, for the northeast
southeast hi section 25, township i north,
range 11 east, W. M. '
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vizs
Carl J. E. Carlson, Adolph Oodberson and.
Wallace Husbands of Mosier, and . Emll
Sehan no of The Dalles. - . ,
m!7a21 JAY P. LOCAS, neglsterjjs.
Land for Rent.:
Five acres of good land tor rent e7
wk all spai;$
i -