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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1899)
J S l i i i i r- v v. U i. 3fcod Iiver Slacier. FRI DAY, MARCH; 24,-4399 r Clar. n.e English at the Front. Manila, Feb. 11, 1809 Dear-Motti-t r: I have just received the cumura and the cartridges of film. I am more than plud (o.get lliem. as I ufed my last film on the buti lefield yesterday. The In surgents started the music on the night .f February 4th, and we have been licking the tlevil (please excuse this word!) out of luem ever since. 'The Oregon regiment has been kept Inside die vn!l nil the while. I got out on ftionday, the Otli, aud went with the Uiegon'ian reporter to. the front, where we joined E Wiiiipauy of the First 'Cal ifornia ul Ha n Pedro Macati and went nearly to I'aijr, about 15 miles from .Manila. WVn'ere" tiien 'six miles be yond our lines and had to tight our vtay.baek,, VYe lot only one mau aud lmti'two' btfWs- wounded, one very badly and the other s ightly. This is till the Bunting I have . seen except what 1 have wit itemed from the roof of our quartern and one little scrap at a church in (be suburbs of Paco, as the reporter and I were on the way out. I auitCta-ehlhe) battlefield yester day. I saw the ground in the insunr cuts' trenches covered with cartridge shells two inches deep for quite a dis tance, while where our men stood only i handful in places could be found Insurgents are buried every little way niong tn thfeiK lrtftetiliHifrnts."- There are hundreds of them, and we made the prisoners-throw more dirt on the half-co,eredJi'orpse8. The" stench from them was fearful. I took a: photo of the hill thev are buried on. I have a tiV ruber of good views of the battlefield.' .The bajtlfe is still going on. i Our army 'Wdoing splendidly and nb mistake. "I heard this morning that Dave Gibbons was killed, but it proved to be another Uibbons. Dave is all- right. I He has been right injthe front with the Four teenth regulars ever since, the (war be, gun with the insurgents and, .does fine work. Howard' isenberg Is acting as a iue4Mitd messenger for General Ander son, along with seven others from the clerks. Maltie Dukes is still at Cavlte. Dr. Brotius is here. Mark Robinson " and the rest are all right, so far as I know. I have not heard from the IMmmick boys lately. ; . Our lol'ms been lhjhtv considering ... that we liirve killed about 6,000 insurg ents, according to the Spanish papers vTfcVrK. We have lost about 100 killed, i'Vtjy"'() id about 200 wounded. . Last evening", before dark, pur troops, about eight miles north of here,', played a Yankee trick on the insurgents, andl Riiieq tne biggest, part oi aw, capturing flflTf6'wiVleft alive as prisoners. ;Tliey dirt it. In this wa: An advance euard 5aS,,sen,t3dij,3p0:br-3O0 yards from the center of the line.' When the insurg ents saw them' they thought the Jine weak at that -point and charged. Our men fell back and lined upon both T,ljjanks and bad all the artillery masked iUt::'-,ifhoA '" Insurgents' j.ot into the trap tlie artillery and both regiments on the tUsnka commenced to )iour It into them and annihilated the .Ttwbula. UuiM.,h.fThe..FilllDluoa-OBed to teTlTTsoivThSy Tara doWfTaiitl let tlie them. Before they JttoUld ffcsea- kn'ife our hud boys the brains' knocked out of t heir bl$lt pates with the butts of their guns. J:.:. .;:-..' .'. '"N. ... .;,'-,' The Sfinniards think the Americans are the hardest itid best fighters they y ,ese.riJiearl ;of. , TheyvWaot to know " .Wneh.we. ever sleep and .seem o be si;-nf kied fever -the.' way. we are 1 hrashinjj the insurgents. ' Aguinaldo- is at'-Mo-liiCt'tttKiitt tcti miles from here, and JyM.ut;40re()ttf hi tilggerA, him. Tliey are 4iol".aJl,rmedv,"with rides, though it would "make but littte ditlerence anybAWj: s';vtbey Vare very poor shots. The day I was out to the front they werg shooting at us all day both fla;jksi from the rear and the front, ""ln fact -from ;ievery direction. They were hidden along the river, in tine, pills pn . both sides. We were' on rtfe'WHitrl -sieftndartbed of the 'route in Columns ofours;wltb an ad vance and rearguard thrown out. The mau who was killed was a flanker on Vf rhe. Mglit of the rear guard; also one of .tn iypjunaeg;,so youseefcUiey were on ' "nll8'idesof us. ; We were on a recon- '.iMjC'ring expedition to getthe 'toy of ..tne country. .Tne poys Durn all tne A4-v)'feut8 ,jS,k lhey ; go, because- they, -islitdfei in ftiiein -arid tire oh .gs.;5;. -They all npauiarus auvauce, men jump us aiidAeibflw Wednesday, wnile piayjgfWitD )nife the Spaniards. They tried thatother children at the school house.w i on our Ik.vs, but itK'ojkJ?. ur- vvi ItkinsofiJ! orSandM&ijt !bftvel white Hags' hanging out, but try '''fain slnidt y'o.u jfust; the," same, ; So we juist go- in, and. tnjie anything we .find in tlie ,wayv'.QC!..cJiiickei)8-, , pigs or any jfHtiiug elsfi'.aiid; then r burn; the .house. iWe can'go ou( after a'"place is bhrned u.,. a.yd.seerom one tQ' t'ljree,dogs stands jing- around .In the. yard .bowling- for ( dear .life. One of -them' came at me "ifyfslertay'but -Jt gaverihim 44;talibre bullet in ib'e top part of , his, -.bead, and tie ,te:&od,-J.pj.gU epn... . - i ... .. ,OMW?ce lnqu.sHi - ":. J.ohn Cradlebaueh evidently doesn't 'V;4itfleiiU'$9;rti'(- ifir-pinice'ikgttift fa Wasci , county, una t iiererore-teeis at -liberty to I' kick because .his taxes have been raised . '. J Sotiibody, unkriowd'.;. got the late leg islature to raise the salary of the county school superintendent, aud Cradle- :Miaugh thinks the assessor suspicioued ! him and assessed his "little shack" f vo enough to pay for the raise." He denies -i: J that he had -anything to do with the ? raise in salary.. - - - rc Vncotiver olijectfl to 'a negro regl . , meifl being statiuiexl at that place; is - th'er-e im place the negro soldier is wel-. CQificd.biiitM the front? ., . ' . ; Thfic.ost of. the present war, -which V Qpinfjifhced-wilth . Spain April .21, .1898, ! ;up to the 4tli of .March had amounted tii'hutf a billion' dollars. Estimating iSs of soldiers' productive labor, inter est ottwtir debt, pensliuis,' etc., the.c9t ' will 'footr-.n-p 'over a billion. . Glorious destiny is a costly luxury, : - " 5 ' The late' wool growers convention at .- r Pendieton adopted, a resolution- asking ' :"tiMt national it"ginli4lon should require "v : .- d hpddy goodsto be so labeled. Il ls v 4 right that wool 'should. b.eprb.tected in Vy"-'1: '.V : " TATs)euder wirtj, uiiiC can be tfsed to Mif.sten' buds 'to -trees- instead of twine 1 lloth,, aiid they will growjf tlie' iiftibrly -dohv, ..says- :the.fCttro-, rrair-air--iiieb-trBb: jb' "vhere. the slope but .ier . Tower down; ;3f ilLges-. tlghlr wft'h "J" inreeetrTiot Good as Klondike. Hood Riiffia, March 9, 1899. Ed itor Glacier: I am living on the mounjalu side,-facing be rising sun, itml Amv apt flhnl'liwrif nur lxnnliflll vm v nnrl Itn entei nrispa. Mr. J. W. Redi Igtob. the Oregonian cn - respond - fill, I think should be praised for writ - ing about our valley and manufac tories. There is one enterprlscfohow-! ever, he didn't mention, and trjiit Is the flume on Phelps creek. I is 9i miles long, with the planer at the: mouth aud a large saw mill' a,t the: head.- It istiwned by Davenport Bros. 1 aud is managed by Frauki D'aveiiport: and Q. D. Wood worth. Tills enter-! prise cut 3,250,000 feet of lumber and 2,100 cords of wood In 1898, which brought over $20,000 into; the valley.; The company have rebuilt five miles of flume and a branch of two miles,whicb; taps over twenty million, feet of fine; timber.; They have Imllt.a new mill,' which is running night and day, giv-i ing employment to -pver seventy men.' They also bave 1,600 to -2,00 cords of wood cut and on the flume, ready to market, which they expect to flume; within the next thirty days. Tbey expect to double their last year's cut, which will bring about $44,000 into thej valley this season, as much as the; strawberry;- crop this flxtlijwtfe been? in operation for the past nine years and! has timber enough to run another nine! years, cutting from three tosix million! per year, who very nine repainn the flume will last for ten years. have labored on this flume for the past ten years' and can; say that ftdtttirfeMv ter shape now than at any time before; There bas been nine saw inill&on and hear this flume. -' J. T. NEAtfciGH.. j Friday Night's Entertainment. Round, "Good Evening? lluvi . "MAvont v.SO v"- cm ss ...taBaldwlp JReHtmlnsjit!' ; Belle Howell Ibvino. HThe Organ At Abboy" Solo, John Alden' .Nellie Clara Lowell. "A-Oourtin' ' ....E. Hlnrlchs .Gladys fi art ley Duet,' "Come. Birdie; Come" ; .Nellie Clark and Lillian Sbntes Harte. "Thompson of Angels' " . - .Nettle Kemp Holmes. "The Deacon's Master Piece"... Pearl Cox Trio, "To the Woods" ;-........ - Nellie Clarke.Lllllan Bhutes 8.M. Blowers Taylor. "Song of the Camp"..Ida Stranahan Alcott. "My Kingdom". Altha Parsons Double Qnarlette. "Dear Native Land"...!. Sopranos Nellie Clark, Mary Wolfard.' ' Altos Gladys Hartley. Lillian Bhutes. ', Tenors M. w. Bartmess, M. J. Foley. , Basses E. K. Bartmess, P. O. Logsdon. . Pok. "The Raven" .....i.k'.-.S. M. Blower Emerson. "Nature"... ..i.-..".?. C. Logsdon Chorus. "The Old School Bell" Class Admission 10c. Proceeds for school library. Congregational . C'burQbi rr Services next Sunday at 11 a. ni. and 7.30 p. in. The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. on Oetnsemane." A cordial welcome to all who come. -'vlv- The new residence of S.' B.'Cbx Is going up on his lots near the. school bouse. .. , - . - "X-rl s':T . Coppje ' returned from, the'; state university at' Eugene, taitjMon-.; day, atid will resume his pdsit'idif with the Davenport & Wood worth flume company, x- oi :r.itsJi:z:"Xs.iiJi i ' T. J; Cunriin'tf 'Was lolted-lfrofti'iliis- V-l. 1.11 i. - .V j A J-Jr wheels, frartiirlnu- both bouea of his L tight Jeg. .vDr; Shaw setthe fracture. J Little Floyd CafflpbettTlIslocatea-Tifa, several jlava lit Hood River last wfte J. C. Porter and family came up frorfa Portland on a visit last Saturday. Mr. Porter lately returned fnm Kan Frart cisco on the trial trip of the Dew tor pedo boat Fox. He was on the trial trip of , the torpedo boat Davis, when that boat, was .)lown nrl, and?)feteive;d injuries from which be has.' i't ' en tirely recovered. . ' A i-..('ii husi --'ft.i Persons having books belonging to the Hood lUver library , iwtli4t4JCSPe8 8ionj are requested to re'turii the same. A good many 'have allowed their sub 'wripiinis to expire and still ivtain books in their possession that ought to; be retnrned'to the library. . - .. P. 8. Davidson, Jr.',has beeh' sick during the Week". . : V-r!-"i: -3 A typographical error in last week's. Glacier made . the date of the pul)lic school e n tertai n me n t .coiiiejpu" Sub d ays A good proicramme for this entertain men l is annouced, tbe young folks bave sold a good number of tickets for; the entainouent which comes off this evening . . i-. -. ... The public school bad the. honor or furishing the first job for; the Gla cier's new job press, .. '... : S. A. Knapp bf Ihe ,PebpIe's 'Store has commenced on Ms' new store build ing, which wilt beJvlSby,'4feet;pne story. '. - i','- .- :.';'i County Surveyor;; Golt, commenced Wednesday, in-my. out six acres- in town lots on - Mrs. :Mttiep.ilesiind on the East Side, adjoining the. JJuttou place.' v.'' y-.i-Ui j w..jtu els Supt.''0'Bfen and nustiJaAgent'J Jud8on of tne-U.'Ui ii'were :in Hood River, WedneBday.- - - '.fj;..' i. " " Clyde T;-Bomtey is tiie-croHdest mi) in town -since, the ue.jMivVallat his' 1ioUse." -'Bqt; there Vfii' tt rise fnthe tprii'e. of -0ieat atitiBetipjpocity Ccirner. The feenllcniflnlV 'attertdants will still deal out "choice stejtCuicy1' roosts,- eroceriea and., all klndaofVeat-. ibles at the same bid astoiiii hingly low pnees. .. .-v-'';;;..::;t;.v'!" Rev. J. T. Merrill brougbt ' dowti a large span' of horses - from Sherman county, ' Tuesday;' ' whifrh rei 'pur chased by Fred Howe;''',;t;..;;'.,':'Sf. t:.!.r ; The latest factory in Hood Hirer is a candy factory.- W. B.;. Cola' manu factures most of hischoiee candies. ' ' Mount Hood '(ots.' ' The weather has' been quite snowy for several davs. We -can at-Goonf for) this, Waifen Cooper lias just fltiislied a new pair of bob sleighs;:: v. ?'.--.- Vr ' . I. A. McCrum has lieen surveying an in igaline ditt b to he taken out of Trout creek. The ditch will be about on&and otip-lialf miles lonir '' :ii ; Out post master look , aiffylqgtrip to'j roriiaiia tins ween. Henry Tonlinseri niftdd a' business' trip to The:Datlesf fttoiidaVi.vft ? Elmer. Gritile retuiaeC raiBsrBidgt way just iriaay RoV-.Hensoft, who fljipfl ITii'tMin - the GaViian returned to he 4 mi IPS. NHi -Messrs. rnUitson -went IvW wttu esses -coiiiesF:? -,- to The Dal' V. M. i d:ioteaoh oui chd-r3; ' - . . : "-'I rf li. ' This little town A Just platted by Mriftlat tleOHer, on the choicest gurden lnl on her oomesieaa on wefeasir inK oi xioou; mer, f rom Here m pasani rview irom an mrwoi : 2?tW .: c.88, he nearest the business oenter-pf Any and all lots in the;Violnlty of Jlood Biv! moameslraoie epot-to ouua Dome, ano'iast but jjot least, the cheapest lots on earth. Twenty-live of these lots will biffered for sale Just as soon as the plat Is recorded. First comers get the gems. Call on or address II Tl, I A n"TiT I.' rt r . ... ...... .. J"X12.-. wx XCAiilirv. Get Your Eye Test&d For the new glasses you know you are In need of, at Charles H. Temple's, the Jeweler: -Lenses are warranted for a year, and if no fit, will then be exchanged free of charge. Prices, from:.75c fpr. ooOTmonfwHnesJo.fflJiQ for gold rimmed. Glasses that ciMt from 'is to S 12 other places, he can supply at $3.o(J. Also, a line line of Jewelry at reasonable prices. .(Jail aud examine goods.,. ct,, ; . PUBLIC SALE. The following sbares of subscribed stook in, the East Fork Irrigating Co. will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, on Mon day, April 24th, at 10 o'clock A. M., In front of the Hood Klver Trading Co.'s building, Hood Ktvet, Oregon:- '.-'J-.H-sj J i.h- Charles Davis, 1 share, 8100: credit, f 1 00 David L. Clark 2 shares, iSO; credit, 6 00 J. L. Dimmick 2 shares. zOO; credit,--H 86 Fred Mason 1 share, 100; credit, 1 00 EAST FORK IRRIGATING CO.. -.':-C. Bv Boirs. SeortaHf: iMotice to uontractors. Sealed proposals for the erection of a two room school house in District No. 5, Hood River. Wfiwon cniintv.Oreimn. will be received l ilt' tj L ,J U(t Ul i jll II, 1 Of O . IIU1U jll .1(7". ITTT. TIT "HI be for all labor and material require for the erection of a ;schoolMbu8e In-sald district, in accordance wiih the drawings and speciflca fttMis whlct)'my-M' seea.t WlHIamsiifc Biir slus ..drug- storo, Th board 'of lircclor re serves the right to reject any and all propos als submitted In accordance with this notice. V.LW";. .(lged3.;(f;.t,C;D. HENKICH, ' J Clerk District No. T wo" or-three frefb 2 and' 8-ycar-old heifer for sale-at .itUersifle Fftrra, 8. .miles west of town. Apply to ' J. W. MORTONr , - JerseyBult I have it triorp'ughbi;Jiyi)l"thal will san4at Kiv.erside miles west of town. Terms 81.50, but payable at time of servicer- , m24 - vf - . .. :,' -: W. .HOfiTOS. ' House and. Lot for. Sale. - .: f.p ,'-,i;-' . ' j " r" '-f ---f ' .- Lot 50x100, three-room house, nicely finished. Good .woodshed. .-Price 325.-: MiA? CyOK, ; Get Your Horses.! ; All persons having horses wintered at my place In Buerman county will please meet me at the.Ordway place. East Side. Frldayt April 7th, atlMO in the afternoon. S. V, H A HDIN i M J V. " 1 u. u I : -"t- : .. . .1 ' P.. F." BRADFORD. " Manufacturer of.?. Manufactures aifklndsATFrnlt Boxes.Berry .Crates.ttod Baskets- speclHl attention paid 'made-lip .'packages.. ; ; . "--: ,l7lmper Lind At ,T,lmber Land Act 4ne4, iSTJ 4 OTfeElSMBi.itiSTiON. T 'Vrilte"ttHteLalfa Ofmw.ValrBOBvfer.Wish!..' thMrrjtMf te-Tiereby gtreii (thaw in compliance wiin xne jroyisioq oi ine act oi TOngress-ftiilfcJ8?'atlter"An 601 f,r th sale of timber lands in the stales of Cal- :Hrri-r.oiHvNtl!l9ndVMiHcm' I errt wiry, '. m rnwwfeo-w4iu.uj pooiicaaB(l .fOffOTland; comnty- of Mntoomah.-gtate- vf Oregon, frtAK ffCea 4 this office htr sworn statement. No. llfll, for the purchase ofi rtne,easx souuieaH.ii, nriuwesj yt soutpeasi Vi, arlFsouttiedstiTtl&tM dfectlbA. No. Un .township'. No;', tamiffi tlitMf. VMM;' VKVL ,'-an 8 ' wfl IVimw 'pJ"oof to'-. Wid w- .t hat. 6 land sootils.BvefevitlUftble for Its timber to stone tbun1 Tor ' alrTTrritjral pnrnoses. and to establish her clarm-to said land before tlw Rgrstertf Heerf ttiis-btJicB Wan couverWatfingtoa;floo Friday, th iitUSay of -May, 1899. --I 8e namei a7wtnesses: Ronald i Cam eron, IVreHamt-efChartps J. Moote an? WilL-i lani Wendorf,-allof ?hlW !SamorjJP. Q.. Wshrogtojf. v. i ' Aovandall Dersons lalmlnir adversely tne' above-described; Sands' -are reqtjestedito Itled ,nnr ijiniiiiD iu 1 11 1 n uiuw uu ui uciucv mhu atltli dav of, May, 1. ., map BUT ONE the M ITCH Ef Aj: Jartrest. --lih d' -' rrto-?-int- pi etc stock of' Farm fmplemebts-aha ma chinery on Pacific coast. fJew goods, resfi from r factory . In carload ; lots.; - B VDUKK Springj-Harfow's are the ' ,R'IT,Q', We , Oet our prices.- They ar T-pCjrp r -. '. .'V C. b. H ENRICH" Ysii witn im acres or tana, insiae the corpora limits or -Hod Rivfr, can be purchased ve reasonably 120 bearinsr All it treew acn .ttraw.pcrries, -..siaes . -raspoerries, iDiaca rles and oUtm friiii. 'Op'oa IT water, good, house. ana outoulidingsj inqulw of the Glacier. -slieaitlr in Hood River Vaftey om'Oovei'nment Lana. we locate inaivtauais or colonies on 'Oovernment lands suitable - for -homestead. ana timoer settlers. Large milling industries W. R. WINANS, --': rjAKBIiOOATOR. Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. Good Ranch for Sale. -V Six miles' bejpw. Hood River, .on 'tne.river ana ranroaa; wen anaptea ror eariy-Tmu. Strawberries and other small fruits tin tlie place, Beanng orchard. Plenty of water for irrigation. Also, gooa timoer loriumoe or wood. -.For, terms apply to .- .1 ''- mil , COJittAD REPP, HpoS Biyer. " - Bids Wanted... ' Bids for building a two-room school house tn Kctiool "District No. 7, vWasco Cotmty, Or., will be roelved up to March 2fi ati8, at-'K o'clock M. hneelticat.lona Rl O. 'r. Prailier'u Office; .. Board' reserves: Htfht to reject any 56r aliblds. ; By order of trietaiard. 1 ? T '.NOTICE E FOB PUBiyATpfiV" ' Tiftnd Oflkie- at The IliilleSi Oregou.S(arch It, t8W.---Qtica4s Hereby-gi Vi -inai. tne-follow- tfSSS.SSL? filed notice of his In ten- j claim, dihat saixJ-b oof hi--support, of his. ofoof "wiir be"made. be fore the Register and Receiver, at The Dalle. Oregon, on Satnrday, A-prll 29, 1899, viz: rn;. -Of'Mtnooa Jiomestead A do! (ration No. BOW, for the north west H secUod 5, townshlp-J h -He Bfimes ,tb Xollewtrij; witnesses Vyprore', 4"JHs'oV)ntlriui mslrtenntt upon, and jUuliiTa- - ''Robert Leasoro, George Perk Insf, D.R.Oooper and L. W. ToHtlinsoir aiv'of Mt.Hood,Oiegoni ml7a21 JAY P. 1jUCa8, Register. -jV 1 ' -"'v..- 1 r; - -- iV- c.-;,-5 1 J.. .. . Xlf ? ii'tTIUtV fVnof ' in TT aa" I Z XUXttJC;. JeS 111 -USe. row ' - Ybiir old clothes, Boots ad(t'.:$.'.''Paf;'8;Qb Cape, . or aiiything else not first class,, and come in and get ' new goods of us at one-half. forhieV' prices. ' ' A. S. BLOWERS; & SON. All Teams ston at Hood River's Leading Business House. COMBINATION MEAT MARKET AND Grocer Store. TVi o Pact Tiraooarl liTaaa .3wholeale .or . retail, at prices tower than lit? JJCOL -UL CBSCU ilACOiliO) Portland prides. No Contract too large for us. IxKglns camps and railroad camps, take notice. r .. . - Finest Line of Cured-Meats eSsyrdCSCrr, - not absolutely flrst class we will take them baok and refund the money. Our Breakfast ; . Bacon Is simply out of sigh.:. If pot as represented It costs you nothing. The Purest Open Kettle Rendered Lard uatt U,ttooli Pr'Q'iTri qttT 'Pntior t 45Verroll: Wereceivelt twice a week, so XlcSll VlCameiy, UbbtJl-ltisalwaJis-frcsh. Onr trade in this, as well a. In other lines, ha Increased greatiy'beeause.we keep a flret-class article. ,. ..x . , j; . s j Hne.Iotresli Staple Groceries h'prlcesme oompeu.vioa.t-, , o'' Flottr a?ld Fed. Velapdtwo grades of Flour, . i Our Stodk of. Canned ,Groodsfc!Extractsetc.; ii l. epi, up to jaje. , . ,',,19.3 it'll o i ,. t m. t -. taa'A Choice Flftwer hHd VeetAMe 'Seeds, gfveVhmentlesfea wnd" Northern -growft. DCOUOi Wegnaraatejnu JJtf .tfjgjr floii't c0n (i-pbrln:tiem'tacjjjf;-;;:ii jti , .ViUUUflOBi ..two poundefoe jfceUa "' !- Co not feffget to call on u featurday;'as, we. !ftjaidajfor!eich'week.;,rt'iii i- i-ih i-f-.tit- f., .- ..-"Of "sir--.-'' .'-,;'! We are not In business or our healtlfj,but Cls whlcl handle, and we expect to makeaiproflt on everything we buy or sell; and we accord "dhe same' privilege oiir Ciistolriers, ks we expect them to make on what they sell ug and also on what tbey buy of us.' it Dils hiaxlra does not govern there conld be no perma nent success. We sell at honest and fair prlc(jrand: we buy In the same way. -That the pub llcappreeiates our way of doing busVnes Is sowo from the fact that our business bas quad rupled n the last six months, and dur'l us thai pej-Jqct, we have been compelled to treble our Kforce t in order to glve the public the. accommodation necessary. - : . . r-r ; ji i Store opens at 6:30 A. M. and cloes!M$90P,MJve'ryMay except Sunday. Sunday, store open from 8 A. M. to 9:30 A. M. ,- . ICLYipE. T. ; BONNEY, Proprietor. - Caft Sing, but this SINGER is ; Sewing Machines for $ash;"or$30 on the installment plan;$10. down, balance in motitilytpa-ments of. $5 each. These are high arm, fiye-drawer machines, finished in oak, with all modem im ;, provements. -.No one need' bi without a sewing machiue at ,these ; prices and on these easy" terms. Come and s&e them. :.. - .'," -'.:r:-jt' ij- '.;',"; ,; "V'. ',; , ,' .'.'''..'-, ; ; I Dealer in Ceneral Merchandij 1 's ' " " ' "-' :-Tt-"'J 'TT3-' . -;; . xioptj., xs,iver, uregon. ! r-pl--'.- -- -: -. y. sp ans' jit jet V'y-t,-;:-f,-r & '-Yun i'trtn woven : -;lKs Mttresg..-(v..-,,.(, .-. . Conunoti.siQiieu-wIre .Sjattress.-.,..'.....,. Wool Mattress... Excejslor, wool top ,tV , Beasteaas ......... 1 60 , ? v Ichaflehfee any one td get lower 'prices in jorUan'd on these goods' or any others that I httve to sell. ,.;:.::.- ".- ;s .'. 'i 71 V . : . ,S. E. BARTMESS. GEO. T. PRATHER, '-Justice of the Peace : V ' for Hood River District -".,'., . '.;', 1 x '"" I am prepared at all times to draw-and execute Deeds and Mortgages, and all kinds of le gal papers carefully prepared. : -;.- - ..: -i .'. -I am also prepared on short notice to furplsh correct Abstract. Also represent the oldest and strongest Insurance companies; so if you want your property insured don't fall to call on me and get a policy in a rellabto lnauruiice company. , . . : , ,. - - And when it comes to Real Estate,.! am the one you want to see. If you want to buy, sell or rent any laud In Hood River valley or White Salmon, don't fall to call on or write to me. I also negotiate loans on real estate. I have been a resident' of Hood River valley for 19 years, therefore am thoroughly acquainted .'witb tbe valley. ; GEO. TV PRATHER, Hood River. .' '.. .' .. . ; . ;-, - .1 : 'hi fll 'C 4'-. a itt i .'i;-.-i-iij A"ND CASK' ONLY, is what miiUes bvices so 16w on ' " ; ' SardwareHarhess, Doors, . Sash, Paints, Oils, 'Guns and. Ammunition; " - 1 ;; , ves, Shbe 'FMdings and Bike Supplies, ", At DEN2ES NEW STORE; seen at the store of A. 8 Blowers&ISpn... yM. TILUSTf, Agent. Reciprocity Corner. -1 N1 s -1 - I'ii con- itantly -Jn .-''-J &$H'f-2 s in-..EiA .-s'i sKairh'av 'ipec'lal "sales 'ofi mapy airtfefei op '' -;'-; '.'' I'sv. ,v.';: : '"' " ' ' ' ' 1 -we believe -in making honest prices on alt artl " f-W-"'- 'I"-':" -' "'''' -:'?'-' :'' :A'i; a bird. We are sellinflr Siiiirer' ' Farryi lrrilem .'" A ' 'J . " ' 2 SO" Mattress .'..'.;..'........, 2 2 .' '-" Notary Public for ''" v-.;! : ; a r Oregon. - ''"' ,"; '; ; i .v ! ! , .-- v-j -v-t-t'.y. r,-.; .. ... mm rasee THE KLONDIKE ' CONFECTIONERY Is the place to get thelatest and besiin con fectioneries, candies, p ii la, tobacco, cigars, etc Home-Made Candies. W. B. COLE, Proprietor; - Wagon Repairing. , All kinds of wagon repairing done on short Rbtlce and at reasonable prices, at the old nogers mill -In Franlttoq, '. O. H; ROGERS. A Desirable Home, j For sale. Four acres, one In strawberries; bearing fruit trees; plenty dt Water for irriga tion, located near . Frankton graded school. Price reasonable for cash. , P. CORUES. . Fresh Milk, Area ted and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. - - P. H.' B01TON. Strayed. Three head of cattle, coming two years old. Earmarked and branded g on right bip. Will pay a re ward for any information con cerning them. S. Wi CUKKAN, Vlento.; FOR SALE. y Lnmber Wagon, ?!ilnch .....r.!.......,50 00 Will sell part oi all of my ranch. : E. K. SAVAGE. With good Improvements, Stniles southwest of town., Goqd school near by, good roads, plenty of fruit and the best of land. "-Call 6u ornddrcHa ,- it -v -i;..y JOHff SIPMA. Do ,YoU Want'.;;.; . To buy land In Hood River . - -i ; .!,. Valley. If so, don't full to ' See Tucker! ; s Fruit Land, Berry Land, Grain Land, or Hav land, at prices you can't equal in the valley.: B. H. TUCKER, Tucker, Or. 20 Acres. I will sell 20 acres, Improved or unimproved land, within one mile of Hood River school; prettiest building site in tbe valley. -'.- J27 ,. W. J. BAKER. Save Your Soles t ;, Bv going to the Pionoer Shoe Shop, where you can get good work doneralso, all kinds of shoe supplies. - - - . . - d WELLS, Proprietor. That 50c Shirt. -.. . We have a fine laundrled White Shirt for half a dollar. . Come 1 and lay in a supply while you can get them at this figure. ' We have ten ' dozen of them, but t hey w i 1 1 not last long at , tli is price. Ask for . That 50c Shirt. C. D. WOODWORTH. i Land for Sale. In 3 tracts,' varylpg lb site, from 40 to 80 acres, j: Highly improved, .partly improved and unimproved. Abundance of irrigating water on most of the land. No trouble to show property. East Sldtj 4li miles out. Near good school. HARBISON BROS. Wanted. : "To do harness work foir dry1 oak -wobd;' also, produce -taken for part -pay for all ; harness work. . Jjot- r . ,1' l. CALKINS. ; Poland China; Boar, ; i A'thoroughbredi . Inland. Q'-na boaf for ser vice;, also, young pigs for sale. . . . f3 "'" W. A.'SLINGERLAIb; Eggs for Hatching Buff f3 'E.'8klrAGte. ;;; At,." a: Bargain.;', Sotnis' fine fruit land near town, including spring of HO gallons per minute, and other .water rights.; .. T, R. COON. Plymputh Rock Eggs. " Thorbughbred Balked Plymouth Rock egg for sale at 60c for 18. Come and see the hens, or leave orders at the post ofilee. ; , j. . '. . f8 MRS.. A. J. RASP, . For Sale One of the best paying small fruit farms In Hood River.; Good location. Well watered! Good buildings and a plesant home. This is a bargain. "Call at this office. - ' Jed.;.::;,'..;. "To' trade 'a two-horse spring wagon for a light one-horse rig. CHAS. W. REED, m.t - . j urapper mstrict. Eggs for , Hatching. Setting of Brahma EggsC'..'.". ...........;... .81 00 Setting of Wyandotte Eggs:;... 76 Setting of Plymouth Rock Eggs 76 , Eggs from matured hens only and bound to batch good 'layers. Hens made good .record last winter. -,.. -S" r'iu , Yards 134 miles east of Hood River on rail road track. Come and see them or leave or ders at the Glacier office. J. H. KOBEBG. . - Poland China . And perkshlre Boar for sale by W. E..NEFF. Ditch Stock for Sale. I have 2'- shares of stock In tbe' East Fork Irrigating Co. that I will sell for S125 spot cash. Payments to. the amount of $162 have beeb triade'on the same. B. R. TUCKER. ''Land' Office at"Vancouver,'Waih'.!;' Jebl 14, 189.-i-NotIce is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of -his in tention to make final proof in support of hi. claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver 17. S. Land Office, at Vancouver,1 Wash., : on Tuesday, -March 28, 1899, viz; , . ... , f , t JAMElS BROWN, H. E. No. 6208, for the northwest quarter sec tion 13, township 4 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove' his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Matt Wllken, William Olson, Fred Wilken and Charles Huff, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. f!7rti24 : ' W. R. DUN BAB, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . United States Lan Office, Vancouver, Vash., Unmk 111 1UOO XTntltA in hnrnhir lion luaivu y tuivi n ui vw Aa hxjixjuj vvu vuav incompliance with the provisions of th act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of Cal- -lfornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, . . . - ( GEORGE H. NICOLAI, V N. Of Portland, county of Mnltnomah.state ofOr egon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 1899, lor the purchase of the south southeast northwest southeast . and southeast southwest yt section No. 8, in township 8 north, range No. 10 E.,W.M., -and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, the 2flth day of May, 1899. He names as witnesses: Ronald D. Cameron, Charles D. Moore, William Wendorf and Iver Hamro, all of White Salmon P. O.. Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described -lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 2jth day of May, 1899. marl7ml I W. R. DUNBAR, Register. , it' i