The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 10, 1899, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, MARCH 10, J89.
That 50 rent uhlrt.
Attend the water nieotin-
Onion win 10,' per tt. at Mowers'.
Hay fur sule hy J. H. fchoemuker.
Dr. Benjamin, ilentirtt, March lSlh.
Mr. Eva Waynes Is assistant in the
Kwt ollire.
M'ihh Irma C is up from Portland
vM'ii'K her father '
Mr Nichola Hilling lias been quite
sick fur the past two weeks.
Little LeU McCrnry hi heen quite
sick Mini under the doctor's pare.
Money t loan n real estate hy
. ' John L. Henderson, agt.
A elide on' the river road above
Tucker's has made the road Impassable
for teams.
See the new ads of Win. Tilled, H.
F. Davidson and Hood River Trading
TIips. McDonald him been olck and
confined to his hed with the grip, but
is bet ter.
Mian Lur-v Bhtittuck came up from
Portland. Monday, and is visiting Mi's.
Alma Howe,
Mii. J J.. I.ticpv s quite sick
' wilh c Oji I u -su-iy iu yrntiijf iiuu ir.
Walt wus eidled.
Tiie timii who borrowed Hani. Hart
mess' handsaw and block plane la re
quested to return llieiu,
Mr. O. C. Moitenseu of M nkland,
Sherman county, visited Charles Hay-nei-
a couple of days last week
W. A. Morehend returned to Hmd
River Monday after upending a
vretk or more in iiiierniaii county.
Tlie primary department f Frankton
Vclusd begins next Monday, March
lath, Mias Kute Davenport, teacher.
: ' Wm. Till' tt is audit for the Bean
spray pniiip. TIiowj Interested should
examine this pump at Blowers! store.
There will he a d.ifice at V. M. Cop
pie', Dukes valley; on the niht' of
Murch lUth. Mt. Hood talent will
furnish music. '
E. H. I,i( Unnf,pi.inter and decorator;
es'imrifes vjruiis; prion nioilerute; saiis
faction Kiiar.iniced. Leave orders at
Glacier phai niucy.
Jan Tooh-y, from Btarhuck, Viih.,
hs rented a place near Frankton school
hou.-e an I will move his fami ly there
In aUiul a month. ,
Before the dlsctovery of One Minute
4'fUgh Cure minister were greatly din
turbeil ty eoiighing congrei(;ition. No
excuse lor it now. Williams & Drosiu.
Charle Iliiyner has sold his farm in
8hem ,11 county and bought n h ni
in . YuMitnli eo'uoty. He expects m
limxe there w ith hit family thihsprliitt
"Give me a liver regulator ami I can
rtgolatelhe world," i-unl a genius Tin
druggist hand'd him a hottlu'nf IX -Wiit's
Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills. Williams A Urosius;
W.J Camphell sold his fruit ranch
last week, to J. C. Ooidou Mr Cum p
liell has purchased a lot "f ('apt. t'o-,
' iiftir tlie school liouse.vnd will build
Tlie Hardscrabble ul"ecluh will give
an entcrudnnient w ith a good . pro
gramme, Mt Frankton school house,
Fnday evening, March 17th. Admis
Bioii 10 cents.
For a quick remedy and one that is per
fectly'e for children let us recommend
One'Minuterouuh Cure; It Isexeellent
fir croup, hoarseness, tickling in the
throat and coughs.' William Bropius,
Samuel 'lark, an uncle of T. C. Dal
las, stopped ' i IhKid Kiver, Mon
d ty, while on Ids way from McMinn
vll'le to his home at Moscow. Mr.
Clark at one time owned tlie farm now
-owned by F. H. Button, and was a
citizen of Hood River for a numlier of
years. He is now over 80 years old but
hale and hearty,
llannv U the man or woman who can
eat a i!Hid hearty meal without suH'eriug
afterward Ifyou can not no it, tune ivo
d l livstnepsiaCiire. It digeata whnt ymi
eaf and cures all forms of dysesia and
iiidigesiion. Williams & Brosius.
Quite a boom bus struck that part of
town lu the vicinity of the school
ln.iiw. Cant foe has sold several lots
on Hheriiian street, and houses will I
ereeied there by D. McDonald, H. H.
Cox, rapt. Coe and W. J. Campbell.
I. N B owers will also build in that
. iieihhorhoMl on loin he recently pur-'-chased
J Sheer.Hedalia.Mo., conductor on el
ectric streei car line.wiites that his little
aiiv-hler was very low with croup, and
her life saved nfter all physicians had
failed, only by utdng One Minute Cough
Cure. Williams & Brosms.
J. H. Fhlmer, from Eastern Oregon,
was down to Hood River one day last
week and spent the day with H. C.
liuteham, at the Columbia nursery.
Mr. Palmer is acting as anient for the
nursery in Eastern Oregon, and throuuh
' his efforts a larger numlier of fruit trees
-will he shipped out irom uere man
" cVer liefore.
reteV Xcasoii made final proof on his
homestead at The Dalles land oflice
last Saturday. His witnesses were E.
T. Winans and John Buskirk. Mr.
Nesson nerved nearly four years in the
Fifth Minnesota during the civil war,
served his time at the front, and never
asked for nor received a penhlm. Be
ijigagood citizen, we can surmise he
waaagoist aoldier, mid we are glad to
know lie has secured a piece of Hood
Rlvr land for a homestead.
As the season of the year when pneu
monia, hi grippe, sore throat, coughs,
colds, Catarrh, bronchitis and lung trou
i,i.ure!obe guarded against, nothing
iaatlnesulisiitute," w ill "answer tlie
purp se"orls"Jimt as good" as One Min
ute Cough Jure. That is tlie one infalli-
hie reniodv for all lung, throat or bron
chial troubles. Insist vigorously iipm
having B if "something else" is offered
'you. Williams & Brosius.
On a .mound lietween P. F. Brad
ford' nhiee and H. C. Zeigler'sat White
Salmon, the latter reccnily, while ex
iVMtinir for a cistern. exbuniel many
human bones. Mr. Bradford lias bmg
i.. ....... ,.t ,i.,hi bv ieu'
nn Indian huryinir rouud. Fortv d8
JJt f ,,) Mr. C. I). M.sire
recei.tly. while digKinjr a foundation
for a ehli keo pen, unearthed two skel
etons, parts of which were in a ir1
t-i"ni-, I'm 'o r
H State of preservation. No IiIIMhIs lnff
lieen made at this place since the comi -
i'i U"'-.n held to 'IVC'KS lUiians ofi
V.-H-toioc ! f;r iifui 't. ;.((. ion.
AfieV considering several plans the
stusu ni ,l he meeting w as to ee what'
terms could be made willi tlie present
water company, und C. A. Bell, O. D.
Woodworiu and D. McIXmald were
elected on a coinmittet) to get written
terms. Monday evening their report
was submitted with a wr'den proiosl
tlon from the Spring Water Co., as
follows: That tlie Spring Water Co.
will sell to the city, at the expiration
of two yeirs, all property, real and per
sonal, connected witli the watersvstem,
Including tlie spring and three acres of
la id, for (10,000, and to lease said prop
erty to the city for i years from April
1, irtiiy tor H.iiOu per annum, payahle
semi-annually in advance. A louiinit
tee was appolrted to ascertain how
many would pay 0 months iu advance,
allowing ni.K'i'iiiit of 10 ia;r cent for
such advance payment. The object of
paying in advance is 10 raise sufficient
funds to meet semi annual advance
rental. Tlie commitiee will rep.irt
Friday evening, March 10th, and it is
desired Unit all interested will he pres
ent at 8. p. m. at Burt mess' store.
A sail incident, occured on the 4.37
train from Portland, Monday. While
the train was going at a rapid rale,
about five miles below Vieiito, a pierc
ing shrieak from a female In. the chair
car stal l led tlie rest of the passenger.
A lady had been fondling her poodle
kiij, und "tie digt", jumping on tlie
window sill in p' i.Miil manner, l"t
XV e-,.:-..- ... -.'J uti 1 tell ii . te. I -it
foiiiiuvo.i ivas no! ilicd, (Mil Uie ldy
Hin u!. d ( (inn in vain to slop tlie
Ham. tlio last lie wouia consent nai
wus to order a luud car sent buck from
Vieiito to took for the unfortunate pup.
A free lecture on secret societies by
Rev. P. B Williams, an ex-soidier of
the civil War, of iSalem, Or., field agent
or tlie National Christian, association,
at Crapoor cbool tiou-e, March 13l h.
at 7 ao i. m., and at the Valley Christ
ian ciiur I'll, n ntn, at 7 au p. iu.
Everybody eoMially invited. 'Acoi
leciiou Mnl be laueu to defray expenses.
t'apt. Jhowers says it lays to adver
tice iu the tii.At lKK. Last week his
Hrm btinounced iu four lines of local
i bill they tiud low priced shisjs for ale.
I here was something over 00 pairs, and
before Jijt? on Monday the siloes were
neaily aiitttdd. The four line ad cost
j) ceuia.f,, i ,
. The school census shows 253 children
of school axe In tlie town district a
ain of 4i over last year. Ill tlie Crau
per dUtrht tliere are 08 a gain of. 14.
in ihe Frank on district, IJi a guiu
of 24; ' ' " "'' " ' '
J,ilni Koherg Ismght three roosters
ii I'oitlanil at $2..50 npiece. I'hey iar
t'lymooT-Kock, Wya.idotte and Brah
ma; die. Wyandotte weighs 12 pounds
Mr. F- E Savage's 18 Buff Wyati
dottes bdd,, during the uiouin of Feb
,1'uary, 4 (lozen and one e;gs.
1 Cltarl-y R isers i tilting Up the old
ui li piojierly at. Frankton lor n liaii,
All icll Wi'J He conveiiieill for meetl.ig
f all kinds. '
MIhii Hester IIov will wiinmenee a three
iniialh'n h rm (it hcIkhiI at Vicuio, Monuuy,
Man-li 1KIJU. .; i ...
Two nior diHtutltlea In th 8icond Oregon
ire rt'iHii't.11 irmii Mamiu. l-rlval,- Hurry U
HiMtiUin iinJ Ali'rt A. Klue of Co. U were
wmimied in in fni;inH'iil D'ttf Knn Pedro
Macati. Jln;li i" trom I'virtlamJ.
i'H)t. J II. FeiKii.n and F. J. WrlKht"
i-.. .1 'fit iinrtiira In the Mminuihi
u,.. . ..4-.'-i7' ,ia nrre wlner i,Mnt
uHitiicr-iliip Willi Ht. Liukes, wiio ooiignt
out hln iwtinei', 'rl Howe. The new drm
lias uurt'liasetl I he lug burn of Judge Henry,
Intel ' been riled by the llavhlmm Vrult Co.
The t'l.Af'iKB wan In error a couple or weekn
bko In matliiK that t'apt. liuken Had bought
this barn. Judge Jleury was 'h piirvhtwer
at that time.
P. F. Ilradford Is nick with the grip.
Dr. R. W. Benjamin, denUM, will be at Mt.
Huod hotel on (Saturday. March lSlh.prepared
to do all kin il ui' ueuiul work. 1
MiHu.y Tracy has kindly cotisented Ui
the publication of Horn of her recipe for
fooklng, wlilch will appear in the Ulacikb.
MIsk Emily Husbands recently graduotd
ah a trained nit re fi oui the Vlilldreu's Uoiiik
in Ban Kranenaa.
Jim. Hamh IngUle, who hag been vUltlng
in HikmI lliver lor the past ten day, went to
The DallfS Thursday.
Come out to Ihe water meellng tonight.
Mrs. M. F. Hhuw, who lias been quite sick,
We are gUd lo learn ia belter.
Uev. A. W. Ackennan, pastor of the Find
Congregational church, Portland, iHHpeudlng
Ihe week with Mr. and Mrs. J. K Armor.
Congregational. C'hureh. Services at 11 a.m.
mill ,:M hah. The iaulor will preach at the
morning service on "Difficulties to Chrhtian
Faith." At the evening service a union Chris
tian Kndeavor hci vU e will be neld. Tlie C.K
xii leiii H ol the United Dictliieii anil Oiniiie-
gallotial chinches will participate. Tlie Kp
wurtn lAiiiiiie of the M. t. etiurcti could not
accept ihe Invitation. ...
No Mure Darning Slot-kings.
Iu ye olden time ('tis not so long ago,
either), when stocking feet became
badly worn, mother or grandmother
would 'fisit them." that Is, knit new
feet on the old legs, and "make them as
gtMid as new." Nowadays, w hen the
holes become large, good legs go w ith
the bad feet into the 'waste basket.
There's a better way. Racine feet are
simply stocking feet kiiitditterent sizes,
from strong coiton or merino wool, fuM
black or bleached white, triple heel and
toe. They enable you to replenish the
family hosiety Just as grandmother used
to tin, only w'iin them you can accom
plish in a'few minutes what it took her
days todo. I have recently secured the
agency for the. Racine Feet and have
them now iu stock. Please call and
see them. 8. J. LAfBANCE.
If yon have a coujrh.throat irritation,
weak lutiS, pain in the chest, difllcult
hreathliitr.croupor hoarseness, let Uftstig
jjesi One MiutiteCouifh Cure.Always re
liable and safe Williams & Jiroeiua. .
School Elections.
The school elections in tlie different
districts last Monday, Jar as heard
from, resulted aa follows:
Frankioii' district Wm. Koorman,
director: M. H. Nickelsen, clerk.
Town district A. 8. Blowers, di
rector: D. McDonald, clerk
Itarrett Thos Bishop, director; P.
D. Hinrichs, clerk.
Crapper J. Wickham and Harry
Hackeit, directors, and J. I. Miller,
clerk. -
Odell J. W. W'yman, director; C.
D. Henrieh. clerk.
Mt. H.ssl A. B. Billhfgs director;
W. H. Edick, clerk. :
Tine Grove Fdward Hawkea, di
rector: Jacob Feak, clerk.
, . ;- ,
Forfrotb tes.hurna,indolent
' rema, skin duw-ase, and especially riles,
De Itfs Wlt.h Hasel Salve stands first
anil Dent. lrfMia out, ior uiBii.nim,
who try toimitateand counterfeit it. it's;
their endorsjement f a gund art He.
, u'..,!.).. HU,U mh. nut loiiftifpii fjpt
' 'f J '"T',.! ,V
De Witt's Witch Haael bale.
1 iuuis & BiiNUUa.
Btandurdof the oi..i. 1S09 chalnless, !o. Chalu, $50, wade
by the I'ope Manufacturing Co.
Columhiaa only excel the Uartfords, 18!)!) pattern, $35.
Vedettes, best low-priced wheel ma le $25.
A few genuine bargains in 1808 Hartford, $25.
These prices will last but a very short lime.' Order how.
All tubing and. bar niide f ft) r cent curlion sieol, 75.000 lbs ,
test, and every w heel guaranteed tip days from any defects. You
can alfird a Columbia or Hartford now. Prices are low, and quality
considered, they are tlie cheapest wheels made today. The Tope
Manufacturing Co. has always lieen at the top In Bicycle making In
America. . If you ge( a product of their' factory you have the satis
faction of knowing your wheel is not 'equaled by any at the price,
and if a Columbia Chaitiless, It is not equalejl by any at any price.
Call and get a catalogue and see the $25 Hartford at
. Agents for Pop Mfg. Co.
In the near future a lecture will t-e
given, under the auspices of Junior
Society or Christian Endeavor, In .the
Valley Christian church. Tlie proceeds
lo be used towards painting the church.
The lecture on Jamaica w ill lie deliver
ed hv the pastor of the church anil will
( ll'iU"traied bv,XlewH made in order
from pii-niv talit or collected by htm
while a Dllssmnair on me lawou oi
Jamaica in the West Indies. The1
Juniors are selling lickeis for the lec
ture at t"ii cetus each. The date of li
lecture lias not lieen decided upon,
wit! be duly announced about the last
of this lllotllk - ' i i : ,
E. D. Calkins procured s thorough
bred Light Brahma rooster In Portland.
Letter from Howard Isenkerg. '
Coni!luded from second page.
through no fault of ourotllcers. Ifyou
reineuilier, our eXiediilou was the rlrsi
II uMil unit, iilf liefore IheV lisd
eompltted tttting out tlie vessel, a'"
thereroietiw s .rfsKiiig .i expect i
did as much "kicking" as any one on
Ihe lsiattliit that, la part of ,a so'terV
regular routine and of courae must le
tone, tiut should lr done at camp onr'.
Tlie facta of Ihe cu- were, thai no one
was starving and did not need to. go
hungry ms there was plenty 'for all
If you notice, the Oregon boys ' are
loing ihe most kicking and have the
cast to kick about. 'I'hey were m4
sent to.-ump tewe hut were allowed
mi r iiiiiin In qu o te; at l avite mm
he day if ihe baitle ai d then Iran,
lerrcd't'i Manila by boat; They -r-.ortned
a verv dungendw part but not'. The word part of tiie
amp.iigii was that steut at camp
De-ey Well, I urn one of, iit .ilit
most, a baker's dozeu of the Orey iii
men that went through the camp life
it camp Itewi v, and one of. st the Um
iTiur:inuT"i!nrteliiOT lauiia uinn;
that way. Did I see any hardslili s'
'es, a few, such as lieing called out o
bed all bourn of the uiitht to take
orders to some of Ihe furl her points of
ihe camp, or going for a week or ten
days with wet feet, and when I got in
m'Maidla. tfoimr for several days with
little to eat and 'having tos'eep on tlie
door. But I was not the only one,
'there weie others" and not only eit- ,
Hated men. I know t lint my com
manding officer, Major Cardwell, fared ;'
as had as I Mil ami in some nrciticnis
worse. When I compare the worst of,
these incidents to those passed through,
hv our forefathers during the Revolu
tion and our father during the Civil
war, or, even by our comrades in Cuba, j.
1 cannot help toil call mem exeeeuio
ly light. I lime been in a position,
since the rirsi of August, lo know what
Hie officers have Hied to do for ill'
men, especially tlie Mediqi! oflhier.
and they stem to I the ones inns
written at out. I know f ir a fact, thai
the .Medical depariment has done
verythin In their pwr for tlie com
rt and uoort treatment or me sick
You rememi'er tlmi a irivut niany of
lie i-l-soiial eorits wi re men of no
pHTV,niB rAITHrii' r, "
Mtriictioi'S they had received, piior to
comini: here, were for Held work and
not for hospital work'. Instructions,
c insist ing chiefly of Utter drills and
Hint aid aid work, so, of course it look
mine lil tie time for the olllcers to pick
out tlie men liest fitted for nurse; but
now you can go Into any of the hospi
tals and will Hod them equal to an.vf
our home hospitals. I hope you will
rightly umten-taml this letter, tor i ao
not want to do any an injustice ami
neither, I think, do any of (he Isiys,
hut as I have said before, "volunteers
are poor hands for garrison duly," and
that is what they have eeii doing.
They noon get discouraged and durinir
li e moments lie uevii ireis m n"
work and prompts them to write,
Making a mountain out out of a mole
hill. As to patriotism I know none 'of
them have lost any, judging from the
way they desert the hospital and make
for the front at the first Intimation of
trouble wiih the natives. Our deith
list hits lieen very light when you take
into innsideratioii that there are some
where near ".2,000 men In this corps,
and tlie list up to tlie flri-t of the month
itumlre i only 158 from all causes. I
am getting along nicely and as far as I
know the other boys are, also. Muliie
is still at Cavite, ami I don't get to stc
him very often. I am going to semi
some nioney home In this letter for i
do want to lw able to aro to school when
I return. With love to all, I remain,"
yourson nnd brother, F. H. Ipknbkhiv
Eggs for Hatching.
Setting of Brahma V.ggt -.l OJ
Setting of Wyandotle Kirits -
8ettinir of Plymouth Ro -fc Kkic -
Ksks from matured hens only and bound to
hatch goiKl layers. Hens made good record
liift, winter.
Yards l' miles east of Hood River on rall-
rona traca. ,omeHni see mem nTin
ders at the Glueier oltlee. J. U. KOllEHt.
Poland China
And Berkshire Boar tor sale by W. E. NEFF.
, . r- l
DltCIl StOCK IOr baiO.
I have Vi shares of stork n the rorK
Irrigating Co. that 1 will sell lor iUp
ca.h. Payments u the 'amount of : hv
twea tuaae ou the same.
B. R. TUCKEU..!,
, Trees atHalf Price.
I have 110 strong 2-year-old apple tree
which, through mistake, have lost their Iden
tity, that I wiil melt for 4c each. They are all
ot.e kind, and you run no risk of getting a
poor variety. M. C. BATKHAM,
Columbia Nursery,
For Sale.
Fruit farm, flood paying property In ap
ples and strawberries. Hplendlrt location ,2k
miles from depot . OEO. T. l'HATHKR
Fresh Jersey Heifers
For sale. Apply at thlsortlee, or to
A. K. BYKKtTT, While Salmon.
24 Acres,
One mile from tnwn; iu utrawberrtes, one In
blackberries, one in raspberries, HOO fruit trees,
2110 gra vines. Good Improvements. In
qulreat the Hood River BACKET BTOKK.
Miftil, Lewis & Staver 'a
Milch II Wagons. Henny BiiKlle. Itlswll
Plows, Cutaway, Sprlnn-tiHith and rex-tool h
iiarniws, f laret jr kikius, oiyers i-umpsnna
May tiKils, Champion Mowers, Hakes and
binders, l'lnciilx and Uolden Kngle bicycles.
; Two Lots for Sale.
Two desirable lots. 1 and 2. block S, Winans
addition, l-'or particulars address the Ulucler.
74 1-2 Acres "
For sale; IU miles from town. Improved land
atid some of the best In Ihe valley. Inquire of
.S.J. I jiKrance. or on the ranch to
For Sale.
Team of rounir, heavy work horse and
Mitchell mi wagon. Innulreof
2 or 3 Fresh Cows
For sale. Apply to J. W. MORTON,
Klverside farm, 11 miles west of town.
- For Exchange.
; Two residence lots at Hpokane for Uood
River property, inquire Ulaclermnee.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
Tt, art,iflciallTdiiresUthe food and Ws
Jfature in Btrengthenlni and recoil
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It isthelatestdiscovereddlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
pan nr.nrnach it In efficiency. It la-
Et.nnM v rnliATM and DermanentlT ourea
.Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, bout owiiuKn, xibubcbh
ii0ther results of imperfect dl (rest ion.
! Prepared by E. C. DtWitt A Co., Cl)i
Time Schedules.
'r Fast
4 " Mall
J0:ti p.m.
Salt Lnko. Denver,
4:00 p.m.
Kt W orth.Omaha,
Kansas City. Mt
l.ouls, Chicago
and the t"U
Waliar Walla, Bpo-I
4:3? p.m.1-
Ht Paul, Duiuth,
6:57 a.m.
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
For rtan Francisco
Every nve days.
8 t.m
CotPMBiA RrrEm
4 n.m.
T,x. wunday!
. 10 p.m.
To Axiorla and way
. landings.
Willamette River.
i:W p.m.
6 a.m.
Oregon City. New.
Ex, Sunday
berg.naiem way
Yabiui.l Rive im.
M D.m
-7 a.m.
Mon, Wed.
Tue.. Tbur.
Oregou City .Dayton
ami ru
and Hat.
ana way wuaiugs.
6 a.m.
Willamette niv. ! t-M .m.
Tuea, Thar.!
Portland to Corvftb.Tues.,Thur.
and Sat.
lis Jt way laadtngsv ana euu
" II.t lwlst'n
l:to a.m.
dally ex.Kat
BHAK IttVMl. 5:.m.dal-
Rfpurlato Uwlston e.Frlday.
W. H. HURt.nlJRT,
- - -cen I rass. ApDi,roriu,vi
E. B. Clark, AgenHood jUver.
u.-. ..ii iinhlle snctlon.on March 26,
IfW. at the bonr of li o clock In the reooon
on said dav, at the livery stable of Howe
Dukes in the town or Hood Klver, one gray
mare about sev year old, aid known as
therthieSiiigsTioMe.and the seime being held
fur Wfet. . . HOW Vtswta.
j iluod River, ilaroh i, iSn. ; ' .
Staple fi
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Which we will sell at live and let live prices.
Agents for Osborne
And Agricultural Implements.
Slttdebaker Wasons and Bprlng Wagons: Planet Jr. Garden Tools and Cultivators: Can
bin Clipper Plows. Harrows and Mscs; Hudger Kprlng Tixilh Harrows. There are wveral
fairly gKd llnesof these goods sold btilonly one HKsr. These are the best .and are sold by
tl. K. I)Ayil))N at as low prices as Bre charged for cheaper grades of good.
Come and see ns and get oar prices.
N. C. Kvans. Pre.
E. K Havaoe, Kec. and Treaa.
Unexcelled fncllltlen for handling real estate. Parties wishing to dispose of i al propertr
will nnd It lo their Interests to list the name with us. Conveyaucing done and titles exam
ined. Abstracts furn'shed. ,
Fruit Koxos, crates and packages ol all kinds, htorage warehouse.
: "
I have opened a choice lot of Groceries In the sioro room formerly occupied by the Hood
Klver Pharmacy. Will also deal In Klour, Feed, etc. ..'" w
Our goods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keep the best at all times. tnick
sales and miall proflu will be oar motto. Come aud see us.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In th Valley.J
. . . , DEALER IX
.33x37" (3-ood.s, Clotli.Im.or,
, l ' ' AND- ' " . ' '-. ;
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. 1
l and Ofnee at The Dalles. Oregon, Feb. 1 4,
1RH9. Notice I hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
in i inn tn make Anal oroof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Saturday, April 1, 1SM9, vlxj
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
583, Hrthe south 'A soumwesi , norinwei
southwest . southwest 4 nortliwesl K sec
tion 21, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He mimes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upoa and cultiva
tion of, said land, vie
Warren Wells, Charles Wells, Robert Rob
ertson and Joseph I'urserill of Hood Ktver.Or.
fl7mz JAI r. iiUWAH, iWT(in-i.
l..rl nn at. Vsnenurnr. Wash.. Feb, 28.
latui Voti.'n la herehv riven that trie follow-
Imr-named settlens have Bled notice of their In-1
tentlon to make Anal proof In support of their
claims, and that said proof will be made
before F. W. Kale, Clerk of the Snperlor Court
of the state of Washington for (Skamania
conoty, at Mtevenson, Washington, on Friday,
April 7, ww, vu:
H. E. No. S415, for the cast i of southeaRt Vt
and east S of northeast W section 23, township
1 north, range H east, W. II.
He names the louowiog wwmbm io iira.s
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vlt: -
Charles Robertson, George Tyrell, Charles
Walthers and a Torgusou, all of Cbeooweth
r. O., Washington.
H. E. Nc. 8442, for the southeast ; of Met Ion 2,
township 3 norta, range ( st, w. M.
He name tne iuowing wiwii'
his eonUnuona rasldeno upoa and cultiva
tion of. said land, vim
Bert Veach. George Tyrell, George M. Berry
and Charlea WalUier, allof Cbcnowetb P. O.,
V,mSoatU'a' W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land OfTlce at The Dalles, Oregon, February
ID, 19. Notice U hereby gtven that thefol
lowing named settler has filed notice of bis
Intention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that raid proof will be made before
the Register ana neceiver at iw imuca, w.t
gon, on Monday, April 17, 19. vis:
Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Appllestlon No.
M76, 4ir the northeast U seetlun 17, townslilp 1
soma, range t'J awt w . a.
He name, the tollowlog wltnesse to prove
bis eoiulnuooa requeues pun sod cultlva
tlonof sKid land, vie:
Henry W. vi'slt, HARtcbtnond andOemt
Perklue f Mu Hood. Oregon, snd J sines
Knight of Kingsley, Oreg oo. . ,
Mowers and Reapers.
O. R. t'ASTNKB, Vice Pre.
C. It. Bonk.
Has nothing to do with the
But wns put here to attract jour
atlention for a moment so that
we could inform you that the
place lo buy your i)HUGa is
CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor,
Pretcriptiont Carefully Compounded.
Eight Years Exper
U. H. Land OfTlce, The Dalles, Oregon! Jan.
31, Complaint having been cnle-fcd at
this office by Warren Cooper against Thorns
A. Conner for abandoning his Homestead Kn
try. No. 4A,'iO, dated Oct, 2, IW2, upon the nortlt
northeast M and north y, northwent sec.
tlon 31, township 1 north, range 10 ewt, V ,M.,
In WaRco county. Oregon, with a view tri Ih.
cancellation of said entry, the said partler
herehy summoned to appear at this oiHce "
the 4tu day of April. IS9. at 10 o'clock A. M,
to respond and furnish testimony coucirnmi
said alleged abandonment.
f 10m 17 JAY P. LPCAB RegHtfr..
United Stales Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Jnn. 27, 1MID. Complaint having- beon (a
tered at this oltlee by Hiram J. He against
William J. Hiilllfleld for abandoning hi
Homestead Entry, No. 412".l. dated June i, m.
upon the soilth'vesl section , township I
south, rang 10 east, W. M., In Wajo county,
Oregon, wiih a view to the cancellation of i-id
entry, the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at mis oniee on ,ue z-in nay m
March, 1S9H, at 10 o'clock a. m .to ruond nd
furnlKh testimony conceralug said allege!
f torn 17
JAY P. LUCAS, !;lter.
LandOmce st The Dalles, Oregon, "Vb. It,
lsnu. Notice is hereby given thst the follow,
tng-named settler lifts Oled notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof la support of his
claim, snd that said proof will b mart bs.
for Register and Receiver st The DaliM,
Oregon, on Saturday, March 26, Is0, vtst
Hood Rtver, Homestead Appliosttcn V.
iO-d, fat the Dortheast section 7riowuaip I
north, rsnge 10 east, W . M.
He names the following witnesses to Brow
hU continuous residence upoo swl cultrv.
tlon of said land, viz:
Henry Prlgge, George Htransbse,' Vrsnk
Davenport snd George WlUUuas. sll of Uoou
River. OregoaVa
fl7m2 JAY P. LUC A3, Register.
Land Omce at The Dalles. Oregon, Feb. 28,
Vm. Notice Is hereby given tbM tlu follow
ing named settler has tiled aoUos of bis In
tention to make flnal proof In support csf bl
claim, snd that ssld proof will be made befor.
Register snd Receiver at The Dsllm, Oregon,
on Monday, April 17. 1809, vis:
Or Mt. Hood, Homestead Application !.
411s, for the northeast sectloa l tvwosblp
1 south, range ,0 east, W. M.
tie names the following witness to prot.
his continuous reslueoc opoa ul Riiirt
Uon of, said lend, VU: , .
W. VT. Naaonsnd t Knodsoti. Mt. Roog,
Oregon: James iknlght, KJngaley, OiCgoft;
E. . Hlcamond, Mt. Hood. Oregon.
mia; Ja-V t-nScui, E-;'t .
try was ttrst settled, in lSoi : . -s.