The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 10, 1899, Image 2

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    5ced jiver (Slacier.
Fill DAY. MAKCII 10. 1S99.
'Hie Ini'mtr-.' Institute.
Tl.i. tinners' Institute held here last
Fildny owl Saturday was the most suc
cessful IfiTmirit of' numbers and hitcr-?-t
iHkeii of any ever held In Hood
Itlver. .R..C. Judson, Industrial agent
.ithe.O H. & N i gave I.I whole at
tfiitii toward limiting Hie institute
successful. Among those from the ag
ricultural college I" atlenhmi-e were
r. in. SVvliiyHmibe, Professors A. Ii.
('ordley, E. U. Lake, G. W. Klmw,
and A. 15. Leckenby. Deep interest
was taken f fiur. farmers and fruit
growers, and their questions andex
jtfHeiice'glveii added greatly to the iii
tcrest of the occasion. The prolessms iviirer to lave iuestious pronnund-
ttA uml idieer hi 11 v if live 'the ' res'uils of
their experience or the knowledge
indued 1V others.
TlreTiimlluie wan called to order Fri
day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, by Hon.
V. I. Smith, who presided till its final
""adjournment Saturday night. The
v'uUman first, hitr 'lut-ed Dr. Jruei
VViJhyeurui'i', ho. H'tdtw' d the Insti
tute n the thenu "Tillage a Factor In 1
the Conservation of Moisture' The
discussion that ensued wan participated
in by W..W. Phillips, VV. A. Winger
land, U. R. Castner, C. E. Markhatu
and C. O. nohertn.
I'rof. (Vrdley was next introduced
And talked upon the subject of the cod
lia'uioth uud the time to spray. . He
iiad had experience in Vermont, Mich
igan and Oregou, and showed by his
talk that he thoroughly understands
ilis work. lie said he could not. rec
ommend thearscnite of soda as a spray,
as. It sometimes burned the foliage
The time to spray was, first, when the
-work of the.codlin moth tirst appeared
t tlie uppk,' about July lt; again,
August 1st, and, then September
1-itjjtiid If ,lhe weather kept anu, an-
otheVspraying should he given about
September 20th. It might be well, to
sprrty Hist when, the blossoms fall, but
he didn't think it necessary. Ques
tions Were asked and the subject was
discussed by K L. Smith, L. Henry,
V. A. SlU'gerland, Prof. Rbuw and
others. Mr. Smith stated that the ar
renlte of soda had proven h safe and ef-
f 'ttual spray with himself and neigh
bor last season find that they would
use It again.-, .
HaluVday was an ideal spring day
and the attendance and Interest in the
t institute .Increased. ' The morning ses
fsiou opened by Chainiian Smith Intro
" Vluciug ; T.""S. Towiisend of Portland,
whore lecture on "Dairying and Cattle
LViilinif" was interesting to. its close.
Hd said dairying uud fruit growing
should go together and thought Hood
River falley admirably adapted to
dairying, lie showed the-necessity of
breeding up '.ana keeping only , good
. .stock hv comparing results from com-
jnonk stock and thoroughbred. Coni-
moil cows were too often hoarders that
IM imt niv board. Gentleness in
haiidiiHi cows. always gave good re.
turns, in the discussion that followed
H M ..Williamson iravc his Ideas Of
fertilizing orchards by' keeping cows.
He thought the time would come when
Jto'od River would bo as noted for dairy
products as it is now for fruit.
Prof. Lake read an excellent paper
-fu'in, Hon. Krulle Schanno on fruit
growing Which referred particularly to
Hood River. The" Glacier intended
v'lin-rpublish Mr. Shanno's paper, and
ffrniso ;p:rt of Mr. Townsend's, but the
copies of both were, given to' the Ore
f goiihin reporter with the expectation
',, Vtttt .lhei'i(iuld be published in that
-VpspVr unU Uiereby given wider circula
rs . tion than :oukl have boon obtained by
v; j.p't)lliig;hejn In the Glacier, ,
f j 7v1F,"' M, NVillianisoh addressed -the In-
tMivfc upon. ubjct of agricultural
,H??'4'nper,i" iBntf.ralt a"d sh'iwed
.that friiiers were jdower.itpatronlzi ng
--M Ireir papers than any ot her class One
excuse for his, is that the farmer ts top
Crowcll were among those who pro
vided tlie materials. Prof. Leckenby
kindly assented to be fireman.
Mrs. John Parker presented the In
stitute with A big basket of Yellow
markets east and west ate reached by
O. R. & N. trains, and people here say
that they have the best railroad line on
earth to do business with. It fosleis
and encourages their home Industries
nnd works along lines of development,
and Its Industrial agent, R. V. Jtinson,
- . . nU lB llliiuniiiiM rrin, ... w. ...
Newtown Pippin apples, grown in ner , )h ever H(.tve (opting new industries
orchards, which were admired ny an
present. Chaltmau Smith distributed
them to ull.ltt rangers In attendance.
M' Wetbeired of Portland reporleil
the promdings for the Assoeiaieu
Press. '
S. J. Lasher represented and repotted
for the Pucitlu Farme,".
. J. V. Redingion, better known as
J. Watermelon Itedingioh,' wT'.s the re
porter for the Oiegonian. That quiet,
uuassumiiig geniletnan who sat at ihe
right of CUairiuaa Smith, looking as if
he might be secretary of the meeting,
was . Uf. i J. Wi Reilinston.; Noth
ing escaped his observation while
he gathered lyajerbd.. for a report that
would have rilled iiiore lhan two pages
of the Oiegoniaii had not the Irost it
met with iu the hands of the night ed
itor cut ft d'kwj'i tbfi!coru'Cni,;tO tit the
space. Mr. Redington is a writer of
considerable note '! acknowledges
tieingthti author of " Beautiful Snow"
o'het crin.paij-ti lies. Ii wss him
rtnisll uud followed the red wulrlois
fn.m his ranch in the Henpncr !Hills
to the Hail Lands of Montana, where
Chief Joseph. wa: glud to sue for peace
u.,,1 l,..ln id make heavier the while
man's, burden. , "Mr. Redington is a re--thed
newspupir publisher. It was his
long suit to' start a newspaper , In a
town and neighborhood . that was on
the deelinet when Ihe tuorigage al
ways gave him' a chance to move be
fore the community took active meas
ures to accelerate his departure. ,: " .
At the close of the institute trie fol
lowing resolutions, were adopted: I
The people of Hood River valley.rec
ognlziug the benefit conferred upon'
1 1. ;u -,.. ii nit v hv the slate agricul
tural college and. the Oregon expe.ri-
meirt station' In' holding institutes ami
imnartinir valnatile informatiot
uuiied from the
0 FJ
j- tt 'Tlils.iiuieti enn bo won at lhet"re of A. t
PUMP. Best m Use. iHilmOT h.. tu.i.eit. ai-
work and stuny or
h.p tiihtitiiiiiins. hereby acknowledge
our appreciation of the t ttorts made to
advance the Interesis of horticuUme
and agriculture in this locality, and;.r t ho iVilliiwiou resolutions:
That our thanks are due In a large
measure to Profes-orsSlmw, Icekenby,
I .ii Up uml t'ordlev. and Dr. Withy
combe and Messrs'. Phillips. Tow nxend
and Williamson, for Iho aide papers
uddresses and talks on the various suli-
iecls preseltleU lor me coiisiueriunni
J - . . ... '.. in. l.n...J l...a
or the r auditors. -e itfi iuckcu una
not all fallen on stony ground, and as
sure them a hearty reception at any
future time they may visit us on situ
iliir errantis. 1
Tht we thank the transportation
com nanies fr their efforts Ui further
. . . ,.... ....
the success or tlie insinoies oy giving
,veiuil rules of fare, and for the rtevel
oi.ment of new- lines of product and bv E K. Savage, J-F W att
and R. R. 'Allard, committee,
nlomr the line and explaining eon
ditlons to tople who, want to leave
frozen localille and laeate more pleas
sntly and profitably.
On the south bank of the Columbia,
Just ubove the month of Hood river,
the new Davidson sawmill is now being
constructed, and It owners expeet to
have It cutting by the middle of April.
Thev have let loaelna contracts for
h.fKX'i.iHW feet to lie delivered bv June 1st,
1 he Ions to come from up Hood river
and fiom White Palinoiwon the Wash
ington side of the Columbia. It will
be a modern mill, wrh alt up-t't nate
appliances, atwl can -ship Its products
Imtli liy rail hmi wait, anil ns enpneny
III lie "(l (SKI feet ner hour. It will
employ' Hdti men, 'most of whom will be
men of' families, who will come wiui
the mill from L( ross, Wis., where
Mr. Daviitson has operated one of .the
lamest sawmills for many years, and
now that the Umber of that locality Is
about exhausted, he eomes to new
fnreuts to estHlilish his song in a reirioi)
where Iouh will lie lusting for lonif
years to come. - Kixtv acfes of bind and
Columbia river front will tie itccupU?.
U --prising nt f the Rut ton rann. Hie -.(ireailing moilins m ikmi
river will lie Imnehed so as to shoot
logsright into the mill boom iu an eddy
of lis folunibia. J.ost lake, 18 miles
up Hiiod river, will be used asanaiural
A large building l being built to ac
commodate the fruit cannery here,
which has outgrown its old quarters.
It makes, a specialty of putting up
strawberries and app'e butter, and In
Its new quarters will employ 7.1 peopie.
There is also a box factory which seems
to have its hands full of business, and
Robert Rand Is about to start a brtcK-
UfuUh hts of llKd River claim that
thev have one of the most healthful
localities In the world, and tneir claims
. .. . . . 1 ... 1. ..
neein o la? well isirne oui oy me
nearanceof the Peonle. The children
yoii see'o'ir their wuy to school are per
fect n eJU res of healili. ami me near
little 2r vear oki babies seem to lie burst
ing their. clothing with general plump
iie. .- - , , ,
Jndulnflr from exneriences told here,
fruit raisiuir would lie at) ideal pursuit
wre t iiot for the buus tying 111 wan
atthe llrst: end 0 the crop, ana l lie
bunaboo commission man waiting ai
the other end. A man can rise at
early dawn with a clear conscience,
ui.iri the lire In I lie kitchen stove, and.
forgetting to till Ihe teakettle, call ins
fHimlvlii seen out (in ine iMircu mm
Imbibe Ihe splendid, lifegiving ozone
and see streak of sunshine begin to
chase each other along tne gratia
sentine1.teaks surrounding his home.
Then, wniie me leaaeuie is uurmux us
bot'tum out, he can lake a stroll hroinh
his orchard and mayhap lie will find
the glorious morning sun warming Into
new life a new brand of bug. Then he
has to go to his library and read up on
biis to find out if it is best to lake a
fine-tooth comb. .and catch all these
tiew-btlgs and donate them with open
arms to, hospitable graves, or would
tetternn'vite.t1j-Jiil io to breakfast, and
for tney may
1 j '-? . . . . .
Throw wajf:
Your old clothes, Roots ami Shoe, Hals and Caps,
or u.iything else not llrst class, und come lu and get
new goods of us at one half former prices. ;
U tli place to get the tulet and best In con
lerllonerltw, fsnille. nuts, tolmeco.clsurs.eUj.
Ice Cream and Soda In Season.
W. B. ('OLE, Proprietor.
All Teams stop at Reciprocity Corner.
Wagoa Repairing.
All kinds of wairon repalrlnn done on short
Kotlee and t reasonable I',''"-,"' f'1.?, "ld
nosersjii 1 1 II n Kriinktom 1 !. 1 1 . Jii'J'Ji5i
A Desirable Home. I
kor Hlfi. Four aeren. one In slrawlMrrlii
bearlnir fruit trees; plenty of water Par Irriifa
II. in. located near KiMiikton Kjac ed ho..l.
frlee resoiisiie lor rasii. r. t
"'"Fresh Milk,
Areated and deodorlied, y1",.
Three head of cattle, coming two yart old.
Earmarked and branded , 011 rlsht hip.
Will nov a rard f'ir any Information eon
ewiihiKjliem. H.W;Jt'UKKAN, Vlento.
....W 09
,nml r Wa-ron. Vi Inch ....
Will sell ) oi unoi ,,,J'F,AVAC,E
With (rood Improvements, S' mtle wmthwest
of town. iiid wins.! near by. K"d rol.
nleiitv of fruit and ine best "f land. ""l
. Ml;tr m JOHN nll'MA
Do You Want V
T hny land 1" Hood Bl J
" ViUley. If so, don't fall to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land, Berry Land, drain Ijnd. or
Hav Uud. at prices you can I equal In in
yaliey. B. K. tilt K KKuji-kerOr
Hood River's Leading Business House,
. t ir a' ; mhriiranin nr rfflall. at nrtoes lower than
Tb.6 BeSt JDreSSea. MeaiS, li,rHand prices., Nocoutrnct too large fur
as. Logging cainps and railroad cainjis lalto nota-J.
. n -m -m i . in thnMiv. Wa tmnrAiitpe our snsar
KinPSt. TjlTlfi OI UUrea JH.eaiS,.llr..dlIaHiiud KreakfiwtBac-oi,. If
not absoliitclv Hist ! take tliem tiucK ana .rpinnti hib monry.
liucon Is niniply out of sight. If nt as repn-senU'd it costs you nothing.
The Purest Open Kettle Rendered Lard, F.1
ut an by lT.
It aluo.
at iV per roll.' We receive It twice a week, so
I M TT 1 J nl
Fresn ureamerv xjuiier uismwavsrivsh. -our trade m this,
as la other lines, has Increased greatly .-because we keep a tlrnt-elass article,
"Fin a Lot Fresh Stanle Groceries tlZrZ
competition. - . , - . .
FlOUr and Feed.' We handle two grades of Flour.
Our Stock of Canned Goods, Extracts, etc.,
- kept uptodute. .'. ' -" . ' ,' '., .
OAr, n,olee Flower nnd Veeelable Heeds, government tMed and Northern grown
OCOU9 We guarantee them. ir they uou t conns up, uring im-iu ii..
Ir eon
Land of the Apple. ;
Hneclnl correspondence of the Oregonlani Kivkr. Or.. March 5. Hood'.. Vaney;!- huS vaeqlre4 a well
deserved -reputation . for " prod uelng
superior fruit,' although lisfncatioii on
the map, In the heart of the Caseade
mountain runjro, would not - Indicate
that it waa u fruit producing region.
Just now many of the apple growers
of Hood Kivei' valley se selling their
winter apples, getting $1.25 net per l.ox
of r() pounds ot the Inst kinds Freight
on appleslo I ortiftinl is oniyo cetus
per box. A good Hiaid River apple'
tree will yield 10 to 15 Imxes a year.
The traveler by train passes Hood
River without' seeing much. of it, ot
gel t ing an idea of Ihe size of the town,
which to piemresuuely located on a
gentle slope allove the railroad, among
oak openings, and coutitins ruany taste
ful homeso ' . . r'-
After the .streets shall have lieen
graded and' sidewalked, (t Will eause
the homes to- 1 terraced, and much
mitir-ove atiitearanees.. -. The town's
population . Is 50(1, with a: tributary
trading , populaiion. .'of 2500. -' The
benches arnl valley are settled up for a
length of 20 miles, and apple orenarus
and strawberry jiatehes predominate.
Wlieat and oorn for home u la ralsetf,
and there la a grist mill six tulles; up
the river.;-Last season '.Hood 'River
raised and shipped erat of
strawbeTries, which nette'i $1 25 aerate.
vMi-viwit earlv to Montana
itfien be Jeit-able to subscribe fori a k,viilng inps,' und later n to Denver
encourage tliem to stay, lor uiey may r Cnfc
be-a bug that will eat up other bugs. UniOU DBIS
Ana ir nennqsanair eircie mi un
til sliikf -Ihat. a .-cut-worm has lieen
operi(ting in the dark with his little
hatcheU he-hS to gi and get an old
cavalry saber, order the grub to come
up out of the ground, and cut off his
iiitK The cut worm then dies, of
course, but all his relatives come to the
funeral, and continue the good work of
cutting, and ihe saber gets dull chop
ping off their heads. If stout soldering
irons, heated to about 400 degrees, were
touched to Ihe tails of all codlin moths.
thev would refuse to stay where they
urn nut. wanted. I nev nave inaios
ennuirh to take stich hints, and if the
town marshal would serve a vag notice
on every biitf as he stepsoff the baggage
car at Hood River, all pests might be
k,ept fropi get ling up to the valley or
chards, and ralsiiia fruit would be j
delightful dream, At the new orchard
Hhoiit tn lie started for raisinir brick, no
arrangements are as'yet being made to
fight eodihi moths, and perhaps this
in-is i stent nest will not bore Into brick
bats, as it might Induce too proruse
perspiraiioii. How to raise eggs 'itli
iint chickens und mortcanes without
money may not I easy, but it may be
possible to cross a hiicklmt with an
annle and raise a fruit that a codlin
' . . . r ..... .. .J . ...
moth or unytntng eise wm not cmre ui
tackle. J. W. Redington.
! 20 Acres. 7
I will sell 20 acres. Improved or unimproved
land, within one mile of Moon mver nciiooi;
prettiest building sue in mu vmi-y. .
107 W . J. tJAKrll,
Save Your . Soles I
Ilv going to the Pioneer Hhoe Mhop, where you
can Vl good work done: alKo.all klndsof shoe
supplies. C. W KI.I'H. l'n.prletor.
That 50c Shirt.
We have a fine latindrled White
Shirt for half a dollar. Come '
and lay in a supply while you
can get them at this figure. We
have ten dozen of them, but
"they will not last long at this
price. Ask for
That 50c Shirt.
Carpet Weaving.
We have purchased the' celebrated New
comb Klv-Mhnltle Ijoom nnd ore prepared to
do all kl'ndeof eariet and me weaving. We
ftirntHh warp and weave fof 18 and 21 cents
per vard. . ' " ' ' '
Cull at Ilono McDonald store nnd exam
Irjjniwork. V. WINCH KU
Land for Sale, j
. " i t. nr. .... '
, IWO poUIlUH lor at CUV ; . .. I . ., . i ... .
Do not forget to call on us Saturday, as we shall have special sates on many articles on
that day of each week. , ' . ' " ' r 1 ' '
' in i,tin,. ror onr health, but we believe In making honest prices on all artt
cleg which we handle, and we expect to mane a prom on ever) iniiig wo j
accord the same privilege to our customers, as we expect tnem to mane on wut ni
and also on what they buy of ns. Ifthls maxim do"s not govern there could b no perma
nent success. We sell at honest nnd fair prices, aim we Duy in me same u . ' "
11c onr way of doing business is shown from the fact that our business has quad
rupled In the last six months, and during that period we have been compelled to treble our
force In order to give the public tne accommodation neuraiem .
' Htore opens at fi:W A. M. nnd closes at 7:30 r. M. every day except Sunday. Sunday, store
open from 8 A. M. to9:.'X) A. M.
BON NEY, Proprietor.
InS tracts, varvlng In size, from trt SO
acres. Highly Improved, partly Iniproveil
and unimproved. Abnndaiiie of Irnuating
Water on most nr the land. No trouble to show
nrooerty. KastHidn V. miles out. Neai ia
Wanted. ;
To do harness work for dry oak wood: also,
produce taken for part , pay for all hnrness
work (J2(if K. I). CAI.MNH.
Poland China Boar.
A thoroughbred Poland C Ina boar tor ser
vice; also, young pl for , vn ,
Fresh Cow
For Bale. Apply to T. It. fX)OV.
Horses for Sale.
Konr head of work horsos, 1300 to 1100 weight.
Also, wngon snd harness, will trade for cord,
wood. Inquire of J. T. MKItKILU
Srtanei'. i'.IIe deprecated this fact and
ri!' ;iiopi,.tj,ecri. the;day when farmers
M Ki: "bjtf:" better situated, - as a class,'
v, timuf jiey aVe. today. Thu better tltrss
"ii:nnf-i-pJeT wera lhoMj- who kept abreast
L.. Mlf. Oie" times, and idrired' to be' among.
' '" 'lliV'iwtr--to - learn of ;nythlug that
;:.;ild jrelp them in their line of wtirk.
TeillaKjay-'evehliig .J'rof. ", Leckenby
" talked n i-subjecC Vf grasses. . A
'' ifli. eA8fvll; al'en !'
Wok4'UMHt;;ivv',V-''i ' '' '
Ulsiu;Traayv;epe";t. cook,-
o'eUt ;iulUu'cdi4X,lw life h" lasted till
t s -fvlr.HiWf-Eic- (Sefebwied for
its ihaiiv itiiod.coulis: ' ueeniea us
T!ravy,,wiiUi ( tleteraiiiiaiiou :t tearu
i-.-'h tffowiiet uioreUie.eeei'eW jif Jhe'c'ui
r -Jlnarvart. Tlirouirh' Ihe kindness of
'xfemrTOlaTat' H5S-nTtIeri-:cook sVove
jirovidedUiB-i-ueeessary uteivsUs.
.aVla sWjtvrlrtlipT-iectOTer's prne-
i'Ali. flie.'al tiUusttntiirts--' Acting, the dellca-
,c:fvt-j:iM nisttea up
n'H Oilinlnv. Tlie Hood Jver straw
berry is Justly famous. This valley
raised -2(,u"i'Oxc8 of jipples last season,
uf which 8,0t are still held.
', Hood. Rtycr'. fs bVffe Wrth pure
mniin-iHiu-watermined' over tint town.
imiiiw .ilvht inontlM 'the- etlmate -isn
fli.ilirlit.fiirik'rni ulnlt-fv lasts- atsmt four
nnmtllti.: ' -Attuongll generally ,qune
oficti, one of1 1 he- rlafp - wltiter'g 8torm
deposited iwo fcet:pf snow, ami the
I Uenuoiuefer registered 4degreet below
'i1ie ". ail n ihil al u-fjill'. herev is 33
inches, andiit) Inches at I he . Dalles.
Xli 4"t?rwf ti .5s -5 " rni U-9 east of- Portland,
and23'w'eSt i'f Tlte Daljea.. HootJ River
'!s.tempenHtee tw rf iiever.had aivy
Sidooii8-i-,le' :t'ow'ii -gt'reeis af ;dark
excent rav.JiioonJigUt 'h.iglifs.' bat the
J,rivr ,'lia's" A s'tandiivg-' top to-
fut-iirebleeliyetliuittinftuoi! wncweyr
t'le"battd if ruatiiAvlli JVD4:;ft i"u
'Vrttlt ttx'fires. -
i Fjiw.J0 wili3 Op'' Hoocf.. rWer Tl
(tfej-iiviC ifalJ.'is CO feet mi iiiiie...' ac-
I curding careful pom putotlmul mudej
tatrtf-Hifsi-M ir-'-lMHt. a.vallaW.e wat et
Can sing, but this SINGER is a bird. s We are selling JSInger
Sewing Machines for $25 cash, or $10 on the installuent plan; $10
down, balance iu monthly payments of $o each. These are high
arm, five-drawer machines, finished in oak, with all modern Im
provements. No one need be without a sewing machine at these
prices and on these easy terms. - Come and see them.
Leller from Howard Isenberg.
Manila, P. I., Jan. 1, 1899, Happy
New Year! Dear Folks at Home:
This is the first day of the new" year
and I iiii'u In hopes that lavfore another
t ear foils around I will be at home. It
dta?s not seem like a New Year's
day for it is about as warm a'day as we
have had, but for all of that,, every-,
body is Imppy andjn gisid spirits. Ve
had a fine (Tinner at my mess .tod.'y,
among' other- thities plenty of rt s i
e' '4 J- . .t...l.t.
jvivtr iruii, ior , which wc uin u
f4ks at home" and especially. Agues
Dukes, Bheseiit ine several can of
friiit which I ehjoyed very much, not
only myself,, but all-t he members of my
mes.,..'JL'hey join nie in sending sincere
thanks.'- 1 do not know whether I have
ever ton you where.1 mess. There are
ten clerks here at headquarters. All of
lis "reeeivfB coiumutution of rations,
whfeh auuouiits to 75 cents (gold) per
duy. We'iiave .it 'quartermaster ser
geant that ltoks after everything,. He
is an Oregon! . " We" have" tKiught
dishes and cooking Utensil nd have
a nioe 'tatiltr 1o.jt;doWri ld? AVe y
-f)Uf-cM)k $!6uiex fpet lUQntKund $15,
Our waitef also tends 'to our rsHiisand
iiersoffal efiects: : M-i rouHle"Ijim' nt
sutt'eiing very much Trout jiardshlps f
nev-rihe(es i wouM-ltke
Dealer in General Merohandise, Farm Implements, LUmber.etc,
Hood River, Oregon. '
""" '
, Yirm Yum woven wire MiMiress...
, Commnn woven wire Mattrqss!,,..,
..- Wool MatiresS...... ,. T...
Kxy.lnr, wool top Mattressi
" IVnistcads .....
I challenge any one to get lower price9'lh Itirtland oa'these goods or any others that I
bve,'eu. V - S. R fiARTMESS.
. 1 80
. 2 50
. 2 23
. 1 SO
Jnslieeof the Peace !.,.
let 1 - ..; 4.
For Sale.
Horse, harness and cart, or will trade for a
yaller dog. K-VH.1 HAVAMK.
Eggs for Hatching.
fluff Wyandottes."il.r.E
At a Bargain.
Home line fruit land near town,1 Including
spring of 60 gallons per minute, and other
water rights. T. K. QOQN.
Plymouth Rock Eggs.
Thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock eggs
for sale at 50c for 13. Come and see (,he hens,
or leave oraers at tne post omce.
ni wnr. y. 4.
For Sale
One of the best paying smalt fruit farms In
Hood Klver. (Jood location, well watered.
Good bulldinus and a plwant borne.' This Is
bargain. Call at this omce;
To trade s two-horse spring wagon for a
light one-iiome rig. CHAH. V. KKKD,
,n3 i Wrapper IMstrti t.
ht: tht short time he
s mruini. n,.-ur m h ii.iU war, nut, nevf ruleless wouM-iiae mi
KJiE&2Lp!: --very
al ways-be allowed- V
thereja a prBeeuUpwwpetl
near. fOtti.n?' sorjie-tit
i-ufi ihe.-
tianwatte sorry" Wso many of our W5yS writing
rlffi ?tht U "bit condemmlt.g their officers. I will
t!wi-l nd should never tave 'heen
had to .prepare tliem were prune pud- , ghurce 'lias "made 'arrangements! iwents
e. .diugViaut;e pudding, . potato salad, ; for ah InexiiaMsUb'le supply of Ice and Pr,I"e'-.
.. -tv " j . .1.1 stinor 'so tliere isnotrouiile alwiut the i ;
InavoUaife ;Uressil)c and gold sauce
;.','v'The"-audienr 'w .rfleliB.Uted.wiUv.tli
' leeture "nmV ntlni v rgot! irfew' Tdeaa Irt "
I Jeel eoiifident thut those
i-riters will see the day when
'"'VThHr-Yh; .in tbey win lit ashamed of their actions
i nifi.1.W,' mV?.l.ttt;4l. niMtrrc ,, we alt had
U would seerrvthatln the-due e,.urM3 TJt
etf.t.fegesou Amf. piaWactiing.' "lCnuTth that h. ir-
I t: .? f Notary Public for
for Hood River District I ... .' ) . - : . Uregon.
' I am prepared at all times to draw and1 eisotrte Deems and Mortgages, and all kinds of le
gal papers carerully prepared ,,. '. s..: -t 1 '
I am also prepared on short furnish correct AbstracU. . Also represent the oldest
and strongest Insurance companies: so If you want your property lnsuryd don t fall to eall on
me and gefaa policy in a reliable Insurance company." . , . ;
And wlien itenme-s to Real 'Estate,' 1 am trie one ?rttt want'tosee.' If too Want to buy, sell
. . . "..."I..., 1 i,i....,..,. U' rtnn'f fn 11 tn Cull Oil Of WTlt 0 I
BlsonegotWtMoanson ral e-tte, I have.beejt a Mid6Ut Of H-M River '.""'X'or
therefore am thorougniy sciiuawea who j f.'V-'- - ....... ,
uiin cookin.' Ihe different dishes 1 tri.nnrt.ilin facilities. The Portland
i.i-s. K. L. Smith and Mrs. (.Jeo. market la reached by daily boat, and,
" Continued en I bird" pafc.
- ' AND CASH ONLY; is what 'mekesi prices so low on
Hardware: Harness, -Doors, , Sash, s Paints,
. Guns and Aniihunition, v
: Stoves, Shoe Findings and Bike Supplies,
To Exchange, ;
For a small ranch, a six-room house, hard
finished, snd &0 by 100 foot lot, Also, a vacant
lot. Address APPINOTON & CO..
f2-i 602 Alblna ve Portland.
Ijind Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan.
31, 18W0. Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has tiled potlce of
his Intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Register and Iki-elver at
The Tialles, Oregon, ou Saturday, March 11,
Of Mosler, Hontwitead Application No. 4C4,
niih. nonhpiint V.' northeast M section 21,and
north y. northwest , and northwest north
east V. section 22, townthlp t north, range It
east, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his cont inuona residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis:
W. E. Huskcy, A.T. Prettier. Oeorge Hus
kev and William Silephenson.ail of Mosler.Or,
fitmlO JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Ijind Oflice at Vancouver, Wasli., Feb. 14,
PSS). Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing uamed settler has tiled notice of his In
tention to make Hnal pnsif In support of hll
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver V. M. Ijind Office,
al Vancouver, Wasb on Tuesday, llurch
2, lsWl.vlx;
H. E. No. 92M, for the northwest quarter sec
tion ii, township 4 north, range 10 east. W. M.
He names the following witnetwes to prove
hts continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, VI:
Matt W'llken, William Olson, Fred Wllken
and Charles Huff, all or White Salmon P. O.,
Wnsnlngton. '
f!7oi24 ?. It l)VS BAR, Register.