The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 03, 1899, Image 3

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    jijjz j.iver vuiaciei
. FlUDAV, MA li('H H,
That 50 rrnt shirt.
Hu.v fnrnl y J. H. Shoemaker.
The Hmxl Hiver Jurymen all cume
home Ih Satunlny.
Mrs. Hose MrCoy returned from
Pinl,ii (l on MoimIu.v.
W(.ik wiiK ri'sutiieil la-t week on the
Kiml Fork lrrii!ntliix ilium.
The H'NmI River lux f ic'ry atirtetl
up on fprinx (inters IunI Mmi. lay.
Money to I'ihii mi real estate liy
John L. Henderson, ngt.
l)f. W. It. Benjamin, dentist, will
iiirulu visit liiver February 25tli.
AHf i K Whiteoiiili hikI Henrietta
Ciivol vveie ini.ri km! in Portland
lilMt wetU.
Win. Havnea ' Id III residence
property lu-i week to Mr. Gordon,
lat iy trom tyuii itiie.
J. '. VVteino, father of Mrs. V. H
JVny. liel In l.n.ll ivt to; Mich., Juii
uary , 18!H), uutti tMljenln.
Mm. T II. Clark Una t en qu'te sick
tlurinit the p-t. week witn heart
ti'oiilt'e, lint Im lei ier ugHlii.
'I li" can- of J. II. Genie vs. (J. I).
"V m worth' wasi ioetioiie till the
flta teiiii ol tlie elreiiit court.
Forester, the mutt who kill-sl Phil
Itiotuii at Ant l ie, wa a't)'iitiel hy
the jury in the etrellit eniirl last week.
Are you (oinif to spray? If no, yon
waul to nee t il t-t i aiMini a nay piiin.
He ean out lit you at prieea from up.
W. II IVrrv Ih iniii'li Ininrovo.l inul
in now (n a lair way to reeover from the
ueeinetit to Inn leg thai lias put him on
I ten tS'ratMliHii, who Ih working with
AUen' tvew of liralje lui iluaon the
). It. & N., initio down tr iu Colfax
litHt week.
E. H. Piek.iri,pi.lnter and decorator;
esiini ties irr i'Ih; price inn lerute; satis
f'leti i t KUar iliieed. Leave ordera at
Glacier pli.inii icy.
MIssKliza istevenn litis resigned ai
teaillerof li e primary department ol
the hiver school and uceepted
the w Ikn.I ar Odeil
Mis' Net te Hart declined the prim
av d' pa'ttiietii of the Fraokttiu wiinol
M--d her p'tice wll not lie tilled now till
uf el-tne annual noetii'K.
Mr. an I Mr. Km'd West are expected
to re'U' ii to II I River in a month or
m front Imiiiihh, Wash., and will occupy
the old lli gel home at Krunktoii.
The i-a of tlie H'xkI Itlver I. titular
idtf t o.. appealed to the ciieuit court,
was ciue died on technicalities, nltd
iuotiiii to amend apeul wan (rranted.
The man. wh i tii.rrowerl F H. But?
ton'a Kiuin seeoer knows it. He i re
queued to return It, uh Mr Button N
losinif a ikmhI chance to lend the seeder
f vi r.v day.
'I he steamboat wharf whs ahout to he
wrecked t.y the sand washiii awav
from the pi'e, and M. A. (,'ook and li
H. Oil. titer made the necessary repaint
last Monday. '
Mrs-Jolm I)i-lituan returned las'
wek fmjti Hois t.'iy- Mr. imhinafiw
lie diti ,h improved, li'it he didn't think
it advisable to co'ine home at this rea
Hon of j lie year. '
The phoios in the fiLACIKK windou
hIioa- work. hat Mas done ly A M
Cook tan; sumoier in .Sttithern t'a ifor
nia. . Toe lall chiiuuey was limit for a
hei't Huar tae ur. I'o 'k loom up in
the pic-lire as 'aiye as life. -
H IVa'er instill eon lined to hi houe
and has not' l-een able to do aii,tuitiK
in the way of worK for the past six
in nidi. 'The dlwaliidlles that have
iiit'-c ed IlIs low-r iimi'S now extend to
id- anus and he is uuahle to even dress
limine!!'.' : "
Win. Potter, who Is emp'oyed in a
mine in the Stinipter nimci, reccuil.
Injured his hand 1SIhmI poisoning nei
in ai d for a tune it wax feared he would
ke hi hiu I Hit a ni fU ln-re
have recjive I io ve t I from hiiii la ely
it is uppoed thai he is recovering.
P. F. Jiradford was in Portland one
1ay 1.11-t week and wa interviewed liy
mii Oreoniau reporter ami avt- I (nod
Hier a i- o I send off From readinv
the interview we leirn that our Uig
fw mill will decttpatileof cuttitlg 3011,
00 feel of lumber a d iy.
A meet n i-f citizens whs held l ist
'I liui-day . veiiinx to consider the
iii.ti'.n of iiroteetintt the town aicaln-t
lire Af ere-Mii-id'-ratile discussion over
wa and' means to ra se m ney nenes
sarv it was decided 'h -t noiiniix can
t done tid the right to bond l he town
i ui ven hy act of the legislature.
M. II. Potter has lately finished a
hambinjue secretary, or esoritotre, that
show I he skill of the master woi-Ktiian
lie IS' Though hadty crippled an I
pivin tlivl.v aed from injuries received
hi the civil war, the old veteran is not
so slow in executing 'floe work at his
trade.- " ; .r ' ' '"'
. For trotbitei',luirnR,liidolent tor",ec-2enia,-sliu
d tc iote, and espeeiully Pile,
ileWitl's V Itch HaJiel Haivesfaml lirt
ami bt 'Lisik out lor dishonest people
who iry 'f'iniitateaml counterfeit it. it's
their endorsement of a good arti'-le.
W or'h e-s g hIh are not imitd ed. Get
DcWiti's Witch Hazel Salve. Will
iams & Hl'OSlUS. ' '.,
About SO rods of the Davenport flume
were blown over during the recent1
ivigh wi ois, besides some n.'w flume
that was moved and hadly damaged
Go Tom W.ckens' place 12 piuels of
flume were moved IkmIiIv alsiut 'A) feet.
Al E. Itogers place 30 anel8 of I lie
hiiili irestie were tilowu down. The
work of rebuilding was comp.eted lust
C'apt P. 8. Davidson arrived here,
Monday- The captain says he has
time carloads of his in II now on tiie
way and Die rest ready to follow as
soon as the railroad spur Is completed
here. Work on tliespor is retarded ly
the failure to get necessary timliers
from Portland. t'apt, Davidson is
ready to let the eontract for the founda
tion for i he mill, and he expects to
have it in operation by the Utter part
of May."
Aa the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grip, sore throat, eotmha, j
coins, caiarrn, oroiiciuu aou luon; irou
hlrsaretobe guanleil atraiust, nothing
"hm rii stilist it ute," will "answer the
purp e"orl"jii8i asgixl"as One Min
ute Cough t'ure." That 1st lie one Infalli
ble remedy for all lung, throat or bron
chial irotiMes. Insisr- vigorously Um
havl:ig it it "something else" is oftoivd
you., Wl:!iuini t i!.onius. .. .
Iill-i.ot ll'i'HiU tii o h X
time since he left the truck regularly,
was when, just for fun, last winter,
iigaiiist Meixs Hartmess' proieHtittion,
he run from home to Hood liiver In 82
minutes. Last Monday morning, wit li
t. SS. l,laike as ridert the start was
made, according to the pony's w Ishes,
al Mr. Khick'ii place and the tln.sli at
the fisit of Tucker's hill where hii'se
and rider fetched up all In a heap. No
holies broken; too much mud. The
pony decided to return home via Mr.
Diver's place Charley ciime to town
with Perry McC'-ory. lie said the
speed down the lull was frightful.
Clyde T, Donney's slaughter house
west of town lias all the modern con
venience and I up to date, H"g are
kept to clean up all the refuse, Mini the
U'ff heads are cooked for them. The
par's of lie animal from w liii-ii glue is
i.::; le are s ild to Hie glue factory, the
hone are s- ld to a fertilizer company,
mid nothing is wasted I'he fl mm are
Hushed every day w ith n'euty "f wa er
and there is no ollctisive smell asout
the prcllii-es. Mr. lionliey lei-ently
littrcliiisi d IW lie id ofdinela-ef cattle at
Warm KprloK reservation ami Is well
prepared to supply any demand Ihat
may be made uimii llood ltiver for
meats of all kinds.
Kiim Harbison h is liepn apvi'nted to
take i-haige of the work no tin new
made of the E ist Hide road. A suo
scHptiou ts In circulation and it i pro
posed lo give the work out hy contract.
Three or four hundred iloilum w ill l
needed oitoiupleie t lie work of hlaling
on tui gra le, an 1 1' I ho.s-d Hi it all
will give liherallv If the lie yra i- is
nt completed Hit ler Mr ilai'iiisou's
in iiiageuie'il, the Imivs of the K it Siile
w ho now climb the hiix hill will all l
bald und any head"d men la-fore they
will see any easier way of m iking the
Ho id ltiver ci'izens were surprised
Tuesday lliornillit to rind ilie ground
covered with two or three inches of
snow. Wild flowers were blooming,
audit was a strange siuht to see the
purple iris lilo unii.g above the snow.
A heavy rain continued ail day, hnt the
snow staid with, us till night, w hen a t wind spruiu u it, and Wednes
day morning thesoov had disappeared.
Many will renieiiiiM-r Ihat lust season
there was a shortage of strawlierry
ciate and in order tint the sune ex
'rteoced.Ms u it iKjeitr again it is hi. Hi iv
advisalile to make arraugeneoiis for
otir crates now while there is plenty
of time to get them made lie. If sev
eral of the In i ge j: rowers f i o lolhis
prouipily it may cause serious losses
when shipping time comes.
The l-oanl of directors of the Valley
Improvement Co. holds Ps regular
uieeti'ig in lite afiernomnf the tlrl
Sa'ttrdav in e'h month. Tit e who
have not already en iiracted the r wa'er
can do so at these mow in j and at no
ot Iter lime The pa roos if the until
puny Will please take due urn ice,
Mrs Gahel and two sons, who have
hceu s'nppl-ig wi ll Mr und Mr. J. P.
vVa'son, during the w inter, returned to
i heir home in Diyton, O egun, Wed
nesday. Mrs. (ialiel and sou loy,
lio are trouhied with list Inn i, h ive
lieen gi-eitly lamcllied by their stay in
IIiHid Itiv. r.
. Tlie meeting if the Cascade Gugliem
I'terarv at Itarretl scIphiI house halur-
day eveniiig wilt lie posp ined on c-i-onnt
of. the hoitieiiltur il iustitule to
is held in 'ow n. . A special prorsniiue
i being prepared for the mettittg of the
(jiushi rs, March Hill. .
Happy is tlie ni in or womnn who can
eat a muni heariy meal without sutlerlng
ifierward If you c in not do It. t ike K
io Dysiiepsia f 'tire, (t digests wdiat ym
eat aid cures at fo m of d ieps a and
nidgesiion. il I in n ih (V Hrosius.
The Fr uikioii home li erarv will dis
cuss the question of expmsion tonljht
at the hou-e of 8 Koolin. M. Wi lis
lend the aillrm ilive and F. It A'M'en
In the negative. A "hot time in the
old town tonight."
J Sheer, Fedaliu, Mo., conductor on el
ectric street car line writes that his little
daughter was very low with croup, ami
her life saved after all physic! in had
failed, only hy using One Minute Cough
Cure. Wil i.nns 4 limsius.
The train from Portland. Tuesday
night, due here at 10:42, didn't arrive
at tlie d"pot ti l7o'co-k Wednesday
morning, owing just 11 iv
i he ice house, w here the train laid all
Dorrance Smith and fam'ly have
moved to Cascade Lock. Dorram-e
will be engineer on tlie tow boat, tow
ing log I'r un the Washington side for
the mill of Smith and Kmem 1.
A.C. Jone of Portland is visiting
his fiicild. G K. W I I mis. ..Mr. Joueg
represented the Postal Teleraiih Co. 1
Ht talem during the late session of the
''John II Ittnkin, osesor of Klick
itat county, was in town Fridav. He
aid be Would begin tlie work of assess
ing the proHTty of the county March
K (J Sherrill, lirother of W. E. Sher-
illl, arrived here last week from His-
son, Cal. He isach'iol teacherand ex-pis-ts
to make li s home In Hood ltiver.
See the shoes in our window ut SO
een's a pair, not a pair that cost les
than H at w hoii-s de.
A. H. DlmWKKS & Soy.
0. G. Chamberlain returned. Wed
nesday, from Athena, where he bus
lieen sojourning sim-e last summer.
John L. Henderson insured the
stock of Dallas & Spaugler during
tlie week for$l,H(H).
K J. Mi tdleswart of Mosier has gone
on a trip to Montana
P. 8. Davids n, jr., and wife arrived
from Wisitmsin xtsterday.
Josi ph Siieslw was in town during
the week.
Mt. Ilisid Items were crowded out.
March came in like a Iron.
C. lurch N'oticcs.
Congregatioiuil Church. Services
next piunday al 11a.m. and 7 p m.
The pa-tor will preach at the m lining
service on ''Conversion; Its Means and
Valley Christian Church Services.
Sunday school at 10 a. in., Arthur
tietchel superintendent. Pleaching at
11 u. m. und 7.30 p. in. by (lie pastor.
Junior endeavor at 5 p. m. Senior en
deaver at 6 30 p m. All not worship
ping elsewhere are invited to attend.
If you have a couuh, throat iriitatlou,
wcuk lungs, pain in the chest, dillleult
Invalid n it, croup or hoarseness, let ussng
vest One Minute t 'ouih Cure. A I way re
luli:e ui:d s-fc. 'i:l;uiiis .1 Uivtius.
Ptandiirdof the woi.o, 18IH) chalnlcss, !,u Chulu, $50, made
by the Pope Mauufacluring (.'o.
Coluuililas only excel the Hartfords, 18!)!) pattern, $35.
Vedeltes, bisl low-priced wheel made, $25.
A few genuine bargains in 1S!)H Hartfords, $25.
These prii-es will last but a very short time. Order now.
All tubing and bar nude 'f 50 per cent rurlmu g'eel, 75,000 R
test, and every w heel guaranteed (10 days from any defects. You
can afrir I a Columbia or Hertford now. Prices are lo, and (pia'ity
considered, they are the cheaiest wine's made- today. The Poie
Maiitifutluring Co. has always been at the lop in liicycle making In
America. If you get a product of their factory you have t lie satis
faction of knowing your winvl is not eq ule l by any at tlie price,
and if a Columbia Chain less, it is not equaled by any at any price.
Call and get a cuta'oue and see the $25 Hartford ut
Agent3 for Pope Mfg. Co.
Progni'iuiio for the Institute.
The horticultural Institute will bo held In
' A. (I. V. W. dull, Friday mi l Hittiiriluy.Marcb
tkl anil 4th. The faculty of the agricultural
College and other who will take part In the
ItiHtltule will arrive from The Dalle on tliu
early train Kriilay morning. Kolloitrliig U
the prUKrumiiie:
Kuiday, March !ln. -
10 A. M. MeetliiK culled to orde.' by lion.
E. 1.. Sin 1 1 n.
KihiiHfon of the Future, Dr. O. W. 8lmw.
IUhx'u-sIoi. ot Miitie.
2 P. M. Tllliwea Knetor hi tlie Conserva
tion ot M iibiuic. lir. Jan. w'llliyennibo.
tlscusjiioii o( same.
The fuming liariicultiiral Problem, Prof.
K. It. Luke. of name.
S I', .vl. .lnsln.
l'lirkuii Fruit from ft t'ullfornla btand
point. Prof. W. W. Pniilip.
Dlsi'UHiou ot Hume.
Musir. t
Are Agricultural Pais-m n Itoneftt to farm
ers anil ll.irlK uloiiUu, 11, M. VV'ililuniMon.
lnu:utuiiou of same.
Batdkday, Maiich 4th..
10 A. M. Duiryhig una faille Feeding,
T. H. Tnwiosnd.
ilow sjcail Tree be Pruned? I'mf. E. R. Lake.
i. V. .M. Fruit 1'enlii and Spraying, Prof.
liist'iisHlon of same.
Fertihiv of HniiK, lir. G. W. Hhaw.
tllseilHnlOll of SHIIie.
FJveiiniK programme to he announrerl Inter.
Al 2 unlay, Ml Mtizy Tniey will give
a Itxauru on Praclli-al CiHikiug to tlie tsUie.
"Give me a liver icgulatoraiid I can
regulate the world," sum a geldu Tilt
druggist handed him a Isittie of He
Witt's Lctle Eaily Hi-ers, the famous
dttle pilis. Williams &
('rapper School.
The entertainment given attheCrap
ier school house Wednesday evening,
Fenruary 22.1, was-highly Hiiccessful,
b -tli us an entertainment and tloaii
clady. The house w..8 erowdid. All
enjoyed theuiseives, and the school
iieued the neat lh tie sum of til 70. An
tapeei.dly Hue select. on of pieits were
ciioseu and udmiiai Iy leioie.e.t. Tlie
tatih'.iux were exceptionu Iy g.aid ami
e'en most all entertainment in them-
selv8 Several of the recital ions de-1
serve especial commend. itioii, viz: "A
Uirl from a boy's pi.iui of ie,"liy
lloy Ki hey; "Mow Johnny tended the
laiiiy," I'ylee.i Ureen; Washington
and his Hatchet," Kent Shm-maKer;
"HeZckiuh Ueiloll," AllssF
Prig(?e. The aoiigs, "I'm Going Hack
to iJ.xie." by Mr. Fied liailey, ami
"Alutrilii inial Sheets," hy Air. und
Mr. Uieeu," produced lively encores.
Several dialouues weie well rendered;
one, "An Ii eclrical Episode," Was es-p-'Cial'y
ttood. The o ij.-ct of the enter
tainment was the stariiug of a lihrary
I'uud. A more worthy ot.ject could not
le. A parly of Hood liiver student
mid iln-ir principal al tended aiid re
Kirt an excellent lime.
Pranktun iScliiMil,
The criierialumeiit ut Franktou
school house on the evening of Wash
ington's hirllid.iy was well attended hy
the pat roiis of the sclio .1 ami a no id
pi'ogiauiiue was well rendered. Lunch
baskets were auctioned tt to the high
est bidder, and there was Mime lively
tnddlil. .Miss Margaret L.a ne's h is.
kel brought l he htguest and was
s ild lor I. tli. E. l). I 'ul uns bid in
rive nas'kets. 'I he house w .s heiuti
fully oec irated. lteceipts amounted
to $13 o") nil. I will go to the l.iu'ury lund.
JJefore the discovery of One Minute
Oaigli t me inniisieis were grea'ly (lis- j
luroci oy eoiigniiig cougregai ions, mi
excuse lor il now. Williams & Jiiosius.
Tn II. Mid Uivc .alley, February ii"),
181);, o Mr. and Mrs. .d .wild Matvkes,
as tl.
In HoslHi.-er, February 23, 1 Sim,
Aliram L. H.slsou of Klickitai county,
Wash., and Mrs. Inez ISmaills-nt of
Hood ltiver; Rev. J, 1'. Merrill offlciul
ing. Hied.
In Hood Hiver valley, East Side,
February 'Si, I WW, John F. Mohr. of
(pi ck consumption, uyed tl years, 5
moo t lis and U days.
Deceased was taken sick last OetolH-r
with an attack of hionchitia. He was
Is u ti in Wisconsin and came 10 II !
River with his parents 17 years ago.
lie was an holiest ami upright young
man and will is inourned by all his
uisiuu.inaiices He leaves a ino lier,
five sisters an I four lirolhcr. Being
Hie oldest of the family, bis death will
la; a ser ous blow to Ins relatives. The
funeral look place last Sunday trotu
the Cathooc church i i The Dalles.
For a quick remedy and one that Is per
fect ly sale for children let us recommend
One ,l iiintj. 1 'fttiuh I 'ni- It isv.s.ll.iil
! for croup, hoarseness, tickling in the
throat aud coughs Williams & Uroslus.
The steamers Regulator and Dalles
City are now making tegular trips be
tween The Dulles and l'urtlaud.
What lias Keen Said Around the (il die.
It has la en dcmoiistia'ed rejieated'y
in every stale in the Union and I
iniiiiy foreign count I-s that Chuinbi r
la ti's Coiinh Ib im dy is a certain pre
cuiie and cure tor ctoup. Ith: s lie
come the lidvril remedy lor lin t
ilisease. M . V. I'Mier of l,ilily, W.
V'a., only res'at what has liceii said
atnuiid the ulohe when he rites: "I
have us il ( 'hatuherlain's t 'oiiith Rem
edy in my family tor several year and
always Willi perfect success' We be
lieve i ii ut it i oof Hie lies' cough
remedy, hut Ihat It Is a sure cure for
croup. It litis saved the lives of our
children a numher of times " This
remedy is for sale by Williams &
iiiill, Lewis k Star Ca.
Mlteh II Wngons. Henny Bniriles, Itlsseli
Plows, Cutaway, Sprhiif-looUi unit 1'i'k-IooIIi
Harrow. Placet Jr good, Myers' Pump and
Hay tKls, Champion Mowers, Hake and
Hinder, Plioailx and Uol.lcn ICagle, Bicycles.
Two Lots for Sale.
Two desirable lots. I and 2. block , VVInann
addition. Kor particular uddres the (Hinder.
74 1-2 Acres
For wile; miles from town. Improved land
and some of tile bel hi the valley. Inquire ol
S. J. l.uFriiuce. or on the ranch to
For Sale.
Team of young, heavy work horses aud
Mitchell H'. w uk.iii. Inquire of
2 or 3 Fresh Cows
Forili Apply to J. W. MOItTON,
KlverKide Kami, S miles west of town.
For Exchange.
Two" residence lots at Houane for Hood
River proerly. Imnilretilacler olUce.
We wit sell at public auction, on Morch 25,
1H9II, at. the hour of II o'clock In the foi-enoon
on said day, at the livery stable of Howe &
lmkcK, hi the town of Mood hiver, one isray
horse about seven years old, and known as
tlie MtM'kuigs borne, und the suine being held
for his feed. HOW k & DUKE8.
li.sid ltiver, March 1, lw.
Land Oftlec at The Dalles, Oregon. February
IS, 1MI9. Nnlice Is hereby Riven that Hie fol
lowing named settler has tiled notice of his
Intention to mukelinal prcsif In support of his
claim, and that suid pnsif w ill be made before
the Kelsicr und Iteceiver at Tlie Dalies, ure
Kon, un Monduy, April 17, IS'.W. viz:
Of Mt. Ilisid, Homestead Application No.
So 5, for the nortlieast 'j sectiou 17, township 1
unit u, ranve hi east W. M.
He names the following witnesses U) pro'e
his continuous residence upon und cultiva
tion of said land, vi:
Henry W. wait, H.S.Richmond and (ieorge
Pei'Klns of Mt. IlisHl, iiiegon, und James
Kn.Kht of Klngsley, tlrexon.
nilai i.W K J.UCAS, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oreeon, Feb. 28,
1SWI. Notice Is hereby Mi ven that the lollow
Iiik named settler bus tiled notice of bis In
tention to make Html prsif in supMirt of his
claim, and tnul said pnsil will be made before
lt-Klster and Heeeiver at Tne Dalles, Oregon,
on Monday, April 1 , lstm, viz:
Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Application No.
41ls, for tlie northeast y. ectlou 18, township
1 south, noixe .Oenst, W. M.
He mine s the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion ot, said land, ve:
W. W. Mason and K. Knndson, Mt- Hood,
Oreffon; James Knlglit, Kinijsley, Oiegon;
H. S. Uiclnnond, Mt. Ihsid, Oregon.
inter JAY f. LUCAS, Jteglstei
I.snd Office at Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 14,
lsjsj Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named setiler lias tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Ki gister and Iteceiver U. 8. Land Office,
at Vancouver, Wash., ou Tuesday, March
at, 18U viz;
H. E. No. KStK, for the northwest quarter sec
tion 13, townsblu4 north, range 10 east, W. M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
hts continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of. said land, viz:
Malt Wtlken, William Olson, Kred Wilken
and Charles Huff, all of White Salmon P. O.,
fl7uil!4 W. U. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 14,
1HMM. Notiee is hereby- given that tlie following-named
settler hasftled notice of hlsintrn
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will lie made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on tsuturday, March 2", lft), viz:
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
Ml .1, for the northeast sectiou township 3
north, rumce 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Henry Priyire, Oeore Ktranahan, Frank
Davenport and Ueore Williams, ail of Hood
River, i iregjo.
iltu2 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
bone &
Staple Groceries,
Dry Goods, Boots and Sliocs,
Which we w ill sell ut live and let live prices.
Agents for Osborne
I hnve opened ft choice lot of Groceries In the sinre mum formerly occupied by the Hcxwl
Klvpr Pharmacy. Will also deal In Klonr, heed. etc.
Our giHMis are alt new mi l Ciolee. und we will aim to keep the best at all lini.'s. Quick
sales and small profits will bo our motto. Come aud see us.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In tb valley.J
13x37- Goods, ClotIb.Im.g:,
Flour, Feed,
M. S. &
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to nil parts of the valley nnd vicin
ity. Heavy draylni; and transferring done with care and promptness.
Til W $J'
Time Schedules.
10:12 p.m.
ISnlt Lake, Denver,
4:00 p.m.
r t woitn.tuutttm.
Kansas City. St
Louis, Chicago
and the East.
Walla "Walla, Spo-j
8t Paul, DuluthJ
4:87 p.m.
5:57 li.tu.
MllwauRee, cni
cago and EuhL
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
ir or ran r ranvico
Every nve days.
a n.m. I Coixmbia ftiVER I 4 p.m.
Ex. Sunday' Mtkamkhs. Ex.bunduy.
hntitrilny, iTo Astoria and wayi
1U p.m. lunumgs.
Willamette Hlver. 4::10 n.m.
A a.m.
Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New- Ex-uuduy.
berg.sittlem 4 way
WlLtAMETTlt Awn! Hi-n p.m.
Ta.m. Yamiiu.l Kivkiw. Mon, Wed.
Tucs. Thur. Oregon City, Dayton! and Frl.
and Sat. and way landings.
8 a.m.
Willamette River. 4:0
Tues, Thur.
Portland to Corval-Tues., Thur.
and Hut.
llsa way landings. una Mil.
Lv lwist'n
Ssak Rivkr. '
Ripiiria to t-ewlston ex.Fridiiy.
t:lf. a.m.
dally ex.Sat,
W. II. HflU.PfKT.
Oen'l Pass. Agent. Portland, Or
E. B. Clark, Agent, Hisid River.
f.and Office at The Dulles, Oregon, Feb. 14,
IWid.-Nntlce is heivby given tliat the follow
ing named settler has filed notiee of bis in
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
lU-glster and Kereiver at 1 lie uuue, uregon,
on Saturday, April 1. 1SWM. viz:
Of Hood Klver, Homestead Applu-attnn No.
46SH, for the south southwest , northwest
V southwest W. souUiwest northwest see
lion 21, township i north, range 11 east, W . M.
He names the following witness to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vis:
Warren Wet Is. Chtirles Wells. Rotie-t Rob
ertson and Joseph Purser.altof Himm) kiver.lir.
n.iua JAY 1'. LUCAS, Hetist-r.
Mowers and Reapers.
Has nothing to do with the
Hut wns put here to attract yonr
nttcnlion tor a mimical so Hint
we could inform von that, the '
place to buy your ii;l'l.i.S Is
CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Eiyht Years Expcrie.ncc
Etc., Etc.
L. CO. S
V. S. l and Oftlee, Tlie rtilles, Orciron, .Inn.
81, !!. Complaint having been eiiteied at
this olfieo by Warren Cooper nvalnst 1 lion is
A, Conner for abandoning bis HomcM u I Kn
ow, No. t.Vi(l, dated Oct. 2, ISP2, upon lla no- tli
northeast !j nnd north )'t north west W sie
tfon 81, township 1 north, range III ea-t, '.V ,M.,
in Wiiseo county, Oregon, wilhuvifw t. Ilia
cancellation of said entry, the said p allies am
liertbv summoned to appearnt thiso.'llce oa
llio 6th day (if April, IV.Hi. lit 10 o'cl' ck A M.,
torespiinil and furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment.
flllilli7 JAY P J't'CAS, Register.
Are Y.ou Interested?
ThcO. R. ft N. Co's new book on the Re
sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho Is
being distributed. Our readers are renuesti d
to forward the addresses of their 1-4. stern
friends mid ncqiiaintnnees, und a copy of thn
work H ill be sent them free. This Is a mutter
ALL should be Interested in, and we would
ask Hint every one take an interest nnd for
ward such addresses to W. II. Ilurltmrt. f ieis
eral Passenger Agent, O. K. A N. Co.,l'iii tiiiiid.
"NO l'lCE FdirFUBLTcVi iON.'
Lund Oftlee t The Dalles, Oregon, .Ian. II.
tS'.W. Notice Is hereby given that tin- tolli.v.'-ing-iiiuued
settler has (lied nolief ol his mti i -lion
to make, final proof In support of ),is
claim, mid Hint said proof will lie nnoie b.
fore the Register and Receiver, ut The I allts.
Oregon, on Tue-dav, March 7, IK!'!' vlx::
rt.NSON K. CL'ltTlS,
of H'ind River, Homestead Application Nit.
5021 . for the east 'a norrheast soicowest
northeast '4 and northwest , southeast 'J
section hi. township-north, riihge 10.'asi,V'.M.
He names the titllowin wftnessi s Pi prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz.:
Mrs. Ilaltie Hansen, H. A. Harkett. Hurry
Brown and E. Lyons, all of Hond Ulver.Oifri.
J'.' 1118 JAV lVLtTOAS.Reirl:er.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan.
'21. Isim. Notice is hereby given thai the toi-lowing-nained
settler has tiled noileeof hts
Inteiilioa to make final proof la support of hit
claim, und tliatsald prisif will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, ou Saturdav, March 4. vi:
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
7087, for the east northwest V4 nnd lots 1 and
section 31, township 2 north, range 10 east,
lie nimes the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion of said lund, viz:
E. T. Vi dians, Hood River, Oregon; John
Ruskirk. The Dalles, Oregon: Frank Netl and
, M. O. Wheeler of Hood Hiver. Oregon.
Ji.ni8 jai V. I,ll,s, ucirister.
United States Ijind OITlee, The Dulles, Ore
gon, .Inn. 27, ISItft. Complaint having Iwen en
tered at this ottice hv Hiram .1. Hess against
William J. HalliflHld for abandoning his
Homestead Entry. No. 41. tinted June Wt
iisn the southwest H ws'lton 1, lownshlp 1
sonlU, ramre 10 east, w. M , In W.str. eounty,
Onon, with a view to tliecuncelliifiooof said
i entry, the said parties are hereby stuiirimwa
appear at this ottice on the 11 day of
I Mar. li, l!sj, nt 10 n'clm-k . ni , to respond and
! fr,rnl!i tesilmoiiy eonccrniin; said alk-grst
1 abiii.donmcut.
i lijml; JAY I". LVCAS, Regigtar.
I JlfliS