The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 03, 1899, Image 2

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n rnn.
No hlng linn liwu received frmii Mn
niU t Miow iletinlu-ly what coin
j,aiilen ' tlte Second Oii'ifun have jfnne
t.i the fiont. A dispatch stated that
two liaitiilii-n were cent it from tin'
City, but clld not give the eiiiiiiimh's.
Home think the Companies were unsign
ed to the liatlnlioiiH aeciudinif to the
I'uiik of eiiiuiiiis. Hut It is likely the
hatlaliotm wi'itf (irifiitil.eil thus: First
liutiulion, fiiiiip-itilis A. R, C, D; we
ond, foiiipniiits K, F, O, M; third,
'oni)iiiiii.'S 1, K, L, M. Ko fur the
oaHialiits have till been in the mvhiuI
initiation, viz: Edwin Hampton, Co.
II, killed; Win. II. P.iimth Co. O,
wounded; Mailin Hildebruiit, Co. E,
wounded. '
The governor of Washington allowed
the hills c.iiroiil'i'in lunds for the
Htippnrt (if the noi'iiml st-hnnls to lc
rnnie lav, st without his signature. This
is very eiicoiiruirinir to the town of
Cheney, where the enterprising citi
y.eim have been putting up for expenses
of tlte slate lit-ruml school Hi thil
pluce (time the governor vetoed the ap
propriation two yeurti ago. Cheney
one of the bet I'ChI.iiih in E-m'erii
Washington for a seluo', and It In rglit
and pmpi-r that the stale should make
uppropr mioiii to ket p tii this st-ll'ml
niter spending over n0 000 In Ihe ton
Htructiou of a inHL'tiirieent building.
A limn iijolceih wlien
he learns of one of Ids Mow-winker
receiving a jiool fit olliee Our old
friend M. A. Foltz, editor of I'lililic
Opinion, Clinnilicrsl tirg, P.i., ha been
icrogided ly J-'nsitleiit MeKioley us
the lest inan in that thriving city to
fill the oli'ee of xntnisier. Mr. F I z
i a gifti (1 wrller and conduct one of
the nealCH', clenin Bt and most complete
newspapers hi the state of !Ynuyl
vatiia. He will make a tiiodel P. M.
Next Monday, l!ng t he first Mon
day in Match, school elections will lie
held In the different districts to elect
directors and clerks. Every legal voter
should turn out and vote, and vote for
men who are known to be progressive
and in favor of good schools. There
has been great advancement in the
district schools of our vullcy within the
pad few years in everything that tends
to make I hem better. Let the good
work go on.
Tim hotticiiltiirtd institute meets in
A. O. U. W. ball today and tomorrow.
Let us nil attend and take part and
show that we fu!ly appreciate the kind
ness of llipse learned people who come
to help us In our every day work. La
dies are ievi'ed to attend the lecture of
Miss .Suzy Tracy, the expert cook, at 2
o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Hmi. J.-.W. Moiton's bill making it
a misdemeanor to kill the silver jtruy
Mpiurrels lit certain months of the year
became a law and was iticoriorat'd
wllh the general game laws. These
B'pdrrels are protected fiom January
ht to October 1st. . .
Piiperliitcndcnt Oilheit is In receipt
f a let rer fioiri Ibe s'a'e su erintenil
( ul w ith reference to numerous ques
tions that have been forwarded to his
oH'ce concerning rtcent legislation in
v h C l he stales that "(plalilications for
vo crs at st h.ttol .pieeiings nmu'ii as
prescrit'ed at the special station; there
is no cmerjfency clause to the Daly
school hill; there is an einersiency cbiuse
to the Reed bill, which allows school
districts to retain all umouiiison band
up to' f'O lit the date of the annual
school meeting, and there is no change
in the dale of the annual school meet
ing." - ,
While-Thos. McDonald dozed under
the influence of a discussion on expan
sion, the oilier day in R'owcrs store,
his liiouth expanded and his store
teeth dropped out. He waked up and
looked all about where he had been sit
ting, and others looked, but nothing
could be seen of his leeih. He felt in
bis pockets nnd down in bis boots, but
t hey bad disappeared as if by untitle
He concluded they had either been
stolen or be had swallowed them ami
went' home and had to eat soup for
supper. . On going lo bed at niuht be
found his teeth. They had fallen from
his mouth and ' lodged: in his shirt
bosom. ' '
The illustrated lecture on the Span-i-di-Ameiicitn
War, by E'der'J. W.
Jenkins, which was postponed mi w
ountof the levivid liitelini.8. will I
delivered Wcdiiestla v evening of next
weolt Maici Nth, iii the A. O. U. W.
bull. Siteeial views have leen secured
for this lecture, ami it will be enlivened
with, patriotic songs by home talent.
Those . who attend are promised an
evening of pleasure and prutit. Ad
mission 1 and 15 cents.
The foilowiiiif letters remained In the
post olliee Marc!) 1st : My ri le E. Davis,
JoMph Di. Ilium, Charles Foster, Mrs.
Lizzie"' 'J. Garren, S R. Gibson, J. L
Henderson; Joel Johnsen, J. S John
ton, Jnttie Lawst.n, Gt oree Michell,
T. ( Wilson, Frank Wilson, Sidney
W insley. ' " . . ; l
The Ladies' Aid -society wl'l meet at
t lie Cpriitreifatlohal church on Friday
afiernoqtt at 2 p. oj. A full at
tendance Is desired . k,
C. M. Wolfard will go to White Sal
mon and lake charge of the store there
in whJeh he lms an interest. His fam
ily expect tu move to White Saliuon
next week.' , v
F. E. Jackson sold a insn a pair of!
gum I nets,, Monday, oii condition that
be was to .pay. for them in a yesr if the !
I ools saved him from ha log the grip.
If the IjboraVjnnH keep otf tile grip ami
the man dits,-Mr.Jcksoii binds himstdf
t" pay-fit) Di wards the doctor's bill.
He has utiol her pair left w hich can lie I
bad on Ilie-saUto terms. .Nothinif
fma'l about JiKttson excc))f the protit i
be intrkVftifin Ids gn nls. j
The Bum Csrsr.
The rum curse is costing im a billion
a year and sending what might be use
lul citizen by (lie hundreds of thou
sands to untimely and dishonored
graves. The cad dentil of Daniel Mc
Donald is better tliiiti mi abV discourse
for the cause of teinp-'taii -e i in in In
i be prime of -d'e huied by the county!
If let bave lis mvu.y it would s.ion tiring
us as a nation to moral iinltei-ilii v and
degenerate decay. It U Iii. lug our poor i
nouses., us V linos aim pt-uiirin larti-s
Willi Its v cilms. and In every town
and h .nilet In this lioasted land of Utt
erly you will tind its slaves ttnil iiino
ceiit famdies In want. It Is rohliiug
our homes of tl it 1 r bright! mi s and
(laughters It brnus its' lighting
curse wherever il comes, and not satis
fied wl h d. siroyinu civilized nations,
seeks the Innocent amongst t no sav
ages Oh, shame for my native land!
lint I think I see a dim light on the
dis'iint horizon, of a better future, as
ibeainiy canton is to be u!.nli!ic'l.
Ood i-pctd the lime when, whether in
army, naval or civil life, we may be
n presented by men tdiuve intemper
ance mid political lotteimesi and kllaV
cry; men w ho, like Lincoln, dure lo be
riuht and title, to w hom wec.tu pi hit
with pride. Let us work with iniuht
and n. a. II to forever keep lite saloons
I'ioiii our town and vtilley; lo send nut
young itteit and women in all ihecall-Ill-Sof
life to help redeem oler se(!
Inns of Or-ou nod coii'tirits not so
fnvureil. ' Let lis look well owitoin we
ttiioi t iii our county and slate olll -es
and have sirinueni lawseu icted whn-ii
will help bit Hi ref rin Yours for the
c.iuse of temper iticv and liuiuitnitv,
15. D. Calkins.
The Hood Kiver Irstlinj Omjin tiy
Is u new corporation, wdih lis principal
place of business Iii the town of 1 1 -o. I
Kiver. Ilsatltbnrlzetl capital Is $10.1X1(1.
I lie ollleers are, N C E aos, pie.-ideul;
(i. R Cashier, vh'e ivsideitt; E 15
Savave, secretary and treasurer The
C'lnpauy is authorized lo contiuct.
litiilil, operate and maintain roads,
Humes, ditches ami power plant"; In
iiianufaftuie and s'll fitiit ami
paoka; C, and fruit proline's; lodeitl in
ical is ate and pers nul p tinerty, farm
Imp em it's, etc ; t const rurt, in tin
tilu and operate Cold storauc waiv-hoii-tsai.d
evaporators. The company
has purchased the large and coiiiino
dions barn and goriind oCfupleil by
the Mountain Staue Js Livery Co. and
will at once remodel and change the
same to meet the requirement of the
business of the company. '1 he oHieers
emphatically deny the charues by cer
tain parties w hich are being circulated
in the valley, that the new organizi
tint) is created to destroy the Hood
Kiver Fruit Growers' Union. The
union Is a co-operative org'iulz ttiou
whose object Is to unite the growers In
the shipping of the fruits and products
of the valley and tilbuiai v country. It
celinol, us ortiaulzed and hemmed In
by the limitations of its articles and
rules, anil I s lack of capital, secure
Mnanchd credit, purchase boxes or mer
chandise or build s orace warehouses.
Jm future is In the band of bs stock
ho'dnrs and patrons and not in the
hands of the few w ho may manage the
new compiuy. The new company will
supplt incut i lie union, and endeavor
to meet the growing needs of the val
ley in the matter of nifol'diug storage
facilities and the necessary stipniies-of
boxes and packages fir slipping anil
handling fruits. It is an undertaking
much needed sud we are glad tnai
home cap'tal and home eirerprise have
taken it up rather thai) outside capital.
Columbia iir.ery.
One of the new acquisitions of the
nursery is a large 50 p mud bell which
is rung at 12 and 0 o'clock each day to
call up thetuinds It can be he. ird all
over the neighborhood. One stroke of
il will call up the proprietor any lime
when wanted. Delivery days as here
tofore will he Wednesdays and Salur
d tys. Although I he proprietor can
usually lie lOiind at the nursery at al
most any time, he will innke it a point
to tie present on these days each week.
The new catalogue which lias been
gotten out this year ha4 greatly I n
creased the sales fr Hood Kiver trees
in neighiioring states ami counties.
The fait I hat nearly one fourth of the
nursery men of tiiKstale have either
luiled or gone out of the business is a
sure indication of Ihe rise in price (if
nursery stock, As the crop of p.-sch
trees in this state U exhausted, Mr.
Ratebam has ordered a l.irge lot from
Missouri (o till his spring orders.
Cure for Dyspepsia.
We publish an udveitisemetit of Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure in our columns this
issue, and wish to say to our patrons
that we believe this preparation is
worthy of a trial by any person suffer
ing from this agonizing complaint.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is prepared by
Ihe Veil huown and reliable firm of
E C. DeWiit & Co., Chicago, and from
our Ion); exer.ence In a business way I
with, this firm as advertisers, we feel
stiein sa lug they ou'd not place on i
the market a preparation for the cure of i
d.vsptp-i.i iiniiss they hail a lemnly ofj
i (if muriesi mem. ji ins pteparaiion
is equal lo the other well known rem
cities which they tuakt DnWiu's Lit
tle Early Risers," De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve and One Minute Cough t tire it
will speedily win its way Into public fa
vor. We cheerfilly give our personal en
dorsement to this concern and the reli
ability of the goods they manufacture.
To The Public.
I want to let the people who suffer
from rheumatism and sciatica know
that Chamberlain's Pain. Halm rel eved
nie afier a nuiiitier of other
and a doctor had fai'ed. It is the best
liniment I have ever known of. t-J. A.
Dottiren. Alnhaharetta. Ga. ' " lion.
sands have been cured of rheumatism j
by this reiiudy. One application re
lieves the pain. For sale y . Williams
& lirosiu.
Great Rim on Chamberlain' Remedies
Manager Mariin, of the Plerson drug
store, informs us that he is having a
great 'run on. Chamberlain' Couuh
Remedy. He sells five ttot ties of that
medicine to one of any other kind, and
it gives great satisfaction. In these
days of la grippe there Is nothing like
Chamberlain' Cough: Remedy to slop
(he cough, beal up the sore Ibntaf and
lungs and give relief within very
short time. . The sales are. growing,
slid all who try it are pleased with Its
prompt action. South Chicago Daily
Calumet. For sale by Williams &
Hnwi'is .
Hood Uivr Public k-;.3"l Colursn.
HcImioI Dlrnctory Hinl si!irlnti'ndfnt, J.
It. Aekorinuii: county HU)K'rliitt'iiiitiit, C. b.
Oilborl; btturd of lun-ctui Ulat. .No .1 (.'. M.
Wullard, ctiulininit; X. ('. Kvaim. h. V-nx.
Clurk, (loo. X. I'rttmtr. rrlnc.pal, 11. It, Al
Ittrtl; st'cund Inn rinclluip, Jl. Iln While; that
Init riiicdluU', Ortt k iOhiihiii; pi t in try , Miu
Kit. in; vocal mai ruclur. Anno 0. Miukli.'.-"
"i'.rniit Uinrltba, cliilitll tirade, editor. " '
hCllOdl. KliWS.- ?
Miss Ella i Stevens res'gned her r
siiion as primary teacher lo accept the
position us teacher of Ihe (). It'll school.
Miss Limn of The Dalles was elected
to litl her p ace
School opened (in Monday w ith an
enrollment of ll!4 pupils.
Miss White returned from her trip
and rcpoitsa visit lo the Sure Nonim!
at Monmouth, and at several other
Ashasdceii mentioned before, dining
the opening exeicise period, !'r f. A i
liirtl hits Oeeil reinbng I'oiUee's Bricss
Without Siravv" in couuectlon with
our study of the civil war Nimhns
and Kliitb lliil have rett Led a witruiiig
from toe Kin K u Klmi siuitlar to
Hie w liilecats In leave the pi ice, -or
they a III vis 1 1 lieui. They do no1 lee. I
Ihe warning, however, and after a
sbott lime ihey c uiie. r ir-t I hey burn
the negro school house, ami then go to
l he cabin of Nimbus, bul be has gone
to his tnd master's luufr.d. riicy . lll
tivnt his w if, mid ask lor I.lub Hill,
w ho is ill bis cabin. He ( dlM;get
olll ami beaten. Hy tlio. lime-Npii' US
leiurns, takes his rwoiil anil wouuila
one of I lit- nit n. His wile wounds
aiit'thi r, and the,, rt'tretii. JOiiab llnl,
w ho t sevei ty wounded, Is curried by
tN'iiiiniis t I lie house of LeMoyue, w ho
alterw anls lakes linn North. Mi-s
Aioslie als go-s N inll, ta tiil Nbu
bus' wife and chil hen with her..
Paper bricks are used quite extensive
ly I'ot build. ng purp men. The llll t 1 1 1 II t
tilt bilcUs are in .re durab.e if male
in 1 ow has iccei tl.v been di"co t-red.
The inside of Hie bricK is d Willi
Stwiliisl mise I wi'h ceineul, luesa-i-dust
having first boeu relldered more le. ,
Accortllng to the report of the chief
of the nu'eauof c iust root ion of Hie
United Slatt s toeie are tilty-tive Vessels
lit the c illi'se of cousti ucl but. ' ,
Rcfore the bat lie of Cltatt.iiiO'iga,
starvation had destroyed so in my of
Ihe aiiiinals Unit Ihere were not artil
lery liovses enough to take battery into
uci ion. ;
The number of mules th it perished
vas graiilliciilly indicated b one of ihe
soldiers of the army of
'"The mud was so deep Ih tt we c tuld
not travel by the r-iml, but we gol along
pri-ity well by stepping from mule to
mule as they lay de id ny the w.tyv"
Professor l'eirie, a well known
Egyptologist, de-tcrilies a strange d a
covery recently nude kii-twn by e! i
vati hi. Ah nit tifiy mi es soinh t,f
Cairo, Egypt, a series of tnuhs were
Uneariht'd. The bodies which were
encased iu cofHn-t, m ule from sycamort'
wtsid, were mere skeletons with no
flt'Sh on the. Ikiucs. . The ' collliis wtie
well preservetl and the cond tioii of tne
b idles It-is n.'t as yet beu ace muted
for. l'w- tlitsnies are sugges e l, -one
that the custoiu prevailed of reni'iving
ihe flesh from ihe imnes, the other f,bai.
the people were cannibals. . .-... '
Therein ureiti' dinger, suys an emi
nent physician, tu giving up to auger
It not only 1 ij-ires the me . t-t 1 co-nli-tion
of a per.-o.i, hit c tuse a p trtial.
paralysis of the sin ill hhrnd vessels all I
causes thd U'tiiltig of tho heirt to be
come irregular. A person wh-i gives
up lo fits of linger eiuhiilgeis his life,
as every recurrence of the condition
diminishes the energv of ihe pei-son.
A man or woma i, wlio, tike iljeduniK
art, ill n k-- be cannot coulrol Ih.s pus
sion, is as much the slave of his p issi tu
as the drunkard. A (Inn will p.wer
set against giving tin to a iger cm over
come thiyxiHsion nil I in si-the oily
remedy. Fits of aner iiulit one for
euj tying a peao-aine old age, as t tie
wi I becomes so weaU even the slightest
opposition irritates the pivou.
A wonderful cljKJK is iiii exhih tion at
Brussels, Belgium, which is fifteen feel
high, thirteen feet lii-md ami weighs
beiween four ami five tons Its mech
anism is planned to be g od for one'
huudivil ye trs, and the cltctt ouU" has
to be wo. in I on.-e a in uitli Durati-m
of lime from a second t't a year is ii"ted
by the clock, ami changes of seas in,
festive days, etc., are noted by the ap
pearance of figures, whi.-h pity -on
various Instruments', nuking perfect,
harm n,y. Great accuracy N exuibi ed
in ibe app'-araucc of ihe'rigures at the
exact moment when the day or season
should occur. At nine oVock every
morning i lie chapel doors, which .ftu iii
the froit of the ciock, open Mini mass is
Jiei formed by the carted figures within.
The tiny chapel has every appointment
of a Roman Catholic cathedral, and
the p rioruiauce is perfect. Each sea--soii.
religions festival, etc , Is ushered ill
by some religious service used in Ibe
(J .finite church. The mechanism is
simple in i he ca-eof fixed davs.i.'ut coin-'
plica led iii festival d tys w bich (-.hauL'C.
each year. This cl ick is catled the,
"Welt Uhr"or Worl I Clock, -.and has
t.t "acted much attention. "The in
vent, tr is Hei r Noll. The cost of con-',
struciing the tiineiiicce amouuled to
The president lias nominated II. H
Riddell for postmaster hi The Dailes. c
To trade a two-borse Spring waeon for a
light one-horse rig. CUAH. W. KKL'O,
ni3 Crapper District.
"' Iind Office at Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 2,
!?. oice Is heretiy given litul ihe fnllow-Ing-nanied
settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make IUihI proof in suptort of ( heir
claims, and that said pitsif will tie mado
hefore F. V. Kale. Clerk of the Superior Court
of the state of Wahln:ton for Skamania
connty, at Htcvenson, Watthlngton, on Friday,
April 7, WW), via:
H. E. No. 8115. for" -the east y of southeast V.
and east V4 of nttrthcitst section 23, township
3 north, range east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Charles Robertson, Oeorpe Tyre!!, Charles
Walthers and 8. Torguson, all of Cbcnoweth
P. 0., Washington.
II. E. No. W42, for theaontlieast ' ' of section J,
township 8 uortn, range 11 east, W . M.
ite names the fnllowlng witnessi-s lo prove
his continuous ruitlence upon and cultivar
tion of, -said land, viz:
Uert Vcsch. (tcorire Tyrell, Owrce M. Berry
and ("httrtf s Wattltcrs, all of (JUcnowt-th 1'. O,
,Hul W R 1,11 N BAR, li-iPtvr
liMt-V. Ml
brow Away
Your old clothes, Roots nnd Shoes, Ha's and Caps,
or anything else not flit class, and come In and gut
tit w goods of us at one ha'f formei prices.
All Teams stop at
vrrrzw s-"TP':""'"'r?"" ?
Hcod River's Leading Business House.
Tlio Tsinaf Troceor1 TVooa
XllV UOOl UlLOJiU HJ.Cttl0,
u-. eiinii ti.i J rahroa I canH, t
Finest Line of Cured Meats lWlXZ'Z.
not ititsLluiely nrstciiiii tie wilt tuiot tht'iii Im.-.t ami rt-riuul thu moiiey. our Uieakbist
liaeon la oluiily out ul slglit. If u-it as represmilej it count you a. tilling.
The Purest Open Kettle Rendered Lard, guarantee
il ulso. '
XXCOXX Viedlliaxy jDUbUCl itlKahvaysfivsti. Our trade In this, as well
as In other lines, has Ineie iseU greatly, because we keep a HrstH-huis article.
Fine Lot Fresh Staple GrQceries Len'TpV
Flour and Feed.
We hanttto
Our Stock of Canned Goods, Extracts, etc., stoutly
kept tip to tlate.
?Atr1 Q fholeo Flower nnd Veeetnhle Rdl, (rovernment tetttort snd Northern grown'
PCCUSt Wc guarantee llicm. It they don't come up, bring litem back.
Onion Sets, two pounds for 25 cts.
In not forget to rail on n Baturday, as we shnll bare special sale, on many article on
that day of corn week. , . , . . . ..
AVe are not In business for our health, hut we believe In making honest price, on all arti
cles which w. handle, and we expert to nui'je a print on everything we buy or sell; and we
accord tho same privilege to our cnsiomers, as w expeot them to m.tke on wh-tt they sell in
and also on what they buy of u. Iftlits maxim dosjiotiovern there could be no perma
nent suet-ens. We sell at lionet and fair prices, and we buy In the same way. That the" pub
lic appreciates our way of doing business Is shown from the fact that our business has quad
rupled In the Inst st.t months, and during that period we have ben compelled to treble our
force In order to (rive the public the accommodation necesk-ary.
Wore opens ot C;T0 A. M. nnd closes at 7:30 P. M. every day except Sunday. Sunday, .tore
open from 8 A. M. to 9:ti0 A. M. ' "
CLYDE T. BONNEY, Proprietor.
Tan sinir, but this SINGER Is a bird. We nrp selling Singer
St'W'Infr Machint s f ir $i" cash, or $ 10 o i Hie installmpiit plan; $10
down, bal-tin-e in rri'ii.thly imvinenls f $5 euch. Tlifse Hre liigh
arm, five-ilrawer niaeliincs, finished in oak, wit h aM nualt-rii im
prnveiiipiita. No one need I'e wltlimit n Hewing inai-liiiie at tliese
prices and on these easy terms Come und see theiu. ,
Dealer in General Merchandise, Farm Implements, Lumber.etc.
Hood River, Oregon.
Ytim Yum woven wire Mattresa,..'.!...',....J3 M'
Common woven wire Mattress.. ,':......!.. I fiO
WimiI Muttn-ss ........s t;.,.: 2 fiO'
- J-.TcelHor, wool top Mattress 3 Zi
B-dsteads .. ' 160
I challenge any one to get lower prices In Portland on these goods or any others that 1
Justice of the Peace
fur Htind Klvnr jlisiri
I am prepared at all times to draw and cTecnte rwrfa una fnrta-...o. nnH it i,inAa f t
gal papers cururully prepared. .
I nm a)n prepared on short nnr'pe to furnish correct Abstracts. Also represent the' oldest
and strongest insurance companies; so If you want your property Insured don't fall to call on
n,iv. Kit p.uuj- in icimme iiinuritucu tTonipiiny,
And when It conies to Real Estate, 1 am the
or rent any land In Htswl Kiver valley or White Hulmon, don't fail tncali on or write tome. I
also negotiate loans in real estate. I have been a resident of Htsid River vnllev for 19 vears.
therefore am thorodghly acquainted with the valley. GEO. T. PU.vTHER, itood River.
AND CASH ONLY, is what make price o low on
Hardware, Harness, Doors, Sash, Paints, Oils,
-' Guns and Ammunition,
Stoves, Shoe Findings and Bike Supplies,
Reciprocity Corner.
' ,T PS W T
I f
- (
. i
wrmlsale or retail, st prices lower than
IVirtlanil prices. So contract too large for
t.n; niilu-d.
two grades of Flour.
Notary Putilic for
one yon want to see. ' If von want to buy, sell
In the place to gut the latest and best In eon.
levtlonerlt-s, candles, num. tobacco, cigars, etc.
Ice Cream and Soda in Season.
W. B. CULE, Proprietor.
Wagon Repairing.
All kinds of wagon repairing done on short
Rtttit-e and at reuHontihle priccn, nt the old
nogers mill In Krwnkion. ('. II. HOHKKS.
A Desirable Home.
For sale. Four acres, one In strawberries;
lieiu Inn frnl t trees: plenty of water f ir Irriga
tion. l,iH-iitt'd in-ar Kranktoii graded w-lifsi,
I'rlce reuMtnitlile for cosh. P. C lltliKii.
Fresh Milk,
A rested and deodorized, 6 cents a qtinrt.
Three head of cattle, coining two years old.
Earmarked and branded on right hip.
Will pay a resard for anv Information con
cerning litem, 8. W. t.'UttKA.N, V lento.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
acres. 2 miles front town. All kinds nf
fruit; 2 acres In strawbcrrle..; natural waier
privileges; bearing orihiirti. Terms reason
Blilts W. J. CAM I HKI.I..
I.iimtter Wagon, V Inch ,..fG0 00
Will Veil pun 01 all of my ranch. 1
120 Are lis or Mi
With gisid Improvements, :yr miles sunthwest
of town. Ottod sclastl near by, gtsid roads,
plenty of fruit and the best of Intnl. Call on
or utldrrss Jd!IN HII'MA.
Do You Want
To buy land In Hood River
VhI.c.v. If so, don't fail to
See Tucker!
Fruit, Land, Berry (.and, Ortiln Ijind. or
Hnv land, at prices you can't equal In th.
valley, II. It. TUCK Kit, Tucker, Or.
20 Acres,
I will sell 20 acres. Improved or nnlmproved
land, wllliln one mile of IIikhI ttlver school;
pri-uicst building site in the valley. .
Save Your Soles!
By going to the Pioneer Hhoe Miop. where yon
can gel good work done: 11 1 w. nil kindiiofslioe
supplies. C. WEl.l'K. Propttrlor.
That 50c Shirt.
Wehnvea finelaundrled White
Shirt fur half n Come
and lay in a supply while you
Can k'I tlieiu nt thin Hifiire. NVe
have ten dozen of ilicin, hut
they Mill not last long at this
price. Ask for
That 50c Shirt.
Carpet Weaving.
We have purchased the celebrated' New
comb Klv-Hhtitne Issitn and are prepared l
do ull kinds of curet and rng weaving. We
ftirnlKli warp and weave lor 18 and i veins
per yard. -
Call at Bone A McDonald's store and exam
ine our work. V. WI.NCHEI.U
Land for Sale.
In 3 tracts, varying la site, from 40 to i)
acres. Highly Improved, partly Improved
and unimproved. Abundance of trrigallng
water on numl 01 1 lelnnd. No trouM to sliow
property, East hid miles oil . Nem gimt
school. IIAl;Bl ON linUS.
To do harness work ftir dry 00k wood; also,
produce taken for part pay for all harnes
work. . ya)( K D. CAI.K1.NM.
Poland China Boar.
A thoroughbred Poland C lnu boar tor ser
vice; also, ioung pigs lor sale.
fl - W. A. WU.SOERI.AND.
Fresh Cotv
for Bale. Apply to T. It. fJOOV.
Horses for Sale.
Four head of work horses, VSKI 10 1 W0 weight.
Also, wagon and huritess. Will trade for. trtl
wisid. Inquire of J. T. MKKKll.l,.
For Sale.
Horse, harness and cart, or will trade for a
yalierdog. RALPH 8AVAOE.
Eggs for Hatching.
, Buff Wyandotte., 3 for T.
Came to Paradise Farm, last November, a
pale red heifer, 2 years old next spring.. Set
marks or brands. Owner can have same by
paying charges. f 10t
i At a Bargain.
FUime fine fruit land near town, Including
uprlng of 60 gallons per minute, and other
Witttr rights. T. H. (Ikin
Plymouth Rock .ggs.
Thoroughbre Barred Plymouth Roclt egg.
fir sale at 60c for 13. Come and see the bens,
or leave orders at the post olliee.
ti MRH. A. J. RANI).
For Sale
One of the best paying small fruit farm. In
Hood River. Ootid location. Well watered.
Good buildings and a plesnnt home. This I.
a bargain. Call at this o It ice.
To Exchange
For a small ranch, a six-room house, hard
finished, and 60 by 109 ftsit lot. Also, a vacant
lot. Address APPINOTON A CO.,
JIM 602 Alblna av e Portland.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan.
HI, Mm, Notice 1. hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Register and Receiver at
The Dulles, Oregon, on Suturday, March 11,
Of Mosier, Homestaad Application No. in,
for the northeast k northeast V, section Jl.and
north yt northwest 14, and northwest north
east lt section 22, townrhlp t Dorth, rung. 11
east. W. M.
Ha names the following wftnemea to prov.
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, viz:
W. E. Huskev, A. T. Prattler. George Hu.
key and William of Mosler.Or.
ftmlO . : JAY P. i.t'CAH, Register.
120 Acres at Clatskanio
For stile. Hood htitise, Is by 24; two acres
fenced; stream of water ot the pl:ie-. Ooo4
rnni.'e for sttsk. Price fM. Aduress Mi.w b.
Btctn ll. Wtsitlsto.-k, or.; or, Mrs.
r.,'lslsttttu. wr. - - -