The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 24, 1899, Image 4

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German Attempt to Expand In the Samoan islands -.
',"' 'Uncle Sam and John Bi'J"
The Inhabitants Are Happy, .Love
Fun, Are Hospitable to Strangers,
' Never ' Worry,' and " Are Splendid
Fighters When Forced to It.
GEORGE WASHINGTON, the hero, has always obscured George Washington the man, and yet the sterling quali
ties of the man made the hero. . Whenever the two characters have been distinguished they have made separate
studies, with the result that one class of writers make him a sublime genius and the other a commonplace man made
great by circumstances. . Washington was as great in wisdom and foresight and as unerring in judgment as a statesman
as he was as a soldier. His physical endowments, his qualities of mind, his habits, education and training all tended to
round him out and develop him into a perfectly balanced man. No one faculty being developed above another gave his lire
5 a simplicity that appeared commonplace, but it was the simplicity of genius. Though a man of great dignity he was easily
approached. An aristocrat by lineage he was a man of the people. Extremely modest he was fond of state and of cere
mony. Though his outdoor life as a surveyor, a soldier and a farmer -gave him a rough exterior, a rugged physique and
robust health it did not quench his taste for gay uniforms or fashionable apparel. That he was not free from vanity is
apparent in the thirty odd portraits of himself, a few painted in the effulgent regalia of war and all in the habiliments of
a cavalier. He was as straight as an Indian, six feet two inches tall, with large bones and broad shoulders, wide at the
hips; feet large, requiring a No. 11 shoe, and Lafayette said his hands would have been a curiosity for a medical museum.
This may explain why he rarely shook hands. He weighed 210 pounds. , J, : a t
To his clothing Washington devoted much thought and attention, not only as a young man, but all his life. A journal
written when he was sixteen has several long and elaborate entries about how "to have my coats made." In 1754 he
records having bought a "superfine blue broadcloth coat with silver trimmings," , "6 prs. of the very neatest shoes and 2
'' ' prs. of fashionable mix'd or marble color'd silk hose." It is evident that he always strove to be in the fashion. During
. Wi.tiinirinn'ii nrouirionoir p pallor riosu-iHhpa him as heine? dressed in mimle satin, and at one of his levees, he. was clad-
"in black velvet; his hair in full dress, powdered and gathered behind in a large silk bag; yellow gloves on his hands, hold
lng a cocked hat with a cockade in it, the edges adorned with a black feather about an inch deep. He wore knee and
-tshoe buckles,, and a long sword with a finely wrought and polished steel, hilt ;. the scabbard was white polished leather.
Wherever he happened to be Washington was constantly demanding a washerlady. The bill of 'his laundress for the.
week succeeding his inauguration was for ''6 ruffled shirts, 2 plain shirts, 8 stocks, .3 pair silk hose, 2 white hand.,. 2 silk
hand., 1 pi, flanl: drawers, 1 hair netfe" He drove from his residence to the Senate in a cream-colored chariot with richly,
painted panels. His bootblack once failed to polish the general's huge boots all the way up a task performed every morn
ingand the father of his country beat the luckless darky over the head with them. ; - v; t icwr. .-: ; . . '
- Washington was hot-tempered. He wanted John Marshall, afterward "the famous justice, to run for. Congress and sent:
Tor him to explain his wishes. Marshall toltf Washington he was too poor, he' could not afford to give up his business, and
incur the expense. While thus opposing Washington's wishes Marshall says he never received such-a torrent of abuse:
in his life. He feared Washington would jump on him from across the table, but the row ended in Marshall remaining
Washington's guest, for a week, and." then running for Congress and ;being lected. .Washington was "thoroughly upright
'and honest in his dealings with men. James Parton said he had a genius for rectitude. Jefferson, who did not like him,;
said his justice was the most inflexible he had ever known and that no motives ot friendship or hatred were able to bias
his decision. Washington was a faithful attendant at church and was a vestryman, but he took no active part in church
'affairs outside its business relations. . ." T " T- HHU ' ""-'":"r':- " ""r "
' . i -
'if you please, you may laud George up to
. , the skies, . .
As the man who won battles and never told
v . lies
Ton may tell of his virtues in story and
' How' heTeirefully sifted the right from the
wrong i
"Of "his wisdom In counsel, his bravery In
'.How he drove the grim British away from
" our shore. ' . .
joa unr cherish forever his hat and his
' And p to4the, skies our brave Washington
v.' laud. ' .
Long, long may we hold him an example to
youth, .
For honesty, , temperance, courage ana
.., truth. : .,
While we gate with delight on a structure
Let uS'houoithe builder who drew out the
' And added, through years of Infinite care,
-Binatl stone upon stone, firmly fixing them
';. there- , ' '' "
; And though this may be but a girl s point or
Yet,, us" give, credit where It t certainly
."' due, - -- , .
And pluok from hlB laurels one leaf for an
other, " , . ...
Bo three cheers for our George, and four for
J", ' '. bis mother. , .
'Youth's Companion. -.
fir- . . '.
Age Fonnd Him'Nobly Generona-Dlg-
. : - . ' nlfied at All Times.
"You will meet, sir, an old gentleman
riding alone, in plain drab clothes, a
-broad-brimmed white hat, a hickory
switch in his hand, and carrying an um
brella with a long staff, which Is attached
.o the saddle-bow. That person, sir, is
Gen. Washington." This delightful por
traiture of Washington in his old age,
'when the storms had passed and life ran
' in qufet sr"ves by the side of his beloved
Potomac, w'aTxawn by young Custis,
adopted son of the patriarch, and intend
, ed to assist the recognition of Washing-
directed to him. '; -
The wish of Washington when old to
move gently down the stream of life until
I sleep with my fathers," was granted.
The last years of his life were spent in the
'peace and quiet of beautiful Mount Ver
non, attending to the healthful duties of
the management of his large estate, and
entertaining with courtly hospitality the
many distinguished personages who came
to do homage to his greatness. .
And yet, his latter days at Mount Ver
!jnoa;wero busy days; for, every morning,
rain or shine, he would mount his horse
fand make the circuit of his farms, a dis
tance of between twelve and fifteen miles.
Not a field or orchard, barn or cabin, wood
or clearing, but what passed daily beneath
his watchful eyes. His journal tells of
'a morning. spent in teaching a rebellious
. coral, honeysuckle vine to entwine the
' trunk of some stately forest tree; of the
clearing away of the underbrush from a
'.grove of favorite pines; of making drills
jfor the sowing of holly-berries, etc.
f''lSach day he gave personal directions to
jrhif) overseers, regulating almost with the
icareof a father the busy life of the negro
jworld, and sometimes even attending di
rectly to their needs ' and complaints.
In a field of the richest grass and clover
Mount Vernon could afford, a tall old sor
rel horse, with white face and legs; crop
ped, in its season, the luxuriant herbage
or stood meditatively, in the shade, doubt
less dreaming of passed glories, t" Every
day while making his round of the farms,
Washington never failed to stop before
this field, lean over the fence' and call,
"Nelson." - ; - i
At the sound of his voice the old steed
would prick up his ears and run neighing
a greeting, to curve his neck under the
caressing touch of his master's liand. This
was the war horse, , "Nelson," whose
strong limbs had borne his master safely
through the carnage and tumult of many
a bloody battle to the crowning honor at
Yorktown, where, sitting on his back, the
commander-in-chief of the American ar-
mies had received the surrender of Lord
Cornwallis. In this active, unostentatious
way passed the last years of the noblest
man of his age perhaps of any age."
Gen. Washington's Courtesy.
In the Century there is an article by
Martha Littlefield Phillips, giving "Recol
lections of Washington and His Friends.!'
The author is a granddaughter of the
youngest daughter of Gen. Nathaniel
Greene, and she tells the following story
in the words of her grandmother, concern
ing a visit of the latter to Washington at
Philadelphia: " '" "' " "
"One incident which occurred during
that visit was so comical in itself, and so
characteristic of Washington, that I re
call it for your entertainment. Early in a
bright December morning, a droll-looking
old countryman called to see the Presi-
dent. In the midst of their interview
breakfast was announced; and the Presi
dent invited. the visitor as was his hos
pitable wont on such occasions, to a seat
beside him at the table. 'The visitor drank
his coffee from his saucer;,but lest any
grief should come to the snowy damask,
he laboriously scraped the bottom of his
cup on the saucer's edge before setting it
down on the tablecloth. He did it with
such audible vigor that it attracted my at
tention, und.that of several young people
present, always on' the alert for occasions
of laughter,. We were so indiscreet as to
allow our amusement to become obvious.
Gen. Washington took in. the situation,
and immediately adopted his visitor's
method of drinking his coffee, making the
scrape even more pronounced than the
one he reproduced. Our disposition " to
laugh was quenched at once.";-...;:,
Father of HIa Country Given a Black
Kye by a Virginia Politician.
Washington was ah eminently fair man.
He had a quick temper, but as a rule he
kept it under control.. Sometimes, how
ever; ;.itgoL-the best of him This was
the case once in Alexandria, .Va.,- when
Washington was knocked down by Lieut.
Payne.- Payne was n candidate for the
Legislature agaihst Fairfax of Alexan
dria. Washington supported Fairfax, and
when he met Payne he made a remark
that Payne considered an , insult, and
Payne knocked him down. The story
went like lightning through the town that
Col. Washington was killed, and some of
his troops who were stationed at Alexan
dria rushed in and would have made short
work of Payne- had Washington not pre
vented them. He pointed to his black eye
and told . then), that this wn a personal
matter and that he knew how to handle
it. Every one thought that this meant' a
duel. The next day Payne got a note
from Washington asking him to come to
the hotel. He expected a duel, but went.
Washington, however, was in an amiable
mood-; He felt that he had been in the
wrong, and said: - "Mr. Payne, I was
wrong yesterday, but if you have had suf
ficient satisfaction," let 'us be friends."
There was a decanter of wine and two
glasses on the table which Washington
had ordered to smooth over the quarrel.
The two drank together and became such
strong friends after that, that Payne was
one of the pail-bearers at Washington's
funeral. . . .. . . ..
Simple in Hie Tastes. "r
George Washington was simple In his
tastes, and during his. youth he was a
hearty eater, but was not particular as to
what he had.' . He wanted plain food and
plenty' of it. During his later years he
ate' very little'.' , His breakfast at Mount
Vernon, was of corn cakes, honey and
tea, with possibly an egg, and after that
he ate no more till dinner. ' He kept, how
ever, a good table, and usually had friends
with' him. - A' book written by Maclay
gives his experiences when he was in the
United States Senate at the time Wash
ington was President. Maclay dined with
Washington a number of times, and scat
tered through his diary are bits of gossip
about Washington. . I
The recent difficulty In the Samoan
Islands has turned public attention to
that quarter of the Pacific, and we be
gin to wonder what kind of people live
there. First of all, as everybody knows,
there, are foreigners, that.Js English,
German, French and Americans, but
the chief Interest centers in the native
Samoans. "
In color the Samoans are the lightest,
in physique the most perfect and Im
posing as well as the most graceful of
the Pacific Islanders. In disposition
they are the most gentle, and in man
ners the most attractive, while mental
ly and -morally, they are much the su
perior of their neighbors. Their color
varies through shades ranging from a
dark brown to a light copper, and oc
casionally to a shade of olive, which is
exceedingly pretty. Their hair is
straight, coarse and black, although
one dally meets a number of bleached
red-heads,..artlflclally produced by the
application of coral lime, which Is used
C "tJM
to stiffen the hair so that it will more
easily btand erect a style greatly ad
mired. '. The hair is generally worn
short, combed upward toward the
crown, and receives frequent and lib
eral applications of cocoanut oil. Varie
ties of adornment prevail according to
the fancy of the individual; these usu
ally express themselves in the use of
flowers and leaves, which are twined
into wreaths and garlands and worn
with becoming effect. ' .,'.''
, Hospitality is a part of Samoan re
ligion, politeness one of their chief
characteristics, and a dishonest act Is
the exception. Food and; shelter are
vouchsafed to every one entering their
homes or villages,' and the stranger has
but to consult his own wishes when he
is ready to depart. - -
The Samoans are a joyous, fun-loving
people, and under the slightest pretext
for an excuse they indulge their buoy
ant natures in singing and . dancing.
The-only Industry engaged In by the
people,' aside from fishing, collecting
copra, planting taro, and cultivating
fruit, in the making of tapa, or cloth,
from the inner bark of the paper mul
berry tree, and. since the Introduction
of cot ton prints among them its produc
tion is gradually increasing.
While the Samoans are not a war
like people,' they are good fighters
when forced to fight. The distinguish
ing feature sf their warfare is that af-
K. 1 1 i r i mm w
ter they have slain their antagonists
they cut off their heads and bring them
home as trophies of tboir victory. They
do this on much the same principle as
the American Indian In days gone by
prided himself in the number of scalps
he could .string to his belt, or as the
American of to-day brings home a cap
tured flag. They have an inborn hatred
of foreigners, and only make friends
with them when they think they can
profit by doing so or when they fear
the superior power of the foreigner.
They have had almost continual civil
war for the past twenty-five Or thirty
years. ' For many years the "reigning
dynasty has been that ot the Malietoas.
Malietoa Laupepa was the greatest
king in Samona history, He was de
posed several times, and as often was
reinstated on the throne. The present
king is Maletoa Tanus, but he is having
great difficulty, owing to the treachery
and treason of Mataafa, a firebrand
who represents an old rebellious fac
tion that for many years Was beaded
by a rebel chief, Tamasese, and who
has been urged on and assisted by the
Germans, who hope that once they
have him op the throne they will be
able to do anything they please with
him. The Germans have always been
opposed to Malietoas because the latter
have had the sympathy and support of
the English and American people and
governments. ? " '
An Old Oil Clock.
An Interesting specimen of the old oil
clock used in the seventeenth century
was shown at the recent exhibition in
Berlin. This particular clock consists
of a tube of glass in the outer receiving
frame, on which the-hours from 8 in
the morning until 6 in the evening are
Indicated. The glass tube is filled with
oil, and the wick In the receptacle con
sumes each hour just a certain portion
of it, which can be seen by the numbers
on the outer frame, and the time of day
accordingly. ' Of course, this oil clock
never had a reputation for accuracy,
but In those days there were no trains
or steamships, and the 'doctrine that
time Is money had not been, pro
pounded. .. ' .- ' ?. .'r.
Kaiser a Landscape Gardener.
The last new passion of the versatile
Kaiser Is ornamental gardening. He
has taken in hand a wholesale trans
formation of the famous Thiergarten;
the trees and bushes between the Belle
vue allee and the Louisen-Insel are toe
ing cut down and grubbed out, and
trees are being planted in groups at
various spots, according to a plan
sketched out by the Kaiser, who . In
tends to give the place more of . the
pleasant character of an English park."
The carrying out of the imperial plan,
says a Berlin contemporary, will take
at least five years. v -
- The manner in which New York pa
pers talk about people is as interesting
and candid as private gossip In the
West. -- - . ,
Announcementof an Engagement Waa
an Important News Item.
In a Milwaukee newspaper office the
telephone rang loud and long the other
night,, or rather, In the early hours of
the morning. It was
the "dog watch,"
most of the workers
having gone home,
and but one member
ot the staff was on
guard and on the
alert for anything
from a murder to a
fire. It was about 3
a. m. when the "dog
watch" was called to
the telephone to an
swer an imperative summons.
"Hello!" said a voice. "Is It too late
to- get something Into to-morrow's
paper?" ,
"Not if it's important," was the reply.
"Oh, it is," was the assuring . re
sponse. .-, .. ....-.
The , reporter rushed for a pad of
paper and a pencil, screwed his ear to
the receiver again and said: ; .7
" "All right. Fire away there."-
The; voice was heard again, this time
tremulous with emotion. .':
"The engagement of Miss to
Mr. is announced." : ' , ':
The wrathful explosion at the news
paper end of the line was picturesque
and prolonged. After a choice assort
ment of profanity in an aside the query
went back: "Why didn't you send in
such stuff earlier in the day?" -.,
,"But I couldn't," said the voice apol
ogetically. ."You see, it just happened."
A Cleveland Girl Who Enjoys a Unique
: ' Distinction. '
Miss Florence. Caldwell, of Cleve
land, Ohio, has gained the distinction
of being the only woman civil engineer
In America. Miss Caldwell is an ext
ceptionally well educated girl. She at
tended Adelbert: College,' graduated
from the Cleveland School of Art, worl
high degrees at the Ohio Wesleyan Col
lege and finally entered the School of
Mines' of the -State of Colorado at
Golden. She was the only female stu
dent in that institution, and after four
years graduated with a certificate of
civjl engineer... No other woman in
America holds sucht-,a . paper. Miss
Caldwell is a.-daughter of. Judge Cald
well, a prominent Ohio jurist.
Why Jenner Wore a Guinea.
Sir; William Jenner, the Queen's phy
sician, wore at. his ;,watch chain . a
guinea piece which . bore a pleasant
little history. One day be found among
bis patients in his consulting room a
humble carpenter. On remarking to
the man that his disease had. through
neglect of treatment, made great prog
ress, he received the following reply:
"I have been waiting to see you for
three years, sir." . "Why, my man?"
queried the physician. "Couldn't you
afford to come sooner?" "Oh, yes,'.' an
swered the carpenter; "but I could not
get a gold guinea piece anywhere; and
I beard you'd take nothing else.'.'
Sir William wears that guinea on hia
chain, but though he completely cured
the patient within, eight months, he
never took another fee from the poor
fellow who had tried so hard to find
that guinea, and had waited so patient
ly to consult him. ' '; ;
The office seldom seeks the man, bu
the officer very often does. -