The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 24, 1899, Image 2

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    5food Iftver lacier.
Published every Friday by
1 S. F. Blythe.
Terms of Subecrlptlon 81.50 a yrar when
paid iu advance; $2 if not paid In advance.
It is evident that the scow saloon at
Viento contributed to the death of
Daniel McDonald. It might be well
to inquire if there ia no law to reach a
man who is dealing out liquor by the
drink without license on a river scow.
When a liquor saloon pays a license to
the county or to a town corporation it
is privileged to deal out the stuff that
will intoxicate and take away a man's
senses, and the man who gets drunk at
a licensed saloon and falls ofT a bridge
and is killed has no one but himself to
blame. The saloon is licensed to kill if
i s patrons choose to kill themselves
directly or indirectly by Imbibing too
much at its bar. But a man who can
evade the license laws of two states by
flouting his saloon in the middle of the
Columbia river should be held respons
ible when a customer drinks too freely
at his lar and loses his Jife iu conse
quence. " '
Farmers of our valley will need to
(et in and hustle the coming season.
CJood times are coming their way. For
tune will knock at farmers' doors where
she has been a stranger for years. Be
prepared for her, for it may be a long
time before she comes around again to
knock at some of our doors. We will
have a larger population than usual
the coming summer and all will want
to eat. Make an effort to grow some
thing the market will demand. Grow
enough clover and timothy to feed
your own stock through the winter
and have some to sell. Farmers should
quit hauling hay from town; haul it
the 'other way. Plant a good lot of
vegetables; look after the small fruits,
and let the cannery have something to
-to. - There is not a farm in the valley
but can be made to pay more than ex
penses the coming season. Irrigation
ditches have made this possible.
The Oregon regiment is now in the
field against the jisurgents In the
Philippines. Oregonians will be more
than ever interested in the dispatches
now. That our boys will give a good
account of themselves, if called
upon to fight the wily Filipinos in
their jungles, no one at home has any
The creation of Wheeler county by
the legislature makes Fossil the county
ent of the new county. Wheeler coun
ty Is 54 miles long and 30 miles wide
and its territory is taken from Gilliam
and Grant counties.
From Manila.
We take the following extracts from
letters received by Mrs. Geo. P.Ciowell
from her son, Clarence English, of Co.
E, Second Oregon, in the Philippines.
'J he letters are dated Dec. 10tu and
Jan. 9th:
The apples which were wrapped in
paper all came in good shape, while
those that were not wrapped were some
f them spoiled. A good many of the
boys got tioxes of apples, and we all
have lots of good things now. , -
1 have secured some fine views with
my camera and will send some home.
We are having flue weather here
now, like our Oregon summers, very
cool at night. This morning (Dec.lOth)
Kome of the boys felt chilly and were
glad to put on their coats for awhile.
I am getting along very well with
my Spanish; can talk quite a little aud
understand more than I can speak.
The hoys from Hood River are all
well. One of the Dlmmick boys vis
ited us today.
I went with a friend, the other day,
to visit a new club formed by the best
class of Filipinos. They are all trying
to learn English, and I am going to
send over some of our best foot ball and
base ball men to teach them the Amer
ican games. They are crazy to learn
them. In fact, they are wild to learn
anything that is American and tell me
they want the islands all annexed to
the United States as a state.'
The new recruits are buying up all
the curios and it is hard to get any
thing in that line now.
The government Is raising most of
the Spanish ships that were sunk by
Dewey at Cavite;
8ome of the boys off" the Monadonock
visited our company last night and
sung Bongs and danced jigs for further
orders. The Oregon regiment is well
liked by the entire navy aud also by
the regulars. i
Jan. 9th. We are expecting trouble
now with the insurgents. They will
not be satisfied until we give them a
good thrashing, and we will do that in
n hurry.
Sergeant Lee Morse was shot by mis
take by one of M company's boys on
an outpost guard on the night of the
Bill of January. He died instantly.
The Filipinos had just been trying to
break into the magazine, and the
guards had fired several shots at them,
wounding one in the leg. Morse and
his captain went out to see what was
going on, and Morse jumped down oft'
the wall right In front of a sentry, who
fired and Morse fell dead. It Is too
bail, but the sentry can not be blamed.
I had a great experience with a cen
tipede the other day. I had my shoes
on, witli no socks, and they were un
laced. I felt something crawling in
my shoe and looked in at the ankle
and saw a centipede crawl up and look
out, then crawl around my ankle and
clear around my instep, and then nut
through the-lacing space in front onto
the floor, where 1 put my foot on him
nod held him until I got a pair of
tweezers with which I caught him. I
now have him prenerved in alcohol.
JCvery nne'near me yelled to me to pull
off my shoe, but 1 kept still and watch
ed him till he crawled out. I did not
get excited. The centipede was about
three inches long.
Everything Is becoming American
ized except the insurgents, and we'll
fix them in a hurry when we once get
at them. :-
First Oregon Boy Killed
Washington, Feb. 22. Gen Otis has
cabled as follows from Manila under
this date:
The following casualties In the in-
trenchments were caused yesterday by
the men exposing themselves to the
enemy's fire: - . 1
First California Hergeant Frank N.
Turton, wounded slightly; Private Jas.
P. Cassldy, killed.- .
The following were killed during a
reconnaissance tills morning in the vi
cinily of San Pedro Maccarti; First
Washington Private Joseph H. Card
ington, Christian E Horn, H. D. Haz
ard. Corporal W. B. Tucker, seriously
Second Oregon Killed, EDWIN
Three men of the Flist Nebraska
were wounded.
The Portland Telegram of Feb. 22d
Edwin W. Hampton, the first Ore
gon soldier to be killed In action in the
Philippines, was a son of John Hamp
ton, a furniture mover, who lives at
397 San Rafael street.
The deceased was 20 years old last
October, and bad lived in Portland
since he was 4 years of age. His father
moved here from Nebraska 16 yeais
ago, and has raised his family in East
Portland, where the dead soldier was
well known and very popular.
The first Intimation of the death of
his son that Mr. Hampton bad was
when a Telegram reporter called at bis
house at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The blow was a sad one to the father
and his five children. They had a let
ter from the son last Saturday,! n which
he said be was well and as well con
tented as one could be in Manila. He
said that he would like to be at home,
but was willing to remain there as long
as his services were needed.
The news was doubly surprising to
Mr Hampton, from the fact that Co.
H had been on duty at the custom
house. When he read In the newspa
pers that the Oregon boys had been or
dered to the front, he consoled himself
with the thought that the company
his boy was in would not have to go.
He recently sent some Spanish flags
and several curios home to his father,
which are highly prized by the Hamp
ton household.
The Soldiers Monument.
Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, of The Dalles,
has been appointed manager of the
soldiers monument fund for this county
and has appointed committees to go io
the citizens in person, to solicit funds to
erect the monument to ine brave ur
egou boys who lost their lives in the
recent war. 1 he following extract
from the Oregon tan, of a short time
ago, will give a clear idea of the work
ings or the monument committee:
"To the citizens of Oregon: When
our country demanded the services of
citizens in upholding the honor of the
flag, none responded more promptly or
more earnestly than did the young
men of Oregon. As I hey marched
away they were our pride, and carried
with them our love ana admiration.
When the regiment, returns many who
marched away will not be In the ranks;
they died in theservlceof their country.
"Let us at once erect a monument in
memory of those who have died. Let
us have it completed so that when the
poldiers return they can assist in the
ceremonies of dedication.
"The soldiers' monument committee
has been organized to take this work
in hand. A leading citizen from each
county in t lie state has been placed on
the committee. Each county will be
under the management of the commit
teeman from that county.
"It is the aim of the organization to
make this work popular by placing the
subscription within the reach of all.
There will be a local solicitor In each
precinct or school district, selected by
the county committeeman, where per
sons can leave their name and cash
and have it forwarded to the secretary
of the committee. Each person con
tributing 25 cents will receive by mail
a copy of the monument edit ion of a
new unique history, well worth the
money. Everyone can afford to sub
scribe S cents for a worthy cause."
Hon. E. L. Smith has leen selected
by Judge Bradshaw to receive subscrip
tions from the citizens of Hood River.
Horticultural Institute.
A horticultural institute of great im
portance to all our fruit growers will be
held at Hood River Friday and Satur
day, March 3d and 4th. The follow
ing eminent specialists will be present:
Prof. A. B. Cordley, entomologist;
Prof. E. R. Lake, horticulturist; Prof.
A. B. Lickenby, grasses; Prof. G. W.
Shaw, U. S. cliemlst; Hon. Jas. Withy
combe, Hon. W. W. Phillips.
Among the subjects that, will be dis
cussed are: Spraying and insect pests;
grasses for the orchard; the fertilizer for
the horticulturist; packing fruit for the
Eastern markets, etc.
These gentlemen come to us free of
expense, and all fruit growers who
wish to be well informed will undoubt
edly be present and greatly profit
To The Public.
I want to let the people who suffer
from rheumatism and sciatica know
that Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved
me after a number of other medicines
and a doctor had failed. It Is the best
liniment I have ever known of. J. A.
Dodgen, Alphaharetta, Ga. Thou
sands have been cured of rheumatism
by this remddy. One application re
lieves the pain. For sale by Williams
& Brosiuj.
A home literary society has been or
ganized at Frank ton and will meet
this Thursday evening at B. F. Gerk-
ing's residence. Women suffrage is
the qnet:on.
Written for the Glacier.
Take Up the White Man's Glory.
Take np the White Man's Glory
Repnbllo of the Free ,,
Repeat the bloody story
Of Empire's tyranny.
Build mighty ships and cannon, -
Beat plowshares into swords.
Renounce your God for mammon
In loud defiant words.
Take np the White Man's Glory ;
Ye men of many creeds
What though your hands be gory'
With blood of savage breeds, ,
Call greedy motives Duty,
Delude the simple mind;
Let few divide the booty.
The mass with promise bind.
Take up the White Man's Glory, .
Thou nation strong and free,
Republican and Tory,
In name of Liberty; a
With "Maxim," "Krupp" and "Gatllng"
In rhythmic melody,
And musketry a rattling
Concordant harmony.
Take up the White Man's Glory .
In God's and Commerce's name
('Tis reconclllatory),
Heed not the blood and shame;
List not to piteous pleading
When son from mother parts.
Nor count the million bleeding,
Yearning, sorrowing hearts.
Take np the White Man's Glory,
Heed not the warning cry
Of statesmen wise and hoary,
Your duty is to die
In lands where fevers ravage;
Upon your head a ban,
: Redeeming soulless savage,
Half monkey and half man.
A. N. R.
Hood River Public School Column.
School Directory State Superintendent, J.
H. Ackerman; county superintendent, O. L.
Gilbert; Board of Directors DlsU Mo. 8 C. M.
Wolfard, chairman; N. C. Evans, S. Cox
Clerk, Geo. T. Prather.. Principal. R, R. Al
lard; second Intermediate, Mefla white; first
Intermediate, Grace Graham; primary. Eliza
Stevens; vocal Instructor, Anne C. Smith. .
. 'The one great thing needed in our
schools, public or private, is that spirit
of humanity and culture which shall
make their life healthy, happy and
progressive, the well spring of an up
right, true cultured manhood and
womanhood and a willing, working,
watchful and faithful citizen." Harris.
We are glad to note that a great
many of our students have learned
that there is little time to waste, the
proof of this being the fact that a great
many are improving their time by
working right ahead upon some oue
or two chosen studies during vacation
Prin. Ailard handed each member of
the 8th grade a carefully condensed
outline for the final "review" iu geog
raphy, on Thursday last, in order that
they might be at work upon it during
the vacation.
Pupils have baen busy this week ex
amining aud comparing grade reports.
A fine crayon drawing of the Maine
was framed and hung in the school
building a few days since.
A number of light repairs are being
made in aud about the school buildings
this week.
That "cleanliness is next to eodli
ness" perfumes the very atmosphere of
the school building since Janitor
l tan a s latest raid.
The outlook for the 4th and 5th
grades is an extremely large attendance.
With open weatiier many pupils, of all
grades who were prevented from at
tending by inclemency or weather, will
return. '
Prin. Ailard received a "machete"
and Spanish pistol from bis brother,
D. ;. Ailard of Co. L, second Oregon
Vols., at Manila. They will be placed
in the Travers' Book aud Curio club
room for some time.
Another move is on foot to add 30
choice volumes to the school library.
New York has just passed London
and has Income the first seaport iu the
world, the position . London held for
Switzerland is at p resent putting
forth remarkable efforts of railroad
construction. .
Dr. Ricca of Belgium has made vast
improvements on apparatus used iu
wireless telegraphy, and claims that he
can make the presence of a vessel, in a
fog, known to another at a distance" of
30 miles and can telegraph real mes
sages 7 miles.
Cause of Germany's rise as a com
mercial nation is said to be due to
expert direction and thorough teaching.
While the Great Republic of the
West is teaching many useful things
to the old world, in the way of free
dom, educational advancement and
commercial progress, its influence is
being felt in other ways as well. Here
tofore we have been looked upon as a
nation whose chief aim was making
money, but now we are recognized as a
potent element in higher civilization
The press of Switzerland contain fre
quent and intelligent articles concern
ing our public school system, our col
leges and universities, our hospitals,
our asylums and those depending upon
public or private charity for support.
To these institutions are given the
highest praise. Much also has been
said in recent publications in the way
of praise about our public libraries. -
The purpose of the public school, as
seen in its origin and history, is intel
lectual culture, and those methods
can only have a strong and lasting
hold upon the public mind which best
promote it. However pleasing and
attractive the work may be, however
we may for the time command the
public ear, and listen delighted to its
praise, that system and those methods
alone must win la the end and enjoy a
lasting reputation which continue to
rend forth pupils with a higher intel
ligence, a better knowledge, a clearer
understanding and a more thorough
scholarship than their fellows.
At a recent concert, the conclusion
of which was the song "There's a good
time coming," a runner rose in the
audience and said: "Mister, you
couldn't fix the date, could you?" v
Hobson kissed me when we met
It was at a large reception;
I was one of many, yet
I'll admit, without deception,
1 That although I'm fat and fair,
Forty, too, and love bus missed me,
I ran die without despair
Hobson kissed me.
When hens lay soft shelled etrsre it
in dicates overfeeding.
An Oyster
Stays in his shell and only comes out to get in the soup. We
are not an oyster, and yet we attend strictly to our own busi
ness. Come and see us. You will always find our latch string
out and our slock the largest and best selected of any in town.
Don't forget that we buy more of the farmers' produce than
all others here combined.
Dealer In General Merchandise, Farm Implements, Lumber.etc.
Hood River, Oregon.
Portland Price.
Yum Yum woven wire Mattress 82 M
Common woven wire Mattress 1 60 v
Wool Mattress 2 60
ExcelKior, wool top Mattress 2 23
Bsdsteads 1 60
I challenge any one to get lower prices In Portland on these goods or any others that I
have to sell.
Your money if you want to: Its yours; but If you don't want to and
are looking for BARGAINS In Men's and Boy's Suits, Hats and Un
derwear, Women's and Children's Underwear, Blankets, Quilts,
Rubber Boots and Shoes, drop In and see ns.
We are making some prices on the lines mentioned that it will
pay you to Investigate. ,
Justice of the Peace "V . Notary Public for
for Hood River District f . Oregon.
I am prepared at all times to draw and execute Deeds and Mortgages, and all kinds of le
gal papers carefully prepared.
I am also prepared on short notice to furnish correct Abstracts. Also represent the oldest
and strongest Insurance oompanies; so If you want your property Insured don't fail to call on
me and get a policy in a reliable Insurance company.
And when it comes to Real Estate, I am the one you want to see. If you want to buy, sell
or rent any land In Hood River valley or White Salmon, don't fall to oall on or write to me. I
also negotiate loans on real estate. I have been a resident of Hood River valley for 18 years,
therefore am thoroughly acquainted with the valley. GEO. T. PRATHER, Hood River.
All Teams stop at
Hood River's Meat Market
AND . '
A fine lot of fresh staple Groceries, Canned Goods, fresh
and cured Meats, pure open kettle rendered Lard. This
Lard is put up at our Hood River Market, and we guar
antee it.
Cut-rate prices to purchasers who buy at one time at least
$10 wortli of goods for cash. . '
Goods delivered to patronB in the city. :
CLYDE T. BONNEY, Proprietor.
AND CASH ONLY, is what raphes prices so low on
Hardware, Harness, Doors, Sash, Paints, Oils,
Guns and Ammunition;
Stoves, Shoe Findings and Bike Supplies,
M. S. & L. CO. S
Livery and Feed
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draylng and transferring done with care and promptness.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan.
31, 1899. Notice Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has died notice of
his Intention to make final proof In
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, March 11,
isw, vis:
Of Mosler, Homestead Application No. ttlA,
for the northeast northeast H sect ion 21,and
north northwest and northwest north
east 4 section 22, township 2 north, range 11
east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
W. E. Huskey, A. T. Prather, George Has.
key and William 8tphenson,ail of Mosier.Or.
fimlO , JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Dog Licenses.
Notice Is hereby giver, that the ordinance
relating to dogs will be enforced from this
date. E. 8. OLINGER, Marshal.
Hood River, February 3, 1809.
Fresh Cow
For Sale. Apply to
T. 11. COON.
Reciprocity Corner.
To do harness work for dry oak wood: also,
produce taken for part pay for all harness
work. fJ20 E. D. CALKINS.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 14,
1899. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and tbat said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at
Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, March 10,
1899, viz: -
H. E. No. 8992. for northeast quarter section
thirty-five, township four north, range ten
east, Willamette Meridian.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Ronald D. Cameron, L. E. Morse, Matt Wll
ken and William Olson, all of White Salmon,
Washington. .
J20f25 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
.LUiirr""" $ " U--SH1H
Poland China Boar.
A thoroughbred Poland C"ina boar tor ser
vice: also, young piss for sale.
a w. a. slingerLand.
All Calls Pre
Office np stairs
calls left at thr
promptly at tent
Public a
For 21 years a
Ington. Has h.
Real Estate mat
titles and agent,
no charge.
J. F. W.,
Graduate of Belief
lege, 1884. In genert
Oregon. 1
Surgeon for O. R. .
equipped to treat cata.
and diseases of women.
Special terms for office t.
Dr. R. W. Benjamin, dentist, o .
will make regular visits to Hood River, and
will have rooms at the Mt. Hood hotel. All
the different methods of crowning and filling
teeth. Prices reasonable and satisfaction
Portland Office Room 814 Oregonlan bldg,
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
ground and manufactured.
Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom
grinding done every Saturday. During the
V. 1 1 i . t-1. ii .(-... nifllttunril dau. will h. m DTi.
tinned in the local columns. -
HOOD RIVER, .... - ". - OREGON.
Gallery open three days lu the week Tlinrs
day. Friday and Saturday until further no
tice. First-class work ana .
All Work Warranted.
Wagon Repairing.
All kinds of wagon repairing done on short
Rot Ice and at reasonable prices, at the old
nosers mill In Frankton. C. H. ROGERS.
A Desirable Horns. (
Vap T." .mi mirnu nna In .tra n ' Knrrl iu .
bearing frnlt trees: plenty of water for irriga
tion. Located near Frankton graded school.
Price reasonable for cash. P. CORUES.
Mti Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at price.
to suit the times.
Fresh Milk,
Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart.
The Glacier
Hood River, Or. '
Three head of cattle, coming two years old.
Earmarked and branded on right hip.
Will Day a reward for any information con-
cernlngthem. s. w. cukkajn, viento.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
40 acres, 2 miles from town. All kinds of
fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water
privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reason
able; W. J. CAMPBELL.
Lumber Wagon, 2 inch 50 00
Will sell part or all of my ranch.
120 Aci6s Tor Sale or Rent
With good Improvements, 8 miles southwest
of town. Good school near by. good roads,
plenty of fruit and the best of land. Gallon
or address - JOHN BIPMA.
ju xuu vvaut
To buy land In Hood River
Valley. If so, don't tall to
See Tucker!
Fruit Land, Berry Land, Grain Land, or
Hay land, at prices yon can't equal In the
valley. B. R. TUCK KR, Tucker, Or.
20 Acres.
I will sell 20 acres. Improved or unimproved
land, within one mile of Hood River school;
prettiest Duiming site in me vaney.
' Save Your Soles!
By going to the Pioneer Shoe Shop, where you
can get good work done: also, all klndsofsboe
supplies. C. WELDS. Proprietor.
that 50c Shirt.
We have a fine launrlried White
Shirt for half a dollar. Come
and lay iu a supply while you
can get them at this figure. We
have ten dozen of them, but
they will not last long at this
price. Ask for .
That 50c Shirt
Carpet Weaving.
We have purchased the celebrated New
comb Fly-Shuttle loom and are prepared to
do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving. We
furnish warp and weave for 18 and 23 cent,
per yard.
Call at Bone & McDonald's store and exam.
Ine our work. V. WINCHELL.
Land for Sale.
In 8 tracts, varying in size, from 10 to 80
acres. Highly improved, partly Improved
RnH nnlmnmvAil. AhnnHftnAA ct I rrf irnt i rt or
water on most of the land. Inquirees solic
ited. No trouble to show property. East
Bide yj miles out. HARBISON BROS.
ism. rnotice is nereoy given that tne follow-ing-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles.
Oregon, on Saturday, March 23, 1899, viz:
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
46111, for the northeast M section 7, township 3
norm, range iu east, vv . u.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of suid land, viz:
Henry Prigge, ' George Stranahan, Frank
Davenport and George Williams, all of Hood
River, Oregon.
. f!7m24 JAY P. LUCAS, Register,