The Hood Biver Glacier. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1899. NO. 40. IE IK .t,s of the New arid the Old. ' OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS - ' " v.. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Vast Week Culled From the Telegraph Columns. The graves of Jim Maine victims at Havana were decorated with flowers on the 15th, the anniversary of the ex plosion. A British syndicate has obtained a concession from China to huiM a rail road from ilankati to Canton, along the coast. ' Coir""Miller, who -captured Ilo Ilo without the loss of a man in his com mand, has been promoted to be brigadier-general by the president. The Cunard liner Etruria and the cruiser .Marblehead narrowly averted a collision i during a blinding sleet and snow storm nbo.ut.70 miles oh Sandy Hook Monday morning. '' Representative Stal lings, ". :of Ala bama, has introduced in the house a bill to authorize- the president to ap point General Wheeler u major-general in the regular army. - Terrific weather is prevailing" on the coast of Jamaica. " The winds are high and the sea is encroaching on the land.! - Coasting vessels have - been wrecked, and several hundred acres of bananas swept away. Naval ordnance officers in Washing ton are elated over the remarkable re sults secured with the new smokelesa navy powder for largo caliber guns in a test at tho v Indian Head proving grounds on the Potomac. -.. State- Entomologist Scott; of Georgia, says the peach crop has been utterly destroyed,, and in all probability the gorwera' will bo so discouraged that they will abandon the business. Last year's crop was valued at .$1,000,000. Ex-Consul Duckert, of BelTgum, has been commissioned to make a tour of China in the interests of manu facturers at a salary of. $29,000 a year. The idea of the tour . emanated from King Leopold, who will contribute 8, 000 to the salary. It is expected that General Otis will shortly begin an aggressive oampaign in the Philippines, as the recent battles have not subdued the insurgents, aa was expected. The rainy season will soon set in, when .military operations can not be well carried on, and a deci sive blow must be given '. before that timo. I - ' i The torpodo-boat Fox, built by the Wolff & Zwicker iron works, at Port land, Or., is the first torpedo-boat in the world to come up to . the require ments specified in the contract upon her first official trial. Fot two con sec utive hours in her first trial she main tained an average speed of knots, her engines turning at a rate of 381.4 revolutions per minute,' which exceed! the requirements by. 11. 4 turns. President Zelaya has issued a decree declaring the republic oi Nicaragua to be in. a state of seige. . A battle is expected to take place at any time west of Chile mountain, the dividing line of tlie Coidilleras. ' The president is sondiug troops to the front as rapid ly as collected. The United States gunboat Marietta, wihch arrived at Greytown February 5, has sailed for Cluofileds, the headquarters of : the revolution headed by General Reyes. One man was killed and five serious ly injured in a powder explosion at Mossgrovo, Pa. ' . Four Chinese have died from in juries sustained in the San Francisco Chinatown lire Sunday. Silas Jones and'' six children were burned to death on the Richardson and May plantation, at Cornorstone, Ark,A;f; c. fJ: ; H. M. S. Leandor has been ordered to proceed with all speed to Bolivia to protect the property and lives of Brit ish residents during the revolution. - Fire in Cincinnati . destroyed the clothing houses of Kahn & Felthmeyer, 11. A. Heineheimer and Sarrford, Stern Sarner. The loss is nearly $500,000. There ia a rumor in Paris that ne gotiations are taking place between the Panama canal company and the Wash ington government, looking to the com pletion of the canal. - Thirty-five persns have died of small pox in the Crook nation within a few weeks. The victims wore negroes and Indians. All of Western Oklahoma lias quarantined against the infected district. ' The buildings of the Qeer Ma chinery Company and , the . Whittle Trunk Company, at Knoxvillo, Teim., with their contents, were destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated at between $75,000 and $100,000. , In. the United States senate Tuesday the McEnery resolution, declaring that the ratification of the peace treaty is not a declaration on the part of the United States to permanently bold the Philippine islands, was passed by a Vote of 80 to 23. ' OF RECENT OCCURRENCE. Chaplain John R. -Thompson, of the First Washington infantry at Manila, died Monday. .'"'',' The war department has' issued an order mustering out of .service ail the volunteers now in the United States. Ethan Allen Hitchcock, of Missouri, has taken the prescribed oath and en tered upon his duties as secretary of the interior. The house committee on appropria tions has ordered a favorable report on the bill to pay Spain $20,000,000 for the Philippines. Agoncillo, the Filipino delegate, ar rived in Now York Monday from Mon treal ...Agoncillo expects . to sail for England ir. a few days. The senate committee has reported favorably an amendment to the sundry civil bill providing for' the laying of a cable from the United States to Hawaii and the Philippines. Many French newspapers are bit terly assailing M. Lou bet, the new president, but the better olass support him. and oonfidence in the stability of the new government is increasing. Samuel II. Stevenson, D. D. , one of the oldest Presbyterian ministers in the United States, is dead in Bloom ington, 111., at the age of 86. He was a near relative of former Vice-President Stevenson. A fire in the little city of Port Washington, Wis., destroyed $300,000 worth of property, and rendered SO families homeless. A chair factory covering two blocks was destroyed, throwing 600 men out of work. The revolution in Nicaragua is spreading. General Mena, at the head of 700 insurgents, is near the town of Rama. The inanigents are well armed with small guns and aie expeoting Gatling, Krupp and Hotohkias cannon. Michael Milano, the prosperous pro prietor of a bootblacking etsablishment in Tacoma, committed suicide by firing two shots from a revolver into his brain. Fifty-two dollars was found on the body. Family trouble was the oausa of the act. 1 A new town has been laid out in Alaska, 25 miles from Juneau, which it is expected will be the gateway to the Atlin gold fields. It has been named Taku, and is situated on Taku bay, four miles from the mouth of the inlet .of that name. ' T'ae Italian bark Barbara Luigi went ashore February 4 on Little Bahama bank and is a total loss. Three of the orew were drowned and two perished frcm exposure. The captain and eight of the orew have arrived at Nassau, N. P , and report the loss. Mrs. Howe, ol Gresharn, Oi., was drowned in the Willamette at Port land Monday, :' She was passing from one steamer to another, as the boats were lying at the dock, when she fell between them. An attempt to rescue her tailed. She was on her nay to visit a son at Salem. . The first session of the eighth conti nental oongress of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Rev olution began in Washington Monday. Mrs. Daniel Manning, president-general of the society, made her annual address. She dwelt especially on the aid given by the society during the re cent war, asserting that the organiza tion had furnished $300,000 in money and supplies. The Columbia river, fish cannery combine will close half of theoannerles the coming season. ... ... . The Cunard steamer Pavonia, which sailed from Queenstown for Boston, January 26, and which was sighted on February 5, in a disabled condition, has arrived in tow at tire Azores. M. Loubet was elected president of France on the 21st. The assembly cast 812 votes, of which Loubet re ceived 483 to 279 cast for M. Meline, and 50 scattering. . ... ... A battle has occurred at Talien-Wan between Russian soldiers and Chinese, in which 800 of the latter were slain. The trouble is said to have originated over the question of taxes. Grading has begun on the Snake. River Valley railroad, between Union Hat and the head of the south fork of the Penewawa creek. A largo force of men and teams is working on the big cut between those two points.' A dispatch from Cape Charles, Va., says 50 oyster sloops and schooners have been carried out to sea by drift ing foe from Magothys bay. It is be lieved many are manned, and the crews may suffer from exposure and hunger. Tugs will be sent to overhaul the ves sels. ' Oregon Legislature Adjourn Sine Die. Although the hour set for the final adjournment of the Oregon legislature was 12 o'clock noon Saturday, the ses sion was prolonged till 7 o'clock. Aside from the formalities of finish ing up necessary matters in Land, the passage of . the special appropriation bill was the feature of the day. 1 ' The house refused to -concur in some of the senate's reductions of items in the bill, and it was necessary to ap point confeience committees before agreement oonld be reached. .' This prolonged the session till 7 o'clock in the evening, when the session was de clared ended, ' LEGISLATURE ENDS. Much Work Crowded In the Closing Hours 'of the Session The Last : ..... 'Working; Day. The last working day of the Oregon legislature was full of business, mostly devoted to the routine of passing bills. The general appropriation . bill was passed by both houses. In the senate the bill to provide for executions of murderers at the peni tentiary was indefinitely postponed, because it carried objectionable matter relating to appeals. Three bills touohing military affairs were passed, as follows: To cover into the military fund all. moneys received from the United States on account of transportation, etc.; to restore to the military fund some $8,000 expended in suppressing fishermen's riots in 1896; to reorganize the official staff of the Oregon National Guard. The following bills were passed: To regulate license fire insurance com panies; to protect the fruit and hop industry by requiring the destruction of pests; to cure certain defects in ju dicial sales and deeds; to prevent the maintenance of armed bodies of men other than the duly constituted author ities; to amend the charterof Newberg; to provdie for criminal prosecutions on information; to protect trout and cer tain other food fishes; to relieve the state of the necessity of advancing the casts of giving a bond in a proceeding to which the state is a party; to,' amend the law relating to irrigation rights and ditches; to amend the law relative to liens against mines for . la bor or supplies; to amend the ohaiter of Arlington; to fix the annual salary of the supreme court clerk at $3,000, with one deputy in Salem at $75 per month and one at Pendleton at $50, and providing that the fees be paid into the state treasury; to fix the sal aries of 'Columbia county officers; to regulate the manner of sturgeon fishing and making a close season on the Co lumbia river from March 1 to Novem ber 1; to provide for inspecting sheep brought in bands into Oregon from an other state (same as the Washington law); to amend the law relative to the duties of publio road viewers; to fix the annnual salary of the Linn county assessor at $2,400, inoluding the pay of deputies; to regulate the practice of the vocation of barbers; to provide for the appropriation of water to be used for mining purposes. . .In the House. - In the house a long discussion occur red on the bill to adopt the Torrena system pf land title.. The :hill, when put upon its passage, was defeated. Bills passed were: To authorize construction of skids across county roads for logging purposes; to provide for submission to the vote of the peo ple the proposed constitutional amend ments; to authorize the sale of agri cultural school lands on the market for 25 years at less than the price fixed by statute; to provide for payment of taxes in coin, instead of county war rants; to provide for the manner of se curing the release as surety upon bonds; to reduce fees to be charged by county . clerks in probate cases; to make the law prohibiting the fraudu lent use of labels or trademarks more effective; to fix the salaries of county clerk, sheriff and recorder in Wash ington county; to amend the code so as to give parties the right to give notice of appeal without assignment of error; to authorize the printing of 800 copies of supreme court reports at $2.50 per oopy; to prohibit the running of push cars upon lailroad tracks; to create a state board of equalization, consisting of the governoi, secretary of -state and state tieasurer; to authorize the work ing of county prisoners on county toads; to fix the salaries of county treasurers, after amendment increasing the salary of the treasurer of Lane county from $500 to $800. and . the salary of the treasurer of Wallowa county from $250 to $350; to amend oode relative to at tachments making the filing of a writ with the county clerk answer the pur pose of posting a notice on property; to amend the oode relative to action for adverse possession; to fix the compen sation of county commissioners after1 amending the bill by increasing the per diem in Union county from $4 to $5; to reduce the mileage of jurors and witnesses in cities of 50,000 population or over, from 10 to 5 cents; to give preference in the employment in pub lio service to honorably discharged sol diers and ' sailors; to appropriate $2,000, in aid of the Oregon Historical Society, and to authorize printing at the state's expense to the same amount;, to provide for the payment of certain fees to recorders of . conveyances; to constitute six days' publication of a notice a weeks notice; amending the law relative to the appointment of offi cial stenographers; to abolish the office of recorder of Clatsop oonnty, and re quire that the duties of that offioe be performed by the county clerk; to leg ulate the purchase, sale and transfer of stocks of goods, by requiring the pur chaser to exaot from the vendor a list of creditors and the extent of liabil ities; to piohibit the running at large of stallions. State Fair Appropriation. In the Oregon senate Wednesday the bill to repeal the annual appropria tion of money to the state fair was de feated by a vote of 12 to 10. THE NEW LAWS. Bills That Have Faased During the Session. Bills passed by Jjjoth houses previous to tne last aay are as iohows: ; To authorize the town of Antelope to borrow $5,000 to build water works. To incorporate the city of Pendleton. '? To amend charter of town of Adams. ' To regulate pilotage ou Columbia and Willamette rivers. To create office of state biologist, without salaiy. : To reduce salaries of Douglas county officers. To incorporate Nehalera. To provide that summaries only of county assessment rolls be transmitted to secretary of state. To amend charter of Ilillsboro. To amend the charter of Albany. To incorporate town of Tillamook. To incorporate the town of Canyon City. ,: - . To constitute. beach of Clatsop coun ty a publio highway. '"'' ' To amend the charter of Grants Pass. To authorize Jefferson institute to selTout to the school district. To amend charter of Oregon City. To incorporate Port of Tillamook and provide for the improvement of Ho uiam slough. . To incorporate the town of LakevieW, To incoporrate Cottage Grove. To amend charter of town of Tangent. To provide clerical aid for judges of the supreme court. ;. To incorporate Drain. , ' , To incorporate New Astoria, adjoin ing Fort Stevens. - To amend charter of Monmouth. To incoporrate the oity of Ontario. To incorporate the town of Bay City. To incorporate the oity of Heppner. To incorporate the city Warrenton. ...To incoiporate the oity of Wallowa, i To amend charter of Gold Hill. To regulate and fix the salary of the assessor of Jackson county. , ; To incorporate the town of Marsh field. To amend oharter of Woodburn. To redistrict the state for senators and representatives. . . To create the offioe of tax collector in Multnomah county. -.;! To amend the charter of Corvallis. To prevent production and sale of un wholesome foods and medicines. (Looney pure food bill.) To incorporate the town of Seaside. To raise the salary of sheriff of Ma rion county. To regulate and to fix salaries of Til lamook county offloers,. To fix Balariea of county officers in Clackamas, Morrow, Wasco and Yam hill counties. To amend the charter of Eugene. To amend the oharter of Astoria. To incorporate the town of Can by. . To create a separate commission for transaction of county ' business in Clackamas county. To amend the charter of Arlington. Incorporating Weston. ; '" Incorporating Dufur. Incorporating Enterprise, v Withdrawing school lands from sale and placing interest on school fund loans at 6 per ceirt. Incorporating Dalles City. Incorporating Moro. Incorporating Brownsville. Incorporating Lebanon. '. Incorporating Burns.' Incorporating Carlton. ... To protect salmon in Alsea bay and tributaries. . - ...... v-' To create a trust fund in Multnomah county. . . .-. To provide for the election of load supervisors. ...'- - . To create the office of -clerk of the justice court in cities of 50,000 popu lation or over. : To authorize Multnomah county to lease the upper deck of the steel bridge. To provide for the sale of tide lands. Protecting salmon in the Rogue river and Curry county. . 'To reorganize the state board of hor ticulture. .,.'': Creating park commission in cities of 8,000 population or over. To amend section 5 of the mining laws. Amending the code relative to sher iff's deeds. . Requiring county clerks to adminis ter oaths without . charge, in pension matters. . Appropriating $15,000 a year for fish hatcheries. . : . , : To amend the charter of Salem. - To regulate horse shoeing in Portland. " Providing for normal schools at Ash land and Drain. To provide for the registration, of voters.. . To provide for a tax collector of Mult nomah county. . ; : To change the manner of governing the Soldiers' Home. ; ' To codify the laws relative to state school lands. Partial codification . of the school laws. . To encourage the use of wide-tire wagons. To amend the act incorporating the Port of Portland. To change the time of holding court . in the second judicial district. To cure certain defects in deeds. To permit surety companies to qalify as sureties on bonds. To change the time of. holding court in the ninth judicial district. To prevent the adulteration of candy. To provide for boarding the prisoners of Clatsop, Washington and Clackamas counties by contract. TREATY BEFORE THE SPANISH Spain's ; Patriots Are Still Thirsting for Gore, EXCITING SCENES IN CORTEZ Five Months Since the War and Mot a ' Single General Shot Count D'Al Hienas Makes an Attack. Madrid, Feb. 22. The cortes reas sembled today. The galleries in both chambers were thronged with an ex pectant crowd. The senate was very full, hardly a single general being ab sent. Senor Montero Rios,-president of the senate, in opening the proceed ings, pronounced' a eulogy upon M. Faure, and a resolution of condolence with France was adopted. : Senor Sagasta, the premier, then pro posed to refer the bill proivding for the cession of the Philippines to the Unit ed States to a special committee, but the conservatives protested against this, declaring that the bill ought to be con scientiously discussed, and Senor Sa gasta withdrew his proposal. , , Count D'Almenas then bronght up the question of the conduct of tire gen erals engaged in the war in Cuba, de claring that General Primo Rivera, General Weyler, Genoral Blanco, Ad miral Cervera and General Linares had proven failures. -This declaration elicited much ap plause from the public galleries, in consequence of which several of the spectators were expelled from the cham ber. Observing that he would deal with the "shameful capitulation of San; tiago," Count D'Almenas asked the lioass whether he should proceed, and wu.3 answered with cries of "yes" and '"no" and a general uproar ensued. A repetition of the query raising still greater tumult, Senor Sagasta rose and defended the government and its peace commission. The premier critioised America's unjustified conduct, and said that everything might be discussed, ex ceptthe war, because the oases of the generals were still subjudioiary., County D'Almenas resumed his at tack upon the generals and complained that "rive months had elapsed, and not a single general had been shot." FIGHTING WITH FIRE. Filipinos Attempt to Burn Quarters of the Washington Volunteers. Manila, Feb. 22, The natives of the village of Paco made a bold at tempt last night to burn the quarters of the First Washington volunteers by setting fire to the huts adjoining their quarters in the rear. Fortunately the wind changed, at the moment the fire was discovered, and, fanned by a stiff breeze, the flames spread in the oppo site direolion, destroying fully 20 shacks and houses opposite the ruins of the church. . The incendiaries escaped. . Mysterious signals were frequently made along the enemy's lines during the night, and this led to the belief that an attack had been arranged, but nothing happened. The rebels are leaving the vicinity of San Pedro Macati in small parties, and are reported to be moving toward Sing aloa. , Money for Cubans. Washington. Feb. 22. Efforts are making with every prospect of success tC) reconcile the radioal element among thj Cubans to the proposition of the government to pay the soldiers of the Cuban cause $3,000,000. - General Gomez arrived today in Ma tanzas, making his way very slowly to ward the capitat. What is proposed is that the United States shall sanction the floating of bonds by the Cuban mu nicipalities or provinces to the amount of $7,000,000, which sum is to be paid over to the Cuban troops, in addition to the $3,000,000 to be paid by the United States. Data, it is' said here, will ba pro duced by the Cuban assembly to show that every cent of this sum was ex pended in legitimate war expenses. A Large Deficit. Victoria, B. C, Feb. 22. F. C. Cotton, minister of finance for British Columbia, submitted his budget to the legislature this afternoon... Tire budget shows a deficit of $647,723, and esti mates that tl;e new government ' has to start with a balance on the wrong side of $64,000. Estimates show a con siderable cutting in the salary list. A new loan will be negotiated for $1,750, -000. No more large tracts of land will be sold for speculative ; purposes, but leases granted instead. Losb of reve nue by the abolition of the mortgage tax will be met by an Increase ou the income tax. Millions rot Spain. Washington, Feb. 22. This was suspension day in the house: The sen ate amendments to a number of pri vate pension bills were adopted. Cannon, chairman of the appropria tions committee, by the direction of his committee, moved the passage un der suspension of the rules of the bill for payment pf $20,000,000 to Spain. After discussing the measure under the 20-minute rule, the bill was passed, 21tf to B4. CANAL PROVIDED FOR. Senate Committee Adds It to the Rivefl and Harbor BUI. Washington, Feb. 20. The senate committee on commerce decided tod a? to put the Morgan Nicaragua canal bill on the river and harbor bill. The ac tion of the committee was preceded by a brief argument by Senator Morgan, in which he went over the general grounds favorable to the construction of the oanal. Aside from the Nicaragua canal, the committee increased cash appropria tions to the extent of about $2,000,000 over the house cash appropriations, while the amount of continuing con tracts is increased to the extent of about $10,000,000. In the senate the only business of importance was the consideration of bills on the pension calendar, which was begun under a special order. Among the bills passed was one provid ing procedure in certain pension cases. It provides that no pension shall be withheld, modified or cancelled except for fraud, or mistakes in facts, and prov'des a scheme of procedure. The pi ivate pension calendar was complet ed, 74 bills being passed. . In the House. Washington, Feb. 20. In the house today several railroad right-of-way bills were passed. Among the bills was one to authorize the construction of the Clearwater Valley road through the Nez Peices reservation. The census bill was sent to confer-' ence. A bill was passed authorizing the president to appoint five addition al cadets-at-large to the naval academy. The sundry civil bill was then passed. The naval appropriation bill was for mally reported. The house went into committe of the whole and took up the bill. No general debate was demanded on the bill, and its reading for amend ment under the five minute xule was immediately commenced. TAKES NEWS CALMLY. No Disorders In Paeis Followed the Death of Faure. Paris, Feb, 20. Everything is quiet in Paris tonight. There is no danger of a coup d'etat. The favorite candi date for the presidency is M. Emile Loubet, now president of the senate. Still the ministers think Faure's death is a misfortune at the present juncture, and this ia the conventional talk. They had all looked forward to hia re signing, and they spoke today of the possible effect of hia death on the courts of Europe. If M. Loubet be elected, European sovereigns would soon transfer to him their friendly regards. He ia a good, unaffected, level-headed man of hon est, open life, and of far more intel lectual culture than poor Faure. He is an advocate and praotioed at the Montilemar bar, in the department of the Drone. Montilemar is hia native town. OVER ENTIRE GROUP. The American Flag to Cover the Phil ippine Islands. Washington, Feb. 20. The adminis tration has determined to extend rap idly the jurisdiction of the United States over the Philippine group in its entirety, acting on the theory that de lay in this crisis is dangerous, and that anarchy and general paralysis of such interests as the islands support would be brought about through failure to replace promptly Spanish sover eignty over the islands with that of the Unnited States. low Bates for Hojneseekers. . St. Paul, Feb. 20. The Northern Pacific and Great Nothern have deoided to sell half-fare homoseekers'. tickets February 21, March 1 and 7, on simi lai rates as made by the more southerly lines to the Pacific coast. Heretofore the rates have applied only to near-by states, and it ia now intended that they shall apply to the entire length of the roads named. Gomez Goes to Cardenas. . Havana, Feb. 20. A dispatch from Cienfuegos saya that Major-General John C. Bates, military governor of the department of Santa Clara, and Inspector-General Breckinridge, yester day paid a visit to General Gomez, who was expecting to leave today for Cardenas. - . Estimates Output at 919,000,000. Vanoouver. B. C, Feb. 20. M. Marks, an Australian expert direct from Dawson, places the output of the Klondike at $19,000,000 this year. Hia estimate is as follows: Eldorado and BoLanza creeks, $5,000,000; Big and Little Bonanza, Gold and French ureeks, $5,000,000; Hunkei and Quartz oreeks, $5,000,000.. ' ' . Steamers to Manila. Tacoma, Feb. 20. James Ward, of the shipping firm of Saunders & Ward, has returned from a visit to England, and announces the establishment by himself and others of a steamer line between this port and the Hawaiian islands. The British steamer Manau ense will be the first vessel out, and will sail next week. - . Nearly Frozen to Death. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 20. A special to the Post-Intelligencer from Forty Mile river, Alaska, says that William Matheson, formerly of Los Angeles, Cal., narrowly escaped being trozen to death recently. It was necessary to amputate both bis hands and feet, ft -S 'ih ... v: -X