The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 17, 1899, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1890.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'.
. clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; do-
an.s r le same nays ar. noon.
Pot Chenoweth, leaves at R A. M. Tuesdays
auu oaturaays: arrives at. tj r. fli.
For White Salmon leaves aaily at 1 P. M
wrlves at 8 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and (Jlenwood Mondays,
weunnsaays ana priaavs. .
Laurel Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 87, 1. 0.
O. V. Meets fl rst and third Mondays In each
O: O, ChambkblaIn, Secretary.
Cunby Post. No. l. G. X. R.. meets at A. O,
D. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p.m. AUG. A. It. members in
vited to meet with us.
I), (i. HILL, Commander.
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant. ',
Canby W. R. C, No. 16, meets first Saturday
or each month in a. o. u. w. nan, at i p. m
Mrs. G. P. CROWELL, President,
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
' Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
iuii moon. tt. t. us.viuuji, w. ai.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
' Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A, M.
Meets third Friday night of each month. -K.
G. E. Williams, Secretary-
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, O. E.S. Meets
Saturday attr each tun moon. :
G. E. Williams; Secretary.-b ; ..-.
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
eaeti month at t raternity nan. Brothers ana
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
A. P. BATiillAM, M. A.
S. S. Gray, Secretary.
. Waucoma Lodge, No. 80. K. of P., meets In
A. o. U. w. Mall on every Tuesday nigiu.
G. T Prather, K. of R, AS. :
Riverside Lodge, No. H8, A O. IT. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. F. Watt, Financier. , , ,
11. L. Howk, Reco der.-
Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
in Fraternal hall every Thursday night. ..
' H. J. Hibbaed, Secretary.
That 50 cen shirt. v ,-
Hay for sale by J, H. Shoernaker.
J.R.NieUelsen tins a good riding pony
tor sale. Uentie tor ladies. -
Mrs. ' Frank ''Noble made a trip' to
.. JPnrtianci arid returned eaturaay.
Money - to loan on real estate by
r ; John L. Henderson, agt.
Dr. W. R. Benjamin, dentist," will
again visit Hood River February 25th.
If your house needs painting be sure
you buy your paints at Deuzer'a and
get the oest. ;! : -- - : -.
A. A. Bnney, .father of the enter
prising proprietor of Prosperity Corner,
visited his son in Hood River last
week. :.vv ...
Mr. Gen Ronth returned . from Port
land last Friday. He had been stop
pini in the city for1 the past seven
weeks. . . ; . .'.''. - .
The primary department : of the
Frankton school will bngin next Mon
day. February 20tb, with Miss Hart as
teacher. . . . , -.
J R. Niokelsen Is again at the bel
lows, ;haviiig purchased the blacksmith
w'top and business of Vnj,; Haynes and
J.J Lnekey.v-' ,";: . '
S. H. Oox went to Pine Grove, Mon
day. to nrenare the plans and srieoifl
eat'i'i'tts for 1 he new school building In
that 'district,;''? ''."' ;'.' .;-., . .,...'
,4 Grant Evans- tins enlarged his barber
shop by taking out the bath room, and
hereafter will not keep a bath tub for
use of customers. ; " '' . s
Vj. H. Plcktrd, pointer and decorator;
es'imate gr 'is; nrices moderate; satis
faction guaranteed,. Leave orders at
Glacier pharmacy, ""' " " v "' '
Dr Hollister of The Dalles was down
on Kuiiiiay last tn consultation 'with
Dr Rhaw in the case of . Mrs.- Louisa
Heed of the valley. ., . . ' '
T. C. Dallas presented Dr. Watt with,
n handsome pair of deer horns, which
the doctor will have mounted and they
w ill grace his office walla. - ,
If von wint'to save voui ariples from
the '-o'ilin moth you will have t spray,'
and now is the time to interview Til
let' in regard to a spray pump.
Edwin Henderson, son of Attorney
John Ij. Henderson, arrived In 'Hood
Ilivrl'i8 we"k from Pusret, sound and
will make bis home with his father. ;
Rev. .T.W. Jenkins will be absent
from he vallev next Sunday; and
therefore will not preach .either, at
Odeilorthe Valley ..Christian church
on t but date. . .
The lecture . 'hot was to have been
sriven by Rev: J 'W. Jenkins last Wed
nsd iy evpninsr was postpnned on ac
count of the proftte'.ed meeting still in
progress t. 'he U, B.' church . '
Rev. Frank Rpsuldlnar, Joe Purser
and Win I'senherg went over to: Un
derwoods, last Friday; to attend the
funeral f Thos, Pollack, . ; Mr Hpauld
ing preachedk the funeral sermon. ;. j
8'op at any store In town ahd iuV a
?,5 lb sHk of nur Wh le Wheat Graham.
If used daily for nvish or bread, we can
not see why vu should not live to he
as old as fehuse'ahjN ' " '' '-
Pioneer Mills, Hobd River, Or
. Jas.' Lnnville. who has been winter
ing in Portland, came np to Hood
River last Saturday, and will go ont to
his mine at Mct'oy creek as soon as he
thinks the snow is gone enough to ven
ture on the trail. . t ,
Mrs. Frank Chandler and son Willie
returned from Montana last Saturday
and will remain on .the ranch for the
summer. Both are glad to get back to
Oregon and think there is no place so
good as Hood River. . . ; . ;
' S."A. Knapp, proprietor of the Peo
ple's Store,, has leased a building site
on Geo. T. Prather's block and will at
once commence the erection of a two
story building and will use the down
stair part for hie store.
Chris Dethman has bought a lot just
west of Nick Billings' residence and
will put up a store building fr F. E.
Denzer. B'shop & Cox have the con
tract for building and will go to work
at once, as soon as the lumber can be
secured. '"'
Rev. J Zj. Hershner delivered an ex
cellent discourse commemorative ' of
Linco'n at the Cioiigregalional church
last Sunday. The church was crowded
to its .utmost capacity, and every one
was captivated .and Heaed with the
discourse, which was an eloquent trib
ute to the memory of Abraham Lin
coln, The Grand Army and Relief
Corps were out in full force. ' ' . ' 1
Last Saturday morning, while S. D.
Campbell was coming to Hood River
from his place near Mosier, he spied a
coyote ahead of him circling round a
skunk irl the middle of the road, keep
ing him at bay.. Curious to see a battle
between these two varmints of bad
reputation, he tried to get a little nearer
unobserved, but the coyote saw nun
and Immediately took to the brush.
The skunk kept his position, and Mr.
Campbell, advancing, gave the odorif
erous animal a wide berth; but when
nearly opposite, the skunk, without
gratitude for bis deliverance from the
hungry coyote, started for him. In
this instance Mr. Campbell thought
''discretion the better pari, of valor"
and followed tile coyote by taking to
the brush. ...
- The family named Goodwin, who
came from Nebraska, a couple of weeks
ago and have been camped hi the Or
egon Fruit Union warehouse, have de
cided to go back to their old home.
Mr. Goodwin . chartered - a car aud
brought his team and feed and house
hold goods. - He has now chartered a
ctir to take them all back to. Nebraska,
except his feed. : Bobt. Rand bought
his corn, oats and nay, wnicn are worth
more here.. I ' .s. ?' -'. - .
- D. Brad'ej'j deputy head consul for
Wasco county, Modem Woodmen of
America, will' install the following of
ficers of Viento Camp next Saturday
evening, February 18th: Consul,
Arthur J. .Hamilton; auvisor, noby
J, .Tucker;V clerk,- Millard F, Bird;
banker, James VV'.. Taylor; escort,
George Tyrrell; watchman, William
G. Dodson; sentry, C. R. P. Smith;
managers, J. D. Barber, Philip War
ren, -A. R. Runkiai. h . : 'i .-,.-.
. Wlien the Portland Telegram was
received in Hood. River last Sunday,
aud when in the list of killed at the
battle of Colocan occurred the name of
John A, Gibbons, of the hospital corps,
it was greatly feared that it was Dave
Gibbons of Hood River. But later ac
counts slate that John A. Gibbons be
longed to a Kansas regiment.
The streets of Hood River were never
In a worse condition than they have
been during the past week. The frost
coming out of the ground made them
terribly muddy. Alter the muddy ex-
lerience ot the past tew days the Ula-
cier is ready, to, say , that the town
needs sidewalKs. i r
A popular entertainment will be
given on Wednesday evening, Febru
ary 22d, at the Crapper school house,
to provide a school library tund. Ad
mission 10 cents; children under 10,
free. The programme will consist pf
recitations, dialogues, tableaux, vocal
and instrumental music, .
C. J. Hayes found a bottle of "med
icine" on the hill above town which
the owner can have by calling' at the
GLACiER.ottlce. -The medicine has a
suspicious Iook, as it it might be an
original package." . : ;
Tlie Oregon Telephone company is
putting in a local telephone service for
Hood River. - - Mr. C. L.-Couple is
around soliciting subscribers. The
charges are quite'-, reasonable, $1.50 a
nioilth..:-! - r i ', r
Congregational Church. Services at
11 a.' m. Junior society at S p. m.
Chi istlan' Endeavor at 7. p. in., J. F.
rmor,? leader.. ' Sunday school at : 10
a. m. A , cordial welcome to all who
Little Erma Lyons has been very ill
this week with spasms, ' llut is now
much better, and her - mother could
leave home,' Wednesday, to visit tier
father, Mr. W. H. Perry. .. . ,
The Davidson Fruit Co.: has pur
chased three lots' just west of the
Mountuiu Stage Co's staiiles and have
ommenced the erection of their can
nery on the same.' s .
The show has all disappeared from
the valley- The roads have been fear
fully muddy but are fast drying up un
der the influence! of the strong west
winds. " . . -'
Frank Noble picked up a very lieavy
and no doubt t Valuable finger ring.
which he left at -Blowers store, aud
which the owner can. have by calling
for it. -t--:- - '."'- - -v-j:;.'-
Earl Prather, aged 18 years, a nephew
of . Geo., T. Prather, arrived here last
week from Kansas City and will make
his home with his uncle. ,, ., ,
Tillett's sray pumps can be seen at
Bio wets' store, the largest spray pumps
ever seen in this valley; ana the chenp
est in price, from $2 up. . V'
Ross Winaiis cougar story is going
the rounds of t lie press, ai:d at latest
accounts it had got up to seventeen
c mgars lie has killed. - 4
J. H. Gerdes has sued G. D. Wood-
wortli for soniethiiig like $3,000 for
damuges sustained last full while work
ing on the flume. - ' .,x
T. H. ''lark, who is cook at Smith &
Russell's mill at Cascade .liOcks, came
home Tuesday, evening for a vacation
of a few days..;i:,j ; . '
S. - E. Bartmess went to ' Portland
Wednesday, where he will remain till
Saturday and attend lectures on 'em
balming. t ..
Williams & Brosius have received a
suppl of bicycles, of the .1899 .Crawford,
which they cau-sell this year at dU
and $00 - ' . '
If you intend to build a house or
barn, don't forget that Denzer can save
you money by buyiug material from
him. :';..'..;.. -. ' '. , . ..
The ladies' Aid society of the Coti-
gregalional church will meet . at the
parsonage, F riday, today, at a p. m. ,
In order, to reduce our stock of goods
before we move, we now sell at lowest
figures possible, at Denzer s.- '
G. D. Woodworth has extra star A
star shingles for sale at $1.00 per 1,000,
right here in Hood ntver.
Mr. W. H. Perry is Improving slow
ly. He is now walking about the
house on two crutches. , .. :
Mr Lyman Smith has returned from
Astoria and will again make his home
n Hood River.
P. F. Bradford has rented W. -J.
Smith's box factory for the season of
Dr. Benjamin" will be at the Mt.
Hood hotel, Saturday, February 25th.
Bone & McDonald will sell you asm.
package of washing powder for 10 cents.
Capt. Blowers was laid up with the j
grip Tuesday and confined to his house. I
If your bicycle needs repairing, or if i
you want a new one go to Denzer's. -If
you are looking for headquarters
in kitchen utensils go to Denzer's.
Ride a wheel and buy your bike of
Williams & Brosius -Shingles
for s ile by Denzer. '
Hamilton Remnants, same quality. Otve feller is little bit
spunky about them, but our customers ain't 5c.
Splendid white outing flannel, 5c. ' ,
Very pretty patterns Kiomo flannel, 7e.
Elegant line of meti's Hats, from $1 to $3.50. Nice variety
to select from and better than Portland prices. Best grades are
guaranteed one year from holes; but you musn't shoot at 'em
nor promise to eat 'em; they are too lough. Custom made, of
the very best material is that good enough? R sure 2 C M or
U will miss it. ' ,
An excellent Shoe for spring is our genuine kangaroo calf,
high cut Bellows tongue, double sole and tap, all seems guar
anteed, at $2.15. No better value any where. ,
I on't forget those Dalles brooms; 5c less than Dalles prices.
Agency for Columbia. Hartford and Vedette Bicycles.
Obituary. ' ,-
Deacon : J4. N. , McCoy was born at
Ripley, Greene county, Ohio, October
15, 1826, and departed a long and use'
fill life at his home near Hood River.
Sunday evening, February 12, 1899,
aged 72 years, 3 months and 27 days.
In 1842 Deacon McCoy came overland
with his parents to Illinois, in which
state he lived until 1875, He was
united in marriage with Miss Mary E.
Herron, February 14, 1851. This union
was terminated by the' death of his
wife, February 5, 1885. lo this union
ten children were born, all excepting
the eldest being born in the same house
on the old homestead in Woodtord
county, III. In 1875 Deacon McCoy
moved, with his family, to Iowa,where
they resided ten years. In the fall of
1885 he came to Hood - River where
some of his children had preceded htmJ
and since that time has been a highly
respected and ieloved resident of our
valley. On October 12, 1887,. Deacon
McCoy was united in marriage with
Mrs. Rose Fletcher, his now sorrowing
and bereft widow. Five of bis ten
children have passed on before. Win,
H. of The Dalles, John C. of Hood
River, Elmer E. of Seattle, Mrs. Agnes
Jones of Portland, and Mrs.' Minnie
Odell of Hood River, with his faithful
companion mourn the loss of a loving
and devoted husband aud fattier In
1851 Deacon McCoy professed faith in
Christ, and . from that day until the
day of his - death he maintained an
open - heart of integrity toward God
and toward men. His faith was beau
tiful, .his disposition was gentle, his
life was consistent, his counsels were
wise, and his activities were untiring;
these lofty, traits of character"" madt
him so beloved by the church and Uie
community'. During the civil war
Deacon McCoy held the position of
provost marshal and in that capacity
rendered hU country faithful and ef
ficient service. He was a most faithful
and beloved member of Riverside Con
gregational church, and has been a
deacon in the church since its organ
izatiau in 1890". Over three years ago,
at the annual meeting or the church,
the membership showed its great con
fidence in him by electing him deacon
for life. So faithful in work, so kindly
indisposition, .so wise in counsel, so
happy in presence, so lovely in char
acter! How the church will miss him!
It mourns its deep loss; it rejoices in
his eternal gain. The pastor, Rev. J.
L. Hershner, conducted the funeral
services, Tuesday, at 1.80 p. ni., in the
presence of a large concourse of friends
and ecquaintances. - Interment at Idle
wilde cemetery. His. wife and child
ren in their sorrow and loss have the
heartfelt .sympathy of a large circle of
appreciative friends. '"Tis ever wrong
lo say a good man dies."
Thomas Pollock, a pioneer of Ore
'gon, was found dead on his homestead,
just west of Underwoodf., Washington,
last Thursday. It is supposed that he
died of heart failure on Monday, Feb.
6, 1899. On that day he had called at
B. F. Beal's house, his nearest neigh
bor, and Mrs. Beat had given him a
chicken. He was living alone. Mr,
Ben I. not seeinc nnvthinir of the old
mull went to his nlsice Thnrsdiv morn- i
man, w ent io nis pia e i niirsaay morn-
intj and lound him I.ylnt; dead by a log
that he had been sawing. The saw
had pinched, and the old man evi
dently had started to put in a wedize
when (lie dread summons came and he
died without a struggle. - Mr. Beal
came to Hood River and procured a
coffin and hud the remains buried on
his own place. Deceased came to Ore
gon from Pennsylvania in 1845 and
was over 82 years old. He was an In
dian War veteran and had quite a his
tory, and we regret that nur knowledge
of his history is limited. He lived for
a number of years in ' Hood River,
where he was respected by every one of
Ids neighbors. He was a kindly old
man aud was well informed. :
Mrs. Mary' Matone died on Rock
creek, near Mosier, Oregon, February
5, 1899, aged 90 years and 4 months.
Deceased was born in Kentuckey, Oct..
10, 1809. Her maiden name was Goosey.
She was married to James Prathar in
Indiana and bore him 12 children, 9
sons and three daughters. Her nrst
husband died in 18U0, and in 1867 she
married Uriah Malone in St. Clair
county, Missouri, who died in 1875.
In 1890 she came to Oregon and made
her home since then on Rock creek.
Five of her children survive her Rece
Prathar. the eldest, aged 65, of Ruck
creek; Charles Prathar of Rock creek ;1
Andrew and James Prathar of Holt
county Mo.; and Wm." Prathar, now
living in Texas. For 85 years she had
been totally bli ltd but was strong and
hearty up till a week before her death,
when she was taken with the grip.
She joined the Baptist church at the
Hue of 25 and remained a consistent
Christian to (he end of her long life.
Mrs. Peter Odell died in Portland,
February 14, 1899, aged 28 years. The
remains were brought to Hood River,
Wednesday.' and on Thursday were
burled r.t P: ne Grove. Deceased's maid-
A -
en name was Lela Emily Kemp. She
was a daughter of Mrs. Alice R. Kemp
of the East Side. Her disease was con
sumption, and only last Sunday she
started from Hood River, accompanied
by her husband and sister Nettie Kemp,
for Southern California, but was taken
rapidly worse and died iu a Portland
David Straight died at his home near
White Salmon, Washington. February
13, 1MH, aged eli years. Deceased was
weir known' throughout the Middle
Columbia country. 1
Mrs. Margaret Lauterbach died at
White Salmon, Februa:y 12, 1899, aged
73 years.
i 1 Card of Thanks.
I wisli to express my heartfelt grat
itude to the Kind tr lends, who gave aid
and comfort during the illness of my
dear. departed wife. - Jason Rand.
- . :....:: Bora. .
In Hood River valley, February 10,
1899, to- Mr. a-nd Mrs. Wm, Kennedy,
a sou. : , - . -
; ' Successful Applicants. i
There were sixteen applicants for
county certificates at the late teachers'
examination at The Dalles. Below we
give the names of the successful candi
dates: "
First Grade T M. B. Chastain,
Victor; , Bessie Isenlierg, Hood River.
' Second Grade Francis H Fouts.
The : Dalles; Cora L Copple, Hood
Kiver; r. A Beaty, Wainiu.
Third Grade Job Crabtree, Wamic:
Elsie McAllister, Mabel O'Brien and
Maud Sigman, Dufur; Jennie Parsons,
Hood River; Frank Woodcock, jr.,
Wamic; Ina Marsh aud Rilla Taylor.
The Dalles.
Mrs. Kate Roche of The Dalles was
recommended by the county board for
state- diploma. Anna Lang and
Minnie Michel! of The Dalles, and
Mary Frazlerof Hood River for state
life diploma. - Catherine Martin for
state certificate. . . .
"Brethern and sistem," said an old
darkey at prayer-meeting, "I'se teen a
mighty mean nigger in my time. I
jined de church. I'se -stole watermil
y tins, I'se ciised, I'se got drunk, I'se
shot crap, I'se sloshed odder coons wif
my razor, an' I'se done a sight of odder
tings. -" But, thank the Lawd, I'se
neher lost my religin." .
JSggs for Hatching.
Kifff Wyandotte, $3 for lo.
V. H. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Jan.
31, 18IIH. Complaint having been entered at
tills ottlee by Warren Cooper against Thomoti
A. Conner for abandoning his Homestead En
try, Xo. 4550, dated Oct. 2, 1&U2, upon the north
northeast and north north weHt sec
tion .11. townsnin 1 north. rMni?e.l0 east,. .v.M..
tin, Wasco county. Oregon, withaview to the
cancellation of said entry, the said parties ure
heret)V 8umni,led to appear at this olllee on
the 6th day of April, 181W, at 10 o'clock A. M
to respond and furnish testimony concerning
saio auegcu ananuonmeni.
f 1011117
JAY P LUCAS, Register.
Came to Paradise farm, last November, a
pale red heifer, 2 years old next spring, No
marks or brands. Owner can have same by
paying charges, , flO
Sealed Bids
For .the construction of five sections.of flume
on the I'rlgge ditch will be received up to
noon February IStn, 18119. Specifications can
be had by applying to the secretary. Board
reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
C; E. MARK HAM, Secretary.
Water Notice.
Applications for water from the Watrr Sup
ply Company of Hood River Valley for 18119
must, be tiled with the secretary before March
1. 1899. . O. E. MAKKHAM, Secretary.
United States Land Offlne, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Jan. 27, 1899. Complaint having been en
tered at- this ollice by Hiram J. Hess against
William J. Hallitleld for abandoning his
Homestead Entry, Mo. 4429, datd Jmie3, 189k,
upon the southwest -i seel Ion 8, township 1
south, range 10 east, w. M., In Wasco county,
Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said
entry, the said parties are hereby summoned
to appear at this ortlce on the 'iid day of
March. 1899. at, 10 o'clock a. m . to respond and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged
f 10m 17
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Money Wanted.
School District No. 7 wants to borrow gfiOO.
Apply to JOHN MONROK. School Clerk.
At a Bargain.
Some fine fruit land near town, including
spring of (10 gallons per minute, and other
water righta. T. R. COON.
Plymouth Rock Eggs.
Thoroughbred Rarred Plymouth Rock eggs
for sale at 50c tor lit. Come and see the hens,
or leave orders at the post nlHce.
f3 .... MttS. A. J. RANI).
bone &
Staple Gi
.... .-I ' ...
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes,
v,.'. ; Which we will sell at live and let live prices. :
Agents for Osborne
rr ' -
I have opened a choice lot of Groceries In the siore room formerly occupied by the Hool
Ulvcr Pharmacy. Will also deal In Flour, Feed, etc. '
Our goods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keep the best at all times. Quick;
sales and small profits will be our motto. Come and see us.
' Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in th valley .J
' , ,' '- '...'. DEALER IN . ... . . .
JDxy G-oods, - Ciotlp-izi.g:,
" ' - ' AM) , - -
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
Time Schedules.
Fr'm HOOD RIVER Akkivb
Salt Tjike, Denver,!
Ft Woi th.Omttha.l
Kansas City, Sti
10:12 p.m.
Mail '
4:11 p.m.
IjHuis, ... unicago
and the East. .
Walla Walla, Spo-I
-4:47 p.m.
5:57 a.m.
St i'aui, uuiutn,
Milwaukee, Chi
cago and East.
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
Iooeas Steamships
For San Francisco i
Every Ave days.
8 n.m.
Columbia River
4 p.m.
Ex. Sundayi
Ex .Sunday.
10 p.m.
To Astoria aud wayi
Willamette River. 4:tt) p.m.
6 a.m. Oregon City. New-iEx-isuuday.
Ex. Sunday berg.salem & wayi
lanuings. , .
Willamette , anoi
8:80 p.m.
Mon, Wed.
and Frl.
7 a.m.
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
Yamhill Rivers.
lOregon Citv.Davton
una way lanaings.
6 a.m.
Tues, Thur,
and Sat.
Willamette River, r 4:30 -.m.
Portland to Corval-iTues., Thur.
lis & way landings.
and Slit.
1:15 a.m.
Lv Lewist'n
snake River.
6:4-1 a.m. dui-
dally ex. Bat.
Riparia to Lewlston ex.Frlday
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
E. B. Clark, Agent, Hood River."
Kitchen Furniture, '
Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and complete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keen constantly adding. Our Drices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty
Columbia Nursery.
Large assortment of all
- kinds of nursery stock.. V
... Send for Catalog. j .
.. Hood Riveh, Ok.
Mowers and Reapers.
. . Has nothing to do with the .
' But Was put here to attraot your . .- ' t ;
: attention for a moment so that
; . we could inform you that the '
. place to buy your DKUGS Is , .
A - . ... ..... .... ,
CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.- ' i . .
" . ; Eight Years Experience
o;. L. COPPLE.
- THE--
esiortlait Slstorli
avigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
DailFM. Dais ufl Porta
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles....'. .8.45 a.'m.
Leave Portland .' 7.00 a. m.
One way..., .$1 50
Round trip 2. 60
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Airent,
Are You Interested? :.
The O. R. fe N. Co's new book on the Re
sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is
being distributed.' Our readers are requested'
to forward the addresses of their hastem
friends and acquaintances, and a copy of tlie ,
work will be sent them free. This Is a matK r "
ALL should be Interested in, and we would
ask that every one take an. interest and for
ward such addresses to W. H. I turlhurt. Gen
eral Passenger Agent, O. It. it N. Co., Portland.
iana umee at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. 21,
i8D9. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler haa tiled notice ot hi inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made !- .
fore the Register and Receiver, at The Imllcs,
Oregon, on Tuesday, March 7, !, via:;
.. ' ANSON E. CURTIS,. ' ;' .
of Hood River, Homestead Application Now'
5021, for the. east V northeast '4, southwest 4
northeast and nortliwest souflieaMt
section IU, townshlp2north, range lUcast.W.Aj.
He names the lollowina: witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: , . :
Mrs. HaUie Hansen, H. A. Hackett, Harry
Brown and K. Lyons, all of Mood River, Ogiu
J27in8 JAY. P. LUCAS. Hj-gisler;
Land , Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jan. .
'21, 18IW. Notice Is hereby given that Hie following-named
settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make lina.1 proof in support of his
claiuvand that said proof will be made Indole
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Saturday, March 4, 181)9, viz:
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
7037, for the east northwest and lots 1 and
2, section 31, township '2 north, range 10 east,
W. M. . ' .
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ills continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
1,'. T Winona N m,l Pteai- nN.n, ' Tnhn
Rusktrk, The Dalles, Oregon; Frank Netl and
M. O, Wheeler of Hood River, Oregon.
Ja7m8 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Taken Up.
A 2 or 3-year-old bay mure coH: wliito spot
in toreheiid ni white spoton nose. NobruntL
Owner if notified to come and take her away
and pay charges. JOHNJlOUKItM,
Blacksmithing:. '
My bJneksmitii Khop. lj miles from towrn,
.oil Mt. Mood nni'1, Is af'ain oper tor bulneML
in oe giau 10 meet my oiu ensTomrrs,
yii . G. A. IIOWKLL.