The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 03, 1899, Image 1

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    he Hooc
iver 6
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 37,
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Comr-hennlve Ktvler of I he Import'
nut llatp-iiingii of the 1'itMt Week
fulled From the Telegraph Columns
The New Yoik Evening World prints
au interview with John Sherman, in
which tho latter forcibly expresses dim
Mi If against expansion.
According to figures published nt
Madrid, 80,000 S pan in h soldiers per
ished, chiefly through sickness, during
the hint campaign in Cuba.
It is reported in Havana that Gen
eral Rabiwith 1,500 Cuban insur
gent!, haa taken tn the hillH in Santa
Clara, in defiance of American author
ities A battle has taken place at San An
cauna, Ecuador, between government
troops and inn urgent-. Four hundred
men were killed and 300 wounded, and
400 insurgents were taken piisoneis.
The premier, Senor Sagasta, has an
nouneed that the government had de
cided to convoke the cortes during the
second half of February, whether the
United States senate ratifies the peace
treaty or not.
A bicycle saddle combine is to ho or
ganized and capitalized at $1,500,000
preferred and $750,000 common stock.
Those already in line are said to pro
duce U0 per cent of all the saddles used
in North America and a fair percentage
of those used abroad.
Considerable alarm is felt in admin
istration circles over the possibility
that Spain and Germany may recognize
the Philippine republic Germany
from interested motives and Spain to
free the 8,000 or 10,000 Spanish troops
hold as prisoners by Agninaldo.
The strike which has been in prog
ress at Colon, Colombia, for nearly a
fortnight, among the dock laborers, has
extended to Panama, partly owing to
the fact that the Chilian lino of steam
ers lias increased tho wages of its em
ployes, thereby accentuating the dead
lock. John F. Kennedy, who attained no
toriety in connection with the numer
ous train-robberies and other crimes in
the vicinity of Kansas City, has been
held without bail at Mansfield, Mo.,
for a hearing before the grand jury of
Wright county on a charge of train
robbery. The Planters' hank, at Kansas City,
with a capital of $25,000, has been
closed by the state..' The propi inters
are under arrest by order of Secretary
of State Leseur ami Assistant Attorney
General Jeffries. The bank has no vis
ible assets, it is alleged, whatever.
The second annual convention of the
National Livestock Association is in
session at Denver. Nearly 1,000 dele
gates are present.
Governor G. A. Culberson has bee'n
elected by acclamation in the Texas
legislature to be United States senator,
to succeed Roger Q. Mills.
Amalgamation of tho copper mine
interests of the Houghton, Mich., dis
trict and of Montana has been delayed
by the severe i'lness of Levy Mayer.
Jndge E. W. Woodbury, who framed
the first prohibitory liquor law enacted
by the Maine legislature, is dead at
his homo in Bethel, in that state, aged
81 years.
The fourth annual convention of the
National Association of Manufacturers
is in session in Cincinnati. It is
thought a full attendance of 1,200
members will be present,
The Spanish minister of war has do
cided to abolish military marshals, o
retire half of the unattached generals
and to greatly reduce the number of
officers on the active list in the interest
of retrenchment.
A dispatch from Washington says:
There is reason to believo that the va
cancy in the Anglo-American jciot
high coinmisson caused by the death of
Mr. Dingley will soon be filled by the
appointment of Representative Tawney,
of Minnesota.
The commissioners sent by the Cuban
assembly to Washington to learn what
the Unitod States government will do
about paying the Cuban army, have
Bailed for Havana. General Gomoz
secretary, Captain Kohly, said that the
commission had obtained apait of what
they asked.
No more names will be considered
for appointment to any branch of the
jiostal service in Cuba. Tile postofliee
department has been overwhelmed with
applications for these appointments,
and enough eligible names are now on
file to fill all possible emergencies for
five years to come.
Heavy rains, unusual in this lati
tude at this time of the year, have in
jured the spring crop of sugar cane in
Nicaiagua. The cotlee crop in Nica
ragua, now being gathered, will not ex
ceed half of the annual crop. Laborers
are asking high prices to gather the
harvest, and are indisposed to work.
The North German Gazette again
denies the rumor that Prince Hohenlohe
contemplates resigning the imperial
Twenty children are reported to have
been drowned by an ice disaster at the
village of Warpuhnen, Boirhoim, re
cently. Tho president has nominated Colonel
Asa li. Carey, assistant paymaster-general,
to be paymaster-general, with the
rank of brigadier-general.
A terrible blizzard was general
throughout tho Mississippi valley on
the 2Uth and iiOth of January, reaching
us far south as St. Louis.
Three representatives of 40 German
families in tho Kant are looking over
the Pacific Noithwest with a view to
buying several thousand aures of lull. I
foi a colony.
Mrs. Jane L. Stanford, who hat
settled the estate of her late husband,
Lelaud Stan lord, and who would bo en
titled to 1357,708 as fees, refuses to ao
cept anything for her services.
Companies II, D, K and L, of the
Seventeenth United States infantry,
412 enlisted men and nine officers,
have left Columbus for the Philippines.
They go via New York.
The American shipping interests ol
the Hawaiian islands have largely in
cieased since their annexation to the
United States. There are now load
ing for or on the way to the islands 50
vessels, of which 85 fly the American
F. W. Peck, United States commissioner-general
to the Paris exposition,
asks congress to increase the amount
set aside for the government exhibit to
$1,000,000. The first appropriation
was $65,000, which Mr. Peck says is
entirely too small.
The reported rich strike of gold at
Cripple Creek has been confirmed. It
is the richeHt ever discovered in the
woi Id, estimated to run as high as
$500,000 to the ton. There is blocked
out in one level, at a depth of 850 feet,
$5,000,000 worth of ore.
A. Thompson, agent of the Coadt
Seamen's Union at Seattle, says: "Un
less the Shipowners' Association gives
up trying to put scab seamen on ooast
ing vessels, a general strike will be or
dered, and every sailing vessel on the
coast tied up as soon as she gets into
port. The union men will not accept
less than $40 per month."
Theodore Kirchener, aged GO, acci
dentally shot and killed his wife at
Newtonville, N. Y.
One billion feet of Oregon timber,
on Abiqua creek, was sold to Wiscon
sin parties a few days ago.
The thermometer ranged fiom 35 to
40 degrees below zero at different
points in Wisconsin the first of the
Ore assaying from $10,000 to $100,
000 gold per ton is reported to have
been struck in the Isabella mine at
Cripple Creek, Colo.
On the 17th ballot taken in the joint
session of the Montana legislature Sat
urday, Hon. Wm. A. Clark was elocted
United States senator.
In the lower house of congress a
joint resolution has been adopted grant
ing to Venezuela the privilege of send
ing a cadet to West Point.
Charges affecting the integrity of
District Judge Scott, of Omaha, and
seeking his impeachment by the legis
lature have beeu presented to that
Ex-Senator Slater, a prominent figure
in Oregon politics for a number of
years, died at his home in La Grande
on the 28th. He came to Oregon in
The Montauk Club, of Brooklyn, ten
dered a banquet on the 28th to Admiral
William T, Sampson, and prinoipal
among the other guests was Secretary
of the Navy Jonh D. Long.
A big celebration was held in Havana
in honor of the memory of the first Cu
ban president, Jose Marti. Four thou
sand poople were present, and there
was no disorder of any kind.
The body of Captain Sturtevant,
pilot of the Paul Jones, has been found.
From the clothing of the body it is be
lieved he was off duty and asleep when
the disaster was caused by the boiler
General Eagan, tried by court-martial
on charges of conduct unbecoming
an officer and gentleman, was found
guilty and sentenced to dismissal from
the army. The president has the
power to mitigate or entirely set aside
the findings.
The district attorney at Philadelphia
has notified counsel for Senator Quay,
liis son, Richard, and ex-State Treas
urer Haywood, that he had fixed Mon
day, February 20, as the date for trial
of the three defendants on the charge!
of conspiracy in the misuse of the
money of the state on deposit in the
People's bank. I
Private advices received at Seattle
state that the government will send
three detachments of so'dieis into the
Copper river district of Aiaska next
spring to lay out a mail route to the
Yukon river and establish ports. The
purpose is to establish an all-American
route to the Yukon. It will extend
from the mouth of Copper liver U
Eagle City, 60 miles below Dawson.
Oregon'! Lawmaker! Are Now Getting
Down to (i ixxl nurd
In the Oregon state senate Wednes
day the following bills were passed:
To authorize the construction and
maintenance of floodgates on Douglas
and other sloughs, Douglas county; to
require justices of the peace to submit
complaints to the district attorney, ex
cept for murder, arson, robbery, grand
larceny, before fees may be collected;
to piovide a trust fund in "Multnonmli
county; to authorize the'' Eugene di
vinity school to confer theological and
biblic?.! degrees; to amend the' act
passed last fall so as to make all quart!
and p'acer claims real estate; to remove
from principal defendants in prosecu
tions ftrV abortion the shield afforded
by section 2011 of the statutes, which
absolves them from testifying on the
grounds that it might incriminate the
witness; to provide for county clerks
to transmit to tho secretary of states
summary instead of a complete trans
cript of assessment rolls; amendments
to Grants Pass charter; to permit suit
for possession of real estate to be main
tained by plaintiff not in actual posses
sion; to provide for election of a dis
trict road supervisor.
Bates' hill for clerks of the justice
courts in Multnomah county, after be
ing emasculated by striking out the
salary feature, was recommitted he
cause found not to be limited to Mult
nomah county.
Adams' bill to tax dogs also was te
cominhted, after considerable discus
sion, for amendment so as to exempt
cities where dogs are already licensed.
In the house the hill pkviding for a
special election in Malheur county for
relocation of county seat was made a
special order for Wednesday, February 1.
Upon motion of Curtis, each Wednes
day night hereafter will be devoted to
consideration of local measuies.
Dr. Josephi's insane asylum bill,
which passed the senate yesterday, was
rushed through the ilrnt and second
readings and referred to the committee
on penal, reformatory and chaiitable
Shetwin's hill, to amend the charter
of tiold Hill, so as to enable the town
to issue $2,500 water bonds, was passed.
Tho joint committee on fisheries, to
meet a like committee from the Wash
ington legislature, was excused till Tues
day next. The bill of Curtis amend
ing the fishing laws was ordered print
ed and referred to this committee with
instiuctions to brine it to the atten
tion of the Washington committee.
The reapportionment hill was passed
in the hoiiHu Thursday by the narrow
margin of one vote.
The bill to create a new county out
of portions of Grant, Crook and Gil
liam counties was defeated.
A bill for protection of trout, and
one for protection of carwfish were
A resolution was introduced to re
strict the introduction of new bills to
February 8, but it was indefinitely
A resolution changing the date of
visiting Corvallis by the joint commit
tee from February J to February 4
In the senate the bill to authorize
school clerks and county judges to dis
pose of land bid in at sales for delin
quent taexs came up as a special order
Thursday. An amendment excepting
from redemption by original owners
land contracted to be sold was offered
and the hill was recommitted for the
Bills passed were: To amend the
law relating to certain male animals
running at large, applicable to Eastern
Oregon ranges; to cure defects in deeds
heretofore made that are faulty in ex
ecution, witnessing or acknowledgment;
to amend the law relating to the mak
ing of deeds by the sheriff.
The reapportionment bill which
passed the house Thursday passed the
senate Friday after a debate consuming
nearly tho whole morning session. The
final vota was 22 ayes, 4 noes, 4 absent.
The report of the committee appoint
ed at the special session to investigate
the Loewenberg contract at the peni
tentiary was taken from the table, and
amendments proposed to the effect that
the $32,500 settlement be made by
February 10, that not less than $10,000
be paid in cash and the balance in
notes satisfactory to the boaid, and
then the whole matter was made a
special order for Tuesday at 2:80 P. M.
In the senate the following hills
were introduced during the past week:
To put in the hands of the secretary of
state the matter of ordering the print
ing of reports, session laws, circulars,
blanks, etc, the printer to act only
upon the written order of the secretary,
except that the governor may order the
printing of executive documents; to
protect life and property from danger
of railroad trains by providing numer
ous regulations for warnings on trains
and railroads and exempting from
claims for damages railroad companies
that comply with the law; to prevent
combinations between fire insurance
companies to maintain rates same as
the Iowa statute; to amend the charter
of Woodbum passed; to appropriate
$:!5,000 for a flax manufacturing plant
at the penitentiary same as was in
tioduced in the house yesterday;
The Oregon Crape an the Mute
Ill the Oregon senate Monday after
noon three bills wero introduced, 25
house bills were read tho first time, two
house bills read the second time and
referred, and two house bills were
liaseltine, of the committee on horti
culture, reported favorably a bill for
park boards in cities of 8,000 or moro
Petitions were filed from 20 mem
bers of the Nesmyth Grand Army post,
The Dalles, favoring admitting wives
and widows of soldiers and sailors to
Ube Soldiers' Home; from 18 residents
pn the Harlow road, favoring the state's
acquiring that thoroughfare; from 47
residents of Clackamas county, for the
county court to plank bridges for trac
tion engines; from Portland Woman's
Club, for the adoption of the Oregon
grape as tho state flower. The last
named petition was accompanied by a
resolution, which was passed, declar
ing the berberis aqoifolium the official
Btate flower.
The house bill to create the office of
state biologist was passed, 17 to 10.
The amended charter of the town of
Adams was the only other hill passed.
Haseltine offered a resolution of
thanks to Henry E. Dosch for his serv
ices to the state at the Omaha exposi
tion, and it was unanimously adopted.
The following now bills were pre
sented: To authorize the governor to
let convict labor for not less than 85
cents per day per man for a period not
exceeding 10 years; to amend the As
toria charter so as to permit the water
commission, instead of the council, to
fill vacancies on its board; to amend
the statutes so as to permit only 5
cents per mile for private persons serv
ing papers or for jurors and witnesses
in Multnomah county.
In the IloiiHe.
In the house Monday afternoon,
Donnelly's bill fixing the salaries of
otfleeiH of Tillamook county, were
passed. A number of hills wero read
the second time anil referred to com
mittees, and half a dozen bills were in
troduced. Before adjournment, also,
the ball was set in motion for the res
urrection of the apportionment bill.
Contrary to expectations, Donnelly's
hill to create Wheeler county out of
portions of Crook, Grant and Gilliam,
which was defeated in the houau Janu
ary 26, had comparatively Binooth sail
ing today, passing by a vote of 84 to
18; absent, 11; paired, 2.
Myers submitted a report of the
joint legislative committee on fisher
ies, showing that uniform legislation
had been agreed upon at tho conference
held in Taooma Sunday, which was
Bills were introduced as follows: To
incoprorate Metfford; to amend the
charter of Arlington; to prohibit exhi
bitions of mesmerism, hypnotism and
artificial somnambulism providing
penalties ranging from a fine of $50 to
$200 therefor; to prohibit laying out
county roads on a. greater grade than 7
per cent, and to requiro road and
bridge work to be done by written con
tract with the lowest bidder, whenever
the cost exceeds $50; to abolish the
office of county recorder of Clatsop
county; to prohibit tho organization of
hanks with a smaller capital than $10,
000; to protect trout, to change the
time of terms of court in the second
judicial district.
Washington Senator Debate It, Hut
Take No Action.
The interest and usury bill was tip
for lengthy debate in the senate again
Monday morning, but after debate no
action was taken and the bill was left
suspended in the air, when the senate
adjourned to participate in the joint
ballot for United States senator.
The Mantz-Gray contest was taken
up by special order, at the afternoon
session. H. J. Snively, of Yakima, on
behalf of Mantz, and W. H. Smiley, of
Colville, on behalf of Gray, were each
given 40 minutes in which to address
the senate The majority and minor
ity reports of the senate judiciary com
mittee practically held that there had
been no election in the Stevens-Spokane
district. The hearing and dis
cussion was continued until Tuesday
One bill was introduced. It provides
that in cities of over 5,000 inhabitants
justices of the peace shall receive
$2,000 and constables $1,200 per year.
In the Home.
In tho house the bill fixing maxi
mum rates of railroad and etearaboat
transportation companies at 3 cents
per mile passed by a vote of 57 to 13.
As amended, it has become a ciiminal
statute, its provisions including a pen
alty for any violation by railway em
ployes. The following bills were introduced:
For the relief of L. D. Groydir, of
Spokane, and appropriating $294 for
enumerating Indians on the Colville
reservation in 1891; creating a railroad
commission ami establishing a code of
railway legislation; defining mineral
lode claims as extending 300 feet on
either side of the middle of the vein;
providing for the binding, preservation
and distribution of public reports bien
nially of succeeding sessions of the leg
islature; compelling the use of Wide
tires on wagons bearing heavy loads,
graduating wider under heavier loads;
Washington and Oregon
Fishing Industries.
Measure! of Common Intercut to lie
Recommended to the Two Legisla
tures for lnactineiit.
An unanimous agreement has been
enchco! by' the joint legislative com
mittees of Oregon and Washington
touching fishing industries of mutual
interest to both states. They formu
lated resolutions making such recom
mendations as will, it is thought, ob
viate differences between the two states
arising fiom conflicting laws.
Among the points of agreement
reached may be mentioned the follow
ing: Changes relativo to the close season
for salmon-fishing on the Columbia
river; the Sunday close law is to be
done away with; the Washington law
is to be made to conform with the Ore
gon law regulaMng the fall salmon close
season; the gill-net license is to be left
at $2.50, with the addition of an indi
vidual license fee of $1 each for all
fishermen, as at present provided for in
the Oregon law; the set-net license
fee is to he raised in both states from
$1 to $2.50; concurrent laws relative to
sturgeon lines on the Columbia river
are to be enacted: the appointment of
a joint commission to establish the
proper boundary lnes is to be asked.
The agreements were reached at Ta
coma Saturday. The Oregon commis
sion consisted of Fish Commissioner
MeGuiro, Senators Koed and Daly, and
Representatives Myers, Curtis and Far
rell. That of Washington comprised
Fish Commissioner Little, Senators
Megler and MoReavy, and Representa
tives Colwell, Sims and Daniels.
It was concluded to recommend the
close-season proposition should begin
at noon, March 1, and close at noun,
April 15. It was recommended to
make the Washington fall season con
current with that of Oregon from
August 10 to September 10.
No settlement was arrived at on the
boundarv-line question. Both states
will probably appoint two citizens
each, who will select n engineer, con
sider the matter, and submit drawings
and profiles at the net biennial session
in each state.
American-Canadian Treaty.
Washington, Feb. 1. Prospects for
an agreement between the British and
American joint high commission on
questions affecting Canada and the
Unitod States have greatly improved
within the last week, and it is ex
pxected now that aoomplete agreement
on all points will be reached early in
Reciprocity has been the stumbling
block in the way of the commission.
The principal point of friction was in
regard to the duty on lumber imposed
under the Dingley law. Canadians
demanded concessions on this that the
American commissioners were not at
first willing to make.
This question has not yet boon Bet
tied, but it is understood that both
sides are more conciliatory, each being
anxious that the entire negotiations
should not fail on account of one point
of agreement.
New Railroad to the Yukon.
New York, Feb. 1. A dispatch to
the Heiald from Washington says:
Several Iowa men have asked congiess
to grant a subsidy of $16,000 a mile
for a railway and telegraph line to the
Klondike. Representative Curtis, of
Iowa, introduced a bill in the house
Saturday to car;y out the wishes of the
These men have organized th6 Cop
per River & Yukon Railroad Company,
and they ask congress to grant them
rights to incorporate for 50 years, to
give them right of way for a railroad
and telegraph line from Valdcs inlet.
This oompany is to bo capitalized at
$30,000,000. It is to have the right to
bond and mortgage the line at not to
exceed $30,000 per mile, but this mort
gage is to be subsequent to the claim
of the United States for the $16,000
per mile advanced by the government.
Cruelty to Spanlnh Prisoner!.
New York, Feb. 1. A dispatch to
the Herald from Manila says: The
Spanish civil prisoners have not yet
been released. Tales of suffering,
hunger and dishonor come from the
provinces. Young Spanish girls are
forced to live in open with low born
natives. Their parents, being power
less, appealed to Agninaldo. His reply
was a letter from dishonored child
exacted after God knows what suffer
ing saying she is happy and content
ed. Ladies have suffered dishonor to
save their husbands from cruel treat
ment. Five priests have died in one
province from hunger and cruelty, al
though $00,003 had been sent by the
corporation foi their maintenance. Ap
peal has been made to the American J
nation, in the name ol ucxl, to stop the
Eagan Courtmartlal Case.
Washington, Fob. 1. The record of
'be couit-martial in the case of Eagan
was placed in the hands of Judge Ad
vocate General Lieber today for review.
Discussion of the Principal Work of the
National House.
Washington, Jan. 81. The house to
day continued the consideration of the
army reorganization bill until.
o'clock, when the members paid their
tributes to the memory of tho late Rep
resentative Simpkins, of Massachu
setts. Little piogress was made with
the army bill, the only amendment
adopted being that to give veterinar
ians in cavalry regiments the rank,
pay anil allowance of second l'outen
ants. The time before the eulogies be
gan was chiefly devoted to a continua
tion of the debate on the advisability
of retaining the Philippines. -
Tho diplomatic and consular appro
priation bill, carrying $1,500,000, was
passed by the senate.
The salaries of secretaries of legation
to the Argontino republic, Venezuela
and Peto were increased to $1,800,
and of the consuls at La Guuavra, Ven
ezuela, from $1,800 to $2,000, and at
Pernamhuco, Brazil, fiom $2,000 to
$2,200. The allowance for clerks of
consulates was increased from $1,600
to $3,200. The salaries of three third
secretaries of embassy at London, Paris
and Berlin were fixed at $1,600 each.
The consulate at Naples was placed in
the $2,500 class; the consulate at Col
lingwood. Canada, in the $2,000 class,
and the consulate at Niagara Falls in
the $1,500 class.
Mason offered a resolution requesting
the surgeon-general of the army to
furnish information as to the percent
age of our soldiers in the Philippines,
who are sick and have been sick, and
the number of deaths in our army by
reason of the sickness caiiBed by the 1
climate. Mason prefaced the resolu
tion with the statement that reports
had been received that "of late years
as high as 50 per cent of the soldiers
unaccustomed to the climate (of the
Philippines) havo died by reason of the
Baid climate."
The Necessary Penalty I Dismissal
From the Aruiy.
Washington, Jan. 81. General Ea
gan, commissary-general of subsist- ,
ence, has been found guilty of the
charges of conduct unbecoming an offi
cer and a gentleman, and of conduct to
the prejudice of good order and disci-
pline, and of the specifications thereto, "'
and has been sentenced to dismissal
from the United States army; but with -a
recommendation from the court for,
the exercise of executive clemency.,.
Under the regulations, the court, hav
ing reached the conclusion that the ac
cused was guilty, had no choice hi
selecting a penalty, the regulations
prescribing absolutely that one punsish- '
merit . dismissal for the offense.
Therefore, the only hope for General
Eagan is in the direction of com m nuta
tion, mitigation or disapproval by the
Payment of the Cubair Army.
Havana, Jan. 81. Senor Fredrico'
Mora, the civil governor of Havana, in .
an interview declared that the question
of the payment of the Cuban anny was
of much greater importance than the
Washington government seems to real
ize. He said of the Cubans were to'
collect the customs of the islands,
which are their property, their first ac
tion would be to meet Cuba's sacred
obligation to the army by payment in -full
to the soldiers. The customs ad
ministration being in the hands of the .
Americans, the Cubans make a simple
business proposition to the United
States government that it , shall ad
vance money to pay the troops, hold
ing the customs as security.
The Cherokee Treaty.
Washington, Jan. 81. The agree
ment concluded at Muskogee, I. T..
January 14, between the Dawes com
mission and the Cherokee nation, pro
viding for the allotment of lands and
general betterment of the condition of
the red men, has been sent to the sen
ate. Four of the five tribes have al
ready agreed to new arrangements and
negotiations are now pending with the
A Fatal Itoiler Explosion.
Chicago, Jan. 31. Four men were
badly burned, one perhaps fatally, by
the explosion of a boiler today in the
basement of the Chicago Tribune. The
meu who had just completed putting
in new grates in the furnace of the
boiler, were standing directly in front
of the furnace when the explosion oc
curred, and were covered first with live
coals, then with scalding water.
A Restraining- Order.
Washington, Jan. 81. To prevent
army officers of superior rank from
seizing upon the quarters of officers of
the transports upon which they may
be traveling, the secretary of war has
been obliged to make an order prohib
iting them from taking the rooms of
the masters and quartermasters of
Two Consuls Nominated.
Washington, Jan. 31. The presi
dent presented these nominations to
the seriate: State, James H. Worman,
of New York, now commercial agent at
Cognao, to be consul at Munich, Ba
varia; William T. Fee, of Ohio, now
consul at Cienfuegos, to be consul at
Bombay, India.
February 6 has been agreed upon by
the senate as the date to vote upon th
peace treaty.