The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 27, 1899, Image 4

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    Write It Down.
5jrite it down in a book, so you can
lee it every day, that St. Jacobs Oil is
b sure to cure Lame Back or Lumbago!
s you vu'ito it down. It does its beati
with it and .leaves behind a cure that'
A Prank of Lightning.
A stroke of lightning has been the
means of an extraordinary archaelogio
r1 disooverv in Voltara. The light
ning struck an old pine tree which
crowned the summit of a hill, and the
owner of the property ordered the tree
cut down. When the workmen began
to dig at the roots they unearthed a
magnificent Eliruscan grave. It con
sisted of a spacious vault supported by
four immense pillars. All around the
grave wete huge marble tablets, and
above them were urns placed in niches.
This unique necropolis measured 50
feet in length and 40 feet in width.
Good Money
Should Buy Good Medicine That
Will Bring Good Health.
The best medicine money can buy is
Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine brings
good health, because it makes good blood.
It cures salt rheum, scrofula, rheumatism,
dyspepsia, catarrh and other diseases that
nave their origin in bad blood. It prevents
colds, fevers, pneumonia and the grip.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price $1.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
Nw Ornamental Vanel.
A new form of ornamental panel de
signed for interior or exterior
decoration or utility, is placed upon a
base of wire network, on which the
panel is built up in relief in whatever
design may be desired.
Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo, j
Lucas County. 1 .
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing Dusim'ss in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav
the sum ol ONE H UNDRKD DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cuke.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6lh day of December, A. D. 1886.
j-sll A,GASOpN',
( ) Notary Public
. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CH ENKY St CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family fills are the best.
It is reported that there is a current
order in the Pittsburg market for about
13,0000 tons of steel rails foi East
When coming to Sun Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Room and
board $1.00 to $1.60 per day ; rooms 50 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
I'ree coach. Clias. Montgomery.
'! Great Britain, Ii eland not included,
has, according to the latest returns,
6,500,000 cattle and 26.314,000 sheep.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, -bells of all sizes
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
Street, Portland, Oregon.
, It is announced that an extensive
copper field has been discovered in the
colony of Natal, South Africa.
Two towns in Kansas Lost Springs
and Boraana have not an idle man or
boy, or an unoccupied house, or a
dog. Each town has a population oi
about 200.
Australian savages eat green ants raw.
They stamp upon an ant hill until the
ants run up their legs, when they
scrape them off and transfer them to
their mouths.
the total length of the streets, ave
nues, . bouvelards, bridges, quays, and
thoroughfares of Paris is set down at
about 600 miles. Two hundred miles
are planted with trees.
From oork ohippings, onoe thrown
away, thousands of yards of linoleum
are now made at Delmenhorst, Gor
What Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say
About It.
Dear Mbs. Pinkham: When I wrote
to you I had not been well for five years;
had doctored all the time but got no
better. I had womb trouble very bad.
My Womb pressed backward, causing
piles. I was in such misery I could
scarcely walk across the floor. Men
struation was irregular and too pro-
iuse, was aiso
troubled with
leucorrhoea. ' I
had given up all
hopes of getting
well; everybody
thought I had
After taking
five bottles of
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegeta
ble Compound,
I felt very much better
- and was able to do nearly all my own
work.. I continued theuse of your medi
cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to
you. I cannot thank you enough for your
advice and your wonderful medicine.
Any bne doubting my statement may
write to me and I will gladly answer
all inquiries. Mrs. Nell Hubst, Deep
water, Mo.
Letters like the foregoing, con
stantly being received, contribute not
a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs.
Pinkham that her medicine and counsel
are assisting women to bear their heavy
burdens. ,
Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass.
.All suffering women are invited to
write to her for advice, which will be
given without charge. It is an ex
perienced woman's advice to women.
"V. fV.lOtft WHUiC All HSiE till ft.
"UouKh Syrup. Tastes Good. tJse
In time. Bold by druRglHta.
items of General Interest Gleaned
From the Thriving 1'aclfio
States. -
Cruelty on the High Seas.
At Portland, Or., on the 18th, sailors
on the German ship Margaretha told
startling stories of alleged cruel treat
ment ou the part of Captain Rasch.
The sailors, to a man, relate a series of
outrages perpetrated since the vessel j
left her home port some eight months
ago, that if true, whether committed
with or without cause, are exceedingly
startling, cruel and inhuman. They
allege that ever since they started out
they have been in danger of getting
killed one way or another, and they as
sort fliaf nrtt. fVi nrnrrhinf, pmiLl r.linv
. . .. ...... ...... .......
be induced to again go to sea under
command of Captain Rasch. The
crew, 25 men all told, have laid their '
complaint before the German vioe
consul. Portland a Reserve City.
Portland is now a reserve city, and
thousands of dollars heretofore kept in '
San Francisco and New York by the
bankers of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho will come to Portland. The con
dition imposed upon national banks in
reserve cities is that they uhall carry
25 per cent of their deposits in avail
able funds, instead of 15 per cent.
Portland banks hava been carrying
from 30 to 60 per cent ever since the'
panic of 1893 and '93, and the new I
j.-a: in a. i t I a- '
'Steelhead Salmon Scarce.
Steelhead salmon are becoming
scarcer as the season draws to a close.
So few are being taken that the cold
storage plants at Astoria have refused
to receive any more, and the quantities
delivered of late were so small that
they did not pay tor the . trouble of
handling them. Private ' buyers are
paying bl and 6 cents a pound, but
the supply is only sufficient for local
demand. The season ends February
Fuget SounA University.
The new management of the Puget
Sound university, of Tacoma, propose
to pay the debts of the university and
endow it undr a subscription scheme,
to be known as the 20th century fund.
All endowment notes given will be
made payable within 10 years, and
will draw interest at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum. It will require but
$50,000 to settle all debts and put the
college in good finanoial condition.
Waterworks for Blgln.
H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, has con
tracted to put in a gravity water sys
tem and an eleotrio light plant in El
gin, Or., construction soon to com
mence. The water will be carried
through a flume for a distance of over
two miles. A part of this power will
be used In running a large flouring
mill. Mr. Gates has contracted to em
ploy local labor in the -construction of
the plant. .
Geo. W. Dent Dead.
George W. Dent, brother-in-law of
General U. S. Grant, and unole of TJ.
S. Grant, jr., candidate for United
States senator, died at Oakland, Cal.
He was 79 years' of age. For 16 years
Mr. Dent was appraiser of customs at
San Francisco. He was appointed by
President Grant, and held office until
retired by President Cleveland. Mr.
Dent came to California in 1853.
Herring Fishing at Fort Towrnend.
On the 18th the docks of Port Town
send were lined with people watching
anglers catohing herring, which were
so plentiful in the bay that in a single
haul of the jigger one to four herring
were landed. The fishermen enjoyed
the sport, while the onlookers secured
a mess of herring by simply picking
them up off the dock.
A Thief Caught.
About a week ago $500 in coin and
some valuable articles were stolen from
an old man named John Weaver, near
Canyonville, Or. Curtis Hartline, 22
years of age, was arrested thereby Con
stable T. J. Butoher on a oharge of
having stolen the money. After his
arrest Hartline admitted his guilt and
was held to answer. .
Boggs Makes Revelations.
Ex-Treasurer Boggs testified in court
recently that about $70,000 of the war
rants involved in the warrant suit
against the city were not signed by
him while he was treasurer of the city,
but were signed three days after his
term expired.
Soldier From Walla Walla Dead.
F. J. Carlyle, of Walla Walla, re
ceived a telegram from Manila, inform
ing him of the death of Allen Carlyle,
his brother. The deceased was a mem
ber of company I, Washington volun
teers, now at Manila. His death was
ascribed to typhoid fever.
The Astoria Push Club..
Secretary Lyman, Of the Astoria
Push Club, has been authorized to visit
the creameries at Albany, Rainier and
Skamokawa for the purpose of making
observations and reporting to the
creamery committee of the association.
First Columbia ltiver Smelt.
The first Columbia river smelt of
the season were offered for sale in an
Astoria market on the 18th. They
were taken at Cathlamet, and the con
signment did not exceed over 50
pounds. .
The Dalles Slot Machines.
As a result of the semiannual license
recently placed upon all electrical slot
machines by The Dalles council, $250
has already been collected and turned
into the oity treasury.
F. E. Thompson, who left a trail ot
bad checks on a local bank from Seattle
to Kam loops, in the interior of British
Columbia, is under anest at the latter
point. He has drawn between $500
and $1,000 on a $10 deposit made at
Seattle the day before Christmas.
. Seattle Market.
OnTonB, 8590o per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, 20$25.
Beets, per sack, 75c. '
Turnips, per sack, 5075c.
Carrots, per sack, 45 60c. -Parsnips,
per sack, $1.
Cauliflower, 5090o per doz.
Celery, 8540o.
Cabbage, native and California
$1.001.60 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 35 50c per box.
Pears, 60c$l. 50 per box.
Prunes, 50c per box.
Butter Creamery, 27c per pound;
dairy and ranch, 1822c per pound.
, Eggs, 37c.
Cheese Native. 1212c.
Poultry Old hens, 14c per pound;
spring chiokens, 14c; turkeys, 16c.
Fresh meats Choice dressed beef
steers, prime, 67c; oows, prime,
6Jc; mutton. 7)c; pork, 67o; veal,
Wheat Feed wheat, 123.
Oats Choice, per ton, $24.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.00
11; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $15.
Corn Whole, $23.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$2526; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel,'' $3. 50;
straights, $3.25; California brands,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham,
per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour,
$3.75; rye flour, $4.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $16. '
Feed Chopped feed, $20 22 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal,. per ton, $35. , ,.
, Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 59c; - Valley,
61c; Bluestem, 62o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats-r-Choice white, 4l42c; choice
gray, 8940c per bushel. .
Barley Feed barley, $2224; brew
ing, $23.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; qhop, $16.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 5065o;
soconds, 4550u; dairy, 4045o store,
2530o. ..
Cheese Oregon full cream, 12o;
Young America, 15o; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.253
per dozen; liens, $3.504.00; springs,
$1.258; geese, $6.007.00 for old.
$4. 50 5 for young; ducks, $5.00
5.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15
16c per pound.
Potatoes 65 70c per suck; sweets,
2c per pound.
Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75c
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75c
per saok; beans, 8c per pound; celery
7075c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 834C per pound. "
Onions Oregon, 75c$l persack.
Hops 1517o; 1897 crop, 46o. .
Wool Valley, 1012o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; . mohair,
26c per pound. -
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and . ewes, 4o; dressed mutton,
spring lambs, 7Jc,per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.25;
light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed,
$5.005.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8.50$3.75;
cows, $2. 50 3. 00; dressed beef,
56c per pound.
Veal Large, 67c; small, 7 8c
per pound. . , '
San Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1012cpet
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10 12c; Val
ley, 1517c; Northern, 9llc.
Millstuffs Middlings, ' $2224.00;
bran, $20.5021.50 per 'o
Onions Sil verskin, 50 75c per sack.
Butter Fancy , creamery, 24c;
do seconds, 21 23c; fancy dairy, 22o;
do seconds, 18 20c per pound.
Eggs Store, 2728c; fancy ranoh,
2981o. .
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2
2.50; Mexican limes, $66.50; Cali
fornia lemons, $2. 00. 800; do choice,
$3.504.50; per box.
Brave Girl.
"It's 'a dreadful thing," he said,
with a gloomy air, "that ice cream
makers are getting so unscrupulous
that they put glue in the frozen mix
ture to give it firmness."
The pretty girl set her lips together
for an instant.
"That may be true," she responded,
rubbing the spoon suggestively over
her empty plate, "but I do not believe
one dish of it ever would make anybody
stuck up." .
And. he had to order a second allow
ance. N. Y. Recorder.
Struggles of the Young Mind.
The following are extracts from ex
amination papers presented by pupils
' at a prominent private school in this
neighborhood: In history Q.: "What
was the character of Henry VIII?
A.: "Henry VIII was a congenial
libertine." In rhetoric Oj.: "What
is an epigram?" A.:' "An epigram
is a figure of speech sometimes used in
a joke and .some times on tombstones,"
Definitions "A myth is a half fish and
half woman." "The vowels are five
a, e, i, o, and n, and some times w and
y." New York Tribune. ,
Froii the Found.
Lodger How do you buy your sau
sages, Mrs. Knag? - '
Mrs. Knag Oh, by the pound.
Lodger Ah, I thought it was some
where near the pound, from the horsey
flavor. Larks.
It is 18 years since the first Japanese
. newspaper was established, and now
i there are in existence 575 daily and
weekly papers, 85 law magazines, 85
medical magazines, 11 scientific and a
! large number of religious journals. ',
I - -1. ,
There Were Only Six Votes Against It
in That Body.
Washington, Jan. 24. The Nicara
gua canal measure, known as the Mor
gan bill, has passed the senate by a
vote of 48 to 6. An impoitanl amend
ment was first adopted which is as
follows: . ' ' -
"That if the president shall be un
able to secure from the governments of
Nicaragua and Costa Rica such conces
sions as will enable the United States
to build and perpetually own and
control said canal, the president is
authorized to negotiate for a oontrol of
or a right to construct, maintain and
perpetually control some other canal
connecting the Atlantic and Pacific
oceans, and the president is required to
negotiate for the abrogation or modifi
cation of any and all treaty obligations,
if suoh exist, as shall in any way in
terfere with the construction, owner
ship and perpetual oontrol ot any such
canal; provided that no payments
shall be made under the provisions of
this act to or for the benefit of the
stockholders of the Maritime . Canal
Company, or for any of its property,
unless the president shall decide to
keep the canal under the concessions
granted to said company."
Hospitals Filled to Overflowing With
Indigent Sick.
Dawson, via Port Townsend, Jan. 24.
The situation here is gloomy. The
number of sick is increasing, and the
six hospitals are full.
The mounted police have donated for
the help of the poor some $30,000 in
cash from their treasury. This leaves
them with but $4,000 cash on hand.
'Commissioner Ogilvie called a meet
ing to decide on ways and means for
relieving the situation, and a memorial
asking foi aid will be sent to Wash
ington. It is estimated that $9,000 a
month will be required to pay for the
treatment of indigent patients. The
death rate this winter has been almost
as great as in the summer.
Several stampedes to new fields have
recently occurred, but in each case the
goldseekers were disappointed. ,
Gold Standard Bill.
Washington, Jan. 24. The house
coinage, weights and measures commit
tee by strictly a party vote ordered a
favorable report on the substitute for
house bill to fix the standard of value
in the United States and for other pur
poses. The bill provides in substance
that the standard of value in the
United States shall be the gold" dollar;
that all oontracts existing and in fu
ture shall be computed in referenoe to
the standard; that there shall be estab
lished a treasury department of issue
and redemption; that greenbacks shall
be retired and that upon their retire
ment gold bills shall be substituted
Archbishop Ireland Wins.
Washington, Jan. 24. The secretary
of the intorior has affirmed the decision
of the commissioner-general of the laud
office in the famous case of Archbishop
Ireland, involving title to 88,178 acres
of land in 'Minnesota. He holds that
under the first oontract made with the
St. Paul, Minnesota & Manitoba Rail
road Company, July 17, 1880, Ireland
was not the purchaser, but that under
the second contract, adopted March 30,
1883, he was the purchaser. Accord
ingly the lands oovered by the first
contract will not go to Ireland, while
he will receive those oovered by the
second ' con t. :t. '
Reported Murder of Spanish Officers.
Labaun, Island of Labaun, British
Borneo.Jan. 24. She steamer Labaun,
which has returned from the island of
Palawan, in the southwestern portion
of the Philippine archipelago,' reports
that the Spanish governor of the island
and a number of Spanish officers were
murdered by the natives while issuing
from church. The natives then re
tired to the hills, taking the women
and children and some men as prison-
Killed in a Mine.
Baker City, Or.. Jan. 24.-J-S. W.
Johnson was instantly killed by a pre
mature blast of giant powder in the
May Queen mine, near the Red Boy
mine, today. Johnson was aged 47
years, and lately oarae from Indiana.
His wife is at the May Queen mine,
and he left two brothers and other rel
atives in Indiana.
Memorial Tablet to Bagley.
Annapolis, Md., Jan. 24. The
memorial tablet placed in the naval
academy chapel in memory of Ensign
Worth Baylev. who was killed on the
Winslow off Cardenas in the late war, I
was unveiled today in the presence of
a large number of naval officers and
Clayton-Bul wnr Treaty.
London, Jan. 24. Tli
e Daily News
editorially today says: "The Clayton
Bulwer treaty is a singular document,
signed by a weak American adminis
tration in peculiar circumstances, and
for Lord Salisbury to insist upon its
unconditional observance now would be
neither gracious nor wise."
A Denial From Rome.
Rome, Jan. 24. The Tribune an
nounces that the Italian cruisers Elba
and Etna are shortly going to China,
but that the rumor of the Italian gov
ernment's intention to seize a Chinese
port is premature.
Schley Given a Sword.
New York, Jan. 25. Rear-Admiral
Schley was presented tonight witn a
jeweled sword by his brother members
of the Royal Arcanum at Carnegie Mu
sio hall, in the presence of 4,000 per
sons. v
More Troops for Cuba.
Savannah, Ga.,Jan. 24. The United
States transport Manitoba sailed today
for Havana. She had on board six
troops of the Seventh cavalry, which
arrived tlytjnorning from Macon.
This Question Is Often Asked by the
v Skeptics-Overwhelming Proof of
Thelr Permanency.
To the Editor: Say in your paper that
Dr. Darrln cured me six years ago of
sciatic rheumatism of years' standing,
and I wish that others should know it.
Electricity cured me, and it has never
returned. My address is 894 Minnesota
avenue, Albina. F. W. GODFREY.
Discharging Earn and Deafness
Dr. Darrln: Seven years ago you treat
ed me for discharging ears and deaf
ness of 19 years' standing. I was totally
deaf. You cured me in a short time. I
am glad to see you back to Portland
again Refer people to me at 890 Cleve
land avenue, Albina.
Another Sotil Made Happy.
To the Editor: For about one year'
prior to going under Dr. Darrin's elec
trical treatment, I had been troubled with
kidney and liver complaint, had great
pain in my back so I could not work
during that time. Dr. Darrln cured me
In less than one month. Refer any one
to me at 234 Second street, Portland.
Dr. Darrin's Place of Business.
Dr. Darrln can be consulted at 215
Morrison street, Portland, from 10 to 12:
2 to 6; 7 to 8. He treats all curable
chronic, acute and private diseases, with
electricity, and scientific medics treat
ment, such as Eye, Rheumatism, Asthma,
Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Indi
gestion, Scrofula, FemaleWeakness, Deaf
ness, Sexual Diseases, Lost Manhood, Ma
laria, Urinary Troubles, Piles or any
other curable disease. Low charges, with
in the reach of all, combined with the best
medical skill. A friendly talk may save
you thousands of dollars or years of suf
fering and perhaps your life. Young,
middle-aged or old men suffering from the
effects of follies and excesses restored to
perfect health, manhood and vigor. Each
visitor seen privately, and all communi
cations received in sacred confidence.
Out-of-town patients can write for ques
tion blanks and circulars free. By that
means many may be saved the expense
of a trip to Portland.
Didn't Mean To.
Little Bessie, having been punishhed
for misbehavior, walked to the other
end of the room, ciying. '(
When her sobs had subsided, her
mother turned to view her repentance,
but found her engaged in making faces
at her. ' ' '
"Why, Bessie," said her mother,
"how can you do so?"
"Oh, mamma," answered the girl
quickly, "I was trying to smile at you,
but my face slipped!" Cincinnati En
quirer. "Ah I If our youthful ideas could
but be realized I"
"If they could we would be cirous
actors; truck drivers or pirates, the
most us." Indianapolis Journal.
Carbide of calcium can be made, ac
cording to French authority, by the use
of pure oxygen with ordinary carbon
as a fuel, for the heat produced is suffi
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Ease." It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists and shoo atoren; for 25c. Trial
package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
(I '
The Jewish year book estimates
that there are in the world about 11,
000,000 of that race, more than half
being under' Russian jurisdiction.
' To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c.
, Late Australian advices report a wild
"rush" to the new diamond mines
discovered at Nulligane, in the North
western part of Western Australia.
CITS Permanently Cured. S o fits or nervousnes
ill" after Ilrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureat
Nerve Kestorei. Send for FfiKB WK.OO trial
bottle and treatise. DR. R. H. KXJKii, IAA., USD
Area street, fhUadelpUia, Pa,
A Spanish newspaper announces
that the last two descendants of Chris
topher Columbus are now occupants of
a poor -house at Cadiz.
j Taken Bold.
We can wake up from sleep and'
find that soreness and stiffness have
taken hold of us, We can use St.
Jacobs Oil and go to sleep and wake up
and find ourselves completely cured.
There are 100 roads of one kind or
another over the Pyrenees ,- between
France and Spain, but only three of
these are passable for carriages.
f. , -
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
A statue of the noted violinist, Ole
Bull, desinged by Herr Sinding, of
Copenhagen, is about to be erected at
Bergen. ' ' , .
Piso's Cure for Consumption is our only
medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. C.
Beltz, 4398th Ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8' 95.
For a number of years Great Brit
ain's imports of butter have shown an
annual gain of some 200,000 hundred
840, $30, $25, $22.50, $20.
If you want a paying agency write at once be
fore all territory 1b taken. .
Kicked AH Around.
A correspondence is being published
in the Times on the subject of "Frenoh
Feeling Toward Englishmen." A Mr.
Jackson has written to that paper to
repeat that at Caen recently a student
went out of his way to publicly insult
Great Britain.- As a boy I was first for
some years at school'ln Paris. I was
then kicked for being an Englishman;
after I was transferred to a school in
England, where I was kicked for. being
a Frenchman. Comment is unneces
sary. London Truth.
In the Electrical World.
A press dispatch from Little Hook,
Ark., says that "an extraordinary long
distance telephone test has been jnade
by Charles J. Glidden, president of the
Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone
Company. Mr. Glidden held a diBtinot
and clear conversation over the wire
with Frederick F. Farrar, of the firm
of Poor & Greenough, Boston. , The
distance from Little Rock is 1,900
miles. Mr. Glidden says this is the
longest circuit in the world.
Shall I'orto Kico Be a State.
Our public men are trying .to decide what
action should be taken regarding the status of
Porto Kico. We have never before had to deal
with a similar condition where nearly a million
Seople of a foreign tongue have been annexed,
either have we ever had before such a reliable
medicine for malaria, fever and ague as Hos
tetter's Stomach Hitters. It drives the poisons
out of the system and establishes strength to -resist
future attacks.
There are 13,000,000 acres
primeval forest in Cuba..
(Kasy Chances.
A slip may sprain, a thump may
bruise; easy ohances for ,pain and
trouble. Au easy way to cure right off
is to use St. "Jacobs Oil. It takes no
chances and knows what it can do.
He Wasn't Perfect.
Giles I just heard that Hawkins re
ferred to me as a perfect idiot.
Smiles Oh, don't mind what Haw
kins says; he always does exaggerate
more or less. I'm sure no one believes
your are perfect. Chicago Evening
News. " .
Jrpan , Ceylon
. ' English Breakfast '
Oolong Ideal Blend
i Cuban Railways.
Two leading Cuban railways are
owned and controlled by British enter
prise. A few years ago, at least, no
Spaniard oi Cuban was in control of an
engine. The building and management
of machinery is yet but vaguely under
stood bv the Latin races.
An excellent opportunity for a man with a
job printing outfit and $250 in cash, to engage
in a well-paying business in Portland. Big
money for the right man.! Call on or address
N. N., care Pacific Coast Novelty Co., 181J
First Street, Portland, Or.
were famousyearsago their fame
grows every yeur aa the seeds 1
most to be relied on as at way I
t the best. or sale by leading J
, dealers everywhere. live cents j
per paper ana always worm n.
insist on naving mem, nuu ,
no risk buy berry's.
1RQU sUimI A nnilfi.1 in ft'ff. j
Is it Wrong?
Get it Right'
Keep it Right
Moore's Revealed Itemed y will do it. Three
doses will make you ieel better. Get it from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house ,' or
irom Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
r j
For Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms; Steel. Log
ging and Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel
Tooth Saws, Albany-Grease, etq. ...
- 27 to 35 First Street Portland, Or.
84-36 Fremont Street, San Francisco.
Roots Crowned. Bridges Made
Painless filling1 and extraction
Dr, T..H. White Mf'
Ubb Biff fnr tinnntitral
discharge, iiillauiniations,
( irritations or ulcerations
of uiicoui meinbraues.
Painless, and not utrin
ITHEEVANS CHEMICAl Co. ent or Poisonous.
or sent in plain wrapper,
by ex Dress. Drenairi. fn
fl.00, or 3 bottles, f2.70.
Circular sent on requesC
We guarantee to fit every case we undertake.
Con't put it off; write for particulars at once.
C. H. WOOI)AI(I) Si CO., Kxpert Truss
Fitters, 108 Second Street, Portland, Or.
Particulars and testi
monials In plain sealed
lector juailkd frek.
FRENCH DRUG CO., 38 1 & 383 Pearl St., New York
N. F. JS. U.
NO. 4
UBN writing: to advertisers ple).
mention tins paper.
g in l to 5 dy.J
Guana toed jj
not u mature.
f ' f Prtrtntl contagion