i. jHeed iiver Slacier. i Published every Friday by B. F. Ulythk. Terms of Subscription Jl.fiO a year when paid In advance; $2 It not paid In advance. FRIDAY, .JANUARY 27. 1399. Old party lines are fast, breaking up (in the question of expulsion. Men who but a short time ago were diamet rically opposed on the money question now stand together. Questions of finance and tariff are relegated to the rear and are rarely mentioned. One or the other of the great parties will be captured by the expansionists in 1900, a lid (lien nil opposed to expansion will U-nite under one party name. It will make rio dillVreiice by what name it is called. .Tlie Gt.acikr in t leased to enlist the ftid of the p i pi Is of the public school to help (ill it columns. The work of editing the school column Will benefit those engaged in it, and all will be in tercsted. There are a good many em bryo editors in the public- schools, and the ex ncrience gained in writing up this column will teach them how easy it is to edit a newspaper. Edgar Stevens edited the column this week; next-week the editor will be Percy Logsdon. Hon. J. W. Morton has Introduced a bill to protect the fruit and hop indus tries by prohibiting the sale of adulter ated sprays and importation of infested or diseased fruits, and requiring the burning, within SO days, of cuttings of fruit trees and vines. The poisons iised in spraying are too often of uo ac cotrnt, and If this bill becomes a law we will not hear it said so often that spraying doesn't pay. The threatening attitude of the In surgents in the Philippines makes It doubtful if the Oregon soldiers will be relieved and sent home soon. Regular troops on the way were intended to take the pluce of the volunteers, but the latter cannot be spared while there Is any probability of the Filipinos carrying out the threats of Aguiualdo. School meetings being held to morrow will interfere with the fruit growers meeting called for at 2 o'clock. The school meetings must be attended to. If the fruit growers fail enough of them to get together they can adjourn to another day. Easter this year comes early April 2d. An early Easter is said: to denote an early spring. It is proposed to put a tax of $1.23 on bicycles for the benefit of the trood road fund. --"" Tjlie Situation in the Philippines. A Washington special of January 2oth says: It can no longer be denied ihut considerable alarm is ' felt in ad ministration circles over the situation nt Manila ami Ilo Ilo, and the latest vires are not of a reassuring character. Xieiieral Olis is of the belief that the Insurgents are about to force the issue, i.'inl if this should occuf the result can not tie predicted further than that the Americans will be victorious in the uid. There are two serious contingen cies confronting the troops near Ilo Ilo, one, Ueliig a conflict witti the natives Aud the oilier a fear that smallpox may break out among the troops. Be sides this, the situation at Manila is insidered much more grave than that at Il! Ilo, and it is feared that the , in surgejits may commit an overt act which will bring on a conflict. Home Literary. 'The meeting of the home literary society last Thursday was changed to J.i Shoemaker's place, and was turned into a pleasant birthday party, iH'.lionorof tue fifty-second birthday of (lie Shoemaker brothers. A good dinner was served by Mrs. J. H. Shoe uuiUer ami the ladies of the society, which H enjoyed. All wished that theyT-would have a birthday again soon. After dinner the meeting was called to order' by C. E. Markham and the fol Juwinjt . programme rendered, which was Until interesting and amusing: ; ."Hans Hanson in Minnesota," C. E. Markham: "Too late for the train," MH. IJ, E. Markham; "A letter to the women's suffrage convention," B. F. Shoemaker; select reading, Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker; "Cuba seen through a woman's eye,", H. H. Bailey; "Why do wo keep house?" Mrs. H. H. Bailey; Americans congratulated, J. H. Shoe niHSrV"' recitation, "Jacob's Lament," E. jN. Benso-i; select reading, Mrs. Fred Bailey. Each one will select his or her own subject for next meeting, which will be held at Mr. Markham's place, and will be conducted by J. H. Shoemaker., . . Mrs. Mattie Markham was, elected secretary for the ensuing mouth. t E. N. Benson. Hood River Apples at Washington. The Washington correspondent of the Oregonian has the following to say of Hood River apples: H.H.- Gilfrey, clerk of the senate, has distributed among his friends in Washington generous samples of Ore gon apples grown in the Hood River country. They were sent to him by L. S. Wright, of Portland, who every year reminds Mr. Gilfrey of their long and lasting friendship in this manner. Those who had the pleasure of tasting t be apples found them superior to any that can be obtained on the Atlantic coast, no matter from where they are sent. When freight rates reach a point where these apples can be sent from the Pacific coast with a profit, they will certainly find a ready market in the East. :' ' "' Soldiers and Sailors Postage. """'MJprlland paper some time ago '"'he cost of sending a letter is 5 cents postage. Cupt. Dukes wrote to the postmaster at San Francisco in regard to the postage, and this was his reply: "In reply to attached communica tion I would state that the rates of postage on all mail matter to soldiers and sailors at Manila are the same as to domestic points in the United States, no matter by what route sent." , The Sugar Industry. The beet sugar industry seeks state aid. The flax industry, the prune in dustry and the mohair industry are other "infants" waiting for a precedent to be set in the case of the beet sugar industry. One bad step is sure to lead to others. East Oregonian. There is not an industry in the slate but what has the same right to ask stale aid as the sugar industry. The people of the state will uphold no leg islature that voluntarily opens the slate exchequer to the wealthy corpor ations. The people of the Grande Rotide valley paid it-heavy bonus to get the sugar factory built at La Grande, now the same institution wants another bonus before it's a year old. This factory does not. intend to confine the sale of its product to the residents of Oregon. It will seek a market in Idaho and Washington, and possibly other western states. It would he equally as consistent that its promoters should ask u bounty from each state id which it caches out for a market. v lu truth the institution right fully deserves no bounty from Oregon or any other state, any more than any other institution or industry of Oregon. If such is granted by Pregon's present legislature the precedent will be estab lished for the biennial looting of the stale treasury. blue Mountain Eagle. 1 To Prevent Grippe. ' Geo. T. Angell, editor of Our Dumb Animals, advises people to wear pow dered sulphur in their shoes to prevent catching the grippe and other con tagious diseases. He says the Howard Benevolent Association escaped the terrible epidemic of yellow fever at Memphis, as they claimed, by wearing powdered sulphur in their shoes; also gives the-evidence .of a distinguished German medical writer that wearing sulphur in this way has proved a com plete protection against cholera and other epidemic diseases; also, that thoe working the sulphur mines of Italy es cape the malaria which prevails all about them; also, that sulphur in the shoes has cured various cases of rheu matism; also, that sulphur taken inter nally or worn ill the shoes has suffi cient power to pass through the liody, the clothing and the pocket-book, blackening I lie silver there. The Wisdom of Age. An old man says: "Once I was a young man, now I am old, and I've never seen a girl unfaithful to her mother that ever came to be worth a one-eyed button to her husband. It is the law of God... -It isn't exactly in the Bible, but it is written large and awful in the miserable life of a misfit home. I'm speaking for the boys this time. If ever one of yon chaps come acrtiss a girl that, with a face full of roses, says as you come to the door, 'I cannot iro for thirty minutes, for the dishes are not washed,' you wait for that girl. You sit right down on the door step and wait for her. 'Cause some other" fellow may come along and carry her off, and right there you have lost an anuel. Wait for that girl and stick to her like a burr to a mule's tail." Once upon a lime a bluebird piped his lay very early in the season. Thereupon numbers laid aside their winter underwear and fell accordingly ill. - "Unsanitary piping," remarked the doctors, acutely, for there were un mistakable zymotic symptoms. This fatile. shows how important it is for singing to have a scientific basis. La Grippe Successfully Treated. "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of la grippe this year," says Mr. .las. A.Jones, publisher of the Lead er, Mexla, Texas. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days agninet ten days for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally us bad as the first but for the use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down.' For sale by Williams & Brosius. Grip finds its victims principally among those who are easily frightened. People who go about their business, keep their feet dry, their consciences clear, their pores open and their mouths shut are not perhaps altogether ex empt but are certainly less open to the infection. ...... A Portland firm wants the legisla ture to pay $750 for a life-size picture of ex-Go v. Lord. .''''" Men rail about women for being painted 'and yet they never saw an angel, even, that wasn't painted. An agreeable, truth may lie at the bottom of a well, but a disagreeable one always comes to the surface. "Why don't you paragraphers give us a rest?" said the plumber to the somber-eyed mail as he presented his bill. " ou evidently mean why don't we give you the rest," said the somber eyed man sadly, -as he glanced at the figures." "Woman," said the wayfarer in Chicago, you have basely deceived me. I find that you have been married 12 times already." "Well, well, to think that a practical man like you should be so superstitious over such a little thing as No., 13." - In Admiral Dewey's cabin hangs a picture of the battle of Manil i, done by a Chinese artist of Hong Kong and presented to the admiral by the junior officers of the Ol.ympia, who have themselves each ordered a copy of the work a contract calculated to keep the artist at work for some time. Reading aloud as a mere physical ex ercise is of great importance and effi ciency. Cicero, in some of his letters, sfteaks of curing himself of troublesome and alarming weakness by reading aloud for some hours everyday. Cer tain temperaments are influenced by it, as actors are .affected by their own playing. ' ' . Clias. Clarke of the Glacier drug store will sing a solo at the Commercial club Minstrel' entertainment at The Dalles next Saturday evening. Hood River Public School Column. Edited by the Pupils. K. K. ALLARD, Principal. State Supt.'J. H. Aekerman; county Rapt., O. L. Oilbei't; Board of Directors Wist. Mo. 2 C. M. Woll'ard, chairman; N. O.Evans, S. Cox. Clerk, Geo. T. Prather. , - Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither justice nor freedom can be permanently maintained. Garfield. Through the kindness of the editorof the Glacier one column of its pages is to be devoted to the interests of the public school. It may not be amiss in our first issue to sketch briefly tlie growth and progress of the school in the past few mouths. In point of numbers, the enrollment has increased from 140 in September, 1898, to 183 the past month. Until the advent of the recent inclement weather the attend ance was excellent. While the attend ance has decreased, "tlie enthusiasm of those who remain has in no wise de clined. The popularity of the school is shown by the number of non-resident pupils wlio are taking art vantage" of the op portunities afforded. Tlie following is a sketch of the work we are doing in the school: . On interviewing the eighth grade we find ( heir reading substituted by Amerr lean literature In arithmetic the.v are working in mensuration, illustrating, the figures involved with drawings.' In grammar,. Greek, Latin aud English prefixes 'and suffixes are tlie issues of the hour. The class in spelling is work ing in tlie dissemination of synonyms and word building, the history class studying the civil war, and in phys iology, "What to do till"" the' doeior comes." In' drawing and in music, as in all the other studies, the class is do ing remarkably well, and their recita tions show tbey are applying them selves. The ninth grade", in algebra, Is work ing in rates and proportions; in gen eral., history theyuvy studying Greece, and in physical geography, the depth, composition and temperature of the ocean. In bookkeeping they are mak ing fair progress, and in rsetoric they ard at present working in concord, i M. W.B. ; The seventh grade, in Miss While's department, has made a detailed study of the "Deserted Village" in connection with their reading. They are how preparing to make sketches of the French and Indian wars and write short descriptions of all the expeditions in the same. .' - In the primary department the at tendance was good until the cold weather. Since then, many have been unable to come owing to the condition of the roads' and distance from school. There has also been much sickness among the pupi) of this department. While at present the attendance is small, every week sees some returning to their work, and the interest taken by the pupils does not decrease. The third grade is doing supplementary work in reading aud are enjoying the change from the Second Reader 10 "Grandfather's Stories." The pupils in all three grades are taking great. in terest hi the drawing lessons and are impioving daily. Regular promotions occur but once a year, but two pupils have, by their diligence and ambitiou, been promoted from the second to the third grade during the last term, and two more are working for a double pro motion at the end of the year and areH SLUu'jng ul uuiiie mi turn furpuiw. i Tlie school will soon receive a quite' valuable addition to its library. They have recently ordered a large number of books, (lie result of the Thanksgiv ing entertainment given by the school. There is to be a school meeting held at the school house January 30th, at 2 p.m. We earnestly hope they will decide to continue tlie school for tlie spring term. Such a community as this should have at least a: nine months' term. It is the duly of every good citizen to see that the children are kept in school. , ') The fire drill has been introduced into the school this term. The school, consisting of over 150 pupils, are able (o clear the building in less than one minute. From the first tap of the drum the pupils have marched outj broken ranks, .formed and inarched to their respective rooms in the space of two minutes. , . f A little learning is a dangerous thing. Pope. Education gives power; hertce it is a blessing pri a curse, according to how we use it.! The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance. C. H. Spurgeon. In a spelling in Miss White's room, Friday afternoon, Gertrude Buskirk spelled down tlie school. In a similar contest in Miss Graham's room Allie Welds was the champion. Those who emerge from schools, be It primary, grammar, high school or college, should have mental training and settled purpose to do right.. These are Hie two ends the thoughtful teach ers of the country aim at. Every one, as he leaves the school, no matter what its grade, enters into citizenship. Th youth must obey the community; ,'fh young man is a part of the community.' The essential things are that Intelli gent possession of the knowledge gain ed by the race appropriate for the age, and a firm purpose to do right. Those standing on such a platform ivill moke good citizens. ' Edgar Stevens, .Editor,;,'', The total tax levy in Portland for 1899 will be 32 mills, higher by 4 mills than ever before. ; 160 Acres. An Improved ranch for sale at White Sal mon; 1(0 acres under plow; 80 acres in pasture, 40 in timber and. 600 apple trees, all bearing; large strawberry patch, with irrigation ditch es; place well watered with living streams. A good house of tf room's; barn 40x80. The place sold 700 boxes of apples last year. Three miles froin White Salmon. Price 81.500. For sale by J27 ' - GEO. T. PRATHER, Hood Ulver, Or. Stockholders' Meetings Stockholders of the East Fork Irrigating Company, take notice: Our annual meeting will be held at Hood Rlverin theChampliiv hall, on Saturday, Feb. 18, 1890. at 1 o'clock. C. R. BONE, Secretary. 20 Acres. I will sell 20 acres. Improved or unimproved land, within one mile of Hood Kivcr school; prettiest building site in the valley. J27 W. J. BAKER.' Blacksmithing. My blacksmith shop, miles from town, on Mr, Hood road, is again open, for business. Wl 1 1 be glad to meet my old customers. J'2- V G. A. HOWELL. Your money if you want to: Its yours; but if you don't want to and are looking for BARGAINS In Men's and Boy's Suits, Hats and Un derwear, Women's and Children's Underwear, Blankets, Quilts, Rubber Boots and Shoes, drop in and see us. . We are making some prices on the lines mentioned that It will pay you to investigate. . 7 A. S. BLOWERS & SON. GEO. T.. Justice of the Peace for Hood River District f I am prepared at all times to draw'and execute Deeds and Mortgages, and all kinds of le gal papers carefully prepared, f- I am also prepared on short notice to furnish ana strongest insurance companies: so n you me and get a policy in a reliable insurance company. And when it comes to Real Estate, I am the or rent any land in Hood River valley or White also negotiate loans on real estate. I have been therefore am thoroughly acquainted with the That we ure selling Shoes cheaper than the cheapest.' V, y. . . Ye cl.Him that our 50e White Shirt is the best shirt for the '"' money in Hood Kivcr,. ;. .-. .':' J .; We claim that our 50c Fleeced Underwear for 'men is the best v. in town, even at double the money. ' ! J V We claim that the coffee which we sell at )6c per pound is the ; best value l bat you can get. Don't buy cheap package coffee when you can get a good coffee at nearly the same price, We claim that we have the larirest stock of general merchau 1 dise iri Hood River, aud at prices as loy as the lowest. We claim that if you will call on lis we can satisfy you of the truth of the above statements. .G. B. WOODWORTH. Dealer in General Merchandise, Farm Implements, Lumber.etc. Hood River, Oregon. All Teams stop at ..... J, t, -K V-"! -..' ,f"f i 4-. - V ,,'' 4 ' ' , '( J- Hood River's AND A fine lot of fresh . staple Groceries, Canned Goods, fresh and cured Meats, pure open kettle rendered Lard. This Lard is put up at our Hood River Market, and we guar antee it. .. Cut-rate prices to purchasers who buy at one time at least $10 worth of goods for cash. Goods delivered to patrons in the city. CLYDE T. RONNEY, Proprietor. AND CASH ONLY, is what mpkes prices so low on ; Hardware, Harness, Doors, Sash, Paints, Oils, ; Guns and Ammunition, Stoves, Shoe Findings and Rike Supplies, - At -PEZZER'S NEW STORE. S. & ' Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all part of the valley and vicin ity. Heavy draying and transferring done with care and promptness. : Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or Its equivalent. Regarding prices, will say that I defv coinoetition. Iam not afraid to meet competitive prices at any time. Meet me on Port land lines and I will meet you with Portland Do You Want - - ; To buy land in Hood River , . Valley. If -so, don't fail to See Tucker! Fruit Land, Berry Land, Grain Land, or Hav land, at prices you can't equal in the valley. B. II. TUCK KR, Tucker, Or. 40-acre Farm for $1,000 Forty-acre farm for sale. Good house; 8 acres in orchard that will bear this year; 6 acres more cleared, aud other Improvements.. Will bear Investigation. O. P. AlcFALL. For Sale or Exchange. Hi acre fruit ranch; 5 acres in fruit, balance in grain and pasture; near church and school, D miles from Portland; good buildings and wa ter; all under fence; 15 acres other ground leas ed for 3 years and seeded. Chas. M. Zerbe, Sylvan, Multnomah Co., Or. , J20 Taken Up. A light bay mnre, weight about TOO Kis; star In forehead: white hind feet; brand something like an Hon right shoulder; Owner can have same by.payliigcha-rges. I'.'C. NKALl'UGH. PRATHER, Notary Public for Oregon. correct Abstract.' Also represent the oldest want your property insureu uou l ran wj can on one you want to see. If you want to buy, sell Salmon, don't fail to call on or write to me. I a resident, of Hood River valley for 19 years, valley. OBJ. T. fKAiaiSK, liooa Kiver. Heciprocity Corner. ' '' : . 't - ,5 i X IT 1 31 '-, -! 'J fcW , Meat Market L.x CO.'S prices. Call and see S. E. BARTMESS. Wanted. ' To do harness worji for dry oak wood: also, produce taken for part pay for- all harness work. j20 K. D. CALKHS8. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Oan. 14, 181)0. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make llnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office at, Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, March 10, 181)9, viz: ROBERT FORDYCE, H. K. No. 8992. for northeast quarter section thirty-five, township four north, range ten east, Willamette Meridian. He names the. following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Konald P. Cameron, L. E. Morse. Matt Wll ken and William Olson, all of White Salmon, Washington. J20125 W. R. PUIS BAR, Register. ' I Challenge You to find better bargains than I now offer. 80 acres in foot hills. 40acres near town. 10 acres near town. My property until sold, nl T. R. COON. M10 M. F. SHAW, M. D. (Successor to Dr. Morgan) All Calls Promptly Attended Office up stairs over Copple's gtoro. All calls left at the office or residence will be promptly attended to. " JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. Attorney-at-Laiv, Abstracter, Notary Public and Real Estate Agent. For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many years experience in Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. . - J. F. WATT, M. D., Graduate of Bellevne Hospital Medfcal Col lege, 1884. In general practice at Hood River. Oregon. Hurgeon for O. R. & N. Co. Is especially equipped to treat catarrh of nose ana throat and diseases of women. (Special terms for office treatment of chronlo cases. ,- ol4 DENTISTRY. Dr. R. W. Benjamin, dentist, of Portland, will make regular visits to Hood River, and will have rooms at the Mt. Hood hotel. All the different methods of crowning and filling teeth. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Porl land Office Room 314 Oregonian bldg. PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Pkop'bs, 9 ground and manufactured. ... Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom grinding done every Saturday. During the busy season additional days will be men tioned In the local columns. HOOD RIVER. ........ OREGON. BRADLEY, Photographer. Gallery open three days iu the week Thurs day. Friday and Saturday until further no tice. First-class work and All Worli Warranted. Wagon Repairing All kinds of wagon repairing done on short Rotice and at reasonable prices, at the old nogers mill In Frankton. 0. H. ROGERS. Team lor Bale. One span of Bay Mares. Will sell for cash, or on time. Also, a good wagon. , J6 J. K. GREGORY. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: My wife Gert rude Sweeney, having left my house and board without Just provocation, I will not bo responsioie lor any aeots sne may contract in any way whatever. Strayed. A 2-year old, part Jersey heifer, brand the shape of a hcait on right hip; round hole In right ear. Information of the heifer will be thankfully received by C. PET H MAN. . Notice of Assessment. To the Stockholders of The Hood River Trans portation and Boom Company: You are hereby notilied that an assessment of 86 per centum on the capital stock (S3.S0 per share) has been levied, due and payable at once, to be delinquent ten days from the date ol this notice. By order of Board of Direct, ors. Payable to Geo. P. Crowell, Treasurer. Dated January 13, 1899. - For Sale or Trade. I have a farm In an Eastern state, within SJ miles of a county seat, that I would like toet- vnniic I,, I u liw in in iiutiu nivci iuiici. Price $2,400, C. H. TKMPL.E. Taken Up. A 2-year-old heifer, spotted, with swallo fork crop in right ear. Owner can have the animal by paying charges. . J 13 JEROME WEliLg, , Mt.Hood Saw Mills. TOMLINSON BROS., Prop'rs. FIR AND PINE LUMBER Of the best quality always on hand at pric. to suit the times. lyW Fresh Milk, Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. P. H. BUTTON. The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Hood River, Or. : Strayed. Three head of cattle, coming two year. old. Earmarked and branded 3, on right hlp Will pay a reward for any info m tion con cerning them. S. W. CUKR Vlento. Fruit Ranch for Sale. 40 acres, 2 miles from town. 'All kind of fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reason able. W, J. CAMPBELL.- , FOR SALE. Lumber Wagon, 2 Inch .......450 09 Will sell part or all of my ranch. i ' E. E. SAVAGE. t. With good improvements, S miles southwest, of town. Good school near by, good roadV plenty of fruit and the best of land. Call on or address - JOHN SIPMA. . Wanted. 40,000 spilt and shaved flr Shingle. d:i0 W. A. SL1NGERLAND. A SPECIAL BARGAIN Semi-Weekly Republic and Glacier BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 1 The Semi-Weekly REPUBLIC i so well known that about all that is necessary to se cure a subscription Is to call attention to it. II is the best general newspaper of its clam published, and has a larger circulation now' than any other news weekly or semi-weekly. It has command not only of all the great sources of news from the Daily and Sunday REPUBLIC, but also receives the special ser vice of the New York Herald and New York Journal. The telegraphic and cable service of the REPUBLIC and t he papers mentioned nave never been eaualed in the history of Journalism in this or any other country. The special tent ores ana uiustxniionit are al ways the best. More noted writers contribute to its columns than to any other pi.per of Its class. It is published especially to meet the- wants oi that targe class or reauers wno navt not the opportunity or cannot atlbrd to read a daily paper. i . ay a special arrangement maae lor a urn ited time onlv. our friends will be given an opportunity to take advantage of this liberal proposition. ' Remember the offer, the Twlce-a-Week RE PUBLIC, Hi pages a week, and the GLACIER. Doth one year ior oniy two aouars. Addror the Glacier, Hood River, Or. ' '