The Fields of Sport. From the fields of sport we go to bed ind get up full of pains' and aches. The next night, by the use of St. laoobs Oil, we are soothed to sleep and get up oured. When the French President Travels. The French president travels free on the railways during his official tour in France, but when the return journey is conoluded, his secretary .calculates what it would have cost if pfid for at regular rates, and this sum is handed I over to be distributed among the poor est paid of the railway men. Tit-Bits. Good News It Comes From Many Homes Made Happy, "Dyspepsia Is Cured." For years Hood's Sarsaparilla has been curing dyspepsia It is curing it today and it will continue to cufe it when given a fair opportunitv by those who suffer from this disease. If, you have dyspepsia take Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you have a friend Buttering from it, tell thai friend to take Hood's Sarsaparilla ' America's Greatest Medicine for Dyspepsia. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. 25 cents. At last Speaker Reed has been over ruled. At a recent annual meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy, at Hot Springs, Ark., a lively debate arose as to whether the minutes of the previous meeting should be read before business could proceed or not. One daughter ventured to quote Speaker Reed on the subject, but she was promptly overruled and the reading was dispensed with on the motion of another daughter, who asserted ve hemently that "Tom Reed didn't known what he was talking about." Every monarch in Europe, with the exception of the Bultan of Turkey, is descended from one of two sisters the daughters of Duke Ludwig Rudolf of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, who lived in the 18th century. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo storec for 25c. Trial package FREE Address, Allen S. Olm sted, o Roy, N. Y. ' . Among the many mysteries of bird migration is the fact that over-sea jour neys are generally conducted in the darkness, and invariably against a head wind ' To Cure n Cold In One Iay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. . 25c. - - - There is some talk of a tunnel under neath the straits of Gibraltar, and as it would have to be onl 20 miles long,, there is no reason why it sliouTfl not be feasible, particularly, as there is a bed of hard rock all the way. i No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. Probably the most inflammable among substances whioh are not spon taneously inflammable is phosphiiret ted hydrogen (PII3). The heat of a thin glass tube containing boiling wa ter is quite sufficient to ignite this gas. FIT? Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousnes III after tirst day's use of lr. Kline's Ureat Nerve Bestcrfr. Send for FitKIt Wa.oo trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. H. KLLNK, Ltd., Uitt) &.!cb atrat, fUiladelphia, Fa. When a woman buyB canned mince meat she chops a few more apples into it and adds a dash of brandy and then ehe thinks she has made it. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 .Bush street. American or European plan. Koom and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single- meals 25 cents. Free coacli. Chas. Montgomery, It is an interesting fact that the very fiist use made by the British govern ment of the Atlantic cable laid down by Bright in 1858 immediately result ed in saving the treasury $250,000. The cable enabled the government to countermand an order for the trans mission of tropps from Canada to Eng land. DON'T DELAY In securing the COLUMBIA 'AGENCY . for 1899; one day's delav may result in your competitor getting it. VVe are the only bicycle house having a delivery point in the North west. Prompt delivery of all orders assured. Dealers who handle the OOLIHllin and II utTTOKl) line will have a double advant age over others who do not. We have im- f iroved the quality of our products, while our ncreased output enables us to reduce our prices, as follows: Columbia Chainless $75 00 Columbia Models 57-68 60 00 Columbia Models 45-49, '98"pattern, '99 im provements - 40 00 POPE MANUFACTURING CO., Controlling Oregon Washington, Montana and Idaho. 132-34. Sixth St., Portland, Or. Actor James O'Neill has played the Count of Monte Cristo 4,000 times, in his time, therefore, he has assisted at the killing of 12,000 stage villians. This is a record of which any man could be proud. MACHINERY For Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms; Steel Log ging and Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc. TATUM&BOWEN . 27 to 35 First Street Portland, Or. J4-36 Fremont Street, San Francisco. Nutritions Stews. A stew is the most economical and most nutritious dish that can be pre pared from meat. It is prepared with a less quantity of water than in mak ing soups and cooked at a moderate heat for a longer time. As a part oi the nutriment is to be in the meat, you do not cut it small, as for soups; cut into pieces convenient for serving Put the bones, gristly bits and the poorer parts of the lean meat into cold water. This draws out the richness and gives added nutritive value to the broth. When the water boils add the tender portions, then the juices are kept in them. By slow, tender aim mering rather than by fierce boiling the fibres are softened and the coarsest and cheapest kinds of meat are made tender and nutritious. Pieces of meat from the shin, the aitchbone, the flank, the neck and the shoulder are suitable for stews; but the shin is the richest, it has so much marrow in the bone. Fowls, the tougher parts of mutton, lamb and veal may all be used in stews, Sallie Joy White in the December Woman's Home Companion. George Knox, who died in London recently, called himself "the last of the Rosicrucians. " He spent a long life and a great fortune in looking for the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life and other myths of the rosy cross. , HOITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Now at Burlingame, will remove to its beautiful new home at 'Menlo Park. San Mateo Countv, Cal., and re-open Januarv l(!th,1899. Address Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D., Memo i'ark, Cal. Spreading Like Wild Bre. , Despite business depression, panics and war, and every other commercial disturbing faotor, the installation of electrical power transmission maohin ery has progressed with . marvelous machinery. One of the largest com panies installed in mining and power maohinery alone 18,379 horse-power in 1892; 18,762 in 1893; 42,879 in 1894; 46,727 in 1895, and in 1896 a wonder ful jump was made to 75.000 ' horse power, while last year the aggregate was 83,000 horse-power. This record it should be remembered . is that of a single company and purely power transmitting apparatus, the numerous other applications of electricity not be ing included, v Instead of reshoeing horses with sharper shoes when the ground freezes an Ohio man has invented a device which screws on the under side of the shoe and can be removed easily when the ground thaws. . , THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not onljj to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing- the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. , The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the Dame of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Skji FRANCISCO, Cut, LOUISVILLE. Ky. NEW TOIIK. N. T. Columbia Model 49, J Hartfords Vedettes, Strictly Up-to-Date We Job bicycle sundries. Write for terms and discounts. ..35 00 .. 2a 00 SEEDS J? were famous years ago their fame 1 I grow every yenr--as ttie seeds 1 most to be relied onas always J tlm hne. For sale bv leading J . dealers everywhere. Five cents i per paper ana always worm it. . insist on Having tnem. tun , V no risk buy Ferry's. t X iwwtfMeea Annual is rree. l.VX II. M. VFHV ACII.. Vk, ' S. Detroit, Mleh. IWt liUHtS WHfcKE ALL ELSE FAILS. LJ Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use 1 IVI In ttmn HnM hv rlrncrirLta I From All Parts of the New World arid the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenines of the Past Week Culled From the Telegraph Column William K. Vanderbilt, Jr.. is to wed Miss Virginia Fair, of San Francisco. Only about $400 worth of property was recovered from the wreck of the Maria Teresa. Gold shipments from Australia for the year 1898 amounted 12,820,000. Shipments to America increased by 2,000,000. A deficit in the German beet sugar crop of at .least 850,000 tons is figured upon by United States Consul Diedrioh, at Madgeburg. He says that, the back ward season resulted In a deficiency. Negotiations aie progressing iii the matter of the payment of the Cuban troops, so that on laying down their arms they enabled to enter upon civil pursuits and earn their living. Probably no further appropria tion by congress will be necessary to enable the president to carry out the plan, if it should be decided, as the money will eventually come out of the. revenues of the island. ' Immediately upon the ratification of the peace treaty by the senate, the president will recommend to congress the enaotment of legislation looking to the settlement of the olaims of Amen can citizens for damages sustained in Cuba, Poito Bico and other Spanish possessions whioh formed the seat of war. Claims to the amount of $2 000,000 on this score have already been lodged with the state department. Near Austin, Tex., a passenger train escaped a serious wreck through the in tervention of a bird. Some one had tied a rail securely across the truck. A few miles before reaching the spot a bird, blinded by the headlight, flew against the glass, breaking and extin guishing the light, which necessitated running slowly to the next gtation The train, at reduced speed, struck the obstruotion, tearing up the track and damaging the front of the engine, but no one was injured. Part of Red Rock mountain, accord ing to a dispatch from Airolo. a village of Switzerland, canton of Ticino, has fallen into Airolo, destroying a hotel and several houses. The scene of the disaster presents a terrible speotacle, the debris of the avalanche covering a square mile. The hotel, with eight houses, and 12 other buildings, were swept, into a great heap of matchwood A new terror was added by the outbreak of fire amid the ruins. Three dead bodies have been recoveied. It is esti mated that the damage will reach 40,000. Admiral Dewey is now the senior officer of the American navv, having reached that position without congres sional action through the retirement of Admiral Bunce. The American Newspaper Publish ers' Association has presented to the Anglo-American joint high commission a carefully prepared argument in favor of free paper and free pulp. Senator McBride has offered an amendment to the naval bill, which provides for the construction of a stone drydock on the Columbia river and appropriates $200,000 for .immediate use in beginning the work. One-half the largest foreign order for finished steel ever sent to this country has been offered the Illinois Steel Com pany, of Chicago. The order amounts to $2,000,000, and is for water pipes to be used by the Australian govern ment. The Caruegie Company will supply half the amount. - Senator MoBride has introduced a bill appropiiating $4,000 for the pur chase or construction of a launch for the use of the customs officials at As toria. A craft capable of giving a good speed and one that will stand knocking about is badly needed in the customs service at Astoria, and Senator Mc- Bride's bill ii intended to supply the deficiency. . , The German ambassador, Dr. Von Holleben, has returned to Washington after an extended absence, during which he held several important conferences with the authorities at Berlin relative to American affairs. It is expected that his return will soon bring about exchanges with the state department, and perhaps direotly with the presi dent, relative to a number of current questions in which both, countiies are Interested. William F. Moore, oonvicted of robbing Martin Mahon, a hotel-keeper of New York, by the "badger game," was sentenced to 19 years in the state prison. - The charge against Moore was that he conspired with his wife, Fayne Moore, to rob Mahon, and that Mahon was enticed by the woman to apart ments -occupied by the Mootes and there compelled by the husband to pay blackmail. Moore was convicted on his second trial, the jury in the first instance having, disagreed. Fayne Moore formerly resided in Portland, Or. minor News Itmn. Prof. JKitridge, of Harvard, is said to be the only man living wlio can read Eliot's Indian Bible. The French vintage of 1898 is offi cially estimated at 83,282,000 hecto liters, which is 68,000 hectoliters he low the vintage of last year. James H. Southall, convicted of deal ings 'in fraudulent government time checks, was sentenoed in St: Paul to tate's prison for 10 veai's at hard la-, boh-. LATER NEWS. William Stockley and his wife were ourned to death in their home at Da) las, Wis. Their three children wer. saved with difficulty. - A dispatoh from Rome says a mob of 4,000 people had assaulted an internal revenue sentry box, and stoned the gendarmes around Niscemi, Sicily, as a protest against ex iommunication. A number of persons were wounded. , John Wellmer, of Lafayette, Niool lett oounty, Minn, was shot in the head and hip by two tramps, to whom he had given shelter. They bound Mrs, Wellmer to a lounge with a clothes line and escaped with Wellmer's team. The grip, and the ailments attendant upon it, that are now included in its train of ills, have piostrated an unus ual number of residents of Washington, D. C. An observant pharmacist esti mates that 10 per cent of the District's population is suffering in one way or another from the new generic grip. The governor's offloe at the state- house in Springfield, III., was entered by parties unknown and $580 stolen from a drawer. The crime is sai round ed in mystery, as all floors of the build ing are guarded by watchmen. The theft was discovered by Colonel J. M. Tanner and an investigation is pend ing.' ,, ' One of the most notable oelebra tionna in the history of American col leges was in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Transylvania uni versity, At Lexington. Ky. It was no table on account of its many famous alumni, including Jefferson Davis, prosident of the Confederate states, and Justice Harlan, of the supreme court of the United States, scores of con gressmen and men prominent in public life. , . King Charles has opened the oortee gerares at Lisbon. In the course of his speech from the throne, King Charles said that daring the war between the United States and Spain, two friendly nations, Portugal proclaimed, and, as was her duty, maintained strict and absolute neutrality. His majesty said he greatly sympathized with the czar's disarmament proposals, and made a reference to the colonies whioh appar ently disposes of the rumors of the sale of Delagoa bay. In Chuna the Yellow river floods have destroyed the crops,- and famine has resulted. Thousands of natives are starving. Thousands of hungry and ragged refugees are moving down the river in boats, only to find the walls of the cities lower down closed against the starving hordes. The gov ernment appropriated 800,000 taels for their relief, but less than one-fifth has been distributed. It is claimed dis honest officials have pocketed the bal ance. A relief fund has been started at Shanghai. Rev. B. Craig Patter son, of the Chian Kian mission, appeals to American friends for aid. The British government favors the canal being built by the United States with guarantees of its neutrality in case of war. Ordres have been issued for the dis patch of additional troops to Cuba to assist in the maintenance of good gov ernment there. A crisis is imminent at Berlin. The emperor and chancellor cannot agree, and a new cabinet is looked for. The principal, trouble is over the wholesale expulsions of Danes and Austrians. The new year brings Ireland the greatest experiment since Catholic emancipation, namely, the initiation of the local government act, which really, in many of its features, is an extension of the emancipation acts and policy. The war department has come to the conclusion that it will be neoessary to accord General Brooke, military gover nor of Cuba, the assistance of a special cabinet approaching in functions the late autonomist cabinet of Cuban ad ministration of the civil affairs of the island. The situation at Iloilo is grave. Fif teen hundred natives, fully armed, are at Melo, a suburb of Iloilo. Seven teen thousand more, it is reported, are awaiting orders to embark at several points on he island of Negros, 15 hours' sail from Iloilo. All the women have withdrawn, and many families have taken refuge with the Americans. (Jnlees congress should pass a law authorizing him to remain on the ac tive list, Rear-Admiral Dewey will be Dlaced on the retired list on December 26, 1899. Only one other retirement will occur this year, that of Commo dore H. L. Howison, now commandant of the Boston navy-yard. There is a strong sentiment in naval oiroles in favor of the passage of a law which will permit the, retention of Admiral Dewey upon the aotive list for 10 years, as was done in the case of heroes of the civil war. The American line steamship Pails, which has an ived in New York from Southampton, after a tempestuous pas sage, reports that Tuesday, December 27, in latitude 49:29 north, and longi tude 81:29 west, at 83:0 in the morning, she sighted a steamer flying signals of distress. She proved to be the British tank steamer Vindobala, Captain Clark, from Rouen, Franoe, December 15, for Philadelphia, in ballast. She showed the signal letters, "Must aban don vessel." The Paris rescued her orew, and no lives were lost. The will of the late Charles P. Wil der, of Wellsley Hills, Mass., be queaths $102,000 to Mount Holyoke college. The shortage in the California wine crop of 1898 and the fairly good demand that has existed during the past year have resulted in advancing prices. M. Constantin, a yonng Frenchman of 19, who lives in Paris, is eight feet tall and probably bigger than other man who has ever lived. Heis per fectly proportioned. t STOEIES OF BELIEF. Two Letters to Mrs. Pinkham. Mrs. John Williams, Englishtown, K. J., writes : ' ' " Deab Mrs. Pinkham: I cannot be gin to tell you how I suffered "before taking your remedies. I was so weak that I could hardly walk across the floor without falling. I had womb trouble and such a bearing-down feeling ; also suffered with my back and limbs, pain in womb, inflammation of the bladder, piles and indigestion. Before I had taken one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I felt a great deal better, and after taking two and one half bottles and half a box of your Liver Pills I was cured. If more would take your medicine thej' would not have to suffer so much." Mrs. Joseph Peterson, 513 East St., Warren, Pa., writes: "Deab Mrs. Pinkham: I have suf fered with womb trouble over fifteen years. I had inflammation, enlarge-' ment and displacement of the womb. I had the backache constantly, also headache, and was so dizzy. I had heart trouble, it seemed as though my heart was in my throat at times chok ing me. I could not walk around and I could not lie down, for then my heart would beat so fast I would feel as though I was smothering. I hadi to sit up in bed nights in order to breathe. I was so weak I conld not do any thing. . ' "I have now taken several bot tles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and used, three pack ages of Sanative Wash, and can say I am perfectly cured. I do not think I cruld have lived long if Mrs. Pink ham's medicine had not helped me." The elephant has more muscles in its trunk than any other creature pos sesses in its entire body, their number being no feweer than 40,000. , The Most Common of All. ' , The most common of all ailments from sports of all kinds are sprains and bruises. The most common and surest oure of them is by the use of St. Jacobs Oil., which is prompt in its action. Transparent leather, is made in France. I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan, Plumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, 1895. The woman of 20 asks, "Who is he?" the woman of 80, "What is he?" the woman past 80, "Where is he?" HeaJthytlappy Girls often, from no apparent s C&use, become languid &nd despondent in the early days of their womanhood They - dTag along always tiTed, never hungry, breathles &nd with 6. palpitating hear after slight exercise so that merely to walk op stairs ii Sometime a short. dry-cough leads to the feat that they oxe"gotng into consumption" They are aneemic. doc tors tell them, vthich means that they have too little blood Are you like that? have yu too little blood? More aneemic people have been made strong, hungTy. , energetic men and women by the use of Dt. Williams Pink Pills foT Pale People are tne oest tonic n tne wotiol. Miss Lulu Stevens, of Oasport, Niagara Co., N. Y., had been a very healthy girl until about a year ago, when she grew weak and pale. She lost her appetite, was as tired in the morning as on retiring, and lost flesh until she became so emaciated that her friends hardly knew her. The doc tors declared the disease aneemia, and gave her up to die.- A physician . who was visiting in Gasport prevailed upon her to try Dr. Williams' Pink , Pills for Pale People. She did so, and was benefited at once. She is now well and strong the very picture of health. Buffalo (N. Y.) Courier. TUe genufne &re sold only in package, the wrapper always bearing the full name. For ale by&U drug gists or sent , postpaid, by the Dr Williams; Medicine Company, Schenectady. N Y., on receipt of price, fifty cents per bo, oook or A SWORN STATEMENT. I, C. R. Rollins, M. D., of Grass Valley, Or., voluntarily make the following statement: After having mv teeth extracted I have had five sets made at in tervals of about nine m, three in Portland, one in San Francisco and one in Spokane. With neither of these have able to eat a meal's victuals or even an apple or ripe peach. On December 10. 1898, 1 h sixth set made by Dr. Strvker, I. O. O. F. Temple, First and Alder, Portland, Or., and v minutes after the time they were put into my mouth I was able to eat a commoi winter apple and a piece of dried venison, and at this time, December 13th, have eaten meal since with the greatest comfort and with no trouble at all. They are a perfect satisfactory In everv respect. C. R. ROLLINS, . References: French Bros. Bank, The Dalles, Or.; Sherman Co. Bank, Wasco, Or,, Wia Holder, Sheriff of Sherman Co.; Drs. A. S. Nichols and Brother, Portland, Or.' , , Subscribed ana sworn to Deiore me this istn Seal , , Cut Rate Drug Catalogue ...FREE. Woodard,C1arlie&Co., rlWon. YOUR LIVER Is it Wrong? Get it Right Keep it Right Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it. Three doses will wake you feel better. Get it from your druggist or any wholesale drug house , or from Stewart Si Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES - Roots Crowned. Bridges Made : Vainless fill in if and extraction. Dr. T. H. White, May Brine Leprosy1 It ia pointed out that tl diers in Hawaii may con and brtnff it to this countr While leprosy is much to b a thousand times as many disorders and blood diseast for them in Hostetter's 8to' common ailments that the for are malaria, fever and drug stores. The best pineapples Cuba. They are very only little capital is r vious experience is sential. AGENTS W A', DIATOMS Vegetable and of nature, noted as the bt world for silver, gold, brass, tity sufficient for years, fi stamps. It is infusorial an mav be repaired with it. Ad INGER, 601 Mutual Life Build The polar fox changes coat. In summer it is i in winter it is so whitt mal can scarcely be seen , over the snow- A Short Kljjh The damp autumn nigh ings stirs up sciatica, and tug of pain. Use St. Jai then comes a tug to cure short fight and the cure is If you want the best wind tanks, plows, wagons, bells boilers, engines, or gemral n or write JOHN POOLE, foi street, Portland, Oregon. I. The hair of rabbits and otht in Russia is oonverted hit dishes and plates, which are v their srength, durability and h The articles have theappearanc nished leather. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE Oi By local applications, as they cannot r diseased portion of the ear. There is ( way to cure deafness, and that is by c tionalemedies. Deafness is caused b flamed condition of the mucous linin, Eustachian Tube. When this tube g flamed vou have a rumbling sound or feet hearing, and when it is entirely deafness is the result, and unless the iiifH tion can be taken out and this tube rest its normal condition, hearing willbedes forever; nine cases out ot ten are caul catarrh, which is nothing but an ini condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars fi case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) thf not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bei circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tol Sold by DruggiEts, 76c Hall's Family Pills are the best. The most active volcano in the isMt. Sangay, 17,199 feet high, ated on the eastern chain of the Al South America. It has been in stant eruption since 1728, and sound of its explosions is some! heard at Quito, a distance of 150 ri 267 having been counted in an ho ... it than by any "otheT means They cure: $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLME, 1899WBICYCLi "Best Wheels on Earth." 1899 Ideals (22.50, $25, $30. Send for catali Live agents wanted everywhere. FEED T. ME Kill CI, CYCLE CO PORTLAND. SPOKANE. ' TAO aay oi uecemDer, isao. JOHN OGILBiSK, Notary Public for Oregon. CUREtif RUPTURE We guarantee to fit every case we undertaki Don't put it off; write for particulars at onci C. H. WOODAIlll & CO.; Kxpnrt l'rui Fitters, 108 Second Street, Portland, Or. 1 CURE YOURSELF! Ur Kiff f frir uiitintiim discharges, iiiHuiiiniHtionf irritations nr iilcnrti(in of mucous membrane lPrrou contagion. Painless, and not astiin ItheEvansChemicalCo. Bent or P,8onous-- Sold by lruiffUU, or sent in plain wrappei by oxpres, prepaid - N. P. N. V tif Id 1 to S m i i "x . mm CINCINNATI.!) w HEN -writing to mention this