The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 06, 1899, Image 3

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    jirzr Slacier
JANUARY 0, 1809.
res from Mt. Hood at 10 o'-
Ino.sdays and Saturdays: de
ny at noon.
, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays
arrives at o r. M.
ion leaves dally at 1 P. M,
jek P. M.
alinon, leavos for Fulda, Gil-
i ana uienwooa aionuays.
, V ridavs.
' Mi Decree Lodge, No. 87, 1. O,
l't and tliird Mondays In each
OeklaIn, Secretary.
,Wo. 10, G. A. R., meets at A. O.
.-.rat Saturday of each month
4n. All (J. A. K. members ln-
fvlth ne.
iANK NOBLE, Commander,
'so, Adjutant.
' '. C, No. 1(1. meets first Saturday
,,h In A. O. U. W. hall, at 2 p. m.
J'UNKS CUNNING, President,
A Dukks, Secretary.
t Lodge, No. 103, A. F. and A. M.
day evening on or before each
( F. C. BltCWlUS, W. M.
pics, Secretary.
yr Chapter, No. 27, It. A. M.
Friday niirht of each month.
liams, Secretary,
-w Chapter, No. 23, O. E. S. Meets
'fter each full moon.
jikl IiKnaHNEit, Secretary,
embly. No. 103, United Artisans,
nd and fourth Monday niahls of
nh at Fraternity hall. Brothers and
jordially Invited to meet' with us.
Gray, Secretary.
joma Lortire, No. SO, K. of P., meets In
0. V. Hall on every Tuesday night.
. Prather, K. of 11. fc S.
irslde Lodi?e, No. 08, A O. V. W.. meets
,nd third Saturdays of each month.
Watt, Financier.
L. Howk, Reeo? der.
ew.lde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
raternal hall every Thursday night.
' H . J. Hill BARD, N. G. .
. G, Chambkulain, Secretary.
Tor a good shoe go to Bone & Mc
ttiiald. -
Utoonis to Let Apply to Mrs. Chas.
ay tier, '
lV. A. Slingerland wants 40,000 split
aved fir shingles.
itSee theXmus display at the furni
re store.
Steel wedges for sale at the black
with shop. (. '
lA. full line of rubber boots and shoes
ni lie Itacket store.
itSet a Sittiotids saw from Bone & Me
rmaid and be happy.
slr. B. It. Tueker made a. business
hp to The Dalles Monday.
yifr-j. 15 Snow took dinner with Mrs.
if S. Booniian Cu istnius.
I)r. Benjamin, dentist, will be in
River again Jan. 6tb and 7th.
,,-Vloney to loan on real estate by
John L. Henderson, agt.
, Extra line woolen underwear, for
idies and gents, at the Racket Ktore.
Miss Meila White returned from her
oine in iJolk county ' last Sunday
V 'lieJJiluJidJFl.yfirJs laid up mid only
he Dalles City is making trips evw-y
t'be1, day on the river.-
' Woodtthoppera- Wanted Apply to
,Win. 'Udell or Jobu Hwceney. Pay
strictly cash.
Lee Wilson and Charlie Miller went
to Scholls, Washington county, to
hpend Christmas. -
Mr. R. Kirbvson put up an ice bouse
dining the laie eold spell and tilled it
one-quarter with 15 tons of" ice. .
Si those extra heavy Mt. Hood over
alls made to order expressly for
Bone & McDonald.
E. H. Pickard, painter and decorator;
estimates gratis; prices moderate; satis
faction guar-inteed. Leave orders at
Glacier pharmacy.
Mr. E. J. Foley, from Ilarrisbnrg,
jDregon, and family are new settlers in
he valley. They occupy the residence
Mr. Watson in Idlewtlde.
f Mrs. M A. Cook has been confined
to her house for the past .six weeks
-with a serious attack of neuralgia
which at times affected her heart. She
is now getting better slowly,
j Idlewtlde lodge, No. 107, I. O, O. F.,
'of Hood River, have elected the follow
ing officers for the ensuing year: O. H.
Hartley, N. G.; Perry McCrory, V. G.;
J H. Ferguson, treasurer; Heury Hib
bar I, secretary.
. Fannie, Ibe nine-year old daugtiter
of R. M. Hunt, has been - dangerously
sick with whooping cough and pneu
monia. For several days she was not
expected to live, but she is now getting
" ""kiter- aud is thought to be out of
A tiger.
y I'he Glacier failed to note several
iporfant items last week, among
pm the big wheel at the U.B. church
j-,rislma8 eve. The wheel was 12 feet
P(h irnd contained many Christmas
-Bents for the large audience that
ailiuie, ,-'
The annual stockholders meeting of
8te Water Supply Co. of Hood River
f Hey will be held at the Barrett
tool house Saturday, January 7th,
OMJo o'clock, to elect a board of direct
, ' and transact other business that
property come before the meeting,
t , J. F. Armor, Sec'y.
) dpt. A. 8. Blowers and son L.N.
j were have purchased the stock of
onthis of R. Rand & Son and will con
ldm K"eral merchandise business at
ithisame stand. Messrs. Blowers &
b harare well acquainted with the peo
i evf Hood River, having been- mer
r d, .its here for years, and that they
ww make a success of their latest ven
ture is not to be doubted. Messrs. Rand
& Son are not likely to remain long out
of the business field of Hood River.
When the Travers literary club met
at Mrs. Wolfard's this week, eleven
teaspoons were borrowed of Mrs. Bart
mess, one of the set having been lost
nine years ago. When the spoons
were returned there were twelve in the
lot, all marked in a manner that left no
doubt regarding the ownershio. Mrs.
Wolfard said that a number of years
ago her children found the spoon in
the east end of town, but she had no
Idea regarding the borne of the spoon,
audit was only by the merest chance
that they were thus thrown together
"i v prodigal brought into the fain
c.i aguin. Moral Always be
i u.d to your neighbors.
Meigs Bartmess went out to C. G.
Roberts' place to make a visit of several
days last week. Monday morning,
Joun Roberts intended coming to town
to catch the 7:45 train and Aleics was
to accompany him to reach home in
time for school. But, the folks over
slept, and it was 7 o'clock when the
first, one of the family wakened. ' It
being too late to attempt to catch the
early train, Meigs was given a pony to
ride so that be might not be too late
for school. Meigs and the pony start
ed at 7:30, and the pony leeling pretty
good on that frosty morning took it
into his head to run away, and at just
Z minutes past a Meigs managea to
check up bis Hying cayuse at bis futb
er's house, having ridden 8 miles over
some of tile roughest road In Hood
River. It was a sight to see Meigs and
the cayuse, as they emitted more steam
than a steam engine.
Harry Bailey, who went to. Warrens
burg, Mo., with bis 'Wife to spend the
winter, has been heard from. It will
be remembered that be took along with
him some Hood River apples to show
what we could do In the line or grow
ing fruit In1 this country. At Colum
bia, Mo., an exposition was being beld,
ami several of Harry's friends attended
and took along some of Henry Prigge's
tine Spilzeuberga, entered them and
they took first premium. It should be
remembered that Missouri is one of the
best apple states in the Union.
,Ho My, Hood River's genial washee
artist, started last Tuesday for Tacoma,
where he will take the steamer sailing
for China Jan. Cth. Ho My will visit
his old home in the flowery kingdom
.after an absence of 0 years in Melica,
six of which he speut in Hood River.
His ticket trom lacoma to Hong Kong
will cost him $40, and from Hong Kong
200 miles to Canton, $1. Ho My has
left his washee business here in charge
of his fiend Gee Won, who will con
duct it until the return of the propri
etor in July. . .
Mr. Ed Calkins came to town in his
sleigh Tuesday, with Frank Caddy.
five cow bells decorated his horse aud
matte fine music. When coming down
the hill on State street he let out the
Confederit X Roads yell and kept it
up till lie reached the lower end of
town. His grand entree waked up the
whole town, and all who heard it
knew that Ed Calkins bad come to
town. Those who have' lost cowbells
lately in the vicinity of Fraukton may
get a hint trom this item where to hud
Dr. Olive Hartley came down from
Wasco last Saturday. Dr. Hartley is a
graduate of the state university and
has been a practicing physician in
Wasco, Or., for the past three years.
She has decided to locate in Hood
River and has engaged rooms over
Williams & Brosius drug store, and
after January 9th will be permanently
located in Hood River. Dr. Hartley
makes a special study of diseases of
women and children.
C. L. Copple returned last week front
bis trip to Illinois, where he went with
three car loads of Hood River apples
He got a good price tor his apples, witii
the exception of one car, in which the
apples were nearly all frozen. The
seals on two cars were broken on the
way, and it is supposed that one of
these was left open too long and was
exposed to the severe cola that pre
vailed at the time. His loss through
frozen apples was $1K0. ;
If the road supervisor in "district 2
would like to do something that will
redound to his good name and deserve
tlte appreciation of the Fraukton peo
ple lie will put in about one day's work
shoveling snow tin the rough places
along the state road and make the
traveling more comfortable for man
aud beast, . '
At a Christmas dinner last week at
W. S. BoomiHii's four generations of a
family were represented, as follows:
Great-grand later and great-grandmother
Ellis, grandfather and grandmother
Ellis, father and mother Ellis and
baby Kittie Ellis; the oldest 09 years,
the youngest three mouths.
Notice the change in the time card
of the O. R. & N. The early morning
train going west that formerly passed
Hood River at 4.33 a. m. now passes at
4.11 p. in. The west bound Spokane
train passes Mood itiver at 0.07 a. m.
instead of 7.45 a. ni.
If you know of anything happening
in your neighborhood worthy of note
send or bring it in to the Glacier.
The Glacier has no means of know
ing what is transpiring in the coun
try unless some one tells the editor.
Dr. Brosius has been promoted, and
now ranks as surgeon in the Oregon
volunteers with the rank of lieutenaiit.
His friends will be glad to learn that
he has been commissioned, something
they think ought to have happened
some time ago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McCoy returned
from Portland last Friday evening.
Mr. McCoy was seriously sick iu Port
land, owing to the rupture of a small
blood vessel on his bruin, but is now
rapidly improving. .. .
Mr. C.A.Bell, accompanied by his
son Fred, started Wednesday evening
for his home In New Brunswick, whicu
he has not visited for 19 years.
Ed Williams received from Dr.
Brosius a box of Manila cigars of extra
quality? a brand that would retail for
50 cents each.
Read Bone & McDonald's new ad.
Their prices will striKe you favorably
after the Christmas strain on your
pocket book.
G. A. R. and W. R. C. meeting to
morrow. There will be a joint instal
lation of officers, aud a full attendance
is desired. .
Don't fail to take in Capt. Lewis'
lecture next Monday evening. It will
be a treat you wouldn't care to miss.
Mr. Frank Fawk, a rising young
farmer of Polk county, spent the first
of the week iu Hood River,
Prof, aud Mrs. Allard returned from
Troutdale last Friday, after spending
Christmas with relatives.
The town authorities will enforce the
Men s Warm Pants
We have good ones at $1.75, all wool at $2.50 and $3.
UINE BARGAINS. Can not be equaled any where else,
patterns, custom made, double welted seams, cun t rip 'em.
Up-to-date Styles.
See them at .
Bunnie dinger met with a coasting
accident Wednesday evening. He was
coasting by a team, when one of the
horses kicked htm in the head, t he
hoy was knocked insensible and badly
bruised but otherwise was not serious
ly hurt.
A hivthday party was given -Miss
Pansy Baker Wednesday evening.
which was attended by many young
folks in sleighing parties.
Thursday morning the mail carrier
failed to reach Underwood's Landing
because ot slush snow running in the
river. ,
0. E. (J. and K. E. S.
Following is a report of the work of
the Oregon Emergency Corps and Red
Cross Society of Hood River from
May 7, 1898, to January 1, 1899:
Proceeds of four entertainments '. $93 48
Solicited contributions, Blck fund 20 U5
Sundry donations o H7
Private subscription , 6 85
Badges 2 80
Membership fees , 1 40
Total . ...$130 35
Cash sert to Portland headquarters $07 20.
wsieepinBeaps, 4u neeute oooks,4a fever
bulls, sent to Portland, at a cost of IB 94
E.X press charges
Freight charges .,
Telephone message ,
Postage and money orders
Record book
Strawberries furnished troops on train..
Lunch given troops on train
Corps expenses (furnishings for three
Expense on local work
Bought one lamp chimney
Total .$130 35
Supplies sent to Manila Twelve 30 pound
boxes of Christmas goods; one 75 pound box of
dried fruit; six 60 pound buxes of reading
matter; seven 40 pound boxes dried aud
canued fruit packed with reading matter.
- 'SUW. A. WliiAKS, Secretary. -
C. L. Copple '
Has returned from the East and is
ready to make you prices on fancy gro
ceries. Just received a. new invoice of
fresh pickels, sauerkraut, pickled pigs
feet, buckwheat flour, maple syrup,
etc. Also, is reatly to make you prices
on flour, feed, wheat, lolled wheat and
hay. Don't fail td call and get prices.
We want to iive and let others live, so
get my prices on the above mentioned
Thanking you all for your patronage
for the past year, and wishing you a
successful and happy new year, I re
main Youps for fair prices,
An Unexpected Visitor.
Mr. Fred C. Doremus of Tekoa,
Wash., arrived iu Hood River Tties-,
day. He stopped here" to visit with
hi9 brother-in-law, J. J. Luckey, and
family, ana is on his way to Portland.
Mr. Doremus was severely injured in a
railroad wreck near Starbuck, Wash.,
in theearly morningof .November 13th
He was fireman on' a freight train on
tlie u. K. & JN. when his train collided
with another freight. He iumued
from his engine and in the darkness
went over a bluff 30 feet high. Two
cars filled with wheat rolled over' the
bluff" and the wreck completely cov
ered Mr. Doremus, about twenty sacks
of wheat being taken oil before he was
discovered at the bottom or the gulch.
When picked up he was insensible.
Both of his arms were broken the
right one crushed at the elbow and the
wrist dislocated. The accident hap
pened at 3 o'clock in the morning and
no way was found to get him out of
the gulch till daylight. He was taken
to St. Mary's hospital, Walla Walla,
and three weeks later was transferred
to the medical department at Spokane,
rrom which he was discharged. l)ev
30th. Mr. Doremus is badly crippled,
having no use of his right arm and not
much ue or his left. He surprised his
many friends in Mood River by drop
ping in on them Tuesday morning.
At one time the newspapers had him
dead and buried at Hood River.
stock ordinance after next Tuesday.
lioon out, mr your cows. J harvest, and the plumber is again
Laura, the five-year old daughter of phappy by bursting water
mr. iuris jLieiuman or tne lnxi Diue, is
sick with typhoid fever.
Mr. Chas. Davis, now living on his
An Interesting Lecture.
Capt. John W. Lewis of The Dalles,
formerly register of the land oilice at
that place, is a well known veteran of
the civil war. Pie recently delivered a
lecture in The Dalles on his experience
in Libbv prison, where he put in seven
months. He gives the bright side of
prison life, and the story ot his capture
aud escape, with many incidents of his
meeting with notable characters of the
Confederacy, makes an inteiesting
chapter of the history of the civil war.
Capt. Lewis' lecture was such a de
cided success in The Dalles that the old
soldiers of Hood River asked him to
come down and deliver the same here,
and he , has consented to do so. He
will appear at the U. B. church next
Monday evening, Jan. 9th, at 8 o'clock;
at Barrett school house, the following
evening, at 7:30, and at Odell school
house Wednesday evening, Jan. 11th,
at 7:30. The price of admission has
been placed within the reach of all,
only 25 cents. Tickets for sale at La
France's and at the door.
Don't Tobacco Sit mid Smoke lour Lire Away.
To quit tdbacco easily and forever, be mag
netio, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or (1. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Iiemedy Co., Chicago or New York.
'J lie lVeather.
The springlike weather that prevailed
for a few days after Christmas was not
to last, and we are now having our
second winter. Snow has fallen at in
tervals every day and night for the
past week, until now there is about
one foot of the beautiful covering the
ground. The thermometer has gone
down and Thursday morning stood at
15 above zero, within 2 degrees of the
coldest weather in .December. The
sleighing is fine where the roads are
good, and youngsters are enjoying good
coasting in the streets of the town.
There is a fine prospect for another ice
Sleighing parties go out every night
aud wake the echoes along the country
.banners are
roads with their hilarity
ranch at Tygb Ridge, was in Hood j glad the snow has come to protect the
Kiver weauesuay.
Mr. P. E. Gerald, agent for the
National Insurance Co., was iu town
Mr. D. S. Crapper made a trip ,to
The Dalles Tuesday on business. x
George Chamberlain spent the holi
days at his home at Corbett.
irrain and berries, ana the weatner
seems to suit all except the chronic
kicker from west of the cascades, who
kicks and sighs for the rain and slush
and mud of webfoot. The hog melt
and goose ' bone and olher weather
prophets have failed in their prognos
tications and have retired from
Curios from the Philippines.
. Maltie Dukes sent home from the
Philippines a valuable, lot of curios.
Among the lot are a Spanish flag, in
surgent flag, a bannar in needlework
by a native Filipino, sandals, beautiful
sea shells, bead necklace with an image
of the Savior on the cross, Spanish but
tons, ispanish monev, etc The flat
cea shells are decoraled with sketches
of scenery, the work of natives.
Church Notices.
The week of prayer is being observe
by the churches of town. Union meet
ings are held every evening with good
interest and a fair attendance.
The annual meeting of the Congre
gational church was held last Thursday.
The following officers were chosen for
the ensuing year. Trustees, J. H.
Dukes, J. F. Armor and G. R. Casiner;
treasurer, Geo P. Crowell; clerk, Geo.
T. Prather. The financial exhibit of
the church showed that $1150 had been
raised during 1898, for benevolent and
local purposes, and that balances re
mained in the treasuries of the dif
ferent departments, $75 being with the
ladies' aid society alone. After the
business meeting the annual dinner
was served at the parsonage.
Christian Church. Sunday school at
10 o'clock a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m.
and 7.30 p. m. Junior Endeavor at 5
p. m. Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Morn
ing subject, "A Living Hope." Eve
uing suiiject, "Soul Winning."
Plan of services of the M. E. church
at Hood River and Belmont
let Sundays Hood Kiver.morn and evening
2d Sundays Belmont morning, Hood Kiver
3d Sundays Kood River morning and even
ing; Belmont, morning, by J. H. Peak.
4th Sundays Sunday school and Epworth
League at Hood Kiver, evening service at
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Campbell desire
to thank their friends aud neighbors
who so kindly assisted them during
the illness and burial of their infant
child. i ' :
I Died.
In Hood River valley, Dec. 22, 1898,
William Dewey, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Campbell, aged 4 months
and .6 days.
But finding ourselves overstocked in some lines, have con
cluded, in order to close them out, to offer some "induce-.
ments to .. - . .
O-u-r Capita- ' C-o-stoasciers-
3 packages Washing Powder, per pkg,
Flour, per sack, - - .- ... - -
Bran Shorts, per sack, - -
Shorts, per sack, - - - - -
Ladies' Rubbers, per pair, - - -
W. W. Sheeting, per. yard, -
Outing Flannel, per yard, - . i - -
We have no chromos nor pretty stories to offer, but aim
to give you full value for your money.
' 5c
6 c
bone & Mcdonald.
That 50c Shirt.
. We have a fine laundried White
Shirt for half a dollar. Come'
and lay iu a supply while you
can get them at this figure. We
have ten dozen of them, but
they will, not last long at this
price. Ask for
That 50c Shirt.
Carpet Weaving.
We have purchased the celebrated New
comb Kly-Shuttle Loom and are prepared to
do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving. We
furnish warp and weave for 18 and 2.i cents
per yard.
Call at Bone & McDonald's store and exam
ine our work. V. WINCllELL.
- - -
Has nothing to do with tho ' .
, But was put here to attract your
attention lor a moment ko that
i we could inform you that the
place to buy your IjKCGS is
CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Eight Years JExpericnec.
I have opened a choice lot of Groceries In the slore room formerly occupied by the Hood
lilver Pharmacy. Will also deal in Flour, Feed, etc.
Our goods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keep tho best at all times. Quick
sales and small profits will be our motto. Come and see us.
- Successor to E. L.Smith Oldest Established House in the valley.
H : a i-! -
r V. .- .: -and- .- --.'
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
HOOD RIVER, - - - - ' - - OREGON
Time Schedules.
Defakt Fr'm HOOD RIVER Arrive
10:42 p.m.
.4:47 p.m.
8 p.m.
4:11 p.m.
8 p.m.
Ex. Hunday
10 p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
hi wortn.umana,
Kansas City. St
Louis, Chicago
and the East.
Walla Walla, SpoJ
kane, Minneapolis
St, Paul, Duiuth.i
MilwauRee, Chi
cago and East.
Ocean Steamships
All sailing dates suD
iect to change.
For San Francisco
Sail Dec. 3, 8, 18,18,23,
ana z.
Columbia River I 4 p.m.
Steamers. lEx.Sunday.
To Astoria and wayi
-Flyer '
5:57 a.m.
4 p.m.
Willamette River.
6 a.m. Oregon City, New-
Ex. Sunday berg.Salem & way
Willamette and
Yamhill Rivers.
Oregon City.Dayton
ana way lanaings.
7 a.m.
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
6 a.m.
Tues, Thur.
and Sat.
1:15 a.m.
daily ex.Sat.
Willamette River.
Portland to Corval
lis & way landings.
Snakk River.
Riparia to Lewiston
4:30 p.m.
:S0 p.m.
Mon, Wed.
and Fri,
4:30 .m.
Tues., Thur.
ana sat.
Lv Lewist'ri
5:45 a.m. dal-ex.Frlday.
Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
E. B. Clakk, Agent, Hood River.
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
We have a new and comtlcte stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keep constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland price.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty
Columbia Nursery.
Large assortment of all
kinds of nursery stock..
Send for Catalog.
Hood Kiver, On,
Tie Dalles, PorM & Men's
" Navigation Cc.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
DailjM. Dalies art Mart
All Freight Will ComeThrourh
. . Without Delay.
Leave The Dulles ............,K.4r a. m.
Leave Portland 7.(10 a. h.
One way.... $1 ro
Bound trip .. ! iO"
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced
W.C. ALLAWAY, General At.i.t,'j
Proposals ;
Will te received by the Directors of School
District No. (I, Mt. Hood, Oregon, for b.iildin,'
a school house In said district.
nans ana specincaiions may oe hart ny bid
ders by applying to the District Clerk.
The successful bidder will be required to fur
nish good and sufficient bonds.
All bids closed Dec. 21, 181)8. The Directors
reserve the right to reject nny and till bids.
, D. It. COOPED,
O. FRKDFNPURO. Dls'rlet. Clerk.
t?0 Yr-AtJS'
"'t - ,'4 I KMUB
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest ajrency forsecuriiifj paten'.s
in America. We have a Washington oilico-
Patents taken through Munn Hi Co. tfeculva
special notice in tho
beautifully Illustrated, lnrcest circulation of
liny scientific Journal, weekly, terms Stf.flo a year ;
fl.50 8ix mouths. Specimen copies and Ha;;i
Book on Patents Bent free. Address
. MUNN & CO.,
3(il Broadway. New Ynidr.
Skin Diseases.
For the speedy and permanent ettra of
tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham
berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is
without an equal. It relieves the itch- -ing
and smarting almost instantly and
its continued use effects a permanent
cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch,
ecaia nead, sore nipples, itching piles.
chapped hands, chronic
granuiatea lias.
sore iyes end
Dr. fady's Condition Powders for
! horses are the best tonic, blood purifier
j and vermifuge. Price, So cants. Jjukiby