5ood iiver (Slacier. , Published every Eriday by K. F. liLYTIIE. TerniR of Subscription S1.B0 a year whn paid In advance; 2 if not paid in advance. FRIDAY. JANUAltY 0. 1899. The city of The Dulles is in a fair Way to lose the trade that has built up the city mill inurie it the distributing I oint for u liig portion of the Inland Empire riming the past 40 years. The 'olunibiu Southern railroad building fom BUgs lias reached Mora and in time will reach Antelope, with prob- uhl a branch to Prineville. This takes away the ratle of that part of Sherman imiiity Unit h.n been tributary to The I ailes, and the trade of Crook county ami southeastern Wasco will be. Inst to it. The projected railroad from Lyle to Uoldendale, if built, will take from The Dalles most of the trade of Klli.k 1t.it county ll now enjoys. The only hope. for The Dalles to retain her su premacy as the chief city of the Inland Empire lies in establishing manufac tories. The Mountaineer has been pointing out the way, but the men w ho have the capital and own the real estate and who are most interested con tinue to hesitate. Under date of Dee. 17, 1KU8, Governor Lord, by authority of section 2500 of Hill's (.'ode, appointed the following named gentlemen as a state board ol immigration: J. C. Cooper, Henry L J'ittock and Win. G. Gosslin. In view of the importance of the work to- be undertaken, and tile desire of the board to secure co-operation in every section of the state, as well as by every indus try therein, it is deemed advisable to obtain a full expression of opinion. With this end in view a convention is ailed to meet in Portland, Jan. 21, 1S!K), at 10 o'clock a. m., to be com posed of editors, mayorsy-eounty judges and commissioners, members of the legislature, and such representative citizens as may be appointed by mayors uud county judges or commissioners. The question, Where are we to get the soldiers to do garrison duty in oil' new possessions? has never yet been satisfactorily answered. ' But, presum ably, the men who favor imperialism also want to do the soldiering. To bt c msislent, every man who favors the annexation of the Philippines should be willing to join the army to do gar rison duty or tight if necessary to sub due the natives. No man ha the moral right to help send others where he would not be willing to go himself. Imperialist newspapers of the dem ocratic stripe seem shocked at the prop osition to increase the regular army to 100,000 men. More than this nuiber of soldiers will he required if o.ur gov , eminent is going to hold all the terri tory now claimed as captured from Kp.iin. The congressman who would Vole for expansion and then oppose an increase of the regular army the only means to carry out expansion would hhow very poor statesmanship. Canadians are becoming alarmed at the spirit of conquest shown by Amer icans and fear that their "free and in dependent government" will be traded nti' by England consideration ot Uncle Sam's alliance against the great povversof Europe. If Canada had a heathon'populatlm of several millions n'ie would indeed be in great danger of boing "absorbed." Another Union Meeting. As will be seen by a notice in the ad vertising columns of the Gi.acier to day, a meeting of the stockholders of the Hood River Fruit Growers Union is called for January 14, 1899. It is well known that the directors of the it 1 1 ion are more or less handicapped by bylaws and rules that need amend ment, ami it is necessary that a meet ing of stockholders should assemble to transact other important business. The board of directors held a meeting last Saturday and adopted the following resolution, which is to the point: "He it resolved by the Board of Di rectors of the Hood River Fruit Grow ers' Union, That a failure of the stock holders to attend the meeting on Sat urday, January 14, 1899, and to amend the bylaws and transact such other business as may come before the meet ing, so as to allow the board to conduct the business in the best interests of the fruit growers,' shall be deemed bv the board good and sulficient cause for dis- continuing business the coming sea ton." mine sainion Mae. i v rtrt - J . . 1 nr.., ,T i ineuuueeon uie ouui was a gratia success. , The young folks are having great sport coasting. Mrs. Edith Hansberry is couflned to her bed with rheumatism. The Columbia river rose 'rapidly last week, but now it is again falling. Someone borrowed Mr. Dethman's boat last Friday night and has not re turned it yet. The snow, three feet deep in places, bothered the Chenowetli mail carrier Tuesday, and he did not get in till 8 o'clock. The young folks of this place pave Mr. O. Jewett a grand surprise Wed nesday night of last week. He left Tuesday for his school in the Willam ette valley. The mail carrier found it difficult to cross the river Wednesday morning on account of running ice. He was one hour and ten minutes crossing, while ordinarily he makes the trip in 15 or U0 minutes. There will be a partial eclipse of the son Janua'y llih, visible alotig the Xiorth Pacific coast. . The Sealing Industry. Hoon K.IVEU, Dec. 30, 18!J8. Editor Glaciek: Just at this time w hile the fortune seeker not only of our own country but mauv others are traveling their way towards the rich gold fields of Alaska and British Columbia now if the discoveries of the precious metals already made under the trying condi tions are any index to the future, who can predict the possibilities of the won derful gold fields of this country for instance, l lie 'lreaitweti mill, witn lis thousand stamps pounding away at a mountain of quartz, with enough quart:: in sight for the next hundred years and more, with some of the rich est placer digtiiigs ever discovered on the continent, and yet an empire of like gold fields unexplored. The ob ject of this article is to notice one of the best, paying interests at present, and will be for all time to come, if properly protected by. wise legislation of con gress lur-bearing seals. W hen Secretary Seward purchased Alaska from Russia in 1807, payi-ig therefor $7,200,000, the wisdom of his act was almost universally questioned; more paiticularly was the price a mut ter of comment. As no one could un derstand the significance of the $200,000, it has recently come to light as a "stale secret" that when war was feared with the mother country during a critical period of the rebellion, our good pres ident and Secretary Seward secured a pledge of aid from Russia, who kept a number of her best warships on our northwest coast for a number of months, ready at a moments warning to aid us Happily the storm passed over.' Bui the expenses of Russia was a debt of honor up n the nation which was fi nally settled by the cession of Alaska to the United Stales at a nominal price for the payment of this debt, which amounted exactly to the sum of $7, 200,000. If this'be true, Russia, in or der to relieve herself and our state de partment as well from so embarrassing a position, really made us a present of her American possessions. By this purchase the United States acquired the exclusive right to that portion of Retiring Sea lying in Alaska, about 700 miles from the mouth of Yukon river. In this sea are two islands, St. Paul and St. George, which are the chief breeding grounds of the seal. . It soon oecame evident to congress that if un restricted killing was permitted the seals would become, as in all other places, exterminated. So in 1870 con gress gave exclusive privilege in Beh nng Sea to (he Alaska Commercial Co. By terms of this act the company pays i he government an annual rental of $55,000 and $2.65 bounty on each seal secured; no more than 100,000 to be taken each year. From this the an nual revenue is over $300,000, amount ng in nineteen years to about $5,300, -iKX). The. lease expires next year. The cost of protecting the industry is about 5 per cent of this amount. Two gov - rnmeut vessels are employed to guard the interest. And yet it is estimated t hat at least 30,000 seals are capt ured by independent sealers who take their chances of losing vessel and boo'y, be--iiles destroying , twice that number which are lost; yet they have more than doubled in numbers during this lease. The seal is migratory in h s Habits. ln October he goes south, just bow far no one knows. Jn their re turn iu the spring they strike the Cal ifornia coast lar below .Santa Barbara; passing north they destroy large n um bers of salmon. An average seal skin is worth f roil i $8 to $10 in native color, and, curiously enough, every seal skin taken ha to be sent to London to be colored before going upon the general market. In this business we find the most complete monopoly in the world, tor the process is kmvn only to Lou don artisans. Its value is increased many limes by this process. In conclusion, let the press of this 'ountry urge upon congress tiie im l oittmce of wise legislation (no exec s' ve rights or trusts), tenderly provid ing for the protect. on of this valuable interest; otherwise it will lie destroyed, is in all other places; and as a sequence, for awhile cheap furs, then no furs at all. W. P. Watson. Beuuly Is liluuil Deep. Clean blood means n clean skin. No beauty without it. C'ascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets. beaut v for ten cents. All Hriiir- gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Married. A very pleasant social event occurred at the residence of Mr. Charles Castner on Thursday, December 29, 1898. Iu the presence of a number of the rela tives and friends, Mr. Frank W. Angus and Miss Grace E. Belding were joined in marriage. Rev. J. W. Jenkins of ficiating. These young people have a large circle of acquantauces in Hood River who join in wishing them much happiness on life's journey and who will be pleased to learn that they pur pose making their future home in the valley. - : No-To-Hao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, 11. All druggists. La Grippe Successfully Treated. .... "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of ja grippe this year," says Mr.Jas.A.Joues, publisher of the Lead er, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter ease I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over twpdays against ten days for the former attack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this 'remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down.' For sale by Williams & Brosiua. A Watch Night Social. A social was given by W. P. Watson New Year's eve for the young folks. The evening was spent in playing games and a goodly lunch was served by Mrs. Watson for which all were thankful. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Watson, Grace Graham, Carrie Shutes, Lillian Shutes, Maud McCray, Verna Sm th, Alice Graham, Ida Foss, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Shufes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark, W. E. Sherrill, Chester Shutes, lid Williams, Charles Clarke, Win. Graham, Joe Mayes, Dell Rand, Wm. Gregory, James Eggert. Most of them remained to see the old year out and the new year in. - After wishing each a happy new year the guests de parted for ilieir several homes. Home Literary. A home literary society was organ ized last Thursday at Briurvale and the following programme assigned for next meeting, Thursday; Jan. Sih, at 10 o'clock u. in.: Subject, it lsnano-Amerlcan War I 1. Geography of Cuba uud Porto Kico i.;. ii. Aiui-Knani 2. Geography of the Philippines B. E. Shoemaker 3. The Reconcentrados.i J. H. Shoemaker 4. The Autonomist . Government, and why did it fail? Mrs.B.E.Shoemakcr 5. The Destruction of the Amine ..Mrs.-A. M. Cunning 0. The Fifty Millions Voted by Congress L. 1). Blount 7. Why Did the United .States Declare War on Spain? Mrs. Fannie Bailey 8. Why Did Spain go to War with the United suites? Mrs. Mattie Markham 0. Declaration of War and Call for Vol unteers JS.-N. Benson Owing to duties as manager of the Valley Improvement Co., Mr. H. H. Bailey could not be assigned regular duties with the society, and he was elected tin honorary member. The next meeting will be at Briarvale, con ducted by T. J. Cunning. Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker will assiirn duties for the following meeting, at which she will preside. E. N. Benson, Secretary. Educate Your lfowela Wil li Cuscarets. - Candy Ontbarlir, euro constipation forever. lOo, 25c. Xf C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. The Irish Fair. There is to be an Irish fair in Port land from January 21st to February 4th, 1899. It comes iu the merry month of January, after the holiday festivities are all evaporated and faded! 1 here will be excursions, uud all the surrounding country can take advan tage of this occasion and be happy, It is for a most worthy charily tiietiome for the aged but it will not be con ducted on an order of church fairs In all ways I lie Irish fair will be an expo sition, and a most attractive one at I hat. It is an elaboration of the in dustiial exhibition, carried out on new ideas Most of the booths will be illus trative of Irish architecture, and will be miuature productions,on a sufficient ly large and massive scale to be beauti ful, ot' the celebrated structures of the "green little isle." The undersigned hereby desire to express their heartfelt gratitude to the members and friends of the Congrega tional church, who so generously brought material tokens of regard and helpfulness into their home by the oc casion of the church's annual meeting. Many, many thanks. ' Mr. and Mks. J. L. Hershneb, To Cure Coital Ipjti.tou Forever. Take Oascarets Candy Cathartic, 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fall to cure. druggists refund money PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prof'rs, 9 ground and manufactured. t Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. Custom grinding done every Saturday. During the busy season additional days will be men tioned in the local columns. HOOD RIVER. - OREGON. Stockholders Meeting. A meeting of the stockholders of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union will be held at the A. O. U. W. hall on . y, Saturday, January 14, 1899, f At 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of amend ing bylaws and transacting any business that may properly come betore the meeting. " The question of whether the business of the Union will be continued during the coming season will be determined by the results of tills meeting, and a full attendance is desired. By order of Bonrd of Directors. J. W. MORTON, President. Datcd January 2, ltfWt. . Team for Sale. One span of Bay Mares. Will sell for cash or on time. Also, a good wagon. J(i J. E. GREGORY. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: My wife Gert rude Sweeney, having left my house and board without just provocation, I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract in any way whatever. JOHN SWEENEY. Strayed. A 2-yeor old, part Jersey heifer, brand the shape of a heart on right hip; round hole in right ear. Information of the heifer will be thankfully received by C. DETHMAN. News and Opinions OF ; ' National Importance THE SUN Alone contains both. Daily, by mail $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail 8 a year THE SUNDAY SUN Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the Wirld. Price 5c a copy. By mail, t2 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. Wanted. 40.000 sol it and shaved fir Shineles. V d W. A. SL,lNGERLAND.jj Bids Wanted. Bids for grubbing 40-acres of land and for wood chopping will be received by the under signed. The land Is located mile from Tucker's Mill, 6 miles from town. Bids must be received by Jan. 15, 18U9. JOS. HEN GST. JEWELRY. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Jewelry of our manufacture warranted to give the wearer satisfaction or money re funded. We manufacture a complete line in Rolled Gold Plate, Gold Filled, Gold front and Solid Gold. A complete line of Jewelry of our manu facture Is for sale by Chas. H. Temple of Hood River, Or. Call at the store and examine the line. Prices low and goods first class. W. F. MAIN Co.. Manufacturing Jewelers, Iowa City, Iowa. Notice of Assessment. To t he Stockholders of The Hood River Trans portation and Boom Company: Yon are hereby notified that an assessment of 15 per centum on the capital stock (ssi.fio per share) has been levied, due and payable at once, to be delinquent ten days from the date ol this notice. By order of Board of Direct ors. Payable to Geo. P. Crowell, Treasurer. Dated Dec. 18, 1898. Do You Want To buy lanfl In Hood River Valley. If so, don't fail to See Tucker! Fruit Land. Berry Land. Grain Land, or Hay land, at prices von can't equal in the valley. H. U. TUCK KK, Tucker, Or. i To close out my stuck of Shoes More than two thousand dollars worth of slioes will be slaughtered. Come early and get your pick of the slock at prices that are almost like giving them to you. 1 mean exactly what I say, that the entire stock goes at prices lower-than you ever heard of before. I have an immense stock of Shoes coming from the East, and I must close out what I have be fore they arrive. Don't let your neighbors get all the bargains, for I will slaughter Shoes us long as there are any in sight but only for CASH. - G. 3D. , WOODWORTH. . Dealer in General Merchandise, Farm Implements, Lumber.etc. Hood River Oregon. All Teams stop at t : 9 ' Hood River's ill eat Market AND liuvs absolutely for cash other words, buys bargains and sells bargains. Can handle your wood, butter, egns, cabbage, potatoes, onions, at a cash price, and can tive in exchange cash, or at cash price, the BEST GROCERIES and the BEST ' MEA TS in the state. Just received, an . extremely fine lot of sugar-cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Heavy Side Bacon and dry Salt Pork. Make cut-rate prices to purchasers whobny at one time $10 worth of goods. Parties who have not yet. bought yourwinter supplies, TAKE NOTICE It is your financial interest.. to call and " get prices before purchasing elsewhere. - Goods delivered to patrons in the city. ' AND CASH ONLY, is what mpkes prices, so low on Hardware, Harness, Doors, Sash, Paints, Oils, ! Guns and Ammunition; Stoves, Shoe Findings and Bike Supplies, At DEfZER'S NEW STORE. S. & Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin ity. Heavy draying and transferring done with care and promptness. Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or Its equivalent. Regarding prices, will saythatl defy competition. I am not afraid to meet competitive prices at any time. Meetme on Port land lines and I will meet you with Portland prices. Call and see Jh CANDY v 25c 50c , :liZiM&! BRADLEY, Photographer. Gallery open three days in the week Thurs day. Friday and Saturday until further no tice. First-class work and All Work Warranted. Wagon Repairing, j All kinds of wasron repairing done on short Rotioe and at reasonable prices, at the old Doners mill in Frunktou. t;. II. ROGERS. 1 tmr ETIk OTjj. aea m .fl si. i Reciprocity Corner. -,.um' riw i. sells absolutely for cash. In Does the same work equally as velt(if not beiter) than the more complicaed and higher priced machine. A. A. LEWIS, Manager Oregon Agency, 2724 Stark street, Portland. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. L. CO.'S S. E. BARTMESS. ALL DRUGGISTS Good Ranch for Sale. Six miles below Hood Klver, on the river and railroad; well adapted fur early fruit. Strawberries and other small fruits on the r, lace. Bearing orchard. Plenty of water for mention. Also, good timber for lumber or wood. For terms apply to o!4 CONRAD REPP, Hood River. I Challenge You to find better bargains than I now offer. 80 acres in foot hills. ' 40 acres near town. v 10 acred near town. My property until sold. , ul .'; T. R. COON. M. F. SHAW, M. D. (Successor to Dr. Morgan) ' All Calls Promptly Attended Ofilce up stairs over Copplc's store. Al catls left at the office or residence will bt promptly attended to. - JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. Attorney-at-Law, Abstracter, JSotar.y Public and Meal Estate Agent. ; For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many years experience in : Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of lines ana agent, satisiacuon guaranteed or no charge. J. F. WATT,M. D., Graduate of Bellevne Hospital Medical Col lege, 1884. In general practice at Hood River, Oregon. ,, Surgeon for O. R. & N. Co. Is especially cquip'M to treat catarrh of nose and throat and diseases of women. Special terms for ollice treatment, of chronic cases. ol4 DENTISTRY. Dr. R. W. Benjamin, dentist, of Portland, will make regular visits to Hood River, ana will have rooms at the Mt. Hood hotel. All the different methods of crowning and filling teeth.1 Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Portland Office Rooms7 and 8 Brooks bldg, v northwest cor. 7th and Washington streets Mf,. Htfsfl Sn.-rar Mills. TOMT.refiflM HRflS Prnn'r. FIE AND PINE LUMBER to suit the times. . jy'M Fresh Milk, Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. V. H. BUTTON. The Glacier BARBER SHOP. GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Hood River, Or. Estray Notice. Dark red yearling heifer, dark stripes on sides, left horn drooped.. Any knowledge of the animal will be thankfully received by d'J G. K. CABTNEk, Hood River. Strayed. Three head of cattle, coming two years old. Earmarked and branded Jj on right hip. Will pay a reward for any information con cerning them. B. W. CUT. RAN, Vieuto. Jewelry and Watches At New York prices. My Jewelry is tested be fore leaving Ihe factory and is all gold-braced. These goods are warranted to give sattsfao tion. , dfl . C. H. TEMPLK. Fruit Ranch for Sale. 40 acres, 2 miles from town.' All kinds or fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reasou able. .. W. J. CAM f BELL. 5 Acre Tracts. Some of the most desirable places in Hood River Lave been placed in my hands for sale. Sixty acres for sale in live-acre tracts. If you wish to buy or sell lands in Hood Elver valley, call on or address M. H. NICKEIjSKN, Real Estate Agent, Hood River. Or. FOR SALE. r5 Lumbar Wagon. lph JtSO ViTT sell part oiall of my ranch. E. E. SAVAGE. 120 Acres for Sals or Eeiit. With good improvements,: miles southwest of town. Good school near by. good roucis, plenty of fruit and the bust of land. Call on Klondike Bakery. I can supply people of Hood River with f esh bread, pies and cake after this date, and will hare on hand everything connected with a bakery. M. II. NICKKL8EN. Marco 4, ls. 140 Acres for Sale. One hundred and forty acres of good land In Bouthwestquarter section l;, tovnship2 north, range !) east, W. M., known as the Chai its 5- V. Berger place. Good roomy houue and' ome fruit trees on the place. For price, erras, etc., address or call on J. M. Hunting on & Co., The Dalles, Or. d2 A SPECIAL BARGAIN Semi-Weekly Republic and Glacier BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2! The Semi-Weekly REPUBLIC is so well known that abont all that is necessary to se cure a sub3cription is to call attention to it. It is the best general newspaper of its class than any other news weekly or semi-weekly. It has command not oniy of all the gr 4t sourcesof news from the Daily and Sunday REPUBLIC, but also receives the special ser vice of the New York Herald and New York Journal. The telegraphic and cable Bervice of the REPUBLIC and the papers mentioned have never been equaled in the history of journalism in this or any other country. . The special features and illustrations are al ways the best. "More noted writers contribute to its columns than to any other pi.per of Its class. It is published especially to meet the wants of that large class of readers who have not. Ihp nntvirlnnitv ni- cnnmit. ntf,rl ti tmiH .. ti unity pttpci .' - By a special arrangement made for a lim ited time only, onr friends will be given an opportunity to take advantage of this liberal proposition. Remember the offer, the Twice-a-Week RE PUBLIC, IB pages a week, and the GLACIER, both One year for only two dollars. Address the Glacier, Hood River, Or. . ) NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash,, Dec. 7, 1808. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at Vancouver, wasn., . on Monaay, January iu, icyy. viz: . HARRY OLSON, H. E. No. 7521, for the lots one, two, three and four, section 22, township 8 north, range 10 cast, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion oi saia ianu, viz: ' Amos Underwood. Edward Underwood. George Dnvenal and Henry Kellendonk, all of Underwood (Hood River P.O.),Wftshington. nuji3 w. n. -UUJNiiAtt, register. PUBLIC LAND SALE. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, OregorVNov 3U, issis. -notice is nereoy given t at in ,-nisi' ance of instructions from the Commls ;n of the General Land Office, under autlont vested in him by section 2455, U. IS. Elej Stat., as amended by the act of congre.taaf proved February 26, 18t)5, we will procewl offer at. public sale on the 14th day of Jania'q next, at this office, the following tract of lit to wit: NK N W!4 Sec.14, Tp.2N., R.11E.W. containing 40 acres. I Any and all persons claiming adversely? above-described lands are advised to file tf claims in this office on or before the day & ot!j ucbi(j . mui tile c.iii iiirij.-tjuicin. naiui eir rights will be forfeited, j .1 A i f. luuah, Kegista OTIS PATTERSON, Keq' i K'i