he Hooc Eiver Glacier It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. X. . HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1899. NO. 33. lei,: I to, RECORD OF A YEAR. Important Events Crowded the Past Twelve Months. MUCH HISTORY MADE. The Year 1898 Will Be Remembered as a Most Notable Om. A Chronological Kevlew Showi It to Have Been Remarkable In Many Respects-War with Bpain Take Fore most Place In the Interesting; Record, Concise Story of That Victorious Conflict International and Internal Dissensions Among Knropean Coim-tries-Dis ister and Death at Home and Abroad. To him who is concerned with history In the making there very rarely comes a year more heavily lndeu with important events than the year 1S08. It has seen every state in Europe," except peaceful Scandinavia and the Dutch communities, face to face with either war or internal dissolution some of them within meas urable distance of both. Yet the greatest effects have not been in Europe; 1898 has eeei the United States forced," not by any gr. ed of power, but by its humanitarian ideals, to take its part in European rela tions. A brief but glorious armed conflict with Spain has been begun, prosecuted to its end and Bettled by a treaty of peace upon which the ink is scarcely dry. The inception of great political changes has been witnessed in China; two European rulers have come to their death; several men and women prominent in statecraft, military affairs, reform, literature and music, have passed away; the year has been marked by some terrible marine dis asters, causing great loss of life; and fire, flood and storm have numbered their vie time by scores and caused extensive loss of property. The war between the United States and Spain was the foremost event or series of events in the year's history. It was the sixth wivr waged by the American people I against 1 ireigners, was declared April 25, "iLjL98, anil continued until Aug. 12, about "-fuar-ittt;ths.-v The-Unkod-Stntes employ ed over 200 warships, of all classes, and 2(50,000 regulars and volunteers, nearly 200,000 of whoi:t, however, did not see active service against the Spaniards. The ' United States forces won all the battles of the war; the most notable engagements being Admiral Dewey's destruction of the Spanish Eastern fleet at Manila bay, Admiral Sampson's destruction of the Spanish Cape de Verde squadron at San tiago, and Gen. Shafter's capture of San tiago. The American naval forces lost not a vessel, and but 17 killed and 67 wounded; but the army lost 210 killed and 1,437 wounded. The Spanish navy lost 35 warships valued at $30,500,000, more than 1,000 sailors in killed alone; and the army lost nearly 3,000 in killed, besides rottniled. Spain was obliged to relin quish Cuba and to cede all its remaining West Indian possessions to the United States; also the island of Guam, one of the Ladrones, and lost sovereignty over practically all the Philippines. The Unit ed States expended about $300,000,000 in prosecuting the war. Spain was com pletely bankrupted. The chronological table that '; follows gives the most important happenings of J898, foremost among which are those of the war with Spain. CONFLICT WITH. SPAIN. Events of the War Lately Won by the United States. . Junnary. 25 TJ. S. battleship Maine, Oapt. C. D. SIgs- bee, U. o. N., Is ordered to Havana, Cuba. . ' February. ' . . . . 8 The publication of a letter written by Beuor Dupuy de Lome, spanisn minister to the United States, speaking dispar agingly of President McKlnley, leads to the Minister's resignation, of his post lid the appointment ol senor Lmis Polo y Boruube, 15 The U. S. battleship Maine, lying In the harbor of Havuna, Is destroyed and sunk by an explosion between U and 10 o'clock p. in. 17 Rear Admiral Slcard, commanding the North Atlantic squadron, orders a court of Inquiry Into the loss of the Maine. 10 The request of the Spanish officials In Havana for a Joint Investigation Into the loss of the Maine Is declined. 21 The United States Senate orders an In vestigation into the Maine disaster. '. , March. 8-9 Congress votes to place $50,000,000 at the unqualified disposal of President Mc Klnley as an emergency fund. 10 Spain remonstrates against the presence : of the United States fleet at Key West and against other measures of defense ' by our Government. 17 Facts concerning Cuba stated In the Senate by Senator Proctor, of Vermont, as the result of personal observation. 28 Court of Inquiry's report on the Maine . gent to Congress. April. B Consul General Lee recalled. 10 Consul General Lee leaves Cuba. 11 President McKlnley sends a message to , . Congress recommending armed lnterven ' tjon In Cuba. 15 Army ordered to mobilize. 16 yenate belligerency resolutions passed. 18 Congress votes against Cuban recogul- (ion. 19Jbougress passes resolutions demanding , the withdrawal of Spain from Cuba. 204Queen opens Cortes with war speech. llGovernnient announces Its opposition to privateering. President signs uotlflca tlon to the nations of intention to block ade. 81 Our minister at Madrid, Gen. Stewart L. .Woodford, Informed by the Spanish MiuUte,.. of. Foreign Affalnr vat dlplo matlc relations between S and the i tjnlted States are terinln' ..PresI- Unt McKluley cables our itum to i (win, demanding a reply i 123.... tor Polo y iter na be, , minis- ter. receives his passport and leaves Washington. 22 Cruiser New York, Sampson's flagship, captur-s Pedro, 2,000 tons, fifteen miles east of Havana. .. .Cuban ports block aded by the American squadron. v 23 The President issues his proclamation calling for 1115.000 volunteers. . 24 (Sunday) A Spauish decree declaring war against the United States was cassetted at Madrid. 25 Congress passes a resolution declaring that the state of war existed from April 21. 26 ReeruHIng volunteers began In New York City. 27 United States vessels bombard Matan sifis Seventh New York Regiment de clines to enlist. 28 Commodore Dewey's fleet sails from Hongkong for Manila. 20 Spanish squadron sails from Cape Verde for the West Indies. .. .New York shells Cabanas forts U. S. cruiser Yale Purls) arrives In New York. 30 Commodore Dewey's squadron arrives off Manila. .. .Flagship New York fires ; on Spanish cavalry sharpshooters off Havana. ; May. 1 XT. S. eru'ser Toneka arrives at New Yoik from Falmouth. .. .Commodore Dewey's squadron destroys the Spanish fleet at Manila. 2 Cable from Manila to Hongkong cut by Commodore Dewey. 4 Battleship Oregon and gunboat Marietta sail from Itio Janeiro. '7 Commodore Dewey informs State De partment of the seizure of Cavlte. 0 Congress thanks Hear Admiral Dewey. 10 The Gussle expedition sailed from Tampa.. 11 Ensign Worth Bagley and four of the crew of the torpedo-boat Wlnslow killed by a shell from the Spanish forts at Car denas 12 Admiral Sampson's squadron bombards the forts at San, Juan, Porto Rico.... The Spanish Cape Verde fleet arrives at Port de France, Martinique. .. .Gussle expedition repulsed. 13 Commodore Schley's fleet sails south to meet the Spanish squadron. 14 Spanish Cape Verde fleet sighted off Curacoa. 15 Hear Admiral Dewey reports on fall of ' Manila. .. .Sng.ista's cabinet resigns.... Span sh torpedo-bont destroyer Terror disabled at Port de France, Martinique. . . . .Spanish fleet leaves Curacoa. . . .Gen. Merrltt ordered to the Philippines as mll 1 Itary governor. .. .Gov. Black authorizes reorganization of disbanded Thirteenth Regiment. 17 Sagasla's new cabinet announced at Madrid.- 18 Ninety thousand troops ordered to mobil ize in Cblckamauga. 20 Spanish fleet arrives at Santiago de Cuba. 22 Cruiser Charleston sails for Manila. 23 Troops A and C arrive at Camp Alger, Falls Church, Va. 24 The Spanish fleet Is bottled up at San tiago. 25 Three transports with 2,588 men start for Manila. .. .President lssuesa call for 75,000 more volunteers. 26 Oregon arrives In Key West.... One of Spain's cabinet ministers said the coun try was willing to nceept "an honorable peace.". .. .Commodore Schley Is In touch with the Insurgent leaders. .. .Florida expedition landed without opposition near Guantanamo, Cuba. 27 Spanish scout ships chased by American warships near Key West. - 29 Commodore Schley reports the trapping of Cervera In the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. .. .Cruiser Columbia arrives at New York, having been In collision with the British steamship Foscolla, which sank. 30 Troops embark at Tampa for Havana. 81 Bear Admiral Sampson's fleet bombards forts of Santiago de Cuba. J una. 1 Transports for Manila arrive at Hono lulu, Hawaii, and the Boys in Blue be come the guests of the city ... .Monitor Mouaduock ordered to Manila from San Francisco. . 2 Spain again appeals to the Powers to intervene. . 8 American squadron bombarded Santiago de Cuba. 4 Lieut. Hobson sinks cruiser Merrlmac In the mouth of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. Fortifications of Santiago de Cuba re duced. 7 American squadron bombards and si lences batteries at Santiago. .. .Monitor Monterey and collier Brutus sail for Manila. 8 Assault on fortifications of Guantanamo Bay. 9 House agrees on war revenue conference report. lOVAdmlral Sampson reports he has held Guanlauamo harbor since the 7th.... Senate agrees on conference report on war revenue bill. 11 Four Americans at Calmanera are killed In a fight with the Spaniards. 13 Thirty-two transports with Shafter's troops sail for Santiago. .. .President McKluley s'gus the war tax bill. 14 Two Americans ond several hundred Spaniards killed- In a battle at Cal manera. ' 15 Second expedition sailed from San Fran . Cisco for Manila Great destruction results to Santiago forts through the use of the dynamite guns on the Vesuvius. 17 Spanish squadron sailed from Cadiz and passed Gibraltar. 20 Transports with Gen. Shafter's troops arrive off Santiago. 22 Part of Shafter's troops landed. 23 Balance of troops landed without acci dent. .. .Admiral Camara's Cadiz fleet arrives at Island of Pantellarla. 24 Sixteen American soldiers killed and forty wounded In driving back Spanish soldiers at Santiago. 27 Commodore Watson to command fleet to attack Spanish home territory, .. .Presl- dent McKluley. recommends thanks of Congress for Lieut. Hobson, and that he be transferred to the line. 28 President proclaims blockade of South ern Cuba from Cape Frances to Cape Cruz. 29 Gen. Shafter reports he can take San tiago In forty-eight hours.. ..The Senate thanks Lieut. Hobson and his men, nam ing each one personally. 30 Egyptian Government refused ' to let Cumara coal his fleet at Port Suld. July. 1 Shafter's army began the assault upon Santiago de Cuba, capturing the enemy's outer works. 2 Shafter renewed the attack upon San tiago, losing about 1,000 In killed and wounded, and making 2,000 Spanish prisoners. The Spanish casualties prob ably exceeded those of the Americans. 3 Cervera's fleet destroyed at Santiago, with great loss of life. 0 Spanish transport Alfonso XII, blown up off Muriel by American gunboats.... Hobsou, the hero of the Merrlmac, and bis comrades exchanged for Spanish prisoners outside Santiago. , 7 President signs Hawaiian annexation resolution. .. .Admiral Dewey took Sublg and 1,300 prisoners. 11 Cruiser St. Louis brings Admiral Cer vera and 746 prisoners to Portsmouth, N. H.... Admiral Sampson's fleet bom barded Santiago. 13 Announced that yellow fever has broken out In Gen. Shafter's army. 14 Gen. Toral and the Spanish army sur rendered Santiago at 3 p. m. 17"01d Glory" raised over Santiago at noon. 18 President Issues a proclamation provid ing for the government of Santiago.... Seven American vessels bombard Man zanlllo and destroy seven Spanish ships. 21 Gen. Miles, with 3,415 men on trans ports, convoyed by warships, starts to take Porto Rico. .. .American gunboats capture Nlpe and sink the Spanish crull er Jorge .Tnan. .. .Gen. Callxto Garcia, commander of the Cuban army of East ern Cuba, owing to discontent because the American Government has Ignored him and his troops In the surrender of Santiago, withdrew. .. .News reached this country that the second expedition to re-enforce- Admlrnl Dewey had arrived at Cavlte.' 22 Aguinaldo declared himself dictator of the Philippines. 23 Another expedition for the Philippine Islands sailed from San Francisco. 25 Gen .Miles and 3,500 men reach Guan Ico. Porto Rico, and effect a landing. 26 Secretary Day, M. Cambon, French am bassador, and his first secretary, M. Thlebaut, confer with President McKln ley In regard to terms of peace. . 27 The port of Ponce, Porto Rico, surrend ers to Capt. Davis, of gunboat Dixie. 80 News of Gen. Merritt's arrival at Cavlte received at Washington. .. .Dewey In forms the President that Aguinaldo, the Philippine Insurgent chief, nssumed a defluut attitude. ' 81 The Spanish forces at Cavlte made a sortie during a fierce storm on the Amer ican troops In the Malate trenches. They were repulsed with heavy loss. Ten of Gen. Merritt's men were killed and for-ty-elgbt wounded. AUTUSt 2 President McKlnley makes public the terms of peace offered to Spain by the United States. 4 The monitor Monterey and Its consort Brutus, arrive at Manila". . . .Gen. Shaf ter and his subordinates ask that the fever-stricken army at Santiago de Cuba be removed north. 5 Formal orders Issued for the removal of Gen. Shafter's army to this country. 6 Spain accepts the terms of peace offered by the United S ates. ... .Guayamo, Porto Rico, captured by Gen. Haines' forces. Three Americans cornered. 8 Spain accepts President McKlnley's peace terms. Certain representations were made regarding Cuba which were not accepted, however. .. .Spaniards st Guantanamo lay down their arms and surrender to Brig. Gen. Ewers. 9 Gen. Ernst's brigade captured Coamo, Porto Rico, after a lively fight, In which seven Pennsylvania volunteers were wounded. Two hundred Spaniards were taken prisoners. .. .Spaniards attempt to retake the lighthouse at Cape San Juan, but are repulsed with heavy loss. 10 A protocol covering the peace terms of the United States has been agreed upon by M. Cambon, -representing Spain, and President McKlnley ... .Gen. Schwan's forces defeat 8panish troops at Maya guez. Porto Rico. Loss on our side two killed and one wounded. 11 Spain's cabinet formally approved Pres ident McKlnley's peace protocol and a cablegram was sent to M. Cnnibon au thorizing him to sign In behalf of Spain. 12 M. Cambon, French ambassador to the United States,, signs the protocol and a cessation of hostilities is ordered. 13 Surrender of the city of Manila, after stlf bombardment by Dewey. 30 Gen. Merrltt leaves Manila for Paris to aid the Peace Commission. September. B Spanish Cortes convenes to consider peace proposals. 9 Gen. Otis, United States commander at Manila, demanded the removal of the insurgents from that city. 10 Spanish Senate adopts the peace proto col. 12 The situation at Manila reported crit ical. 13 Spanish Chambers of Deputies adopts the peace protocol. 16 Spanish Peace Commission oppolnted, ' with Senor Rlos, President of the Sen- ate, as President. 17 The Peace Commission of the United , States sails for Paris. 19 Spanish Government Usnes nn order for all troops In the West Indies to return home. 20 The evacuation of the outlying positions in Porto Rico begun by the Spanish. 29 American and Spanish Commissioners meet lu Paris. October. 1 American and Spanish Peace Commis sioners hold their first session. 4 American Peace Commission receives the report of Gen. Merrltt In Paris. 18 Formal ceremony of raising the United States flag over San Juan takes place. . . . American Commissioners refuse to as sume any portion of Cuban debt. 24 Gen. Ortega, with the last of the Span ish soldiers, sails from Porto Rico for Spain. 20 Spanish soldiers captured at Manila during the war are released by United States. 27 Spanish Peace Commissioners "accept condition of the non-assumption of Cu ban debt by United States. . , November.. 28 Terms of peace accepted by Spain. December. 10 Treaty of peace with Spain signed at . Paris. ' GENERAL CHHONOLCGY, Record of Events that Have Occurred During; the Past Year. Janunry. 1 Officers of the Cuban provisional gov ernment sworn In. 2 Six persons burned to death at Jersey City, N. J. 3 Thirty persons killed by collapse of floor In city hall at London, Out. 7 Theodorc Durrant hanged for murder at St. Quentln prison, California. 8 Six m;n killed by explosion of an Ohio River towboat near Gleufleld, Pa.... Ftfteen men drowned off Bauduc by foundering of a French steamer Six lives lost In a mine explosion near Pitts burg, Kan.... Death of MaJ. Moses P. Handy. 12 Forty lives and $1,000,000-worth of prop erty destroyed by a tornado at Fort Smith, Ark. 16 Death of Hon. BenJ. Butterworth, Uni ted States Commissioner of Patents, at Thomasville, Ga. 19 Bread riots at Ancona, Italy. 20 Fire loss of $600,000 at East Grand Forks, Minn. , 22 Marriage of Rev. T. DeWItt Talmage and frs. Col. Collier. . . .Destructive storm over the West and South. 25 Many persons burned to death In a con flagration at Spokane, Wash. .. .f 1,500,- 000 worth of property at East St. Louis, 111., Including Union elevator and Bur lington freight depot, destroyed by tire. 27 January wheat sells for $1.05 In Chi cago. .. .Steamer City of Duluth lost off St. Joseph, Mich. 29 Several persons killed In a smash-up on the Maine Central Railway at Orono.... Ten men killed by caving In of North west land tunnel in Chicago. February. 1 Six lives lost by burning of the Alvord House, Gloversvllle, N. Y Schooner Briggs wrecked off LltLle Nahant and eight lives lost. 2 -$500,000 fire loss In Winnipeg, Manitoba. 3Slx 'persons killed In railway collision near. Boston. .. .Fire destroys $225,000 worth of property at Scrauton, Pa. 4 Seven killed In railroad wreck at Glas gow, Scotland. 6-50,000 flre at Albany, Ind. .. .Holland American steamer Veendam wrecked In mid-ocean. 9 Adolph L. Leutgert sentenced to life Im prisonment for wife murder In Chi cago. .. .Assassination of President Bar- , rlos of Guatemala. .. .$250,000 flre loss at Fort Worth, Texas. 10 Thirty-eight lives crushed out by fall ing walls at Pittsburg. 11 Nassau Chambers in New York burned; loss, $500,000.,.. French ship Flachat goes down off Canary Islands; 87 lives lost. ' 17 Flre damp explosion In a colliery at Hammeerly, Prussia, kills 50 persons. .. . $100,000 flre at Plttsfield, Mass Brit ish steamer Legislator burned at sea. 18 Death of Miss Frances E. Wlllard In New York City Large flre at Pitts burg. 20 New wharf and custom house at Tam p'co, Mexico, burned; loss, $2,000,000. 25 National Tobacco Company's works nt Louisville, Ky burned; loss, $2,000,000. 26 Nine lives lost In a tenement house flre at Charleston, S. C... Seven persons killed at Blue Island, 111., by the collis ion of a train and an omnibus. .. .Ten persons killed and five Injured by an explosion and flre In Hall Bros.', labora tory at Kalamazoo, Mich. 27 Death of Wm. M. Slngerly, proprietor of the Philadelphia Record. March, 2 Six men killed by boiler explosion near Brewton, Ala. 3-Nlne drowned by the foundering of the s.-hooner Speedwell off the Florida coast. 7 Fire causes $150,000 loss In Brownell & Field Co.'s building at Providence, R. I. $5,000,000 flre loss at Manila, Phil ippine Islands. 11 Death of Gen. W. S. Rosecrans. 13 Eleven men burned to death In Bowery Mission, New York. - 10 Death of Aubrey Beardsley, the artist. Many persons killed in a flre at 215 Wabash avenue. Chicago. 17 Death of Blanche K. Bruce, Register of the Treasury. 19 Six convicts killed In a mine at Pratt City. Ala. 21 Several persons killed In a hotel flre at Butte, Mont. 22 Forty lives lost by sinking of bark Helen Almy off San Francisco. 25 Death of James Payn, English novel ist Death of Truman P. Handy, of Cleveland, Ohio, oldest banker In United States. .. .Wisconsin Industrial School for Boys at Waukesha damaged $100,000 by fire. 23 Fony-elght scalers of steamer Green land perished on Ice floes. 26 Seven persons burned to dgath at Kent, Minn. 27 Death of Congressman Slmpklns, of Massachusetts. April 3 Fifty lives lost In flood at Shawnee town, 111. 4 Fifteen men killed by explosion of pow der near Snn V.cenrs Mexico. 7 Sudden death of Margaret Mather, the tragedienne. . 11 Oxford Junction, Iowa, visited by $100, 000 flre. 12 Peun glass works at North Irwin, Pa., burned, ioss. $730,000. 15 Anaconda Copper Mining Co. at Bolt, Mont., suffers $250,000 flre loss. 17 Fire, following a dust explosion, de stroys grain elevator at Bos, on; loss, $600,000. 19 Death of George Tarsons Lathrop. 21 Postmaster General Gary res:gns and Is succeeded by Charles Emory Smith.... , Death of Senator Walthall, of Missis sippi. ' 25 Secretary of State' John Sherman re- signs. 26 Win. R. Day appointed to fill the va cancy. .. .Glasgow, Scotland, visited by a $750,000 flre Powder mill at Santa Cruz, Cal., blown up, causing loss of eleven lives. 28 Atlantic Powder Co.'s works at Dover, N. J., wrecked by an explosion. 30 Heavy damage done by tornadoes In Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and South Da kota. . May. 2 Thirteen persons killed by tornado at Jerlco, Mo. 3 Schooner Crown wrecked off St. Johns, N. F., and 11 men drowned. 6 $125,000 flre loss at Cleveland. ,7 Three hundred persons killed In a riot at Milan, Italy. 8 Duluth, Minn., suffers a $100,000 flre. 11 Wool warehouse burns at Ballardvllle, Mass.; loss, $500,000. 12 Burning of Armour's elevator D and several lumber yards causes $1,000,000 loss In Chicago. 14 Thousands killed by cyclone on Sum bawa Island, Malay Archipelago. .. .Ed ward Remenyl, violinist, falls- dead lu a San Francisco theater. .. .Ball Bros.' glass works burned at Muncie, Ind.; loss, $285,000. 16 Flint mill of Mining & Mill Co., nt East Liverpool, Ohio, burned; loss, $100,000. 17 Great damage done and many people hurt by cyclone In Nebraska. 18 Business section of Attleboro, Mass., destroyed by flre. . . .Destructive cyclone sweeps through Iowa, Kansas, Illinois and Wisconsin.- 10 Death of William E. Gladstone. 22 Death of Edward Bellamy Mine fire at Zollern, Prussia; 45 miners perish. 28 Italian cabinet resigns. . 31 New cabinet formed In Italy. ' Jn e. 1 Death of tragedian Thos. W. Keene.... Trinsmisslppl ,. exposition . opens at Omaha. 4 Death of Capt. Chas. V. Grldley, of the cruiser Olympla at Manila. 7 Plant of Burgess Steel Co., Portsmouth, Ohio, horned; loss, $400,000. 11 Case Power Building In Detroit burned. 13 Collapse of Joseph Letter's wheat deal. 15 Resignation of the French ministry. 28 First pariy cabinet formed lu Japan. ' 29 Formation of the Pelloux cabinet In Italy. July. 2 Strike of stereotypers causes Chicago papers to suspend for four days. 4 French liner La Bourgogne goes down off Sable Island with 553 passengers. 6 Hawaiian resolutions adopted by the Senate. , 8 Steelvllle, Mo., almost obliterated by a waterspout. ...Congress adjourns sine ' die. 11 Sagasta ministry In Spain resigns.... Eleven men' killed In water tunnel at Cleveland, Ohio. 19 Powder mill at Oakland, Cal., blown up by a Chinaman and seven lives lost. 30 Death of Prince Bismarck. August. 1 Martin Thorn executed at Sing Sing, N. Y. ' 8 BUmarck, N. D., destroyed by flre.... Death of Georg M. Ebers, Egyptologist and novelist. . ' 12 United Slates flag officially hoisted over Hawaii. 13 Twenty lives lost by cloudburst in Haw ' kins County, Ky. . 15 Resignation of ministry at Lisbon. 20 French steamer La Coquette sunk off Newfoundland by the Norge; 16 lives lost. 21 Seven persons killed in raflway collision at Sharon, Mass. ' 22 Eight laborers killed by collapse of a wall In Carnegie tunnel, Pa. . . .Carter- vllle, 111., visited by a $250,000 fire 300 miners drowned at Nience, Silesia.... Death of King Malletoa of Samoa. 23 Destructive flre at Logansport, La. 25 Ex-Gov. Claude Matthews stricken by paralysis at Meharry's Grove, Ind. 28 Death of ex-Gov. Claude Matthews of Indiana. 30 Small pox breaks out at Put-In-Bay Isl and, Lake Erie. 31 Wllhelmlna becomes Queen of Holland. . . . .Confession and suicide of Col. Henry, principal witness against Capt. Dreyfus, at Paris. ( September. 2 President Wllford Woodruff, of the Mor mon clinrch, died at San Francisco.... The Br.tlsh captured Omdurman, oppo site Khartoum, in the Soudan. 4 British troops occupied Khartoum. .. .M. ' Cavalguac, French Minister of War, re signs. C Twenty-eight people killed In collision of train with trolley car at Coboes, N. X, ; i ....Gen. Zurllnden appointed Frenct Minister of War. 6 Wllhelmlna erownel Queen of Holland at Amsterdam. .. .Thirty men killed b falling of a bridge over St. Lawrenc River, near St. Regis Indian village Many killed In riots In Crete. . . .Openln' of G. A. R. national encampment at Clc cinnatl. 10 Assassination of Elizabeth, Empress o Austria, by an Italian anarchist a Geneva, Switzerland. ,. .$200,000 fire a . Llvermore Falls, Me. 11 Flre wiped out New Westminster, B. C. and Jerome, Ariz. 12 Death of Judge Thos. M. Cooley at An Arbor, Mich. .. .Hurricane on Island t St. Vincent, West Indies, killed 300 per sons and destroyed much proper y. 14 Lorenzo Snow chosen head of the Mor - mon church. 18 Death of Dr. John Hall Death o Miss Winnie Davis. 20 Tea persons burned to death In an ele vator flre In Toledo. 22 Thirty-six men drowned by s'nklng o French boat Vllle de Fecamp off Fee imj 23 Fifty miners entombed In coal shaft a Brownsville, Pa. 24 Several persons killed and much prof erty destroyed by windstorm at Lima, ( 2(1 Tornado destroys property at Touawai da, N. Y., and kills five at Merrllton, Oni ....Death of Miss Fanny Davenport. 27 Clnr;mont, Minn., destroyed by fire. 28 Death of ex-Secreinry Thomas F. Ba; . aid Riot nt Pana, ill. . - 29 Death of Queen Louise of Denmark. 30 Hundreds of lives lost by floods I Japan. Octol-e-. 1 Great flre In Colorado Springs, Colo. 2 Fierce gale on South Atlantic coast. 5 In attempting to quell the rebellion ' the Ind aus at Bear Lake, Minn., severi. soldiers Were killed and wounded. 8 Great fire Id Sidney, X. S. W. 9 $200,000 flre at Atlantic City, N. J. 16 Great tire at Dawson City, Alaska. 20 Seven men killed by boiler exploslen o torpedo boat Davis neur Astoria, Or- 23 Ten men. killed In a race war at Ha persvllle, Miss. 24 Flre on the Brooklyn, N. Y., water fron. loss, $475 000. I 25 French cabinet rcs'gns. 81 New French cabinet formed Japa: '. ese cabinet resigns. November, 5 Eleven men killed by collapse of ne ! Wonderland theater at Detroit.... Beve men crushed to death In a mine nea Wilkesburre, Pa. 6 Capitol at Washington wrecked by ga explosion Death of David A. Well ; economic writer. 7 Resignation of the Greek ministry. 8 General election. 9 Organization of Japan's new mlulstr completed. 10 New ministry formed In Greece. .. .Pre? ldent Masso and secretaries of Cuban re public resign. 11 Hank at Kirksville, Mo., robbed o $32,t00. 17 British ship Atulanta sinks off Oregoi coast; 20 lives lost. 18 Death of John W. Keely, the Inveutor ....Twelve laborers killed by train a Hackeusack Meadows, N. J. 19 Death of Gen. D. C. Buell. 23 Burning of the Baldwin hotel and the ater In San Francisco. 24- 26 Groat storm sweeps over the coun.. try; many lives lost at sea. 27 Death of Actor C. W. Couldock. . . .Six persons killed by boiler explosion neai ICourtoen-MIlo Slough, Cal. - 28 Dynamite explosion In Havana kills V persons aud Injures 25 others. December. 5 Opening of Congress'onal session. 10 Death of William Black, novelist. 11 Death of Gen. Callxto Garcia at Wash lngton. 15 Death of ex-Senator Calvin S. Brlce. Six persons killed In railway wreck ai Madison, Fla. 16 Six persons killed by a train at Allen wood, N. J Department store of G Hartsteln's Sons burned at Milwaukee, loss, $90,000. 17 Death of Baron Ferdinand James dc ' Rothschild In London. .. .Twenty lives lost in steamship collision In the North ' Sea. 19 $1,000,000 flre at Terre Haute, Ind. A story concerning our troops in Manila is told by an English naval officer, whe was an eye-witness to the occurrence. "The city was quite crowded," he says, "with both American and Spanish sol diers, and they seemed to be on tht friendliest terms. As I was crossing ont of the numerous bridges across the Pasig River, I saw a native Filipino spit in th face of a Spanish officer, and then run to the American sentinel, who was guarding the bridge, demanding his proctection. It was some time beforp the Filipino could make himself understood, and the sentrj took sometime to catch ou to what had been done, but you can imagine my sur prise when he handed his gun to the Span ish officer and caught the native by the nape of the neck and the seat of his trousers and pitched him off the bridge into the Pasig River. Then he calmly took his gun from the Spanish officer and began pacing the bent as if nothing had happened. The American soldier may not be so military as his brother of Europe, but he is made of the right stuff." i A rather pretty incident is told by a hos pital doctor who has some sick soldier boys in charge. There happened to be two men of the same name in the same hospital that is, their Inst names and their initials are alike. The other day the sister of one came to see him, but by mis take was nhown into the room of the oth er, a man whom she had. never before seen, and, of course, she was slightly em barrassed and departed as rapidly as pos sible. But not before she had made a de cided impression on the heart of the sol dier boy. Being almost well, he cultivated the, acquaintance of his double,- was in time duly introduced to the woman her self, and now well, the neighbors do say that things are getting decidedly inter esting, and neighbors can , generally be counted on to know all that is to be known on such subjects. But if things do come to the desired ending, won't there be an awful- state of mix in that family when there come to be two men of the same name in it? ' And now a Boston man claims the cen ter of the stage long enough to advise that, so far as the annexation of the Phil ippines is concerned, "celerity should b contempered with cunctation." PACIFIC COAST NEWS Items of General Interest Gleaned From the Thrivine Pacific States. Wheat Grade. ." Regarding the grading of Washing ton wheat by the Portland Chamber of , Commeroe at 59 pounds per bushel, a dealer in Walla Walla says in the Union of that town: "Oregon ought to have a state board to grade wheat, instead of thtowing the responsibility onto the Portland Chamber of Com merce. It now costs 75 oents for an Eastern Washington wheat raiser to have a car of wheat inspected at Ta coma. In Portland it costs nothing a slight premium for having wheat shipped to Portland. ' As a matter of fact, the law of Washington in regard to the inspection of wheat is unconsti tutional. I could take $1,500 or $2,000 and knock the law out. That is the opinion of some of the best legal talent of Tacoma. I have to pay a tax on warehouses, and a second one for in spection. That maeka it. a double tax, and unjust. Just because wheat weighs 58 pounds to the bushel don't cause it to bring the highest price. We have to pay more for the heavier wheat, that, for instance, which goes 60 pounds to the bushel, classed as choice milling. Even after wheat has been inspected at Tacoma and found to go 58 pounds to the bushel, heavier wheat has o be mixed with it in order that it may .pass as No. 1 in foreign markets. That' makes more trouble for the wholseale wheatbuyer.' The Shingle Market. In commenting on the present con dition of the shingle market, the Ta coma Lumberman says the good effects ol the olosing-down proposition are al ready being felt. The prices are firmer and there are practically no shingles on the market.' Eastern buyers are in the field trying to oontract for round, lots. They are using argument to prove to the mill man that he should oontract now, "beoause shingles may be weak in the spring." If he reallv thought so he would not try to buy now. The mill man is getting a little wiser each year. He knows more about the shingle business than he did a few years ago. He knows that the big Eastern buyer, as- a rule, lays for him and ambushes him when he can. The line yard man of the East who is not in any senes a jobber buys out of season, always, when the market is off. If the mill men will remain closed down until February 1, start off . with moderate prices and raise them as the trade demands, the year 1899 will be the best one the shingle men have ever seen. No Coruer in Salmon. . ' When the salmon pack on the Fraser river was definitely announced this year, a report was circulated to the effect that an attempt would be made by certain weir-known paokers and cap italists on the Pacific coast to "corner" the market. "No such attempt haa ever been made to' my knowledge," says a packer in the Vancouver (B. C.) Province. "The Fraser pack this sea son amounted to only 197,000 cases, but still I think it would be almost im possible to corner the market. Taking into consideration the whole pack ol the Pacific coast, it would require aboul $250,000 to control the market. ' As a result of the small pack on the Fraser this year prices are slightly higher. We do not look for much ol an advance, however. Prepared to Carry on Work.' ' Otto Hansen, having leased t lie lit Erb sash and door factory, of Salem, and equipped it with new machinery, Is now prepared to oarry on work in that line in keeping with the growing demands. Mr. Hansen has already in place a new turning machine and a now mortice machine, both of the latest pat terns, and has now on the road from the manufacturers two other new ma chines a Universal woodworker for jointing and facing and a .door and blind clamping machine with sash at tachment. John S. Pennebaker will be Mr. Hansen's foreman and business manager, and they have alrady every assurance of prosperous patronage. Stlmson Mill Not SoVd. There is no truth in the report that the old Port Madison mill, which has been shut down for several yeais, had been purchased by the Stimson Mill Company, of Ballard, and that the com pany would run the old mill on a scale far exoeeding the palmiest days of the old Madison Mill. Company. A flat denial is given these rumors by C. D. Stimson, of the Stimson Mill Company, who says that there is not the slightest foundation for such a rumor. After Portlands Business. Advioes- from Butte, Mont., are to the effect that the Great Northern Railway Company contemplates the constiuction of a cut-off from that city west to Lewiston, Idaho, to connect with the extension of the O. R. & N. Co., and thus secure advantageous and direct means of sharing Portland's traffic. Reported Removal. The sash and door factory at Rainier will probably be removed from that place, and in anticipation of this no tion the citizens of the two Washing ton towns, Kelso and Castle Rock, are making efforts to seoure the plant. j. . V i