there Is So Telling. ': Be sure not to let rhenmatiem itay In tV. tvatam lnticrnr than vnri nan trot a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil to care it. There is no telling what part it may strike or how much misery it may give. Hndion Bay Is Disappearing. ' Hudson bay will in the course of a few centuries become dry land, the rise of its surface being more temarkable than any other portion of the earth. Beaohes oovered with driftwood are found 20 to 70 feet above the bay, and the old bat , bors have become very shallow. Why the Best How the Truth of a Welt Known Statement is Established. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine money can buy. It has stood the test of time and trial. Its great merit is demon strated by its cures of Scrofula, ' Salt Rheum, Humor, Psoriasis, Scald Head, Boils, Blood Foisonine, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Stomach Troubles, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nervousness, eto. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price, fl. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. 26 cents. To Electrocute a Safety vault. An experiment of soientifio interest is to be tried in getting rid of the safety vault of the old Cincinnati (O.) Deposit and Trust Company. The walls are constructed of layers of hard spring steel to a thickness of one and one quarter inches. Two operators will be placed in the vault and a wire for each run in through a vent hold. Tbe'wire will be attaohed td a carbon, which will be manipulated with a heavy handle. . They -.will pass the carbon over the steel walls, burning them in ' Intersecting lines. . . TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-KASE, .. A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it ttday. Sold by , all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, to Roy, N. Y. . . . j - One of the choioest delicacies In Ja ttuica is a huge white worm found In the heart of the cabbage palm. It tastes when cooked like almonds. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25o. No household is complete without a bot lie oi ine lamous jesse jyioore vvniBKey. n is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. Submarine volcanos are constantly being disoovered, and are at times ow ing to their sudden appearance a great danger to navigation. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes Vinilers. engines, nr p-ftneral nar-.hinflrv. see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. Dallas, Texas, has a colored printer's union. ' , : ".. . ' When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 1 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Room and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; roomB 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coacn. Chas. Montgomery. The aristocracy of China and Spain will agree that it has been a very hard year for boy monarchs. , ' i HOITTIS SCHOOL FOG BOYS. 1 Now at Burlingame, will remove to its beautiful new home at Menlo Park, San Mateo Countv, Cal., and re-open January 19th, 1809. Address Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D., Menlo Park, Cal. In Japan poor children have labelt with their names and addresses hung around their necks as a safeguard against being lost. BELIEF FE0M PAIN. Women Everywhere Express their Gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham. firs. T. A. WALDEN, Gibson, a., writeft " Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Before tak ing" your medicine, ,Jife was a burden to me. I never saw a well day. At my monthly period I suffered untold misery, and a great deal of the time I was troubled with a severe pain in my side. Before finishing the first bottle of your Vegetable Compound I could tell it was doing me good. I continued its use. also used: th Liver Pills and Sanative Wash, and have been greatly helped. I would like to have yon use ray letter for the benefit of others." ' " " -j - . rirs. FLORENCE A.--w"OLFB, S'B HulbMry St., Lancaster, Ohio, writes i - , " Dear Mrs. Pinkham: For two years I was troubled with what the local physicians told me was inflamma tion of the womh. Every month I suf-. fered terribly. I had taken enough medicine from the doctors to cure any one, but obtained relief for a short time only. At last I concluded to write to you in regard to my case, and can say that by following your advice I am now pefectly well." ' fin. W. R. BATES, ilansfleld, La., writes ' Before writing to you I suffered dreadfully from painful menstrua tion, leucorrhcea and sore feeling In the, lower part of the bowels. Now my friends want to know what makes me look so well. I do not hesitate one min ute in telling them what has brought about this great change. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound enough. It is the greatest remedy of the age." ; ; - ' WHtlt ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJse I in time, woiq py qrqggiBEB. n From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Bevlew of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Wert Culled From the Telegraph Column. The drought in California has ended nd rainfall is , reported from nearly every section of the state. Puget sound oystermen have formed an association, and will make an effort to Secure needed legislation. ' i The war department has decided to have the remains if all soldieis who died in Manila returned to this country. Clyde Bennington aged 22, has been entenoed to life imprisonment in San Quentin for his part in the Oro Gi ancle train robberies. The death sentence of Private Lind say, Tenth cavalry, has been oommuted by the president to life imprisonment, on recommendation of General Wheeler. (Since the oessation of hostilities this government has spent about $1,000,000 in feeding the starving Cubans, and the work is still going on with untiring vigor. , s. ,; ... ' The United States troops in Cuba and Porto Rico have not beer, forgotten. Tbey will be sent for Christmas 10,000 pounds of prime turkey and 8,000 pounds of cranberries. ' The body of an unknown man was found on one of the bars of the Willam ette, three miles east of Monroe. The head and feet were missing. There was no means of identification.' The halibut schooner Two Brothers, plying in Alaska waters, has been miss ing nearly six weeks, and it is feaied that she has been lost with all on board. One of her boats was recently found in a badly battered condition. ; V. Eight additional survivois of the crew of the lost ship Londonian were brought into Baltimore by the North German Lloyd steamship Maria Rickmers. They are: Captain V. B. Lee, Third Officer Joseph Cottier, Boatswain T. Behem, Quartermaster F. Carlsen, Able Sea men J. Webb and W, Cadness, Second Steward D. Darnell and Second Cook W. Martin. , ' In the German reichstag, Count von Eardorff, leader of the free conserva tives, condemned the sentimental Ger man sympathy with Spain, and wel oomed the appearance of the ."great and vigorous American nation" among the oolonizing powers. He said he hoped that, in accordance with Bis marck's principle, commercial ques tions would ; be kept separate from political relations, for, if this were done, Germany could he on very good terms with the United States. . .. Colonel William J. Bryan has de clared himself as opposed to expansion. Spaniards opened ' fire on ' a Cuban funeral procession in Havana, and wounded several. One will probably die. ; '.' , ... ; By the explosion of a shell at Fort Constantino, at Cronstadt, Russia, nine sqldiers were killed and three officers and seven soldiers wounded. . By an explosion in the grist mill at Pettysville, Nate Thomas and Clarende Emmons were killed outright and Will Markley was fatally injured. ; i Chicago packers will spend a large amount of money in ereoting immense oold -storage plants in Santiago and Ha vana for the reoeption and storing of tuesh meat. .;).. Five deaths ' occurred in Butte, Mont., which are olaiuied to have been oaused by the dreadful sulphur and arsenic fumes from the smelters. Many people who oan do so are loaving the city to get out of tne smoke. . It is probable that Secretary Bliss will, within a short time, tender his resignation to. the president. He has had the step under consideration for some time, deeming it necessary that he should be free to devote more time to his large business interests. , ' The Brooklyn, Texas, Castine and Resolute have been ordered to Havana. While there is not the faintest desire to convey a tlfreat in the dispatch of these warships to Havana, it may be noted that when they lie within the harbor they will hold the town in per feet subjection. ; The Clearwater Short Line. Railway Company, which is the official title of the branch Northern Pacific cut-off, has filed certificates in the office of the secretary of state at Olympia, designat ing Thomas Cooper as its agent in Washington, and showing the route of the proposed road, now under construc tion. ' ; .' ; ' . ;' f Word has been reoeived from United States Consul Allen that John C. Flan agan, the confidential clerk of George W. Lake, a rich merchant of Chemul po, who Was murdered August 29, has been sentenced by a consular couit to Imprisonment for life. .; Flanagan had been robbing his employer .systematic ally and committed the orime to oover up his misdeeds. ' ' Minor News Items. '. The will of the late Edward Austin, of Boston, bequeaths 11,100,000 to public uses. . i ' The czar has recently issued an edict ordering a trial by jury in Siberia after January 1. The British government has decided to make a generous grant for the relief of the distress and damage caused by the recent hurricane in the West In dies. .., -; ;;r.r;. (.--. LATER ; NEWS. - Terre Haute Ind., was visited by a million dollar fire. .... . Three lives were lost and several in jured by a fire and explosion at Fort Adams, R. I. ; . Ambassador Jules Cambon will sail from Havre for New York on January 7, to resume his duties at Washington. Senator Hanna has introduced in the senate, and Representative Payne in the house, a bill to grant subsidies for American shipping. ,, .... ,; When the president in his southern tour readied Macon, Ga., great enthu siasm was shown and the Confederate veterans tendered bim a reception. , i About $700 in spurious coin was captured in an Italian tenement-house in Buffalo. Supposed counterfeiters are under, airest in the persons of Frank Perrel and Pasquale Antonach, who were captured Saturday evening while engaged in passing counterfeit money. . ' - - .' .." The National Casket Company, of Pittsburg, Pa., has received from the United StateB government an order for 4,000 caskets, the largest ' single order of the kind ever given. The coffins will be used for the purpose Of bring ing to this country . the bodies of all the soldiers killed in battle in Cuba, or who died trom disease there. . The agricultural appropriation bill passed by congress contains a retalia tory olause authorizing the 6eoretary of agriculture to inspect imported artioles dangerous to health, and also author izing the secretary of the treasury to ex clude such articles. The restriction is designed to apply to a large number of articles imported from foreign coun tries., .,.,':,,.,:.;..,;, ' .. ... A special from Washington, D. C, says: There are seers who predict that Uncle Sam will become the banker for the world. Two Old World govern ments, Russia and Japan, have turned their faces to . the United States in search of loans. Russia, at least, has had agents sound American financiers. This is the first time foreign nations have sought to float great national loans in America, and . the wise men think it is the beginning of the new era. '. . .-, , V .. 'At the Mozoro insane asylum, in Havana, a horrible state of affairs was discovered. One hundred and twenty inmates, emaoiated and showing every sign of starvation, are confined there. Six months ago there were over 800 in this asylum, but death and starvation have reduced their numbers to about one-seventh of that figure. The Span ish government withdrew its frant, and although money was raised for the institution, oorrupt officials embezzled most of it, leaving the patients desti tute. ' ' .: :-. :, At a meeting of the various religious denominations held In London, the czar's disarmament proposal "was in dorsed. ; ... , t . ' Four persons were killed and others seriously injured in Paris by the col lapse of a house in course of construc tion. It is feared that five bodies still remain burled in the debris. . . ' Mrs. Mary Tutt Throckmorton, who in her early 'life was a leader in Wash ington society,, is dead from the effects of inhaling illuminating gas which es-' capud by accident in her room. She was 88 years of age. , : ' . The British steamer Pawnee has ar rived in New York from Mediterran ean ports, and brought 10 ship-wrecked people, eight men and two women, who were taken from the disabled schooner Deer Hill, .of St. John's, N. B., in midocean. ' ' - . , ' ; The navy department has made pub lio a report from Admiral Schley cov ering that part of the operations and movements of the flying squadron from its sailing from Key West for Cienfuegos up to, but not including the first bombardment. . ' ' ' , ' As a result of a coasting accident at Tuitle oreek, eight4 miles from" Pitts burg. Joseph West, aged 80 years, is dead and eleven others are injured, two seriously. The. sled collapsed at the bottom of a steep hill and hurled the party with great force in ''every direc tion.' ; , ., '.- Thomas Jones,, living near Greer, W. Va., attempted to light a fire with crude oil. An explosion oocorred, wrecking the room, and the dresses of his twin daughters, aged 4 years, ig nited. He was too badly burned to assit them, and they were so badly burned that both of them died shortly afterwards. ' , 1 ' Exports to Cuba are already begin ning to show the effeot of returning peaoe and the reopening of our ports to commeroe. The October figures of the treasury department bureau of statis tics show a marked increase in the ex Imports of the United States to Cuba in nearly all articles, comparing Uctooer, 1898," with October, 1897. 1' The international anti-anarohistio conference which has been in session here for several weeks, has proved a success. Great secrecy 1b maintained regarding the .proceedings and conclu sions, but the delegates seem satisfied that they have laid a splendid founda tion for a uniform system of dealings with 'anarchists. The oonference de clined to recognize anarchist outrages as politioal orimes. Leon Favier, who fought under the great Napoleon, has just celebrated his 96th birthday at Philadelphia. ". f , The president of the municipal coun cil of Paris has informed Mme. ' Sara Bernhardt that the council has accept ed her recent offer to take a lease of the Theater des Nacions. Preparations are on foot in Honolulu to test the applicability of the United States immigration laws to the Hawa iian islands by the importation to the cane fields of 1,000 Corean laborers. EXPANSION UPHELD... . Senator Piatt Speaks Against the Test Resolution. Washington, Deo. 21. The senate had a busy day, and there were several im portant speeches. : Piatt of Connecti cut, spoke against the Vest resolution, which declares that the United States has no power to acquire territory. He said that the power of a nation to . ao quire territory was as inherent as its sovereignty. The United States had the right to govern suoh territory in the best manner possible until the people of the acquired lands were capable tit self-government. . Proctor of Vermont, and Hal ot Maine, explained divergent views upon the subject of a commission of senators to visit Cuba. : Proctor thought Such committee was necessary,, while Hale said he thought it would be in extreme ly bad taste, and useless. , ; ' '. The Nicaragua canal bill was up dur ing the latter part of the day, and Sen ators Berry, Allen, Hoar, ' Caff ery and Morgan discussed the measure. ..-, This was suspension day in the house and several bills were passed, the most important of which was the bill appro priating $350,000 for the Philadelphia exposition of 1899. The vote was ex ceedingly olosej it had but two votes more than the necessary two-thirds. Bills were also passed under suspension of the rules to authorize the distribu tion of the assets of the ' Freedmen's banki'-to enlarge the , scope of the fish commission to include game birds; for the relief of the Fourth mounted Ar kansas infantry, and for the relief of John W. Lewis, of Oregon. Bailey of Texas, introduced a resolu tion in open house, directing the ju diciary committee to investigate and report on the question as to whether members of the house who had accept ed commissions in the army had for feited their seats in the house. , He made the resolution the text for some remarks, taking occasion to denounce anew the statement that in his attitude on this question he had been made a' catspaw by Republicans jn the house. He denounced the Republican who had instigated the statement as an infa mous liar, and challenged him to father it. There was ho reply to Mr. Bailey's statement, and the resolutions were referred to the committee on rules. , ,! '. . .-. ' . ,' , ' " , JAPAN IS SATISFIED. rolicy of Expansion Rooelves the Moral , Support of That Nation. , Seattle, Wash., Deo. 21. Command er I. Mori, who is on his way to San Francisco to take charge of the new Japanese ' cruiser Chi lose, says ' the policy of expansion whioh has been ad opted by the United States receives the most cordial moral support of the Jap anese from sentimental and commercial reasons.1 :" ": ": ' , i ' 'J Commander Mori places Admiral Dewey in the same olass with Admirals Ito and Nelson. "He is not only a great naval officer,'' said he, "but a general and a statesman. " He did not know Admiral Dewey personally, but be saw the result of his work, having arrived at Manila in command of the cruiser NoniWa to look out foi the Jap anese interests there. ' ; 1 . , . Commander Mori thinks a' considera ble portion of future oontracts for war ships will be let to 'American firms. One 'of the "principal reasons of ' this, aside from the superior workmanship, will be because the United States is nearer to the home country, so that the vessels oan be taken across the Pacific without the long voyage thiough the Suez canal or around the Cape of Good Hope, v..., ' ' .. . : . 1 ' . .:'.; '' A COLOMBIAN OUTRAGE. .Two Americans' Unjustly Kept Under Surveillance Jor Two Years. '! '" Los Angeles, Cal.,' Dec 21. Charles Nelson and H. K. Spring have just reached this city from the United States' of .' Colombia,' where for two years they were held pnder surveillance without i being granted a , trial, on a charge of having killed Jason Hubbard, August 27, 1896. : They are both from Colton, and went to South America and entered the em ploy of Hubbard, whose dead body was found on the date mentioned with a rifle by its' It was thought that he had aooidentally killed himself, but Nelson and Spring were arrested on sus picion, and imprisoned for 25 days, when they were released on bail. They oon'd not leave the country, but on November. 4 their bondsmen secured their release, and they at once started for home. There was no evidence to connect them with the death of Hub bard. .," ' '';' ' Gold in Pike's Peak. , . Colorado Sprigs, Colo.Deo. 21. A strike of gold in the Strickler tunnel, being driven through Pike's Peak to in crease the water supply of this city, has caused the most intense excitement in Colorado Springs. : A splendid .vein bearing large, quantities of , sylvanite has been encountered by the contractor, George W. Jackson,- and samples from the find assay up into the thousands. Today pieces of the ore were roasted, and globules of gold were apparent in the rock. . . " :; ; .-,. . ..The find is of importance to this city, as the riches will revert to the city . of Colorado Springs. ,, ,Vi- , ; ; Experts who have examined the prop erty say that millions of dollars' worth of gold are contained in ' the rein en oonntered.1 " ' "' American Locomotives for Knglahd. London, Dec.'21. The Midland Rail way Company has ordered 28 engines in Philadelphia and New York. - As a consequence of the engineer's strike, English firms are only able to cope with arrears of work. ,, ; -jVi '' Flag; Was lowered.-, . Cairo, Dec. 2 1; Major, Marohand and his party evaonated Fashoda during the morning of December 11, when the French flag was lowered and the British and Egyptian flags were hoisted. , . . ftatk xrhtti on the' SVw Dlirie? If you have one of the new dimes, you are carrying in your pocket a very good pioture of Miss Ruth White, of San ; Francisoo. . Miss White might have sat to Uncle Sam's artist, the re semblance is so close. Miss White was a member of the Castle Square Com pan'y last season. , 1 , The Enormous Oold Produot of 1898. .From South Africa, the Klondike and Australia gold Is being shipped In large quantities. This year's output will nearly double that of any previous twelve months. The sale of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are also increasing very fast. , This famous remedy will cure dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, nervousness and weakness. 'A medical , writer in India declares that segregation of patients, the ony effective way , of dealing with 'the plague, is so repugnant to the Hindoos that they prefer to' die by the million rather than submit to it. , . Strong; as a Steel Ramrod. If' you want to feel your spine Is a pipe stem ready, to snap, juBt get lum bago. If vou want to feel as strong as a steel ramrod, use St Jacobs Oil; it has magic' ' ' - j .- . " " v It is . estimated that all the gold mined in California since 1848 could be put inro a room 12 yards long, 6 yards wide and 6 2-3 yards high. CT$ Permanently Cured. So flu or nerronsnes III after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Oieat Nerve Restorer. Bead for VRbB SS.OO trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. H, iLLTNiS. litd.. WO Axcn street, miadelptiia. Pa. ' , , Australia sends cocoanut oil to Eng land.: . : .i .'' ' For Lung and chest diseases, Plso's Cure is the best medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Out.. Canada. .Thunder can be heard nine miles away. . ', ' ." '. . . DKATNB89 CANNOT BE CtTRBD By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ol the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caoeed by an in flamed condition of the nnoons lining; of the Eustachian Tnbe. When this tnbe gets In flamed you hare a rumbling sound or Imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and nnlessthetnflamma tion can be taken out and this tnbe restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever j nine cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the macous surf aoes. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. . , Sold by DrnggistB, 75o. . ; Hall's Family Pills are the best. ' Massachusetts claims to have more different kinds of native trees than any kingdom in : Europe; the number ex ceeding 60, among tbem being nine large oaks. . , ' ; , ' - ; ' Sinking- of the Merrlmao. w ' The complete story of the sinking of the Merrlmao and the capture and im prisonment of her crew at Santiago, will' be graphically told in an article by Osborn W., Deignan, U.-S. Navy, late helmsman of the Merrimao, in the Jan nary Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, now 10 cents, and to be published De cember 24th. The story will be fully and richly illustrated with authentic portraits of Hobson and all the crew, besides many new drawings especially prepared under Mr.Deignan's personal supervision. Other features promised for the January Frank Leslie's are: Bret Harte's new story "Jack Hamlin's Mediation"; Joaquin Miller's "In a Klondike Cabin") and : Thomas R. Dawley's "Campaigning With Gomez." DR. DARR1N, SPECIALIST. Submits a List of Special Diseases He , Treats With Electricity " . and Medicine. PRIVATE DISEASES Gleet, Gonor rhea, Stricture, Syphillis, Weakness of Organs quickly, cured without pain or de tention from business. ; . r LOST MANHOOD and vigor quickly re stored; varicocele, weak and undeveloped parts fully restored. LADIES who suffer from apathy, indif ference, nervous debility or diseases pecu liar to women, can consult the doctor with perfect confidence. . - BLADDER, Inflammation, Cystitis, Ca tarrh of the Bladder. These diseases in variably yield to this treatment. VARICOCELE, Hydrocele, Piles, Fis tula, Swelling and Tenderness of Glands, and Shrunken Organs treated with unfail ing Buccess. KIDNEYS. Inflammation ' of the Kid neys. Diabetes, Congestion of the Kidnevs, Uraemia, Gravel, Stone, all scientifically and successfully treated. BLOOD AND SKIN Diseases, Sores, Spots, Pimples. Scrofula, Syphllitio Taints, Tumors, Rheumatism, Eruptions, etc., promptly -cured, leaving $he system in a pure, strong and healthful state., . YODNG MEN, If you are troubled with tired feelings, gloomy forebodings, palpi WILLAMET MANUFACTURERS OIF ENCINES, Saw Mill and Mining Machinery. Dealers In Flour Mill and Grain Cleaning Machinery and Supplies. Repalr lng Promptly Attended to. WORK THE BEST. PRICES THE LOWEST. 'IF Don't neglect yourself; It is the perfect fitting truss applied in season which eftaota a era re; the imperfect never; 2,000 styles to select from enables us to guar antee a fit, or no charge; If your druggist does not keep them write us for directions for self measurement: correspondence confidential and trusses sent se cure from observation, to any address; money refunded if not satisfactory. C. H. Woodard & Co., Expert Truss Fitters, 108 Second St., Portland, Or, . MM , Makes the Muscles Strong. From hard wOrk or excessive exeroisi soreness and stiffness sets-in'fl'd lays up, St. Jacobs Oil will Cure it Mter a few applications and make the muscles limber and strong. Leather money circulated in Russia so recently as the time of Peter the Great. ';'', ' THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FlfiS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it ia manufactured by soientifio processes known to the. California Fio Svbup Cft. rn1v. and WA wirK tn im-msm imnn all the importance Of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fia Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding, the worthies imitations manufactured by other par ties. The hisrh standing- of the Cali. FORNIA Fia Sykitp Co. with thn mndl. ' eal profession, and the satisfaction, which, the genuine Syrup of Figs haa given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. ' It ia far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver ana bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ? ' ; BAN FltANClSCO, Cal. ? LOUISVIIXE. K. . . HEW YORK, W.T. www , A big yield of both profit and satisfaction win result li you plant ORYSSf are Always the bent. t nt anl.rL buy none but Kerry'i. iy mi aeaierq. wruo lor seed Annual free. FERRY&CO.,Detroit,MIch - tow. wwsa mm, m Keep It Right) Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it. Three doses will make you feel better. Get it front your druggist or any -wholesale drug house, of trom Stewart 6 Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. Gut Rate Drug Catalogue - 4 ... FREE... Woodard, Clarke & Co.. 'mpabtbbnt b. PORTLAND, OB. tation of the heart, hot flushes, blood rush ing to the head, ringing in the ears, wan denng mind, weak memory, dark circles under the eyes, dizziness, poor appetite, ouuu.ui.coo, ucojjuiiucm.., mas ui energy, ambition and self-confidence, which abso lutely unfits you for study or business, you should take treatment before it is too late. MIDDLE-AGED AND OLD MEN. There are thousands of von troubled with weak, aohing backs and kidneys, and other unmistakable signs of nervous debilitv and premature decay. Many die of this'difn culty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of seminal weakness. The most obstinate cases of . this, character treated with unfailing success. . , HEART, BRAIN AND NERVES. DifV fieult breathing and suffoeating feeling, fullness of the head, a tired, irritable, dis. contented feeling and fear of impending danger or death, a dread of being alone, or the reverse desire to be alone,-, if your memory is failing, and you aregloomyand despondent, or if you dream much or often and have an aversion to society, you arei suffering from a serious disease of .-tht nerves, brain and heart. You have no' time to lose. Call at once on Dr., Darrin, at 265 Morrison street, Portland. Hours, 10 w5; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 13. Examination free and confidential. Cir culars and question blanks sent free. No cures published of a private nature. Bat teries and belts furnished when necessary. a abieiiMi wriug piease mention tnispapc,. $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLMENTS 1UUU lAJliU;i. IJltJ I IJIilJLI Nrf . .-" . . "Best Wheels on Earth." 1899 Ideals $22.90, (25, $30. Send for catalogue. Live agents wanted everywhere. PORTLAND. . . SPOKANE. j. TACOMA. IRON WORKS BOIL ....PORTLAND, OR. CURE YOURSELF! ItUlEa .una oigw ior unnatural ' 1. 1 ISi.j.. ensoaarge, inflammations, ' ixii.auunji or uicera-tloLS DMugloa. Painless, and not astra TheE80hemiolC2j gent or Poisonous. k0INOIKAU,0.B,3a "y JJruifeUtS, U.S.. ArP' nt Plain wranner. vj .Apmm, prepam, lof Circular semt on 'request. - 1 no ..r a N. P. N. V. TO. S3 '98. w HEN writing to advertisers pleas trite IFE 4 11 lil l the se .1111" mention tnis paper - .. , .... , . J,' ,-,:' A