5ood Iftver (Slacierv Published every Friday by 8. F. Blythk. Terms of Subscription 81.50 a year when paid In advance; $2 If not paid In advance. FRIDAY,. DECEMBER IB, 1S98. The resignation of President Chap man of the state university will de prive that institution of a man whose place will ho hard to fill. He is em inently fitted for the position, and stu dents and patrons of the university generally regret that he is to leave it. He is a man of too much independence of character to court the good will of any faction in any lines other than that of duty. It is hoped the good sense of 4 lie board ff regents will fill Mr. Chapman's 'place with some one outside the rings which have been working for his removal. , Hon. J. W. Morton, being asked by the Portland Telegram how he stood on the state fair question, replied as follows: "lam no longer in favor of state aid for the Salem fair, nor-for any of the district fairs. I dp not believe these fairs accomplish the ob jects for which they were createdj I certainly should not object to the state fair being held at Portland, If, as you state, no appropriation will be asked or given said fair." The town council of "Wasco has granted a saloon license in spite of the earnest protest of 80 per cent of the citizens. The Republic, the populist paper of Sherman county, scores a point when it prints, with pointed com ment, the nine reasons in favor of 'Direct. Legislation by the People," written by Martin Rittinghausen near- Representative Brlgham H. Roberts, elected to the next congress from Utah, Is a Mormon with three wives. It is I 1 1. ... ! II .. 1. V. ! . L .. . . H.I..AB I-,. pmu lie win in&e uio unco wivro iai Washington, and' an effort will be made to prevent his taking bis seat. It would be a national disgrace to have a member.pf congress with three wives attending all the social festivities of our gay capital. " . , The Heppner Times endorses the suggestion' of W. P, Watson that a law I enacted to provide for the con fiscation of one half the , possessions of the man who kills another in mis take for a wild animal, and says it should receive the attention cf legis lators, v . The general business of the post office department shows an increase' of over $6,000,000 in the last fiscal year. This department of the government is al ways a good Index to the state of trade. If Hood River gets a big saw mill in its Christmas stocking Santa Claus will be doing the fair thing by us. And there will be no kick if she gets two big mills. ' . The Dtifur Dispatch has changed its form and done away with the' patent outside. ' Prospects Good for the Big Mill. Hood River has been considerably agitated of late over the advent of cap italists from Wisconsin who desired to establish a saw mill' at the mouth of Hood river, inside the corporation, and Improve Hood river so that the val uable timber at its headwaters might be floated down the stream to the mill. Capt. P. S. Davidson, a practical saw mill man and owner of a large mill at La Crosse, Wis., will move part of bis mill to Hood River and set it up on F. H. Button's land, on the East Side, where the mill can receive logs also from White Salmon and other points along the Columbia. Obstacles that at one time threatened to prevent the establishment of this mill now seem in a fair way to be removed and the work will go ahead. : The Hood River Lumbering Co., a corporation that obtained a franchise from the county commissioners two jeare ago to control the river, claim that their , franchise is still good and that they will go ahead and build a boom and drive, the river. This com pany, it is stated, also claim to be ready to put in a saw mill and that their plant is already on the way here. On the other hand, it is claimed that the Hood River Lumbering Co. has for feited all rights to the river by not ful filling their part .of the contract, which required a certain amount of work to be done every year, the building of a dam or boom, securing right of way.elc. The Hood River Transportation and Boom Co. organized last Saturday. The incorporators are: P. F. Davidson, jr., F. H. Button, G. D. Woodworth, A. 8. Blowers, E. L. Smith, S, E. Bartmess, C. A. Bell. Geo. P. Crowell and D. McDonald. The directors elect ed at the organization on Saturday are as follows: P. F. Davidson, jr., G. D. Woodworth. E. E. Savage, F. H. Button and Geo. P. Crowell. The board elected as officers: G. D. Wood worth, president; F. H. Button, vice president; E. E. Savage, secretary; Geo. P. Crowell, treasurer. Executive committee G. D. Woodworth, chair wan ex-offlcio; F. H. Button and P. 8. Davidson, jr. The capital stock of the company is $10,000, of which $5,800 has beeu subscribed. Why We Take the Philippines. We are taking the Philippine islands from Spain because we have the right. They are spoils of, the victor and a vic tor's rights are coterminous with ids power. We are taking them from the Filipinos because we want them. Our action has no other character than pur veyance to our own desires. YVIiy should we not candidly say so, and free ourselves from the charge of sniveling hypocrisy? All this talk about our new responsibilities, thrust upon us by t lie fortunes of war, and so forth, is f(Mil talk. For what we do r don't over there we are responsible to no body. We could let go if we chose, and if other nations chose to fake hold, and should come to blows over what we left, that would 1 their own affair, not ours. , Nothing lias been thrust upon us; we iiad not been pitchforked into the van of the landgrabbers; we have deliberately entered into the t-quabble and elbowed our way to the front. If we are really concerned about the fate of Great Britain, Fiance, Germany and Russia if we fear that in precipitating themselves headlong upon what we leave they may crack their precious skulls, and in their greed to grab it scratch one another's hand, we can do as we propose to do in Cuba give the natives selfgovernment un der our protection. It does not greatly matter what we do, but it greatl.v matters how we do it. If we want the Philippines let us hold them, but let -us do so with dignity and self-respect, giving no reasons or true ones. It is well enough to understand that national magnanimity is a lie; that na tions act from no higher motives than the desire to promote their own in terest; that the basis of international relations is selfishness tempered by mistrust. The entire business of being a nation is as innocent of morality as that of a thief or a pirate. Diplomacy is the art of getting what you can in exchange for what you cannot. These things being so. and generally known to be so, what is the good of gilding our honest greed with ' glitter ing platitudes that deceive nobody, not even'ourselves. To the Spaniards we owe' no explanation; to yie Filipinos we can make none; but to ourselves, in the privacy of the newspapers, we might with moral advantage admit that when the savage Philippine islands came running after us to bite us we could have got away from them if we had tried. Ambrose Bierce in Examiner. Educate otxr Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 100,86a. If C. O. C. fall, druggists refund money. Talking Around the Earth. With Edison all things' in the electri cal field seem possible. His latest pre diction is that people will soon talk across seas and continents, he having evolved a new plan full of wouderful possibilities for a telephone around the earth. It is to have mid-Atlantic sta tions enabling conversation to be car ried on around a 25,000 mile circuit. This statement coming from the great and successful electrical in ventor and engineer has a great deal of weight and will be received with the consideration due one of the most wonderful men of all time. In this age of electricity, Edison's plan of carrying the human yoiee around the earth is not so sur prising today as the short distance tel ephone was when introduced to the public. Today the human voice is tel ephoned from Los Angeles by way of San Francisco and Portland to Spo kane, a distance of about ,i)00 miles. Had this been predicted fifty years ago the man making the prediction would have been credited with simply "talking through his hat." We believe the day is not tar distant when a merchant can sit in Mi Portland office and talk to his agent in Hongkong or Yokohama. Indeed, this is a most wonderful age more wonderful by far than the fabu lous days of the ancients, whose strange and imaginary exploits pale into insig nificance in comparison with the pract ical accomplishments and deeds of the nineteenth century. Portland Times. To Cure Coniit.lpHi.loii Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c or 250. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. The Girl Soldiers of McMitinville. The members of company A, Second Oregon regiment, at Manila, are mostly McMinnville boys, and they have done the handsome thing by their sisters and sweethearts who are members of the Manila Guards, the girl-soldier company of McMinnville. The boys have made, at Manila and sent home, a silver medal for each of the girl-soldiers. It is made from a new and shin ing 20-cent piece, one side of which is ground smooth, and has engraved on it crossed cavalry sabers and the letters, "M. G." meaning either My Girl or Manila Guard. On the reverse side is the Spanish coat of arms and denomi nation of the piece. The pin is behind a silver bar, on which can be engraved the wearer's name, and the medal is suspended from this bar by a red, white and blue ribbon. It makes a very at tractive and historically valuable medal. The Manila Guards are keep ing right up with their drills, but have. recently lost one oi tneir number oy marriage Miss Mercy Flesher. . They now have 40 girls in the ranks, and have received an invitation from Governor-elect Geer to attend his inaugura tion, which they will probably accept. Beauty la Ulood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25e, 50c. It pleases us to hear 'I lie 'Glacier raise its voice against.peddlers of wormy apples at the trains passing Hood River station. . The Observer expressed its views on this topic last August. There is noobjection to boys peddling fruit, but let them peddle good fruit, and there will be more money In the business for them and less disgrace for Hood River. A favorable impression made upon the writer 36 years ago by Father Coe, handing Hood River peaches to pas sengers on the boat, was clearly dis pelled when it came to apples this year. Moro Observer. . There is at Hood River a little in dustry that has as yet attracted but little attention. It is the djstillery started by Mr. itutzier, which 'is being used to work up fruit that Is not mar ketable. It will turn out several hun dred gallons of apple-jack aud brandy tuis tseasuu. iuuuuiuiueer. A death blow has been struck the so called Salem state fair by the national trotiing association blacklisting it for the nonpayment of purses. As horse racing has for some years been the chief, if not the only, attraction at the stale fair, this act will most likely rob it of its last particle of vitality. Port land Telegram. ; ' The Trout Lake correspondent of the Goldendale Sentinel says: "Messrs. Siadleman and -Coate, viewers of the resurvey of the Trout, Lake and White Salmon road, returned home Saturday. They report that the road will be an excellent one when built on the new survey; also will be much shorter than the present road." Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendency toward pneumonia. A piece of flannel damp ened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promprly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneumonia. This same treatment will cure a lame back in a few hours. Sold by Williams & Brosius. The editor of this paper enjoyed a very pleasant visit last week at Univer sity Paik with W.fW. Bracken, a com rade who served with him in the 22d Ohio during the civil war. Thirty four years had elapsed since last we met, and reminiscences f the days f '61-5 were gone over with a zest. W also had the pleasure of visiting Dr Hines and wife and found them cosily situated at the university. Don't Tobacco Suit and Smoke lour Life Anav. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60o or tl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. A. Sad Week. The year had gloomily begun For Willie Weeks, a poor man's ' SUN. He was beset with bill and dun, And lie had very little ' " MON. 'This cash," said he, "won't pay my due: I've nothing here but ones aud TtJES." A bright thought struck him, and he said, "The rich Miss Ooldrocks I will WKD." But when he paid his court to her, (She lisped, but firmly said, "No, THUR." "Alas!" said he, "then I must diet I'm done! I'll drown, I'll burn, I'll FRI." They found his gloves and coat and hat; The coroner upon them , SAT. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACT lve gentlemen or ladies to travel for re sponsiblc.established house in Oregon. Month ly 465 and expenses, Position steady. Refer ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Domiuion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. Notice of Assessment. To theStockholdersof TheHoftd River Trans portation and Boom Company: i . Yon are hereby notified that an assessment of 16 per centum on the capital stock ($1.50 per share) has been levied, due and payable at once, to be delinquent ten days from the date of this notice. By order of Board of Direct ors. Payable to Geo. P. Crowell, Treasurer. Dated Decj 16, 1898. -' ' Bob Sleds. A pair of heavy Bob Sleds forsale. Inquire of JAMES PARKER. Strayed. Three head of cattle, coming two years old. Earmarked and branded Jj on right hip. Will pay a reward for any Information con cerning thenar S. W. CURRAN, Vlento. 120 Acres at Clatskanie For sale. Oood house, 16 by 24; two acres fenced; stream of water oh the place. Good range for stock. Price 9400. Address Miss E. Brettell. Woodstock, Or.; or, Mrs. W. H. Con yers, Clatskanie, Or. Strayed. A half Jersey, red heifer, 2 years old; crop ped on top of right ear and bottom of left ear. dlfl . . c. I.. MORSE. Turkey Shooting. Turkey shooting will be held at Hood River on Saturday, December 24th, commencing at 10 o'clock. Carpet Weaving. We have purchased the celebrated New comb Fly-Shuttle Ijoom and are prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rug weaving. We furnish warp and weave for IS and 23 cents per yard. Call at Bone A McDonald's store and exam ine our work. V. WINCHELL. Jewelry and Watches At New York prices. My Jewelry is tested be fore leaving I he factory and is all gold-braced. These goods are warranted to give satlsfac tion. . , . i d9 C. II. TEMPLE. Estray Notice. Dark red yearling heifer, dark stripes on sides, left horn drooped. Any knowledge of the animal will be thankfully received by d9 , G. R. CASTNER, Hood River. A SPECIAL BARGAIN Semi-Weekly Republic ; and Glacier BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 1 The Semi-Weekly REPUBLIC Is so well known that about all that Is necessary to se cure a subscription is to call attention to it. It is the best general newspaper of its class published, and has a larger circulation now than any other news weekly or semi-weekly. It has command not oniy of all the great sourcesof news from the Daily and Sunday REPUBLIC, but also receives the special ser vice of the New York Herald and New York Journal. The telegraphic and cable service of the REPUBLIC and the papers mentioned have never been equaled In the history of journalism in this or any other country. The special features and Illustrations are al ways the best. More noted writers contribute to Its columns than to any other pi.per of Its class. It Is published especially to meet the wants of that large class of readers who have not the opportunity or cannot afford to read a dally paper. By a special arrangement made for a lim ited time only, our friends will be given an opportunity to take advantage of this liberal proposition. Remember the offer, the Twlce-a-Week RE PUBLIC, 16 pages a week, and the GLACIER, both one year for only two dollars. Address the Glacier, Hood River, Or. 1JOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 7, 1888. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday, January 16, 1899, viz: HARRY OLSON; H. E. No. 7521, for the lots one, two, three and four, section 22, toWnship a north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Amos Underwood. Edward Underwood, George Duvenal and Henrv Kellendonk. all of Underwood (Hood River P.O.), Washington. uhjio w. k, jjyjsuAK, Kegisier. 140 Acres for Sale. One hundred and forty acres of good land In southwestquarter section 13, township2north, range 9 east, W. M., known as the Charles t V. Ilerger place. Good roomy house and some fruit trees on the place. For price, terms, etc., address or call on J. M. flunling ton & Co., The Dalles, Or. d2 To close out my stock of Shoes More than two thousand dollars ' worth of shoes will be slaughtered. ' Come early and get your pick of the stock at prices that ure almost' like giving them to you. ,1 mean exactly what I say, that the entire stock goes at prices lower than you ever heard of before. ' I have un immense stock of Shoes coming from the East, and I must close out what I have be fore they arrive. ' Don't let your neighbors get all the bargains, for I will slaughter Shoes as long as there are any in sight but only for' CASH. G. D. WOODWORTH. Dealer in General Merchandise, Farm Implements, Lumber.etc. .... Hood River, Oregon. All Teams stop at Reciprocity Corner. 'f'i J . I . - ' ' s ; .V 1 wimJchMJ: Hood River's IVSeat Market : AND : Buvs absolutely for cash sells absolutely for cash. In other words, buys bargains and sells bargains. Can handle your wood, butter, egirs, cabbage, potatoes, onions, at a cash price,, and can yive in ezebange cash, or at cash price, the BEST GROCERIES and the BEST MEATS in the state. ' . Just, received, an extremely fine lot of sugar-cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Heavy Side Bacon and dry Bait Pork. Make cut-rate prices to purchasers whojbuy at onetime $)0 worth of goods. ; ' Parties who have not yet bousrht yonr!winter supplies, TAKE NOTICE It is your financial interest .to call aud get prices before purchasing elsewhere; Goods delivered to patrons in the city. AND CASH ONLY, is what mskes prices so low on 1 .. i Hardware, Harness, Doors, Sash, Paints, Oils, Guns and Ammunition, , Stoves, Shoe Findings and Bike Supplies, At DENZER'S NEW STORE. Weight, (I pounds; Price, IBo.OO. Interchangeable tvpo. Visible writing. Uses no ribbons. rrL M. S. & L. Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin ity. Heavy draying and transferring done with care and promptness. v Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or its equivalent. Regarding prices, will say that I defy competition. Iam not afraid to meet competitive prices at any time. Meet me on Port land lines and I will meet you with Portland prices. Call and see CANDY CATHARTIC OJRE CONSTIPATTOT 25c 50c , SSSISW BKADLEY, ' Photographer. Gallery open three days iu the week Thurs day. Friday and Saturday until further no tice. First-class work and All Work Warranted. Wagon Repairing. All kinds of wnsrnn repairing done" on short Roliee and at reasonable prices, at the old nogers mill in Frankton. C. H. ROGERS. 'J.I, Y m. Does the same work equally as welt(if not belter) than the more complica ed , and higher pujced machine. A. A. LEWIS, Manager Oregon Agency, H72 Stark street, Portland. EOT Send for Descriptive Catalogue. co:s :b m. e S. E. BARTMESS. ALL DRUGGISTS Good Ranch for Sale. Six miles below Hood Kiver, on the river and railroad; well adapted for early fruit. Strawberries and other small fruits on the filace. Bearing orchard. Plenty of water for rrigation. Also, good timber for lumber or wood. For terms a pply to ol4 CONRAD REPP, Hood River. I Challenge You to find better bargains than I now offer. . SO acres In foot hills. 40 acres near town. 10 acres near town. My property until sold, nl T. It. COOX. Bit. Hood Saw Mills, TOMLINSON BROS., Prop'rs. FfflAND PINE LUMBER Of the best quality always on hand at prices to suit the times. jy24 M. F. SHAW, M. D. ' ' (Successor to Dr. Morgan) . All Calls Promptly Attended Office up stairs over Copple's store. All calls left at the office or residence will be promptly attended to. Fresh Milk, Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a 5 cents a quart. Fi H. BUTTON. The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, i" .4 . Hood River, Or. ? Fruit Ranch for Sale. 40 acres, 2 miles from town. All kinds of fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reason able. W. 3. CAMPBELL. 5 Acre Tracts. Some of the most desirable places In Hood River have been placed in my hands for sale. Sixty acres for sale In five-acre tracts. If you wish to buy or sell lands in Hood River valley, call on or address ' - M. H. NICKELSEN, Real Estate Agent, Hood River, Or. FOR SALE. Lumber Wagon, 2 Inch w ill sen part or an oi my raocn. E. K. SAVAGE. 120 AcresTor.Sale or Eeit. With good Improvements, 8 miles southwest of town. Good school near by, good roads, plenty of fruit and the best of land. Call ou or address JOHN SIPMA. Klondike Bakery. I can supply people of Hood River with f-esh bread, pies and cake after this date, and will have on hand everything connected with a bakery. M. H. NICKELSEN, Marco 4, 1S9S. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash'., Nov. 9, 1S(. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlers have filed notice ot their in tention to make final proofs In support oi their claims, and that said proofs will be made be fore the Register and Receiver U. S.. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., on December 20, 1898, viz: . HOWARD C. COOK, H. E. No. 8205, for the east of northwest and west of northeast section 'ii, town ship 3 rortn, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: . Daniel D. Underwood, Robert M. Clemens, Joel T. White and Charles S. Bancroft, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. ROBERT M. CLEMENS, H. E. No. 7772, for the northeast section 9, township 8 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Ira W. P. Rathbone, Joel T. White, Henry Evans and Daniel D. Underwood, all of ".Vhite Salmon P. O., Washington. DANIEL D. UNDERWOOD, H. E. No. 8200, for the west of southeast M and northeast of southeast y section 27,and northwest of southwest H section 28, town ship 4'north, range 11 east. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: . Joel T. White, Robert M. Clemens, L. E. Morse and H. C. White, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. IRA W. P. RATHBONE, H. E. No. 8057, for the southeast section 9.' townseip 8 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Robert M. Clemens, Joel T. White, Daniel D. Underwood and Alexander Miller, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. ALEXANDER MILLER. H. E. No. 7561, for the north of northwest X, southeast of northwest Vt and southwest of northeast hi section 10, township 3 north, range li east, w. M. He names the fwllowing witnesses U prov. his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Robert M, Clemens, Joel T. White, Henry Johnson and N; M. Wood, all of -White Sal mon P. O., Washington. CHARLES S. BANCROFT, Heir of Urben Bancroft, deceased, who made n. E. No. 8497, for the southwest Vt section 8, township 8 north, range 11 east, W. M. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: ' Howard C. Cook. Robert M. Clemens. Daniel D. Underwood and Joel T. White, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. JOEL T. W HITE, H. E. No. 8045, for the southwest V section 3, township 3 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenqp upon and cultivation of, said land viz: Alexander Miller, Daniel D. Underwood, Robert M. Clemens and Ira W. P. Rathbone, all of White Salmon P. O.. Washington. nlldltf - W. R. DUNBAR. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 2, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, Dec. 17, 1898, viz: WILLIAM H. ROBERTSON, Of Hod River, Homestead Application No. 4880, for the east northeast JW section 7, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: F. M. Jackson, H. Lage, C. H. Wells and R. E. Robertson, all of Hood River, Oregon. n4d7 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. PUBLIC LAND SALE. U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon.Nov. 80, 1898.-Notlce is hereby given t at in pursu ance of Instructions from the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under authority vested in him by section 2465, V. 8. 'Rev. Stat., as amended by the act of congress ap proved February 26, 1895, we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 14th day of January next, at this office, the following tract of land, to wit: NE N W)4 Sec.14, Tp.2N, R.11E.W.M.. containing acres. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their claims In this olllceon or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. d2J6 JAY P. LUCAS. Register. OTIS PATTERjiON.Recelver. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS. ''' nnRVDICUTK An. Anyone sending a sketch and description may L quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communications strictly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents In America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Muiin & Co. receive special notice in the . SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfnllr illustrated, Inreest circulation of f any scientific iournal, weekly, terms 3.0U a yeari 1.50 six mouths. Specimen copies and Hand iook os Patents sent f roe. Address MUNN & CO., . 381 Broadway. Nnw Vnrlt.