The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 16, 1898, Image 1

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    v ,'
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 30.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Fast Week
Called From the Telegraph Column
The pottery trust lias completed its
organization under the laws of New
Jersey; capital, 120,000,000.
Steamer Roumania has sailed from
Savannah for Havana with the first
regiment, North Carolina, to help gar
: rison the turbulent city. N
The faria court of cassation has
granted a stay of proceedings in the
Picquart trial, and thereby invoked, the
furv of the anti-Dreyfus press. ,
A mining suit involving property
K valued at $3,000,000 has been entered
' in the courts of California by a Mon
tana syndicate against prominent Cali
fornia capitalists.
L" In a recent public address in Wash-
, ington Uount von Uolzen saia tnat tne
only good volunteers among the United
States troops during the late war were
the Rough Eiders. ' ...
It is now understood that Major-Gen-eral
James F. Wade, president of the
United States evacuation oommittee,
will be appointed by President MoKin
ley military governor of western Cuba.
Ther supreme oourt of Nebraska has
decided that th3 bondsmen of ex-State
.Treasurer Baitley will have to make
good that official's shortages and steal
ings from the state, amounting in all
i to about $700,000.
D. H. Howard, a New Mexico cattle
dealer, with two 'detectives, is on the
trail of Gilett, the Kansas plunger, on
whom Howard is $40,000 short. How
ard will ask the governor of Kansas to
issue requisition papers for his extradi
tion to New Mexico. v .
The British Columbia mills are again
' receiving lumber orders from Cape
Town, South Africa, after a period of
' ' two years, during which little or no
lumber was shipped to that district,
'Two vessels are at present undor way
to Victoria to receive cargoes for Afrioa.
Sam Smith, train robber, has been
sentenced to be hanged at Eldorado,
" Kan., for the murder of oitizen Bel
ford, who was one of a posse that resist
ed Smith and his partner, Tom Wind.
Wind pleaded guiliy to seoorid-degree
murder and was sentenced to 20 years.
'' The Spanish government has issued
the following semi-official note relating
to tlje president's referenoe to the loss
pf the Maine in his message to eon
grees. "Spain has been treated by the
conqueror with unexampled cruelty and
is resigned to her fate; but she can not
tolerate President MoKinley's accusa
tion, for she is conscious of her com
pete innooence." .
A bill will soon be drafted providing
. for the taking of the 12th census.
The steamer Rosalie, which has just
arrived from the towns on the Lynn
canal, .reports that , a thousand men
from Dawson are making their way to
the coast. , t
Franoisco de Franohi, who was shot
dead by Antonio Rosso after a saloon
quarrel in San Francisco,' is said to
have been an agent of the murderous
La Mafia Society.
i One more request of the Spaniards
was negatived by the peace commis-
eioners. Ships and produots oi Spain
will not be granted the same rights in
Cuba and Porto Rioo as those of tha
United States. '
' From the war department oomes the
announcement that it is proposed to
send regular regiments to relieve1 the
.volunteeers in Manila just as soon as
transportation can be. arranged. The
, volunteers will be returned to the.
United States in the order in' which
. ' they left. . . .
The finding of the court of inquiry
concerning the abandonment of the
Infanta Maria Teresa during the storm
. of October 29, has been made public
The court finds the abandonment was
not due to any fault or neglect on the
part of any officer of the navy, ' and
does not think any further proceedingi
should be instituted. , 1
While fighting fire in the dook of
the Lehigh Coal & Coke Company at
West Superior, Wis., a crew , of men
was caught by a bad cave-in, caused by
the weakening of the pile foundation.
; Four were buried under thousands of
tons of burning coal;. One, John Mai
inowski, has been resoued alive, but is
in a precarious condition. The other
three have probably perished. ,
Of the emergency 'national defense
fund of $50,00,0000, the navy depart-
. ment got the largest amount, viz, $29,
978,274. The war department expen
ditures of the emergency fund amounted
' .' to $18,951,803. The state department
received $393,000 from the emergenoy
fund. Of this $100,000 has been trans
' feired to bankers for this department
aly London for the use of the, commis
sion at Paris, and $30,000 was advanced
to the disbursing offtoer for the com
mission prior to its departure for Paris.
Two men were killed by the explo
sion of natural gas at Cannonsville, Ind.
One man was killed and several
fatally wounded at a sohool entertain
ment at Charleston, W. Va. ,'
The purchase prioe is 950,000, paya
ble in oash in fully paid shares, leaving
50,000 for the working capital. : ;
Henry J. Nelligan, cook, George W.
Beverly, both of oompany G, First
Florida, stationed at Huntsville, Ala.,
were killed in a oamp quarrel. ;
Rosslarjd's famous Le Boi mine is at
last before London investors. The
London Globe Corporation and the
British Amerioa Corporation have in
vited subscriptions to 200,000 shares
of 5 each in the LeRoi Company, ltd.
A smooth gang of counterfeiters is at
work in the Mississippi valley. ' The
counterfeit is of the standard silver
dollars. All of which have so far been
discovered bear the date of 1890. It is
believed something like 200,000 of
them have gained circulation. .
, Senator Davis, ot the Paris peace
commission, in an interview with a
London Daily Mail correspondent, de
clared, in favor of a triple alliance be
tween the United States, England and
Japan, for the protection of all their
interests north of the equator. .
Charles Tracy, aged 16, shot and
instantly killed Tim Connors, custodian
of Greenlawn cemetery, Indianapolis,
Ind. Tracy with a number of other
boys was near the cemetery throwing
snowballs at pedestrians. Refusing
to desist he1 was killed by Connors.
'The thirteenth annual convention of
the American Federation of Labor met
at Kansas City, Mo. About 150 dele
gates from all parts of the country were,
present; also William Thorne and Wil
liam Inskip, of London,, representing
the British trades-union congress.
The British, Columbian government
has made a crown reserve of all town
sites and land outside of the mining
fields in the Lake Atlin district. This
was recently announced privately by
Mr. C. Settlin, premier of British Co
lumbia, to Gold Commissioner W. J.
Rant, who has just arrived in Seattle
from Atlin.
Tlie United States government is not
aware that any arrangement has been
made for the transfer of the title of the
Samoan islands to Germany, and being
one of the parties to the tripartite
agreement under which Samoa is now
governed, it is .not conceivable that
any change in the status of the islands
can be made without the knowledge of
this government. , '
Three people were burned to death
in a fire in a Brooklyn flat.
: President McKinley will make ' a
tour of Porto Rico and Cuba. v
Only two men were killed in the
VVardner (Idaho) mine disaster.
Ten deaths as a . result of suioi'de,
and accident is the record of one Sun
day in Greater New York.
Germany is now said to be seeking
an ally and wants the friendship of
Uncle Sam. German Ambassador von
Holleben has - been commissioned to
settle whatever differences exist.
An area of 20 blocks in . the 28th
ward in Brooklyn was Inundated ' by
raging waters, which washed out the
fundationB of houses, tore down trolley
and telegraph poles, imprisoned people
in their homes. .
Charles W. Miller, of Chicago, last
year's six-day champion, won the great
bioycle race at Madison-Square Garden
again this year, beating the world's
reoord (his own) by 24 miles. He made
2,007 miles, and rested but 34 hours
in the 142. .
Unpreodented secrecy obtains as to
the conditions of the construction of
the Shamrock, the challenger for the
America's pup. Not merely are the
most strict precautions taken to pre
vent a leakage of the details of her con
struction, but even the place where she
is being built is kept secret. . ' -
v The foreign exhibitors have been seri
ously affected by the deoision of the
Paris appeal court in rejecting the suit
of a Swiss embroiderer against a Frenoh
manufacturer who copied his deAfgns.
The effect of the deoision is that de
signs .and patterns in the foreign ex
hibits of 1900 may be1 copied with im
pnnity, by Frenoh manufacturers, un
lessthe exhibitors possesss a manu
factory in France.
The battle-ship Massachusetts struck
a reef or sunken obstruction near Dia
mond reef, off Castle William, Gover
nor's island, N..Y., while on her way
from the navy-yard to the naval an
chorage off Tompkinsville, S. I. The
damage wrought was considerably
greater 'than was at first supposed,
and it is believed fully 90 days will be
required to put the vessel in condition
to go to sea, even if she is not vitaliy
hurt. .
The authorities are making an effort
to break up witohoraft in Alaska. It
is practioed among the Indians, who
are very superstitious. News from
Alaska says: Charles Watson, John
MoCubin and John Halpin lost their
lives by the premature explosion of a
blast. They , were working on the
grade of the White Pass Ss Yukon rail
road, between camps 9 and 10. They
were charging a bole when the explo
sion occurred. Their bodies were hor
ribly mangled. ' ,
footing in Havana, With
, : Fatal Results.
The Trouble Waa Canoed by an Effort
to Close the Theaters on Account
. of Garoia's Death. .
Havana, Dec. 14. After the news of
General Garcla's death spread through.
Havana early yesterday afternoon, the
Cubans wished to have all the places of
amusement closed. They suceeded in
dosing ' two places frequented by
Cubans, but the management of, the
Tacori theater, where there were many
Spanish officers among the audience,
refused to close the house. Thereupon
Allegretto, a former captain of the
Cuban troops, got into an excited argu
ment with the manager of the theater,
and was escorted to the sidewalk by
the police on duty. There Allegretto
entered into a heated discussion with a
Spanish officer, who struck him across
the faoe with the fiat of his sword.
Then there was a collision between the
Cubans and Spanish military men,
more blows were struok on both sides,
and many persons from the cafes and
park cheered for Spain and. brought
orowds of people to the spot from ad
jacent streets and squares.
Suddenly a shot was fired, whether
by a Cuban or by a Spaniard, inten
tionally or accidentally, cannot be said,
and the Cubans retieated into the Ho
tel Ingleterra. More shots were filed:
on both sides, and Arturo, a French
citizen, born in Havana, was Bhot and
seriously wounded while sitting at a
table. . .
More shots were fired, and Cubans
ran through the hotel office and made
their way upstairs. '' Jesus Solongo, a
Cuban, fell wounded on the stairs, and
another wounded man broke into the
room occupied by Lieutenant Fitzhugh
Lee, son of the famous general, and the
former consul-general here, demanding
protection. General Greene and sev
eral members of his staff, who had been
out on a balcony watching the crowd,
heard the uproar in the hotel, and went
into the corridor. So soon as the Span
ish offioers saw General Greene, who
was in uniform, they stopped the pur
suit of the Cubans, saluted and retired.
. In the meantime, Eastaqnino Lemus
had been fatally wounded in the street,
and Pedro Blesa and Senor Jiininez had
been killed. , .
Shortly after the Spanish guards on
duty swarmed in from the neighboring
streets, and order wasi restored.
At the time the Cubans and pursuing
Spaniards -ran through the Hotel Ingle
terra, General Humphreys was in the
lobby, talking to Majoi Martin, of Gen
eral Greene's. sMff, and other gentle
men. A bullet shattered a mirror near
which they stood, and two others
splintered the stairoase. '
R: S. How-land, editor of the Provi
dence Journal and Mr. W. L. Reilly, a
New York contractor, were jostlod by
the sudden rush of shouting and fight
ing men. General Julio Sanguilly was
sitting at a table in the lobby. The
violent scenes in the office and on the
stairs lasted, however, for only a few
minutes. On the outside the Spanish
soldiers were clearing the great square
and streets in the vicinity. The hotel
was full of American officers and civil
ians, and some of them with their
wives were standing on the balconies at
the imminent risk of being hit by bul
lets fired at an upward angle to scare
the crowds. From that point they
watched the spectacle in the electric
lighted square. ;
. It is reported that in addition to
.those killed and wounded who have
heen previously mentioned, 14 are be
ing oared for in private houses. Three
arrests were made. . A few minutes
after the shooting in the hotel fright
ened patrons and Cubans gathered
around General Greene asking if he
would protect them. He assured them
he believed they were, safe, but the only
recognized authority in Havana was
the Spanish executive. He then I sent
Captain Cole and Lieutenant' Stevens
to General Castellanos to inquire what
was being done to preserve order. ' The
latter replied that .the cafes had been
ordered closed, and the streets oleared,
while troops in sufficient numbers to
keep the peace had been poBted in the
squares and thoroughfares.' Two of
the aids of General Castellanos called
upon General Greene and gave him
further personal assuranoes.
Telephone messages describing the
occurrence were sent to General Wade
in Elvedado, aad General Greene
cabled to Washington a brief statement
of the facts. What was taking place in
the city was all unknown to the Amer
ican warships and transports in "the
harbor, nor did the news reaoh there
until this morning. .
The United States evacuation com
missioners and General' Greene sent
General Clous and . Captain Hart at
noon today to exchange views with the
Spanish commissioners. It was ar
ranged that all the Cuban offioers and
soldiers, including General Julio San
guilly and Jose Lacret, should go to
the oamp near Mariano and remain out
of the city until the Spanish forces were
Senator! Test and Hoar Desire No
' . Philippines. -t ;
Washington, Dec' 14. Disoussion of
two questions, each of importance and
interest at this session, was begun by
the senate at its session to3ay.' Terri
torial expansion and the construction of
the Nicaragua oanal occupied the atten
tion of the body duiing the 'greater part
of the afternoon.
As soon as the routine morning busi
ness had been disposed of. Mr. Vest
I (Dem. Mo.) called up his resolution
offered last week, deolaring it to be un
constituional for this government to
acquire foreign territory except for coal
ing stations or some like purpose, un
less its intention was to confer state
hood upon the territory and oitizen
ship upon its inhabitants. Mr. Vest
declared it was a basio principle of this
government "that the powers of the
government were derived from the' con
sent of the governed," and maintained
that the federal government had no
authority either in morals or in the
constitution to go beyond that princi
ple. He held that the principle had
been sustained by the supreme court in
various decisions, and that no publio
man of prominence and no, recognized
tribunal had ever been reckless enough
to'controvert it.' ;;. , i
Mr. Morgan opened the debate on the
oanal bill with a three hours' appeal
for action at this session. The whole
oountry, he said, would be disappoint
ed if congress did not act. He was
willing to take any measure whioh
would result in the building of the
canal. In the course of his remarks,
he agreed to accept an amendment spe
cifically exoepting the canal from neu
trality with regards to any country
with which the United States might
be at war.
Six Regiments Designated for Service
at Manila.
Washington, Deo. 14. The" war de
partment has begun in earnest the re
lief of the volunteer troops now sta
tioned at Manila by regulars. " This
afternoon Secretary Alger signed : an
order designating for this purpose six
regiments of the United States infantry
out of eight held in reserve for servioe
to tropical countries. The regiments
are the Twentieth, at' Fort Leaven
worth, Kan.; the Third, at Fort Snell
ing, Minn.; the Twelfth, at Jefferson
barracks, Mo., and Fort Riley, Kan.;
the Seventeenth, at Columbus barracks,
O.; the Fourth, at Fort Sheridan, and
the Twqnty-seoond, at Fort Crook, Neb.
They will go forward to Manila as
soon as tire transportation can be pro
vided. It mav be that the two regi
ments still held in reserve, the Twenty
fourth and the Twenty-fifth infantry,
will join the others before they sail.
These regiments were selected in the
reverse ratio to the loss sustained by
them ' in the Cuban campaign. The
volunteers in Manila will be retried in
the order in whioh they reached that
city. .
' 1 Bear-End Collision. '
.Pendleton, Or., Do. 18. Rushing
down the mountain grade of the O. R.
& N. Co.'s main line a heavy freight
train crashed into the rear end 6f the
overland fast mail and piled up the
cars and engine in great confusion.
The mail train was at the time station
ary. Three men were injured David
Filler, an old man of 64, who was on
his way to the coast from Montauk,
III.; Jay -Adams, of San Francisco,
general Paoiflc coast agent for the
Niokel Plate road, who was cut and
scalded;,' Louis. Pleohner,; traveling
salesman for the wholesale house of
GintermaniBros., St. Paul; and Fire
man Harry 1 Burrows, ! of ' tlie freight
train, who received out on the fore
head. . . . ...
Isle de Cuba Leaves. .
Manila, - Dec. 14. The ' Isle ' de
Cuba, one of the ships sunk by Dewev
in the battle of Manila, and which he
subsequently caused to be raised, start
ed for Hong Kong today under her own
steam. She is of 1,030 tons displace
ment and 2,200 indicated horse-power.
- The Raleigh leaves for home Thurs
day via the Suez canal.
As a result of an altercation before a
fruit stand yesterday, a California vol
unteers was stabbed and two natives
shot to death. ' . . -
( The Mare Island Fleet.
Vallejo, Cal.. Deo. 14. The rebuild
ing of the United States oruiser Ranger
at Mare island is progressing rapid ly.1
The Wheeling came out of the dock tc
day. She will receive her supply of
coal and provisions in a few days, and
will then sail for the northern seas.
The Iroquois has been thoroughly over
hauled and in readiness to go into com-,
mission. - Commander Henry Nichols
has been ordered to . Manila to take
oharge of the Monadnook. ,
-Father and Son Killed. '
Denver, Deo. 14. A speoial to the
News from Starkville, "Colo., says:
Michael Tereso and his 15-year old son
Antonio were killed today by a cave-in
in the coal mine in which they were
working. '; " "'
Four Burned to Death.
Sew York, Dec. 14. The . fire which ;
destroyed the apartment-house at 134
Prospect Place, Brooklyn, . last' night,
killed four persons Joseph W.' Nob
lett, his wife, his wife's mother, Mrs.
Stothern, and John Winee. The other
missing persons have been acoounted .
lor. -
Iloilo Assaulted the' Night of
' . ( December 1. 1
A coord In b to a Spanish Report, They
Were Finally Bepulsed With Great
toss Deaths at Manila. - '
Manila, Deo. 13. According to re
liable advices reoeived from Iloilo,
capital of the island of Panay, in the
Visayas group, the insurgents attaoked
Iloilo the night of December 1 and cap
tured all the Spanish trenches, except
one. : They then notified General Rios
to remove the women and children,
and threatened to renew the attack on
the following night. 1 --:
When these advices left Iloilo, Gen
eral Rios was expecting reinforcements
andj field guns, and. the plan was for
the Sparfish gunboats to shell, if the
insurgents effeoted an entranoe. The
foreign residents were greatly alarmed,
and all merchantmen have been ordered
outside the harbor.
v Meanwhile the -Spanish authorities
have been advised that the Tulisanos
troops are looting, in disobedience of
orders, and cannot be restrained.
On the other hand, the Spanish trans
port Isla de Luzon reports that the in
surgents around Iloilo were repulsed
with great slaughter December 6; while
attempting to storm the last entrench
ment. : According to this story,' 500
insurgents were killed 'bt wounded by
the machine guns.. .
" Deaths at Manila. r ;
Washington, Dec. 13. Major-General
Otis, commanding at Manila, has
made the following report of deaths in
his command: , ... .
"December 8 Fred J. Norton, pri
vate, cqmany F, Seoond Oregon, dysen
tery; Frank M. Hibbs, private, com
pany A, Second Oregon, dysentery, heart
failure. '
"December 9 Harry G. Hibbarda,
oorporal, company K, Second Oregon,
typhoid fever." ,., .,
Spain Accepts the Consequences 111
Naturedly. . ' . .
Madrid,-Dec. 18. The government
entirely approves the memorandum of
protest against the action of the United
States commissioners, filed by Senor
Montero Rios, at Paris.
The memorandum protests against
the refusal of the Americans to surren
der the securities deposited in the treas
uries of Cuba and Porto Rico by private
Spaniards,- remarking that:"never has
a civilized nation committed such an
aot of violence." '
Secondly, it'protests against the ulti
matum demanding the Philippines.
Thirdly, it protests against the posi
tion in which those Spaniards are
placed who desire to remain in Cuba.
. . Fourthly, it protests against the ref
erence to the destruction of the Maine
in President MoKinley's message to
congress. ' On this point the memoran
dum says:
"Spain haB proposed arbitration, but
the United States has refused to give
her the right which is granted to a
criminal; namely, the right of defend
ing herself. The Spanish commission
ers leave the care of fixing the responsi
bility for tha' explosion to'-, the entire
world, whicli will say whether those
are responsible who desire the truth, or
those refusing to seek it."
The newspapers generally express re
lief at the signing of the treaty.' The
independent organs, most of the provin
cial papers and the Carlist and repub
lican journals attack both political par
ties, conservative and liberal, reproach
ing them equally with having brought
the country to the present pass. . : ;
El Imparcial alone publishes the
contents of the treaty, which produces
a less unfavorable impression than had
been expected, owing to the commercial
and other concessions to Spain.
El Liberal says: "The Paris negotia
tions offer a far sadder spectacle than
the ships which are bringing back our
repatriated soldiers, deplorable as the
oondition of the latter is." ' .-;"'.
'.',: Several members of the United States
commission were inclined at first tq
publish the text of the treaty, but Sen
ator Frye made a strong plea yesterday
for the' observance of ooortesy toward
the United States senate, and bis ar
guments prevailed. i
learned as to the wording of the treaty,
which provides , that Cuba is to be re
linquished and that Porto Rico and the
Philippines are to be ceded. The
Americans are to pay for the repatria
tion Of the Spanish troops from all the
colonies. . The Spaniards are to return
all prisoners held by them. They are
to retain possession , of all military
stores, and munitions of war in the
Philippines, and of such ships as have
not been captured. The commercial
treaties between the two nations, which i
the war ruptured, are to be lenewed at
the convenience of the two nations.
Arrowsmith;' 111.,'.' Dec. 10. The
private bank of Taylor & MoClure was
last night entered by robbers, who se
cured $4,000 worth of negotiable paper
and e soaped.
The Cuban Patriot ' a Victim ef the
Northern Climate :
Washington, Deo. 18. General Cal
ixto Garcia, the distinguished Cuban
warrior and leader, and the head of the
sommission elected by the Cuban as
sembly to .visit this country, died here
this morning, shortly after 10 o'olock,
at the Hotel Raleigh, where the com
mission has its headquarters. ' "
' The sudden change from the warm
jlimate of Cuba, with the hardships
he had there endured, to the wintry
weather of New York and Washington,
Is responsible . for ' the pneumonia
which resulted in his demise. He con
tracted a slight cold ill New York,
which did not assume an alarming
stage until early the part of last week.
Last Tuesday night,. General Garcia,
in company with the other members of
the commission, attended a . dinner
given in his honor by General Miles,
and it. was a result of the exposure that
culminated in his death. ,
During the 12 hours or more preced
ing dissolution. General Garcia was
unoonscous most of thetirrje. At in
tervals he recognized one or more of
those about him. In his dying mo
ments, as all through his busy and ao
tive life, his thoughts were for his be
loved country and ' its people, and,
among his last words, were irrational
mutterings, in which he gave orders to
his son. who is on his staff, for the bat
tle which he supposed was to occur to
morrow, and in which he understood
there were only 400 Spaniards to com
bat. Just before he died he embraced
his son. -
Rev. Father Magee, of St. Patrick's
church, was called in during . the day,
and was with General Garcia until the
end, administeriug the last rites of the
Catholic church. Other members of
the commission and Mr. Rubens, their
counsel in this country, 1 were also in
the bed-chamber when the end oame.
The remains were immediately pre
pared for burial, and were placed on a
bierwin the room in which he died. A
large Cuban flag served as a covering,
and the head rested on one of smaller
dimensions. -The faoe and bust were
left exposed to public view. The fea
tures had a remarkable lifelike appear
ance, and gave no : indication of the
suffering whioh the deceased had
borne. Just above the head rested a
magnificent : floral piece of red and
white ribbon. s By direotion of Major
General Miles a detachment of soldiers
from battery E, Sixth artillery, under
command of Lieutenant Cox, was de
tailed as a body guard for the remains.
General Garcia, whose name will
ever be linked with those of other pa
triots who have fought against unequal
odds for the freedom of his country,
has had a most active and varied life,
most of whioh has been spent in fight
ing for the cause of Cuban liberty,
whioh he had the satisfaction of seeing
accomplished so shorta time before his
death. He was a man of cultuie and
refinement, of splendid education, and
came from a distinguished family of
Jaiquani.ol Santiago de Cuba province..
He was born. in Cogquin, October 14,
1839, and was therefore . in his 60th
year. ' ' - " ' . ' '
Chinese Decoration for Lieutenant
Colonel Yifquain.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 13. General
Keifer, who is in command of the re?
maining troops of the Seventh army
oorps sinoe General Lee's departure for
Cuba tonight, confirms the rumor of
Colonel W, J. Bryan's resignation of
his oommand. Both General Lee. and
General Kiefer endeavorei to induce
Colonel Bryan to go to Cuba, but were
unsuccessful. -. " ';-':.'."'
Lieutenant-Colonel Vifquain, of -the
Third Nebraska regiment, who .will
succeed Colonel Bryan upon the lat
ter's resignation, received notice today
from the Chinese legation at Washing
ton that the emperor of China had con
ferred upon him the decoration of the
Order of the Double Dragon in recog
nition of his services to the Chinese
residents of the republic of Colombia,
when he was United States consul at
Panama. Lieutenant-Colonel Vitquain
is a graduate of the royal , military
academy of Brussels, and served in the
servicer of the present king of Belgium.
He served throughout the civil war in
the Union army, and was. breveted
brigadier-general by Abraham Lincoln.
Major-General Lee Started Last Night
. . , With His Staff. .,.
Savannah, Ga., . Dec. 18. General
Lee and staff sailed for Cuba this after
noon on the transport Panama. Crowds
of people lined the wharves as the
transport passed down the river. As
the tugboat cut loose, the siren taken
from the Spanish cruiser Almirante
Oquendo after the battle of. Santiago,
and now on the tug Cambria, soreeched '
the Panama a parting salute. . General
Lee will remain outside of Havana tin
til January 1, when he will enter the
oity. The Panama will land at Mari
ana, whore General Lee will establish
his headquarters on the camp site select
ed by Colonel Hecker for the Seventh
corps, and will remain there until he
enters Havana.- :
Ig-lesias Brother-ln-Law Arrested.
' New York, Deo. 12. Wm. P. Lynn,
brother-in-law -of Iglesias; president of
Costa Rica, who oame to this country'
with the latter, is under arrest here.
! '