The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 09, 1898, Image 4

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    (tares Rheumatism,
cures Neuralgia,
cures Lumbago.
cares Sciatica,
oures Sprains,
cures Bruises,
cures Soreness. "
oures Stiffness,
cures Backache,
cures Muscular aohes.
Ropa Measuring Machine.
A maohine has been patented lor use
In measuirng rope, consisting of a rope
receiving wheel, haying a roughened
face, which catches in the rope and
turns as the latter is pulled through a
slot and across the wheel, to operate
bands on a dial and ring a bell at cer
tain distances. - ' ;
Makes more people miserable than any
other disease. It takes the pleasure all out
of life. The gratitude of those who have
been cured of dyspepsia by Hood's' Sarsa
parilla is therefore natural. Thousands
say they have suffered more than they can
tell from this disease, but have felt no
symptoms of it since taking
parilla America's Greatest Medicine. Price, SI.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness, indigestion.
T In your conversation use short words
and not too many of them.
Love may be blind, butv lovers are
often spectaoles for other people.
A husband's love is on the wane
when he begins to stop kioking his
wife's pet dog. ,
When a man marries a girl for her
beauty, he ought not to be surprised
or disappointed, either, if be doesn't
get muoh else. ,y
He'd lots of hair upon his ohin, "
But none upon his head--He
always spoke before he thought,
So many people said.
An Indiana woman was made to pay
damages to the extent of $126 for say
ing that her neighbor's beauty was ar
tificial, i '.
Foster Brown says that by the year
1950 Great Britain will have used 11
15th of its best resources of coal, and
that there will then remain workable
at a gradually increasing cost, sufficient
coal to last 250 years.
A powder to be Bhaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Koot-lCase. It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. ' Trial
package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, to Roy , N. 'Y.
Improved Car Seat.
An imnrovod Rfiat for railway cars
has the bottom cushion mounted on a
sliding frame to swing out ou either
side as the back is turned, the move
ment of the bottom allowing ' the back
to swing down further and permitting
the use of a wider cushion than those
now in use. . '
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
If Cervera needs consolation for the
cold weloome he receives in his native
land, for which he staked life and
honor, let him lead Schiller's version
of the reception given by Philip II to
the Duke of Medina-Sidonia on his re
turn with the remnant of the wrecked
In Mexico the family of a dead duel
ist oan claim support from the person
who shot him. ,-'
!'..' '"
' ; . a talk with mrs. pinkham.
A woman with the blues is a very tra
comfortable person. She is illogical,
Onhappy and frequently hysterical.
The condition of the mind known as
the blues," nearly always, with wo
men, results from diseased organs of
It is a source of wonder that in this
ago of advanced medical science, any
person should still believe that mere
force of will and determination will
overcome depressed spirits and nerv
ousness in women. These troubles are
indications of disease.
Every woman who doesn't under
stand her condition should write to
Lynn, Mass., to Mrs. Pinkham for her
advice. Her advice is thorough com
mon sense, and is the counsel of a
learned woman of great experience.
Read the story of Mrs. P. S. Uennext,
Westphalia, Kansas, as told in the fol
lowing letter: :'.-
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I have suf
fered for over two years with falling',
enlargement and ulceration of the
womb, and this spring, being1 in such
a weakened condition, caused me to
" flow for nearly six months. Some time
ago, urged by friends, I wrote to you
for advice. After using the treatment
which you advised for a short time,
that terrible flow stopped.
"I am now gaining strength and
flesh, and have better health than I
have had for the past ten years. I
wish to say to all distressed, suffer
ing women, do not suffer longer, when
there is one so kind and willing to
aid you." '. : , -
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound is a woman's remedy for wo
man's ills. More than a million wo
men have been benefited by it.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. TJBe I
in time. Folil rv armfglflts.
t. Jaeoba Oil
t!t. Jaoobs Oil
St. Jao.obs Oil
St. Jacobs Oil
St. Jaooba Oil
St. Jacobs Oil
St. Jacobs Oil
St. Jacobs Oil
St. Jaoobs Oil
St. Jacobs Oil
From All Parts of the New
World and' the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Fast Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns.
Thirty-seven people were drowned in
the wreck ot the steamer Clan Drum
mond in' the bay of Biscay.
A gift to Wellesleyoollege of $50,000
from the estate of Charles T. Wilder
has just been announced.
The 50th anniversary of Francis
Joseph's acoossion to the throne was
celebrated throughout Austria.
Three coal barges were lost and the
lives of 10 or 13 men were sacrificed in
the recent Atlantio storm off Bargate.
The Philippine insurgents demand
7,000,000 pesetas for the release of 40
friars imprisoned sinoe the commence
ment of the war. . .,
A fire fiend attempted to burn John
Wanamaker's big department store in
Philadelphia, but was arrested before
lerioua damage was done. ,
The liabilities of GilleU, the ab
sconding Kansas cattle-plunger, ; con
tinue to grow, the latest estimate plac
ing the total at $1,500,000.
An unsuooessful attempt 'was made
to hold up and rob a Missouri Pacific
passenger train near Sedalia, Mo. One
bandit was captured and another was
severely wounded. . ' t
Agninaldo iB said to be preparing to
make resistance, and Spanish sympa
thizers in Madrid deolare 60,000 men
armed with Mausers will oopose Amer
ican control of the Philippines. .
Secretary Long has .ordered the
oruiser New York to Havana. vOn his
arrival, Sampson will hoist his flag on
the cruiser, and it is expected she will
bring the admiral north next month.
A German government offioial, in
an interview with a correspondent of
the press in Berlin confirmed the report
that Germany is negotiating ' with
Spain for the purchase of the Caroline
islands. ,
Advices from Now Guinea say the
native tribes living on Musa river late
ly raided the Masini villages, in Col
, lingwood bay, and massacred 15-coast
people, mete are no ponce to aeai
with the murderers. , :
News from Samoa states that jthe na
tives held a meeting ' October -13 to
disouss the question of the kingship.
A, number of conciliatory epeeches
ere delivered, but no candidate was
named, nor was any decision arrived at.
I Two men have been arrested at Lon
don on charges' of having robbed the
Duchess of Sutherland of valuable jew
elry in France last month. Part of the
stolen jewelry was jn the possession of
the robbers when theywere arrested. .
Chile is on specie basis and no
more paper njoney, will be issued. ( ;
It is announced at Washington that
no more presidential postmasters will
be named until congiess meets. '. ;
The battle-ships' Oregon and Iowa
have been ordered to proceed from Mon
tevideo to Valparaiso, where further
orders will await them. !
Troubles has arisen in Africa be
tween Germany and tho Congo Free
State, relative to the respective boun
dary lines north of Lake Tanganika.,?
General Thomas Regalado, the head
of the revolutionary movement in Sal
vador, has usurped the presidency and
proclaimed himself chief executive of
the republic. ;.
The attempt to effect a coalition be
tween the states of Nicaragua. Hon
duras and Salvador, to be conducted as
the United States of Central America,
has failed completely.
Arrangements are "being made by the
war department to disinter the remain!
of all the soldiers who lost' their lives
in the campaign before Santiago and
bring them to this country.-
Great improvement in -the health of
the army has taken place within the
last two months, as shown by the last
reports to the surgeon-general from the
field and general hospitals. -
There is a band of American swin Hamburg, Germany, who are
passing worthless American paper
money, for which they not only procure
valuable merchandise, but even obtain
money in exchange from their victims.
' It will probably be the end of Decem
ber or the beginning of January before
any further news is received from the
men Who have ohosen to spend the
winter on the rich gold-bearing creeks
of the Klondike. About 500 men will
winter on the creeks in the Allin river
eountry. r. , '.'-,. ' . '
The navy department lias made pub
lic a report ' from Admiral Sampson,
covering the operations of the United
States blockading fleet off Santiago
after the destruction of Cervera's
squadron. The report scores General
Shatter for making public important
telegrams and refusing to recognize
the admiral in the surrender.
Minor News Items. ' ' '' .
The steamer Monarch cleared from
New Orleans for Liverpool with the
largest general cargo ever carried from
that port, embracing 20,68Q bales of
cotton, 128,000 bushels of corn, 19,000
Sarah Bonnell, an Abilene, (Kan.)
young woman, has received a legacy of
half a million dollars from a New York
friend interested in her muaicu)"educ9
tion. ' She will go to Paris soon to com
plete her musical education.
, .' Virden rioters will be prosecuted as
fast as information can be obtained
against them. " "
The Carlist movement in Spain is
gaining ground owing to the apathy of
the Spanish government. V r. 'v
i The official trial of the new torpedo
boat Farragut. in San Franoisco bay
was a successful one in every reppeot. -f-
Meyer of Louisiana, has introduced
in the house a bill appropriating $12,
000,000 for the construction of a wide,
deop channel from deep water of the
Mississippi river to deep water of the
Gulf of Mexico.
The history of the document which
will oertify the passing of the oldest
colonial power in, the world ' and the
advent of the newest was epitomized
by Judge Day in a single sentence: "A
peace treaty to contain anything which
the victors put Into it."
News has been received of one vessel
boarded by the Spaniards during tho
late war. She was the British bark
Nellie Brett, and after a thorough ex
amination was allowed to . proceed.
The boarding ciew was from the Al
fonso XIII, aftei wards sunk by the
Americans. ; ; : .
Senor Romer, Mexican minister "to
Washington, has notified Secretary
Hay that Mexico has determined to ad
vance her mission here to the rank of
an embassy. Consequently, as soon as
the necessary- steps ' are taken, the
United States minister to Mexico,
Clayton, will become an ambassador.
Representative Cousins, of Iowa, has
the honor of introducing the first bill
in the house at this session ' It is er
titWl "a bill deolaring a standard of
value in the United Stages," and pro
vides that the standard of value in the
United States is hereby declarod to be
and, is the standard gold dollar, of 25.8
grains of standard gold, 900 fine.
In conformity with the require
ments of the law the secretary of the
treasury has transmitted to oongress
the estimates of appropriations re
quired for the service of the fiscal
year, ending June 80, 190(5,' as ; fur-1
nished by the several exceutive depart-'
ments. ; Those estimates include the
permanent -anpual appropriation ag
gregating $593,018,378,- as against
$808,875,885, the amount of the ap
propriation including deficiencies ; and
miscellaneous expanses for the fiscal
veai of 1898,: and $103,047,835, the
amount of the estimates of ''
The estimates given below ore the
appropriations for Oregon and Wash
ington for the coming year: Gray's
harbor, Washington, $500,000; Ya
quina bay harbor, Oregon, $400,000;
custom-house, Portland, Or. ,.- , $300,
000; Columbia river, and Willamette
river below Portland, $150,000; Co
lumbia river at the Casoades, $100,
000;' entrance to Coos bay and harbor,
Oregon, $100,000; lighthouse at Semf
ahmoo bay, Washington, $25,000;
lighthouse at Middle Ground, , Colum
bia river, $21,000; lighthouse, at Bui
rows' island, Washington, $15,000.
Superior Judge Rhodes Borden died
at his home at San .Francisco. '
. .-: t .
A boiler in a sawmill m. near Mflnt
rose,'Colo., exploded, killing three men.
General Miles has , prepared a draft
for a bill providing for a standing army
of 100,000 men. . . ' -L :;
It is reported that the' Great North
ern has purchased an line to Portland
and will soon come into that city over
its own tracks.
Mad Mullah's fanatical movement
has been partly cheoked, and' a strong
British force is held in readiness to
move against ther Rebels. "
The appeal of General. Lord Kitoh-'
ener, of Khartoum, for funds to found
a Gordon memorial college at Khar
toum met with an immediate response
in London. Oyer 70,000, out of the
100,000 a3ked for has already been
subscribed. ! ' '
During thd past week five bodies
have been picked up on the beach be
tween Florence 'and Gardiner, Or.,
with a few miles'' space. They are
supposed to be the bodies of sailors of
the -wrecked Atalanta. If so. they
muBt-have been , carried 40 miles by
the ooean currents. L x- "' ';' '.v f'k.
,'The young king of Spain has lfad a
very pleasant windfall iri the shape' of
a , legacy of 3,000,000 pesetas,', be
queathed to him by an old' gentleman
named Solar, who had a close though
unacknowledged relationship to , the
king, being the natural son of Ferdi
nand VII, and great unole'of King Al
fonso. , . ' : ','
Advices from Russia say the - reports
of threatened famine there are growing
more gloomy every day. Count Leo
Tolstoi has petitioned the government
for permission to forrjn relief, commit
tees o cope with the distress, and the
czar himself has contributed 500,000
roubles to the Red Cross Society to aid
the starving peasants. ' , ;,
Thurlow Weed Barnes has brought
suit in the New York supreme court
against the American-China-, Develop
ment Company for $1,000,000 for ser
vices in obtaining railroad' concessions
from the imperial .Chinese government,
through the Chinese minister at
Washington. The concessions are
worth in net profit at least $12,000,000
to the conoany, and they may. be.
worth $24,000,000.' , j .
California mine owners" assert the
gold output of the state has been cur
tailed at least 50 per cent, by. a pro
longed drought. .';':'.'., ,i
Oliver Clement, aged 18, of Poplai
Bluff, Mo.; has married Mrs. Hannah
MoGinnis, aged 50. . She was his step
mother's stepmother. '
Though one of the youngest general
officers in the confederate army Gen
eral Wheeler was the oldest in the na
tional servicu against Spain. ' '
Opening of; Final Session of
; . . Fifty-Fifth Congress.
A Few Bills Were Introduced in the
House Adjournment Soon the
Heading of the Message.
Washington, Dec. 7. When the sen
ate convened Monday to begin the clos
ing session of the 55th' congresss, the
cHamber presented a notable and beau
tiful appearance. By 11 o'clook the
public and private galleries were filled
almost to their' capacity with a distin
guished assemblage, including many
ladies in brilliant attire. '
0 the floor of the senate the display
of flowers was unusually beautiful even
for the opening day of a session of con
gress. The odor of flowers filled the
chamber. The memorable scenes en
acted in the ohambeer during the last
session, and the momentous events that
have" occurred Bince congress last ad
journed created a feeling of intense ex
pectancy on the, part of the spectators
and the members of the 'senate. This
was made manifest' by the long lines of
people in the corridors anxious to gain
admission to the galleries and by the
early arrival of the senators on the
floor. ' Through ' the ' oourtesy of the
Fvice-president, ' the' members of the
joint high commission- were admitted
to the floor of the senate, and were the
recipients of much attention.
Just. before the senate was called to
order, several well-known members of
the diplomatic corps appeared in the
diplomatic gallery.1 " ,
Promptly at 12 o'olock Hobart rapped
for , order. Mr. Milburn, the venera
ble blind chaplain, in a profoundlim
presgive manner, returned "devoutlind
reverent thanks for God's goodness to
us as a nation and for his care of us
since last gathered in the chamber."
'! The call of the senate developed the
presence of 67 members. The usual
resolutions were offered and adopted.
Cullom of Illinois offered one to ap
point a committee to inform the house
that .the senate was tindy to transact
business; Hale of Maine, one fixing
the hour of 'daily meetings at 12
O'clock noon, and Morrill of Vermont,
one to appoint a committee to notify
lbs president that the senate was
awaiting any communication he might
desire to make. Morrill of Vermont,
and Cookrell of Missouri, xvere named
by'lbe vice-president to join a like
committee of the house to call on the
president. ' '
MpBride of Oregon, presented the
credentials of his colleague, Simon, to
whom the vice-president administered
the oath of office. -,
s The readina of the message occupied
two hours and 18 minutes. Many per
sons remained in the galleries through
out the reading, but, as is usual, little
attention was given to the presentation
of the message, either in the galleries
or on the floor, after the first few pages.
"' The senate adjourned shortly after
the reading of the message.
, In the House. . -.' .
' Washington, Dec. 7. The opening
session of oongress Monday was, a speo
tacular occasion,, animated " and bril
liant. There were more thanth usual
number of distinguished -personages in
the thronged galleries, including many
representatives of foreign governments,
high officials, and ladies and gentlemen
conspicuous in social and political life.
The greetings of the. members were
most cordial, and there was no outcrop
ping of partisan rancor to mar the oc
casion. One of the most , striking inci
dents was the 'cordialsmeeting' between
the floor leaders of the respective sides,
Messrs. Dingley and Bailey. In view
of the gossip about the possibility of
Mr. Bailey being deposed as the minor
ity leader, it is significant that the
speaker named Mr. Bailey as the
minority member of the,' oommittee to
wait upon the -president, an honor al
ways : bestowed upon the recognized
leader, of the minority. ; 7 " ' '
Speaker Reed received a warm wel
come from both sides of the house when
he" ascended . the rostrum to call the
house to order, but perbapa the greatest
personal ovation to any member was
that given Ma-jor-General Wheeler, of
Alabama, : who ..has not been, seen by
many of his old colleagues since he
went to the' front at the head of the
oavalryv; division of General Shafter's
army. '"Mr. W, A. Stone, of Pennsyl-'
vania,- McMillin, of Tennessee, and Mr.
Sayers, of Texas, who have been elected
Lgovernors ot ' their respective states
since congress adjourned, were aiso
overwhelmed with congratulations, ,
The floral tributes today were un
usually numerous and made the hall a
veritable bower of ' beautiful ' flowers.
The proceedings themselves were dull,
all interest centering in the reading of
the president's message. : For over two
hours the clerk dfoned through the long
document, hut the interest of members
and spectators never flagged. With
rapt attention they followed the presi
dent's recital of the war and listened
eagerly to every suggestion or recom
mendation he had to offer. No expres
sions of approval, or disapproval inter
rupted the reading.,' '
Chicago Theater Burned.
Chicago, . Dec 7. Fire badly , dam
aged the Lincoln theater at 468 North
Clark street tonight. , The evening per
formance had been concluded and the
audience had left the building but a
few minutes, when the fire, broke out.
The members of the "Dawn of Free
dom" company, which is at the thea
ter, were still in the building, and they
were compelled to make a hasty exit,
none 'of them saving any considerable
portion of their clothing. - The loss is
about $60,000. , i
.;"' he Spanish War In Spanish'
V Hispanaro, Likeafoolo,
' Raisinello Cubanero, , ,
Amerioan Gettimadol '
"Letalono Cubanero!"
Hispano Talkabacko
"Notiflno, Go -to Blanco!" ,
Americano Baokiupo:
1 ". Danderupo Pootyfin6;
t Smashemallo Hispanaro,- .
Cubnaro Philippine .
Deweyfino Sunkafleetto
Inthebayo Manilao. "
Samsontooo, Shafteralso, .'
Slyi' Sohleyo, Mashemallo ;'
Cerveraro Santiago, ,
Allegoneo Hispanero,
Thenafino Picnioarp, '
I - Soldieraro Americano:
' : Hurraharo McKinleyaro,
, ' Republicano Conquero;
'. Crowneraro Laurelaro;
Allthetimo Bverywhero
McKibbenaro wave in airo
Oldgoriaro, Goodoldtimo;
" Eataplelo Yankeearo
Punkinpieo, Fraternaro
Hispanaro, Cubanaro,
Americano, Buenoawano,
....' Fizgibango, Hiphoorahro,
, , v McKinleyaro--Unclesamol
.' Railroad Trains to Run Slower. . .
' Railroad officials claim that it is very
expensive to run their express trains, and
are talking about reducing the speed. It
is likewise expensive to the health to
struggle and compete in business affairs as
men do nowadays. The whole system
gives out. For restoring strength Hostet
ter's Stomach Bitters is the proper remedy.
While lightning may be seen and
Its illumination of the clouds and mist
may be reognized when it is even two
hundred miles , distant, thunder is
rarely audible more than ten miles.
The thunder from very distant storms,
therefore, seldom reaches the ear.
Delay Makes It Harder.
Mis-steps have' made the worst
sprains, but it is no mis-step to use St.
Jacobs Oil. v It ' makes a cure by
strengthening, soothing and conquering
the pain. Every hour's delay makes
it harder to cure. .;. ,
. An interesting test has just been
made by a French woman. With a
view to testing the sustaining .powers
of chocolate, she lived upon that alone
for 60 days, and lost bnt 15 pounds in
the interval.
When coming to San Francisco g to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Room and
board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
; The female brain commences' to de
cline in weight after the age of 80; the
male not until ten years later.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOIE, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon. ;
A naturalist of eminence says that
land birds make their journeys in the
daytime and water birds at night.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c. ' .
. It is a curious circumstance that
aome of the most important inventions
have been discovered by lunatics.
- Before having teeth extracted, consult Dr.
Thos. H. White, 271 Morrison street,
Portland, Or. Crown and bridge work
gives the best of satisfaction. , Goldlillinga
specialty. .. ,
Unbreakable mirrors are now made
by putting a coating of qnicksilver on
the back of a very thin plate of cellu
loid. '
Permanently Curea. N o flts or nervonsnes
after first day's use of Dr. KHim'A a.
Nerve Kestoier. Send for FRKK 93.00 trial
bottle and treatise. BB. R. H. ft jja., 930
Area street, fnuadeipiiia, fa. 7
It is calculated that the men and
women of today are nearly two inches
taller than their ancestors.
I know that my life was saved by Piso's
Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895. . .
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., PropSy, Joledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the past IB years, and believe him perleetly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
WistATruax, .
, ' , Wholesale Druugisls, Toledo, O.
; Waldinq, Kinkan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 76c per bottle. Bold by all
drugpists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills the best.
t it
Warehousa Machinery,
Supplies of all Kinds.
We carry in stock a largeisupply of the above conveyers, both right and left, -which we will
eell at greatly reduoed prices. Also all sizes of elevator buckets and bolts, , '
Write for price-list and discounts. : 3 - , ' - " ,
Wi 1 lam et I
Front and Everett Sts.
Don't neglect yourself! it is the
perfect fitting truss applied in
season which effects a cure; the
imperfect never; 2,000 styles to
select from enables us to guar
antee a fit, or no charge; if your
druggist does not keep them
write us for directions for self
measurement; correspondence
confidential and trusses sent se
cure from observation, to any
address; money refunded if not
satisfactory. C H. Wnodard
Co., Expert Truss Fitters, 108
Second St., Portland, Or.
, urnwi BiuDDorn -
Any complaint becomes chronic by
neglect, and Rheumatism grows stub
born by not using St. Jacobs Oil, which
is its sure cure and conquers the pain
promptly. Every sufferer should use it.
It has been estimated that a singls
plant of the Russian thistle six feet in
diameter produces 2,000,000 seeds, Ja
- The December Century. ;
In the first installment of hia story
of the .."Merrimao" in the December
Century, which is to be an unusually
attractive number, Lieutenant Hobson
lays no claim to having originated tha
idea of blocking the channel at Santi
ago. The sinking of the collier had
been orderbd by Admiral Sampson, but
the commanding officer off Santiago had
not executed the maneuver when the
flag-ship arrived, and the working out
of the plan, as well as its execution,
was intrusted to Lieutenant Hobson.
The preliminary steps are detailed in
this number of the magazine, and in
later issues the story of the sinking of
the ship and the capture and imprison
ment of her crew will be given at first
hand. This is the only aooount of his
exploit that Mr. Hobson has written
for publication. ! ; V
Vultures cannot discover a carcass
by the sense of smell. - They rely, en
tirely upon their sight when in quest
is due not only to the originality and
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
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