The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 02, 1898, Image 4

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    Saves Time and Money.
It is delightful weather to breathe
fresh, invigorating air, but take oare olj
lumbago, or else St. Jacobs Oil must
take care of it and cure it promptly.
It saves time and money. '
, ' When He Goes.
"Does your husband . ever go to
church, Mrs. Badger?"
"Oh, yes, he goes quite regularly in
the winter time."
"Why does he go In the winter time
and not at other times?"
"Well, you see, he generally has the
quinsy when the weather is raw and
thinks he is going to die." Chicago
Evening News.
The Best
Medicine Money Can Buy
Is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It contains more
curative power, is prepared with greater
care by educated and experienced phar
macists. It has the greatest ' sales and
effects the greatest cures. It is the medi
cine you should take to purify your blood
and make yourself strong and healthy be
fore colder weather comes.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all dealers. Price, SI. Get Hood's.
Hood's Pills oure Indigestion. 26 cents.
' A Principle of Life Illustrated.
There are oertain plants the dod
der, for instance, which begin life with
the best intentions, strike true roots
into the soil, and really appear as if
they meant to be independent for life.
But after supporting themselves for a
brief period they fix curious suoking
disoB into the stem and branohes of ad
jacent plants. " And after a little ex
perimenting the epiphyte finally ceases
to do anything for its own support,
'thenceforth drawing all its supplies
ready made from the sap of its host.
In this parasitic state it has no need
for organs of nutrition of its own and
nature takes thorn ' away. Thence
forth the dodder is a plant without a
root, without a twig, without a leaf,
and having a stem so useless as to be
inadequate to bear its own weight.
Prof. Drummond. '...
Jrpan ; Ceylon!
English Breakfast
Ookng Ideal Blend
An inch of rain falling upon an area
of one square mile s equivalent , to
nearly 17,500.000 gallons, weighing
115,250,000 pounds, or 61,844 tons.
The stability of the solar system
demonstrated by Laplace from New
ton's law of attraction, is shown by M.
H. Poincare to be a mistaken inference,
overlooking the modern conception oi
energy. .
When coming to Ban Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush Street.
American or European plan. Hoom and
board $1.00 to f 1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
Coronium, known hypothetically at
a constituent of the sun, has been dis
covered by Professor Nasini, of Padua,
in voloanic emissions. It is a gas ap
parently much lighter than hydrogen.
- Ho household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't n&
Klect this necessity.
Furlough 'and Leave of Absence.
With the return of the volunteers
from active duty the terms "furlongh"
and "leave of absence" have been em
ployed frequently, and in many in
stances improperly. A furlough is a
permission given by a commissioned
officer to an enlisted man or noncom
missioned officer to be absent from
duty for a certain length of time.
Leave of absence is the term used when
a like permission is given to a com
missioned, offloer by bis superior. New
York Tribune. ; . .
Longfellow: "Faith alone can in
terpret life, and the heart that aches
and bleeds with the stigma of pain,
alone beats the likeness of Christ and
oan ooroprehend its dark enigma." .
j Established 1780. -
g Baker's
i Chocolate,
celebrated for more
than a century as a
delicious, nutritious,
and flesh-forming
beverage, has our
Yellow Label
on the front of every
package, and our
Chocolatiere,"on the
back. .
Dorchester, Mass.
8imaiup iq yiujj -emu u
terns of General . Interest Gleaned
From Che Thriving Faclflo :
Tbe Salmon Pack.
The fall Sound pack, as given last
week, is 185,000 cases, and the Fraser
river 84,600. ; The Oolumiba river pack
is given as 115,000, the largest in the
history of the river. The Trade Kegis
ter estimate on August 27 was 600,000
for red Alaska, but later reports in
creased it to 840,000 oases. No definite
figures for the total , Alaska pack are
at hand. The' Sonnd sockeye pack
was 258,600 oases; Fraser river alone,
198,000; British Columbia (including
the Fraser),; 414,900; Columbia river,
888,580 oases. . Total pack last year,
all points, was given at 8,121,117 oases.
The fall pack of Puget sound last year
was 120,200 case. with 87,500 for
Willapa and Gray's harbor; 68,650 for
Columbia river and a total of 295,638
cases of falls for tbe coast (not includ
ing Alaska), against 284,590 this year.
The run in the Gray's harbor district
has been good this year, and will prob
ably be 50,000 oases. .
' Lot Angeles Oil Output.
The oil producers' trustees have pub
lished the regular monthly report for
October. The statement shows that
15,986 barrels of oil were reoeived dur
ing the month. During the same
period the sales amounted . to 22,782
barrels. Tbe amount in storage on Oc
tober 1 was 83,336 barrels. Tbe
amount on November 1 had fallen to
78,440 barrels. Virtually all of this
amount -belongs to the Oil Transporta
tion & Storage Company. ; A circular
just issued by this company shows that
it intends to go into the oil buying and
selling business. ' ,.' ,
' ' ' Orange Estimate.
The orange crop will be late this
year, and few will be fit to ship to the
Northwest for the holiday trade. The
Los Angeles Express in writing up the
outlook says that the total shipments
from Southern California for the year
foot up. of all kinds of citrous fruit a,
15,143 carloads, whioh is a large per
cent greater than for any previous 12
months. The coming crop is expected
to equal last year's.. There is a good
demand for lemons, but this fruit is
New Fish Canning Concern. -
A new incorporation has been
formed at Astoria, Or., to be known as
the Alasak Fisherman's Paoking Com
pany, with a oapltal stock of 170,000,
divided into 140 shares of $500 eaoh.
Tbe company wil engage in tbe can
ning, salting and freezing of salmon In
Alaska and elsewhere. The incorpora
tors are Theodore Siverson, Christ
Cbristensen, John Nordstrum, Ole B.
Oleson, A. L. Clark and John L.
Clarkson. -,
; Columbia River Shipping.
' The following ships left Portland
last week, touching at-Astoria: The
British ship Mool tan oleared for
Queenstown or Falmouth for orders,
with 95,886 bushels of wheat, valued
at $57,500, shipped by the Portland
Flouring Mills Company. Tbe British
ship Nivelle, loaded by Balfour, Guth
rie; & Co., finished also, and went into
the stream, and ths Mozambique, with
a cargo of wheat and barley,, oleared. 1 .
New Coal Deposit. ...'"
The capitalists have recently sent an
expert to Investigate the deposit of
lignite coal that exists on Mai lory
ridge, near Asotin, Wash. A test was
made of the coal, . and it , was pro
nounoed all right, and from what can
be' learned it is thought the extent of
the mineral body will be more fully
inquired Into in the oourse of a few
weeks. The vein is now opened up
for a distance of 16 feet.
, v . '
Fooling Hops for Better Prices.
The hopgrowers in the vioinity of
Independence, Or., In order to take
advantage of the raising market are
pooling their Crops together and hope
to obtain 17 cents. : A recent shipment
from there consisted of five carloads,
containing 801 bales of first-olass hops.
There still remains in that city some
700 bales of hops unsold.
For San Francisco Market.
Owing to the extreme dry season In
California during the past year large
sales of cattle for shipment to Califor
nia have been made in Oregon. Two
wholesale butohers of San Francisco
purchased 900 bead of fine beef cattle
near Lakeview. The sale approxi
mates $80,000.
' Bonds Bold.
, The municipal bonds of Great Falls,
Mont, have been sold to good advan
tage in Chicago. The issue amounts
to $875,000, on which a premium of
$10,105 was obtained, which added to
the accrued interest made a total of
$381,526.21 received by the city. ; ..
i '
Water Main Contract Let.
The city council of New Whatcom,
Wash., has let a contraot for extending
the city water system 8,600 feet to J.
H. Thomas for $19,808. The pipe will
be wooden-stave, and the bond re
quired in tbe sum of $30,000.
Clearing-House Returns.
Victoria, B. C, has had a clearing
house for two weeks now, and the vol
ume of business shows a good increase.
The returns for last week were $785,
185, while for the week previous the
figures were $700,558.
New Industry.
The firBt shipment was made last
week from Port Moody to Vancouver,
B. C, of oil of cedar. A company has
been organized to carry on the indus
try, and though now in its infancy, $
possible great future is ahead of the
enterprise. - . ' :.
New City Hall Contract Let.
The counoil of . La : Grande, Or. ,
last week awarded a contraot iar the
erection of a new city -hall,' to cost
Much More Danger in Them Than in
American Pork,
Washington, Nov. 28. Dr. D. E.
Salmon, chief of the bureau of animal
industry, in bis report to the seoretary
of agriculture for the fiscal year ended
June 80, 1898, states that during the
year meat inspection was in operation
at 135 abattoirs, as against 128 for the
previous year, and in 35 cities, as
against 88 in 1897.. The number of
animals inspeoted before slaughter
numbered 51,835.898. Of these 9.228,
237 were cattle, 10,028,287 were sheep,
468,199 calves, and 81,610,675 hogs,
showing a total gain over. 1897 ol
9,025,291. At the time of slaughter
81,116,888 animals were inspected, and
68,663 were rejected and 91,608 car
casses and 48,189 parts of carcasses
were condemned. The meat inspection
stamp was affixed to 14,588,780 pack
ages of mutton and beef and pork prod
uots, of whioh 874,181 contained micro
scopically examined pork.. ,
In connection with the examination
of imports from Germany,' it was found
that German toys and colored goods
were poisonous, and all highly painted
German toys may be regarded as very
dangerous to children who may suck off
the paint or swallw' the pieces that
may be chipped off. ' '
The study of tuberoulosis, with ref
erence to both men and animals, has
been continued, and reports received
indicate that in incipient stages of the
disease the serum is of considerable
value. .This'divislon contemplates be
ginning investigations relative to Texas
fever, anthrax and other diseases.
The division of pathology has contin;
ued the experiment of diDping cattle
with a view to destroying the ticks,
which spread the infection of Texas
fever, and a substance has been .found
in which the cattle may be immersed
without suffering any serious injury,
and whioh will destroy all the ticks on
an animal in a single dipping.
In making recommendations for the
fisoal year ending June 80, 1900.., Dr.
Salmon adds that a sufficient appropri
ation for extending and developing for
eign markets for dairy products of the
United States be made, and that legis
lation be sought by which the existing
system of government inspeotion and
certification of meats and meat products
for export from the United States may
be extended (witb suitable modifica
tion), to include butter, cheese and con
densed milk. i
Esoaped a Live Wire.
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 28. Wager
Hur'lburt, aged 24, grasped an electrio
light cord tonight, gave a gasp and fell
forward dead. The tragedy was enact
ed in the barn at the residence of E. E.
Eeld. The eleotric light there was out
of repair. Mr. Reid carried a lamp and
remarked that he could feel electrioity
in the air. ' Hurlburt gave the cord a
pull and electric sparks flew from his
hand. He was dead in an instant. . A
short oircuit is ascribed as the cause of
his death, but electricians are puzzled,
as they claim under 'any possible condi
tions the victim oould not have reoeived
a greater voltage than 200. Hurlburt's
father and 'mother live in Garrets
ville, O. ',.' w:- ":
Old Agreement Restored.
: Chloago, Nov. 28. A local financial
news bureau announoes that the passen
ger rate difficulties between the Cana
dian Pacific and Grand Trunk having
been settled, negotiations are now in
progress for the use by the former of
the Grand Trunk's North Bay line for
Ontairp business to and from the
Northwest. Previous to the recent
rate war, the Canadian Paoifio had the
use of the North Bay line, but this ar
rangement was terminated when the
rate difficulties arose.
Klondike Mastodon Story. i.
Vanconver, B. C, Nov. 28. J. W.
Nee, of Taooma, is here with an inter
esting Klondike mastodon story.
says that of a big pile of bones found
on Sulphur creek, one was a tooth be
tween A and 5 inches long, and near
ly two inches thick at the base. An
other was the leg of an animal from
the knee to the ankle. It was 5K feet
in length. From the ground to the an
imal's body the distanoe was probably
over 10 feet. It was eight or nine
inohes through. , ' , - 1 3. , .
': No Reforms In Turkey.
Constantinople, . Nov. 28. Several
Turkish ministers, have submitted to
tbe saltan memorials pointing out the
disturbed state of the empire, and the
reforms they consider - necessary. The
sultan is irritated at this, attitude on
the part of the ministers, and it is ex
peoted he will dismiss several, although
it will be difficult to find substitutes
who do not favor reform.
Murder of Unusual Brutality.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 28. Today's
developments in the case of. the 15-year-old
girl, Lillian Brandes, who
was found hanging to a bedpost in her
home at East Berkley, confirm the sus
picion that she was murdered. Her
father was arrested yesterday on sus
picion, and today her stepmother was
also taken to the police station. Both
are detained pending the result of the
coroner's inquest.
Oregon and Iowa at Montevideo.
New York, Nov. 28. A special to
the Herald from Montevideo says: The
United States battle-ships Oregon and
Iowa and the collie Celtic have ar
rived here to re-coal and take on board
supplies of provisions.
' Hand Cars Run Down.
Elkhart. Ind., Nov. 28. While a
party of 22 people weie returning from
a ball at Otis early , this morning on
two hand cars they were struck by the
Lake Shore fast mail. William Sea
benski and William Eempler were
killed outright. - Seabenisk's two
daughters were probably fatally; in
jured. . ".
General Wood has prohibited gam
bling in Santiago, with a penalty of
$1,000 fo infraction of the prohibition. '
An insulating caster and electrio
witch for . use on tables and chairs
fitted with electrio apparatus has the
wheel made of glass, with a metallio
contact arm pivotally secured to the
frame of the caster to form an electrio
connection with a floor plate.
Umbrellas and parasols oan be car
ried without the1 necessity of holding
them in the bands by using a new car
rier, consisting of a rod with clasps at
each end adapted to grip the umbrella,
the rod being fastened to the belt by
cords or a chain ending in a hook.
'., Street cars can be easily replaced
when derailed by a new device consist
ing of a curved plate to be clamped to
the side of the rail with a cross groove
at the top, whioh slants toward the rail
to allow the car to slide down in place
when it reaches the top.
To prevent the stealing pf hats, coats
and umbrellas in restaurants and
other publio places a Wisconsin man
has designed a rack with a metallic
frame to close over a set of hooks, the
frame being hinged at the top and
locking in a socket at the bottom to be
released by a key.
An Englishman has patented a col
lar whioh will be appreciated by every
one who wears starched collars, the por
tions around the buttonholea being
lined with a nonstarchable material,
like flannel, covered with a thin layer
of the linen, whioh will not receive
enough of the starch to make it stiff.
Mice cannot get at matches in a
newly patented safe, which is formed of
a revolving drum with a pivoted lid on
one side held in a closed position by a
weight heavy enough to turn the cylin
der until the lid is at the bottom, the
safe being revolved by hand to cause a
match to slip under the lid and fall out.
Lamp chimneys are prevented from
falling off the burner by a simple wire
attachment formed of an ellptical loop
made of spring wire to slip over the
top of the ohimney until it presses on
the widening part, two wires running
to the under aide of the burner to hold
it in plaoe. : . ' "
A Race Against Fire.
The crew of a steamer from Spain dis
covered in mid ocean that flames were rag
ing in the hold. For ten days they bravely
fought the flames. If men would fight as
persistently against disorders of the stom
ach, there would be fewer premature
deaths. The best weapon for such a fight
Is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. , ,
Rug weaving is an art older than the
Pharaohs, and tbe history of the first
loom lies shrouded in oblivion.
Easy Work..
Too muoh exercise leaves one a prey
to soreness and stiffness, bat it is easy
work for St. Jacobs Oil to get the
musoles back Into proper shape and cure
the distress. . i
. The height of the mountains in the
moon has been measured. One has an
altitude of 88,000 feet, and several are
upwards of 80,000 feet in height
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if It fails to
cure. 25c.
The feminine enthusiasm over Schley
surpasses that displayed toward Hob
son to a degiee which suggests an in
clination to make a distinction between
a lieutenant and an admiral.
CITC Permanently Cared. No ntsor nervonsnes
III after first days use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Kestorer. Send for FBKE S.0O trial
bottle and treatise. DR. B. H. KXJKE, Ltd.. 9
texh street, Philadelphia, Fa, . ,
The violet, for modesty and shy . un
obtrusiv'eness, isn't in it with a girl
who is wearing an old hat when every
one else has on new millinery.
Italy's Accession of Territory.
Italy has had 294 square . miles of
land added to its territory in the last
70 years by the advance of the delta of
the Po into, the Adriatic sea. The
measurement has been made by Pro
fessor Maiinelli, who carefully com
pared the Austrian surveys of 1828
with the Italian surveys of 1898. New
York Sun.
The total number of chemical works
registered in all . parts of Germany is
6,144, with 125,440 employes.
Restored to Health by Lydia EL
Plnkham'a Vegetable Ooxnpoipd.
MCan Do My Own Work." '
Mrs. Patrick Dakebt, .
West Wlnsted, Conn., writes i
, I)eab Mrs. Pinkham: It is with
pleasure that I write to you of the
benefit I have derived from using your
wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was
very ill, suffered with female weak
ness and displacement of the womb.
"Icouldnotsleepat nlg-ht, had to walk
the floor, I suffered so with pain In my
side and small of my back. Was trou
bled with bloating, and at times would
faint away; had a terrible pain In my
heart, a bad taste in my mouth all the
time and would vomit; but now, thanks
to Mrs. Pinkham and her Vegetable
Compound, I feel well and sleep well,
can do my work without feeling tired;
do . not bloat or have any trouble
whatever. .-, '
. "I sincerely thank you for the good
ad vioe you gave me" and for what your
medicine bias done for me." "' -'x. ,'
; "Cannot Praise It Enough,"
Miss Geetib Dunkin, , , '
; Franklin, Neb., writes!
" I suffered for some time with pain
ful and irregular menstruation, falling
of the womb and pain in the back. I
tried physicians, but found no relief.
" I was at last persuaded to try Lydia
E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound,
and cannot praise it enough for what
it has done for me. . I feel like a new
person, and would not part with your
medicine. I have recommended it to
several of my friends." '
It been Soid of Americans thd,t they
I are "a. nation of dyspeptics'" and it is true I
that few arc entirely free from disorders;
of the digestive tract. Indigestion, Dyspcpi.
( Stomach and Bovnel trouble, or Constipation. '
The treatment of these diseases
with cathartic medicines too. often ag (
) (iravates the trouble.
' is the use of & remedy that will build up
the system thereby enabling the'yarious
organs to act as Nature intended they should.
Such a. remedy is found in Or Williams', PinW
Pills for P&.le People Mere is the proof
' In Detrdft there are few soldiers more popular and efficient than Mas
R. Davies, first sergeant of Co. B. His home is at 416 Third Avenue. For
four years he was a bookkeeper with the wholesale drug house of Forrand,
' Williams & Clark, and he says : "I have charged up many thousand j
order for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, but never knew their ;t
worth until I used them for the cure of chrpnic dyspepsia. For two year
' I suffered and doctored for that aggravating trouble but could only bo , .
' helped temporarily, v " . " " i
. , "1 think dyspepsia is one of the most stubborn of ailment, and there ;.
' , i scarcely a clerk or office man but what is more or less a victim. Soma
day I could eat anything, while at other times I would be starving.
: Those distressed pains would force me to quit work. I have tried many t
treatments and remedies but they would help only for a time. A friend
' induced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and after tak
lng a few doses I found much relief and after using several boxes I, was '
I cured. I know these pills will cure dyspepsia of its worst form and I am t
pleased to recommend them." Ditroti Mich.) Journal.
The' genuine pM.kage"'oAwd.ys be&.r& tht foil no-mo
! At til druggist, or bent poitpMd on rculpt of ptut,50(
per bo, by the Dr.tfiUi&ms Mcdiiinc Co.,Silena&(y,H.VV(
You will find Coupons like this in....
THI9 COUPON , ' Cutthisottt
and Bend or
Goodfof $40 brlngt
Name.................. . .
... . ,: , 209-211 lst8t.,
Address. ..... . .......... Portland, Or.
EVERYONE can have a piano now, and a good one, too.
Warehouse Machinery, Chop Mls, Water Wheels.
Supplies of alt Kinds. ; Write for Prices
We carry in Btocfc a large supply 0! the above oonveyers, both right trad left, which we wtH
sell at greatly reduced prtces. Also all slaes of elevator buckets and bolts.
Write for price-list and discounts.
Wil lamet I
Front and Everett Sts. '
' How She Had Learned.
The young woman had just ca tight
the maid servant ln prevarication,
and sbe was properly indignant. .
"Mary." she said, "how did yon
learn to lie?" , ,
The servant thought it over for a
minute and then she said: ;
"Yon know that little dude that
calls here so often?"
, "You mean Mr. Brlmbyi whom I
dislike so Intensely?"
"That's the one, "returned the maid.
"You know what I have to tell him
every time he oalls?" '
"Well, that's how I learned . to
lie." Chicago Post.
'Avoid the Night Air. , v '
Avoid the night air when damp and
cold, and you will often avoid having
neuralgia, but St, Jacobs Oil will cure
it no matter what is the cause and no
matter how long it has continued. ,
A process has been recently perfected
by whioh thin sheets of - absolutely
transparent celluloid are silvered by a
similar process to that formerly used
on glass. . . - .
' If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes,
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon.
The United States contains 85,467
drug stores. ' e
Contrary to general belief, "Big
Foot" Wallace, the most noted Indian
fighter that ever lived in Texas, is still
in . the flesh. Bright .'and chipper,
though somewhat feeble, he attended
the state fair at Dallas reoently,' com
ing from his home on the lower Rio
Grande, 500 miles away. Wallace, who
is now 83 years old, began fighting In
dians and Mexicans in Texas in 1834
and has lived in the Lone Star state
ever since. ' '
.;, 1 HOW'B THI9T
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. , .
, F. J. CHENEY 6 CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the past IS years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to cany out any obligations made
by their firm. n '
. West & Trtjax, 1
t ' .Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walding, Rinnan & Mabvin,
i Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , acting
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces 01
the system. Price 76c per bottle. Bold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
; Hall's Family Pills the best. '
f Paper made from seaweed is a grow
ing industry in France. It is so trans
parent that it has been' used in place of
glass. " , : i .tj ' '
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been
a God-send to me. Wm. B.- McClellan,
Chester, Florida, September 17, 1895. ...
Gilding is easily applied to signs and
decorations by a new brush, which has
a reel on the handle on whioh the
metallic leaf is wound, one end being
inserted under the tip of the brush,
which slides along and deposits the
foil on the surface underneath.
Portland Oregonlan, Tradesman,
Telegram and Times; ALo In your
local toyvn paper. .
Be Quick About It. H yours is among
tbe first 100 coupons reaching us it will ba
accepted as part payment, unaor our easy ltt
stallment plan, for a first-class new piano.
Take Your Choice Knabe, Fischer,
I.udwig, Kingsbury, or Hardman they are tut
best, retailed at (200, up.
ron Works
, ppir' f'P, OR.
. War Romances.
First Volunteer I hear Bill's fell
dead in love with that girl that n used
him. ';.'."" : , ''
. Second Volunteer Right yon are.
He got mashed on the beautiful way
she always stuok her little finger out
when she fixed his bandagep. Indian
apolis News. s
There are 280 glaoiers in the Alpi
said to be over five miles in length.
Don't neglect yourself; It Is the
perfect fitting trass applied in
season which effects a cure; the
imperfect never; 4,000 styles to
select from enables us to guar
antee a fit, or no charge; if your
druggist does not keep them
write us for directions for sel.
me&RUrement; correspondenea
confidential and trusses sent se
cure from observation, to any
address; money refunded if not
satisfactory. C. H. Wnodurd
& Co., Expert Truss Fitters, 108
Second St., Portland, Or.
u u r. r . n u
Men and women, are making from $8.50 to
$7.60 per day selling our goods. No experience
necessary,' Send two cent stamp for a frea
sample. KICK CO.,
181H First St. rooms 1 & 18, Portland, Or.
If you made a horns
stead entry Drlor to
June 22,1874, lor less
than 160 liernl.
you are entitled to an additional antry,
which is assignable and worth something.
Widows and minor orphans of deceased sol
diers have same right. I will buy it. Do not
waste postage unless you made an original
entry as stated above.
J it UK COLLINS, Helena, Montana.
Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, of
from Stewart cSt Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Send for Catalogue. ,
ml riUPIf PIT. 80 Market St.
A MnlirV UU. San Francisco.
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1 m 41 . .
discharges, inflammations.
irrit.At.iAn. sir l...n f
of m noons niembranes.
ItHeEvANSChEMICAiCo. ent or Poisonous.
soia or Uragglsts,
or sent in plain wrapper., or 3 bottles, ta.7.
Circnlar sent on request
N. P. N. V.
MO. 49 '98.
UEN writ... to advertisers please
nntlox t.tii paner . .
fl sot to Biriotur.
PrMtnti Ann inn
x D.s.A. xi