The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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    It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 28.
From : All Parts of., the ,' New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings . of the Fast Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns
A powder mill at La Mot te, Mo.,
blew up and six workmen were killed
and several injured.
Officers of the American Maize Prop
aganda are planning for an extensive
exhibit of Indian oorn at the Paiis ex
position. The official gazette of Madrid has
published a decree aoceptinit the resig
nation of Oeneral Blanco as governor
general of Cuba.. ; ; ;;
An anti-anarchist oonferneoe in which
all the European nations are represent
ed, has opened in Borne. The sessions
will be prolonged until Christmas. . ;
A territorial form of government will
be recommended for Hawaii. The
oommission has compluted the bill and
its report will be ready when congress
- assembles.
Revolutionary bands in Brazil have
. crossed the frontier and are threaten
ing to unite and march toward the cap
ital of Uruguay. Troops have been
sent to pursue them.- "
While rounding a curve near Burling
ton, la., a passenger train was derailed.
One woman was killed, a 2-year-old
child fatally injured, and 19 others
seriously injuied.'' r ' ; ' : .
The Italian government has sent an
ultimatum to the sultan of Moroooo
on the subject of the detention and ill
treatment of Italians. A .week has
been given the sultan in which to make
a reply ' v .?"- -
An experiment In surgery is to be
tried in New York. A man who blew
away the side of his faoe and his nose
with a shotgun will have both replaced
with new ones of rubber, covered with
grafted skin. .;.":.,-; .. ;
There has been street fighting among
'the political parties at Seoul, Corea.
On one side 23 persons were killed, and
further bloodshed is feared. The Jap
anese government has been asked to
tend troops to preserve order at Seoul.
A prominent Cuban says the first ob
ject of the Cuban commissioners now
in the United States is. to raise funds
with which to pay the Cuban troops,
fie also says that Cuba would desire to
remain free for awhile, but ultimately
annexation to the United States is both
expected and desired. )
The official count on the late election
for the bead of the ticket (governor) in
Nebraska has been oompleted and sbowa
a fusion majority of 2, 721. :
' The commissary department had dis
patched the steamer Brat ten from Sa
vanah with 700 tons of provisions for
the starving people of Cuba.
The Baldwin hotel on Market street,
San Francisco,' was destroyed by fire
and five lives are known to have been
lost, with a possibility of more.
Prospects are good for an early settle
ment of the Behrlng sea sealing ques
tion by the Anglo-American commis
sion now in session at Washington.. ,
The price of whisky has been, ad
vanced one oent. . , The causes of the
advanoe were a strong demand for corn,
the stiffness of the market and a orop
shortage. .''''.
A three-story building in San Fran
cisco, pcoupied by Chinese, was de
stroyed by fire and two of the inmates,
Wong Quay and Wong . Gow, were
burned to death. j.,-
. Stockholders of the Eeeley Motfv.
Company have not abandoned the hope
that the secret of the life work of John
W. Keeley will not be buried with the
inventor. :, His papers will be seonred
and the work carried on.
Late advices from Salvador via Nica
ragua ' indicate that the revolt is nioie
nseiious . than at first thought It may
involve all the five states in a general
conflagration. According to advices,
the real objeot of the movement is the
overthrow of the federal republio,
whioh was organized November 1 at
Amapala. .
The treasury department has recom
mended to the secretary of war that
quinine be admitted into, the countries
of Cuba and Porto Bico free of duty.
Under the Spanish laws the duty on
quinine was about $18 a pound. ' The
war department undoubtedly will con
cur in the treasury department's recom
mendation, i ;.
. Complete returns have been received
of the casualties of the Santiago cam
paign. The adjutant-general's office
has divided the campaign into different
dates and periods. The statement
shows: La Qoasina, June 24 Killed,
one officer and 15 men; wounded, six
officers, 44 men. San Juan, July 1
Killed, four officers and 134 men:
wounded, 69 officers and 988 men. El
Caney, July 1 Killed, four officers, 84 '
men; wounded, 24 officers, 834 men. I
Aguadores, July 1 and 2 Wounded,'
two officers, 10 men. Around Santiago, '
July 10 to 12 Killed, one officer, one
man; wounded, one offloer, 23 men. 1
An Appalling Disaster on the Atlantis
Coast .a Hundred Lives Lost. :
The steamer Portland, whioh was re
ported missing after the big Atlantic
coast storm, .has been lost off Highland
light with every passenger and the
entire orew. . . The number drowned is
about 100. Thirty four bodies have
been recovered from the surf and the
rescue work still proceeds. The Port
land was valued at $250,000, and was
Chas. W. Couldock, the well-known
actor, died in New York.
Natural gas has been discovered on
Summerland beach, near Santa Barbara,
Cal. ,. , .
The steamer Wildwood sank at her
dock at Port Townsend during a heavy
storm. . ,.. ,
Many of the Manila soldiers want to
come home. They have been attacked
by a serious case of home-siokness.
A deputy sheriff hear Birmingham,
Ala., was killed by a negro when he was
trying to arrest an escaped conviot.
Three negroes were lynched near
Meridian,' Miss. The crime alleged
was the thumping of a white man.
The government has been officially
advised of the successful termination
of the Paris negotiations with Spain.
' The steamer Detroit was lost on
Shelter island, near Juneau. She had
27 passengers, all of whom were saved.
The battle-ship Wisconsin, reoently
launched at San Francisco, is fast in
the mud, and all efforts to dislodge her
have proved futile.
Incompetent engineers are blamed
for the breakdown of the cruiser Buf-
fao. while on her war from New York
to join Admiral Dewey's fleet.
Horse-stealing on a large scale is said
to be going on in Eastern Oregon, and
thousands of horses- have disappeared
from that section during the past year.
A writer in the London Contemporary
Beview, in an article characterizing
William of Germany as the arch enemy
of England, declares that country and
the United States must stand shoulder
to 'shoulder in the East.
General Blanco's retirement and the
resignation of the autonomist cabinet
increases the confusion in Cuba, which
preceded American control. Fear is
felt that the United States may not
assume immediate - jurisdiction, and
that oonfusion will result.
News is at hand from Tien-Tsin that
a large number of ' Japanese spies have
been ; captured by the Russians at Port
Arthur and shot. Seven Japanese, all
officers of the imperial ; Japanese, army,
were taken, and on their persons were
found drawings of the principal forti
fications. , But a day elapsed after their
capture before they were marched out
before a firing party of Russians and
summarily shot ' ' : 1
Topgallant, a famous stallion, was
gold in Chicago for $20,000, t . ,
New bankruptcy rules," the supreme
court announces, will take effect Janu
ary 2, 1899 ........ ; .
Forty people were killed by the ex
plosion of a box of dynamite near the
Reina battery,' Havana, a v ' : .
The United States navy has landed
marines in China to act as guard for
the United States legation.
Japan will resist the great czar, and
preparations are already under way for
driving the Russian troops from Corea.
The Franklin stamp mill at Hancock,
Mich., has been destoryed by fire, the
loss being $150,000. Six hunderd men
will be thrown out of employment for
six months. Ui v .; ,'.,..,;'..,,. ',.. .,', "'
. A special to the New York World
from Washington says: A cable be
tween the, United States and the Ha
waiian islands: will undoubtedly be pro
vided at , the forthcoming session of
congress. ' ' ; ' '
At a banquet given in his honor at
New York, Admiral Schley stated that
be had a presentiment that Cervera
would attempt to escape from Santiago
harbor, and that he bad made prepara
tions to give him a warm reception.
According to a dispatch from Shang
hai to a London, England, news agency,
the British admiral has hoisted the
union jack over Ting Had. capital of
the island of Chu San, and over several
other islands in the Chu San archi
pelago. . ' " '. . , '.
' An English Carlist positively asserts
that Don Carlo's army will take the
field in Spain soon after the treaty is
signed. : He declares that a loan has
been fully flnanoed, and that it is di
vided equally between France and
Epgland. . ' :'
TTamage' bytheterrlbre blizzard off
the New Enlgand coast has been much
greater . than was indicated by early
dispatches. In or near the harbors of
Massachusetts alone not less than 100
vessels have been lost, and in most
cases the fate of the crews is unknown.
At least 170 lives have been lost. ;
Official statistics show that German
cattle : every where are suffering from
tuberoulosis and other diseases. In the
district of Aix-la-Chappelle, for in
stance, 88 communes show that 749
farms are so infected. ' At least 40
percent of all the German cattle have
tuberculosis, and in some districts the
yerceutage is as high as 19 per cent. ;
She Finally Accepts the
American Terms.
Porto Itlco, Guam and the Philippines
Are Now American Colonies Span
ish Resources Exhausted No Condi
tions Are Attached to Her Consent.
Paris,' Nov. 80. Spain has aocepted
the United States' offer of $20,000,
000, and at a joint session of the peace
commissions this afternoon consented
without condition to the relinquish
ment of Cuba, and to cede Porto Rico,
Guam and the Philippine islands.
The dooument presenting this accept
ance contained only 800 words. It
opened with a reference to the unequal
terms of the United States, and said
that the Spanish commissioners, after
having taken cognizance of the terms
proposed by the Americans, replied that
their government had tried to give as
equitable an answer as possible, but
that they were not prepared to commit
their government to the acceptance of
the principle embodied in the argu-
The above map shows the territory that has been, or will undoubtedly be, added to the
United States as a result of the wnr with Spain Cuba, Porto Rico, the Island of Guam,
or Guahan, in the Ladrones, and a coaling station and port in the Philippines. ; ,
' The'above map and statement was published immediately following the signing of the
peace protocol. As a result of the Paris conference the United has gained every point therein
predicted, together with, the cession of the entire Philippine archipelago.
ment. y Spain rejects these, principles,
the note continues, "as she always has
rejected them." K
Basing her attitude upon the justice
of her cause, the note then says she
still adheres to these principles, "whioh
she has heretofore invariably formu
lated. " '.i .-!." ':""':;:
However, the note adds, in her desire
for peaoe, she has gone so far as to pro
pose certain compromises, wnicn tne
Americans have always rejeoted. She
has also attempted to arbitrate some of
the material"particular8 upon which the
two governments differed. These pro
posals for arbitration, it is added, the
Americans had equally tejeoted. .These
allegations in Spain's reply, as to at
tempted arbitration, refer to her pro
posal to arbitrate the construction of
the third article , of the protocol, and
also to submit the Spanish colonial debt
of Cuba and the Philippines to arbitra
tion. The last proposition had been
made in a written communication.
Since its presentation, and in return for
such arbitration, Spain offered to cede
the territory in dispute. The Ameri
cans refused both propositions for arbi
tration. !' . '
Spain's reply today in substanoe con
tinued by declaring that the United
States has offered as a kind of compen
sation to Spain something very inade
quate to the sacrifices the latter coun
try makes at this moment, and she
feels that the United Stales', proposals
could not be considered as equitable.
Spain faas, however, exhausted all the
resources of diplomacy and an attempt
to justify her attitude., ; Seeing that
an acceptance of the proposal made to
Spain is a necessary condition to a con
tinuance of negotiations, and seeing
that the resources of Spain are not such
as to enable her to re-enter upon war,
she is prepared, in her desire to avoid
bloodshed, and from considerations of
humanity and patriotism, to submit to
the conditions of the conquering na
tion, however harsh they may be. She
is therefore to accept the proposals of
the American commission, as presented
at the last sitting.
. The reading and the translation of
the dooument occupied less than five
minutes. At the conclusion of the
translation the commissioners empow
ered Senor Ojeda, secretary of the
Spanish commission, and , Seoretary
Moore, of the American commission,
to draw up articles which are to embody
the relinquishment of Cuba by Spain
and the oession of Porto Rico and the
Philippines. ' These artioles, whioh
may be considered as constituting the
conditions of peaoe, will be ready for
ubnjission oiiTbijrsday.
Fatalities From the Atlantlo Coast Gale
Hourly Increasing, z: .
Boston, Mass., Nov. 80. It is known
definitely tonight that more than 70
lives have been lost in the wreoks of
tugs, schooners and ooal barges during
the storm of Saturday night and Sun
day morning, and if the steamer Port
land has gone down, as now seems pos
sible, the list of casualties will rise to
170, with over 100 vessels of all de
scriptions ashore, two score ot them to
be total wreoks and an unknown num
ber probably , beneath the waves of
Massachusetts bay.
There is scaroely a bay, harbor or in
let from the Penobscot to New London
which has not on its shores the bones
of some stanoh craft, while all along
Massachusetts bay, and especially Bos
ton harbor, the beaches are piled high
with the wreckage of schooners and
ooal barges. ; The record, although
hourly lengthening, is still incomplete,
for that ocean grave-yard of Cape Cod
is still to be heard from. , '
i The annoyance and inconvenience of
the, railroad and street-oar embargo,
covering the' whole of southern New
England, sank into insignificance be
fore the Btory of destruction wrought by
wind and wave, yet it will be many a
day before the full import of the disas
ter is known or even realized.
The islands of Boston harbor are
without exception strewn with wrecks
and wreckage; no less than 29 vessels
are ashore at Gloucester, ovei 20 in
the supposed safe harbor of Vineyard
Haven parted their anchor-chains yes
terday,, and are high and dry on the
beach. -. Nantasket beach saw two
schooners and a coal barge dash to
pieces on its sands, the rocks of Cohas
set claimed a stanch fisherman; Scitu
ate, a well-known pilot-boat; Manches
ter, a Down East lumberman, while one
tug and three barges known to have
been between Cape Cod and Boston are
unaccounted . for and probably - lost.
The upper harbors of Boston, Ply.
mouth, Salem,' Portsmouth, Portland
and other places where vessels were
supposed to be comparatively safe, were
the scenes of : numerous collisions be
tween the ships and the wharves, j
' Every : life-saving crew performed
deeds of heroism in rescuing crews from
stranded vessels, and tug-boat captains
risked life and property in their en
deavor to save lifeV . .
Deaths at Manila.
: Washington, Nov.a 80.-rThe follow
ing report of deaths among the Ameri
can force at Manila was received from
General Otis by the war department to
day: - ' v 'v :;:' . :. i ,
; "Manila, Nov., 29.- Adjutant-Gen-eial,
Washington: Following deaths
sinoe last report: ..,o v' 4 .
"Nov. 21 Frank MM Harden, pri
vate, company K, First North Dakota,
typhoid fever. ; ; ' ':. . .!
"Nov. 22 Clyde .Perkins, private,'
company K, Seoond Oregon;' smallpox;
Walter Downing, private, company L,
First Colorado, dysentery. ''";.; .' !,
"Nov. 23 Charles McKinnon, pri
vate, company : F, Second ; Oregon,
smallpox. -
"Nov. 25 Robert Davidson " pri
vate, company G, Fourteenth United
States infantry, malaria; James M.
Clark, company E, First South Dakota,
dysentery. ' OTIS."
Found Dead In the Road.
Union, Or,, Nov. 80. A miner, Wil
liam Lamb, was found dead near
Sanger, a few days ago.- He became
lost in a snow storm and was found
frozen to death. It was reported that
there was a gunshot wound on his body,
and the ooroner went out to hold an inquest,-but
this proved to be untrue.
The body was brought here for burial,
which took place today.' '
Spanish' Leave Plnar Del Rio. '
Havana, Nov. 80. At noon today
General Hernandez Yelasco, with 2,000
Spanish troops, evaouated the city and
province of Pinar del Rio. ; They left
the city with bands playing and ban
ners flying. General Yelasco made a
formal delivery to the mayor. Half an
hour afterward ,a Cuban lieutenant
colonel entered with 250 men. '
New York, Nov. 80. The members
of the Cuban committee in this oity ,
have reoeived no word of the death of ,
General Gomez,
They discredit the
v .. . ,. . .1:' ' ,.',, v
Six Persons Killed on a
Stockton Steamboat.
Tletlms of the Accident Were Scalded
to Death The Heartrending; Scenes
Among-the Sufferers. v-
" ' j '
Stockton, Cal., Nov. 29. The mosi
disastrous river accident in the history
of Stockton occurred this morning at
4:20 o'clock, near Fourteen-Mile slough,
when a part of one of the boilers of the
river steamer T. C. Walker, which left
San Francisco at ,6 o'olock last night,
was blown out, killing six and danger
ously wounding 11 persons, while prob
ably 15 or 20 others were more or less
badly hurt. The T. C. Walker is owned
by the California Navigation & Im
provement Company, and ran between
San Franoisoo and . Stockton. The
dead are:'. . .-'..' ''."''?
John Tulan, captain of the T. C.
Walker; Ferdinand Law, of Seattle;
W. A. Blunt, the agent in charge of
shipping of sugar beets from the Moss
tract to the Crockett factory; Watson
H. Henry, of Stookton, engineer of the
T. C. Walker; Mrs. Henry Watson,
wife of the ohief, ' engineer; ; Jerry
Dailey, fireman.
Ten were wounded. . A ;
'.. The majority of the passengers were
in bed when the explosion oocurred,
.and were awakened by the , report,
which was as loud as a oannon's roar.
People rushed from their rooms in
their night clothes and found the whole
forward portion of the steamer's upper
works blown away. ; The electric lights
had been put out, and the escaping
Steam enveloped the front portion of
the boat, till it was impossible to see
how much of the boat had been dam
aged. ; The screams of the men who
were locked in their rooms near the
pilot-house were heartrending.
- Captain John Tulan had been blown
from his bed against the door of the
stateroom, and so sei iously in jured that
he Could not move. .The door oould
not be forced open, as he was jammed
np against it. One of the employes of
the boat seoured an axe and out the up
per part of the room away, and finally
removed him, but not until he was vir
tually roasted alive. When prilled out,
the flesh dropped from his bones in
large pieces, and although he was suf
fering excrutiatingly he bore it bravely,
and not a groan escaped him as he was
taken out of the steam.
Watson H. Henry, the chief engineer,
and his wife, were in their room near
the pilot-house when the explosion oo
ourred. Mrs. Henry was blown through
the roof. , The flooring was blown up
wards, andshe was burled with great
violence a distance of fully 20 feet,
towards the bow of the boat. She was
horribly crushed by the foroe of the ex
plosion, and also badly scalded by es
caping steam." Her injuries proved
fatal at 12:80" this afternoon. She re
tained consciousness until a few mo
ments before her death. Her suffer
ings were so intense that she begged
the physioiar.s in attendance to end her
life, but ail that could be done was to
deaden the pain by the use of narcotics.
Mr. Henry was terribly Bcalded. He
was blown some distance away, but
not as far as was his wife. He died
shortly after being brought to this city.
W. A. Blunt was instantly killed.
He was standing on the lower deck, as
he intended making a landing a short
distance above the place where the ex
plosion occurred.
: Jerry Dailey, the fireman, was in the
firehold of the boat when the accident
occurred. The escaping steam com
pletely enveloped him, soarcely a por
tion of his body escaping the scalding
vapor. He died at the receiving hos
pital at 12:15 this afternoon. He had
been in tbe employ of the California
Navigation & Improvement Company
for about 14 years.
, Underneath the lower decks, where
the deck hands slept, the groans and
screams were heartrending. The ; un
fortunate imprisoned men were receiv
ing the full effect of the steam as it
.came from the boilers. Eight of them
were almost roasted alive. Those who
were able made their way to the -deck
as best they could, while the more seri
ously injured were unable to get out.
The exposed poitions of their bodies
suffered the most. The arms and faces
of those near the main entranoe were
frightfully scalded. . Coratti Dominici,
who was on the lower deck, was blown
into the water, and had to Swim ashore
after his back was terribly scalded..
Louis Brizzolana, in company with
Charles Magglni and wife, was standing
near the pilot-house on the texas deck.
The foice threw him to one side, but
not until he was badly burned about
the body. Fortunatelv, Mr. Maggini
and his wife escaped without so much
as a scratch, though both were thrown
down by the concussion.
Drowned in the Street.
Boston, Mass., Nov. 29.--Two men
lost their lives in the storm today at
Revere. One was Michael Lee and the
other an unknown negro. Both were
drowned on Ocean avenue while trying
to cross that thoroughfare, through
which the tide was flowing.
Informs the President That the Span
, lards Will Sign the Treaty.
"Washington, Nov. 29. Throughout
the poace negotiations, which are still
pending in Paris, the president has ex
pressed confidence that a treaty, satis
factory to the United States, should be
drafted and signed. s From time to
time aasuranoes of substantial' progress
toward that end. have been received
from the American commissioners.
Today advices were received by the
president from Mr. Day, president of
the American commission, reiterating
the assurances he had previously given 1
the president of the early and success
ful conclusion of the work oi the com
mission. . ' ' .; ;
Judge Day, it is understoood, states
positively that the Spanish commis
sioners formally will accept, perhaps
tomorrow, the terms of the United
States, and that a treaty drawn along
the lines of- the agreement reaohed will
be drawn and signed in a few days.
' Thedispatch from Judge Day was the
first absolutely definite statement as to
the conclusion of the labors of the com
mission that had been reoeived, and,
quite naturally, it afforded the presi
dent and his advisers considerable sat
isiaction. - " '' .
It is probable that the president will
discuss in his ' message to congress,
which will be delivered one week from
tomorrow, the successful efforts of the
administration in the negotiation of a
peace tieaty, although there is a possi
bility that the treaty itself . may not
have been signed at the time.
A Blizzard Raced In the North Atlantic
and New England States.
New York, Nov. 29. When tbe peo
ple -of New York awoke this morning,
they found the blizzard that raged when .
they retired was still in progress. The
storm, which began with a sdft, sleety
snow Saturday at noon, increased
greatly as the day wore on, with heav
ier snow fall and the wind blowing a '
gale at midnight. There was a ' slight
abatement of the wind this morning,
but the snow still fell and drifted bad
ly and the temperature dropped rap
idly, v v i:: .:.'.,:!,.. ..'
Itjobked this morning as though the
blizzard would continue all day, but at
10 o'clock there was a breaking away
in the west, and finally the storm
ceased altogether, and the severest
blizzard since the memorable blizzard
of March, 1888, came to an end. The'
wind blew at the rate of 59 to 60 miles;
an hour during the height of the1
storm. . .; ,v ,: ' . ,- ,
A number of people are reported
fiozen to death, and the property dam
age is heavy.
At Doston. '
' Boston, Nov. 29. A record-breaking
November blizzard swept over the
greater portion of New England last
night and today completely demoral- '
izing traffic of eyery description and
well night paralyzing telegraphic and
telephonic communication, while the
northeast gale, coming on at high course
of tides, drove the sea far beyond its
usual limits and made a maik along .
shore exceeded only by the memorable
hurricane of 1851. A dozen or more
coasting vessels were driven asborein
Boston harbor during the blizzard, and
the great ocean steamer Ohio, of the
Wilson line, was torn from her moor- ;
ings and driven high and dry on Speo
tacle island. - - :.
' - Philadelphia Storm-Swept.
Philadelphia, ' Nov. 29. The blia
zard which came out of the West
reached this city at 11 o'clock yester-,
day morning, and raged furiously until .
1 o'clock this morning.: As unepxected
as it was violent, ' it wrought great
havoc not only here, but throughout
the entire state. 1 : ,
President McKinley and Many Promt.
' nent Men Oppose It.
Washington, ' Nov. 29. President :
McKinley will try to avoid an extra
session, if that is possible. In this
effort he is likely to be seconded by a
large number of publio men both
branches of . congress and of both par
ties. Public policy will dictate the
desires of some and selfishness that ot
others. President McKinley will make .
every effort to have the peaoe treaty
laid before congress immediately after
the holidays. He hopes to have it rat
ified before the adjournment in March..
Meanwhile, it is expected that a bill
will pass for the reorganization of the
army, so that garrisons for the new
possessions will be provided for. Prob
ably will be passed providing for the
temporary government of the Philip
pines, and Porto Rico, and possibly
Cuba, by the army officers command
ing in eaoh, until congress oan provide
otherwise. Then congress will provide
for commissions to visit the different
islands and - make recommendations
for their government to the next con
gress. That is the scheme which will
be followed if there is no extra session,
and if everything goes through as
planned. ; . ; !
Added to the Navy.
San Francisco, Nov. 29. At 0:23
o'clock this morning, in the presenoe
of a vast multitude, the battle-ship
Wisconsin was successfully launched at
the Union iron works. The Wisconsin
is the largest of the vessels built for the
United States government at this ship
yard. - ' '. '