The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 25, 1898, Image 1

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. . . i ,i
..'''. - ,
It's' a Cold Day When We Get Left.
. . , . .
NO. 27.
From All Parts of the 'New
; ; World and the Old. .
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Fait Week
Called From the Telegraph Columns
.1 Dr. Stephen B. Tyng, president of
the American Chamber of Commerce
died in Paris.
The Firit Illinois volunteer infantry,
. which aw service in the trenches at
, Santiago, has been mustered out of
.. service. . ! ;
Advioes received from Seoul say the
'.,..' Corean government has issued orders
that foreigners are to be stopped from
trading in the interior,
The four-masted schooner Talofa,
Captain Fletcher, from ' (Juantanamo
for Port Tampa, in ballast, has been
totally wrecked on Cozumel island, off
the eastern coast of Yucatan, and the
captain and seven of the men have ar
rived at Progreso, two of the men hav
. ing been drowned.
The ship Atlanta, which sailed from
Tacom a, loaded with wheat for Cape
Town, ran ashore near Alaea bay. , She
' had a crew of 87 men, only two of
whom got ashore. . The vessel was
broken in two, and is probably a 'total
. loss. She was commanded by Captain
Charles MoBride.'' ,.
' Two freight trains on the Chicago,
Book Island & Paoiflc oollided at Mos-
. cow, la. One man was killed and one
injured. A wreoking train whioh was
about to start to the scene from Wilton
' was run into by a fast mail train.
The fireman of the mail tiain was bad-
ly hurt an 16 men of the wot k train
injured, some seriously. (-
The American and Spanish commis
sioners in agreeing upon January las
, , ' , the " date of Spanish evacuation of
Co bp took a precedent from th treaty
of peace entered into 50 years ago be
tween, Mexico and the .United States
.when an, agreement was made as to the
date of the American occupation to
cease. Then,, as now, it was known
that all the troops could not be em
barked by the date agreed upon. The
oretically the Spanish occupation will
cease January 1, though it is believed
that 25.000 Spanish ' troops will still
remain in. Cuba. i . ( , . .
Win. Fink, a farmer living near Ty
ler, 'Wash., was killed by a runaway
, : team. V -'.-: .-. : .-..':'.'-,'. ;, , ?
. t A corpora) and three merchants of
Guantanamo were arrested -' fox1, steal
ing government supplies. ',, ,
The spruce lumber exhibit of the
Clatsop Mill Company, of Astoria, lias
been awarded the first . prize, a gold
, ' medal' by the Omaha exposition direct
.';) ory.; . ','".' "" , ' "' ' ':' '' :':
' While a gang of 20 track hands was
. at woik on the Pennsylvania railroad
, line, near Jersey City, .they were run
down by a train.. Eleven workmen
were killed outright and six seriously
injured. '"''. '
Conductof William ; Hatfield and
Brakeman Harry Crogin were killed in
the wreck of a caboose attached to a
northbound train near Ardmore, I. T.
The caboose left the track and was
- overturned, ; ' ";: '. " -.
There is a leper scare, in Manila.
Through neglect of Spanish ' officials
nearly 200 lepers escaped confinement.
Orders have been issued that all lepers
be arrested and sent to a small unin.
habited island southeast of Luzon.
i Advioes by the steamship Empress
'..,.:'" of China tell of a terrible disaster on
iOctober 25,' when the steamer Kinshui
jMaru oama into collision with the
steamer Myagawa Maru, off Takami,
sinking the latter, Seventy poisons
were drbwned. , ' , v
' ' The secretary of the navy has ord
ered a court of inquiry to meet at the
,: . npy-yard at Norfolk for the purpose
of investigating the circumstances at
tending the abandonment of the Span
. ' hh cruiser Maria Teresa, Syith a view
' to determining the ''necessity and; re
sponsibility therefore
George W. Lake,' an American, re
. . siding at Chemulpa, has been 'mur
, dered. Lake kept a big store near the
Chinese consulate. ' The murderer en
tered for the purpose of robbery. With
an iron weight attaohed to a Chinese
steelyard he killed Lake with one blow
as he slept, v. ' , .
Charles S. Cross, president of the
First National bank of Emporia, Kan.,
shot and killed himself near that oity.
An hour previous the bank had been
' closed by order of the controller of the
currency. The failure is a bad one,
' and all the county and city funds are
' involved.
An electric street-car of the Taooma
railway line was derailed five miles
from the heart of the city on the Steila
coom line, by the controller refusing to
shut off the current on a heavy down
V ' grade. The oar was smashed to splin
- tefs by striking the side of a cut 10
feet deep, through which it was travel
, ing. . Seven persons were aboard, and
.''.'' (ill received injuries.
' The war .department has decided, not
to oocupy Cienfuegos before January 1.
Governor Tanner has issued a proola
mation deolaring Pana, 111., under
martial law. .ti r. ... , ; . ,:
Captain McCalla has wiied the navy
department that he has abandoned the
cruiser Maria Teresa.
Senor Garcia, while lb New York,
on his way to Washington, said .that
the Cubans have naught but friendly
feelings for the Americans. . , -
Nine millions and a quarter lathe
prioe the Union Pacific, Denvei & Gulf
railroad brought at foreclosure sale.
The reorganization committee was the
purchaser. . ,
Senator Quay, 1 Pennsylvania's po-
litical boss, is in serious trouble. ' Five
indictments which are not easily ex
plained away, have been returned by
the grand jury. .,, , ,
A number of Filipinos have arrived
in San Francisco on their way to Wash
ington to look after their claims
against the government for damages
sustaineiLby the American invasion of
Manila. ."
Star Pointer, the famous pacer with
the world's record of 1:5934 for a mile,
was sold in New York -o W J. White,'
of Cleveland, O., lor $1 5,000, (600 less
than he was sold for in 1897 to James
A. Murphy, of Chicago.
Late advioes from Japan state that
10,000 more fishermen Jiving on Etrup
island, northern Japan, are . on the
verge of starvation. Some have noth
ing to eat, while others are existing on
rats and putrefied herrings. ; '
The Spanish mail steamer San Au-'
gustin, which sailed from Nuevitas for
Spain, carried the Columbus monu
ment, formerly in the oatbedial at
Havana, with 287 boxes of arohives.
She took also 23 offioers and 160 sol
diers. , V) V !:; ,v . ,,
President Brown, ol Norwich uni
versity, has reoeived a ' personal ; letter
from Admiral Dewey, in which the ad
miral eays: "I trust the entire archi
pelago will be retained by the United
States. " Any other arrangements will
lead to no end of trouble."
The semi-official Journal de St.
Petersburg repudiates the anti-American
views with reference to the Philip
pine islands recently expounded by the
Bourse Gazette, whioh, it deolares, in
no way. represents the views held in
leading "Russian ciroles. ,":'..'"-'.':.'
Nearly all the bucks of the .White
river Utes. and part of the Uintah tribe
are oft the reservation, and probably a
great many of them are in Colorado.
The Indians say ' if the' government
won't pay for the . land they bought
from them they will hunt on it as often
as they1 can get there to hunt.
' A highbinder war has again broken
out in San Franoisco.'' ''.'-'
Four .companies of .' engineers have
'been ordered by the war department o
Havana.. " 11 ': ,- t;
Ex-Queen Lilioukalani has arrived
in San FranoiBOO on a visit to ' this
The ' president has appointed John
Morgan collector of customs' for the
Southern distriot of Oregon.
Policeman Luke Curry, of Great
Falls, Mont., was mistaken . for a bur
glar, shot and instantly killed by Isaac
Shaeffer, a merohant. ' '
, ... . r
Bear-Admiral Joseph N. Miller, who
hoisted the American flag over Hawaii
on .August 12 last, has retired after
spending 47 years in aotive service.
' ' The London Chronicle criticizes the
aution of the United States in killing
Canadian shipping trade with Porto
Bioo, and speculates as to the meaning
of the action. . , ' ; X
Sixteen families of Canyon City, Or.,
left homeless by the recent fire, are
shelterless and in dire distress. : A
Portland evening paper is collecting
oontribntiona'to relieve them. ;'
Aoting on the recommendation of
Captain Diokens, Secretary Long has
increased .the. age requirement in the
case of apprentices admitted to the
naval service irom 14 to 15 years.
Acoording to a plan of Secretary
Gage, paper money is to be made uni
form, and bills of one denomination
must all look alike. It is thought this
will make easier the detection of coun
terfeits. ' "
It is represented by a dispatch from
San Jose, Cal., that the , prunegrbwers
of that vicinity charge that Oregon
prunes have' been sold there and
shipped East as Santa Clara county
prunes. ' ,-. ''v. , - V
The San Francisco Examiner says:
No less than five new sugar companies
have been incorporated in the Hawaiian
islands, and within two years from
now the output of raw sugar will be in
creased considerably. t
A Philadelphia dispatoh . says that
American vessels are in scanty supply
and that shippers are forced . to resort
largely to foreign ships. , : Over $200,
000,000 will be paid this year to own
ers of vessels' under foreign flags by
England is rushing munitions of war
to Esquimault. The intention appar
ently is in case of war to fit out war
ships and transports at Esquimault for
service in Eastern waters, and to draw
whatever troops are needed for the
British forces in India.
Work Stopped on Northern
Pacific at Lap wai.
The Engineers Bay They 'Will Wait
for a Permit and Settle Right-of-Way
Claims In Advance.
Lewiston, Idaho, Nov. 23. The
Northern Pacific let a contract to Wren
& Greenough, of Montana, for the con
struction of a seotion of road on Lapwai
oreek. The agents of these contractors
arrived last week, and began prepara
tions for grading a roadbed along the
narrow Lapwai valley. . This valley is
All settled by Indians, except a half
mile adjaoent to the Clearwater river,
and the present line of the Northern
Pacific road. . The IndianB hold these
homes very sacred, as they were inher
ited from their fathers and then allot
ed to them by the. government. They
protested against trespass, although
the railway agents offered to purchase
the right Of way through every holding
and the engineers say they had no in
tention of proceeding without legal
titles to the land appropriated.. How
ever, excitement ran high when the
large force of graders appeared upon the
scene. Indian Agent Fisher also' pro
tested against the trespass upon the
government land without due authority
from the interior department
. These conditions were reported to the
government, and it is believed an order
was asked placing the military at the
disposal of the agent, to be used to
eject the railroad force if necessary.
The officers of the railroad company
say the excitement ws uncalled for,
that they never entertained the inten
tion of proceeding without first secur
ing all the right of way through proper
authority. 'In the meantime a large
force is waiting for orders to begin'
grading. ' , '
The engineers say they will wait for
the permit from the government, and
they will satisfy individual claims for
right of way before they begin. The
Indians, whose inteiests are involved,
are intelligent, and they will be guided
in the matter entirely by the agent, in
whom they have implicit ooniidetnce,
and to whom they have appealed for
protection in their legal rights. '. There
could be no demand for troops other
than to protect the rights of the govern
ment and the Indian wards. The call,'
if made for -this purpose, was from a
misapprehension of the purpose of the
railroad company.
Lapwai oreek is a stream flowing from
the southward and joining the Clear
water river about 10 miles east of
Lewiston. - The line mentioned in the
foregoing dispatoh is not the main
projected line of the Nothern Pacific up
the Clearwater and across into Mon
tana, but a branch to tap the heavy
timber of the Craig mountains, and the
rich farming lands of the reservation
and Camas prairie. The promptness
with which grading crews get at work
shows how keen is the competition of
the present railroad rivalry. :
Long Standing; Friction Removed by a
Commercial Treaty.
Paris, Nov. 23. It was quite unex
pectedly announced this afternoon that
a oommeroial tieatyhas neen conoluded
between France arid Italy, granting
mutually favored treatment except for
silK goods, which will remain subject
to the maximum tax. A bill embody
ing the agreement will be submitted
immediately to the ohamber of depu
ties. The government also introduced
a bill in the chamber today modifying
the wine duties favorably to Italy.
The negotiations that have oulminated
in these arrangements have been on
foot for two years, but nobody believed
that a definite agreement was pending.
It is believed that the Fashoda affair
was instrumental in inducing France to
grant the necessary concessions, though
it is noteworthy that the silk duties,
which caused the breaking of the treaty
in 1887, remain almost unchanged.
The negotiations have been conducted
with the utmost secrecy. The effect of
the concessions - involved is not yet
known, but it is expected that they will
have an important politioal influence
for the removal of a long-standing fric
tion between the two countries. The
treaty, it is noticed, Was concluded dur
ing the absence of Emperor William
from Germany, and there is much
speculation regarding its probable re
sults upori European alliances.
Thousands of Natives Making Trouble
i ,'n India.
London, Nov. 28. A dispatch to the
Times from Allahabad, capital of the
northwest provinces of India, says: :
"Serious plague irots took place at
Seringapatam, on the island of Cavery,
Mysore, on November 18. Ten thou
sand natives from the villages round
about-concentrated atr Seringapatam,
and made a desperate effort to enter
the forts'and resoue the prisoners there.
"Another mob from the Mysore side
tried to rush the bridge. . In each case
the police fired volleys and succeeded
ia frustrating the attempt.
it Considering the American Ultimatum
Further Delay Is Impossible. ; '
Paris, Nov. 28. The United States
peaoe commissioners have undoubtedly
made their final . proposition here.
When the conference opened this after
noon, Judge Day, addressing Senor
Montero Bios and his colleagues of the
Spanish commission recurred to the
protracted negotiations, and reaffirmed
the desire of the American commis
sioners to reach an amioable conclusion.
Then, handling the American presen
tation to the interpreter, Judge Day
concluded his remarks by Baying that
the Americans, preferring not to break
the armistice or to' resume hostilities,
had determined to present another and
final proposition, which he hoped would
lead to a speedy and amicable adjust
ment. -. . .
That portion of the presentation set
ting forth the new prop'osal, the pro
posal that tha United States must have
possession of the entire Philippine
archipelago, with a tender of 20,000,
000 for a treaty cession of the islands,
was then read. . Without betraying
their mental attitude, the Spanish com
missioners suggested an adjournment
until next day. , J
The new proposition, with its col
laterals, was embodied toward the end
of the American memoranda, whioh
filled 80 typewritten sheets. Only this
part was read in the joint session, the
memorandum then : being delivered to
phe Spaniards for translation by their
own staff. . ;., ; j , ,
Spain's proposition - to invoke the
offices of a third power to construe the
words "control, disposition and gov
ernment of the Philippines" was re
jected by the American commissioners
on the ground that the diction of the
third article of the protocol, dealing
with the Philippines, is so broad and
olear as to afford no justification for ar
bitration as between the parties to the
agreement. " '
An analysis of the American ' memo
randum shows that all ' other ' sugges
tions and other considerations hinge
upon treaty cession at the amount
named by the United States, and
within two weeks. In the ipvent of
cession, Spai.n may enjoy for a term of
13 years rights of commerce in the
Philippines equal to ' those of the
United, States. If the United States
acquires the Islands by conquest, Spain
may not enjoy such rights. '
Should Spain refuse cession she
would, remain liable for indemnity
claims, national and individual, . since
the outbreak of the last Cuban insur
rection. Should she refuse, she would
also lose, probably, as further indem
nity for the expense of conquest, one
of the Carolines, which she my now
sell; and other cable "privileges with
Spanish jurisdiction might be taken by
the United States without any return
for them. This evening the Spaniards
doubtless do not know whether they
will accept or reject the , American
terras. . They are telegraphing' the sub
stance of the American memorandum
to Madrid, and they expect a reply at
the next meeting.
' Possibly they may conclude that be
cause one money offer le made, another
and larger offer may follow pressure
upon the ' American, commissioners.
But if this be their expectations, it
will not be realized. : The American
terms, submitted almost at the close of
the eighth week of patient hearing and
painstaking argument, are a practical
ultimatum. ; -' .. .
Surprising: Act of Generosity.
London, Nov. 23. The morning
papers concede the generosity of the
offers'of the United States peace com
missioners and express the opinion that
Spain would be foolish to reject them.
They express universal gratification at
the announcement of an "open ' door"
policy in the Philippines.
The Daily Mail calls the offer of
$20,000,000 as indemnity, "a surpris
ing act of generosity." ;
Explorer Tells a Racy Tale of Fire and
.Firewater. .
Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 23. Hy
Stone, formerly United States govern
ment explorer in Alaska, met 600
would-be Klondikers returning from
the Edmunton route, at the juncture of
the Mackenzie and Laird rivers. Those
who returned by way of Laird river
have reached. Vancouver in safety after
passing through great peril. , Stone ac
companied them, and it is alleged that
on the second night they camped at the
foot of a cliff rising 500 feet sheer from
the. river. Natural gas was escaping
from the sides of the oliff. About
midnight,, so it is", stated, the sides of
the oliff broke forth in flames, the fire
being started by hostile ' Indians of the
Siwash tribes.'; The natives appeared
in war paint, and demanded wnisky,
which the prospectors did not have.
For three days the demand was repeat
ed, when the Indians fired a volley at
the whites, which was ' returned, and
the Siwashes fled. Stone says he noti
fied the government, but nothing was
done." He did. not know any of the
white men.
. Monument Unveiled.
Shanghai,'' Nov. 23. Prince Henry
of Prussia today unveiled the monu
ment to tlie'officeis and sailors of the
German third-class cruiser litis, whioh
was lost in a typhoon on July 28, 1896,
north of the Shan Tung promontory.
The ceremony was very impressive.
Spain ; Will Be Notified in
Plain Language.
Amount Offered for the Islands Will
Probably Be Twenty Millions, Not
More The Cuban Question.
Paris, Nov. 22. The Spanish peace
commissioners have been notified that
the United States commissioners will
be ready to treat with them in joint
session tomorrow afternoon. . Unless
the Spaniards have an adequate reason
for further delay the two commissions
will join in the most important meet
ing thus far held. '": ;
The American commissioners, in a
written communication, will i declare
that the third article of the protocol re
garding the Philippines is oapable of
only one fair construction, that no arbi
tration is needed to elucidate its terms,,
and that the United States cannot ad
mit any ether power to figure here
purely as a lexicologist. They will
maintain that the two commissions are
charged to determine whether Spain or
the United States shall in the future
own the Philippines. : ' .. , . , ,
.. This will be accompanied by ,the
clear declaration that the United
States viill possess the Philippines.
Following this declaration, the Amer;
ican commissioners will lay before the
Spaniards two alternatives: j ,
First To accept a sum of money from
the United States and to cede and evap
uate the Philippines. ,',lt.ii.-
Second To lose the Philippines to
the United States by oonquest,' with
the possibility of other territorial losses,
or indemnify the United States for the
added expense of conquest. V
This communication may not be for-,
mally designated as an ultimatum, but
it will lack naught of the conclusive
ness indicated by that word. This
will be so plain that the Spanish com
missioners -will scarcely haggle for
money on' the first alternative, nor
cherish any. doubt of American action
under the second, should the first be
declined. ... - i . , . : v
No one-here, exoept the American
commissioners, know how muoh will be
tendered Spaim as the cheapest and
most humane way of settling the d'ffl
oulty. She is exceedingly anxious to
escape the Philippine debt, and possi
bly the sum to be offered may be deter
mined bv an analysis of the debt, which
consists of $40,000,000 . in bonds, on
whioh she realized $86,000,000. Of
the la'tter amount she is believed to
have expended some $10,000,000 or
$11,000,000 in fighting the United
States and a part in attempting to quell
the Philippine insurgents. , A reasona
ble guess at the sum for the tender
would be $20,000,000, although it may
fall below that. ' , . ',
The Cuban question may come again
tomorrow. : The American commission
had thought the discussion on that
point finished but the Spanish commis
sioners are reported to have' declared
last week that the mortagages imposed
by Spain on the Cuban as well as on
the Philippine revenues must not be
impaired or questioned. This would
compel the American commissioners
soon and probably tomonow to de
mand whether Spain means to repudiate
the plain compact of the protocol to
relinquish sovereignty over and title to
Cuba. ' . ' ' " " .
Three weeks ago the Spanish commis
sioners acoepted the Cuban article in
the protocol without conditions save
that its embodiment ' in the treaty
should depend on an agreement here on
all the articles of the piotocol. Re
cently, however, Spain's representa
tives have said that the Cuban matter
had only been temporarily passed and
was sull in abeyance. '
Spaniards Will Be Out of Cuba by New
Tear's Day.
Havana, Nov. 22. Captain-General
Blanco received from Paris today a
oable authorizing him to draw on Paris
for $2,000,000 gold, to be applied in
the payment of the Spanish troops in
Cuba. - This amount is in addition to
the proceeds of the draft for 425,000
by the Madrid government on London,
whioh was sold here last week. ,
The Spanish authorities are making
strenuous efforts to oomplete the evacu
ation by the end of the year. ;
Martinique has been selected as the
place of rendezvous of , the Span it h
' navy for evacuation purposes'. The
Spanish auxiliary cruisers Patriots and
Meteoro, purchased in Geimany before
the outbreak of hostilities, are expected
here on December 15, and will convoy
the Spanish boats from "Cuban ports to
Martinique, where the Bapidio, Ponce
de Leon and Concha, from Porto Bico,
have already assembled, and from
whiuh point all will sail for Spain. .
, . .
i Victim of Elevator Fire. ' ' 1
Toledo, O., ' Nov. 22. After two
months' of search, and the recovery of
18 dead, the grain handlers at the
Union elevator found the body of an
unknown man today, " His appearance
indicated him to be a well-to-do man,
and it is supposed he was visiting the
elevator at the time of the explosion.
Shot Fired Near the Wallace House at .
Pendleton. .
. Pendleton, Nov. 22. This evening
at 6j80 o'clock .another shot was fired
close to the house in Whioh lived the
family of Miss. May Wallace, who was
murdered a-week ago last Thursday
night. The Wallace family; gave up
the house last Thursday, and P. H. Fee
moved in with his family." Fee is a
brother of Judge James A. Fee, and
came here but a few days , ago from
Iowa. The first njght the family oc- ,
oupied the house, he heard a noise in
the back yard. Drawing back a cur
tain of the very window through which
Miss Wallace was shot, he saw two
men jump the fenoe and go scurrying
away toward the woolen mills. He
thought from theii general, appearance
they were Chinamen. The next ; night
he also saw men prowling about, and
notified Sheriff Blakely, who detailed
two deputy sheriffs to remain in the ,
house all night, but they saw no one. .
Fee eaoh time armed himself with two
pistols and went quickly in search, but
found no one. By daylight he found
traoks made by a No. -7 shoe, the ordi
nary kind worn by "' white men. 'The
affair has deepened the mystery of the
shooting of Miss Wallace, and created
most intense. interest .here. Were it,
not Sunday evening, when but few men
are on the streets and in plaoes of re
sort, probably an attempt would be
made to clean out Chinatown. Feeling
is wrought up, and anger is shown to
ward the Chinese residents, although
it id not positiyely known that those
hovering about the house were ' Mon
golians. ,' ; -.'; : '''',;'..
One Bandit Killed and Three Fright-.
'....'-' ened Away."' ; . ' -
' Barstow, Call, Nov. ' 22-The first
section of west-bound Santa Fe train ''
No. 21 was stopped, two miles west of
Daggett early this morning by men se
creted in . the tender of , the - engine. ,.
Engineer Bunnell was : confronted by
two 45-Caliber revolvers and ordered ;
to stop, but this order was counter
manded and the train ' proceeded for
another mile and was then biought to,::
a standstill at the command of the rob
bers, who evidently expected :to, meet ,
pals at this point In tli is t they ; were( ,
not disappointed, and the robbers , or-,
dered Engineer Bunnell to carry a 20
pound bag of dynamite to the express
car.' Messengers Hutchinson and Blake-"
ly appeared at the door of the express
car armed with guns. The robbers .
fired at Blakeley, who locating them .
by the flash of their guns, returned the ,
fire, killing one robber. The dead ,,
man's left eye and all that side'of his ,
head was torn away. The other ,' rob- .
bers stampeded and made their escape.
A posse is in pursuit and it is thought '
that at least one of them will be 'cap
tured shortly. ' The dead man has not'
been identified. - It is thought that the .
men were novices at the train robbing
game. ' They secured no booty. , ,.;
Brakeman Killed in a Collision.:
Dunsmuir, Cal., Nov. 22. A fatal ;
railway aocident oocurred at an early
hour this morning three miles east of'
Delta. The regular Westbound freight
train, No. 29, had a pair of oar trucks
off the rail, and while the orew was
engaged in replacing the car . on the :
track, a special freight train crashed .
into the caboose, leaving the, latter in .
halves on the bailer of the engine. One
brakeman, J. U. Lewis, was in the ca
boose. He was mortally wounded, and -died
while being taken to Delta for
medical aid. There were no other fa
talities. The track was cleared for the
Oregon express without the aid of a .
wrecking crew. - ' ' . . ; - ;
, We Will Buy an Island.
Washington, Nov. 22. The acqUisi7
tion of an island in the Caroline gioup, ,
owned by Spain, Will be part of the
work of the Paris peace coramissiion.
Cable communication between the
United'' States and Manila via Hono
lulu is regarded" as desirable, should
we occupy the islands,'1 and Guam
island, in the Ladrone group, and one
of tho Caroline islands would be useful
as intermediary stations. - The aoqusi
tion of one of the Caroline islands, con-,
sidered suitable for a cable station,,
would involve a money consideration
and the United States will pay Spain
a reasonable, price for its relinquish-
ment. .'-.. : '
Cuban Soldiers Will Be Paid.
New York, Nov. 21. A Herald dis
patch Irom Havana Bays: The Cuban
army will receive one year's pay on
December 10. Notes for the balance
will be issued and the troops will then :
be disbanded. This information comes
from an officer of General Garcia's .
personal staff, in whose word implicit
confidence may be placed. From what
source the money will come cannot ' be -v
stated, but that the United States has .
guaranteed the loan is almost certain.
w Baden-Powell Dead.
London. Nov. 22. Sir George
Smythe Baden-Powell, the eminent po- (
litioaj economist and authority on col
onial affairs, who represented the
Kirkdaledivision of Liverpool in pari- .,,
lament, in the conservative interest,
since 1885, died today in his 51st year.
Elplosion in a Rocket Factory.
Budapest, Nov. 22. A dispatoh to t
the Pester -, Lloyd ' from Nigolaief,
Bussia, at the confluence of vthe Ingul
and the Bug, says that 21 persons have '
been killed there by an explosion in a
rocket factory.