The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 18, 1898, Image 3

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    Hood -Iftver lacier
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
part 'he same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leave at 8 A.M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 6 P. M.
Kor White Salmon leaves dt(Iy at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
Prom White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Laurel Rebekah Degree Lodge, No. 87, 1. 0.
O. F. Meets first and third Mondays In each
O. G. ChambkrlaIn, Secretary.
Canby Post, No. 18, G. A. R., meets at A. O.
U. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 3 o'clock p.m. AUG. A. R. members la
Vlted to meet with usl
FRANK NOBLE. Commander.
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
Canby W. R. C, No. 16, meets first Saturday
or each month In A. O. U. W. hall, at i p. m.
Mrs. AGNES CUNNING, President,
Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
full moon. FvO. BROSIUS, W. M.
W. M. Yates, Secretary,
Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M.
Meets third Friday night of each mont h.
G. E. Williams, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, O. E. 8. Meets
Saturday after each full moon.
Mrs. Rachel Hbushnkr, Secretary.
Oleta Assembly, No. 103, United Artisans,
meets second and fourth Monday nights of
each month at Fraternity hall. Brothers and
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
A. P. BATE11AM, M. A.
S. S. Gray, Secretary. .
Wauooma Lodge, No. 80. K. of P., meets In
A. O. U. W. Hall on every Tuesday night.
' G. T. Prather, K. of R. A 8.
Riverside Lodge, No. 88, A O. V. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. K. Watt, Financier.
H. It. Hows, Recoider.
Idlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. 0. O. F meets
la Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
O. G. Chambkklain, Secretary.
A full line of rubber boots and shoes
At the Racket store.
Plymouth Rock chickens wanted.
Apply at this office.
Woodworth's- new saw mill is ex
pected to sturt up next week.
. Mr. Fred Bailey has completed a
barn, 10 by 24, with 60 feet of sheds. .
Money to loan on real estate by
John L. Henderson, agt.
Wm. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
for all newspapers ana periodicals
Dr. R. W. Benjamin, dentist, will be
in zioou ttiver iov. joiu ana lata at
the Mt. Hood hotel. '
E. H. Pickard, painter and decorator;
estimates gratis; prices moderate; satis
faction guaranteed. Leave orders at
" Glacier pharmacy.
Mr. Ed Froebe of Sherman county is
visit iiiir (its friend Frank Caddy. Mr.
Fniebe is the owner of Bigelow Springs
ranch, one or tlie best la mat ricu
farming section.
Old paners tor sale at this office, 25
cents for 100. Here's your chance to
. make your bachelor's cabin warm by
papering its walls and get cheap read
ing matter for all winter. v
" Mr. C. H. Stranahan moved to Sher
man county on Monday, where he will
engage la wheat growing on his big
i ranch near Rufus. He still retains his
Hood River home and farm. . .
Rev. J. W. Righy and M. P. Isen
berg, members of the council of udtnin
iteration of the Grand Army of the
Republic, went to Portland Tuesday to
attend a meeting of that body.
The county court has appropriated
blating material for the grade of the
. new road on the East Side by Reynolds
place, and Supervisor DukeS will start
with a force ot men next week to fin
ish it.
Ticket receipts of the O. R. & N. Ut.
at H.od River for September, 1898,
Brained 120 ner rent over nwinta for the
same month last year. Receipts for
October this year nearly doubled the
receipts for October, 1897.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey started
on Mondav for their old home at War
rensburit. Mo , where they will visit for
the winter. Mr. Bailey took along
samples of apples and will do some ad
vertising for Hood River. . .
J. C. Markley caught a salmon in
Hood river with hook and line, one day
last week, that weighed over twenty
K Hinds. This story would he hard to
slleve, hut it is vouched for by Lee
Morse, who weighed the fish. The
Glacier got none of the salmon.
Circuit court Is in session at The
Dalles. The jury panel was very lluht
nil Ifruul R.lvol nnlii t.HroA et nnp nit.
Izens being drawn J. T. Neff, Troy
Shelley and J. H. Shoemaker. The
first two named being engaged in teach
ing school, of course they were excused.
-The successful applicants at the
teachers' examination at The Dalles
last week were: Second grade, Mrs.
R. R. Allard and Miss Bessie Hastings:
third grade,' Miss Hester Howe and
G. W. McClure. Miss Hester Howe's
, rating would entitle her to a second
r-, grade certificate.
-t Mr. George Knapp removed to Gor
nion. Sherman county, on Monday,
where he has contracted to build a big
barn for John Freeburg. His son Clar
, ence will run the ranch on the Wash
ington side during his father's absence.
Mr. Knapp, by the way, has one of trfe
earliest places on the Columbia river.
The Travers club will meet at the
residence of Mrs. J. E. Rand, Tuesday
' ; evening, December 6th. Each person
attending will represent his or her fa
: vorlte author by some dress designa
tion, also by a recitation, essay, read
ing, etc., taken from said author's
work so represented, as a piece of brier
finned on the dress might represent
an MacLaren's "Beside the Bonnie
Brier Bush."
Canby post, G. A. R., had a Kood
meeting last Saturday, with a full at
tendance. Nominations for officers for
the coming year were made and elec
tion will follow at next meeting. The
i . . i . t ,
iiuiii i lint km in were s hhiowb; whu-
mander. M. P. Isenberer: senior vice.
J. W. Righy and A. L. Phelps; Junior
vice, W.. H. Perry; chaplain, G. R.
Castner; surgeon, C. J. Hayes; quarter
master, Li. Henry; adjutant, Thos. J.
Cunning. Comrade I sen berg, in a
, neat speech, thanked the post for the
nomination, said he would be only too
glad to serve the post in any capacity,
, and paid a glowing tribute to the prin
ciple of the order and the flag.
Mr. G. R. Castner, who has charee
of the Conuell. place, gathered 600
boxes of apples from 44 Baldwin trees.
Of the 600 boxes 400 are good salable
apples and the balau second class or
elder apples. The apples were so even
in size that Mr. Shirrell, an expert
fmcker, packed 70 boxes in nine hours
ast Friday. The 44 trees cover less
thau half an acre. At 75 cents a box,
theN price paid by Mr. Oscar Stranahan,
the 400 boxes brought $300, and the 200
boxes of second class ought to sell for
enough to pay all the expense of gath
ering the fruit. ,
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clark gave a
party in honor of their daughter Nellie,
last Friday evening, which was a very
pleasant affair. The evening was spent
in plrtyinir uames. after which a most
delicious lunch was served. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clark,
Nellie and Earl Clark, Mrs. Jackson, j
Delia Bollng, Maud McCray, Carrie
and. Lillian Shutes, Vera Jackson,
Wm. Gregory, C. Clark, Ed Williams,
D. Rand, Chester Shutes, Prof. Allard,
Samuel Blowers, Edgar Stevens, Geo.
Chamberlain, and Guy Crow.
The Pope Mfg. Co., of Hartford,
Conn., has issued the Columbia desk
pad calendar for 1899. This handy re
minder has leen for years one of the
most pleasing of special advertising
features. We note that the little cal
endar is very similar in design and
make-up to the 1898 calendar, although
it has more artistio covers and is more
profusely illustrated. Any person may
obtain a copy by applying to the near
est Columbia dealer or by sending five
2-cetit stamps to the Calendar Depart
ment, Pope Mfg. Co., Hartford, Conn.
The Glacier has been made agent for
the sale of tickets for the grand benefit
entertainment for the benefit of widows
and orphans of the men killed on the
trial trip of the torpedo boat Davis.
The entertainment will be given at the
Marquam Grand theater,' Monday,
December 5, 1898. The benefit is given
by the employes of Wolff and Z wicker
iron woika. The object is a worthy
one and we will be glad to sell the 20
tickets left with us. Tickets $1. -
The members of the Christian En
deavor society of the Conirreiratioual
church held a very enjoyable social at
t ne residence or Air. and Airs. a. v.
Davidson, Mt Saturday evening. In
guesses about "the apple," Miss Eliza
Stevens won the prize. - Mr. James
Parker got the booby prize. They
will give their next sociable at the res
idence of Mr. and Mrs. Hershner, on
Friday evening November 25th
W. A. Slingerland butchered three
hogs last week that weighed 980
pounds. There is nothinir remarkable
in this statement, but the noes were
grown and fattened on prunes. Three
weeks before killing they were fed on
Shorts. The time has come when Hood
River can fatten pork without relying
upon high-priced feed from a distance.
By special, request, Prof. Daut will
return to Hood River next Monday
and Tuesday, Nov. 21st and 22d, as he
could not wait ou all his patients; but
on his return everybody is invited to
call, and all examinations will be free
of harge. The professor is 1 without
doubt the best eye specialist ou the
coast, and he can tell you more about
your eyes than you know yourself.
C. L. Copple bought Mr. Lockman's
apples, on the Middleswurt place, and
is storing them In the Champlin build
lug, where a force of . men, with Geo.
Mcintosh iu charge, are packing the
apples ready for shipment. Mr. Lock
man bad over 1300 bushels of flue
Hon. John Mlchell and W. H. Butts
came down from The Dalles yesterday
along with 20 others of the order of
Red Men, to attend the funeral of
James Roberts, who was a member of
The Dalles tribe. Mr. Michel! is grand
sachem of the order in Oregon.
In a freight train wreck ou the O R.
& N. al Riparia, a few days ago, a fire
man named Dure m us had both arms
broken and was hurt internally. Mr.
J. J. Luckey has good reason to sup
pose that the injured man is Fred C.
Doremus, his brother-iii-iaw.
Rev. J. W. Rigby returned Wednes
day night from Portland, where he at
tended a meeting of the council of ad
ministration of the G. A. K. The date
set for the next encumpment at Me
Minuville is June 21st, 22d and 23d.
In these muddy times see that your
shoes are in good repair; C. Welds, the
shoemaker, will do your mending and
balf-suling ill the best manner at
reasonable rates. A stitch iu time
saves money.
W. E. Shirrell packed 80 boxes of
five-tier apples, last Wednesday, in 8
hours, at G. R. Castner's place. Iu
eighty boxes of five-tier apples in the
uregon box it is said there would be
15,000 apples. ' ,
The county court Jast week allowed
bills to Him id River citizens as follows:
H. H. Tomliusou, Dr. Shaw, Mrs. M.
S. Noteman, Williams & Brosius,
Cbas. Chandler.
; Bradley, photographer, la givlng're
duced rates in car bo u work from now
till the holidays. Call early so that
your cards will be finished iu time for
Christmas., .
Mrs. M. 8. Noteman is putting up a
good quality of mince meat iu jars,
which is for sale at the stores of G. D.
Woodworth and Bone & McDonald.
Mr. Samuel Clark, an old-time resi
dent of Hood River, now living at
Moscow, Idaho, passed through here
Monday on his way to McMiuuville.
E. S. Olinger was in Portland during
the week. We learn by the Oregon iau
that Eph was chief of the Salem tire
department 20 years ago. '
Wm. Ehruu and Chris Dethman of
the East Side are digging wells. Mr.
Eh nil got a good well at his house at
a depth or 12 feet.
Services at, the Congregational church
next Sunday both morning and even
ing. Subjuct of morning sermou,
"Finding men." ' ' ' '
In the account of losses In the fire at
Dawson appears the name of Foley,
for $5,000. Foley is the partner of
Chris Bartsch. ,
Dr. Benjamin, dentist, is now mak
ing trips every week to Hood River.
He will be here tomorrow and Satur
day. v
Prof. Daut of Tha Dalles, the eye
specialist, was In town Monday and
'will hereafter visit Hood River regu
Marriage license was granted In Port
laud on Tuesday to Earliest Loy and
May Seymour.! '
Ed Williams has received a photo of
Dr. Brosius, taken at Manila.
; Mr. Pratt Whitcumb came up from
Portland last Friday.
Men's Shoes. Just what the name implies. THE STRONGEST.
Cut from VERY BEST heavy kangaroo calf and oak stock. Hand
niade, uuliued, strong silk'and wax thread stitching, and riveted.
Lace or congress. Soles will never come off; they can't. Can't rip
either. Price very low, quality considered, cheapest shoe you can
. We have them at lower price,
Good, strong, oil grain, Creole
' And good stock, kangaroo calf, high cut, bellows tongue, tap
.sole, runequaled anywhere for the price
Boys and youth's seamless "Non-Rippers" and high cut,
Rubber deteriorates with age. , Our Gum BOOTS, RUBBERS
and Arctics are all new 1898 "crop," and prices a little below the
department stores. ' -
, Peerless lambs' wool Soles most popular made.
More Hamilton Remnants. Domet and Outing Flannel will
be in today. Same unequaled values.
Mr. I: J. Blount of Taeoma came to
Hood River last week to visit his moth
er and otber relatives. The Blount
family, mother, t wo - sons and two
daughters, are all together now for the
first time in 28 years.
A school entertainment will be given
Thanksgiving eve, Nov. 23, at A. O. U.
W. hall. The programme will consist
of "A Thanksgiving Party," at which
Columbia, Untie Sam and the thirteen
original states will be present. Songs,
orations and instrumental music. Ad
mission 10c; proceeds to go towards
the school library.
F. M. Simpson, traveling agent for
the Examiner, was iu Hood River
' Dr. Watt's father is visiting Hood
River. - ,
The ball to be given by Hobson
camp, M, W. A., promises to be a grand
Common Council.
Council met November 10, 1898.
Present, - Mayor Smith, Aldermen
Bell, Dukes, Prather, Bradford and
Ferguson; Treasurer M. H. Nickelsen,
and Recorder J. R. Nickelsen.
. Minutes of previous meeting read
Bills of J. P. Watson and O. P. Mc-
Fall, for services as marshal on 4th of
July, ordered paid.
Recorder reported receiving $9 from
Marshal Kent for two shows in October.
Treasurer Nickelsen reported $62.31
cash on hand and all indebtedness paid.
On motion of Bradford, the resigna
tion of T B. Kent as marshal was ac
cepted. .
E. S. Olinger was elected marshal.
On motion of Bell, the Champlin
building was ordered secured for hold
ing election December 6tb. Judges of
election were appointed as follows-W.
J. Smith, J. P. Watson and William
Thompson; clerks, E. J. .Rand and
H. F. Davidson. Adjourned.
; Important Notice.
From this date until closed out, all of
our ladies' walking and trimmed hats
and trimming will be offered for sale at
20 to 40 per -cent below our regular
price. These goods must go regardless
of cost. . . . -
A Pleasant Social Party.
One of the pleasantest parties bf the
season was given in. honor of Miss
Grace Campbell at ber home last Fri
day evening. Instrumental and vocal
music and games were the order of the
evening, after wnieli was served a most
elegant lunch. AH' expressed them
selves as having a good time. Those
present were: Grace Cainpliell, Bernice
Foley, Nettie Hart. Nannie Gerkhi,
Margaret Locke, Ethel Woodworth,
May Boorman, Mary Foley, Lydia
Crowe, Clara Blythe, Bertha Prather,
Blanche Blowers, Nellie Reynolds,
Idel Woodworth, Belle Howell, Gladys
Hartley, Daisy Campbell, Ollie Stur
gess, Grace Howell, Lois Campbell, El
mer Camnliell, Roy Ellis, Emory Dav
enport, Thos. Calkins, Meigs Bartmess,
Melville Foley, Percy Logsdon, Earl
Bartmess, Willie Warren, Walter Hull,
Roy Woodworth, Alfred Eastman,
Floyd ' Campbell, Guy Woodworth,
William Dewey Campbell, Mr. Gerkin,
Mr. Buck, Mr. aud Mrs. W.J. Camp
bell. ' ..'
Died. ,
At Hood River, Oregon, November
15, 1898, James Roberts, a native of
Galashiels, Scotland, aged 72 years.
Deceased came to California in- 1858
and was superintendent of the Mis
sion Woolen mills for 20 years; there
after, general manager for the Mission
and Pioneer factory, retiring from
business owing to old age. He was
an nones! man and much respected.
He was a brother to C. G. Roberts and
leaves a sister in California. Funeral
was held from the Congregational
church on Thursday and was largely
attended. ' Rev. J. L. Hershner con
ducting services. Burial was in Idle
wilde cemetery.
In Hood River valley, East Side,
November 16, 1898, of consumption,
Mark Wiuchell, aged about 35 years.
Thanksgiving Service.
The churches of Hood River will
unite iu holding a Thaqksgivlifg ser
vice at the Congregational church next
Thursday at 11 a. in. Rev. J. T. Mer
rill will preach the sermon.
A telephone line will be built from
The Dalles to Prineville,
Elder Geo. H. Barnett died at The
Dalles, Nov. 10th, aged 69 years. El
der J. W. Jenkins was called to con
duct the funeral services.
The Mormon "church of Utah has se
cured large land holdings in Eastern
Oregon, which will be colonized with
converts. ; .
A militia company is being organized
at The Dalles, which will be known as
company D. ,
oil grain 1.85
tap 1.50
A Sure Sign of Cronp.
Hoarseness iu a child that is subject
to croup is a sure indication of the ap
proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse, or even after the
crounv couuh has anneared. it will ore
vent the attack. Many mothers who
have croupy children always keep this
remedy at band and nnd that it saves
them much trouble and worry, it can
always le depended upon and is pleas-
am to lane, for sale Dy vvunams &
Brosius. ' ' , ,
From New Zealand, i
Reefton, New Zealand, Nov.23,1896.
I am very pleased to state that since I
took the agency of Chamberlain's med
icines the sale has been very large, more
especially of the Cough Remedy. In
two years I have sold more of this par
ticular remedy than of all otber makes
for the previous five years. As to its
efficacy, I have been informed by scores
of persons of the good results they have
received from it, and know its value
from the use of it in my own household.
It is so pleasant to take that we have to
place the bottle beyond the reach of the
children. E. J. Scantlebury.
For sale by Williams & Brosius. .
A band of four gypsies, with two
bears and a monkey, passed through
town on Wednesday and gathered a
few nickels by giving a show on the
streets. . The men beat tambourines
aud the bears and monkey danced.
Geo. T. Prather is clerking in Cop-
Ele's store while Mr. Copple is packing
is apples.
A heavy rain fell in Hood River val
ley on Wednesday.
Geo. Mcintosh is using a press of his
own invention in packing apples in
the Champlin building.
Ive gentlemen or ladles to travel for re
sponsible.established house in Oregon. Month
ly (Mi and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Walnuts, Almonds,
Brazil nuts, Pecans,
and Fresh Figs.
Columbia Nursery.
. - Large assortment of alt
kinds of nursery stock..
Bend for Catalog.
Hood River, Or.
J. F. WATT, M. D.,
Graduate of Bellevne Hospital Medical Col
lege, 1884. In general practice at Hood River,
Burgeon for O. R. AN. Co. Is.-especially
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women.
(Special terms for office treatment of chronic
cases. ol4
Harbison Bros., Prop'bs,
Manufacturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds ofceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
Good Ranch for Sale.
Six miles below Hood Klver, on the river
and railroad; well adapted for early fruit.
Strawberries and other small fruits on the
filace. Bearing orchard. Plenty of water for
rrigatlon. Also, good timber for lumber or
wood. For terms apply to
ol4 CONRAD REPP, Hood River.
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Joola, Etc.
We have a new and complete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keep constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as Portland prices.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty
Are You InterestedP ,
The O. R. 4 N. Co's new book on the Re
sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is
being distributed. Onr readers are requested
to forward the addresses of their Eastern
friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the
work will be sent them free. This is a matter
ALL should be Interested In, and we would
ask tbatf very one take an Interest and for
ward such addresses to W. H. Ilurlbnrt. Gen
eral PtuuiffOtfcr Afioot, ,il.MH. Oo.'orCtiad.
In town, acid as our goods were bought right we
can give you good prices. Call aud look over our stock
and be convinced.
We pay highest price for butter and eggs.
bone &
I have opened a choice lot of Groceries In the store room formerly occupied by the Hood
River Pharmacy. Will also deal in Flour, Feed, etc.
Our goods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keep the best at all times. Quick
sales and small profits will be our motto. Come and see us.
' ' 0. L. COPPLE.
. Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In th valley.)
" . DEALER IN . . '
3DX3T QoodG, Clotli.l2n.g:,'
G-eneral 2ercli-a,n.ise,
Flour," Feed, Etc., Etc'
Time Schedules.
10:44 p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
4:23 a.m.
n worin.umana,
Kansas City, 8t
Louis, Chicago
and the East.
Walla Walla, Spo-I
4:45 p.m.
St Paul, Duluth,
7:46 a.m.
MiiwauKee, uui
cago and East.
8 p.m.
Ocean Steamships
4 p.m.
All sailing datessub
Ject to chanee.
For San Francisco
Sail Nov.l.4,7,10,lUaj
8 n.m.
Columbia River
4 D.m.
Ex. Mundayl
10 p.m.
To Astoria and way
Willamette River.
4:80 p.m.
8 a.m. Oretrou Citv. Mew-
eunaay oerg.aaiem at way
Willamette and
8:30 p.m.
Mon, Wed.
and Fri.
7 a.m.
Tues. Thur.
and Sat.
Yamhill Rivers,
Oregon CIty.Dayton
ana way lanaings.
Willamette River.
8 a.m.
Tues, Thur.
and Sat.
4:80 .m.
Portland to Corval-
Tues., Thur.
lls& way landings.
ana eat.
Lv Lewist'n
1:10 a.m.
Snake River. 6:46a.m.dal-
dally ex.Sat
Riparia to Lewlston ex.Friday.
Oen'l Pass. AgenVPortland, Or
E. B. Clark, Agent, Hood River.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 19,
1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make Una proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office a
Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, December 2,
1898, vlK
H. E. No. 8978, for the south of southeast M
northeast Yt of southeast , and southeast yt
of northeast XA section 26, township 4 north,
range 10 east, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Charles Myles, Robert Fordyce, MatWilken
and George A. Thomas, all of White Salmon
P. O., Washington.
o28d2 W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct
17, 1898-Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Friday, December 2, 1898, viz:
Of Mt Hood, Homestead Application No.
4206, for the southeast section 7, township 1
south, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
James Knight of Kingsley, Oregon; George
Wennerof Mt. Hood. Oregon; P. F. Fouts of
The Dalles, Oregon; and Joseph Neely of Mt
Hood, Orogon. - ' - '
oU MY P. LUCAS, ttoglater.
Has nothing to do with the
Bnt was put here to attract your
attention for a moment so that
we eould inform you that the
place to buy your DRUGS Is v
CHAS. N. CLARKE, Proprietor,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
- " Eight Year Expert ence.
THE- -
TbB Dalles jifl & Asloria
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line..
DaDyM. Dalles M
All Freight Will Come f hi"f5uh
Without Delay.
Leave The Dalles HAH . M.
Leave Portland....... 7.00 a. v.
One way .'.
Bound trip
'1 50
Freight Rates Greatly Redu c d
W. C.
Geiu-riil Acrnt.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. IT,
1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of Ills inti-ii-tion
to make final proof in sunpoi i of tils
claim, and that said proof will be nisulr be
fore the Register and Receiver, at The I miles.
Oregon, on Suturday, Dec. 8, 188 viz:
Of Hood River, Homestead Application ro.
4422, for the north X northeast 'xoclioii 2J,
township 2 north, range 9 east W. Jl.
He names the following witnexso m prove
his continuous residence upon ami cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Samuel McCartney, Charles A. Ili'll, Frank
Davenport and Mark M. Davenport, all f
Hood River, Oregon. v - .
o21n25 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Altorney-at-Law, Abstracter, Xotary
Public and Peal Estate Annul. .
' For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has had many years . vxpnrlewv In
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, sonri'liir of
titles and .agent. Satisfaction gtuiiiinteod or .
no charge. :
For Sale.
One good milk row and calf; 7icnd of young
hogs. Will pay cash for beef hides.
n4. O. B. HAUTLEY.
Skin Diseases.
For the speedy and permanent cure of
tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham
berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is
without an equal. It relieves the itch
ing and smarting almost instantly and
its continued use effects a permanent
cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch,
scald head, sore nipples, itching piles,
chapped hands, chronic sore eyes ami
granulated lids.
Dr. CadTg Condition Powdors for
horses are the best tonic, blood partner
and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by
. Kor Kale by Williums & Uronio.