The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 11, 1898, Image 4

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    The Beit time.
No autumn or winter is so good hat
may be bad for - rheumatism. . ' The
worst time for It is the best time to
bay and use St. Jaooba Oil' to ours it,
because it cures promptly. ;
Pocket filters attached to the end of
18 or 20 inches of rubber tubing are re
cent valuable additions to the tourist's
outfit. The biker addicted to the
"century" habit or the camper is now
protected against insects when drinking
from a mountain spring or wayside
brook. No danger of imbibing snakes
except : in . the time-honored road
house way. . ' .
Pure Blood
Good Digestion
These are the essentials of health. Hood's
BarsaparlUa Is the great blood purinej- and
stomach tonic It promptly expels the
impurities which cause pimples, sores and
eruptions and by giving healthy action to
the stomach and digestive organs It keeps
the system in perfect order.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine, fl; six for $5.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood 6 Co., Lowell.f ass.
Hood's Pills oure Sick Headache. 25o.
The organs of smell . in a vulture
and a carrion crow are so keen that
they can scent their food for adistanoe
of 40 miles.
The wings of birds are not only to
aid locomotion in the air, but also on
the ground and water. One bird even
bas claws in the "elbows" of its wings
to aid in olimbing.
The elephant does not smell with his
trunk. His olfactory nerves are . con
tained in a single nostril, which is in
the roof of the mouth, near the front.
Humming birds are domesticated by
placing in their cages a number of
paper flowers of tubular form, contain
ing a small quantity of sugar and water,
which must be frequently renewed. Of
this liquid the birds partake and quick
ly beoome apparently oontented With
their oaptivity. " ' '
Try Schilling's fyst tea and baking powder.
A fossil bog oak, weighing 40v tons,
which geologists assert to be 10,000
years old, has been dug up at Stock
port, England, in excavating to, lay a
sewer. The corporation of the town
wants to blow it up with 'dynamite, in
spite of protests from soientiflo men
throughout England. ' 1 -
.i ii i i '
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey, It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. ' Don t ne
glect this necessity. .
A woman of Belfast, Me., njawned
her best bonnet in order ' to obtain
money to pay the license tax on her pet
dog. . - .
An African fat, used for domestic
purposes, is' the ' soil of a species of
beetle. It resembles hardened cocoa
nut Oil." . .,. ' ......"
Unqualified Success of Lydia EL
pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
'. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Whrklocs, Magno
lia, Iowa, io the following letter de
scribes her recovery from a very criti
cal condition i - 1
" Dbab Mrs. Pikkham: I have been
taking your Vegetable Compound, and
am now ready to sound
its praises. It
has done won
ders for me in
relieving ' me
of a tumor.
., "My health
, has been poor
, for three years.
Change of life
was working
upon me. I
was very
much bloated
and was a bur
den to myself. Was troubled with
smothering spells, also palpitation of
the heart and that bearing-down feel-
Ing, and could not be on my feet much.
all the time.
, ., A WttO ' "
until I took your medicine.
..... , 1 . i, i t T 4ta
" Alter taKing laree uuuo
E. Pinkham's Vegetable, Compound
Lozenges, the tumor passed from me.
"My health has been better ever
since, can now walk quit a distance
and am troubled no more with palpita
tion of the heart or bloating. , I rec
ommend youT medicine to all sufferers
from female troubles." - -
It is hardly reasonable to suppose
that any one can doubt the efficiency
of Mrs. Pinkham's methods and medi
cine in the face of the tremendous vol
ume of testimony. .
If you made a apme
stead entry prior to
June 22,1874, for less
than 160 aorei,
vou are entitled to an additional ent.rr.
which Is assignable and worth something.
Widows and minor orphans of deceased sol
(diers have same right. 1 will buy it. Do not
waste postage unless you made an original
entry as stated above.
JBKK COLLINS, Helena, Montana.. '
Buy Direct
"--PltOM THE
And save middleman's profits. Men's fine tail,
or-made sults,$3.95 to $H. Fit guaranteed. Cata-
lni.nA aam.Oao aol fm aB ail rOTn ftn : Kl A n V ft. flt.ft..
. mailed free. Address J. LANDMAN, McKay
building, Portland, Or. Mention this paper
Bend for Catalogue.
820 Market St.
Ban 1'ranoUoo.
rilflk WHtRf All flKF FIJI S.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, use
in time. Hold tr orufn-istft.
V. JSltttU'VV -J
Items of General Interest Gleaned
From the Thriving Faclflo
States. .
The ministers of Spokane are gen
erally of the opinion that there should
be bnt one legal ground for divorce. .
The new sawmill of the Equality
Colony,- near Edison, Wash., is com
pleted and paid for. lis daily capacity
is; 10,000 feet. , .
! The shipments from Coulee City,
Wash., last week amounted to' 53 cars
of cattle, containing nearly 1,500 head,
and representing $42,000. '
The Indians who have been causing
trouble are getting out of Grant coun
ty, Oregon, as fast as possible, and no
further trouble is expeoted. .
I According to the financial statement
'oi Coob oounty, Oiegon, the 2 per cent
reduotion in the legal rate of interest
Will mean a yearly saving of something
over $1,800.
!G. Qunerson, of Melbourne, and one
of the largest timber importers of Aus
tralia, is viisiting the NorthweBt arrang
ing for the purchase of several cargoes
oi fir lumber..
Isaao W. Garrett, ex-seoretary of
state of Idaho, and a pioneer of Ore
gon, died at Boise. Mr. Garrett had
suffered from a complication of. troubles
for about a year
''The Grand Bonde Lumber Company,
of La Grande, has just closed large con
tracts with different southern California
fruit associations for very large quanti
ties of orange and other fruit boxes.
j The receiver of the Bank of Everett,
Which failed early in the panio, has
made his final report to the court, and
aii order has been made directing the
remaining assets to be sold at auction.
i The Pacific sheet metal works at New
yptiatcom started up again last week
with half a crew, after having been
shut doWn for about a month. This
means the employment of about 60 or
60 persons, and is weloome news to a
large number of people.
The discovery has been roa1e that
some miscreant has defactl tb-s two 54
ton guns that are waiting to . be placed
in position at MarreTtiO'.o point, in
Puget - sound, by cutting names oh the
steel barrels with soap and acid. Sus
picion rests on discharged workmen.
1 The Imperial Tasto Company bas
been organized at Great Falls, Mont.,
for the purpose of manufacturing
maoaroni to supply the trade of that
and adjonining states. The output of
the faotory iB 600 pounds daily. They
have - orders ahoad for three . months'
? The receiver ol the defunct Spokane
Savings bank has been authorized by
the court to pay a dividend of 7 per cent
on the outstanding claims against the
institution. This will make a total of
62 per cent paid by the v bank. The
total indebtedness of the bank amounts
to $100,409.54.
t The Golden Giant dredgeri'now be
ing rapidly pushed to completion at
liannan's spur, below the mouth of
Burnt river, will be ready to operate
on December 1. Its' capaoity is 2,000
cubic yards per day, and It is to be
operated on 160 aoros which are report
ed good for 60 cents per cubic yard.
:'i The Bepublio Mining Company of
Eastern Washington has just declared
another dividend amounting to $30,'
OOO, which is at the rate of .8 cents per
share. This is the second monthly
dividend paid by the company of like
amount, and there is every assuranoe
that the dividends will continue at this
(rate every month, although the mill is
pot runnintc at its full oapaoity.
; Never before was grass so scarce on
the Gilliam ; county range as now.
Even in pastures where the old bunoh
jgrass is abundant, the grass is so devoid
iof nutriment from long-continued
drought that stock are losing flesh on
it. Several sheepmen have commenued
feeding hay already, and wise sheepmen
and oattlemen are reducing their flocks
Just now, white the pirce is good. '
'", ; The contract to cut 6,000,000 feet of
lumber and 175,000 ties has been
secured by McPherson Bros.' & Stout,
of Brooklyn, B. O. This contraot is
With the Columbia & Western railway,
whioh will use the lumber on its Bob
in son -Pent icon branch. This firm con
templates removing their mill to Glad
stone, where a fine body, of timber
John Holmes, of Wellington, New
Zealand, was recently in Vancouver,
B. C, as a commissioner from the gov
ernment of the island on a mission to
find new fields for the hemp trade (pf
New Zealand, which last yeas pro
duced 22,000 tons. . Mr. Holmes says
this country offers a fine opening for
trade in shirts, shoes, cottons, house
hold furniture, oanned salmon and agri
cultural implements.',,;
Five ' mourning tribes assembled at
the Puyallup reservation Sunday to
pay the last honors to the royal infant,
Peed Leschi, who died last week, and
who was the 8-months-old son of
George Lesbi, chief of the Puyallup
tribe, and his death is mourned as the
removal of a possible leader of the peo
ple, there being but one living heir
now left. Lesohi's uncle was the leader
of the war against the whites in the
early days, for which he lost his life.
In 'compliance with the request of
the Philadelphia board of trade, which
was addressed; to the several chambers
of commerce in Paoifio coast cities, the
Los Angeles chamber of commerce last
week passed resolutions urging congress
to take needed action to restore to the
United States the ocean-oarrying trade
in vessels sailing undei the American
flag, and also urging the press of the
coast to lend its powerful aid to the
success of this great national under
taking, and to oo-operate with looal
commercial organizations.
Supreme Court Room In National Cap
itol Wrecked.
'' Washington, Nov. 8.-An explosion
and fire. at 5:13 this afternoon wreoked
the supreme-court room and the rooms
Immediately adjoining it on the main
floor of. the capitol.; The damage is
enormous. The entire central-eastern
part of the great marble pile from the
main floor to the subterranean ' base
ment, practically is a mass of ruins.
The force of the explosion was so heavy
that the coping stones on the outer
walls, just east of the point where the
explosion occuired, were bulged1 out
nearly two inches, and locked doors
were forced open from their hinges
quite 150 feet from the scene of it.
Fire followed the explosion so quickly
as to eeem practioally simultaneous
with it. .:-.
The explosion ; shook the , immense
structure to . its foundations, and was
heard several squares from the capitol.
It ocourred in a small room tightly
inclosed by heavy stone walls in the
subterranean basement, immediately
below the main entrance to the old
capitol building. In this room was a
500-light gas meter, which was fed by
a four-inch main. Very little gas is
used in that'part of the building, but
at the time of the explosion the gas had,
not been turned off a.i the meter. The
meter itself was wrecked, and the gasV
pouring from the main caught fire.
The flame originating from the explo
sion darted up the shaft of the elevator,
whioh had been completely destroyed
by the force of the explosion, and com
municated with the record-room of the
supreme court, the office of the mar'
sbal of the court and the supreme court
library. ; , , 'i
v Before the flames could be subdued,
the priceless documents in the reoord
room had been almost totally destroyed,
and serious damage had been done in
the marshal's office and some minor
rooms in the immediate vicinity. I
The library of the supreme court, lo
cated immediately - beneath the su
preme court room, was badly damaged
by fire, smoke and water, practically
destroying the great qolleotion of law
reference books. The library contained
about 20,000 volumes and was used not
only by the justices of the supreme
court but by members of oongress and
lawyers practicing before the supreme
court. . - . ''. '
. The most serious damages, in the
Opinion of the justices of the supreme
oourt, is' to the records stored in the
sub-basement. . These included all of
the records of cases and opinions ren
dered by the fathers ot the judiciary of
the government. Apparently the docu
ments in this room are either totally
destroyed or so badly damaged by'fiie
and water as to be ueelees.
Collapse 'of a Theatre Building In De
troitFifteen Workmen Killed.
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 8. The new
five-story Wonderland theater building
is tonight in a hopeless state of col
lapse, and 15 or more lives have been
sacrificed by an ; appalling accident
which occurred there this afternoon.
Shortly before 2 o'clock, while some
85 men were at work in various parts
of the half-finished theater portion of
the structure, the roof fell in without a
second's warning. Nearly every workman-
was carried, down into the theater
pit. The top gallery was crushed
down upon the lower gallery, forming a
sort of fatal hillside,. down whioh slid
broken steel; girders,, planks, timbers,
brick and a great quantity of cement
from the roof, and carrying along a
struggling company of men into the pit
below, very few of whom escaped in
jury. ;The, fiont wall of the building
remained practically intact, but the
east side wall bulged out and buckled
threateningly. ' 1 ;
Notwithstanding the latter danger,
the work of rescuing the injured and
taking out the dead was rushed, and
good progress made until 5:15, when
the upper portion ,.of the east wall fell,
a shower of bricks striking around the
crowd of laborers, oflioers and newspa
per men, extinguishing the temporary
electrio ligliis and causing a stampede
for the stroet. Fortunately none of
those who were struck by the second
downfall, was seriously injured, al
though . several were precipitated into
tho basement, through the steel hoist,
oyer which only a few loose planks
wero laid. Mayor Maybury and other
oity officials, who were on the scene,
thereupon debidDd not to further im
peril life in order to save dead bodies,
and the work was suspended until! to
morrow, ' : .
' i. When the crash ooCTirred two bodies
were "visible hi the debris, but they
were abandoned' for the ' present. The
iead are: .' ' . " '
' August Sal lach,. George W. White,
Theodore ' Mertens,' Martin Shatter,
Cornelius McArron, James Megerschke,
August. Januschowski, John Greselski.
Two other bodies had been discovered
in the debris at the time of thesecond
crash. -' 1 . ; : M
I. The missing are: Peter Connors,
Jacob Lewen,' .Frank Wolf, Betts
and, O.-Mullim. j, ? '. , - 1 ;
; TwelvftoJtHen workmen were serious
ly, injiiredl. Offtilese it is feared that
Edward FifeHer. and J..W. Wilson will
die. '. A; , :'.,.;
i The disaster is supposed to have been
due to the' use of faulty iron beams in
constructing the supports for the very
heavy roof.
: .
The Cte Were Obedient,
T' XT" o n TT
Swan returnea irom tne western pari
of the state, and says there are no TJtes
there. The troops had no difficulty in
persuading the Utes to leave, as they
had already killed all the game they
wanted.' : '' " ' -'' ''I
i Tacoma, Nov. 8. Olof Alberg, an
employe of the Blaauws salmon can
nery, was scalded late yesterday after
noon by esoaping steam, caused by
carelessness. ',"'' ' ' '' '
fl Vigorous Battle.
From tin N eu Em, Qremaburg, Ind.
The following is a straightforward
statement of facts by a veteran of the
late war. No comrade will need' fur
ther proof than their friend's own
words, as here given.
Squire John Castor, of Newpoint,
Ind., is the narrator,, and an honest,
respected oitizen he is, too. He said:
"I have "been troubled with rheumatism
in all my loints, ever since I went to
the war. It was brought on by my ex
posure there. . It came on me gradu
ally, and kept getting worse until I
was unable to do any work. I tried
several physicians, but they did me no
good. They said my trouble was rheu
matism resulting in disease of the
heart, and that there was no cure for it
Nevertheless 1 had lived and fought
the disease for thirty years, and did
not intend to die, simply because they
said I must, so 1 hunted up some rem-
7 Want to Swear to That. " '" .
edies for myself, and finally happened
on Dr. Williams'Pink Pills for Pale
People. I asked some of my neighbors
about the medicine, for it had been
used by several persons in the com
munity, and they recommended it very
highly. I procured a box. The pills
helped me right away, and I continued
taking them. . I commenced taking
them last fall, and finished taking the
sixth box a few months ago. I am not
bothered with the rheumatism now
the medioine has oureel me. I can most
certainly recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for PahvPeople."
These pills are not only good for
rheumatism, bnt are valuable for any
disease that arises from impoverished,
or bad blood. They do not aot on the
bowels. ; ; ' ' ' ' ' ' : j
Mrs. .Thackara. General Sherjman's
daughter, who resides in Havre, France,
her husband having been made the
American consul at that port, writes
that she has been elected a member of
the board of managers of the Havre So
ciety for the Protection of Animals.
The members of the board are chiefly
men, there ' being only two women be
sides Mrs. Thackara.
. Mangosteen from the Moluccas are
now sold in the London markets. They
are said to taste like a combination of
strawberry, nectarine and pineapple.
' When coming to Sari Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Boom and
board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
When" J. ,A. Paulsell, a veteran of
both the Mexican and civil wars, and
now 82 years old, married a woman of
22 years a few days ago, he used a
novel wedding ring. ' It was of brass
and was made ' from a bit of cannon
used by the Mexicans at Chapultepec
and destroyed by the Americans. -
To Care a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c. ,
. Bobert'CJuincy and wife, of Parkers
burg, W. Va., have separated because
of the latter's fondness for onions and,
the former's inability to stand the
smell of that vegetable. The husband
is seeking a divorce, and the wife is
with her parents. They have several
children. '".''," '"':'
I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marquette, Kansas, Dec. 12, 1895.
Thirty years ago there were only two
dozen explosive compounds known to
chemists; now there are over 1,000.
Tender Flesh.
- The more tender the flesh, the blacker
the bruise. The sooner you use .St.
Jacobs Oil, the quicker will be the cure
of any bruise, and any bruise will, dis
appear promptly undei the treatment
of the great remedy. 1
Compressed air as a motive power is
to be practically applied very soon in
New York city on a somewhat extensive
scale. By the last of February some 22
cars will be put on the lines handling
the West Twenty-third and East
Thirty-fourth street ferry traffio, all
propelled by this power. ' The storage
reservoirs will be expected . to carry
enough energy to send each car at least
20 miles. ; ' ' - '"'--'- - : ''
: The last safe retreat of the beaver in
the United States is the canyon of the
Bio Grande, between Eagle Pass . and
El Paso, a distance of about 800 miles.
Cupid, instead of Davy Jones, kid
naped . Miss King, whose "mysterious
disappearance from Coney island re
cently created such a stir, and now she
has returned alive, well and a blushing
bride, seeking the parental blessing. -
The largest organ in the woild is in
the Cathedral of Seville, 'Spain. It has
53 pipes and 110 stops.
The Well-Known
tea of tho Pacific Coast is
Schilling's Best, ; '
; W ell-known (at goodness
. and money back -If-you
don', V
Notwitstanding his 70 years, George
MaoDonald, the novelist, is slowly re
covering from the effects of the sun
stroke received in August. '
If all the aooonnts aietrue any right
minded man woulcrrather be a plain
American ' citizen than 1 emperor of
China. The former has a great deal
more fun. ;. ; . ,.
Some of the suits for damages grow
ing out of the loss of the steamship La
Bourgogne, of the Campagnie Generale
Transatlantique, are based on the alle
gation that the captain of the ship,
Dleoncle, ' was insane, that he : had
prophesied that he would go to the bot
tom with his ship, and took no measure,
either to avoid the disaster or to save
the lives of his passengers. . .
' ' It'a Tour Own Fault. . .
'' How long have you had lame back?
It's your own faulty St. Jacobs Oil
would have cured it promptly, and will
cure it now, no matter how long it has
remained neglected.
. Taking the average ilepth of the ocean
to be three miles, there would be a
larer of salt 330 feet if the water should
evaporate. 1 ' - -' "'
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes,
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
Street, Portland, Oregon, i " ,
The new cable which has been laid
across the Atlantic weighs 650 pounds
to the mile. This is the biggest of all
the nables. .' ' . . ; -
TIT Permanently Cored. No ritaor nervotianes
ill after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Bestorer. Bend for FBKK aa.OO trial
bottle and treatise. DH. B. H. ILLtNa, lid., MO
Axca street, Philadelphia, Pa.
China ' has undeveloped petroleum
land covering an area of 50,000 square
miles and v coal and iron over 21,000
square miles. The coal formation alone
has been estimated at ' 18,470 miles.
-' ' 8100 REWARD aiOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
(earn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure In all its
stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive dure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in Its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials, Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists. 76c.
; , Hall's Famflf Pills are the best. .;
" CALTHOS "Prof. Laborde's French Cure fof
'"" - Lost Manhood
5 Days Trial Treatment Sent Absoiefy Free
by Sealed
. to week.
I !ifissSf';.'
helps you, more of the medicine can be purchased. If It does not help, no harm is done and
' u --.. A namo TxrltK fla full Vnimladiro that It nrlll Iron
from all. Address applications for trial treatment, etc., to tne um mujtii tu.,
171 B Cincinnati, O. Largest Importers of Standard Preparations in the U. 9.
no inuuey Lraiu aui, ; ivu utiii ociik i...v
' We carry In stock a lar(;e supply of the above conveyers, both right and left, which we will
sell at greatly seduced prices. Also all sizes of elevator buckets ana bolts.
. Write for price-list and discounts.. , "
Willamet Iron Works
Front and Everett Sts. ', PORTLAND, OR.
VnilD I 111 CD ?ttnW 1? vVI CUJE YOURSELF I
I I 1 1 1 1 I I U I" K Get 1 Right . dritttES 1 J Ity Big for unnatural
I LIU 1 1 LI Lll H Dlt.(. ' 1 HJ- i discharges, Inflammations,
,1 W Keep It Klgtlt. As-mf Ommnwi II irritations or ulcerations
n , . ... . . not to rtrtet.r. of in u c o u s membranes.
Moore's Revealed Remedy wllldo it. Three gL-;pret.. ...utl. Painless, and not astrini
doses will make you fool better. Get It from VItheEvsHsOhemiohlOo. gent or poisonous. .
your druggist or any wholesale drug house , or oiNOiNNsTl.O -fci oW "T Drmrgtato,
from Stewart Holme, Drug Co., Battle. T 1 "WSTS
Root Oro-w-ned. Bridget Made, - .: N. P. N. V. .. NO. 46 '98.
., Painless filling and extraction. : r
Tf T M Wliio 271U Morrison, "1THEN vfrttlne to advertisers please
Ur. Lll. Wniie, p0IJiBnd, Or. V mention thla paper. v'
i , ... '. . ' . .iiTV-
Miss Theodora Cowan, of. Sydney,
Australia's first woman sculptor, was a
student under' the American, Hiram
Powers, and , has exhibited two pieces
Activity of Vesuvius.
Much anxiety has been caused in Naples
by the renewed activity of Mount Vesu
vius. ..There is little likelihood that it will
do any serious damage. On the 'other
hand thousands die daily from stomach
disorders, who might have survived had
they resorted to Hostetter s Stomach Bit
ters. It is the greatest tonic known for
stomach and digestive organs. ;.-
The inhabitants of the Marquesas
island are among the most expert tat
tooers on earth. '
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and Skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fia SyBiiy
Co. only, and we wish to Impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and. original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Sybup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cam
fobnia Fig Sybup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy., It Is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company ' . .
- SAN FRANCISCO, Oal ' ''''
Mail to all Sufferers
C.O.D.or Deoosit Scheme
The only preparatio known to science which really
cures Lost Manhood Is "CALTHOS," the marvelous French
remedy discovered ty Prof. Jules Labor de. It 1b controlled
in IMa country by the Von Mohl Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio,
a concern which ocouplee a high and honorable place in th
world of medicine. It la one of the most responsible house
In Cincinnati, ae any one who Is acquainted In that city will
The Von Mohl Co. Invites all men suffering from Lost
Manhood, Spermatorrhoea, Varicocele or Weakness of any
nature in the Nerves or Sexual Organs, to send their names
. and receive a five days' treatment. T&ls will prove the won
derful vitalising powers of "CALTHOS." After using- it
five daya the sufferers will find new vigor in their organs,
new force In their muscles, new blood in their veins, new
ambition, and rapid progress toward the buoyant, feelings
And seneatlons of younger days. , ,
This liberal free offer Is genuine. There la no swindling
' C. O. D-, or deposit scheme connected with It. The five
days treatment is sent by sealed mail to all on request,
wrapped in a plain package, and printed instructions ac
company the medicine, bo that each patient becomes his
own doctor and cures himself at home..
It doesn't make any difference what caused the weak
ness whether bad habits in youth, or excess, or over
work, or business troubles. "CALTHOS" will effect &
cure, no matter what big name the disease may be called
by doctors. .
The Von Mohl Co. treats all correspondence in perfect
confidence. Under no conditions will it make public the
names of the thousands who have written testimonials
.telling of their restoration to robust manhood after .ther
medicines proved worthless. "CALTHOS" is regularly
used In the French and German armies, and the soldiers
In those countries have come to be perfect models oi
. strength and vitality. Cures are effected at all agee from
20 to 80 years. There Is no case (except where the stage
of epilepsy or insanity has been reached) which It will
not radically, quickly and permanently, cure. Sexual
weakness does not cure Itself. It grows worse from week
Each day aggravates the mental and physical
Send today for the five days trial treatment. If it
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