The Hooc River Glacier It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. X. ' HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1898. NO. 24. LATER NEWS. BIG REPUBLIC STRIKE. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Ripenings Both at Home , and Abroad. ' A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED (Interesting Collection of Items From t Many Places Called From tho Frew ' Keports of the Current Week. President McKinley was the guest of honor at the peace jublilee banquet of the Phildelphia Clover Club. President Zelaya, of Kicaragua, has granted two Americans a new conces sion for an interoceanio oanal. The president has issued his annual proclamation, setting apart Thursday, November 24, as Thanksgiving day. The wooden steamer L. R. Doty was lost in a gale on Lake Michigan and of 17 people on board, none were saved. The Frenob, anticipating the pro posed demands of England, have with drawn Major Marchand from FaBhoda. The French court of cassation has de cided in. favor of revision of the famous Dreyfus case, and the immediate pro visional liberation of Dreyfus. At Lake Linden, Mioh., a boiler in the Calumet & Heola boiler-house ex ploded, killing three men instantly and burning one seriously. . The' San Francisoo grand jury has voted to indiot Mrs. Botkin on the charge of murder. The trial will be held in the supeiior court. The steamer L. R. Doty, with her crew of 15 men. is believed by marine men to have been lost in the great storm in midlake off Kenosha, Wis. Colonel George E. Waring, jr., for merly street commissioner of New York, is sick at his home in that city with yellow fever, contracted at Hav ana. At Richmond, Tex., Manuel Morris and Peter Autre, negroes, were hanged from a double gallows. Morris mur dered and then outraged a 6-year-old blind girl. Autre assassinated; his mis tress. Vice-President Hobart narrowly es caped being killed In a runaway aoci dent in Philadelphia. A team behind which he was riding bolted, and when a ' terrible disaster seemed certain a police officer dashed out, seized the bits of the horses and stopped them. Ex-State Reprseentative George Ogle, of Clackamas oounty, Oregon, has refused to acoept the money voted him by the recent session of the legis lature for full pay for the disorganized house of 1897. .Three more warships are to be sent to'Manila. Two will proceed byway of (the Suez canal and one across the Pacific. The Brooklyn will be the first to 'sail and will leave new York early this week with supplies and ammuni tion for Dewey's fleet. The Helena is soon to follow. The Yorktown is to leave San Franoisoo soon after being plaoed in commission. Cubans have resented 'the American assumption of authority at Manzanillo, and the situation is strained. ' ' ' , General Butler has warned Secretary Alger that some show of strength must be made soon or America will lose all prestige with the Cubans. An electrician has made the startling discovery that esoaped eleotriolty in New York follows underground pipes and resulting electrolysis cuts away the bottoms of street-car rails and iron foundations of all kinds of structures. Governor Tanner, of Illinois, says that labor must not be imported to his state, and if an attempt is made the train carrying the imported laborers ' will be met at the state line and shot to pieces with gatling guns. President McKinley is said to have a plan to get back at Germany by exclud ing impure German products, and thus retaliate against the kaiser's govern ment for the unjust discrimination con tinually being made against' American poik and other meat produots. The Cuban debt question has been finally disposed of at Paris. The Span ish peace commissioners acquiesced in the refusal of the Americans to have the heavy burden saddled upon the United States. The oession of Guam to America was agreed upon and all differ ences regarding Porto Rico settled by . mutual understanding. The monthly statement of the collec tions of internal revenue shows that during September last the total receipts from all sources were $21,718,889, a gain as compared with September, 1897, of $8,868,888. For the three months ending September 80, 1898, the receipts were $71,989,460, a gain as compared with the same period in 1897 'of $28,196,823. It is expected that the decision of the - secretary of the navy to retain all the vessels purchased during the war will have the effeot of causing a boom in Amerioan shipbuilding. It oomes just at a time when there is an unusual de mand for ships flying the American flag on aocount of the expanding com merce of the United States in general, and particularly on account of the de- - oision of the administration to oonftne trade between American ports and Porto Rico to American vessels. The departure of troops tor Cuba has been postponed. Yellow jack has caused the delay. General Rio del Pinar, chief rival of Agulnaldo, has been arrested on a charge ot having disregarded the au thority of the insurgent dictator. . Controller Dawes, who Is treasurer of the Lafayette monument fund, is being deluged with contributions from the school children of the country. The United States of Central Amer ica, the new republic, has sprung into life. It is composed of three countries, Honduras, Salvador and Nioaragua. It is the intention of the administra tion to urge the construction of the Nicaragua canal by government aid, in accordance with the concession of the Maritime Canal Company. : Rear-Admiral Bunce's retirement on Deoember 25 will make Rear-Admiral Dewey the senior officer of the navy, and it congress revives the grade of ad miral, as desired by Secretary Long, his appointment to that rank ' will fol low without any further jumping. A cash indemnity will be demanded of Spain, and the United States will insist upon being reimbursed for every dollar expended directly or indirectly on account of the war. A general bal anoe of accounts is to be struck and the indemnity will be deduoted from the sum allowed for the Philippines. The murder of a prospector named Botleau, on the Ashcroft-Glenora trail has been reported to the provisional police. The murderer is variously known as T. Wilson, McGregor and MoGraw. The killing was the culmina tion of several weeks of quarreling, in duced by privation and disappointment on that desolate trail. . A dispatch to the Herald, from Ha vana says no deoision has yet been reaohed by the commissioners regard ing the date of evacuation. One or two communications have passed on minor agreements as to the day when Spanish sovereignty in the island shall oease. The Spaniards, however, will again be ordered to get out by January 1. r Four privates of the Nineteenth in fantry, who were left at Fort Wayne when the regiment went South, were badly injured by an explosion of pow der whioh they were transferring from the basement of the gruadhouse for transhipment to the regiment in Porto Rico. The men are Fred Fisher, Archie Miller and Robert Lavall. It is be lieved the powder was ignited by a spark from a cigarette, whioh a soldier was smoking. Porto Rioans, it is said, will demand territorial rights. The new French premier has succeed ed in forming a cabinet. . Agricultural experiment stations are to be established in Alaska. A company, of Chinese naval reserves is to be formed in Philadelphia. John H. Dialogue, head of the ship building firm of that name, is dead at his home at Camden, N, J. According to Pension Commissioner Evans the war has cost the United States 8,000 lives to date. The Paris exposition has granted America - extra floor space, and the allotment now amount!) to 210,000 square feet. A dispatch to the Herald from San tiago, Chile, announcers that the pro tocol on the Puna de Aloala dispute has been signed. This settles the Chile-, Argentine dispute. ' The former Spanish oruiser, the Maria Teresa, which was sunk during the battle with Cervera's fleet and' raised under the direotion of Naval. Constructor Hobson, has sailed from Caimanera for Hampton roads. It is rumored that the United States has bought Samana bay, Santo Domin go, and will establish a coaling station there. Samana bay is a deep inlet in the northern coast of the island and is in the direct route to Porto Rioo. ' A proposition being considered by, the Cuban assembly is the division of Cuba into four states, to be called Orient, Camaguey, Las Villas and Oc cident. Between the proposed states, of Camaguey and Las Villas would be a spaoe of land which would be a spe oial federal district or territory where the capitol would- be built, a new in land town for this speclfio purpose. In his annual report James A. Dur mont, supervising inspector-general of steamboats, states that the total num ber' of accidents to steamships result ing in loss of life during the year was 81. The resultant loss of life was 288, an increase over the last previous year of 100.-' Of the lives lost 84 were pas sengers and 199 crews. The estimated number of passengeis carried on vessels inspected by the service during the year is 850,000,000. At a meeting of the Paris peace com mission the Americans presented a written expression of the purpose of the United States to take the entire group ot the Philippine debt as has been spent for the benefit of the islands in public works, Improvements and permanent betterments. ' It was also set forth that the United States would not assume any part of the Philippine debt whioh had been inourred by Spain for the furtherance of military or naval operations to quell the insurrections of the natives. A Press Censorship Has Baen Established. THE SILENCE IS . OMINOUS Gathering of m Big Squadron Prepara tions for War In Progress All Over the World. London, Nov. 2. The Daily Mail this morning publishes no news regard ing ' England's war preparations, ex plaining that silence is due to a letter from the war office, asking it not to publish "anything whioh might be useful to a possible enemy." The Daily Mail confiims the reports of un exampled aotivity at the French dock yards, notably at Toulon, where the coast ports have been experimenting with melinite shells against an old gunboat. British Naval Preparation!. London, Nov. 2. There was an un expectedly gloomy feeling this morning on the stook exohange and the Paris bourse, both markets being influenced, it is inferred, from the aggressive tone of some of the French papers. Besides this something extraordinary seems to have happened, and it looks as if a crisis was approaching. The British naval preparations are being pushed with great activity. The British emergency squadron is gathei ing at Devon port, ; with all possible speed, and seven battle-ships and one oruiser so far have been designated to join the squadron. The officers and sailors , have been hurriedly recalled from leave of absence, several battle ships and cruisers at Portsmouth are taking full crews on board, and other warlike preparations are being made. A number of signalmen, now on duty with the Birtish channel squadron, whioh arrived at Gibraltar this morn ing, have been ordered home for serv ice. . :).' A sensation was caused by the arrest of a supposed Russian spy at a fort near Harwich. The man was already under surveilance, and went to the redoubt, where he tried to obtain some informa tion from the sentry regarding the fortifications. He was arrested, and inquiries are being made regarding his antecedents. . It was also asserted today that officers of the volunteers had received oi tiers to prepare for immediate mobilization, and it was stated that the different army corps had been informed as to the ports on the southern and western coasts to which they have been al lotted. ' Thre Pall Mall Gazette this aftornoon says: "England has been and even now is so near war that the govern ment has carried its preparations to the farthest limit of the preparatory stage. It has been arranged to call out the reserves and militia and to mobilize the volunteers simultaneously and to form large camps at various important railroad junotions where rolling stock and locomotives will be concentrated. Activity at Esquimau. Victoria, B. C, Nov. 2. The depart ure of her majesty's ship Amphion Sunday for the Society islands, the French colony in the South seas, did not end the aotivity at the Esquimau naval station. As - soon as she left the wharf at the dook yard, the dock-yard crew was detailed to get the drydook in readiness for the recep tion of her majesty's ship Leander. She, too, is to go on a long voyage, oi at least be in readiness for any duty that she may be called upon to perform.. The most significant feature outsid the departure of the Amphion, how. ever, is the activity on her majesty'i ship Imperieuse. Admiral Palliser's flagship. Sunday a large number of men were given shore leave, a very unusual thing on Sundays, and this morning she commenced coaling. It is understood that she goes out under sealed orders on Thursday, but it is not likely that she will follow the Amphion, as that would leave Esquimau with a small fleet, the Leander, Icarus, two torpedo-boat destroyers and two torpedo boats. The White liners. Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 2. An un confirmed report says the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has received notification from the British admiralty that the three big Empress liners may be required at any moment, to be trans formed into auxiliary cruisers. Gune and othei equipments lie at Hong Kong and Esquimalt. ' One vessel is now in Vancouver har bor, oi Yokohama. If trouble with France assumes its worst aspect, the two Empresses would be ready imme diately. ' . Over an Embankment. St. Paul, Nov. 2. A Winnipeg special to the Dispatch says a speoial naval train was derailed east of Rat Portage, this morping, by a broken rail. The tender, two baggage and three colonist oars went over an em bankment 10 feet high. Frank Fleck ney and William Miller, boys from the training-ship Agincourt, of Chatham, England, were killed. - Samuel Harri son, stoker of the Edinburg, and Thomai Burns, a seaman, were injured. Cnprecedented In Mining History of Country Excitement at Fever Heat. Spokane, Nov. 2. A telephone mes sage from Republic, on the north half of the Colville reservation,' says the miners in the Republic mine have now crosscut 24 feet of ore in the big ledge on the 430-foot level, and the drills are still in ore. The news of the strike has spread to the surrounding mining districts, and the exoitement is intense. Conservative mining men say that such an ore ohute with suoh values ($300 per ton) is unprecedented in the mining history of the continent. The great chute has now been proved for a depth of 430 feet, and a length of 400 feet It is nowhere less than Ave feet wide, and the width runs as high 25 feet. Contrary to the general rule in gold mining, the ledge is xiohest at its widest points. I ' The mine is 80 miles from a rail road, and the ore is freighted that dis tance over a mountain road and ship ped to a Puget sound smelter. In addi tion to these limited shipments, the company is treating ore at its mill on the ground with the electro-oyanide process. Its reciepts from ore ship ments and mill runs are averaging $4,000 per day, and these will be greatly increased when the machinery is installed for the enlarged mill. Enough ore is now blocked out to keep the mill running for several years. Other big mines in the camp are the Mountain Lion, owned chiefly in Port land; the San Poil and the Jim Blaine, owned in Spokane. ' Buying orders for Republic stocks were telegeaphed today from many of the surrounding towns. It is hard to quote prioes on the Republio stook Before the recent big strike it was selling freely at $2 per share, but now there is not a share in sight, and hold ers are talking $8 per share. In running the tunnel which hae just tapped the ledge in the lower workings the miners -have broken all records. They cut 400 feet in 29 days. The country rock is porphyry. INDIAN REPORTS IN. Some Encouraging; . Others Indicate ' That Lo Is Progressing Backward. Washington, Nov. 2. A majority oi the annual reports of Indian agents to the commissioners of Indian affairs are of an encouraging nature,' and indicate progress generally along civilized lines. Some of the reports, however, are not so gratifying, and make some surpris ing statements. Unusual in an annual report is the following arraignment in the report of E. M. Yerian. in charge of the Lemhi Indians in Idaho. He says: . ' "They are addicted . to gambling, horse-racing and dancing, and the in fluence of the so-called medicine man operates to the disadvantage of the tribe, fheir real advancement has not jeen what it should or what it was possible to have been under the cir jumstances. In the agent's annual re port for 1882, on the Lehmi reserva tion, I find 29 Indian families engaged in farming; 15 years after I can report but 41 following agricultural pursuits, an inorease of 12, not one convert a year." ' ' f Agent Fuller, , of the Blackfoot agenoy,' Montana, referring to the opening of the ceded portion under the mineral land laws last April, says the prospecting has been practically fruit less, and predicts the abandonment ol the so-called mineral strip before No vember 5.' NICARAGUA WANTS A CANAL. She la Now Weary of Maritime Com- pany'e Delay. . Managua, Nicaragua, Nov. 2. After four days of public disonssion, the Nioaragua oongress has unanimously approve of the agreement provisional ly made between President Zelaya and the Amerioan contractors and engi neers, E. F. Cragin and Edward Eyre, authorizing the construction of an in ter-ooeanic canal and empowering the concessionaries to negotiate , with the Maritime Canal Company... The adop tion of the olause deolaring that th concession to the Maritime Canal Com pany will terminate on - October 19, 1899, was received with prolonged oheers from congressmen and the pub lic in the galleries. Congratulatory telegrams have been received from the ohief oities of Nicaragua and the neigh boring republics. Oregon and Iowa at Bahia, Braxil. ; , Washington, Oct. 2. A cablegram received at the navy department this afternoon announced the arrival ai Bahia, Brazil, of the battle-ships Ore gon and Iowa. The battle-ships will stop at Bahia for a few days, replen ishing their coal bunkers from the Abarrenda and the Celtio, and then will proceed to Rio, where they are to take part in the 'great demonstration there on November 15, to commemorate the anniversary of the birth of the re public of Brazil. Killed an Eloper. Omaha, Neb., Not. 1. Just before midnight, John Belick, a bricklayer, shot and killed Al Sargent, a barber. Sargent had gone to Belick's house foi the purpose of eloping with Mrs. Bel iok, and had the woman's trunk in a wagon when the husband surprised him. Belick fired four shots, each tak ing effeot ' Belick and his wife are U jail. ". ; x A Settled Fact That the Is lands Will Be Taken. NOT ONE BUT ALL OF THEM Debt May Be Assumed If Spain Re fuses, Hostilities Will Be Resumed and We Will Seize the Archipelago. Paris, Nov. 1. While the Spanish And American peace commissioners now stand on the threshold of the Philippine question, it seems probable, in the light of this hour, that the United States will take over the en tire archipelago. -During the foui days just passed, those in touch with, though possibly not in the confidence of the coram is Bioners have felt the concentration of tendencies toward the standpoint in dicated as likely to be occupied by the United States commissioners at Tues day's session of the two commissions. In 1897 Spain issued, by royal decree, bonds in the sum of $40,000,000, to which were pledged the revenues of the Philippines, and to which tbe Spanish national guarantee was added. From these $40,000,000 of obligations, Spain realized ,$36,000,000 in cash. These $40,000,000 represent the Philippine debt7whioh is entirely outside of the $500,000,000 of the so-called Philippine and Spanish debt. The conditions also differ, the Philip pine debt having been created by royal deoree because the archipelago was not a parliamentary oolony, while the so- oalled Cuban debt was created by law. The difference raises the question of the non-responsibility of the Philip pines when removed from the sovereign ty under which its resources were pledged. : ' Should the United States absorb the Philippines, none but officials yet know whether they will assume a part or all of this debt, or more than the Philip pine debt. Tbe Americans have de clined to assume the Cuban debt be cause Cuba is not theirs; but in depos ing Spain in the Philippines, the Amer icans acquire the territory, and it Is believed there will be some finanoial assumption by the United States. At tbis point arises the question of bow much financial relief might com pensate Spain for her loss of the Phil ippines. Some well-informed persons believe that PremierrSagasta has deter mined to be rid of the Philipines, and would direct his commission to sign a treaty by which the United States should take the islands and assume $40,000,000 of debt. This proposition finds support in the Parisian press, which today declares that resistance is impossible, .and that Spain , should abandon the aroliipelago. . Spain Will Resist. Paris, Nov. 1. There was a strong impression, which has been growing here recently, that tbe Spanish, upon reoeiving definite assurances of the Amerioan determination to take the entire Philippine group, would quit the conference, but this view was modi fied by the attitude of the Spanish newspapers whioh arrived here today. (These are found to have wheeled into line with the Epoca of October 27, whioh demanded that the Spanish commissioners should sign a treaty in Paris, no matter how onerous the con ditions imposed by the' Americans. Nevertheless, " despite this attitude of the Madrid prees, and, despite the statement given Friday last to the press oorrespondentt by the Spanish commis sioner, who denied that the Spaniards had any intention of withdrawing, the Americans here will not be surprised if one or more of the Spanish commis sioners resign and practically close the negotiations. This feeling is based upon the faot that Senor Rios early last week would have resigned, if his so doing would not have imperiled the Sagasta ministry; and the reasoning is that, if, while pressing the Cuban debt, whioh is not mentioned in the protoool, Senor Rios was inclined to resign, ho might, in the open field of contention as to the Philippines, feel that resigna tions would help Senor Sagasta, on the ground that the demand of the United States for the entire Philippine' group would be extortionate. It is believed here tonight, on the eve of taking up the . main question, that the Spanish commissioners are not likely to acquiesce here in any treaty that the Americans would sign. Cure for Hog Cholera. "Washington, Oct.. 31. During the past two years the department of agri culture has conducted a series of experi ments in the use of a serum as a rem edy for hogs affected by cholera or swine plague. The eexpriments were oonduoted by Dr. D. E. Salmon, ohief of tbe bureau of animal industry, and the results were eminently satisfactory, proving that the disease can be success fully treated, easily and inexpensively. This year tbe experiments have' been extnesive and far-reaching. The bureau treated 922 hogs. Of these, 170 died, the number saved being 81 out of every 100. The loss was only 19 per cent, i ' . - ' - ' Mies Nell Thompson, a Christian solentist, died in Los Angeles, while undergoing an extended fast. ' Seattle Markets. Tomatoes, 5085c per box. Cucumbers, 10 15c pei doz. . . Onions, 8590o per 100 pounds. Potatoes, $1012. ' ' Beets, per sack, $1. Turnips, per sack, 60 65c. Carrots, per sack, 60c. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Beans, green, 23o. Green corn, $1.261.50 per saok. Cauliflower, 75o per doz. Celery, 4050o. Cabbage, native and California 1.251. 60 per 100 pounds. - Apples, 50c 65c per box. ' Pears, 75c $1 per box. ; Prunes, 50c per box. " Peaches, 75c. Plums, 60c. Butter Creamery, 27o per pound; dairy and ranch, 18 20c per pound. Eggs, 80c. I Cheese Native, 1212c. ' Poultry Old hens, 18c per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c. Fresh meats Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 67c; oows, prime, 6c; mutton, 7c; pork, 78o; veal, 78o. Wheat Feed wheat, $192o. ; Oats Choice, per ton, $22 28. , Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.60 10; cboioe Eastern Washington tim- . othy, $18. x . Corn Whole, $23.50; cracked, $24; feed meal, $23.50. . Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $24 25; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; straights, $3.25? California brrnds, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham, per barrel, $3.70; whole wheat flour. $3.75; rye flour, $4. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ion, $16. - , . Feed Chopped feed, $1721 per ' ton; middlings, per ton, $17; .oil cake meal, per ton, $35. I Portland .Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 61c; Val- ley and Bluestem, 63o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.45; graham, $3; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.' , : Oats Choice white, 8940c; choice gray, 8738c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $2122; brew ing, $23 per ton. ' Millstuffs--Bran, $15.50 per ton; mid- dlings, $21; shorts, $16; chop, $15.50 per ton. Hay Timothy, $8 9; clover. $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $8 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 5055o; seconds, 4045o; dairy, 4045o store, 80 85o. : Cheese Oregon full cream, ll12o; . Young America, 12)o; new cheese, , 10c per pound. . Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2. 50 3 per dozen; hens, $3.008,50; springs, ' $1.258j geese, $5.006.00 for old,1 $4.505 for young; ducks, $4.00 5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12 12c per pound. Potatoes 45 66c per Back; sweets, 2c per pounn. j Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75o per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab- bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli-... flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75c per sack; beans, 3c per pound; celery, 7075c per dozen; cucumbers, 50c per b; peas, 88c per pound. Onions Oregon, 75c$i per sack. Hops 1017c; 1897 crop, 67o. Wool Valley, 1012o per pound; Eastern Oregon, . . 8 12c; . mohair, 25c per pound. 1 Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers . and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7c; spring lambs, 7c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.75; light and feeders, $3. 004. 00; dressed, $5. 50 6. 60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.60$3.75; cows, $2.50 3. 00; dressed beef, 66Jc per pound. . .. Veal Large, h 6c; small, 6$' 7 z per pound. San Francisco Market. ' Wool Spring Nevada, 10 14c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val ley, 1517c; Northern, 9llc. Millstuffs Middlings, $1721.00; bran, $15.00 16.00 per ton. , ' ' Onions Yellow, 8040c per Sack. . Butter Fancy creamery, 24o; do seconds,22c23; fancy dairy, 21 22c; do seconds, 20 24c per pound. Eggs Store, 18 22o; fancy ranch, fl489o. ' .. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3 -2.60; Mexican limes, $86.50; Cali, fornia lemons, $2. 00. 800; do choice $3. 50 4. 50; per box. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. The Detroit steel and spring works of the Detroit Steel & Spring Company are being operated 24 hours a day i The Pennsylvania tube works of Pitts burg, Pa., , have an order from ti e Standard Oil Company for 40 miles of eight-inch pipe. Experiments dfade in Paris show that an electrio wagon costs 47 per cent lesss to run than a horse wagon and 32 per cent less to run than a petroleum motor. , Coventry is the center of the British cycle industry. Compared with this time last year the firms there are said to be employing about 4,000 fewer per sons, while thousands of employes are now working only 80 hours weekly. . The Northern Pacific railway shops at South Tacoma have praotiually sus pended the building of the 800 flat-cars. Two hundred of the cars were finished, and then it became impossible to get enough material to complete the others,