The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 28, 1898, Image 4

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- The Koit Common of All.
The moat common of all ailment!
from .sports of all kinds are sprains and
braises. The most common and surest
core of them is by the use. of St. Jacobi
Oil, which is prompt in its action.
t ' The Art of Walking.
To be thoroughly graceful long stops
and qui ok short steps should be equal
ly avoided, remarks a French woman.
A stiff walk is also very ungraceful,
and that is the great fault of 'English
girls.' The walk too stiffly and take
too long strides.,,' ,, ,
Spanish women have a very , pretty
walk, naturally, as also have Italian
oountry girls and all aocuBtomed to
carrying weights on their heads.
The French are also very graceful
walkers. Study your walk, girls.
Take dancing lessons to begin with and
then repeat youjr, lessons before your
long toilet glass A pretty walk ' is a
beauty in itself, and every one who will
can acquire this beauty. ' Do it, then,
at once now without losing another
Good Blood
akes Health
And Hood's ' Sarsaparilla makes good
blood. That is why it cures bo many
diseases and makes so many people feel
better than ever before. If you. don't .feel
well, are half sick, tired, worn .out, you
may be made well by taking . - . .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Medicine.
Hood's Pills cure all Liver 111b. 25 cents.
An artist in a New York paper pio
tured the Vesuvius in action and en
shrouded in dense clouds of Bmoke from
her neumatio guns. :. That artist needs
, to be informed that the Vesuvius uses
only smokeless air in discharging her
dynamite guns.' .. .
Dear Editor: If you know o! a solicitor or
canvasser in yonr oity or elsewhere, especially
a man who has solioited (or subscriptions, In
surance, nursery stock, books or tailoring, or a
, man who can sell, goods, yon will confer a
Javor by telling him to correspond with us; or
..f you will insert this notice in your paper and
such parties will cut this notice out and mail
to us, we may be able to furnish them a good
position In their own and adjoining counties.
r- vv ji
The Maledive Archipelago, west of
Ceylon, embraoes 14,000 coral islands,
few of which are more than ,six feet
above the level ; of the ocean and only
175 of which are inhabited, '
No household is com Dlete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a puTe and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity. , '
"The beautiful oolors seen in the soap
bubble arise from the fact that the
bubble, being very thin, reflects light
from the outer and inner surfaces of
the film. - , . ,
FIT( permanently Cured. No fits or nervonsnes
m after SrBt day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FBKK SB. 00 trial
bottle and treatise. DR. B. li, LUKL ixd,, WO
Arch street, Philadelphia, fa. '
It has been calculated that oridnnry
gunpowder on exploding expands about
9,000 times, that is, fills a space this
much larger as a gas than when in a
solid form. I - -
100 REWARD SI 00.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
fearn that there is at least one dreaded disease
' that science has been ablo to cure in all its
stages, and th at is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
: Is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
.' assisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list
Df testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 76o.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
- ' A farmer near .Cbttonburg, Ky.,' has
trained a terrier dog to remove the
worms from tobaooo plants. ,
: K v...
So Says Mrs. Mary Rocbiette of
Linden, New Jersey, In thla .
Letter to Mrs. Pink-ham.
. I was bothered with a flow which
would be quite annoying at times, and
at others would almost stop. - : ,
"I used prescriptions given me by mj
physician, but the
eame state
of affairs
continued. -"After
time I was
taken with
a flooding,
. that I was
obliged to
. keep my bed
Finally, in
. despair, I , &S;'
gave up my doc
tor, and i began
taking your medi-
cine, and have certainly been greatly
benefited by Its use.
' , "Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has indeed been a f riend to me.
" I am now able to do my own work,
thanks to your wonderful medicine. I
was as near death I believe as I could
be, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat
and my heart had almost given out. ; I
could not have stood it one week more,
I am sure. I never thought I would
be so grateful to any medicine. ,
I shall use my influence with any
one suffering as I did, to have them
use Lydia E. ; Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound." ' " '"
' Every woman that is puzzled about
her condition should secure the sympa
thetic advice of a woman who under
stands. Write to Mrs. Pinkham at
Lynn, Mass.. and tell her your ills, . :
Best Couich Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in lime, wold Dy orusreisTs.
A. . f" m . a
Items . f General ;. Interest Gleaned
From th Thriving Paelfle
States, i. '
TbiS year is a great one for the fish
ermen on the Coquille river.
The total attendance at the Spokane
fruit fair this year was 73,250,
.. . - .
Stops have been taken ' at Salem to
contest the Wright branch asylum site
Dase. '.' t ; -'o ;'
Lane county's potato crop is short
this year, and the farmers look for high
prioes. -r- ' ' ; ,
Winter-apples are more plentiful In
Kittitas valley than ever before, and,
.the quality is first-class.
' There is an unusual amount of sick
ness in Palouse at present, most of the
patients having typhoid fever.
Two men who made a voyage from
Lynn oanal to St. Michaels in an open
boat have arrived at Victoria.
The run of silverside salmon in the
Lower Columbia river continues heavv,
and the fall paok will be unusually
large.. '
News has reaohed Victoria of the ap
pointment of C. O. Sinkler, of Nelson,
as gold commissioner for the Yukon
district, vice Fawoett, removed.
On the steamship Dorio, which ar
rived at San Francisco from the Orient,
was brought in opium valued at $270,
DQO, on which a duty of $100,000 will
be oolleoted. .-'."
The value of improvements in Walla
Walla county, exclusive of cities, ac
cording to the revision of the board of
equalization, amounts to $380,324; per
sonal property, $1,875,882.
The Linooln county (Wash.) commis
sioners have fixed the tax levy for all
purposes at 14 mills, on a valuation of
$5,666,732. The levy for road pur
poses was inoreased from 0.82 to 1.25
mills. ' 'V ',,
The floating indebtedness against the
Dew town of Kent, Wash., will be paid
off January, after which the City's in
obme will be sufficient to pay all cur
rent expenses and leave a handsome
surplus, : ' T.'j ;' '
The prune crop of Clackarnaa county,
Oregon, : has been gathered and mar
keted with very little loss, and growers
are elated over piesent profits and
futare prospects. At Claokamas sta
tio l, 82 tons were evaporated.
A cargo of 100,078 bushels of barley
was shipped from Tacomathe week be
fore last direot to England. The barley
was all raised in Columbia county,
. Washington, and being of prime,
Ity, netted the producers a good pi Ice.
The charter has. been granted for th
building of the Golden-Fort Steele, B.
0., railroad, and work' will be started
in early spring. The contract for the
Nelson & Bodlington., railway has been
let to Larson & Foley, work" to com
mence this month.
v Controller . of . the Currency Dawes
has deoided that he has no authority to
charter a national bank in Honolulu
until congress passes laws for the gov
ernment of the islands.. Consequently
Perrv 8. Heath and San Francisco capi
talists will not have their application!
granted at present. , . .
The Carbonado ' coal mines 'shipped
$5,000 tons during September, beat
ing all previous reeords. Koslyn 1 -had
held the record with 80,000 tons. Th
Carbonado minesowned by the South
ern Pacific Railroad Company, are run
ning full time and employ 600 men,
averaging $3.29 a day wages.
' The Soully Steel fc Iron Company, oi
Chicago, has just closed a contract for
the delivery of 25,000 tons of steel
plates at Viotoria, B. 0., to be used in
the construction of five British steam
ships by one of the largest shipbuild
ing firms at that point. The value of
the contraot exceeds $100,000..
: A scheme is on foot to construct a
logging road about three miles in
length from the head oi Gray's liver,
Oregon. It will be operated by A. L.
Saldren, who has in operation a simi
lar road at Clatskanie, and will tap a
distriot of 5,000 acres of spruce timber
belonging to O. H. Green, of Saginaw,
Mioh. - .: i.i..-..-
The new association does not con
template any general regulation-of
coast lumber values. Its aims are
Simply to oontrol the situation at San
Francisco, where , the trade , has been
for some time in a badly demoralized,
oondition. Puget Sound values', foreign
trade or other departments of the lum
ber business, are not affected. "" '"'J
Henry Miller, ol Cathlamet! Wash.;
has contracted to furnish the North
Pacifio mills, at Portland, over 2,000,
000 feet of spruce and fir logs this sea
son. : The Astorian says that this out
will come from Eulokiuni, the principal
logging stream flowing into the Colum
bia, w here over 150 men. were employed
at logging during the past summer.
Acoording to the Lumberman ' there
Is a good field on the ooast for a small
turpentine faotory. There are two
species of wood rich in turpentine and
allied porducts, Douglas fir and "bull"
pine, wood alcohol, pitch and other
io-oalled naval products. ' The yield is
by no means as. large as the pitch pine
of the ' South, but there is certainly
room for a factory that will utilize the
itumps and refuse 1 ef pitch-bearing
trees on the coaBt. '
Harvesting in the "Palouse country
has been completed. Every threshing
machine has pulled in, and the haul
ing of grain to different shipping points
will be finished by November 1, or per
haps a little sooner.' So far this season,
the total shipment of new wheat has
not exceeded 275,000 bushels, most of
this being to Spokane for milling, and
to the Sound. Since the completion of
harvesting, farmers . and. giaindealers
have ooacluded : that the crop of this
fear is the largest ever harvested in
the Palouse. oountry.
Attitude of Philippine Insurgents Is
Menacing; Dewey and Otis Prepared.
Manila, Oot. 25. The . attitude of
the insurgent 'troops has become very
menacing.- Their supplies are growing
scarce, and they are becoming desper
ate., Their leader assured the troops,
who have had no pay for months, that
they will soon capture Manila.
.' The Filipino newspapers insist upon
absolute independence, and denounce
annexation to the United States or any
protectorate with equal energy. l)
The American authorities, naval and
military, are : taking precautionary
measures, although no immediate
trouble is anticipated. .
The commission of Spaniards- sent
here' reoently, by General Eiosj Spains
chief representative in the Philippines
and governor-general of the southern
portions of the archipelago, arranged a
temporary commercial convention.- Ac
cordingly inter-island traffic was re
sumed, but it is now again interrupted,
this time by orders from General Bios.
The steamer San Nioholas, which left
Manila yesterday' flying ' the American
flag, was compelled to return by a
Spanish gunboat, whose commander
offered as a plea for his aption that the
crew consisted of 'Filipinos, who might
smuggle contraband articles. The San
Nicholas, after reporting her experience,
sailed again, followed by the United
States gunboat McCullooh.
v' The insurgent steamer Muirola en
tered the harbor flying the insurgent
flag, which was promptly hauled 'down
by the Americans. ... ;
Yesterday the British consul at Ma
nila convened a meeting of. merchants
to discuss the commercial deadlock.
British capital to the amount of $200,
000,000 has been lying idie here for six
months. In the existing conditions,
business relations with the provinces
have been in many cases directly bus
pended. The meeting resolved to make
an urgent appeal to the British govern
ment to endeavor to hasten a settle
ment of pending issues.
France Preparing: for It; England Keady
Only Diplomacy Can Avert It. ;
London, Oct. 25. -Never since Great
Britain and France bdgan to dispute
over Egypt, nor during the most acute
stage of the Niger differences betweep
those countries, has the situation
looked so ominous as today. In spite
of the hope expressed in the journals
of both countries that - the matter
would be amioably arranged, it is a
faot that the French naval and military
authorities are making feverish .prepar
ations for war, and, though calm reigns
at the British dockyards at Portsmouth.
Chatham and Devonport, it is only the
calm of preparedness.
i Significant orders have been arriving
there from the admiralty, , indicating
that Great Britain and France are on
the brink of war.'' The admiralty has
ordered every seagoing warship to have
its crew made up to the full comple
ment, as ordered in case of mobiliza
tion. The order praotioally means the
complete filling prospectively of every
ship's company in detail. - Four torpedo-boat
destroyers whioh were about
to be fitted with new water-tube boilers
have had their orders countermanded,
and will be instructed to redraw their
stores. Officers on leaves of absence
and unemployed have been notified to
hold themselves-in -readiness to com
mission reserves if required. .
The French statesmen, however,1 still
cling to the hope that, the Marquis of
Salisbury will - offer some exohange.
One White Man Lost His Life and Three
- .. '. ' Wen Wounded. 1 ...'(
Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 25. -A special
to the Commeroial-Appeal from Forest,
Miss., says: : As the result of an at
tempt to arrest a negro hear Harpers
ville, Scott county, in the eastern part
of the state, one white deputy was
killed, three wounded, ;and,;aocording
to the latest report, nine negroes were
killed by the citizens' of ttfe Harpers
ville neighborhood and the sheriff's
posse combined. ' ; ' -"
The pursuit of about .60 negroes, who
had joined the original ' offender, with
the avowed determination to prevent
his airest and capture, and who am
bushed, the. party attempting the arrest,
continues, and by morning the-number
of fatalities will undoubtedly have as
sumed large proportions. The whole
country is terribly aroused, and the
Bherm s posse nas been reinforced with
men from all " the neighboring ' towns.
Governor McLaurin has gone to the
scene, which is about 10 miles north of
Forest,' the nearest railroad point. .
Death of Seven' Sick -Soldiers Return
- - ' . , 'nS from Manila.'
Ran Francisco, Oct. 25. The United
States transport steamer Bio de Janerio
arrived here today from .Manila, via
Hons Eong and Nagasaki.'.: She has on
board 140 sick soldiers, and 24 ' dis
charged men. ... Seven men died on the
voyages : , They were:'' ; ' ;,- V
Private Eliot W, Ord way, company
H Second Oregon; Private. Henry H.
Stube, ' company . F, First, California;
Sergeant John A Glover, c6mpany;A,
; First Nebraska; .-'Private ? Frank W.
Tucker, company' O, "Twenty-third in
' fantry; ' Private -. Lewis . D. ..Passmore,
company I,-, Fust Nebraska;. ' Private
Henry P,' Shuter,: Astor Jbattery; Pri
vate J.'Fiske, First California': ,-,
X, All the dead were ' buried at sea, ex
cept Ordway, FiBke and Shuter.- ' t
Baee War in Texas..'' i ''
' Fort Worth, Tex. Oot. 24. -Trouble
between whites and blacks over politics
culminated in a fight in whioh Hope
Adams, independent candidate for
sheriff . and leader of , the independent
movement .against the Whit.e Men's
-Union Association," was shot and killed.
The sheriff: has wired Governor Culbert
son that he is unable to preserve order
and wants troops sent to the scene
at once. '. - . -
A Benefactress Kind flet.
From the Evening Newt, Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. John ;Tansey,' of 180 Baker
street, Detroit, Mioh., is one of those
women who always know Just what to
do in all trouble and sickness. One
that is mother to those in distress. . To
a reporter she said:
"I am the mother of 10 children
and have raised eight of them. Sev
eral years ago we had a serious time
with my daughter, whioh began when
she was about sixteen years old. She
did not have any serious illness but
seemed to gradually waste away. Hav
ing never had any consumption in our
family, as we come of good old Irish
and Scotch stook, we did not think it
Was that. - Ouiv doctor' called the dis
ease by an odd name whioh, as I after
ward learned, meant lack of blood.
."It is impossible to desoribethe feel
ing John and I had as we notioed our
daughter slowly passing away from us.
We finally found, however, a medicine
that seemed to help her, and from the
Most of the Time She Wai Confined to Bed.
first we notioed a decided change for the
better, and after" three months' treat
ment her . health was bo greatly im
proved you would not have recognized
her. She gained in flesh : rapidly and
soon was in perfect health. The medi
cine used was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People. I have always kept
these "pills in the house since and have
recommended them to many people. ; I
have told many mothers about them
and they have affected some wonderful
cures. . : -
"Every mother in this land should
keep these pills in . the house, as they
are good for many ailments, particular
ly those arising from impoverished or
diseased . blood, and '. weakened nerve
force."- 1 '"'"' ' "' ; .'.
. M'ss Jennie Flood, who has made a
gift of her country place to the univers
ity of, California, is worth $7,000,000
and is the richest unmarried woman jn
the state. ' " ' ' "'
' . ; " Why, . ,
3oe3 my cake ' smell so
queer?" - .-: '' '
,-, Too mjch soda .or; per- j
haps .alutft of time. Use
Schillings Best baking pow- i;
der.' 7';:"'' 1 : ''J
' "Hunter stones" were seen in the
Rhine last winter. They appear- only
when the river is very low, and the
date of their appearance is then cut
into them. They are believed to fore
bode a year 'of bad crops. ' ( J
A Short Fijfht. ;
The damp autumn nights and morn
ings stirs up soiatica, and then comes a
tug of pain. - Use St. Jaoobs Oil, and
then comes a tug to cure it. . It is a
short fight and the cure is sure. i
- It is said that a striking outline of
the. features of George Washington has
appeared in a knotty, protuberance of a
tree in Portland, Me. It is not a cher
ry tree. ',: 7', ; . V '' ' )'
' In the fall cleanse your system by .using
Dr. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking; powder.
'' We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. The Piso Co., Warren, Pa.
Corks' for bottles were first manufac
tured in Spain and Italy, some time
during the fourteenth oentury. Cork
screws ' were ! contemporaneous with
corks. .. : .
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding . the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Sykup Co. with the medi
cal "profession, and the satisfaction
' which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
! given to millions of families, makes
' the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liVfer and
bowels without irritating or Weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company ;
Honey Speat on Cabana. . , I
In addition to the $60,000 appropri
ated by congress and distributed by
General Lee for the relief of the people
ol . Cuba, the central Cuban relief
committee appointed by the president
distributed food, medicines and general
supplies . to : the poor and suffering
Cubans to the cash value of $321,619.
Of this amount $175,082 was in cash
contributions and $146,687 in supplies.
The total shipments of supplies was
9,942,032 kilos, or 8286 tons, of which
quantity 2,856,888 kilos were food, 66,
753 kilos were clothing, 16,652 kilos
medicines and 4,864 were miscellaneous
supplies.- ' : '
The Fields of Sport.
From the fields of sport we go to bed
and get up full of pains and aches.
The next night, by the use of St.
Jaoobs Oil, we are soothed to Bleep and
get up oured. - ' .:
Smokers are less liable than non
smokers to contract diphtheria and
other throat diseases in the ratio of one
to .28. So says Professor Hajak, of
Vienna, Austria. ' ,
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes,
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon. .
A Frenohman, M. Bleunard, uses
the X-rays for measuring the adultera
tion of flour with chalk and sand.
When coming to San Franciso go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush streets
American or European plan. Room and
board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 60 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. -
Tire Austrian state railway carried
5,100,945 passengers and . 2,593,641
tons of goods during the month of
June.,. ,:':V . i '
Use Dr. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier how.
Front and Everett Sts.
I A Beautiful
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Briand),
the manufacturers, 1. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. , .These presents are in the form of
Beautiful Pastel PiGf tires
' They are 13x19 inches in size,
Lilacs and
" and
sm routm or this starch wiu so JiwS
.These rare pictures, four in ' number, by the renowned pastel artist,
,R. LeRoy, of New York, have, been chosen from the very choicest subjects
in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
' The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the. colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures -are the correct thing for the home,, nothing surpassing,
them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit.'
One of these pictures I ' stf a H Z
:sl m;v Elastic Starch t
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a
beautiful picture
ZRtinder-- Z2!s&! cure yourself!
rTJL i ,K Zdr.ijr!vilKSt Big for unnatural
-I JMOffifiV Mmrtfl iVnOlClCO f lo 1 wid7a.yj diecbargu, inflammations,
; VAV,W Uflpiy Vli Uf f K H. Ouru.4 )j irritatioiis or ulcerations
HEALTH RESTORER. Jrnmu oBWfloa. Painless, and uot astrnt
sy--fc- USE IT I RSItheEvahs OhemiojlOo. ent or Powonoui.
Send for CatHogue. . ' F' M- V' y- -'98-
Ufll I riUPIf Pfl 80 Market St. 1 XT HEN writing to dTertlsers pleat
(TILL O NRUK UU. Ban Frnnoisoo. W mention tnls paper. J,
Golden Wedding's.
Only one out of every thousand mar
ried couples live to celebrate their
golden wedding. , ' ,
Shall We Keep tb Philippines.
While public opinion is divided as to the
wisdom of keeping the Philippines, it to,
however, all one way In regard to the wis
dom of everybody keeping their health.
For this purpose Hostetter's Btomaoh ,
Bitters is widely used. This medicine is
both preventive and cure for malarial
fevers and stomach disorders. ' . . ; -
' .. A ton of gold is worth 120,000, A
ton of silver, at the present rate per
ounce, may be said to be worth about
6,400. - '
ivuukH vi u u(3a iiiuo" iniiuDi ,
Painless filling and extraction. "
Dr. T; H. White. VMt0
Buy Direct
And save middleman's profits. Men's fine tailor-made
suiis,$3.96 to H. Fit guaranteed. Cata
logue, samples, seli-measurement blanks, etc.,
mailed free. Address J. LAKWGAN, McKay
building, Portland, Or. Mention this paper
Is it Wrong?
Get It Right
Keep it Right'
Hoore'i Revealed Remedy will do It Three
doseB will make you Jeel better. Get It irom
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, of
from Stewart Si Holmes Drug Co.. Seattle.
- Make money by succesful
speculation in Chicago. We
buy and sell wheat on mar
gins. Fortunes have henn
made on a small Deginmng rjy trading in fu
tures. Write for full particulars. Best of ra
erence given. Several years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send for onr free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co.,
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle. Wash.
$45 $45 $45 $45 $45
. "Best Wheels on Earth." : '
With 10 per cent discount for cash. 1899 Ideals
$22.50, $25, $30, with 10 per cent discount fo
casht Send for catalogue. Live agents wanted
everywhere. , .
Iron Works..
Manufacturers of Marine and Stationary Engines and
Boilers, Saw Mill, Flour Mill, Mining and Dredging
Machinery, Shafting, .. Pulleys, Hangers, water
Wheels, etc Agents for the John T. Noye Co. Flour :
Mill Machinery. Huntley Mfg. Co.'s Monitor Grain
Separators and Scourers. Dealers in Excelsior Bolting
Cloth, Mill and Elevator Supplies, Cotton and Leather
Belting, etc , . rl .
i Send your orders direot to us ana get the bene
fit of manufacturers' prices.
. ... STEAMBOAT BrlLDKRS ... ' ' , .
Cawston &. Co.
Successors to H. P. Gregory & Co:
48 and 50 First St, , . 304 First Ave, S,
Portland, Or. Seattle, Wash,
and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and