The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 21, 1898, Image 4

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Oil cures
Oil cures
Oil cures
Oil cures
Oil cures
Oil oures
Oil cures
Oil cures
Oil cures
Oil cures
Rheumatism. '.
Soiatica. '""
Bruises. .
Muscular aches.
Mary Stuart's Watch. 1
' Mary Stuart made a fad of collecting Among those owned by
fier was a coffin-shaped watch In a case
)f crystal. Probably the most remark
ible one in her collection was the one
aeqneathed to Mary Seaton, her maid
f honor. It was in the form of a
ikull. On the forehead of the skull
was the symbol of death, the scythe
nd the hour glass.' At the back of
the skull was time, and at the top of
the head the- garden of Eden and the
trueiflxion. The watob was opened by
reversing the skull. Inside was a rep
resentation or tne mojv iamuy, sur
founded by angels, while the shepherds
ind their flocks, were worshipping the
new-born Christ. The works formed
t1in hrni Tin. while the dial-nlate was the
palate.. She also possessed another
ikull-shaped watch, but it'isnot known
what became of it.
' Settling; the Bridegroom.
It takes a bright woman to rebuke
mother woman's rudeness, a general
statement borne out by the following
, story: A lady entered a railway train
nd took a seat in front of a newly
married couple. She "was scarcely
Beated before they began to pass re
marks about her. Her last year's bon
net and cloak were fully criticised, with
more or less giggling on the bride's
part and there is no telling what might
have oome next if the lady had not put
1 sudden stop to the conversation by a
bit of strategy. She turned her head,
oticod that.the bride was considerably
older than the groom, and in the
smoothest of tones said:
''Madam, will you please ask your
ion to close the window behind you?"
The "son" olosed hia mouth and the
bride no longer giggled.
- '.
--' Devey'i Expenses.
Admiral Dewey's expenditures in
powder and shell to sink the Spanish
Beet at Manila, according to his own
official report, was about $45,000. The
oost ior tne same item in disposing oi
' Admiral Ceivera's fleet off Santiago is
between $90,000 and $100,000. Ex
pel ts regard the figures in both cases as
lurprisingly low. '
Dear Editor: If yon know of a solicitor or
canvasser in your city or. elsewhere, especially
man who has solicited for subscriptions, In
surance, nursery stock, books or tailoring, or a
man who can sell goods, you will confer a
favor by telling him to correspond with lis: or
If you will insert this notice In your paper and
luch parties will cut this notice out and mall
to us, we may be able to furnish them a good
position in their own and adjoining counties.
On a recent warm Sunday there were
Duly a- few worshippers present in a
little church at Noiristown,- Pa. As
.the clergyman was about to begin hla
sermon, he said: ' "Brethren, it's hot,
and' so I say 'comfort . before . pride.' "
Then he divested himself of his coat,
L . if fliA cla rf fctin nnlnif on1
KMuinlioil 1 1 1 11 Biiimnn in kin olilnf DlaQltaa
r It is the custom of Persian ladles,
when they make social calls, to throw
roses at one another.
Mv rlrtpfir ha11 T ' wnnlrl rlifl htlfc Plr'a
Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos
Kelncr, Cherry Valley, IH., Nov. 23, 1896.
A scientist looking for mlorobea says
there are absolutely none on the Swiss
mountains at an altitude of 2,000 feet.
In the hotels built in China for the
una nt fnrmmmra t ha ii inrliaflf. Btnrlaa am
the most , expensive , because the
breeziest. ? ' . ' ' ,
Of the bog moss sphagnum there are
no fewer than 215 species, about 600
Varieties, -
Astronomers say that in our solai
system there are Lat least 17,000,000
comots of all sizes.
It costs over eight hundred dollars to
' fully equip an ordinary oavalry soldier.
Three Women Relieved of Female
Troubles by Mrs. PLnkham.
From Mrs A. W. Smith, B0 Summer
St., Biddeford, Me.:
, for several years I suffered with
various diseases peculiar to my sex.
Was troubled with a burning sensation
across the small of my back, that all
gone feeling, was despondent, fretful
and discouraged; the least exertion
-tired me. I tried several doctors but
received little benefit. At last I de
cided to give your Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a trial. The ef
fect of the first bottle was magical.
Those symptoms of weakness that I
was afflicted with, vanished like Vapor
before the sun. I cannot speak too
highly of your valuable remedy. It is
truly a boon to woman." .:
From Mrs. Melissa. Phillips, Lea
In g-ton, Ind., to Mrs. Pinkham:
"Before I began taking your medicine
I had suffered for two years with that
tired feeling, headache, backache, no ap
petite, and a run-down condition of the
system. I could not walk across the
room. I have taken four bottles of the
Vegetable Compound, one box of Liver
Pills and used one package of Sanative
Wash, and now feel like a new woman,
and am able to' do my work."
From Mrs. Mollis E. Hekbel, Pow
ell Station, Tenn.: v '
. "For three years I suffered with suchfc
weakness of the back, I could not
perform my household duties. I also
had falling of the womb, terrible bearing-down
pains and headache. I have
taken two bottles of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and feel
like a new woman. I recommend your
medicine to every woman I know." ;
St. Jaooba
St. Jaoobs
St. Jacobs
St. Jacobs
St. Jacobs
St. Jacobs
St. Jacobs
St. Jacobs
St., Jaoobs
St. Jacobs
lodge Day Made Positive Demand!
N . 1 on Spain. .
London, Oot. 19. A dispatch to the
London News Agency from Paris says:
"Joday the 'confeience reached a
crisis for the first time. Judge Day
presented the demands of the American
commission in threatening words. He
Baid that delay was the only possible
object obtainable by ' the persistent
Bfforts of the Spanish commissioners to
saddle the United States with the Cu
ban debt, and would be tolerated no
longer, as the United States . would
neither assume nor guarantee any part
of the debt. '
"The Spaniards replied that this
placed Spain in a position of repudiat
ing or of reduoing the face of the Cuban
bonds from 50 to 60 per cent, paying
only half the stipulated interest on
reduced value. Before they would
adopt either atlernative they would sur
render to the United States the entire
Philippines. . . '
. "Judge Day responded that the sur
render of the Philippines would proba
bly be demanded, irrespective of the
Cuban' or any other debt.
"This, to the Spaniards, the first in
timation of the intentions of the Unit
ed States as to the Philippines, resulted
in a whispered conference, followed by
a request for an adjournment in order
to communicate with Madrid. Judge
Day said that President . McKinley had
instructed him to demand the entire
surrender of Porto Rico, and the deliv
ery of every town to the United States
officers before midnight, together with
the evacuation of Havana on or before
November 1, when the United States
would be at the gates of the city ready
to take possession.
"There was no alternative offered in
the case of either of these -demands;
the session consequently ' was very
brief." '. - ' .
Pitiful Fate of a Young , Boy Neat
Florence, Colo.
' Denver, Oct. 19. A speoial to the
Rocky Mountain News from Florence,
Colo., says: On Saturday William Lei
lin and his 10-year-old boy came to
Florence, from their borne, six miles
from Florence, to do some trading.
After spending the day about town, at
6 P. M. they started home in their
wagon. It was raining when thev left
town, but when out about five mi lee
the rain turned to a blinding snow
storm. The father lost his way, and
wandered about among eorub pines and
Jn the hills all night. The wagon and
team was abandoned, and an effort wai
made to reach home on foot.
As the night wore on the little fel
low beoame cold and numb and froze to
death in his fathei 'a arms. The father
managed to keep alive by walking, un
til he could walk no more from numb-1
ness of limb.' Daylight broke, and Lei
lin knew he - was not far from borne,
but was unable to walk. At 9 o'clock
his cries were heard by his1 wife, who
went to his rescue. Neighbors' were
summoned and the old gentleman was
assisted to his home, bathe was so near
dead that he could not give an intelli
gent account of the bight's wander
ings, but the dead body of the boy told
a pitiful story of a lack of sufficient
olothing to keep him warm. He wore
knee pants and a small coat, but no un
derwear nor outer coat. His shoes and
slookings were almost completely worn
out -V i
"Booty" Tobacco Admitted Free.;
Washington, Oct. 17. Assistant
Secretary Howell, of the treasury ' de-i
partment, has consented' ' to the admis
sion, free of duty,' into . Santiago, of
100,000 pounds of Cuban tobacco in the
poseissi6n.of General Franco Sanchez,
having charge of the insurgent army at
Mayarl. This is a lot of "booty"
tobacco, and the proceeds of the sale
will be expended for the benefit of the
Cuban army, which needs supplies ol
clothing and subsistence. ' The ques
tion was referred to the war depart
ment by General Lawton, and in turn
sent to the treasury department for Its
Preparing for War. ,
Paris, Oot. 19. Confirmation Is
given at the ministry "-of marine to the
report that Admiral Fourar, now al
Tunis, has been ordered to return to im
mediate active service, and orders have
been issued that the largest possibl
number of gunners go to Brest to man
the forts.. These preparations are
thought to be the result of the Fasho
da affair with Great Britain. -
Papers here say three British iron
clads are engaged in gun practice ofl
Dizert, a French naval station in the
Near Boiling Point.
Bayonne, Franoe, Oct. ID. Advloes
reoeived here from Madrid , point to ef
fervescence in military ciroles there.
Members of the Military Club openly
and severely criticise the government
for concluding what they term ass
"humiliating peace," and some of them
even suggest the establishment of a
militaiy dictatorship under the present
dynasty. .
, The officials at Madrid deny the re
port current on the Continent that Captain-General
Blaco has resigned.
Many Lives Lost. '
Margat, England, Oct. 19. Th
British ship Blengfelt, from New York,
burned off this place early this morn
ing. Eleven of the crew, besides the
oaptain's wife and children, perished.
J, Four Were Killed.
Reading, Pa., Oot. 19. Four men
were killed by the explosion of a Wil
mington & Northern freight engine at
Joanna station this afternoon. The
dead are: , , . . .
William Herflioker, engineer, ' aged
50; George Mills, fireman', aged 85; ,
Willis Woodward, a brakeman; Harry
Huydani, conductor. J
All lived at Birdsboro, this county, I
and all were married and leave famil 1
ies, except Huydaur : fl-
Do You
Like Boils
If you do not, you should take Hood's
Barsaparilla and it will purify your blood,
cure your boils and keep your system free
from the poisons which cause them. The
great blood purifying power Of Hood's Sar
japarilla is constantly being demonstrated
by its many marvelous cures.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. fl; six ior $5.
Hood's PHIS cure Sick Headache. 26 cents.
t Captain Clark's Pet Cat.
For years Captain Clark, of the bat
tleship Oregon, has bad for his especial
pet a cat which bears the mysteriously
ohoson name of "Old ,Muggins." The
dignified member of the feline tribe is
a native of China. "Old Muggins"
was born in the city of Hong Eong, and
is a mere kitten was the private prop,
arty of a noble mandarin of. the realm.
He is a pure white throughout, from
the tip of tail to end of whisker. One
Bye is violet in color j he other is
bright yellow. "Old Muggins',,', became
the property of Captain Clark so long
ago that he remembers not the day.
The American naval commander was in
the port of t Hong Kong on a United
States man-of-war. He beoame ac
quainted with a number of rich man
darins in the court service, and so won
their esteem that, as the highest mark
of favor possible for them to bestow
upon the American officer, he was pre
sented with this oat. Chioago Chron
icle. ' '
Prosperous Woman Farmer.
One of the most prosperous farmers
in Oklahoma is Mrs. Jane Crumm,' who
lives near Calumet. Four years ago
ber husband died, and .since then she
and a 14-year-old boy, have cultivated
320 acres of land, and this year laised
over 5,000 bushels of wheat, besides
sorn, oats and other tilings. ' The
widow plows every day-and has paid a
large amount of obligations of her hus
band sinoe his death.
The production of electric energy by
the direct action of the atmosphere is
now olaimed to be possible with a bat
tery in which there is a peouliar treat
ment of plates of compressed graphite.
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome .stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity, . Vr
The first vessel to carry the American
Sag around the world was. the ship Co
lumbia, which sailed from the port of
Boston September 80, 1787.
FITS Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervonsnes
III" after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve lieutorer. Bond for FitKK SS.OO trial
bottle and treatise. DA. R. Ii. Kl.m n). JjtO., mo
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. 77
There is 87 percent of water-and 13
per cent of solids in milk. The sugar
in the solids is. in greater proportion
than in any other solid. j -
Use Dr. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now.
The basin of the St. Lawrence river
oovers 580,000 square miles, of which
160.000 are in Canada.
Shawl for an Empress.
One of the most wonderful shawls In
existence is a woolen wrap presented as
a wedding gift to the empress of Russia
by women of Orenburg, a town in the
southeastern part of the empire. When
spread out it is 10. yards square, but is
so exquisitely , fine ' that ' it-may be
passed through a finger ring, and when
folded makes a parcel a few 'inches
Best tea,
It is
f "Armstrong's Combined Theory and Practice
Bookkeeping are numerous. Investigate
this aew method oi teaching. It is extremely
Interesting, thoroughly practioal.
. Going to Business College ? K
?o not fall to learn what and how we teach.
Oregon. Call, or write. Visitors always wel
come. A. ?. AaxsTBONa, Principal. .. . .
.' . ... MANUFACTURED BY ...
Buy Direct
And save middleman's profits. Men's fine tailor-made
suits, 8.95 to $14.' Fit guaranteed. Cata
logue, samples, self-measurement blanks, etc.,
mailed free. Address J. LANDIGAN, McKay
building, Portland, Or. Mention this paper
Best Cough Syrup. TasteB Good. TJBe I
in time. Hold try druggists.
Smoking was not permitted in Eng
land railway oarriages until 1846.
In some parts of Norway coin is still
used as a substitute for coin. '
There are 87 royal families in
Europe, two-thirds of whioh are of
German origin. .'' .
' It is said that the first weeping wil
low in England was planted by Alex
ander Pope, the poet.
- The cartmen who haul sand to Rome
for builders work 19 hours a day for
85 cents, and sleep in the stables with
their mules.
As an effect of the South Wales coal
strike, the Great Western, railway has
sustained a direct loss upon a carriage
of minerals of 188,000.
No restaurant in St. Petersburg is
allowed to have its bill of fare exclu
sively in a foreign language. By a re
cent edict a Russian version must al
ways be added.
f There aire .400,000,000 people in the
British empire, and the queen would
have to live another 70 years to enable
her to see all of them pass before lur,
if marohing night and day for all that
time. . '. . ,
...A reoent report issued in Germany
says that 8,574,501 heotoliters of beer
were absorbed in - Berlin in 1897, "so
that each inhabitant drank 206 liters."
In 1892 the average' consumption was"
169 liters. .'., ' . ; ;
The system of vaccination is so per
fect in the German army that smallpox
has been reduced to six cases annually.
All eoruits are re-vaccinated, and
there must be at least ten punctures in
each arm. '.".'-.
It is stated that Turkey lost less than
1,000 men in battle in the Greek war,
but 19,000 died in Thessaly of disease
and 22,000 were sent home invalided
and of the latter .8,000 subsequently
died. Among the dead were 17 army
officers. '
) - Why Teeth Decay.
The question to what extent the
alkaline earth salts in drinking water
affect the decay (caries) of teeth has of
late been studied in several quarters.
Statistics have been colleoted by Rese
in several looailties in Bavaria and by
Foerberg, in Sweden. ., These' have re
vealed the interesting fact that the
extent of decaying teeth bears a definite
relation to the hardness of the water;
in other words, to the quantity of cal
cium and magnesium salta in the earth
through which the water passes. The
harder the water the better the teeth ;
the smaller the quantiiy of these salts
the. greater the decay of the teeth.
Sudd. Api Zeitung. i
i : A Remarkable Plant. '
A flower known as the laughing
plant, which grows in Arabia, is so
called beoause its seeds produce effects
like those produced by laughing gas.
The flowers are of a bright yellow, while
the seeds resemble small black beans.
Some farmers are holding their wheat be
cause they think the price will go to $2 a
bushel. The price, however,, may go down
and thus great losses will follow. ' In all
matters delays are dangerous, particularly
so iu sickness. At the first sum of bilious
ness, dyspepsia, indigestion or constlpa-,
tion cure yourself with Hostetter's Stoni-:
nch BitterB. .
"' In the fallj cleanse your system by using
Dr. rtunuer's uregon mood .runner.
, A novel cure for consumption, it is
said, has been for some time in use by
Dr. J. B.' Murphy, of Chicago. The
remedy'oonsists in the hypodermic in
jection of pure nitrogen into the lungs.
delieioes besides
P Make money by succesful
Iff U L II I speculation in Chicago. We
llnrH I bu aud "u wheat on mar-
I 1 1 tall I gins. Fortunes have been
made on a small beginning by trading In fu
tures. Write for full particulars. Best of r
erenee given. Several years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chieago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices- in
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
Send for Catalogue. ,
WILL X FINCK CO. San Francisco.
Moore's Revealed Remedy will do it. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
bom Stewart 4 Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. -' "
t 'IT U ITKK 1 IThm ft Iff U fnr nni..t..Ml
noltoft. dfachargei, ludatumationa,
PraTenM oonutgioo, Pinl8B, and not atitrio
ITHeEvansChEMICAlCo, ent or Poisonous.
II. ft. a. J TPT sent in vlain wrannar.
or xpreHt, prepaid, for
IT.. IB SI .00. or S bnttlwa ?7i
' w .i - ... .
circular senc on request
x. r. n. c .
Mo. 43, '08.
HfiN writing to advertiser please
meKion ttii paper.
Women and the Wheel.
From the Qazctte, Delaware, Ohio.
The healthfulness of bicycle riding
for women is still a disputed question
between eminent physicians and health
reformers. ' ' . '
Used in moderation it surely creates
for women a means of out-door exer
cise, the benefit of which all physicians
cpneede. Used to excess, like any
other pastime, its effect is likely to be
The experience of Miss Bertha Reed,
the 17-year-old daughter of Mr. J. R.
Reed, 885 Lake street, Delaware, O. ,
may point a moral for parents who,
like Mr4 and Mrs, Reed, have experi
enced some concern; for their daughters
who are fond of wheeling.. In the fall
of '96 Miss Bertha, who had ridden a
great deal, began to fail in an alarm
ipg manner. She grew steadily paler
and thinner, and it appeared she was
going into consumption. Rest and
quiet did-her absolutely no good. A
physician found hep pulse at 104-- a
very high rate. Thinking this may
She Ridet Well.
have been due to , temporary : nervous
ness when he examined her, he watched
ber closely, but her pulse continued at
that rate for two weeks. He was satis
fied then, from her high pulse and
steadily wasting condition that she was
suffering from anaemia or. a bloodless
condition' of the body, .'she became
extremely weak, and could not stand
the least noise or excitement. In this
condition of affairs t jy were reocom
mended by an ; oM friend
to ' get 1 some of that famous
blood medicine, Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. They did
so, and almost from the first dose Ber
tha began to improve. She continued
to take the pills and -Was by means. of
those pills made entirely - well, and
more grateful people than her parents
cannot be found in 'the whole state of
Ohio. ' ." - '
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
proved a boon to womankind. Acting
directly on the blood and nerves, they
restore , the requisite vitality to "all
parts Ki the body; creating functional
regularity and perfect harmony
throughout the nervous system. The
pallor of the cheeks is changed to the
delicate blush of health; the eyes
brighten; the muscles grow . elastic,
ambition is created and good health re
turns. '! - '
The skin of the reindeer is'so imper
vious to the cold that anyone clothed
in such a dress, with the addition -of a
blanket of the same material may bear
the intensest rigors of an Atctiojwinter's
night... v y . "
. Nearly 1,000,000 women in Spain
Work in the field as-day' laborers; 850,
000 ' women are registered as day ser
vants'that is, they work for their food
and lodging. There is no such class
anywhere else. "
' ' . , Follow It lip.
Sit ddwn and cool off suddenly, and
then regret it, for stiffness and soreness
is bound to follow. Follow it up with
St. Jacobs Oil and you will have nothing
to regret from a prompt oure,.- v
.v.Wi 1 lamet I
Front and Everett Sts.
ScM tiling's
"A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture." .
Absolutely Pure,
.Costs less TWEE CENT a (inp..
. Be sure that you get the Genuine Article,
made at DORCHESTER, MASS. br
, ' Established 1780. ;
Roots crowned. Bridges Made.
Painless filling and extraction.
DR.T.H. WHITE -gStSsai
The waters of the Grand Falls of
Labrador have excavated a chasm 80
miles long. . . , ,
' " ' Seems to Get Ripe. '
' One complaint seems to get ripe in
autumn,), and . that is neuralgia. ,.To
soothe the pain, strengthen the nerves
and rid the system of it, use St. Jacobs
Oil, the best known cure. ; , ,
Copra is a preparation of the cocoanut
made in great quantities- in tropioal
islands all over the world.
When coming to. Ban Franciso go to
Brooklyn Hotel, .208-212 Bush street. ,
American or European plan. Room and ,
board $1.00 to f 1.60 per day ; rooms 50 cents
to $1.00 per day; single' meals 25 cents.4
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. , V.. . : , ,
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
There is a oafe in Venice which has .
never been olosed night or day, for 160 .
years. ; .. , ' " ' '
8100 REWARD 8100V
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
Jearn that there is at leant one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
in the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dls
ease, requlreB a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, 'acting ,
directly upon the blood and mucous snrfacel
oi the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.-. The pro-;
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75o. ,
HallWamily Pills are the best. ' ' ' '
if you want the best wind mill, pumps, ' ,
tank,s, plows, wagons, bells oi all sizes, ;
boilers, engines, or gciiprtil machinery, see
or write JOHN- 1'OOLE, foirt of Morrison v: .
street, Portland, Oregon.
The average weight of a brain is
greater in China than in any European .
country exoepting Scotland. ; , ,
ron Works.. .
INCORPORATED 1865. n ' r,
Manufacturers of Marine and' Stationary Engines and
Boilers, Saw , Mill, Flour Mill, Mining and Dredging;
Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers,'; Water
Wheels, etc. Agents for the John T. Noye Co. Flour
Mill Machinery. Huntley Mfg. Cos Monitor Grain
Separators and Scourers. Dealers in Excelsior Bolting;
Cloth, Mill and Elevator Supplies, Cotton and Leather
Belting, etc. . ; ? . ; -.. .-. i- ; .
, Bend your orders direct to us and get thibeue
flt of manufacturers' prices. ,
.Cawston.d Co-
Successors H. P. Gregory & Cej '
' ".' V J . ' ' ' . :'.,- ;' "-;' ' v,
48 and SO First St., 304 First Aye., S,
Portland, Or. ' - Seattle, 'Wasll,
I '