3food Iftver Slacier. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1S98. THE SAILS. ' Th mall arrived from Mt. Hood at 10 o'- clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts iame auys noon, for Chenoweth, leave) at 8 A. M. Tuesdays ana saiuraavs: arrives l o r. M, For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M arrives at o'clock p. M. ' Prom White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil' mer. Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays, w eanesuays ana v riaavs. SOCIETIES. Laurel Rebekah Dcorree Lodce. No. 87. 1. O O. F. Meet first and third Mondays In each month. MRS. FLORA uautlisi, jn. u O. Q. ChamiikklaIn, Secretary. Canby Post. No. 16. G. A. B.. meets at A. O. 17. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members in- Vlted to meet with us. FRANK NOBLE, Commander. . T. J. Cunning, Adjutant. Canby W. R. C., No. 16, meets first Saturday m eacn montn in A. u. u. w. nan, at i p. m. Mrs. AG inks uunnunu, rresiuem, Mrs. Ursula Dukes, Secretary. Hood River Lodne. No. 103. A. F. and A. M Meets Saturday evening on or before each rull moon. F. C. BROSIUS, W. M. W. M. Yates, Secretary. Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday night of each month. F. C. BROSIUS, H. P, G. E. Williams, Secretary. Hood River Chapter, No. 25, O. E. 8. Meets Saturday after each mil moon. Mrs. EMMA BROSIUS, W. M. Mrs. Rachel Heksuneb, Secretary. Oleta Assembly. No. 103. United Artisans. meets second and fourth Monday nights of eacn montn at f raternity nan. isrotneraanci sisters cordially Invited to meet with us. A. P. BATE11AM, M. A. 8. 8. Gray, Secretary. Waucoma Lodge, No. 80. K. of P., meets In A. u. u. w. nan on every ruesaay nignu ROBERT H. HUSBANDS, C. C. G. T. Prather, K. of R. fc S. Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. TJ. W., meets first and third Saturdays of each month. G. T. PRATHEU, M. W. J. K. Watt, Financier. H. L. Howe, Recoi der. Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets In Fraternal hall every Thursday night. . H. J. HIBBARD, N. G. O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS, For Slmmotids McDonald. saws go to Bone & A few pairs of ladles' gaiters at the Racket store. T. C. Dallas visited the county seat last Monday on business. . Mrs. Belle Doling returned last week from a short visit to her old home in Kansas. . t Alfalfa seed, white clover peed, red clover seed, timothy seed, fresh, at Bone & Mi'Doiiuld's. , G. Stevens returned Sunday from Daylon, Wash., where he has been for the past three months. Call early and have your teeth ex ami ned by Dr. Benjamin, dentist, who will lie In Hood Kiver Oct. Hand 15. Mr. Eugene Bush returned to Hood River last Friday, after taking In the eights of the metropolis for a week or two.. - I Mrs. A. I. Mason has moved In from their runnh nit tliA V.uut Mirta nnri hua taken rooms In the Langille house for the winter. E. H. Pickard, painter and decorator; estimates gratis; prices moderate; satis faction guaranteed.! Leave orders at Glacier pharmacy. Mr. J. B. Rand was taken quite tlck one night last week and required the services of a doctor. His trouble is ca tarrh of the stomach. Dr. Benjamin, dentist, will be in Hood River Oct. 14th and 15th, at Mt. Hood hotel. All those desiring dental .work should call early. Mrs. A. H. Cunning and sister Nellie returned from Marion county last week. Mr. Cunning remained at Fair field, where he is baling hops. ' Mrs. J. C. Marbley had the misfor tune, one day last week, to fall down st u Irs, and was so badly bruised that she had to keep her bed for several days. No bones were broken. ' Mr. Gerklng and daughter have re turned from Sherman county. Mr. Gerklng has rented the farm known as the Sherman place,, at Frankton, and will bring his family from Souih Bend", Wash., and occupy it for the next year. The spelling match in Prof. Allard's room, last Friday, resulted In all of t he eighth and ninth grades being spelled down but Laura Hill, Nettie Kemp and Percy Logsdon. These three held the floor till the professor got tired giv ing, mt. wrTta The pot hunters are again slaying the beautiful big gray squirrels that have come back recently to make their homes in the woods near town. The man who would kill these pretty creat ures, that do no harm to crops, is lost to all sense of the beautiful. They are not good eating, as they feed mostly on the burrs of the pines. The digger squirrels, which forage on fruit and farmers' crops of all kinds, are much better for the dinner pot. Mr! Clyde T. Bonney has placarded the public roads in all 'directions with his advertisments, and has sent them as far as Mt. Hood, Mosier, White Salmon ahd Camas Prairie. By judi cious advertising Mr. Bonney is mak ing his business known far and near, and it all tends to build up Hood River. When farmers come from a distanee to bring their beef cattle and other pro ducts to Mr. Bonney's market, 'they learn that Hood River Is a good place to trade in other lines, and they may be expected to do their tradingrhere in stead of going to The Dalles "or Port land. Well directed enterprise is bound to win. Belmont will celebrate Halloween by holding a social that is expected to out strip anything of the kind ever held in that fun-loving and sociable commun ity. Every one attending the social is expected to swipe the clothing worn on the occasion. The programme for the entertainment will consist of songs, and in place of recitations each one will give -an account of how he or she man aged to swipe the outfit of clothing in which they appear. Everybody is talk ing about the social, and it is bound to be a big success In point of numbers. Swiping has already commenced, and it is said that one Belmont girl has lost her switch of chestnut-colored curls and has no idea who swiped it. It will be the greatest event in Bel mont since the war broke the ronntry up and scattered the Belmouters all arouud. Pio-To-Bao for Fifty Cents. ' Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, . All drut't'ists. A well-known detective has said that no matter how 'perfect a man's disguise might be, certain technicalities in speech would disclose his identity. We don't suppose, for instance, that Mr. J. H. Shoemaker, by any assumption of wigs, costumes or cosmetics, could help remarking, "You understand the idea I mean to convey;" nor thatH.H. Bailey would cease to remark, "As the fellow says;" "nor his son Fred, "That is." Hon. M. P. Isenberg would say to his auditor, "Now I want to tell you." W. .1. Campbell would Insist on "laying all jokes aside," and Commis sioner Evans would ejaculate, in his forcible manner, "Ob, rats!" And there are others. , . . . i. The O. R. & N. is using a dredger to fill in the ravine at bridge 113 below Con Repp's place. A sand pump is being put in at bridge 114. These ma chines are doing away with the teams that were engaged lor trie worK. IS. W. Curran went to Walla Walla and bought five horses, which he now has on his hands. Last Friday two horses belonging to Mike Ostergard were killed by a train in the cut just below bridge 113, tie nad uougnt lue nor bps tor ran road work, and they weighed 1400 or 1500. , Mr. J. C. Boggs planted four pota toes last spring just lourorainary sized potatoes of the JNortn fole variety, Lust week he dug 155 pounds from the seed of these four potatoes. From one dozen potatoes of another variety he dug 2 sticks. The vines were irrigated three times early In tue season. .Now, while you are talking about your big yields of spuds, let us hear from Hard scrabble, or anybody who can beat the aoove. W. H. Bishop came down from Moro Friday morning, on bis way to Port- hind to attend the grand lodge K. or j Mrs. Bishop accompanied lilin to Pvri- land on Saturday. Mr. Bishop reports that the firm of Bishop & Cox is doing a big business in the lively town of Moro. it is a poor week tor business when the firm doesn't get one or more contracts lor building. W.'L; Clark came down from Idaho last week to set up a dredger for the O. R, & N. Co., for their work on the railroad at Viento. v Mr. Clark is eu g!t;ed in mining tu Payette valley, Idaho, where he has a placer claim Dr. Cams has so far . recovered from his late illness that he finds himself strong enough to undertake a long jour ney, and next Monday nimseit and wile will start for his old home at Mc Cune, Kansas. Mr. Jack Binns, who has been work ing for Chas. Hayner's threshing outfit in Hhenuau county, la home again He reports that Charley is holding his head way up since the advent or a sou in the family. .Harry liailey and wife moved up from the government fish hatchery at .Little White (Salmon on Wednesday. 1 Here being a very poor run or salmon this season, the hatchery had to be abandoned. I Ah emery wheel bursted in Perry McCrory's mill at Tucker last Monday. Mr. Mc'Jrory was working over it at the lime, and pieces sirucK mm on the arm and badly bruised it, but no bones were broken. Chas. Temple can sell mantle clocks, with alarm, as cheap as they can be bought at wholesale $4.25 to $4.50 and warrant them tor five years. Also alarm clocks, watches and watch 1 chains. '... The Mountaineer says a citizen of Hood River, d, d., got lu the city Jail Monday night. One night in the cooler sobered him, and he was allowed to depart because he had only 30 cents. Frank Noble and wife returned home from Portland on the delayed train Wednesday evening The train was delayed by the collision of two freight trains in Sullivans gulch. The O. E. C. will meet Saturday at 2.30 to consider the subject of uniting with the Red Cross society. All who are in lei es ted are requested to be present. R. O. Evans of Stevenson was in town lust Friday. He has completed his business building and will soon start a store in that thriving town. Dr. Watt has moved his office to the Langille building, over Williams' drug tore, where he has lilted up the two front rooms very handsomely. Master Everett Rand celebrated his sixth birthday last Tuesday by having a party. Quite a number of his play mates were present. Mr. F. Eggert of Portland, spent part of the week at his summer home n Hood Kiver, returning to Portland on Wednesday. - M. H. Nickelsen and W. H. Bishop re delegates from Waucoma lodge to the grand lodge K. of P. in session at Portland. -..;.. ' Andy Burdick has fixed up the old mill at the Rogers place for a dwelling house and moved Into it with his family. . ' Mr. John Koberg is building a silo to hold 15 tons. He will fill it with Ifalfa, of which he has two or three acres. Only first-class work done by Dr. Benjamin, dentist, of Portland, at Hood River, Out. 14th and 15th. Mrs. Lnngille came down from Cloud Cap Inn last Saturday, and the inu is now closed for the season. The O. R. & N. Co. have taken off the local train between The Dalles aud ortland. Wm. Yates, P. M.. is authorized agent for all newspapers and periodicals E. C. Rogers has just completed a barn, 42 by 33, aud has it well filled. Rev. J. L. Hershner expects to spend Sunday, October 23d, at Pendleton. Miss Emma Cunning is attending school at Mt. Moriah, Missouri. Austin Wilson Is proprietor of a cigar nd tobacco store in Corvallis. Doug. Langille and Mr. Geo. Booth went to Portland yesterday. Bone & McDonald are opening up a fine line of new dry goods. Special meeting o' Hobson camp M. W. A. this Friday evening. Whooping cough is prevalent in the Belmont neighborhood. " ' ". Lambs' wool slipper soles at the Racket Store. '" J. H. Cradlebough was in The Dalles on Monday. y Wanted, 50 wood choppers, by G. D. Woodworth. ' Educate Your Ilonrela'Wilh Casearets. Candy (Mthnrtii-, cure constipation forever. 10c, 35c. If C. C. C. f ai 1, druggihts refund niouey. Xoxo Haao.5.1ton. Rero n an i sll Same good quality and low price y5c Remnants of good Ginghams 5c Domet Flannel 6c Cotton Sweaters, good quality 50c Wool Sweaters, excellent quality, heavy 1.15 Men's oil grain, tap sole Shoes reduced from $2 to 1.85 First-class custom-made Seattle Logger's Shoe .... :..3.15 . . Our Hercules men's Shoes in lace and congress are unexcelled for winter wear. Full stock kangaroo kip, uuliued, sewed with ' waxed thread and silk; soles actually put on by hand; regular shoe maker's shoe, only $3.00. Our prices on most goods are lower than the department stores of Portland, still we are selling cheaper than ever. , THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Agents for Strauss Bros.' Famous Tailor-made Clothing. W. P. Watson is supplying the town with a good quality of celery of the White Plume variety. Little Ollie Burdick, 5 years old, who had typhoid fever at the Cascades du ring the summer, is now suffering with disease of the hip joints aud has been bedfast for nine weeks. Mr Samuel Koplin is making im provements on his bouse at Frankton, and is also walling up his well. Wm. Ellis, jrM last week treated him self to a new buggy made by Charles Rogers, the Frankton wagon maker. In consequence of the absentee of the worthy patron, worthy matron aud associate worthy matron, the Eastern Star cannot open a session, and no communication will be held until the annual meeting in .December, when matron or her deputy will be present The grass is growing nicely, and ac cording to the oldest inhabitant, there never was better feed on the stock ranges at this time of year. E. C. Rogers savs the corn husks are very thick this year, and that it is a sign of a hard winter. Theearly snows and the heavy migration of wild geese southward are more hard-winter signs. The hog melt is yet to hear from. C. S. Wheeler and family and Robt. Foley arrived home from Yakima on Monday. , L. E. Morse, the White Salmon mer chant, was in town yesterday. F. H. Button received a letter from a cousin named Pomeroy, who is home on furlough in Wisconsin. . Pomeroy writes he beiped take Miles to 1'orto Rico, and while in that tropical country lost 42 pounds of avoirdupois. When he got home his clothes wouldn't fit him. He - never was sick a day, and having no hospital record, is not in line for a pension, all or which makes him sad and weary. Beauty la Illood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean vour blood and keen it clean, be stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casearets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Born. In Hood River valley.October 4,1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hausberry, a daughter. In Monkland, Sherman county, Oc tober 2, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hayner, a nine-pound boy. ' Married. In Hood River, October 12. 1898, nt the residence of Mrs.' Belle Boling, William F. Gregory and Miss Alice Udell; Rev. J. T. Merrill officiating. Church Notices. Rev. F. R. Spaulding will be in his pulpit at the M. E. church next Sun day both morning and evening. Rev. J. W. Jenkins will preach in the Valley Cbristain church next Sun day morning and evening, and in the Odell school house at 3 o'clock. Services at the Congregational church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach at the morning service on "Walking with God." Sunday 'school -at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. m. Don't Tobacco Suit aud Smoke lour Mfe Anar. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netio. full of life, nerve and visor, take No-To- Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or SI. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Hobson Camp,M. W. A. A special meeting: of Hobson Camp.M.W.A. No. 6ti57. is called for Friday evening. Oct.Hih. for the purpose of Initiating candidates and transaction of special business. UttU. .V. MliUllfcl.L,, v. u. O. P. McFai.l, Clerk. . An Editor '8 Daughter's Dolls. The editor of Harper's Magazine, Mr. Henry M. Alden, has a daughter who has made a collection of over 100 dolls, each doll representing a different na tion and being made in that country. The collection is considered to be the most unique and finest of its kind in existence. Miss Alden is now to show the world her dolls, and explain them, and iu the next Issue of the Ladies' Home Journal she. will show pictures of the first twenty. In following Issues she will show the others. How to Prevent Croup. We have two children who'aresub- ect to attacks of croup. . Whenever an attack is Coming on uny wife gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always prevents the attack. It is a household necessity in this county, and no matter what else we run out of, it would not do to-be without Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than all other cough med icines combined. J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros., merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by Williams & Brosius. '. Three Doctors In Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. ,J "When you are sick, what you like best Is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place; what experience tells you is the best, to be chosen in the second place: what, reason (1. e.. theory) says is best to be chosen in the last place. But if you can net Dr. Inclination. Dr. Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consult ation togeiner, tney will give you tne best ad vice that can be taken." When you have a bad cold Dr. In clination would recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy because it is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Expe rience would recommend it because it never fails to eflect a speedy and per manent cure. Dr. Reason would rec ommend it because it is prepared on scientific principles, and acts on na ture's plan in relieving the lungs.open ing the secretions and restoring the system to a natural and healthy condi tion. For sale by Williams & Brosius. ' . Millinery. . , We have just received our fall stock of millinery, consisting of trimmed and walking hats, turbins, French bon nets, baby bonnets and trimmings of nu muus. miss Alice oranaiu will have charge of this department and will be pleased to see her friends aud old customers. R. Rand & Son. Are You Interested? The O. B. fc N. Co's new book on the Re sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho is being distributed. Our .readers are requested to forward the addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the work will be sent them free. This is a matter ALL should be interested in, and we would ask that every one take an Interest and for ward such addresses to W. H. Uurlburt. Gen eral Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co.,Portland: FOR SALE. Kverythlng in my store In the llneof dishes. stationery, school books, school supplies and confectionary is offered for sale at prices that defy competition. I must make room for Christmas goods. S. J. LA FRANCF. J. F. WATT, M. D., Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege, 1884. in general practice at Hood River, uregon. Burgeon for O. R. 4 N. Co'. Is especially equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat and diseases of women. (Special terms for office treatment of chronic cases. oU ' Good Ranch for Sale. Six miles below Hood River, on the river and railroad; well adapted for early fruit. Strawberries and other small fruita on the filace. Bearing orchard. Plenty of water for rrigation. Also, good timber for lumber or wood. For terms apply to oil CONRAf) REPP, Hood River. PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, Manufacturers of Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. HOOD RIVER. - OREGON. DALLAS & SPANGLER DEALERS IN Hardware, JUNES AND TMAEE, Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBERb' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. We have a new and complete stock of hard ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will keep constantly addine. Our prices will con tinue to be as low as Portland prices. Repairing: Tinware a Specialty. S5ofs., eocts. $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. This Great Cough Cuius promptly cure Where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Sera Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption It nas no rival; bas cured thousands, and will CURD YOU if taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chfit, use BH1LOH S BELLADONNA PLASTERJSc. CATARRH remedy; Have vou Catarrh ? This remed v in nmrtn. teed to cure you. Price, 50 eta. Injector free. Kor sale by CHAS. N. CLARK K. and SSOS'tfm NHd.l JtJ wiser- a mm im w a mL,' bone & Watch it next week, GO TO THE GLACIER PHARMACY, CHAS. N. CLARKE, Prop., - , For Drugs, Drug Sundries, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles Also, Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Everything 1 hJ?ve Pened a choice lot of Groceries In the siore room formerly occupied by the Hood River Pharmacy. Will also deal In Flour, Feed, etc. - Our erondfi ar all nnw nnrl p.hnloa nnH wn wlltnim tn b-aan 4ha haaf n imnc, - ,,t..i sales and small profits will be our motto. Come GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley. DEALER IN 3Dr3T G-oods, AND Flour, Feed, HOOD RIVER, Time Schedules. Depart iFr'mHOOD RIVEr ?Vkkive Fast - Mall 10:44 p.m. Bait Lake, Denver, Fast Mail 4:23 a.m. n worm.umana, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago ana tne r,ust. Walla Walla, Spo- Spokane Flyer 4:45 p.m. KaDe, Minneapolis St Paul,- Dututh, Spokane Flyer -7:45 a.m. jnuwauKee, uni cago and East. Dalles local daily ex. Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Dalles local daily ex. Sunday, , 8:4l p.m. THE DALLES. Sunday, Sunday, I2:4d p. m. 4,-ve p.m. From PORTLAND. 8 p.m. I Ocean Steamships 4 p.m. All sailing dates sub Ject to change. For San Francisco Sail Oct. 2,5,8,11,14,17 7 p.m. To Alaska- 6 p.m. Ball iSept. 17. Columbia River Steamers. 8 p.m. 4 p.m. Ex. Sunday Ex.Sunday. Saturday, 10 p.m. To Astoria and way landings. Willamette River. Oregon City. New- 4:30 P.m. 8 a.m. Ex-Sunday. Ex. Sunday berg.Salem & way landings. WILLAMETTE AND 8:30 p.m. 7 a.m. Tues. Thur. and Sat. Yamhill Rivers. Oregon City .Dayton and way landings. Mon, Wed. aud Frl. 6 a.m." Willamette River. 4:30 i .m. Tnes. Thur..Portlaod to Corval- Tues., Thur. andSat. lis & way landings. ana sat. Lv.Kiparla. 1:45 a.m. Lv Lewist'n Snake River. 5:45 a.m. dal- daily ex.Sat, Rlparia to Lewiston ex.Friday. ,!B W. H. HURLBURT, Gen'l Pass. AgentPortland, Or E. B. Clark, Agent, Hood River. (Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. The Dalles, Ore- ?on, Aug. 1898. Notice is hereby given that n compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tne sale oi urn oer lanas in tne states ot Cal ifornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," r . . GILFORJ' D. WOODWORTH, , Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 125, for the purchase of the northeast of northeast yL of section No. 21, In township 2 north, range No. 9 E., W.M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, ( iregon, on Saturday, the 29th day of October, 18!. tie names as witnesses: rea ivaniz. r ranK Davenport. Fred Hetz and John Nickelsen, all of Hood River, Oregon. Any ana an persons claiming aaverseiy tne above-de3cribed lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or beiore said 29th day of October, 1898. a2028 JAY l LUCAS, KegHtcr. 101 n F Reserved FOR Mcdonald, for it will interest you, and see us. C. L. COPPLE. BKfllllUIIW JHUJUJUHII HUH Hill ClotIzi.gv, Etc., Etc. OREGON THE- - "REGULATOR LINE." TIib Dalles, Porflanfl & Astoria Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. DailjM. Dfc oi Pertlai All Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. Leave The Dalles..; ....fi.4o A. M, Leave Portland 7.00 a. m. PASSENGER One way........... Bound trip RATES. ..J'l SO ... 2 50 Freight Rates Greatly Redu c d i W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. THE DALLES, -- OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct, ft, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the foll w-lng-named settler ha.1 tiled notice of his Inten tion to make final proof In support oi his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, nt The Da. lea, Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. 19, 1898, viz: FRED HERTZ. Of Hood River, Homestead Application No. 4422, for the north northeast. ' section 23, township 2 north, range 9east, VV. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiv tion of said land, viz: Samuel McCartney, Charles A. Bell, Frank Davenport and Mark M. Davenport, all of Hood Kiver, Oregon. o7nll JAY P. LUCAS, Register. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON. Attorney-at-Law, Abstracter, A'otary Public and Ileal Estate Agent. , 'For 21 years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many years experience In Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. ; , Pasture for Stock. I have good pasture, for horses. Plenty of water. 400 acren of grain stubble and EI00 of bunch grass. Terms reasonable. 830-iit J. P. NEEt'E. Moro, Or. Skin - Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady'g Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by For sale yb Williams & IJ'o.-iius.