The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 07, 1898, Image 4

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Are the danger signals of impure blood.
They show that the stream of life is in bad
condition, that health is in danger of
wreck. Clear the course by taking Hood's
Sarsaparllla and the blood will be made
pure, complexion fair and healthy, and
life a journey pleasant and successful.
UUU O parilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1 ; six for $3.
Hood's Pills cure indigestion, biliousnoss,
A pen oarrying a small electrio lamp
to prevent shadows when writing has
been patented in Germany. ,v
It is estimated that since the bee in
ning of the .historical era 18,000,000
persons have perished in earthquakes.
Ornithologists have discovered that
, orows have no lees than ST cried, each
distinctly referable to a different ao
tion. ,
The wages of ' Chinamen in Amoy
are $5 a month, whioh is 10- per cent
above the average wages prevailing in
China. .
The first Chinaman to offer his ser
vices as a soldier in the present war was
Ong Q. Tow, 8 wealthy merchant oi
Santa Ana, California.
The nests of the termites , or white
art are, proportioned to the size and
weight of the builders, the greatest
structures in the world. , ;',
The use of oxygon gas, either; pure
or diluted with pure air, is regarded
by Dr. George Stoker, of England, as
the speediest method of . healing
wounds. ' . .
There was sold In London the other
day a manuscript in the autograph of
William Cowpor, comprising the varia
tions made from the first edition of his
translation of the Iliad.
The artificial serum of common salt
and cooking soda (sodium chloride and
soadium carbonate) is used by an Italian
specailist. Dr. Tomnsoli, for the. treat
ment of extensive burns.
Fry Schilling's Best tea, and baking Sowder.
Elootro magnets capable of picking
up a loud not exceeding five tons are
usedj by an Illinois steel company to
transfer steel beams or plates from one
part of the shop to another.
And How Mrs. Pinkham Helps
Overcome Them.
Mrs. Mart Bollinger, 1101 Marianna
St., Chicago, 111., to Mrs. Pinkham:
" I have been troubled for the past
two years with falling1 of the womb,
leucorrhcoa, pains over my body, 6lck
beaduches, backache, nervousness and
weakness. I tried doctors and various
remedies without relief. 'After taking1
two bottles of your Vegetable Com
pound, the relief I obtained was truly
wonderful. I have now taken several
more bottles of your famous medicine,
and can say that I am entirely cured."
Mrs. HENBYDoRR,No.806Flndley8t,
Cincinnati, Ohio,, to Mrs. Pinkham : .
" For a long time I suffered with
chronic inflammation of the womb,
' pain in abdomen and bearing-down
feeling. Was very nervous at times, and
so weak I was hardly able, to do any
thing. Was subject to headaches, also
troubled with leucorrhcea. After doc
toring for many months with different
physicians, and getting no relief, I had
given up all hope of being well
again when I read of the great good
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound was doing I decided immedi
ately to give it a trial. The result was
simply past belief. After taking four
, bottles of Vegetable Compound and
jising'three packages of Sanative Wash
I can say I feel like a new woman. ' I
deem it my duty to announce the fact
vto my fellow sufferers that Lydla
E. Pinkham's Vegetable remedies have
entirely cured me of all my pains and
Buffering. I have her ' alone to thank
for my recovery, for which I am grate
ful. May heaven bless her for the
good work she is doing for our sex."
- .
Medical Illustration of What Can Be
Done With Electricity.
In dentistry no subject is more dis
cussed than . the painless filling and
extraction of teeth. Regarding the
fcftmer.Dr. Thomas H. White, when
seen in his office at 271 Morrison
street, near Fourth, said:
"That teeth can be filled absolutely
without pain is a positive fact, whioh
is demonstrated most every day in my
office. Teeth that are so sensitive that
the patient cannot endure an instru
ment to touch them oan be made thor
oughly Insensible to pain or feeling in
from 10 to 30 minutes, and can be
then filled or treated with ease. Yes,
electiioity in a great boon to mankind.
Just think of taking the nerve out of a
tooth in 10 minutes from the time of
the application of the electricity with
out the slightest knowledge of it by
the patient." The late - method of
bridge work invented by the brother
of Dr. White is a great improvement
on plates. '
el "Armstronr'a Combined Theory and Practice
f Bookkeeping are numerous. Investigate
!tiis new method of teaching. It la extremely
ntereetlng, thoroughly practical.
Going to Business College ?
Do not Jail to learn what and how we teach.
Oregon. Call, or write. Visitors alwajra !
ome. A. P. AkmiTkoho, Principal.
Nj Beat
Best Cough tiyrup. Tatties Good.
in lime. Moid Tij arowrists.
Coajts of Georfcia and South Carolina
Swept Property Loss Heavy.
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 4. For 15
hours, from' 8 o'clock this morning
until 6 o'clock tonight, Savannah has
been In the grasp of a West Indian tor
nado. During the day the wind blew
steadily from 50 to 70 miles an hour.
While the bity escaped with compar
atively little damage, the loss of prop
erty among the sea islands of the Geor
gia and South Carolina coasts is be
lieved to be heavy.
For miles in every direction around
Savannah the towns along the rivers
lire submerged. Only one fatality has
so far been reported the drowning of
a negro while attempting to reach the
land from a small island near Thunder
bold but heavy loss of life Is feared
on the South Carolina sea islands,
where such fearful loss of life occurred
during the great tjdal wave of 1893.
The conditions now are similar to those
during that storm. Owing to the sub
merged country and the Isolated loca
tion of the islands, no news can be had
from them until the water subsides.
For eight miles north of Savannah
the entire country is a lake, with only
the hummocks visible. At noon the
water was eight feet above the highest
tide. Driven on shore by the northeast
Storm, it filled up on the islands, swept
over . banks, and dams, carrying away
the remnant of the rice crop that was
left by the August storm, and had not
been gathered, arid wiping out farm
crops. The loss to rlceerowers alone
will be from $50,000 to $75,000. Of
the entire rice crop along the Savannah
river, valued at $25Q,000, all but about
15 per cent was lost in this and the pre
ceding storm.
The damage to shipping is considera
ble. The schooner Governor Ames,
jvhich was on her way to sea with a
cargo of 1,500.000 feet of lumber, went
adrift in the harbor, but was secured
safely. '
, The whaives at the quarantine sta
tion, at the entranoe to the river here
were partially carried away.
The telephone, polioe, light and fire
alarm wires are down, and the city is
in darkness.
On Hutchinson's island, opposite
Savannah, and separating the oity from
the South Carolina shore, many negro
families were rescued by boats from
the revenue steamers Tybee and Bout
Surgeon Protests Agnlnst Overcrowding
on the Obdam.
Santiago de Cuba, Oct. 4. Surgeon
Majoi Seaman, of the transport Obdam,
declares that there will be a repetition
of the awful horrors that have charac
terized the voyage home of the other
transports if moie sick soldiers are sent
on board the vessel for tiansportation
to New York. He says, that when the
Obdam left Porto Rico many on board
were sick, yet the first quartermaster
refused to furnish wine for theh use,
but supplied them with hardtaok and
canned food, saying that he had no
authority, to furnish wine. Surgeon
Seaman said he- would hold him re
sponsible should any deaths occur, and
finally succeeded In obtaining suitable
food for those who were ill. He asserts
,that the ship has every ; man that she
can cany, and that u she reaones JMew
York without any deaths occurring, she
will be lucky. ... '
Hearing that a number of other sick
soldiers were to be sent aboard her, the
Burgeon-major made a protest, and
Stated that he was informed by General
Lawton that his protest showed lack oi
discipline, and that an officer bad been
appointed to see how many additional
men the Obdam oould carry, Surgeon
Seaman says he will oable to Surgeon
General Sternberg a protest, disclaim
ing responsibility for whatever, may
Mayor M.oCleary, of Santiago, is en
deavoring to compel the merchants to
sell necessaries of life at reasonable
rates. ''
Serious Blow to the Town of Colorado
Springs Eight Blocks Burned.
Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. 4.
This oity had a visitation pf fire this
afternoon which threatened for four,
hours to destroy the entire business
district. The wind was blowing at the
rate of 45 miles an , hour from the
southwest when the fire started at the
Denver & Bio Grande freight depot, at
the foot of Cucharis street, at 2:10 P.
M., and the flames spread with great
rapidity. A strip four blocks - long
from north to south, and two blocks
wide from east to west, has been burned
over, but at this hour the conflagration
is believed to be under oontrol. The
flames are still leaping high over the
burnt district, but, the wind has died
down, and there is no doubt that the
fire engines, whioh have come from
Denver and Pueblo In response, to ap
peals for aid, will be able to confine
the flames within the present limits.
The Antlers hotel, one of the largest
in the West, three lumber yards and
two blocks of business houses' have been
destroyed. In round numbers the loss
is estimated at $1,000,000, and insure
ance at one-half of that amount.
San Juan de Porto Rico, Oct. 8.'
The meeting of the military commis
sion yesterday was private, rfhd no
news was given out' regarding what
transpired. The American troops now
oooupy fully two-thirds of the island.
New Steamship Line.
Vanoouver, B. C, Oot. ,4. The
Canadian Paoiflo railway will estab
lish another trans-Pacific line. The
steamers Tartar and Athenian,' of ovei
4,500 tons, will run between . Vancou
ver and Vladivostock, the termini of
the trans-Canadian and trans-Asian
lines, respectively. The Athenian
will sail first, loading here and then
proceeding to Seattle and Portland,
where grain will probably be placed on
board for Russia.
fin OvePttiofked Brain.
From the Record, Pierceton, Ind.
Determined to rise In his ohosen
profession as an educator, Ernest Kem
per, of PiercetOn, Ind., overtaxed him
iclf mentally and physically. He was
imbitious, his mind was always on
bis work. From early morn until late
at night be continually poured ovei his
"Burned the candle at both ends.",
Few persons, even with the strongest
constitutions, can keep op under such
a strain.. . . , ;
In addition to his studies, Mr. Kem
' per was teaching school some three
I ii t - Li. I Trt n. l I
n i ma lruijj ma jiuuja. . a many, ( um
excessive study and the exposure of
going to and from school in all kinds
if weather undermined his health.
He was taken to his bed with pneu
monia and his overworked brain al
most collapsed. For several weeks he
was seriously ill.
Catarrh had taken root In his system
and his mind was in a delioate condi
tion. He was sent to Colorado Where
he spent three months without receiv
ing any benefit. Then a noted special-
1st from Cleveland treated him without
ivuil, and then a hospital in Chicago
was tried, but all absolutely without
benefit. Finally his physician recom
mended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People, and from the first box he
began to improve. When he had taken
nine boxes be was completely cured.
This famous blood and nerve medicine
bad accomplished what all his former
expensive treatment failed to accom
plish. Mr. Kemper says his catarrh
has entirely left him: he ; is strong
again and weighs .nine pounds more
than he ever did. He gives the pills
the entire credit. He Is starting teach
ing again and feels abundantly able to
continue the work. To prove that
the above Is true in every respect, Mr.
Kemper made an affidavit as follows: .
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this the 10th dav of September, 1897.
' R. P. WATT, Notary Publio.
We doubt if these pills have an equal
in all the range of medicine, for build
ing up a ran down and debilitated sys
tem. '-.,..
' A Thorough Sport. .
The Deaoon "Young man, don't you
know that there's a rainy day coming?"
' Spendthrift "Mebby there is, but
I've got $5 that eays the weather man
won't call the turn. . Come, now, 'If
you've got any nerve show yonr
money." "
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, beHs of all sizes,
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon. ;
I neve.r used so quick a care as Piso's
Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer,
Box 1171, Seattle, Waah., Nov. 29, 1895.
Lotteries In Old Havana.'
In Havana the stranger's attention
is arrested by the venders of lottery
tickets, who stand on the street corners
with a pair of shear in one hand and
sheets of lottery tickets in the other,
ready to out off any number for buyers.
They are very adroit, and are apt to
persuade the credulous that they will
draw a fortune in the soheme. These
licensed lotteries are one of the great
evils there, especially to", the Spanish
people, who seem to be born gamblers,
and for whom the chances of dice,
cards, and lottery tickets appear to
have an irrestible charm, all classes In
Havana dealing in them habitually.
CITS Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousnes
Ilia after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FBEB 88.00 trial
bottle and treatise. DR. B. H. JLLHS.U1 lid,, 930
ajecti street, Philadelphia. Pa. .
A curious fact has been noted by
arotic travelers. Snow,, when at a very
low temperature, absorbs moisture and
d))S garments. ;
No household Is complete without a bottle of
Iho famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It Is a pure
tnd wholesome stimulant recommended by all
physicians. ; Don't neglect this necessity.
The time required for Niagara to out
its gorge has been variously ; estimated
at from 7,000 to 85,000 years.
Latest for the Toilet Table.
' The newest arrangements, for Mi
lady's toilet table is that tiresome arti
clo, a hair receiver, or rather a new
variation on it. It is of chased silver,
gilt lined, and there's a hole in the
cover into which lost locks are thrust.
' Land-Crab of Cuba.
These creatures are larger than a
sea-crab, and live entirely on the land.
They run with great speed, even out
stripping a horse. At seasons of the
year they migrate in large bodies from
one side of the island ' to the other, in
columns sometimes half a mile wide,
and so dense aa almost to stop a car
riage on the road tjiey may be crossing.
These columns overcome every obstacle
in their direct line of march, even high
mountains. It is supposed that these
migrations are prompted by the in
stinct of propagation, as the crabs oeek
Jbe sea shore, deposit thir eggs, and
cast off the old shell. These crabe.are
so common about the city of Matanzas
that the inhabitants often reoelve the
sobriquet ' of "oangrejo. " They are
frequently found in the houses, and in
some casea even' under the beds. '
There is a species of conch which
makes similar marches through the
country In immense bodies. . These are
called pirates, from a very curious habit
they display. , This creature, which re
sembles a snajl, has the ability of de
taobiqg itself from the shell, which,
for some reason, H temporarily leaves
at times; and while its bouse Is thus
vacant, another, passiing, will back its
body, ' tall foremost, " into the empty
shell, and keep possession. .
The Pony Express.
At first the schedule was fixed at 10
days, an average of eight mils an hour
from start to finish. This was out
down to eight days, requiring an aver
age speed of 10 miles. The quickest
trip made was In carrying President
Lincoln's Inaugural address, which was
done In seven days and 17 hours, an
average speed of 10.7 miles per hour,
the fastest time of any one rider being
120 miles, from Smith's Creek to Fort
Churchill, by "Pony Bob," ha eight
hours and 10 minutes, or 14.7 miles
per hour. . Considering the distance
and difficulties encountered, such as
hostile Indians, road-agents, floods, and
snowstorms, and accidents 1 to horses
and riderB, the schedule wbs main
tained to an astonishing degree. The
service created the greatest enthusiasm
not only among the employee, but
also fh the ranks of stage employes,
freighters, and relsdents along the
route. To afd a "pony" in difficulty
; was a privilege,' and wde be to the man
who would so much as throw a stone in
the way.
TJnole Sam's Watch focto.
At the United States naval observa
tory is an expert official at the head of
a department probably the most per
feet of Its kind in the world whose
duty is to keep in hand for the use of
the navy thoroughly tested chronome
ters, a Work whioh requires much oare
and attention six months in the year.
For this pui'pose, says The New York
San, a temperature loom is connected
with the chronometer and time service'
department, In whioh the testings a remade-,
under the- influence of a bydro
tnetrfo condition of the atmosphere.
Comparisons are made daily between
11 and 11:40 O'clock, morning, with
the mean time standard clock, and the
errors and rates are worked trp once a
week, from these mean rates calcula
tions being made and comparisons to
the nearest quarter of a second. The
temperature Is closely observed each
day and recorded for the previous 24
hours by a chrnomethlo thermometer,
and by self-registering maximum and
minimum thermometers. The room Is
heated by circulation of hot water,
the fuel being gas, and is cooled by an
ice refrigerator when a temperature is
required below that of the' outside at
mosphere. For the six colder months
the temperature room is kept within a
range of two degrees.
It Is said that western capitalists are con
templating the organization of a great bicycle
company, which hopes to make first-class
wheels and sell them as low as $10. Whether
this be true or not. the fact remains that Hos
teller's Stomach Bitters is a flrst-oloss remedy
for the stomach, liver and blood, and the price
puts It within everybody's reach to be well and
strong. For fever and ague It is a specific
,: In Sweden there are floating can
neries. They are small vessels, which
follow fishing fleets, and men on them
can the fish while they are fresh.
There rs more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last row years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced It a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney St Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Is the only constitutional cure on thJ market.
It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to
a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood '
and mucous surfaces of the svstem. Thev offer
one hundred dollars for any case It fails to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonial!. Ad
dress, f. j. chenis x & uu., xoieao, u.
told hy Druggists, 75c.
all's Family Pills are the beBt. ;
: In Sweeden there are floating canner
ies. They are small vessels which fol
low fishing fleets, and men on them
can the fish while they are fresh. "
money tack
'A' Schilling & Company San Francisco
Established 1780.
celebrated for more
than a century as a
delicious, nutritious,
and flesh-forming
beverage, has our
Yellow Label
on the front of every
package, and our
trade-mark,"La Belle
Chocolatlere,"on the
Dorchester, Mass.
Front and Everett Sts.
ft.' :'-V;.'
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers. I, C. Hubingef Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a .beautiful present with each package of
Starch sold. These presents are in the form of
They are 13x19 inches In size,
Lilacs and
5 mm m fs
AS Wtirfi rlrSl
mc pound or
These rare pictures, four In number bv the renowned pastel artist,
R. LeKoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
In his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, ana are pronounced by competent clitic:i,&i-k5if Ji-:
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the hotnev nothing surpassing
tnem in Deauty, rienness oicoior ana
, One of these pictures EPM "
will be given away W 29
with each package of 1MB I
purchased of your grocer. It is the
is sold for 10 cents a package. . Ask
beautiful picture.
Seymour - Keyes a postmaster at
Manheim, N. Y., has an apple tree
which was brought from Holland in
the 17th oentury. It still bears fruit.
Under the laws of China the man
who loses his temper in a discussion
is sent to jail for five days tooooldown.
doe t
Mate money .'uoceiful
speculation in C ..iicago. We
buy and sell w.'ioat on mar-:
ginS. Fortunes hlvn Vimwi
made on a small beginning by trading in fu
tures. Write for full particulars. Best of ref
erence riven. Several years' exnerlenon on t.ha
: Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
I ledge of the business. Bond for our free refer
I enee book. DOWNING, HOPKINS Co.;
. Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in
ronianu, uregon ana Seattle, vvasn. ,
Is It Wrong? i
Get it Right'
Keep It Right'
Sloore's Revealed Remedy will do it. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house , ot
irom Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Boattle.
Plata or with Cutter. Tire be'st nccujle In the maiv
ket. used by all sack sewerX Tor sule by all uea
eral merchandise stores, ot by
.' . " Will MNCK CO.,
820 Market Street, 6an Francisco, Oalt
K. F. M. P. " So. 4lT'&
UEN writing; to advertisers please)
mention this paper.
Cawston & Co.
Successors to H. P. Gregory a Coj
48 and 50 First St., . 304 First Ave., S.,
Portland, Or. Seattle, Wash,
Iron Works...
Manufacturers of Marine and Stationary Engines and
Boilers, Saw Mill, Flour Mill, Mining and Dredging
Machinery, Shafting, ; Pulleys, Hangers, Water
Wheels, etc Agents for the John T. Noye Co. Flour
Mill Machinery. Huntley Mfg. Co.'s Monitor Grain
Separators and Scourers. Dealers in Excelsior Bolting
Cloth, Mill and Elevator Supplies, Cotton and Leather
Belting, etc . , ,
' Send your orders direct to us aa get the bctie- .
fit of manufacturers' prices.
and are entitled as follows:
stiff ahd.nce
Lilacs and
Bul'GnT nW
artisnc merit. ,
g f
Bs i J J? L
best laundry starch on the market, and
your grocer for this starch and get a
Vm Hie H for niint.nral
r Irj 1 to A day.
diHcriurKOK, inriiimiimtiona ,
liritatiojitt or uli-oratiotia '
of 111 fi ct u n mem b rimes.
u tiara DtBea
not to tritfiure.
BFreveou ooatacion.
ItheEvans Chemical 0q. ft"1 or nocuous.
i-niuiofi.i, ana not agtrla
0.8. A. j$F-jYt 88111 " Phtin wrapper.
ny uxprHs, prepaid, ro
win, irii wtjuesfa :