3ffod River Slaciei FRIDAY," OCTOBER 7, 1898. THE MAILS. The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesday aud Saturdays: de parts ie same days a' soon. r or uaenuwecQ, leaves afcn v. w. xueauays ana aaturaavs: arriveH at. r. m. for White Salmon leaves aMly at I P. M Arrives at (I o'clock P. M. . Prom White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, rroui iaice ana uienwooa Monuays, Wednesdays and b ridavs. SOCIETIES. Laurel Rebekah Decree IjOd.ee. No. 87. 1. 0. O. F. Meets first and third Mondays in eaeb. month. jMKS.kl.oka jHAKTjUh;, jn. . O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary. . Canbv Post. No. IB. G. .1. R.. meets at A. O. V. W, Hall, first Saturday of each month atzo ciocK p. m. All u. A. it. memDers in vited to meet with us. FRANK NOBLE, Commander. T. J. Cunning, Adjutant. Canby W. R. C, No. 16, meets first Saturday - oi eucn montn in a. u. u. w. nan, ai t p, in. Mrs. aukks uuJNmiNi, rresiaem, Mrs. Ubsftla Dukes, Secretary. .. , Hood River Lodsre. No. 103. A. F. and A. M Meets Saturday evening on or before each tun moon. ' ir. u. bhosius, w. m. W. M. Yates, Secretary. Hood River Chapter, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday nivht of each mont h. F. C. BKOSIUS, H. P. G. E. Williams, Secretary. Hood River Chapter, No. 25, 0. E. S. Meets Saturday alter eacn run moon. Mrs. EMMA BKOSIUS, W. M. Mrs. Rachel Heushneb, Secretary. Oleta Assembly. No. 103. United Artisans. meets second and fourth Monday nights of each month nt hraterntty hull. jBrotnersana sisters coraiany invuea to meet wnn us. - A. P. BATE) t AM, M. A. S. S. Gray, Secretary. Wnucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In A. O. U. W. Hall on every Tuesday night. ROBERT H. HUSBANDS, 0. C. G. T. Prather, K. of R. & S. Riverside Lodge, No. 88, A 0. U. W., meets first and third Saturdays of each mouth. G. T. PRATHER, M. W. J. F. Watt, Financier. H. L. Howe, Reoo der. Idlew.lde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets ta Fraternal hall every Thursday night. H. J. HIBBARD, N. U. O. G. Chamberlain, Secretary. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. A few pairs of ladies' gaiters at the Racket store. Mrs. Dr. Barrett went to Portland Tuesday morning. Dr Whittaker, dentist, will be in Hood River Oct. 12th. Larov Purtuenter of Canly is visit ing his aunt, Mrs. Alma Howe. . Hon. J. W. Morton is chairman of the house committee on horticulture. Alfalfa seed,' white clover seed, red clover seed, timothy seed, fresh, at Bone & McDonald's. r Mr. W.J. Campbell is laid up from ' the effects of a fall two weeks ago, when lie liroke a ril. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noble went to Portland yesterday, to take in the ex position and visit for a week or two. Call early and have your teeth ex amined by Dr. Bi'iiiamin. dentist, who will be in Hood River Oct. 14 and 15. The aged brother of Mr. C.G. Roberts is quite sick. Dr. Hollisler came down from The Dulles on Monday to attend him. . E. H. Plckard.piifnter and decorator; estimates gratis; prices moderate; satis faction guaranteed. Leave orders at Glacier pharmacy. ' Miss Ruth Rigby has a good many fine i-pecimens-of Indian arrow heads, which she picked up during the past fjuiumeron I lie Idlwilde property. i. Hon. J. W. Morton's mother arrived here last week and is visiting her son's family. Next Monday all the family will accompany her to her home at tsalem. , . ' J. P. Neece of Moro, Sherman coun . ty, advertises in the Glacier that he has good pasture for stock and will take horses to winter on reasonable terms. . . TV.- I a 11 At Acme Steam (Janner over 100 quarts of fruit, peas, beans and fish without the loss of a single jar. Call and see the caunerat S. E. Bartmess.' Mr. Henry Hayes, nephew of Mrs. CI' Koplin, arrived here from Nebraska two weeks ago and now has charge of Hon. J VV. Morton's ranch while the latter is attending the session of the legislature. ,Captaln and Lawrence Blowers re turned Monday from a trip to Golden da.le, going by way of Grant fn their own conveyance and traveling alto?" ....fKt.. nl...i,t ISA ...ilr... WI.a.. An..H that very little rain has fallen above The Dalles Uncle Oliver Bartmess went fishing oii his birthday, last Baturday, and caught nine tine trout and a dolly vur den. Although Uncle Oliver is now in his ei gin ieth year he 'enjoys life'ias much as any one and is one of the live liest boys in town. , Dr. E. T. Cams, who was taken sick with hemorrhage of the lungs about six weeks ago aud has ever since been . under the doctors' tare, is now mend ing slowly. Last week he was moved from the Mt. Hood hotel lo rooms in Mrs. George P. Crowell's residence. Members of A. C. church met last Sunday, October 2d, and organized a Sunday school, 29 persons being pres ent. They met in the old armory hall, and will meet every Lord's da at I o'clock. Every one is cordially invited to attend. Secretary. ' The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm. It also heals the injured parts more quickly than any other treatment, and without the burn is very severe, does not leave a scar. For sale by Williams & Brosius. Zan Edwards' Tennessee Students fave a good show in Hood River last 'riday night. The five singers and , performers are colored, and three of them were of the original Jubilee Singers. Zan Edwards is a whole show in himself. , .. G. D. Wood worth is putting in a new portable saw mill on Samuel Mc-J .;artney's tiinoer claim. The tratne tor the mill was put up by Fred Hertz, and the machinery is now being re ceived. The mill will cut about 25,000 feet of lumber a day. Mr.. L. Nealeigh brought In a hand some hunch of grapes, lat Thursday, which he intended sending to 1 he ex position but found that Mr. mith had gone with the Hood River exhibit. The bunch is not very large, but the grapes are packed solid aud hide the stem and weigh pounds.' Thay are of the Black Hamburg variety. Mr. Doug Langille was in town for several days, unable to return to Cloud Cap Inn on account of the deep snow that fell there on the night of Septem ber 2!)th aud at intervals since. The storm on the mountain, he says, was the worst . he ever saw. .Two feet of snow fell aud the strong winds drifred it in .planes nine feet deep. The roads were impassable and Doug was detain ed from going to the inn with his team until Tuesday. Fortunately the tel ephone kept in working order, though snowed under in many places, and Mis. Langille was enabled to commu nicate with Doug. She had the as sistance of Elmer McCray. Drs. Sturdevadt & . Whittaker, den tists, of The Dalles, have decided lo open an ollice in Hood River. Both gentlemen are graduates oi reputable dental colleges, and beside this, are men of experience. They intend mak ing regular trips to Hood River. Dr. Whittaker will he in Hood JKiyer on Wednesday, October 12th, and will re main several days. . The Pine Grove school,! district 7, will commence next Monday with Troy Shelley as teacher. Mr. Shelley is an old citizen of the valley, has fterved six years as county school super intendent, and no man is more com- peteutto teach a uood school. The Pine Grove school is to lie congraulated upon securing the services of Mr. Shelley. Dr. R. W. Benjamin, dentist,of Port end, was in ' Hood River last Friday and Saturday and sent out bills an nouncing that he would open an omce at the Mt. Hood hotel and make fre quent visits to attend, to the wants of our people in his Hue. lie comes well recommended. . Please hear. in mind that Bradley's gallery will be open on Thursdays. Fri days and Saturdays only during the coming fall and winter. Mr. Bradley is now taking orders for enlarging photos and will give other days of the week to this work. A petition was presented tothecoun- ty court at its session this week, asking that Hood river be made a public high way. Commissioner iivans was in structed lo procure the necessary right of way, and his report will be present ed at the next term ofacourt. .. The Travers Book and Curio club met last Friday evening, and after the i-eadiugor tne minutes or the previous meeting it was moved and, seconded that the club adjourn until next Fri day evening, Oct. 7th, at 7 o'clock, and t lie motion carried. Mr. Chas. Davis has bargained to sell his 80-aere place on the East Side lo u. A. wyman lor S.OUU. Mr. Uavls aud family will move to his ranch near Kingsley, 25 miles south of The Dalles. The ladies of the M. E. church will hold a pie festival on Friday evening of this week in A. O. U. W. hall. Ev erybody come and uet a lunch on pie and other good things. All for 10c. Mrs. C. L. Gilbert, son and duuahter, are expected home next week. They have been visiting in the East since July. Mrs. Gilbert's mother died at Peru, Indiana, September 17th.. The Truvers literary club met last Monday evening at Dr. unti Mrs. Watt's residence. There was a good attendance and all enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mrs. Allard read theesay. Last Friday the eighth and ninth trades of the Hood River public school iiad a spelling mutch in which Percy Logsdon won the prize a box of choice candies. Mr. C. H. Stranahan is rjrenarinff to build a dwelling house and a barn on his ranch in Sherman county, and in about six weeks wi'il move there with his family. Mr. W. J. Campbell hus resigned as supervisor of the Frankton road district and J. r. Armor has been appointed by the county commissioners. . Mr. J. L. Atkinson of Portland is in town. He is itist recovering from the effects of a fall, by which mishap he broKe lliree bones in ins toot. The first frost of the season spread itself over the valley on the morning of October fitu. Ice covered the mill pond at Woodworth's mill. Dr. Benjamin, dentist, will be in Hood River Oct.. 14th and 15th, at Mt. Hood hotel. All those desiring dental work should call early. The Barrett school, PI. L. Howe teacher, commenced operations Mon day with 40 DUDils asrainst 32 first dav last year. j -EVS, Udell returned from Wasco 'uesday. He says there has not been enough rain in Sherman county to lay the dust. . : The continued rains have damaged ! the prunes that remained on the trees. us well as the apples that were on the ground , Miss Alice Frazier, who fe attending school in Portland, came up on the boat last Friday for a short visit at home. Dr." Olive Hartley of Wasco is snend- Ing.a few weeks at Hood River, visit ing her brother, Col. O. B. Hartley,and family. Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Purser spent last week in Portland, visiting friends and attending the exposition. John L. Henderson hus been suffer ing from blood poison, caused bv a slight cut on his knuckles. Only first-class work done by Dr. Benjamin, dentist.of Portland.at Hood River, Oct. 14th and 15th. F. M. Jackson and W. A. Lockman are among those reported on the sick list with the grip. i Station Agent Clark is carrying bis neck in a sling , while nursing one of Job's comforters. . Grand show of new heating stoves at Denzer'sat prices to accommodate the poor and rich. 8. J. LaFrance went to Portland Tuesday to see the exposition and buy new goods. Miss Hester Howe, who is teaching the Vieuto school, spent Saturday at home. A spelling bee was held at the resi dence of'Capt. Dukes Wednesday eve. Win, Yates, P. M., is authorized agent for all newspapers and periodicals Mrs. T. J. Cunning went to Portland yesterday for a week or ten days' visit. Harness oil that makes your old har ness look like new, at Denzer's. Col. Hartley returned on the boat yesterday from The Dalles. E. D. Calkins returned from his Klickitat ranch yesterday. - About 150 pupils are now enrolled in the Hood River school. , Our "Fast Mall" working shoes $1.85. This is a bargain, and they will not last long. No fake about it. Usual J2.25 shoe now $1.85. , Few fall weight Boys' suits, to close, at $1.10. Meu's Pants, Neverwearout brand, 95c. . Our prices on everything, shoes, notions, corsets, shirts, belts, . laces, etc., can't be beat anywhere. We can prove to you by their catalogues that our prices are far below the Portland department stores. And, besides this, our Bhoes are warranted. ' v THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Mr. E. J. Foley of Lane county, nephew of M. Foley, has been visiting bis uncle with his family. He likes Hood Riverandexpeetstocotneback in the spring to make his home here. Mr., G. W. Backus came up from Portland Tuesday and will remain at Hnod River for the winter. ; Lambs' .wool slipper soles at the Racket Store. Mr. C. L. Aubel is moving to Port land. R. M. Hunt and family returned from the Yakima hop fields on Mon rln v. Tliev o-Hthel'pd in tliA shekels at the rate of$5 a day for a family of flveK"6 ra"8 to an.d. tt.. Z.a ji7Kif-, BiVnianent cure. Dr. Reason would ret- Underwood Brothers of White Sal mon have sold to E. C. Goddard of Portland their old homesteads, consist ing of 820 acres, for $B,000. They still have half a section left, some of the most productive land on the Columbia. Read of His Own Death. Mr. Fred Hertz will make final proof on his homestead at The Dalles land office next month. Mr. Hertz about three years ago bad an experience that not often happens. He read of his own death aud was mourned by his friends as having crossed the dark river. The circumstances of his reported death were as follows: He had met with an accident in a saw mill and received in juries to his head which caused loss of memory, ana lie sometimes was uuanie to recognize acquaintances. Realizing that something was wrong with him, without saying anything to his friends he decided to go to Portland and con sult the advice of physicians. None of his acquaintances saw mm leave, out 1 he last seen of him he was sitting on a rock on the river bank near Vieuto. A few days after his disappearance the body of a man was found washed ashore on a point of land some distance below Viento, on the opposite side ot the river. Some of his most intimate acquaintances pronounced the find the bony or .Fred Hertz. Hertz read oi nls death in the Oregonlan. After spend ing a few days in Portland he went to California and placed himself under the care of the skilled doctors in the asylum at Stockton. The doctors tre panned his skull and he got well. On returning to Hood tuver be found tnat Ids old neighbors had believed the re port of bis death. His cabin had been broken into and all his personal prop erty, including a kit of millwright tools, and even the top of his cook stove, was carried off. His trip to Cal ifornia cost hun $o00, but he will never begrudge the money, as he is now a sound man and his memory is as good as ever. Beauty Is Ulood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drue- gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Gone East. Jucge L. Henry and wife left on Tuesday night's train for their old home at Hastings, Nebraska. The judge is one of our most prominent citizens and successful irmt growers. From his residence block in town, about three-quarters of an acre, he sold strawberries, blackberries, peaches, cherriw, pears and vegetables to the amount of $184.50 the present season. Besides this he shipped 50 crates of prunes for which he has not yet got re turns. If any fruit grower or rancher in Hood River or vicinity can beat this record for a small piece of land we would like to hear from him. The judge is an old soldier and served three years in the civil war. He is a past commander of Canby post, G. A. R., and is at present quartermaster of the post, an; office lie has held for several years and for which he is eminently qualified; Canby post would be poor indeed without Judge Henry to look after its finances. The judge is a leader in the populist party of the county and state, but never was a fusionist. He always pays for his Gi-ACIR in advance, and we wish we had many more popu list subscribers like him. His friends are glad to know that be and bis good wife can enjoy a trip East and a visit to the Omaha exposition and hope they may return safe from that country of cyclones and-blizzards before snow flies. ' Don't Tobacco Spit and. Smoke lour Life lnT. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlo, full ot life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Boo, the wonder-worker, tliat makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or SI. Cure guaran teed. Booklet, and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York. Among the many things that should receive consideration at the hands of our legislators is the matter of our road laws. They do not need revision; they should, tie discarded and an entirely new system devised. Pjineville Jour nal. J. The second ballot ut fealem, on Wed nesday, resulted same ins the first 36 for Corbet t, balance sciittering. for men we have cut the price to Three Doctors in Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are sick, what you like best Is to be chosen for a medicine In the 11 rut place; what experience tells you Is the best, to be chosen in the second place; what reason (i. e., theory) says is best to be chosen In the last place. But if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consult- anon logemer, tney win give you tne oesi aa vice that can be taken." When you have a bad cold Dr. In clination would recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy because it is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Expe rieuce would recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and ommend it because it is prepared on scientific principles, and acts ou na ture's plan in relieving the lungs,open- mg uie secretions ana restoring tne system to a natural and healthy condi tion. For sale by Williams & Brosius. County Endeavor Convention. The fifth county Christian Endeavor convention was held at The Dalles October 1st and 2d. The following so cieties were represented by delegates, namely: Union of Dufur, Congrega tional and Christian of The Dalles, Christian and Congregational of Hood River. Mrs. John Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bateham and Miss Mellie dinger were present from Hood River. The principal addresses were delivered by Rev. J. H. Wood, Rev. Mr. Boltz, and Rev. D. V. Poling of The Dalles. H. C. Bateham, president; Mrs. Hart ley, vice president, and Mrs. J. F. Ar mor, junior superintendent, are the of ficers chosen from Hood River. The next convention will- be held about .May 1st, in the Congregational church, iooa Kiveij . Educate Tour Uonrel. Wit h Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, ure constipation forever. 100, 25c If C. C. C. fail, driieiiim.a refund money. 'List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in Hood River postofflee Oct. 1, 1898. Backes, J J Brown, Harry . Brown, H Davis, Miss Ethel Edwins, Mary Francis, Albert F Johnson, Mrs J S Jolex, Mrs Ida McBee, Ed McMurry, Samuel Marshal, W D Marshal, Mrs Ella G Potter, Mrs H B Rand, J C Reed, A F Sun berg, Fred Southwick, R H Williams, F Born. In Hood River valley, September 28, 1898, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellis, a daughter. In The Dalles, September 28, 1898, to Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Henderson of White Salmon, a daughter. Died. In Hood River valley, October 1, 1898, of diabetes, Roy, son of B. F. Shoemaker, aged 16 years. Roy Shoemaker was a youth of more than average intelligence and gave promise of a bright future. He was taken sick at Goldendale, where be was imployed on the Sentinel, and about a month ago came home to re cuperate but disease had taken a firm hold and he grew gradually worse un til his death last Saturday. By special request of deceased, Superintendent Gilbert, his former teacher, came from The Dalles and delivered a short ad dress at the residence, and Mr. T. J. Cunning spoke briefly at the grave, Capt. P. 8. Davidson and wife left on Monday for their home in Wiscon sin. They expect to return to Hood River and have not yet given up hopes of the early removal of all obstacles to the building of the big saw mill. Mr. B. Warren has sold his Oakdale property to Mr. David N. Byerly for 600 dollars. No-To-Bao for Fifty Cent. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, tl. All druggists. Millinery. We have just received our fall stock of millinery, consisting of trimmed and walking hats, turbins, French bon nets, baby bonnets and trimmings of all kinds. Miss Alice Graham will, have charge of this department and will be pleased to see her friends and old customers. R. Rand & Son. Are You Interested? The O. R. & N. Co's new book on the Re sources of Oregon, Washington and Idaho Is being distributed. Our readers are requested to forward the addresses of their Eastern friends and acquaintances, and a copy of the work will be sent them free. This is a matter ALL should be interested In, and we would ask that every one take an interest and for ward such addresses to W. H. Uurlburt. Gen eral Passenger Agent, O. R. & N. Co.,Fortland. FOR SALE. Everything In my store In the line of dishes, stationery, school books, school supplies and confectionary is offered for sale at prices that defy competition. . I must make room for Christmas goods. S. J. LA FRANCE. bone & Mcdonald, Successors to Wolfard & Bone. CARRY A FULL LINE OF Grerxerstl 2v ercliaii dise, Also, a full line of Groceries. GO TO THE GLACIER PHARMACY, ' CHAS.,N. CLARKE, Prop., For Drugs, Drug Sundries, 7 Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles.'1 Also, Paints, Oils and Wall Paper. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Everything I have opened a choice lot of Groceries In the store room formerly occupied by the Hood River Pharmacy. Will also deal In Flour, Feed, etc. . Onr eroods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keen the best at all times. O.ulck sales and small profits will be our motto. Come GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in ths valley. J ' ' ' DEALER IN . V IDr3r G-oods, Clot!b.Ian.g:, .. ; AND ;: . : ' . G-eneral ZLercDn.a,:n.d.Ise, ; Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. HOOD RIVER, ----- - OREGON DALLAS & SPANGLER DEALERS IN Hardware, STOVES AND TINWARE, Kitchen Furniture, ' PLTJMBERb' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. We have a new and complete stock of hard ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will keeD constantly addinsr. Our prices will con tinue to be as low as Portland prices. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. Planet Junior band and horse Cultivators. Studebaker Wagons. Canton Clipper chlUeBdte,e?d ' Plows & Cultivators, All styles and sizes. For Repairs Give me a call. Extra Shares and Plow Parts Always in stock. H.F.DAVIDSON. JOHN -LELAND HENDERSON. Attorney-at'Law, Abstracter, Notary" Public ana Meal ,staie Agent., For 21 years a resident of Oreiron and Wash ington. Has had many years experience in Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, Aue.23, 1898. Notice is hereby given that incompliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of Cal ifornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," GILFOR7. D. WOODWORTH. Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 125, for the purchase of the northeast yi of northeast of section No. 21, in townsnip i norm, range ino. v e.,vy .oi., ana will offer nroof to sbow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles. Oregon. on Saturday, theVth day of October, 1898. He names as witnesses: Fred Kantz. Frank Davenport, Fred Hetz and John Nickelsen.all of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file tneir claims in mis omce on or oeiore saia 28th day of October, 1898. . azrozs jai r, liUUAB, itegister. Pasture for Stock. , I have good pasture for horses. Plenty of water. 400 acres of grain stubble and 800 of bunch grass. Terms reasonable. , sawn," j. . Kimun;, mot", ur. PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, Manufacturers of Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. O OD RIVER. - - - - - - -' OREGON. and see us. C. L. COPPLE. THE-- "REGULATOR LINE." & Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. All Freight Will Come Through wnnour ufiiav. .v Leave The Dalles............. ft.45 a. m. Leave Portland , 7.00 a. m. PASSENGER RATES.) One way .; $1 50 Bound trip , 2 50 Freight Rates Greatly Red ucd W. C. ALLAWAY, - ' General Agent. THE DALLES, OREGON Time Schedules. Dkpaet Fr'm HOOD RIVER , Abkivb Fast Mail 10:44 p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, FnsP Ft Worth.Omaha. Mall Kansas City. St.; 4:2il a.m. Louis, Chicago ana me r.asi. Walla Walla, Spo- Spokane Flyer 4:45 p.m. Kane.Minneapoiis St Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chi cago and East. Spokane Fljvr . 7:45 a.m. Dalles local daily ex. Sunday, 10:45 a. m. Sunday, 12:45 p. m. Dalies local dally ex. Sunday, H:4ii p.m. THE PALLES. Sunday. ' 4:(IK p.m. From PORTLAND. 8 p.m. KJcean Steamships 4 p-m. All sailing dates sub ject to change. For San Francisco Sail Oct. 2.5,8,11,14,17 7 p.m. To Alaska- 6 p.m. Sail iSept. 17. 8 P.m. Columbia River ! . 4 m, . 8TEAMEHS. !l?.v.iini!n-- Ex. Sunday aiuraay, 10 p.m. To Astoria and way. landings. Willamette River. 4-n m Oregon City, New- Ex'-Suiiday-berg.Salem fe wayi landings. , 6 a.m. Ex. Sunday WlI.I,AMET1Ti ANO () p m 7 a.m. Yamhill Rivers. jy,jn Svd. Tues. Thur. Oregon'Clty.Dnytoni aIll'i j,'ri. and Sat. and way lundingti.! 6 a.m. Tues, Thur. and Sat. Willamette River. 1 t-m ,n Portland to Corval- TuP8.,Thiir. ilea ffuj muuiugQ. ana pat. Lv.Rlparia. 1:45 a.m. dally ex.Sat, Snake River, 's-jt.,. m .,1. T .' 1 .AM'lufM Riparia to Iewiston ex'ricoy. 1 W. II. HURI.BURT, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or E. B. Clark, Agent, Hood River. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rhenm and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is withont an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and' its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cadys Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Soldbjr For sale by William & 1.'.'o,.uk