The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 30, 1898, Image 4

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    Feed Your Nerves
Upon rich, pure, nourishing blood by tak
' ing Hood's Sarsaparilla, and you will be
free from those spells of despafr, those
sleepless nights and anxious days, those
gloomy, deathlike feelings, those sudden
ofufta of mnva iirtViln(ra fiirn f VTefitin
symptoms and . blinding headaches.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done this for
many others it will cure you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
s America's Greatest Medicine. 1; six for (S.
Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. 25 cents.
Can't Please Everyone.
A woman who keepa house to suit
herself and family says one of the
moat dlffloult and also one of the most
necessary lessons for a housekeeper to
learn is, in order to be successful, she
must assert her individuality; it is
useless to try to please everybody. It
is surprising to notice how many
things in our limnea are ' done directly
with an eye single to our neighbors.
Detroit Free Press.' , ,
I believe Tiso's Curo is the only medi
cine that will cure consumption. Anna
M. floss, Williaiusport, Fa., Nov. 12, 189;.
Certain butterflies have very. trans
parent wings and these are thought by
Hasse to be even more effectual for
protection than conspicuous "warning"
stripes or other markings. ',
There i more Catarrh in this section of tho
country than all other diseases put together,
arid u 11 VII Ul IftDl IUW ym a xna DUii)unt;u lu
Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounccd It a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly lulling to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Bcienco has proven catarrh to bo a constitu.
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh. Curo, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
is the only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken intornally In doses from JO drops to
a teaspoonful. It acts directly on tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer
one hundred dollars for any case It fails to
cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
koki ny uruggisis, 'ou.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. ;
An Australian physioian, O. J. Mar
tin, has expressed his conviction that
it will soon be possible to procure a
serum that will neutralize the poison
of snakec.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tn.nks. nlnwfl. wnimns. hells nf all sizes.
- , 0 , - ,
hnl on, onmnna ffpnorii mnf hinppv SPA
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Mormon
street, Portland, Oregon. . .
The increased use of aluminum in
the arts is being recorded constantly in
the teohnioal press, and possibly Its
most recent application ia lor printer's
type. ' ;
No household is complete without a bottle of
the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure
ind wholesome stimulant recommended by all
physicians. Don't neglect this necessity.
Large numbers of flintlock guns six
feet long are made in .Birmingham,
England, at $1.50 each, and many of
. these weapons find a ready market in
Darkest Africa. . ' '
CIT? Permanently Cured. Hp (Its or nervonsnes
1 1 u after iirsl day's use of Ir. Khiie's Ureat
Nerve Restorer. Send for FKKK S.00 trial
bottle and treatise. DR. B. IX, KLLNii, Ltd., MO
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. '
The, prinoipal ingredient of Spain's
new and mysterious explosive is be-
, heved to bo printer's ink.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
It seems almost too bad, but young
Alfonso XIII probably will have to
learn his geography lessons over again.
As a rule, a man's hair turns gray
five years sooner than a woman's.-
From Mrs. Rank to Mrs. Pinkham.
: The following letter to Mrs. Pink
ham from Mrs.. M. Rank, .No. 2,.1B4
East Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia,
Pa., is a remarkable statement of re
lief from utter discouragement. She
says: ' :
" I never can find words with which ;,
to thank you for what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done
for me. , -
' " Some years ago I had womb trouble
and doctored for a long time, not see
ing any improvemept. At times I
would feel well enough, and other
times was miserable. So It went pn
until last October, I felt something
terrible creeping over me, I knew not
what, but kept getting worse, I can.
hardly explain my feelings at that
time. I was so depressed In spirits
that I did not wish to live, although I
had everything to live for. Had hys
teria, was very nervous; could not
sleep and was' not safe to be left
" Indeed, I thought I would lose my
mind. No one knows what I endured
" 1 continued this way until the last
. of February, when I saw in a paper a
testimonial of a lady whose case was
Bimilar to mine, and Who had been
cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound. I determined to try It,
and felt better after the first dose. I
continued taking it, and to-day am a
well woman, and can say from my
heart, ' Thank God for such a medl-
Mrs. Pinkham invites all suffering
women to write to her at Lynn, Mass,,
for advice. All such letters are Been
and answered by women only,
Moore's Revealed Remedy wllldolt. Three
doBes will make you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
bom Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. ,
Make money by succesful
speculation in Chicago. We
buy and sell wheat on mar
eins. Fortunes have hean
made on a small beginning by trading in fu
tures. Write for full particulars. Best of inf
erence given. Several years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the bUBineBS. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co.,
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in
Portland, Oregon and Seattle. Wash.
J Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good,
I." Use 3
Hi t a-'1" 1 Ml rr ir ft il
Happenings Both at Home
, and Abroad.
Interesting; Collection of Items From
Many Plaees Culled From tho Prew
iieports of tbe Current Week.
Over 10,000 people witnessed the
opening of the Portland exposition
Thursday night. ? , ' .
The state fair opened at Salem,
Thursday. Most of the stock, poultry
and exhibits are on the ground.
Mr. Angell, our late minister to
Turkey, reports that the sultan repudi
ates the American claims, and recom
mends a naval demonstration to bring
him to time. ,
Major-General Miles, commanding
the United States army, has completed
his plan for the reorganization of the
volunteer forces into corps, divisions
and brigades. , This plan has been sub
mitted to the war department for ap
proval. It contemplates a reorganiza
tion of the volunteer foroe whioh has
not been ordered mustered out.
Frank P. Myers shot and killed John
Lenhart, constable, and M. Kerns, by
stander, at Garrett, Md., while resist
ing eviction from a house whioh was a
subjfcct of a family dispiuto. ' He then
barricaded the doors and windows, but
was finally captured by the sheriff. As
he was being taken to jail, some one
in the orowd shot 'the. prisoner and he
fell dead.
Aocording to special dispatohes from
Peking, members of the European com
munity there believe the emperor of
China is in danger. It is added that
the dowager empress desires to plaoe
Prince Kwang's grandson on the
throne. The emperor realizes the
strength of the conspiracy against him
and has ordered the guards at the pal
ace strengthened. -
A dispatch to the London Globe from
Hong Kong ports gives the details of a
secret convention signed -recently ' at
Peking. It appears that the Chinese
thereby concluded an agreement with
St. Petersburg by which China ceded
Port Arthur and Talien Wan, stipulat
ing ' that . only Russian and Chinese
warships should enter or dock at Port
Agninaldo and his chiefs have made
a plea to the powers ' for' recognition of
belligerency and independence.., An
gonolllo, his agent, who. was a passen
ger on the steamer China, is on his
way to Europe to submit the question
to foreign arbitration. Before proceed
ing to Europe, Angoncillo will stop in
Washington ' and attempt to impress
the administration with his appeal.
No mention of the United States nor
any American force is made in the doc
ument which he carries. . , . ' -
Cambon. the French ambassador at
Washington, is to be transferred- to
Gomez has issued a general order to
the army under his command to the
effect that Spaniards1 must have con
sideration shown them, and American
orders obeyed.
The navy department 'has ordered
400 sailors . to be sent to Admiral
Dewey's squadron at Mnila to take the
place of . sailors whose terms of service
have expired.
General Blanco has issued art order
authorizing the soldiers of the Cuban
army to travel unarmed on railway
trains In the provinces of Pinar del Rio
and Havana. .
As far as new discoveries went, the
expedition sent out by the university of
Pennsylvania to study North Alaska
from a scientific standpoint has been a
failure. .Three. men of the narty re
turned to Seattle on the Excelsior.
Nearly 12,000 specimens, weighing
tons, were brought back.
The report that the last Spanish gar
rison in the island of Luzon had sur
rendered is premature. Tlip Spaniards
still hold seven seaports in Albay prov
ince, the principal hemp district.
The disturbances have already resulted
in the diminution of the output of Al
bay hemp .by 250,000 bales, as com
pared with last year's figures.
Advices from the Orient state that
China and Japan have been viBited by
thunder storms and destructive floods
in which many hundreds ot people have
lost their lives. The region north of
the Anshang mountains has been inun
dated for hundreds of miles by the Yel
low river. Several hundred thousand
persons have been plunged into the
deepest distress, and many into abso
lute penury, which local authorities
are unable to alleviate.
News reooived at San Francisco re
ports the loss of the schooner C. O.
Funk, on Flanders island, on July 81,
with 10 of her orew. 0(nly two seamen
were saved, and but one body has been
recovered. The list of the drowned is
as follows: Captain and Mrs. Nesson
and two children, aged 8 . and 5 years,
respectively; A. Hansen, chief mate;
J. Stump, second mate; Charles Olsen,
Peter Neilson, Charles Joahansen and
Peter Anton,-able seamen. Tbe vessel
was driven aBhore by a gale and went
to pieces in the surf.
Minor News Items. .
. Russia's common soldier gets $2.25
a year. . : -1 .
Our daily output of powder is 16,000
tons. 1 . ,
Cuba has 16,000,000 acres of virgin
forest. ' '' "
War has doubled the price of aimy
horses. ; : a.
Italy's war department utilizes $15,'
000,000 a year. -..
General Sir Herbert Kitchener has
.been elevated to the peerage by the
British government , as a reward of
The. American evacuation commis
sion at Havana has been officially noti
fied that Manzanillo will be evacuated
October 8.
The Italian government has sent to
Russia a diplomatically worded accept
ance of the czar's invitation to take
part in the peace conference. " . '
Damage to the amount of about $30,
000 was caused by fire in the Hotel
Vendome, San Jose, Cal., which is one
of the finest hotels on the coast. '
The New York transport Yucatan,
has arrived from Ponce," having on
board 185 men belonging to the various
regiments sent Home for muster out.
The president has appointed Harvey
Humphrey, of Washington, special
agent to allot lands in severalty to the
Indians on the Colville reservation in
Washington. "
The Farmers' bank in Flora, Ind.,
was looted, the robbers securing about
$12,000. Cashier William Lennon,
who was aroused by the noise, was shot,
and probably fatally' injured. Blood
hounds were put on the trail of the
General Nunez of the Cuban army,
refutes all statements to the effect that
Cubans, were In league, with Spaniards.
.Cubans, he says, could not so far forget
themselves as to form an alliance with
the Spaniards, who have so cruelly op
presed thorn, against tbe Americans
The commission to investigate the
conduct of the war department held a
secret meeting Monday. Nothing' can.
be learned as to what transpired. The
commission decided to hold two. ses
sions daily, one from 10 A. M. to 12:80
P., M., and the other from 2 to 4 P. M.
The first word that has come to
Washington from the American mem
bers of the peace commission since their
departure was received at the navy de
partment Monday, being a cablegram
requesting that Captain Bradford, chief
of the equipment bureau, be sent at
onoe to Paris to assist tbe commision.
, , A new. and highly important inven
tion has been tested at the German
naval maneuvers at Berlin. It was in
the shape of a Greek Phoemoian fire,
invented by a Berlin engineer. It ig
nites on contact with the air or water,
and cannot be quenched ,' by either
water or . earth. It burns with a bril
liant flame, exoeeding big searchlights,
and it oan be sunk under -water or un
der ground, and, when brought to the
But face, instantly bursts into flame at
any desired point. It was tested 'dur
ing the night evolutions off the island
of Heligoland, and off Kiel, and proved
most efficient in detecting the presence
of the enemy. ; . ,
The work of raising the Cristobal
Cololi has now been taken up by tho
navy department. :
' The steamer Rosalie has arrived at
Seattle with 110 passengers from Klon
dike, and $40,000 in gold dust. ; ' '
A recapitulation of the reports of the
board of health shows a total of 124
cases in the state of Mississippi.
The war department will not enter
tain applications for discharge, ex
cepting they reach it through military
channels ' . '
- News has been received from Ju
neau, Alaska, of the drowning of W.
Nulling, of Michigan, and W. H. Lock
wood, of California. ,
The Louisiana board of healjth makes
the official announcement that Frank
lin has had 101 cases to date. Five
persons have died there.
An official dispatch from S. Louis,
Senegal, in West French Africa, says a
force of Soudanese sharpshooters in
the Frenoh servioe defeated an army of
Sofas under one of Samoily's .chiefs,
capturing 5,000 men.
The moBt beautiful of the souvenirs
of the great naval battle of July 8, off
Santiago, has reached the navy depart
mnt from Guantanamo. It is a bronze
bust of Christopher Columbus, taken
from the flagship Cristobal Colon,
which lies below the surface of the
ocean, 20 miles from Santiago.' ;
'Advices frm San Francisco say Gen
eral Shatter will soon return to resume
his station as commander of the depart
ment of California, relieving General
Meriiam, ' who will probably be as
signed to his former duties as com
mander of the department of tho Colum
bia. '
The steamship Topeka has arrived at
Seattle with 150 Klondikers, 90 per
cent of whom have Utile or no dust
, Tbe passengers report that H. Fraser
and E; L. Tolner, both of Seattle, were
held np by two men near Haines' mis
sion and robbed of $4,800 in gold.
The body ot Ike Martin was found near
the scene with a bullet-hole through
the head. He had been robbed of
$4,000. j ,
At a meeting of the Frenoh cabinet
Monday, all the ministers being pres
ent, a decision was taken in favor of a
revision of the trial of former Captain
Drevfus, and tbe documents in the case
wilf be sent to the court of cessation.
Crowds of people outside the ministry
of the interior, where the cabinet coun
cil was held, loudly oheered the minis
ters. The legality ot the proposed re-;
trial proceedings most be passed upon
by the court.
America's wheat crop for 1808 Is esti
mated at 70,000,000 bushels. ' ,
.. Every Spaniard is liable, to be called
to military service on attaining 20
years of age.
The annual report of the commis
sioner of pensions shows that there
were 6,836 pensioners residing in the
state of Washington on Jnne 80 last,
and they were paid $780,877 during the
year just closed. In Oregon there were
4,982, who drew $712,008 during the
12 months embraced in the report.
Reported by Downing, Hopkins & Co., Inc.,
Board of Trade -Brokers, 711 to 714 Chamber ot
Commerce building, Portland, Oregon. , .
On the advance of 8c to 5c in wheat
at Chioago last week shoits covered
freely. They put the September to
67 , and the December to 64 5-8. It
looked at the close Saturday as if the
demand from the shorts had been ap
preciably relieved. At the same
time that the speculators were taking
in their contracts at Chioago the sea
board shippers were covering theirs
freely. There was a letting up in the
demand of both sorts during the dos
ing days of the week. Brokers with
export connections said the inquiry for
cargoes was not what it had been. The
commission people with relations in
all directions said the southwestern
and northwestern shorts bad materially
relieved their anxiety. So far as the
speculative position is concerned it did
not look as bullish last Saturday as it
did a week ago. The bear liquidation
on the advance had evened the pit up.
From being very bearish the local
crowd seemed to have become bullish;
a pretty good indication of what has
been going on." . '.
Last week's receipts were in excess
of the week : previous, although the
spring wheat movement was curtailed
somewhat by showery weather. There
were heavy clearences, largely flour.
There was a very bewildering shipping
situation most of the week. Local
receipts were so" small there ' was a
scramble from millers, elevator owners
and cargo people to get the desirable
grain. Yet the : demand was not gen
eral. On the same days some of the
most active of brokers would call the
demand poor, while others would call
it sharp, indicating that the 'smallness
of the stocks and the" lightness of the
arrivals did not require many orders to
make the demand look large to a man
who had an order for a cargo. There
were over 8,000,000 bushels at piimary
markets during the week, half at the
two Northwestern points. Duluth and
Minneapolis were strong in spite of
their heavy arrivals, but the biggest
single buyer in those markets was 8
Chicago elevator operator, Armour.
Seattle Markets.
Tomatoes, 50c per box. .
Cucumbers, 10 15c pei doz.
. Onions, $11.25 per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, $1214. . v .
Beets, per sack; $1. ' ; : ; ;
Turnips per. sack, 75o. ' '
Carrots, per saok, 75c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.'
Beans, green, 2 80.
, Green corn, $11.25 per saok.
: Cauliflower, 6O0 per doz..
Hubbard squash, 11 o per pound.
Cantaloupes, $1.25 per box. . ; ,
Celery, 4050a -
Cabbage, ' native 1 and California
$1.50 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 50c$l per box.
'Pears, 50c$l per boa. ' ' "
Prunes, 20 40 per box.
Butter Creamery, 25o per . pound;
dairy and ranch, 1520c per pound.
- Eggs, 28o; .-. 1. , ' . .
, Cheese Native, 11 12c.
Poultry Old hens, . 18 14c per
pound; spring chickens, $3 4.
. Fresh meats Choice dressed beef
steers, prime, 67c; cows, prime,
6c; mutton, 7o; pork, 56o; veal,
56o. "' " . '
Wheat Feed wheat, $18 19. . ;'
Oats Choice, per ton, $2022. "
Corn Whole, $28.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$2.324; whole, $22.,
"Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
straights, $3.25: California brands,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.76; Graham,
per barrel, $3.70; whole wheat flour,
$3.75; rye flour, $4.
Millstuffs Bran, per ' ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $16. ' ' ','.
Feed Chopped feed,' $1721 per
ton; middlings, .por- ton, $17; oil cike
meal, per ton, $35. ,
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.50
10; choioe Eastern Washington tim
othy, $13.
Portland Market. ,
Wheat Walla Walla, 59 60c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 6263o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.85; graham,
$2.85; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 8435c; choice
gray, 83 84c per bushel. '
Barley Feed barley, $2021; brew
ing, $22 per ton. .
Millstuffs Bran, $14 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $14; chop, $13 per
ton. , - " '
Hay Timothy, $1011; clover. $9
10; Oregon wild hay; $9 10 per ton.
Butter Fancy" creamery, 45 55c;
soconds, 4045o; dairy, 4045o store,
2530o. '
Cheese Oregon full cream, 11 12c;
Young America, 12c; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34
per dozen; hens, $3.504.50; springs,
$1.253; geese, $5.006.00 for old,
$4.505 for young; ducks, $4.00
5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12
12a'c per pound.
Potatoes 45 50c per sack; sweets,
22Jc per pounn.
; Vegetables Beets, 90cj turnips, 75o
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o per . dozen; parsnips, 75c
per sack; beans, 8c per pound,; celery,
70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 50c per
box; peas, 83c per pound. ? ; '
Onions Oregon, 75o$l per sack.
Hops 8.10o; 1897 crop, 60.
Wool Valley, 1012o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair,
25c per pound. . .
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8)0; dressed mutton, 7c;
spring lambs, 7c per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.78;
light and feeders, $3.00 4.00; dressed,
$5.506. 80 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8.50$3.75;
cows, $2. 50 8. 00; dressed beef,
66Jc per pound. 1 1 .'. !
Veal Large, 66c; small, 6
7o per pound, -
Furniture tor Battleships.
Thefurnitureof tbe battleships Kear
sarge and Kentucky, orders for the
making of which have just been re
ceived at the Portsmouth navy-yard, is
to cost nearly $100.000. Chicago Tri
bune. ' ;
If the Untted States and England shonld
form an alliance, the combined strength
..nuMVuiiAoatthflt t.hprA Vrttilii tiA lft.tlA
! chance for enemies to overcome us. In a like
I manner, when men and women keep np their
! bodily strength with Hostetter's Stomach
' Bitters, there is little chance of attacks from
1 disease. The old time remedy enriches the
I blood, builds up the muscles, steadies the
nerves ana increases me uppttu te. jtry j.
, The cost of fuel on steam railroads
is about 10 per cent, of the operating
expenses and on electric roads it is
about 6 per cent. ! " ''
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only and we Wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
Genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
y ,the California Fia Sykup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other parties.-
The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Sykup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
; the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance .of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
"Champion" Chemical Fire Engines, Hook and Ladder Trucks, Hose. Certs, 8toamr
era, Fire Hydrants, and a full stock of Fire Department Supplies.
"Keystone" waxed Cotton Fire Hoa, having a record for long service that
: cannot be equalled. It is the best made; send for a sample aud you will learn why.
Baliootk Klre Kxtl.ijfiilghers. The "Jiabcock" is the recoghlised standard ex
tinguisher universally nsedln the Fire Department Service. Every extinguisher leav
ing this plant is tested 800 pounds to the square inch, although the working pressure is
only abntit loo pounds. Made o.' heavy solid copper, with a spun top; no riveted joints;
has a shut-off nozf.le, whereby the operator oan control the Btream, this being the
most essential point in a fire extinguisher.
Beware of any fire extinguisher not having a shut-off, lest It be a cheaply con
structed machine, not oapable of confining the pressure generated. Cheap imitations
are on the market, made of light material, with riveted joints, and so cheaply con
structed as not to be able to hold the pressure were it Confined for but a moment. "
6 CAL. SIZE $30.00 ' v 3 CAL SIZE 815.00
, Including Supply of Chemical Charges with Each.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
Starch sold. The6e presents are in the form, of a
They are 13x19 inches In she,
Lilacs and
1 feQumiiKOCoowNff" IMS
These rare pictures, four In number, by the renowned pastel artist,
R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects
In his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public.
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.
Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
them In beauty, richness ot color ana
One ot these pictures
will be given away
with each Package of
purchased of your grocer. It is the best laundry starch on the market, and
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get a
beautiful picture. .
your tea; don't boil it.
"Directions in every pack
age of Schillings Best.
Almonte, Ontario, hus a woolen mill
factory whioh uses oompressed air as
motive power.' ,
Exposition Visitors at Portland.
'To those visiting' Portland and the
great exposition who are in need of the
latest devices in crown""' and bridge
work, also in filling teeth, we desire to
state that you can have this work done
in from one to two days while in Port
land, and the time necessary to do tbi
work will not kefcp you from attendin
the exposition, and the pain, will not
be so as to unlit you for enjoying the
same. Crowns restore teeth and bridges
do the same without plates. Dr. T. H.
White, No. 271 Morrison street, cor
ner Fourth, Portland, Or. ,-V
' . From the well-known
Portland Business College
serves as a life long testimonial of thorough
preparation for an cilice position- The Intro
duction of "Armstrong's Combined Theory
and Practice of Bookkeeping" enables us to
do better work now than Over before. Investi
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