The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 30, 1898, Image 1

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    The Hood River Glacier.
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 19.
Both Branches of the Legis
lature Down to Business.
JoNeph Simon Klocted President of the
Hdimtti IS. V. Carter, Chairman
of the House
Salem, Sept. 20. In obedience to n
call issued by Governor Lord, the Ore
gon leislature convened in special sos
. sion at tlie state cupitol today.
The senate was called to order at
10:10 o'clock by Taylor of Umatilla.
. Temporary officers were elected vjpon a
Biriot party vote of 24 to 6.
A committee on credentials was ap
pointed, consisting of Ben Selling, G.
W. Proebstel and William Smith. .-'
The senate adjourned until 10:45 to
give tho oommittee on credentials a
chance to make their report. The re
port was adopted whon the senate re
convened, and the new members were
sworn in by Chief Justice Wolverton.
- The resolution providing for peima
nont organization was presented by
. Reed of Douglas, and was adopted.
The election of officers proceeded,
with the following results:
President Joseph Simon, of Mult
nomah. -
Chief olerk S. L. Moorehead, of
Assistant chief clerk J. F. Yates,
of Multnomah. ,
Reading clerk J. D. Lee, of Mult
nomah. '
Calendar clerk Frank C. Middle
ton, of Multnomah."
Sergeant-at-arms Joseph S. Pur
dom, of Grant's Pass.
Doorkeeper W. W. Smith, of Clack
amas. Mailing olerk V. H. Humphrey, of
Pages Harvey Boll and Frank Hart
man. The minor officers of the senate were
then sworn in. ,
A resolution calling upon the secre
tary of state for his report on the finan
cial condition of the state was pre
sented and adopted. -
The rules of the session of 1897 were
, Mulkey of Polk, introduced a resolu
tion for a joint committee of two from
each house to examine and report upon
i the books of the secretary of state. It
carried. 7 v
A bill was introduced by Brownoll
of Clackamas, to repeal the. act creat
ing the state raHway commission, and
passed to its second reading.
' Mackay of Multnomah, introduced a
bill to provide new pilotage rules for
the port of Portland.
Daly of Benton, introduced a bill to
reduce the statutory rate of interest to
0 per cent. . '
The senate then adjourned until 10
A. M. tomorrow. , :
Sept. 27. The senate convened at
10 A. M. After the reading of the
journal, President Simon announced
standing committees as follows: ,
Agriculture and forestry Looney
ivuuy, vjimu. - Nu
. x i x n,r.ii '.
Assessment anu laxaiiuii in uikuj',
Mackay, Porter, Cameron, Taylor.
Claims Howe, Fulton, Daly' of
Commerce and navigation Selling,
Howe, Proebstel. ( '.
Counties Mackay, Taylor, Howe,
Cameron, Patterson.
' Education Kuykendall, Harmon,
Porter. ' , " ' ' - r
Elections and privileges Harmon,
Brownell, Wade. '
Engrossed bills Daly- of Benton,
Roed, Miohell. . '
Enrolled bills Patterson, Mulkey,
Cameron. ' V
Federal relations Driver, Pioobstel,
Fishing industries Reed, Miohell,
Bates. :
Horticulture Daly of Benton, Pat
terson, Looney.
Insurance and banking Haines,
Adams, Bates.
Printing Michell,' Selling, Haines.
In igation Proobstol, Cameron, Mor
row. , . if ' -
.Judioiary Fulton, Biownell, Mi
chell, Kelly, Dufur.
Medicine, pharmacy, dentistry Daly
of Lake, Kuykendjill, Morrow.
Military affairs Haseltine, Taylor,
Wade. ' ' " : . ' .
Penal institutions Haines, Driver,
Looney -
Mining Cameron, Harmon, Smith.
Municipal corporations Haseltine,
Harmon, Smith.
Public buildings and institutions
Adams, Haseltine, Reed.
Public lands Porter, Mulkey, Howe,
Driver, Wade.
Railroads Brownell, Patterson, Mac
kay, Morrow, Daly of Benton.
Revision of laws Kelly, Reed, Ful
ton, Smith, Daly of Lake, f
Roads and highways Bates, Looney,
Proebstel, Clem, Daly, of Benton.
Ways and means Taylor, Mulkey,
Kuykendall, Selling,, Adams.
Following bills were introduced:
By Dufur, to amend the statute re
lating to terms of cirouit courts. By
Daly of Lake, to amend the statute in
the matter of assessment and taxation.
By Fulton, to oreate the office of game
warden, in each county, and fixing
terms and salaries thereof. By Sell
ing, bill to regulate the salary and
compensation of the fourth judicial
district and officers of Multnomah
county. By Haseltine, to provide for
the expense of the Oregon commission
at the Trans-Mississippi exposition at
Omaha.' By Brownell, to provide for
a constitutional conventi6n in the state
of Oregon. By Clem, to define title
of land and real property for purposes
of taxation. : By Driver, to confer upon
Eugene divinity school rights of a cor
porate : character. By Mackay, to
amend the statutes relating to pilot
age. By Daly of Benton, to provide
for a free' ferry , across the. Willamette
river at Coryallis. By Harmon,
amending the statutes relating to the
character of the city of Grant's Pass.
By Fulton, to proteotthe sturgeon-fishing
interests. By Brownell, to. facili
tate the administration of estates of
decedents . By Dufur, to provide for
road and regulate procedure in justice
oourts. '" By Patterson to amend the
statutes in relation to the terms of the
various cirouit courts of the Third ju
dicial district. By Dufur, to protect
hotel and boarding-house keepers. By
Mackay, joint resolution protesting
against the proposed reduotion on the
Canadian-American lumber tariff; ad
opted. By Selling, to fix the compen
sation of state officers and provide for
payment of same. By Daly of Lake, to
repeal the act establishing state rail
way commission. By Fulton, to pro
vide, for a physical examination of par
ties claiming damages by reason of ac
cident (introduced by request). By
Mulkey, to provide for a recorder of
conveyances in and for the county of
Polk; read first, second and third time
and put upon final passage. By Har
mon, to amend the statutes in relation
to appeals in civil notions. By Daly
of Lake, to limit and fix salaries of
certain state officers. By Brownell,
relating to the contest of wills and pro
cedure in trials thereof. By Daly of
Benton, authorizing sale of equities in
estates of decendents. By Kelly, tp
repeal the act in relation to the statute
in the matter ot adulterated foods, and
doing away with the commission. By
Adams, providing for a tax on dogs in
the state. By Bates, for an aot regu
lating fraternal societies. . By Har
mon, resolution direoting the secretary
of state to provide codes for the senate;
adopted By Looney, providing for a
joint committee of two from the senate
and three from the house to examine
the books of the state treasurer and re
port; tabled. - By Taylor, resolution
(joint) providing . for examination of
the books of the Oregon asylum for the
insane; carried.
House '
Salem, Or . Sept. 26. A't 10:80 A.
M. Ralph E. Moody, member from
Multnomah and ' chief clerk' at the
last two sessions of the house, called
that ' body to order. The following
temporary officers were named:
George, T. Myers, temporary chair
man. A. V. R. Snyder, temporary cleik.
Messrs,. Hill, Hawson, Massingill,
Nicholas and Gregg were appointed a
committee on credentials.'
On motion of Moody the house ad
journed until 1:80 P. M.
The house met and organized at 1:80
this afternoon, with E. V. Carter,
Jackson county, as chairman.
Chief clerk A. C Jennings.
; Assistant ohief clerk A. V. R. Sny
der. -. ,'':
' Sergeant-at-arms Frank Motter.
Doorkeeper A. D. Griffin. .
, Calendar olerk M. P.Eisenberg.
Clerk D. B. McKay.
Sept. 27. The house was called to
order at 10:05 A. M. '
A concurrent resloution of the senate
to have a joint committee examine into
the books and accounts of the secretary
of state was laid on the table.
The speaker appointed Bruce C.
Curry of Clackamas, mailing clerk.
A resolution was adopted authorizing
the secretary of state to purchase 90
oopios of. Hill's code at a oost of some
thing over $1,000.
A resolution by Ross that the speaker
appoint a committee to arrange for ap
propriate exeroises on February 14,
1899, to observe the anniversary of
Oregon's admission to the Union, was
tabled. ' ',
Young secured the adoption of a
resolution to have. each member pro
vided with 200 2 -oon t postage stamps.
'. House bill No. 1 proivdea for a gen
eral means of propagation of salmon,
and taxing of fishing gear to assist in
defraying the expenses of propagation.
Other bills were introduced as follows:
By Whitney, providing for the manner
of assessment and taxation of certain
real estate and making mortgages of
real estate for the purpose of taxation.
The bill is a virtual reinstatement of
the mortgage-tax law. By Bayer, to
regulate letting state contracts on pub
lic works in matter of citizenship bid
ders, bonds, etc. By Stillman, amend
ing section 40, Hill's code in relation
to actions for recovery of specific per
sonal property. ' By Curtis, to regulate
the oatching and protection of stur
geon. By Cuitis, providing for the
office of game and forestry warden.
By Hill, to regulate the manner of
holding elections to require registra
tion, etc. '
One bill was introduced, but before
It could be read a motion to adjourn
was carried. v
Full Text of the Document Delivered
Before the Joint Session of the Ore
Bon Legislature. . ,
SALEM, Or., Sept. 27. At 2:30 today, In
the hall of representatives, In the pres
enoe of the members of both houses of
the legislature, Judges of the supreme
court, and other state officers. Governor
Lord delivered his message to the special
session. Its delivery occupied half an
hour, and It was closely listened to. The
full text of the document follows:
Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly
The constitution authorizes the governor,
on extraordinary occasions, to convene
the legislative assembly by proclamation,
and, when assembled, devolves; upon him
the duty to state to both houses the pur
poses for which he , has convened them.
By virtue of such authority, and In com
pliance with this requirement, I shall en
deavor briefly to state the reasons which
have Induced me to summon your body In
special session.
We are at a critical period In the history
of our country. The next few years will'
mark an advance or retrograde movement
In our national destiny. Not since the
war of the rebellion has the statesman
ship of our country been confronted with
questions of such transcendent importance
as those which have grown out of our
victorious contest with Spain. They ere
questions involving considerations, of such
various sort and far-reachng effect that
they will require for their rightful solu
tion the best brains and wisest heads of
our country. Cuba and Porto Rico 'n the
west, and the Philippine Islands In the
far east, have been wrested from their
Spanish oppressor by our victorious arms,
are now in the possession of the United
States, to be dealt with on those en
lightened principles of Justice and tqulty
which animate tho conduct of free gov
ernments. Hawaii ' has gravitated to ue,
by the law of political affinity, and by an
r.exatlon has become a permanent part of
our territory. All these. Islands lie vithln
the tropical regions; their climate is mild
and their soil fruitful to exuberance, ren
dering the struggle for existence free from
that constant labor and effort exacted by
the rigor of the temperate zones. Their
people are of an alien race, whose habits
and customs, modes of thought and civili
zation, form of government and institu
tions, are different from our own, and
whose condition of poverty, Ignorance and
wretchedness is the result of pitiless taxa
tion and merciless tyranny. As a conse
quence of these causes, and of blood adul
teration, deteriorating the quality of their
people, and weakening their mental and
moral fiber these Islands, though richly
endowed by nature, have been only par
tially developed, their civilization Is sta
tionary or backward, and in some of the
Philippines a condition prevails that verges
on semi-barbarism.
To meet these complex conditions ' and
undertake their general improvement; to
jnsiuuie regulations aiming to revive
trade. Improve sanitary conditons, Induce
social reform, and aid in the educational
and political advancement of these people;
to win their loyalty by providing a govern
ment that shall lighten the burden of taxa
tion, add to the wealth of the country by
development of its natural resouroes and
the Interchange of trade and commerce,
protect rights of property, and secure
the blessings of civil and religious liberty,
is a herculean task, demanding for its
proper performance our best thought and
wisest statesmanship. If we must retain
these Islands, or any part of them, con
siderations of this hind must confront us
for determination. We are in' legal pos
session of them, and cannot shirk the re
sponsibility of our position. Can we give
them back to Sapin? Would not such an
act be a crime, and turn the glory of our
battles Into victories of dishonor? All
commercial nations now are lighting for
trade, and In their race of cupidity and
inordinate ambition China Is threatened
with partition. We need the business of
these islands. Exchange of products, nat
ural and artificial, would be mutually ben
eficial to them and to us. We must1 find an
outlet for the surplus product of our
fields and forests, our factories and work
shops; we must share on equal terms with
all other nations the opportunity for trade
in the Orient, which our possession of the
Philippine Islands affords us. Their loca
tion Is said to be the key to the Orient,
and now to throw away the opportunity
it affords would be worse than a blunder
it would be a calamity. What, then,
shall we do with these Islands? Shall we
retain them as naval stations, or as a
permanent part of our territory? And If
the latter, what form of government shall
be devised for them? Shall It be a pro
tectorate, or a dependency, or what?
These are some of the Important ques
tions which will confront . our national
legislature at Ha next session, in Decem
ber, and demonstrate the need of a full
representation in that body. Already,
commissioners to agree upon terms of
peace have been appointed by the United
States and Spain, and have received their
instructions from their respective govern
ments, and the strong probability is that
they will close their labors and make their
report before the meeting of the United
States congress in December.
It is Important, then, to our state and
the. nation, that we should have a sena
tor present to assist in the discharge of
the onerous and responsible duties of the
senate. If his election be delayed until
the regular session, he will not be likely
to reach Washington until near the end of
the cession in February; but his election
now will afford him opportunity not only
to ascertain the will of his constituency,
but to study the situation and acquaint
himself with Us environments, so as to
be ready to render intelligent and faithful
service when the session of congress be
gins In December, and when the country
needs his service and the administration
his support.
There Is another matter incidentally
connected with these considerations, which
furnishes additional reason for the elec
tion of a Benator at the present time.
I refer to the early construction of the
Nicaragua canal. The wonderful voyage
of the battle-Bhlp Oregon has demons
strated the necessity of its construction,
to protect our coast from depredation
and our commerce from spoliation. Its
building ought to be undertaken without
further delay; It should be built, owned
and operated exclusively by the' United
States. The canal should be in name and
fact an American canal, under American
control. No corporation should be allow
ed to construct it, or supervise its opera
tions. The building, though, of this isth
mian waterway, uniting two great oceans,
will necessarily affect the Interests of all
commercial nations, and give rise to
many conflicting questions of public pol
icy and International relations which our
country cannot Ignore, and which will re
quire the wisdom of Its best statesmen to
solve on principles of Justice and equity.
But built this canal must be, whatever the
responsibility It imposes, to meet the de
mands of our growing commerce, and to
strengthen our coast defenses. The signs
of the times, the future development of
our boundless resources, the growth of
our Industrial Interests, and commercial
enterprises admonish us of the necessity
of its early construction, and of the Im
portance of organizing a naval force ade
quate to protect our commerce and coast
from the depredations of hostile nations,
and equalto the task of meeting all ques
tions for which our government stands
sponsor among the nations of the earth.
These considerations, gentlemen, are
suggested as showing in part the neces
sity of an extra session, to enable your
body to select a senator before the meet
ing of congress in December, and thus af
ford our state an opportunity to be heard
in its deliberations, and to cast Its' full
vote In determining these various import
ant questions, which so largely affect the
Interests and welfare of our state and
the states of the Pacific coast. y ' .
The failure of the legislature to organize
at its regular session in 1897 left the state
without an appropriation of money to
meet its current expenses, and In conse
quence many warrants have been issued
for salaries and audited claims, arid many
vouchers exist for unaudited demands that
need ; to be examined, and, if they are
found correct, warrants should be drawn
for their payment, after which an appro
priation should be made of the funds in
the state treasury to pay all such outstand
ing warrants. "-.
Th9 appropriation for such objects ought
to receive your attention early in the ses
sion to enable you to give full consideration
to its various items, and prevent the pay
ment of fraudulent or illegal claims. It
would greatly augment the labors of the
Governor William P. Lord. .
regular session to Impose upon it the
work of examining the accounts and
providing , appropriations for their pay
ment. In addition to estimating the reve
nue to meet expenses for the ensuing two
years. An appropriation bill Is always
exposed to more or less dickering and
Jobbery, and to have two such bills pend
ing before the regular session would afford
itoo great an opportunity for raiding the
treasury with swapping Jobs, needless ap
propriations and pillaging contracts. It Is
better far better that the regular session
shall be relieved of this work, and Its time
occupied with providing remedial legisla
tion so urgently demanded, and enacMng
wise laws to advance the interests of the
state and the happiness of its people. I
am desirous that the affairs of the present
administration shall be examined and
closed, and not Imposed upon the incoming
administration. I want the decks of our
splendid ship of state cleared and ready
Sor bet ion when my successor shall take
Tier helm, though I trust that, during his
torn erd under his pilotage, with banners
sti earning and sails set to catch the favor
ing galfn, she may be wafted over summer
seas on a prosperous voyage.
The business of the supreme court has
Increased so rapidly that the court Is now
behind more than two years In the hearing
of cites. It is Imperative that some re
lief fihould be afforded the court, so that a
prompt hearing and adjudication, of causes
may bs obtained. To afford such relief two
remedies have been suggested: One 's to
enact a law that shall limit appeals to
the supreme court, in civil cases, to those
involving title to real estate, or matters
affecting the public revenue, the construc
tion of the constitution of the state or
the United States, or where questions of
franchise arc raised, or where the amount
of tho Judgment exceeds $300; the other is
to enact a law authorizing the supreme
court to appoint three commissioners, for
a term of four years, to assist the court
in hearing and deciding cases. The ob
jection raifeed tq the first law is that every
citizen should have the right of appeal,
no matter how small the sum involved in
litigation, and that its denial would affect
largely the poor man, whose money de
mands are usually small. The second law
suggested would be efficient to remedy the
evil complained of, and Is preferred by
the supreme court. As the delay In hear
ing in some cases now practically amounts
to a. denial of Justice, It Is desirable, if a
law is to be enacted authorizing a com
missioners' court, that it should be en
acted at this session. In order that such
court may begin the work of relieving the
congested condition of the supreme court
doeltot as early as practicable, or at least
begin its sessions at the first of the en
suing year. 1
The act of congress, approved July 19,"
1897, entitled "An act making appropria
tion to supply deficiencies," etc., contains
a provision to the effect that the invitation
of the republic of France to take part in
an exposition of works of art and the prod
ucts of manufacture and agriculture of all
nations, to be held In Paris, commencing
the 15th day of April, and closing the 6th
day of November, 190 Is accepted, and
that "the governors of the several states
and territories be, and are hereby request
ed to Invite the people of their respective
states and territories to make a proper
representation of the productions of our
Industry, and the natural resources of the
country, and to take such further meas
ures as may be necessary, in order to oe
cure to their respective states and terri
tories the .advantages to be derived from
this beneficent undertaking." In conform
ity with this provision, and with especial
reference to the latter portion of It, the
secretary of state of the United States,
the Hon. John Sherman, in a letter to me
as governor of the state, dated September
27, 1897, urges the propriety, as well as the
necessity, of taking steps immediately to
secure representations of the natural and
industrial resources of our state, "to the
end that an exhibit on behalf of the gov
ernment of the United States, befitting its
material and industrial Importance, may
be assured." Owing to the limited time
now available for selecting and arranging
the exhibits of our state, it Is proper that
this subject should be brought to your
attention, for the reason that it is abso
lutely necessary, if our state is to partici
pate in this great International exposition,
that a law be enacted at once, providing
for the appointment of commissioners, and
appropriating sufficient funjs to make a
proper representation of the products ot
our industries and the natural resources
of our state.
Under an act passed by the 18th legis
lative assembly, ; a co ltract was mad
with J. Loewenberg, of tre Northwestern
stove foundry, in July, 1895, for convict
labor, and the board o-f managers of the
state foundry leased him the plant and
sold him the manufactured stook on tme.
His obligations to the state were not met;
but, In view of bad business conditio,
and the desirability ( keeping the con
victs employed, gre-it ieniency has been
shown him. First, he was allowd an ex
tension of time, and later, in the spring of
1898, a second accommodation was -arranged
for him, und3r whlsh the Loewen
berg & Going Co. Indorse-l the notes of
the Northwestern stove foundry; but, not
withstanding these accommodations,
Loewenberg has not kept his promises, nri
met his obligations to ihe state. The
sums due the state, with interest, aggre
gate a large amoun In view of there
facts, I have deemed the matter of his de
fault of such Import nice n i to bo a p.oper
subject for your immedl'tte consideration.
I have purposely refrained from recom
mending any new .egisiatloi, except the
organization of a commi'isioners' court,
which the exigencies of the nubile service
require without delay. In this case I have
done so because I know there are few -vlls
which affect the teojie of the state -so
seriously and injuriously as delay in the
administration of Jn.n.oe. The bill of
rights of our state, and of svery free' stale,
recognizes the evils resulting from vwh
delay, and the necesailv of their prompt
removal, whatever :na be the sourca from
which they spring, ry declaring that 'J.:f
tice shall be admlti-tered openly and with
out purchase, completely and without ile
lay." I do not wis1!, howevif. to be under
stood as being jtr to new legislation,
or as doubting your aut lority to enact It,
whether general or special.
Owing to a senatorial contest, which
only ended with tlic election of a senator
in the expiring iiours of its sepa'on, the
legislative assembly of 1895 failed to en
act much remedial legislation demanded
by the people In the piatforms of their
different parties, and needed to correct ex
isting evils, and the legislative assembly
of 1897 falling to organize, there has been
but little opportunity for leg.slutlon, and
practically none of Importanej has been
enacted, though public into.-etts have
greatly suffered In consequence thereof
since the legislative session of 1893. Much
legislation, especially of a remedial char
acter, which properly belonged to those
sessions, and still is needed for the pro
tection of the public interests, must b
considered by your body at Its next regu
lar session, In addition to Its own legis
lative belongings, thereby greatly Increas
ing your labors and responsibilities. It la
always desirable that legislation affecting
large classes of society In person or prop
erty should be examined with deliberation,
and discussed with fullness, before enact
ment into law. In this way whatever de
fects lurk within the terms of a statute,
are likely to bo discovered and eliminated,
and whatever amendments are necessary
for Its improvement or efficiency, may be
suggested and added. The vicious habit
sometimes Indulged by legislative bodies,
of hurrying Important measures through
their different readings, and especially ap.
proprlation bills containing obnoxlouj
clauses, without investigation or discus
slon. Is subversive of the time-honored
custom of open debate, and inimical to
the publlo good. Bills for assessment and
taxation, for registration of voters, to
preserve Inviolate the ballot box, for th
abolition of useless boards and commis
sions, for reorganization of the ' circuit
courts by equalizing their Judicial labors,
for the revision of court costs, and espe
cially criminal costs, which are a griev
ous burden on the counties, and for the
appropriation of public moneys, and the
like, require time for their proper exam
ination, and should receive the fullest dls
cusion before passage by either house.
To afford you time and opportunity for
the full consideration of all such Import,
ant matters, the regular session ought tc
be relieved of those more urgent matters
of public Interest, which need prompt leg
islative attention, by an extra session. In
view of these conditions, not to call an
extra session, but to leave to the regular
session the election of senator, with, iti
exciting and often obstructive incidents,
and two appropriation bills, with their op
portunities for trades and hold-up of lm
portaint measures, would Imperii, and
probably prevent, the enactment of much
needed legislation, and prove disastrous
to the highest good of the state. For
these reasons, I have conceived It my duty
to call an extra session, believing that you
would meet Its responsibilities with pa
triotic zeal and Intelligent service.
A Drydock for Portland.
In the senate Donald Mackay, of
of Portland, introduced a bill to amend
the Port of Portland act ' so as to au
thorize the Port of Portland corporation
to borrow $100,000 over and above the
1500,000 already authoilzed, "for the
purpose of constructing, mlntalning and
operating a drydock, floating dock, or
marine railway," if it shall be deemed
advisable. For a temporary loan, a
note to run no longer than six months
may be given. The bonds to be issued
for the drydook indebtedness shall be
in denominations of $100, $500 and
$1,000, to bear 5 per cent interest and
run for 80 years. t
This bill also provides for the amend
ing the Port of Portland act so as to
permit that corporation to "establish
a scale of habror and wharfage dues,
and assessments on freight, goods and
property landed upon the wharves and
upon all ships and vessels arriving at
or departing from said port of Port
landor within the limits of the terri
tory under its jurisdiction." It is
provided that "from the dues so col
lected, if any and from the regular
taxes levied and collected by it, the
said corporation, the Port of Portland,
shall pay the Interest on its Indebted
ness and provide a sinking fund for tha
payment of its bonds at their maturity,
and no funds derived from the sale of
its bonds shall be expended other than
in making improvements of a perma
nent nature to the channel of the rivers
aforesaid (Columbiavand Willamette),
or for the construction of and operation
of a drydock, floating dock, or marine
The power and authority ta be given
bv this act, it is provided, Bhall be ea
eroised by a board of commissioners,
to be composed of John MoCraken,
Ellis G. Hughes, Theodore B. Wiloox,
J. C. Flanders, Donald .Mackay, 3. A.
Brown and Charles E. Ladd.
Remains of Columbus to Be
Removed From Havana.
Witnessed by General Blanco, the
Church Authorities and tho Peo
ple of Havana. . .. . ;
Havana,' Sept. 28. At 10 o'clock
this morning the official 'exhumation
of the remains of Columbus took place
in the presence of General Blanco, Sec
retary Govin, civil governor, Bishop
Dean, of the cathedral, and other au
thorities. The general public was or
dered out of the cathedral at 8 o'clock.
The entrance to the cathedral was
guarded by a force of "ordin publico,"
which kept back the crowd which as
sembled in front of the edifice.
The remains of Christopher Colum
bus, which this morning wore removed
from their niche in the cathedral pre
paratory to their shipment to Spain,
had laid in their last resting place since
January 19, 1796, .when they were
brought from Santo Domingo, that
island having been oeded to France by
.Spain, v Since the date mentioned, the
remains have laid in an open niche in
the wall of the presbytery of the cathe
dral, a yard and a half above the
ground, between a pillar, supporting
the main arch and the choir. In
1892, there was placed in front of the
niche a slab of doubtful artistio taste,
representing in relief a bust of the great
admiral, and bearing this inscription
in Spanish:
"May the remains and image of the
great Columbus lie a thousand centu
ries preserved in this urn, and in the
lemembrance of our nation."
After the 400th anniversary of tho
disoovery of the New World by Colum
bus, the Spanish cortes included in the
Cu; an budget large sums for the pur
pose of erecting a fitting monument
symbolizing the travels of the discov
erer, to be erected in the most conspicu
ous place in Havana, and the construc
tion of a mausoleum to hold the ashes.
This mausoleum, the work of the Span
ish sculptor Melida, was brought to
Havana and placed upon a base erected
in the center aisle of the cathedral,
close to the main door.
The monument, the work on which
was entrusted to the sculptor Susillo,
has not come, and probably will never
come to Havana. It was to have been
paid for by an appropriation included
in the budget of the island, but circum
stances have overturned the plans made
on the oocasion of the celebration of
the 400th anniversary of the discovery
of America, and it is probable' that
both the monument and the mausoleum
will be placed in a fitting place in
Spain, where they will be looked upon
as one of the treasures of the Spanish
The Maria Teresa Was Floated by Use
of ynamite. ' ' ;
Santiago de Cuba, Sept. 28. De
tails just received of the floating of the
Spanish armored cruiser Maria Teresa
show that with the help of dynamite
she was blown off the rooks into deep
water on September 23, and proceeded
under her own steam soon afterward
to Guantanamo, accompanied by one
of the tugs of the Merritt Wrecking
Company. She will shortly leave for
New York.
Naval Constructor Hobson says he
can raise the Spanish cruiser Cristobal
Colon, with the use of airbags, in a
week, if given authority to do so. Com
modore Watson thinks he cannot. The
Colon, it appears, was not seriously
damaged by shells, but her valvos were
open, which caused her to sink. The
other two Spanish cruisers sunk in tho
battle of Santiago, the Almirante Oqu
endo and the Vizcaya, are useless
wrecks of melted iron. In answer to a
number of small capitalists who have
written here asking for information
and advice as to ooming too Santiago,
General Wood adviBes . them not to
come until December, as there are no
facilities at present for the transfer of
property. After that time there will
be many opportunities for the use of
brains and capital.
The Buffalo Coining. .
Washington, Sept. 28. The navy
department has decided to send the
cruiser Buffalo, now at New York, to
the Pacifio station. She will probably
go to Honolulu, and, in the event she
is needed to reinforoe Dewey's fleet,
she can receive orders at that place by
dispatoh-boat. The Buffalo goes out
under Commander , Hemphill, late of
the navigation bureau, who has de
voted himself to the conversion of tho
vessel, which was lately attached to
the Brazilian navy, under the name of ;
Nictheroy, into a modern and effective
Shafter Will Heturil. i
San Francisco, Sept. 28. Advices
from General Shafter to friends in
this city state that he will soon return
to resume his station here as com
mander of the department of California, .
relieving General Merriam, who will
probably be assigned to his former du
ties as commander of the department
of the Columbia.