5food liver Slacier. Published every Friday by 8. F. llLYTHE. Terms of Subscription (1.60 a year when puld In advance; 2 if not paid lu advance. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1S98. The terrible suffering of the volun teers In the different camps from dis ease and neglect, -and the frightful mor tality among them, threatens to make our Iohs in human life greater than that of the enemy lu the late war. Disease hus killed more than bullets in all our wars. Mismanagement is the cause this time as it always has been heretofore. The blame rests some where, and the people will try to find out. The administration will of course bb blamed, and the republican party, which until receutly seemed to have everything going its way for suc cess in the fall elections and the pres idency two years hence, now sees de feat sturing it in the face. The party cannot "point with pride" to the con duct of the late war, nor will it claim It as a republican war, as was attempt ed In the start. Tfie party will find it hard tu shift the responsibility or change the issue. The question of the war with Spain and its mismanage ment so far us the neglect of the sol diers Is concerned will enter into "the campaign, and it is easy to see which party will get the worst of it, whether it diserves It or not. The decreased re publican vote in Vermont shows which way the wind Is blowing. By the kindness of John Leland Henderson we were permitted to pe ruse bulletins 11 and 14 from the uni versity of Idaho, the work of Prof L. F. Henderson. Bulletin 14 treats of "Twelve of Idaho's Worst Weeds," The prickly lettuce, which has become a nbxious weed in Hood River, is de scribed and the farmers of. Idaho art advised to make a united effort to wards its extermination. In culti vated fie'ds or meadows this weed should be cut dowu with the hoe be low the crown or dug up. If mowed off the root sends out shoots, and a few days suffice for these shoots to go t seed. It is the worst weed we have ever hud In Hood River, and bohh united action should be taken anions our people towards eradicating it be fore it spreads further. Gov. Lord has called the legislature to meet iu extra session, Septembet ".Gth. There is no excuse for a session three months ahead of the regular ses hIoii, which convenes in January. II the appropriation bills could wait near ly two years they could wait three months longer. The republicans have an overwhelming majority in the leg islature, elected to seat H. W. Corbel I in the senate, and it ought not to tukt more than one ballot to decide the sen atorial question. All that the tax payers of the state have saved by the failure of the legislature to organize in 1897 will be squandered by the special session. Mr. Fred O. Baker of the Troutdale Champion gives notice In his last week's Ifsuc that he will soon remove to Tillamook and take charge of tlx Headlight at that pluce. Mr. Baker is also postmaster at Troutdale and hat- forwarded his resignation: The ("ham pion, which by the way is one of the brightest papers on our exchange list will in all probability go out of exist' ence when Mr. Baker removes from Troutdale. ' W. T. Byars has resigned as editor of the Goldendale Sentinel and is suc ceeded by M. E. Miller, late of the An telope Herald. Chance for a Big Saw Mill. Capt. P. S. Davidson of La Crosse, Wis., is here looking over the ground for the location of a saw mill that will cut about 10.0(H) feet of lumher nn hnn Surveyors are at work, and if their re port and other matters are favorable, the mill will be located on Mr. F. H. Button's farm on the east side of Hood river, and Inside the corporation. A dam will be put in the river near the county bridge, and the saw logs will be driven down the river from the laud owned by F. H. Buiton above the forks of the river. A tunnel will be cut through the bill at J. R. Reynold's place and the logs floated through the tunnel to the low ground ou Mr. But ton's place, helow the railroad. The location of the mill here hinges on the annulment f the franchise grunted to the Hood River Lumbering company. . Mr. Davidson hus looked the ground over and is ready to put in his mill, but will not ,rnuke a move toward it until assured thut the river is free for driving logs. Capt. Davidson has six sons who, with their families, will lo cate here if the mill is built. He is an old-time mill man and has also been engaged extensively in transporting government troops and military sup plies. tAt ne ,ime he owned SOs'eam boats. on the Missouri river and fur nished the supplies for the military posts in Montana and the Dakotas. His boats ascended the Big Horn river and brought away from the battlefield the dead of the Custer massacre.'' The Spokane Fruit Fair. Spokane, from the 4th Jo the )5th of October, will be the gayest city on the coast.' The annual fruit fair will have especial days for most of the fraternal societies. The second day will be K. of P. day, and the grand chancellor of the state of Washington will be present.' The Red Men, Shriners, Eagles, Elks, Odd Fellows and the- press a ill also liave each day devoted to their several orders. Many of these societies will have floats in the harvest festival pa rade, and the K. of P.'s expect to have the handsomest. A Glimpse of Bastern Washington.' During our trip en route to Spokane to attend the meeting of the Northwest press association, and the week we spent in that part of the state, we gained something of an idea of the vast re sources t Eastern Washington and the Pulouse country, and we don't think we are going too far in saying that this land of marvelous natural wealth and resource Is the greatest part of the Pacific Northwest (this of course doesn't mean that Hood River Is not Ihe best). As the Glacier represent ative boarded the Spokane tlyer a week ago last Tuesday, the mercury was playing tag with the digits in the 90s, making the trip to our destination void of incident or pleasure, but not of sand, dust and cinders. It is noticeable that the trains on both the O. R. & N. aud Northern Pacific railroads are crowded with traveling people, which ought to be a good indication that the people of the Northwest nave plenty or money to spend. Spokane, the metropolis of Eastern Washington, is a modern, up-to-date city of 35,000 to 40,000 inhabitants. The business portion of the town is com pactly built, and its seven and eight story buildings of brick and granite Mould do credit to lie large cities of the .bast. The numerous haudnome private dwellings speak well for the wealth of the city's inhabitants. The streets of the city are kept clean, and with a good street-sprinkling system there is no dust. Among the many handsome buildings of Spokane are the city hall, auditorium theater, Spokesman-Review building and the county Cuurt house, the latter being built of cream suiidi-tune and completed lu 1895 lit a cost of $350,000. The city is well supplied with newspapers. The Spokesman-Review" is the morning paper, Kotten out with all the up to-date facil- tles for furnishing the public the do ings of the world iu general. The Chronicle is an evening paper and prints two editions each duy. It is the leading republican organ of the eastern part of the stale. cpokane, with its magnificent water power furnished by the fulls ol the Kpokune river flowing through the heurt of the town, and with the rich mining und agricultural regions round about, is destined to become a great manufacturing center. Already to a considerable extent is this power being utilized to operate flour and saw mi tin, while it also furnishes the power for the city's extensive electric railway mid light system. The minimum mo tive force of the Spokane falls is esti mated at 32,000 horse power. ' Spokane is the largest railroad center on Ihe Pacific coust. It has the advan tage of three transcontineutHl lines he Great Northern, the Northern Pa cific, and the Union Pacific iu counec- Ion with the O. It. & N., and the ex- ensive farming and mining products f the district extending for 200 miles m every direction are handled by the three local railroads the Spokane and Northern, the Central Washington, aid the DeSmet and t'ceur d'Aleue. After the adjournment of the press association we tooK tue jNorinem pa cific train for the town of Cheney, 10 miles south west of Spokane, where we hud the pleasure of a few day's visit with Hon. D. F. Percival and'wife. Cheney, situated in the midst of this rich grain country, Is a town of 1500 people aud has all the modern conve niences or a town ten times its size. uch as electric lights, graded streets and sidewalks, and a hydrant water system costing $40,000. Its substantial brick business blocks exhibit wlmt a store of wealth comes to the support of tne nine city trom tne surrounding farm lands. Cheney has a brick public tchool tuiilding costing $18,000; a flour ing mill, turning out 150 barrels a day; a creamery, that uses over 1,000 pounds of milk a day. The various 'religious denominations ate represented by five cnurcnes. me town hus two weekly newspapers, the Cheney Sentinel and the free Press. We found Mr.Stewart f the Sentinel a genial member of the fraternity of the art preservative. His live local weekly presents a neat ap pearance typographically, while its editorial columns reflect the wit and ability of their writer. Cheney's citizens are congenial and intellectual, and many representative people of Eastern Washington make t nt ney meir uome during tne school months of the year, where their fam ilies secure the educational advantages offered by the town. A state normal school is located here. This school giew from the Cheney academy, es tablished here in 1883. The normal school building, erected In 1895 at a cost of $00,000, is a handsome structure of red brick, and with its efficient corns of instructors is recognized as one of ine leading institutions or its kind in the Northwest. The school last term had 300 students. Hon. D. F. Percival, Cheney's lead ing and enterprising citizen, was one of the first settlers in Spokane county, locating here in 1872, while the savage Nez Perces. were yet warring with Uncle Sam's troops for the possession of their huntinggrouiids. - Mr. Percival is a veteran of the civil war. He first met the editor of this paper at St. Jos eph, Mo., in the spring of 1866, from which point they together crossed the plains the same year with an ox train to the Gallatin valley, Mon tana. Four years later these two men met again in Portland. Mr. Percival for a number of years engaged exten sively in stock raising, before the virgin soil of the buiich-grusa plains of the Pa louse country was turned by the plow. He was at one time county commissioner, when the county seat was at Fort Colville, and Stevens county spread from the Walla Walla valley to the line of British Columbia; he was twice a member of the Wash ington legislature, five times re elected mayor of Cheney, aud declined further political honors to give attention to his business interests. Iu 1883 he engaged in banking, doing business under t he name of the Bank of Cheney. In 1889 1 ne established the .first National bank of Cheney. But the financial depres sion of 1893, with the loss of the great wheat crops of '93 and '94 through destruction by rain and prevailing low prices, was very disastrous to the busi ness men of Cheney. Mr. Percival worked incessantly for three years to stem the tide and keep his banks sol vent, but in June. '96. the farmers were still unable to meet the obligations on tneir mortgages, consequently his busi ness met with the inevitable and I e was forced to close. The stockholder of the First National bank, through Mr. Percival'? receivership, will soon have been paid in full, when he again expects to open in business. The country surrounding Cheney is rolling aud the soil is adark, rich lom. Scattered tracts of pine forest intervei e between Cheney and Spokane. Around Colfax, a pretty little towu of 4,000 or 5,000 population, on the O. R. & N.. about midway between Spokane ana Walla Walla, the country is quite hilly and stretches of wooded landscape re lieve the monotony of the wheut fields. The whole of Eastern Washington is as one big wheat field. The vast pro ductive resources of this couu'ry ought to surely make it the richest section of the Union. The farmers, with their great wheat fields producing from 25 lo 40 bushels to the acre annually, have their home tracts planted to orchards and garden. Their houses are sub stantial and coinfortutile dwellings. They are fast paying off their mort gages, and everything Indicates that in' a short time they will be free from debt and begin to pile up bank accounts. In the city of Spokane there is not an empty business nouse to be seen. A glance at the bank clearings will show that the city is fast recovering from the disastrous effects of the general crisis of '93. For the month of August, '98, the tiank clearings of Spokane amount ed to $3,195,630, an increase of $414,400 over the corresponding month last year, or an increase of $2,254,476 over the same month ror '93. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke four IJf lwr. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlo. full of life, nerve and vli'or, take No-To-Bao. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60o or 11. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Hon. Jas. F. Moore, late register of The Dalles land office, has opened a law office In The Dalles. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACT lve gentlemen or ladle to travel for re sponsible.established house In Oregon. Month ly W5 and expenses. Position steady. Refer ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. Wanted. Some one to cut and load aboard the car at Hood River 30 tier of wood, part oak and part pine. The timber is mile south of Belmont church. For particulars address s CUArt. KLRKY, Wasco, Or. Blue Stem Wheat. I have a good lot of Blue Stem seed wheat for sale. JOHN A. WILSON. Seed Wheat and Rye. A good quulity of seed wheat and rye for sale. Wheal at market price, and the rye at 60 cents per bushel. C. DAVIS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Sept.. 5, 18. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settlers have filed notice of their In tention to make linul proofs in support of their claims, and that said proofs will be made be fore the Kegister and Receiver U. H. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, October 18, 18M8, viz: CORNELIA VAN DERPOOL, H. E. No. 9203. for the east half of northeast quarter and northeast quarter of southeast quarter section 12, township 8 north, range 10 east, W. M and lot No. 8, section 7, township 3 north, range II east, W. M. She names the foil wing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Philip M. Gatchell, Joseph H, Evans, James H. Butler and William H. McCoy, all of White salmon P. O.. "Washington. PHILIP M. GATCHELL. H. E. No. 8184, for west half of southeast quar ter, southeast of southwest quarter section 1, and northwest quarter of northeast quarter section 12, township 8 north, range 10 east, W. M. Who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Joseph H. Kvans, William H. McCoy ,James H. Butler and Marion Locke, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. ; WILLIAM H. MCCOY, H. E. No. 7758, for the northeast quarter sec tion 7, township 8 north, range 11 east. W. M. Who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: hlll i Autnhall Tnoanh W Conn. T.mu H. Butler and Marion Locke', all of White saimon r, u., wasiungcon. JOSEPH H. EVANS. H. E. No. 7711, for the southeast quarter sec tion n, lownsnip a norm, range II east, W. M. Who names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Robert M.' Clemens. PhillD M. Gab-hell. William H. McCoy and Marion Locke, all of. w nii oanuon u.. wasnuigton. stfoM W.R.DUNBAR. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 1, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, on Friday, October 14, 1898, viz: D. A. TURNER, Of Hood River, for the heirs of William W. Turner, deceased, for the northeast l4 north east Vt and west northeast y4 section 80, and southwest southeast V section 19, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: John F. Mohr, John Moilror, William Boor man and J. B. Hand, all of Hood River. Or. s9ol4 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 7, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed Dotice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Reeei ver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, October 14, 1898, viz: .NICHOLAS J. DKVOLD, Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Application No. 49:15, for the southeast section 83, township 1 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Henry Tomllnson, D. R. Cooper and Horace Richmond of Mt. Hood. Or., and P. F. Fonts of The Dalles, Or. - ao jax tr. lucas, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver. Wash.. Sent. 6. 1898. Notiee Is hereby Klven that the following named settlers have fi led notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claims, and that said proof will be made before W. B. Presby, U. S. Commis sioner for District of Washington, at his of fice In Goldendale. Wash., on Saturday, Oct. 22, 1898, viz: AUGUST FERDINAND WILKEN. Homestead Entry No. 7903, for t he east half of southwest quarter, and west half of southeast quarter of section thirteen, township four north, range ten east. Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: ' Matt. Wllken. Charles L. Colburn; Wesley S. Iocke and Bethewel Hendryx, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. Also, , BETHEWEL HENDRYX, Homestead Entry No. 8104, for the southeast quarter of southwest quarter of seetion eight een, und the northeast quarter of northwest quarter and lots one and two of section nine teen, township four north, range 11 east, Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Matt Wilken, August Ferdinand Wllken, Wesley S. Locke and Charles L. Colburn, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. soU W. R. DUNBAR, Register. Ij-" J'. b.V'. "t .. , : ...tf .... It " . " . , , r , ! ?w - : "., . -1 -a' ' . A ' t "' ' : "' CLYDE T. BONNEY Is still alive and doing RED HOT BUSINESS at RECIPROCITY CORNER. He Is in the market especially just now lor your merchantable " SFir, Pine smd. OaJzz "Wood- And is always in the market for TRADE. He constantly keeps on hadd and for sale a fine lot of Staple Groceries, Hay, Feed, Grain, and dry Fir, Pine and Oak Wood, at rates that de fy competition. Has Just received a fine lot of Graham Flour, also Bran and Shorts mixed. He is al ways in the market for a- Gr-ood., ZLji-re ' Eesul,' . And as he believes In reciprocity, buys all merchantable produce. Now Ghet a M o-7-e Oxx, , . Sell your wood In Hood River, and Qet BicliI - Until further notice, all goods bought at the Reciprocity Corner will be delivered In any part of town free of cost.-S . We Can Wholesale Meats at Prices that Defy Competition! Come and see us and verify what we say. M. S. & STA S LES Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin ity. Heavy draying and transferring done with care and promptness. PTQ LI L'T Sfr TTATTTA Chenoweth, Wash., manufacturers and dealers in Red G. D. WOODWORTH, (Successor to A. S. Blowers & Son) DEALER IN GENERAL STOVES AMD TINWARE, Also, Agent for OLIVER CHILLED - PLOWS. f Second floor East of Glacier office. ar Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or Its equivalent. Regarding prices, will say that I defy competition. I am not afraid to meet competitive prices at anytime. Meet me on Port land lines and I will meet you with Portland prices. Call and see CANDY CATHARTIC !5c 50c SSSHSssS 35 Acres. Unimproved land for sale, with running creek. 2 miles south of town, East Hide. In quire on premises to John Sweeney, or Charles H. Jenkins, 288 stark st, Portland. 13-2o 190 Acres. A well improved farm of mendow and fruit land. Stock and complete outfit for farming. Call and see what I have for sale. 18-21 D. A. TURNER. Hood River School. The Hood River school will open for the fall term on September 19th. Pupils who failed to take the examination at the close of the spring term and desire to enter the school du ring the coming full term will please present themselves with the proper material at the school building on Wednesday, September 14, at 9 a. m., for entrance examination. R: R. ALLARD, Principal. Bargains. Two or three choice locations near town ten to forty acres. Bargains and no mistake. See T. R. COON. Klondike Bakery. I cad supply people of Hood River with fresh bread, pies and cake after this date, and will have on hand everything connected with a bakery. M. H. NICKEL8EN. : Maicu 4, 1898. - tUKMMK ."SUW- , 1- , 4 L. CO.'S Cedar SHINGLES. Correspondence solicited. S. E. BARTMESS. ALL . DRUGGISTS Stock Ranch for Sale. One of the best stock ranches in Klickitat county. Wash., at a bargain. Facilities for handling a thousand head of sheep or other stock. E. D. CALKINS, Hood River. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 2, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, September 9, 18"8, viz: SAMUEL MCCARTNEY, of Hood River, Homestead Application No. 5825, for the southeast northeast , north east southeast section J2, township 2 north, range 9 east, and southwest north west i and northwest southwest (lots 2 and 3), section 7, township 2 north, range 10 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uppn and cultiva tion of said land, viz: I.C. Feileigh. Frank Davenport, J. Dunn and H. A. llackett. all of Hood River, Oregon. aos9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. .. . .;W - r66d 4 Acres, Well Improved Forsale. 8 miles west from town; 50 bearing fruit trees; balance in garden and strawber ries; fine spring of water for house use; plenty of water for irrigating. This is one of the earliest strawberry places in the valley, well protected from late frosts. It is mile from graded school. Will sell cheap for cash only. Apply to !. F. CORDKS, f25 HoodRtvr. lit. Hood Saw Mills, TOM LINSON BROS., Prop'rs. FIB AND PINE LUMBER Of the bost quality always on hand at prices , to suit me times. jy- Fresh Milk, Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a quart. F. H. BUTTON. The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Hood River, Or. Fruit Ranch for Sale. 40 acres', 2 miles from town. All kinds fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reason able. W. J. CAMPBELL. DR. M. A. JONES. Bee Dr. Jones for best work at most reasonable prices. He is permanently lo cated corner Fourth and Washington sts., Portland. Will be at Hood River 15th of each mobth. 160 Acres of Land miles from town of Hood River. Will sell all or part, or trade for city property. Terms, part cash, part on time. 1 J. H. FERGUSON. 5 Acre Tracts. Some of Ihe most desirable places in Hood River have been placed in my hands for sale. Sixty acres for sale in five-acre tracts. If you wish to buy or sell lands in Hood River valley, call on or address M. H. NICKEL8EN, Real Estate Agent, Hood River. Or. Wanted. I want to rent a small farm np near Mount Hond, to take possession by Oct. 1st. Address al2 THOS. SHERE, Hood River, Or. FOR SALE. Lumber Wagon, 2 inch 50 00 Milch cow 25 00 Will sell part or all of my ranch. E. K. SAVAGE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The.Dalles, Oreeon, August 2, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, September 10, 1898, viz: NANNIR V. MACGREGOR, Formerly Nannie V. Bowman of Mosier, Homestead Application No. 5i2, for thesouth northwest section 34, and south north east section 38, township 2 north, range 11 east, W. M. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: George Ireland, John Davis, Nathan Sturgis and Amos Root, ail of Mosier, Oregon. a5s9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dnlles, Oregon, August 18, 18H8. Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore gon, ou Saturday, September 24, 1898, viz: ALBERT G. McKAMEY, Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Application No. 4087, for the southwesl i section 33, township 1 north, range 10 east, V . M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultiva tion of said land, viz: Andrew ii.Tleman, Robert Leasure, David R. Cooper and P. F. Fouts, all of Mt. Hood.Or. al9s28 JAY P. LUCAS. Reeister. Future comfort for present seeming; economy, tut buy the sewing- machine with an estab lished reputation, that guar antees you long: and satisfac tory service . j j j j w ITS PINCH TENSION ..Am,. ' TENSION INDICATOR, (devices for regulating- and showing the exact tension) are a few of the features that emphasize the high gr character ot the White. Send for our elegant H.T. catalog , White Sewing Machine Co., CLEVELAND. 0. 25ct. 50ota.nd $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. This Great Cough Curb uroiDDtlv eura Where all others fall. Coughs, Croup, 8r Throat, Hoarscneu, whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it nos no rival: has cured thousands, and will CURB YOU if taken in time. Bold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use BHILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTSRoC s HILOH'syikCATARRH Have you Cutarrhr This remedy Is guaran- teed to cure you. nee,oucu. injector tree. lk . .J! .m.. I srar . noli .i mj i 1 EWl B 1 M TL I For sale by H A. YORK.