The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 19, 1898, Image 2

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3oed Iiver (sclacier.
Published every Friday by
S. F. Blythe.
' Terms of Subscription 81.50 a year when
paid iu advance; 2 If not paid In advance.
Secretary Alger is getting the blame
for everything that ban not been eon
niilered just according to Hoy le in the
management of the troops iu camps of
instruction and in the field. If we re
member rightly the man who was sec
retary of war during the civil war was
u bused the same way. But Alger has
a heart in him und is so much better
than the cue! Stanton that when
the records of the two are recorded in
history the present secretary's will
chine the brightest. General Shafter,
the hero of Santiago, hit back at the
grand army of military strategists in
the rear when he wrote to Alger as
follows. . . '
I cannot fully express my gratitude
to you for all the opportunities that
you have given me, and for the confi
dence thai you repose in me, as shown
more strongly than in any other way
by leaving me unhampered' in my op
erations against Santiago. 1 am very
sorry to see that some newspapers are
attempting to throw blame on your
trying to run the campaign from Wash
ington, and I suppose some people be
lieve it.. It is one of the things, how
ever, that I suppose we. cannot help,
although whenever I have the oppor
tunity I have tried to make it plain
that I have been left to my own devices.
New questions arising from the war
with Spain threaten to play hob with
old party lines. Imperialists are not
confined to any one party. Annex
ation of the Philippines has friends as
well as opponents in all parties. The
democrats of Texas and Missouri in
their state conventions declare for ter
ritorial expansion. These two great
stales are in territory that was an
nexed, but the annexation of any for
eign territory lying contiguous to the
United States is altogether different
from annexiug islands on the other
side of the world containing a heathen
population of millions. If the people
of Canada showed, a disposition to be
annexed it would be an acquisition
most desirable, but to annex territory
lying 8,000 miles from our shores, so
far away that it takes a month to reach
it by fast-sailing steamships, looks to
many people as ill-advised if there were
no other objections. .
The war with Spain is over. In les9
than four mouths our navy has de
molished that of Spain with the loss of
only one American sailor; our armies
have been victorious in every encount
er, and the rich possessions of Spain in
the West Indies and the Philippines
have been w rested from her and she
is glad to mmjor peace. Things have
happened about as we might have ex
pected, but even though we knew
Spain was no match for us in war, no
one dreamed of such overwhelming
victories. The war has been expensive,
but luxuries come high. --"A war to a
generation" is an historical maxim.
Let us hope it will hold good in our
The editors of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho will .hold joint convention
at Spokane next week, commencing
on the 25th and holding sessions for
three days. It is thought upwards of
500' newspaper men will be in attend
ance und a hot time in that town may
be expected. An extra train will be
run on the O. R. & N. to Spokane on
the 24th, and the excursionists will re
turn tiy the Northern Pacific. Albert
Tosder of Portlaud, secretary of the
Oregon press association, looks after
the transportation and is prepared to
give all necessary information in re
gard to the trip.
When war was declared against Spain
cannon boomed from one end of the
country to the other and there was
great rejoicing. Now that we have
whipped the haughty Spaniard and
can make our own terms of peace there
are no outward signs of rejoicing. Is
this an indication that we ..prefer war
to peace? ?
Admiral Dewey remains the great
hero of the war. He fought the first
battle, the success of which was the
wonder of the age, and it was his good
fortune to fight the final battle and
achieve a glorious victory iu the cap
ture of Manila.
A neat supplement to the Heppner
Gazette, in pamphlet form, has been
received. It is a work of art typo
graphically and gives Morrow county
and its resources and representative
citizens a good write up.
The S2d national encampment of the
Grand Army will be held at Cincin
nati, September 5th to 10th. The
railroads are giving a rate of one cent
a mile.
J. Henry Brown, Oregon pioneer,
soldier, printer and historian, died at
Portland, August 36th, aged 61 years.
From every standpoint the war is
destined to be a blessing to the nation.
It will pay in patriotism, in industry,
in labor and iu national greatness. Its
deeds of valor have shed glory on the
American naraet and crowned the re
public with luster as the proud posses
or of such sons. Denver News.
The war Is over and the boys will
si nu come marching home.
From the Boys at Manila.
Dr. F. C. Brosius writes to his wife
from Cavlte, under date of July 5tb.
He says many of the boys suffered from
diarrhoea, caused by dnuking the im
pure water of the tropics, but that
otherwise the health of the soldiers was
good. His letter in part is as follows:
Here we are on captured foreign soil.
We landed here and took posessiou of
the fort and barracks the day after ar
rival, and naveapeen shitting trom pil
lar to post ever since. We have moved
our quarters three times, and are now
back where we first located, in a large
roomy stone barrack, about 30 feet wide
and 100 feet long, divided into a larger
ana smaller part iy stone petitions,
with large arched door in the center.
The smaller room we use as dispensary
and hospital, the larger one for hospital
corps, band, three surgeons, and non-
commission stari quarters. We have ID
patients in hospital, none critical. Our
tioys are all well and work hard every
day, though not so bard as on ship
board. Sickness has decreased since
lauding, and now we have diarrhoea,
probably from fruit and bad water. Or
ders have been issued to company
cooks to keep boiled water on hand
constantly, and to the men to drink
nothing but boiled water, but many
people are devoid of self control in such
matters and we cannot appoint a body
guard for each man, There is a great
deal of duplication of work by different
men. for luck of adequate organization
of the surgical and hospital corps. I
find myself absolutely busy 16 hours
out of 24. Warl war! and rumors of
war! That Is simply our condition. I
have ceased to believe anything but
what has happened, and I don't much
care to hear that. We are in a contin
ual turmoil of rumors of this or that.
Our barracks are furnished with
bamboo and rattan mats, in frames, and
these frames set' up about 18 inches
from the floor, on iron and wooded
posts. We sleep very comfortable. Or
ders were issued today as follows: Rev
ille or rising, call by bugles, 5 a. m.;
breakfast, 5:45; sick call at 8; dinner at
12; supper, 5 p. in.; retreat (flan lower
ing) 6.30; tattoo, 8; quarters, 8:30, and
taps (.lights out) 9 p. m. ' ',
I've just had dinner the first satis
factory one for several days. We have
been getting short rations for some rea
son, but had more than we could eat
today baked beans, tomato soup, bak
ed pork, bread and coffee. We had
three large flap jacks, with brown su
gar syrup and coffee, for breakfast. It
Is wonderful how the members of tbe
corps keep so well not more than one
on auty on an average, and tnen only
for silent complaints. We had 181 na-
tients at sick call, including all, this
morning. Have 16 patients in hospital,
all doing well. The natives think
we are a race of giants. 200 Spanish
soldiers gave themselves up yesterday.
They were a lot of boys, slight and
young. The poor devils were starved
I enclose you a piece of the raiment
of the Virgin Mary, from the cathedral
in Cavite. The cathedral was looted
by the insurgents and the priests killed.
It was built In 1643, and though very
antiquated is in irood external condi
tion. I have some Spanish buttons
ana general's cuevrons in silver and
gold, but they are unhandy to mail.
To Cnre Constipation Forever.
Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. lOo orSSe.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money.
lire at The Dulles.
The Dalles was visited last Sunday
night by another disastrous fire, which
started at 12 o'clock in the ice works in
course of construction. Ferdinand
Matthews was fatally burned and oth
ers injured. Three business blocks
were burned over and the loss is est!
mated at $125,000. Following is a list
of those burned out and their losses as
near as can be ascertained: '
Maves & Crowe, between $55,000 and
$60,000; insurance, $38,000.
: Louie Comini, $2,000, no insurance.
W.A.Johnston & Co., $6,000; insu
rance, $2,000.
Crystal Ice Co., $5,000; Insurance,
$1,450. ..
Great Northern Furniture Co., loss
not estimated; covered by insurance.
Pease A Mays' warehouse,loss not es
timated; covered by insurance.
A. Sandrock, loss not estimated; no
Gunning & Hockman, $2,000; no in
Mrs. Gilinore, restaurant, $500; no
Lynch Bros., loss not estimated.
Wilder's photograph gallery, $1,000;
no insurance.
W. H. Van Bibber, loss not estimat
ed; no insurance.
Thos. Ward, household goods; cov
ered by Insurance.
Fred Bayley, household goods, cov
ered by Insurance.
J. H. Cross, warehouse, $700; no in
surance. Ward & Robinson, building occupied
by Johnston & Co.; covered by insu
rance. Beauty la Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean kin. No
beautywithout it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
fltirrintir lin t.hia lnpv livoi nnii Hninnn nil i
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
uamsn pimpies, doiib, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Successful Applicants.
At the teachers' examination in The
Dalles last week only two failed to re
ceive certificates and the following
were successful:
First Grade Katie E. Davenport,
Mosier; Lois A. Helm, The Dalles.
Second Grade Mamie A. Driver,
Nona C. Rowe, The Dalles; Rebecca V.
Wilson, Anna Frazier, Dufur. .
Third Grade fViolet Kent, Tbe
T .. 1 1 - J. 7 ! I . ' . 1 1 I. 1 1 1 T ( .
miica; -xvojimu ainpueu, wumic;
Jessie Williams, Mosier.
State Diploma Henry L. Howe,
Hood River; Elsie Ball, The Dalles.
Life Diploma Louise Rintoul, Tena
Rintoul. Tbe Dalles.
fFlrst grade percentage; 'second grade do.
Not Good Shippers.
Newport, Or., Aug. 6,1898. Editor
Glacier: I netted $1 a crate on my
Magoons, sold at Grand Forks.Omaha,
Helena and other places. I believe
they are a failure for the Hood River
country. The Magoons are off color
and spongy at their destination. I put
in time und took out experience. I
have had the pleasure of the experi
ment and am satisfied. My lesson is
well learned. Chas. H. Darling.
Written for the Glacier.
The Tale of a Jackie.
Heave hearty, my lads, and cheerily,
Our good ship Is stout and trim;
And every man Jack
With coal dust Is black,
Till tbe bunkers are filled to the brim.
Then np come the chains with a rattle,
The ship points her nose to the sea;
While out of ber stack
Tbe smoke rolls back
In a grewsome cloud on our lea.
Ah, never ye mind, my hearties;
' What matters it where yo away?
Just shut up yer quiz,
'Tis none o' yer biz,
A Jackie knows naught but obey. -
Out o' the land-looked harbor
O' the placid Fuget Bound;
From the harbor's mouth
We turn to the south
. And over the blue waves bound.
Across the scorching equator,
And around the ice-bound Horn,
Through dark and through light.
Through day and through night.
The Oregon plunges on.
And every man Jock aboard her, '
From captain down to tbe kid,
Is anxious to meet
Tbe whole Spanish fleet
And to dp as Dewey did.
The whole of the circuit Is ended
And nary a don we've met,
When off o' Key West
We come to a rest,
An' the anchor watch Is set.
'Tis only a rest for a day, lads,
When down from Washington
A message is sped
Don't know what it said,
But It started the Oregon.
Once more our engines are blowing,
And our ship Is plowing tbe main;
We've entered the race
At a twelve-knot pace,
Pointing straight for the Island o' Spain.
Off the harbor o' Santiago, '
With Cervera shut up In the bay;
At Sampson's command
We take our stand
'Twlxt the New York and Iowa.
'Tis a beautiful Sunday morning,
The Jackies are np for parade;
We have sung a song,
A prayer a yard long
By the chaplain has just been made.
When a voice rings out from the masthead,
And every Jack hears It say:
"Ahoy there, below!
Let Captain Clark know
Tbe fleet's comln' out o' the bay!" .
A signal is flashed to the Brooklyn,
The flagship of Commodore Schley.
The answer comes quick
"That fleet we must lick;
Now close In and win, or die!"
There's a sharp rat-tat to quarters,
And each man Jumps to his post
The big gun speaks,
A flying shell shrieks '
' Like a human thing, almost.
The dons, accepting the challenge.
Are not at all slow to reply
They open up wide
With a port broadside,
An' their shells around us fly.
Our ship, with a snort, a quiver,
And a gallant bound, is away
Like a racing steed.
She Is after the lead
' Of the flying Spanish prey.
Out from the forward turret
Leaps the angry flames o' the gun '
The shell, with a crash,
Hits the Quendo, smash
First blood for tbe Oregon!
The Brooklyn and Indiana, '
The Iowa and Texas, too,
Have Joined In the chose,
And a merry race ,
We will give tbe dons to do.
Tbe Vlzcaya and Maria Teresa, '
We deliver a shell to each
They pull down their flag,
Bun up a white rag
And sink in the sands o' the beach.
Now, up with a cheer, lads, hearty;
Hurrah for the Oregon!
Tbe big battleship, '
With a hip and a skip,
Is after the fleeing Colon,
Oh, the pride of the Spanish navy,
Tbe swift-sailing cruiser Colon,
You will prove too slow
When you try to go
Away from our ship Oregon.
When seventeen leagues from the harbor
We get her in range of our gun;
We drop her one shot,
She flunks on the spot,
And the great sea battle Is don.
Oh, hurrah for tbe Yankee navy! '
Hurrah for the captain and crew
Tbe man In the hole, '
Who shoved the coal.
And the Jolly old admiral, too.
Hurrah for each ship o' the squadron,
There's a signal for all, "Well done"
The ship that did best
Came out o' the West,
And her name is THE OREGON. .
Mo-To-Bac for Fifty Cent.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60c, tl. All druggists.
Harvest hands are scarce now, but
the work is so far along that men can
not afford to come for the balance of
the season. . It has been bnt a few days
since there were half a dozen men for
every job, advantage being taken of
this fact to reduce tbe wages, and in
addition some of the owners of ma
chines would not treat men looking for
work with' ordinary civility. Men
would not stay under such conditions
and a scarcity is the result. Wasco
Republic. :
Boat Tobteeo Spit and Smoke Tour 1.1ft A wit.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netio. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50c or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
On Sunday last the steamer Sarah
Dixon ran into a sail boat at Strait's
Point, near Mosier. The boat was oc
cupied by three men from White Sal
mon, who were reluming from The
Dalles, where they had purchased a
new wagon and harness. Mr. Jacob-
son, who was managing the small boat,
was in row n under tne steamboat ana
came up on the other side and was res
cued. Parker Hanson was also drawn
under the steamer and was drowned.
His body has not been recovered.
The Best Remedy for Flnx.
Mr. John Mathias, a well known
stock, dealer of Pulaski, Ky., says: "Af-
Y't , -
A :
' J
Reciprocity is the Life of Trade.
We want tbe public to know that wo believe in
Reciprocity, 1
And we want the public to meet us half way. We pay best market prices for all SALABLE
country produce, and we expect those of whom we buy to trade with us. We keep all food
stuff's for man or beast, and we defy any one to sell regularly at lower prices than we do. At
the Emporium you can sell your cattle, hogs, chickens, egs, butter, berries, apples, and all
such produce, and at the same time you can buy groceries of all kinds, flour, hay, feed and
the best meats in the stale. We sell only first-class goods, and we buy the same kind. So do
not bring us poor and wormy fruit, stale butter, rotten eggs and live stock that has gone to
i hai-misA thev will not, hn received at anv nrlce. We also want flrst choice of your pro
duce. Do not peddle your goods all over town
salaoie. w e reiuse w raite sucn stun irom sucn parties. w w n-ani a inir, wjwtro uwm hvmj
you, as you want from us. THIS 18 RECIPROCITY. Now come on and try It at
M. S. &
Of Hood River can furnish comfortable conveyances to all parts of the valley and vicin
ity. Heavy draying and transferring done with care and promptness.
"OTQTT'E'T? jPr XT A XTTtf A Chenoweth, Wash., mannfactnrers and dealers In
X XDXlJuXti 06 XlXli IN XX, Red Cedar SHINQLEH. Correspondence solicited.
(Successor to A. 8. Blowers & Son)
Second door East
Hereafter I will sell for CASH only or its equivalent. Regarding prices, will say that I
defv competition. I am not afraid to meet competitive prices at any time. Meetme on Port
land lines ana l will meet you wun roruaaa
25c 50c
ter suffering for over a week with flux,
and my physician having failed to re
lieve me, I was advised to try Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and have the pleasure of
stating that tbe half of one bottle cured
me." Forsale by. Williams & Brosius.
Agents are now in tbe field collect
ing samples of the products of tbe
northwest for exhibition at the Oregon
Industrial Exposition at Portland,
Sept. 22d to Oct. 22d. All producers
should furnish samples of what they
grow or make, and the exhibition of
such is sure to be a benefit to all.
lve gentlemen or ladies to travel for re
sponslble,established house in Oregon. Month
ly $65 and expenses. Position steady. Refer
ence. Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Plymouth Rocks.
Younsr full-blooded Plymouth Rock Roos.
ters for kale at 50 cents each; theywill score 70-
Shoemaker's Supplies.
All kinds of shoe store supplies for sale at
my shop. Sole leather by the pound or side;
nails of all sizes, cheap for cosh. Call and see.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Angnst
16, 1898. Notice Is hereby given that tbe fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final nroof in suDDort of his
?i.i wire AV
claim, and that said proof will be mtxle before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Saturday, September 34, 1898, viz:
Of Mt. Hood, Homestead Application No.
4087, for the southwest section 33, township
1 north, range 10 east, W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Andrew a. Tieman, Robert Leasnre, David
R. Cooper and P. K. Kouts, all of Mt. Hood.Or.
als23 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
- ...... V- J -' :g
t. i. i.
f. -
and bring us the refuse to rot because not
X. CO.'S
of Glacier office.
prices, uau anu see
Bees for Sale.
Ten or twelve stands of Hybrid Italian Bees
in dovetailed hives for sale at $2.50 each, cash.
Stock Ranch for Sale.
One of the best stock ranches In Klickitat
county. Wash., at a bargain. Facilities for
handling a thousand head of sheep or other
slock. j.. u. uALiiing, noou itiver.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oreeon. Aneust 2.
1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in snpport of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be-
rore Kegister ana tteeeiver at rue .Danes,
Oregon, on Friday, September 9, 1898, viz:
of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
5825,'fbr the southeast hi northeast JA north
east southeast section 12, township 2
north, range 9 east, and southwest V north
west i and northwest y. southwest (lot 2
and 8), section 7, township 2 north, range 10
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous, residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
I. C. Feileigh, Frank Davenport, J. Dunn
and H. A. ilackett, all of Hood River, Oregon.
a5s9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Klondike Bakery.
I 'can supply people of Hood River with
fresh bread, pies and cake after this date, and
will have on hand everything connected with
a bakery. M. H. NICKELSEN.
Marcn 4, 1898.
4 Acres, Well Improved
For sale. 3 miles west from town: 50 bearing
fruit trees; balance in garden and strawber
ries; fine spring of water for honse use; plenty
of water for irrigating. This is one of the
earliest strawberry places In tbe valley, well
protected from late frosts. It is mile from
graded school. Will sell cheap for cash only.
Apply to P. F. CORDES,
f25 ' ' Hood River.
Horses for Sale.
One span of horses 5 years old and one 7
years old. One span Isvell broken and gentle.
the other broken to drive.
I,. 1). BOYD.
Hood River, Or.
Mt.Hood Saw Mills,
TOMLINSON BR08., Prop'rs.
Of tbe best quality always on hand at prices
to suit the times. jy24
Fresh Milk,
Areated and deodorized, 5 cents a qnnrt.
The Glacier
Hood River, Or.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
40 acres, 2 miles from town. All kinds of
fruit; 2 acres in strawberries; natural water
privileges; bearing orchard. Terms reason
able. W. J. CAMPBELL.
Bee Dr. Jones for
best work at most
reasonable prices. He
Is permanently lo
cated corner Fourth
and Washington sts.,
Portland. WilCbe at
Hood River 15th of
each mohth.
160 Acres of Land
Hi miles from town of Hood River. Willsell
all or part, or trade for city property. Terms
part cash, part on time.
5 Acre Tracts.
Some of the most desirable places in Hood
River have been placed In my hands for sale.
Sixty acres for sale in five-acre tracts.
If you wish to buy or sell lands In Hood
River valley, call on or address
Real Estate Agent, Hood River. Or.
Skin Diseases.
For the speedy and permanent cure of
tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham
berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is
without an equal. It relieves the itch
ing and smarting almost instantly and
its continued use effects a permanent
cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch,
scald head, sore nipples, itching piles,
chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and
granulated lids.
Dr. Cady'g Condition Powders for
horses are the best tonic, blood purifier
and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by
Forsale by Williams & Brosiua.
Bids Wanted.
For grnbblng and burning about 2 acres
and for slashing and burning the brush on
about 5 acres of land on my place.
Jy24 A. E. CURTIS.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 11,
ite. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles,
Oregon, on Tuesday, August 23, 1898, viz:
Of Hood River, Homestead Application No.
4003, for the west northeast southeast
northeast and northwest southeast
section 20, township 2 north, range 11 east,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
F, M.Jackson. Peter Konke, David Board
man and Hans Lage, all of Hood River, Or.
Jyl5al9 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
11, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
tent ion to make final proof in support of hia
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Saturday, August 20, 1898, viz:
Of Hood RlveT, Homestead Application No.
4053, for the northwest J-j southwest V, south
y southwest hi, and lot 4, section 31, township
2 north, range 10 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
James M. Chitty, Viento, Or.; H. Prtgge,
R.J. Ellis and J. O. Eastman, nil of Hood
River, Or.
Jyl5al JAS. F. MOORE. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Jnly 11,
1898. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In. support of hia
the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles,
Oregon, on Saturda, August 20, 1898, viz:
Of Viento, Homestead Application No. 4471,
forthewe8t southwest hi and northeast hi
southwest hi section 35, township 8 north,
range 9 east, w . M.
He names the followin witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: I
Conrad Repp and H. Priggeof Hood River,
Oregon, and Frank Lapier and R. F. Hard
rick of Mosier, Oregon.
Ivl.inllt .TaS. F. MOORK. RfMrisiflr.
Shotgun for Sale.
A double-barreled shotgun, good as new. for
Land Office at TheiDalles, Oreeon, Angust2
1898. Notiee Is hereby given tbat tbe follow
ing named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of hia
claim, and that said proof will be made before'
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on Saturday, September 10, 1898, viz:
Formerly Nannie V. Bowman of Mosier,
Homestead Application No. 6302. for the south.
northwest hi section 34, and south north
east hi section 38. townshiD 2 north, ranee 11
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
George Ireland, John Davis, Nathan Sturgia
and Amos Boot, all of Mosier, Oregon.
a5s9 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
I want to rent a small farm up near Mount
Hood, to take possession by Oct. 1st. Address.
al2 THOS. 8HERE, Hood River, Or.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
11. 1898. Notiee is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice or
his Intention to make final proof in
support of his elaim, and that said proof
will be made before Reeister and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, August 26,.
it)!,, viz:
Heir of Adotpb Velguth, deceased: Home
stead ADDlication No. 4838. for the southwest
hi northeast hi, west hi southeast hi, and
northeast hi southwest hi section 4, township
1 south, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land. viK
H. H. Tomlinson, Osear Fredenburg, J.
Knudson and Gcoree Perkins, all of Mount,
Hood, Oregon.
jyioain j.ia, r ..muukk, negisier.
Lumber Wagon, 2 inch .......50 00
amen cow . .so uw
Will sell part or alt of my ranch.