The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 12, 1898, Image 3

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    36d Iiver lacier.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1898.
The mall arrives from Mt.Hood at 10
olock A. M. Wednesday and Saturdays; de-
pitrus - 11 sume uuyif t, noon.
For Cnen reth, leaves at 8 A.. M. Tuesdays
una naturaavs; arrives ai t. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
mcr. Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
w ountwaays ana r riuavs.
Laurel ttabekah Decree Lodge. No. 87. 1. 0.
O. F. Meets first and third Mondays In eneb
month. MRS. I'LIIRA HARTLEY, N. (1.
O. O. Chamberlain, Secretary.
Canby Post, No. 10, G. .V. B., meets at A. O.
- V. W,' Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All U. A. 11. members In
vited to meet with us.
FRANK NOBLE, Commander.
T. J. Cunning, Adjutant.
Canby W . It. C, No. 10, meets first Saturday
of each month In A. O. U. W. hull, at i p. in.
Mrs. AGNES CUNNING, President,
Mrs. Uksula Dukks, Secretary.
Hood River Lodge, No. 105, A. F. and A. M.
Meets Saturday evening on or before each
mil moon. F. 0. BROSIUS, W. M.
. W. M. Yatrs, Secretary.
Hood River Chapter, No. 27,' R. A. M.
Meets third Friday night of each mont h,
G. E. Williams, Secretary. .
Hood River Chapter, No. 25, O. E. S. Meets
Saturday after each full moon.
Mr. Rachkl Hekshsek, Secretury.
,,, Dipt Assembly, , No, 103, United Artisans,
Jfneets second .and fourth Monday nights of
each month at Fraternity hall. Krothersand
sisters cordially Invited to meet with us.
8. 8. Gbay, Secretary.,
" Wan com ft Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meets in
A. O. V. W. Hall on every Tuesday night.
Oh T. Pratoer, K. of R. & 8.
Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. U. W., meets
erst and third Saturdays of each month.
J, V. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howr. Reooider. ..
IdlewJde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night. .
O. G. Chambkrlain, Secretary.
'.' , Bonneville excursion, Sunday, 50e.
jEverythiiiK treah at Copple's grocery.
M. A. Cook started ; Wednesday' for
' iiooma for rent; irood loeution; in
quire at People's Store. .
. , YVnkeiee'i squirrel poison, 25c a can,
at Williams & Broaius'.
A (?ood drop leaf table for sale cheap.
Inquire of Mrs. J. P. Harvey
.'Wiu'. Yates, P. M., is authorized agent
- fur all. newspapers and periodicals
Jus. Lanjiille came In Monday night
from his mine on Mcloy creeK.
Mrs. Phoelsa Jones of Pendleton is
viHitiug relatives and friends iti Hood
River. - ' ''
Miss Nellie Zeiirler of Portland Is
visitlnir with Mrs. Fix at their cauip at
Pur k hurst. ' '
Bring your hutter, eggs and vegetab
les to Copple's store and get the highest
market prices. -
Mrs. Jos. Frazier. and her dnujjliter
Vina are hot h sick and the doctor was
called Tuesday,
Mr. E. Qinickenbiish and family of
Portland are stopping in Wm. Potter's
cottage at Belmont.
Bev. Dr. Kellogg of the Taylor street
M. E.-: church;' 'Portland, is. visiting
with Dr. and Mrs. Hines.
BrQinide of Quinine Compound,cures
colds while you sleep. 10 ami 25 cents
at Williams & Brosius, pharmacists.
E. H. Pickard, painter and decorator;
estimates gratis; prices tuo ler.ite; satis
faction guarinteed. Leave orders at
Glacier pharmacy. . ' . ,
Win. Kennedy is making prepara
tion to can fruit. He expects to can
all needed for his own family and to be
able t: can for others.
A letter from Mrs. Koplin, dated at
Syracuse, Nebraska, August Otli, slated
t hut her father, David Hill, diedat
that, place on that date. " '
Mr. J. T. Neff, member of the hoard
of examiners for teachers' ceriilicates,
went to The Dalles Wednesday to at
tend the session now in progress.
Mr. L. Neff has rented Ids fruit
ranch , to Hon. T. R. Coon and will
move to Wasco, where he is engaged
in building bridges for the Columbia
Southern railroad. n ......
Dr. Hi ties and Dr. Kellogg started
on Wednesday for Cloud Cap Inn.
They went In Dr., Hines' private con
veyance and will drive along leisurely
and camp by the way
Dr. E. T. Cams and wife and boy
Clarence came up from Portland last
week and will make their home in.
Hood River for awhile for the benefit
of the doctor's health.
Mrs. Bartmess has canned with the
Acme Steam Canner over 100 quarts of
fruit, peas, beans and fish without the
loss of a single jar. Call and see the
canner at S. E. Barttness.'
Mr. G. J. Gessling finished the work
of assessing Hood River valley on
Wednesday. He made 500 assess
ments, with a total assessed valuation
of $250,000 exclusive of railroad, tel
egraph and telephone properties.
Miss Delia Reed and an aunt arrived
here Sunday from Missouri In response
to a telegram summoning them home
on account of the illness of Mrs. Louisa
Reed. Mrs. Reed was operated upon
in a Portland hospital for appendicitis
last Thursday and has since been get
ting along nicely. '
V. T. Gregory, deputy head consul
of the Modern Woodmen of America,
will organize a camp in Hood River
Saturday night, at the old armory hall.
Dr. J. B. Hibben of Kansas City, head
examining physician, will be present
and speak on the benefits of the order:
Everybody is Invited to come out and
bear Dr. Hibben.
About one month ago my child, which
is 15 months old, had an attack of diar
rhoea accompanied by vomiting. I gave
it such remedies as are usually given In
euch cases, but as nothing gave relief,
we sent for a physician and it was un
der his care for a week. At this time
the child had been sick for about ten
days and was- having about 25 opera
tions of the bowels every 12 hours, and
we were convinced that unless It soon
obtained relief It would not live. Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy .was recommended, and I de
cided to try- It. I soon noticed a change
for the better; by its continued use a
complete cure was brought about and
it is now- perfectly healthy C. L.
Boggs, Stumptown, Gilmer Co., W.Va.
For sale by Williams & Brosius.
The feat of swimming the Columbia
river at this point last weeKbyJonn
Leland Henderson is being mentioned
by the papers of the state, but they get
the distance only 1J miles. Mr. Hen
derson swam across the river and back
again, without landing, making the
distance, as he was carried by the cur
rent, 44 miles. Mr. Henderson is
lawyer and can lie or swim in the
river all day. .He is an all-round atl
lete and had made arrangements to
swim to the Cascades yesterday, but
the strong up-stream breeze compelled
mm to postpone the trip Tor the reason
that the small bout could not keep up
with him. lie will start this, F riday,
morning, If the weather is favorable.
Mr. Ei)h Wir.aus will accompany him
in a small bout, and the two will return
by the steamer .this eveuing.
Mr. Samuel Koplin, the Frankton
blacksmith whs kicked by a horse on
Tuesday and the bridge or his nose
broken. J. O. Eastman and family
had just driven up to the shop, and
Mr. Eastman asked Mr. Koplin lolook
t his horse's shoes and see if they had
better be taken off. Mr. Koplin start
ed to pick tip the horse's front foot
when he was kicked by the animal and
knocked nearly across the road. Dr.
Shaw was called and set the bones of
his nose. The horse is a gentle old
family horse and uever before was he
known to kick.
Our old friend D. F. Pierce has left
Portland and is agaiti located at Spo
kane, where be goes to establish him
self in the harness business. Mr. Pierce
was in business at Spokane . for five
years before coming to Hood River.
He informs us that he sold out bis bu
siness interests at LaGrande aud pro
perty at San Jose last mouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carlisle of Atch-
inson, Kansas, arrived on a visit to
Mr. anil Mrs. Bartmess and family,
yesterday morning. Mrs. Carlisle is
a cousin to Mrs. Bartmess. , Mr. Car
lisle owns extensive ' interests in a
large lumbering business in the East
ern states.
The Mountaineer says Mr. J. T. NefT
of Hood River displayed in The Dalles
some of the apples that have earned
such wide reputation for Hood River.
They were of the Duchess variety aud
were perfect beauties. . ..'..
The ladies aid society of the Congre
gational church will hold its regular
meeting on Friday afternoon at 2 o'
clock, at the home of Mrs. H. F David
son. Everybody come.
, Mrs. H. C. Bateiiam, Pres.
Mr. F. S. Perry has a good position
in a nox iaetory at ruyaiiup, wash
He recently sent for his family, and
yesterday morning they left for their
new home at Puyallup. .'
The delinquent taxes of Wasco coun
ty, us shown on the rolls now in the
bauds of the sheriff, are $00,000, an
amount almost equal to the Indebted
uess of the county.
Mrs. S. E. Bartmess and daughters,
rsaineatiu Mane, arrived home VV (id lies
day, after a week's visit with friends
aud relatives at Portland.
Jii. ll. 1'iekard lias painted a new
sign for the Glacier pharmacy that is
an excellent advertisement of his ar
tistic ability in that line.
Miss Lanie (longer of Portland, who
has lieen visiting Miss Carrie Shu te. re
turned home Wednesday night.
Miss Lillian Shute Is with the Sun
derlaud family, who are camiied 15
miles south of Mt. Hood, at Welch's
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wachter of Tole
do, Ohio, visited with Dr. and Mrs.
Shaw over last Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. W. Dusiin and two chil
dren of Portland visited Mrs. W. J.
Baker last week. .
Miss Grace Eliot arrived at Shu-
shula on Tuesday, after a month's visit
on fuget bound.
Educate Your ilnwels Wil li Cmcarets.
Candy Onthnrtlr. cure cnnstlnntlnn fni-Ai-Ai.
10c, 25a. It C. C. C. fail, drugging refund money.
: From (Jump Dewey.
Camp Dewey, Wash., Aug. 6,1898.
Editor Glacier: The camping party
from Hood River is located on Mr.
Iman's ranch, opposite Cascade Locks,
U miles from the Columbia river. In
addition to our party are Dr. Edgerton
and wile, Mrs. Johnson and child.
Mrs. Brock and two children from
Wasco, making in all about fifty. The
camp is located on a branch of Rock
creek, surrounded by large hrs inter
spersed with cedar and large ma.le
trees, making one of the most delight
ful camps.
Our party Is making the woods ring
with laughter, singing and merrymak
ing, each one trying to outdo the other,
while the older ones, with pole and
basket, are hunting for lakes aud trout.
Here it is very different from other
places; you will And lakes on top of the
mountains and the fishing is to your
taste. '
Lou Morse was highly honored last
evening, it being his birthday anni
versary. All the campers assembled in
front of his tent aud the band dis
coursed pleasant music; then came
speeches from different parties congrat
ulating Bro. Morse on his safe arrival
at the 40th mile stone. In bis reply
Mr. Morse said this event would make
a lasting impression on his memory
and he would never forget it.
Col. Hartley has done the freighting,
and we can all recommend him to oth
ers anticipating coming to Camp
Dewey.. He is one of the most accom
plished drivers and can make the best
time on record over the rockiest, rough
est roads iu Washington. With the
wagon loaded to the guards, Grant
Evans standing on the brake beam,
Col. Hartley sits on top of the plunder
holding the strings fastened to four
horses, and when he lets forth one of
those Modoc yells that echo and re
echo from mountain side to hill top
the horses start at a break neck speed
and barely stop until camp is reached,
when a careful inventory reveals every
thing broken or cracked except the
axes, which come through all right.
He is also a very early riser, as the girls
can attest. When they hear him com
ing they gather their red blankets and
strike for the road on the doublequick;
nor do they return until assured he is i
engaged milking.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfard and Mr. and
Mrs. Morse strapped their blankets for
a two-days' trip in the mountains.
Mrs. Wolfard Is entitled to the prize as
cruiser or mountain climber.
Earl Bartmess and Percy Logsdon
came in last night; also, Mr. Clark
camped over night with us on his way
to his claims distant 13 miles.
j . Camper.
More famous "Buckskin" shirts, all colors and sizes; everybody
likes them, at 55c. 1 . .'. ' ' ,. ' . ' "-'
LadieV wrappers, just right for summer, 75c. . .? ; ''
Don't miss this! All silk serge, 26 inch umbrellas, great values,
at $1.15. : ' , ...... . ;. ' '
Nor this! Elegant all silk four-in-hand ties, variety of most beau
tiful colors, uiiequaled values, at 40c.; See them, sure!
Ladies' low shoes, just right for tender feet; easiest on earth;
prices easy, too; everything easy except : hard, to wear out.
For highest art in shoe building, see our famous Julia Marlowes.
Shoes good enough for anybody and tsheap enough for 'everybody.
Shoes good enough for anybody and cheap enough for everybody.
Shoes good enough lor anybody and cheap enough for everybody..
; (Old Post OffiC3 Building.) - ..
M. E. Church Notice.
The following is the order for the
services of the M. E. church iu Hood
River charge for the. three weeks re
maining of the conference year:
August J4, Hooa raver, J i a. m. n.
K. Hines; 7.45 p. m. G. R. Archer.
Belmont, a. m. G. R. Archer. Crap
pers, 2 30 p. m. H. K. Hines, :
August 21, nne urovc, ji a. m. ti.
K. Hines. Hood River, 11 a. m. G. R.
Archer, 7.45 p. m. H. K. Hines. Bel-
mout, 7.45 p. m G. R. Archer.
August za, Hooa raver, 11 a. m. u.
R. Archer. 7.45 p.m. H. K. Hines.
Belmont. 11 a. m. H. K. Hines.
At Belmont on the 28th at close or
morning services, the sacrament will
be administered, aud in the evening of
the sume day at Hood River,
The week beginning Sunday, Au
gust 21st I will hold services at Hood
iRiver and speak on a list of themes to
be announced in next weeks Glacier,
each evening. I most earnestly and
affectionately request all members of
our church to tie present at all these
meetings, aud just as cordially invite
all others.
Rev. Robt. Warner, presiding elder,
will preach in the church at Hood
Riv r, Friday, August 19th, at 2:30 p.
in., and hold the last quarterly confer
ence of the year immediately following
the sermon; Let every official mem
ber be at, the quarterly conference
Next Sunday will lie the last Sunday
tnorning iir the year I will preach in
Hood River. I greatly desire to see all
our members in the congregation.
Please "bear the cross" and come. '
a H. K. Hines.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Insr.
To. quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netio. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60o or 81. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or New York.
America's Greatness.
Editor Glacier: Since the present
war with Spain commenced we have
raised and equipped an army of 200,000
men; increased our navy to such num
bers and fighting capacity, and gained
such victories with so little loss of life
or ships that the whole civilized
world is aRtonished, and is looking on
with a jealous and envious eye. But they
have changed their views aud attitude
to suit the result of our brilliant
achievements. It has been the great
est object lesson the world' has ever
seen a great nation waging war for a
weak and oppressed people, and the
kindness and hospitality shown to all
prisoners taken. We shall become a
greater and more prosperous nation and
he world la better for this great oapt-
ism of fire. Never in the history of any
aue has such patriotism been so tuliy
demonstrated by all classes with money
and men, and with wise diplomacy in
our settling up the war with Spam "will
show the greatest progress the world
has ever seen. E. D. C.
Beauty la Ulood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin.
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im-
Eurities from the body. Begin to-day to
anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarets. beautv for ten cents. -All rfriior-
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
At Mt. Hood, August 7, 1898, at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. J as.
V. Cooper aud Miss Clarice Elva Grib-
ble; Rev,.Troy Shelly officiating.
The happy couple left the next day
by boat on a 'wedding trip to Portland.
The Glacier extends congratulations.
The Rev. W. B. Cost ley of Stock-
bridge, Ga., while attending to his pas,
total duties at Ellen wood, that state.
was attacked by cholera morbus. He
says: "By chance 1 happened to get
hold or a bottle or Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
think it whs the means of saving my
life. It relieved me at once." For sale
by Williams & Brosius.
Services at the Bridge.
Editor Glacier: Being at the
bridge, camping, on Sabbath, the 7th
Inst, we were entertained by religious
services held by the Rev. D. C. Garrett
recter of Trinity Episcopal church,
Portland. Dr. Garrett and family are
camping at the bridge, and with them
are the choir boys of his church, who
are given an outing by the church.
Over fifty came Sabbath morninir at
10 o'clock to attend the service; some
came three and four miles, and the
united expression was that they were
well paid for coming. Dr. Garrett is
an easy and earnest speaker: he made
no attempt to preach a sermon, but
gave us a tine dissertation on the faith
of the woman whose daughter was
sick. The singing by the choir boys
was good: they started their own tunes
without help of organ or prompter,
and considering their age froiu 10 to 15
years wejudge and their shoutings and
bathingiii the cold water which made
them hoarse. Dr. Garrett nas a wor
thy 'assistant in the person of his wife
who.looked carefully after all the de
tails or tne service. We were glad to
meet luem ana inougn not a commu
meant i ineir cnurcn, we trust we
were made better by the presence and
conqsei of this Christian man and
woman..- Hoping we may be able to
meet the genial Dr. ut his own church
in Portland and hear him at his best
vye remain truly. . C. J. Hayes,
I; Keep Them.
Tangle-foot and
Bachelor Buttons.
Shoemaker's Supplies.
All kinds of shoe store supplies for sale at
my simp, esoie leanicr oy tne pound or side;
nails of all sizes, cheap for cash. Call and see.
" -" ' V. WKLiM
General Land Office. Washington, n. n..
May 27, 18118. Notice Is hereby given of the
following Executive Order, restoring certain
lands in the Cascade Ranee Forest Reserve U
settlement and entry: "EXECUTIVE MAN
SION, Washington, D. C. April 29, 18(18. In
accordance with the provisions of the Act of
June 4. 1SS I.HJ Bint,.. l. UDOn the rHnmmnnil.
at ion of the Secretary of the Interior, the west
nair or lownsnip one Mouth, of Range ten
Coal lirtl 1...i.a .HX....I.1. tUiL,I:
the limits of the Cascade Range V'orest He-
serve, is nereDy oraerea restored to the public
uoti-miju, tuier. Bixiy aays nonce nereor, py
puujiuuuuu, . us required Dy law, liappeariu
that said tract Is better adapted to asrricu!
tnral than forest purposes, WILLIAM MC
KINLEV." The above lands will be subject
to the United States Land Office, The
Blngef Hermann, Commissioner. ' aliislf
italics, ureiron. on anaaiteructoDer i?.- imhj
I Want to rent St Small form tin tiaaV Hfniint
Hood, uptake possession by Oct. 1st. Address
ita . xjiua.BttaKii;, ttood raver, ur.
Pasture for Stock.
On and after Aug. 16th I will take a limited
nunioer or horses and cattle to Dasture.
rses. $1.50 per head rjer month; cows. 1 ner
head per mouth. I will not be responsible for
uuy muu ui ucciaenis or losses.
a!2 J. W. MORTON.
Prune Crop
In the orchard for sale,
Apply at te Glacier
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
i I, " ureuy given mat tne
following-named settler has filed notice of
ins inienuon 10 make Unal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
nt vr wwic iwjjj.HMsr ana tteceiver at
iao i;ll"e8 uregon, on J'riaay, August 28,
''' R. P. VELGUTH.
Heir or Adolph Velguth, deceased: Home
stead Application No. 4338, for the southwest
7i iiiniieai , west y. southeast bi. and
northeast southwest VJ section 4, township
. m.uvaJ, luuu IVVHHb. W . HtL,
his continuous residence upon and cuTtlva-
Jits uitiues Lfie iminwino ummiasoas m .wwa
iiuii ui Bum junu, viz:
H H. Tomllnson, Oscar Fredenburg, 3.
Knudsonand George Perkins, all of Mount
JyloalO :,. JAS. F. MOORE, Keglster.
Time Schedules.
, ".(
i v;
.i" Fast "
Salt Lake, Denver,
Fast '
4:23 a.m.
Ft Worth.Omana.l
Kansas. City, St.
Louis, Chicago
and the East.
Walla Walla, Spo-
, Flyer .
4:83 p.m.
St Paul, Dututh,
Milwaukee, Chi
7:45 a.m.
cago and East.
8 p.m.
Ocbax Steamships
4 p.m.
All sal II tig dates sub
ject to change.
For San Francisco
Sail Aug. 7, 12,17,22,
7 p.m.
To Alaska-
6 p.m.
Sail Aug.
8, 28.
8 n.m.
Columbia River
4 D.m. . -
Ex. Sunday
10 a.m.
To Astoria and way
Willamette River.
4:30 p.m.
6 n.m.
Oregon City. New-
Ex. Sunday
oerg,aiem & woyl
8:30 n.m.
7 a.m.
Yamhill Rivkrs.
Mon, Wed.
Tues. Thur.
Oregon Clty.Dayton
and Frl.
and Sat.-
ana way landings.
6 a.m.
Tues, Thar.
' and Sat..
Willamette River.
4:i i .m.
Portland'to Corval-
Tues., Thur.
llsi way landings.
ana sau
1:45 a.m.
Mon.. Wed.
and Friday
Lv Lewlst'n
Snakk River.
5:45 a.m.
Rlparia to Lewlston
Sun.. Tnes.
and Thur.
JenT Pass. Agent, Portland, Or
Clabk. Agent, Hood River. .
E. 8.
, Proscriptions carefully compounded by a thoroughly reliable and competent druggist.
Patent medicines, perfumery, toilet articles, and everything kept in a first-class drug store
always on band. . : - . . .
I have obened a choice lot of Groceries
River Pharmacy. Will also deal In Flour, Feed, etc.
" Our roods are all new and choice, and we will aim to keeD the best at all times. Q uick
sales and small profits will be our motto.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley.) .'
j s-ux '..:".... -ffi s , . .' ' DEALER IN :y.
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc .
We have h new and comDlete stock of hard
ware, stoves and tinware, to which we will
keep constantly adding. Our prices will con
tinue to be as low as rortiana prices.
Repairing Tin ware a Specialty
Planet Junior hand and horse
ir : - ; Cultivators:
v i . ' - - . ' ' -
Stude baker Wagons.
Canton Clipper chlllegUid
Plows & Cultivators,
- .: All styles and sizes.
For Repairs
Give me a call.
Extra Shares
and Plow Parts
, Always in .stock. .
Columbia Nursery
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are -well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether' you want one tree or 1,000,
It will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satls-
iscuon. iso iron Die to snow goons, iiraers
Ailed on short notice. . H. C. BATEHAM,
. . Hood River, Oregon
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Road.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
' . Manufacturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
HOOD RIVER. - - - - - - OREGON.
Is now located in Portland, at 113 Russell
street. Will make regular trips to Hood
River on the first of every month and remain
three days. '
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
(Successor to Dr. Morgan) ' .
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office ur stairs over Connie's store. All
calls left at the office or residence will be
promptly attended to.
Attorney atf Law, Abstracter v bfotary
fuoiia ana jceai jxttaie Agent.
For 21 rears a resident of Oreeon and Wash
ington. Has had 'many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstracter, searcher n(
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
Harness Repair Shop.
Being a practical shoemaker and worker In
leather, I have opened a shoe shop In Hood
River and will make a specialty of repairing
harness. All work guaranteed to srlve satis
faction. F. E. DENZER.
Do You Want
To buy land In Hood River
Valley. If so, don't fall to
See Tucker! ,
Frilit Land. Berrv Land. Grain Land, ur
y Li!
ss yn
1. TU
Hay land, at prices you cant eqnal in the
valley. ft. 11. TUCKKB, Tucker, Or.
In the store room formerly occupied by the Hood
Come and see us. . .,
- - - OREGON
THE-- ' '
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
All Fffiicht Will Crtma "Thrmicrh
vviiuuui uciay.
Leave Tbe Dalles.. ! 8.45 a. at,.
Leave Portland 7.00 A. u. .
One way.........'...'......,..'
Bound trip.........
2 60 .
Freisrht Rates Great lv
, ; Reduced.
; ! W. C. ALLAWAY,.
. ' '." -' General Agent. .
(devices for regulating- and
showing theexact tension) are
a few of the features . that
emphasize the high grade
character of the White.
Send for our elegant f L T.
White Sewing Machine Co.,
HE ".'.'
$1.00 Bottle.
One cent a dose.
This Great Cough Cubs Dromutly euro
Where all others fail. Coughs, Croup, Sor
Throat, Hoarseness, Whoopioj Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it has do rival:
bas cured thousands, and will ocas YOU it
taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar
antee. For a Lame Back or Chpgt, use
nave you caiarro t toib remedy is R-neran-teed
to cure you. . Price, 60 eta. InJOviorlroo. '
Kr jU 1v H. A. YOIUL
! ; Future comfort for present I
3 ; seeming economy, fcut buy the J
; sewing; macnine with an estab- I
llished reputation, that guar-!
! antees you long- &ni satisf ac- J I
; tory service. &
Aim,. C
mm a m . . - "f .mi aaif.a.. . . .m
ana stsw fix V3 t t
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