The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 29, 1898, Image 4

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Cieatest Medicine Is the Medi
cine for You.
Do not experiment with untried prepa
rations. Be satisfied only with the great
est and best, Hood's Barsaparilla. It has
cured multitudes of people and is kept on
hand in thousands of homes as the only
safe and reliable family medicine. It will
defend you from the dangers of summer.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for5.
Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents.
Folding Megaphone '
The megaphone has come into almost
univeisal use at athletic and aquatic
races and contests because It enables
i the judges and other officers to make
announcements that can be heard all
over the field. Its adoption has? been
somewhat hampered by the size of the
instrument, which is too bulky to be
conveniently transported, but this has
been overcome by making them oollaps
ible like the drinking cup made for
travelers and picnickers. The loiuing
megaphone is made in sections, one flt
, ting in the other, and when not in use
the horn collapses into a package about
M the size of a hat box.
None can foresee the outcome of the quarrel
between foreign powers over the division ol
China. It Is Interesting to watch the going to
pieces of this ancient but unprogressive race.
Many people in America are also going to
leces becauso of dyspepsia', constipation,
mood, liver and stomach diseases. We are
living too last, but strength, vigor and good
health can be retained It we keep off and cure
the above diseases with Hostotter's Stomach
Naples is to be connected with
Mount Vesuvius by a direct railroad
line, which will connect with the cable
line running to the top of the volcano.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous spots.
Kelieves corns and bunions pf all pain and
gives rest and comfort Teri thousand tes
timonials of cures. Try it today. Bold by
all druggists and shoe stores for 25c.1 Sent
by mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, L
Koy, New York.
The Kussian pood, a measure ol ca
pacity in handling grain, is equal to
86.1 pounds.
FIT Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervounnes
III after first day's use of Dr. Kline's ureal
Nerve lleatorer. Send for Ms.QO trial
bottle and treatlne.) DR. IU IE. ILLXNii, Ltd., IttO
Arch street, I'hlludelphia, I'a.
The waters of the Grand Fall of Lab
rador have excavated a chasm SO
miles long. .
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder
It is asserted that plate glass will
make a more durable monument than
the hardest granite. .,; ;
. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures. Oeorge W. Lota,
Kabuchcr, La., August 20, 1893. ,
; It Is announced that Italian ex
periments On vegetable life withiRoent
gen rays have shown that the effect Is
identical with that of sunlight.
For the Summer Girl.
A love in soft white straw is Just
made for the summer girl. It has an
airy, fairy fold of white taffeta round
it, and two quills curve back from the
knot in front.' White violets coquet
with Miss 8. Q.'s tresses in the back.
It is Ideal summer hatgear, all white
and inexpeesibly dainty.
' In the town of Chile most shops are
open till midnight, and during the
not Hiieruuono, wxjoii uvuiyuuuy luaes
a siesta, they are locked up.
V . . ,01 - . 1. 1 1 1 . 1
Gratifying Letters to. Mrs. Pinky
ham From Happy Women.
"I Owe Ton My Life."
Mrs. B. WooLmsKB, ,
Mills, Neb., writew
"Deab Mrs. Pinkhams I owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound. The
doctors said I had consumption add
nothing could be done for me. My
menstruation hod stopped and they
said my blood was turning to water. I
had several doctors. They all said I
could not live. I began the use of Lydla
, E.. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and it helped mo right away; menses
returned and I have gained In weight,
I have better health than I have had for
years. It Is wonderful what your Com
pound has done for me.M .
, "I Feel Like a New Person."
s, Mrs. Gno. Leach,
!. 1809 Belle St., Alton, I1L, writes!
' " Before I began to take your Vege
table Compound I was a great sufferer
from womb trouble Menses would ap
pear two and three times in a month,
- causing me to bo so weak I could not
stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and
looked so , badly my friends hardly
know me. , '
" I took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much benefit from it. My drug-
, gist gave mo one of your little books,
and after reading It I decided to try
Lydia E. ' Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I feel like a new person.-, I
would not give your Compound for .yi
the doctors' medicine In the world., I
can not praise it enough."
Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar-
kpt. Used by all sack newer. For sale by all gen
erul merchandise store, or by
M' -f , - .- Will & FINCK CO., ;
820 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.
I Best Cough Syrup. TaHtcs Good.
in time. Wold by druwrtntn.
fails. ra
Invested by Americans
and Insurgents.
- -
General Anderson's Forces Land Rear
the City Boston Covers the Opera
' tlon Agulnaldo Getting His Artillery
In Action Against the Suburbs.
Manila, via Hong Kong, July 25.
The disembarkation of the .American
troops composing the second expedition
is being pushed with the utmost energy.
The Colorado regiment is already in
the field, near Paranque, end others
will be transferred without loss of time.
The United States ciuiser Boston baa
been detailed to cover the landing par
ties. She now occupies a position al
most within range of three suns of Fort
Malate, which is only a short distance
from Manila proper. : : ;
The brigade commanded by General
Anderson re still at Cavlte, but : his
troops are ready to move. .
The arrival here of the monitor Mon
terey is anxiously expected. The Mon
terey, with the collier Brutus, loft San
Francisco for Manila, June 7.' She
arrived at Honolulu June 24, and left
there agalii on June 29.-
. The insurgents are gradually getting
their artillery into action againat Pine
da, San tarn eso and Malate. The fight
ing is desultory. The Spaniards have
been drivon from the tronohes outside
of Malate, and the insurgents are
strongly entrenched near the walls of
the forts. The) insurgents began to
bombard Malate first, and struck the
telegraph oompany's cablehouse.
It is said on semiofficial authority in
Manila that the recent news from Cuba
is a "vile English fabrication;" that
in reality the Spaniards have been vic
torious, and that Admiral Camara's
squadron coaled at Singapore and is
expected hero July 87.
Terrible Execution by Dewey's 81
,' Inch, Shells-
New York, July 23. A correspond
ent of the Journal writing from Cavite,
Manila. July 17, relates the result ol
the inspection of the hulls ot the Span
ish warships sunk, in Manila by the.
squadron of i Admiral, Dewey. The
cruiser Relna Cristina shows the most
complete destruction. The course oi
the Olympla's 8-inch shells can be
clearly traced by the line of ruin ex
tending from stern to waist. There
are very few largo shot holes through
the hull, the principal ones being from
six-inch shell amidships and from four
inch shells. The cioUer Castillo is
less burned -but . teirlbly wrecked.
There are plain traces where six big
shells tore lmmnes holes in the wooden
hull. When the Are started, the weight
of guns caved the hull inwards. The
warship is now a mass of twisted iron
and charred beams a very bad wreck,
resembling that of the Maine In ap
pearance. Three large shells entered
the Don Antonio de Ulloa amidships,
but the vessel did not burn. She
sank quickly, riddled by shells of all
sizes. The greatest bavoc was done by
six-inch shells.
Insurgent Chief Declares Martial Law
Over the Philippines.
Washington, Jury 25. The follow
ing cablegram has just been received at
the war department:,
"Hong Kong, July . 25. Agulnaldo
declares a dictatorship and martial law
oyer all the islands. ' The people expect
independence. ... I recommend Chinese
ponies for cavalry use.
Qeneral Anderson is senior army offi
cer at the Philippines. The dispatch
was sent from Manila probably several
days ago. ' The - reference to Chinese
ponies means that General Anderson
desires that kind ol cavalry animals. '
General Anderson's message gave the
cabinet food for consideration at its
regular meeting today. There is no
disposition to force an issue with the
insurgent chief at this time,, but it is
pretty well understood that he will not
be allowed to commit the United States
government in the future treatment of
the Philippine islands.
- : '
Dynamite Explosion In a Jail.
' 8t. Joseph, Mo:, July 25. Great ex
citement was created last night by an
explosion of dynamite in the county
jail, the act of a number of desperate
convicts awaiting transfer to the peni
tentiary. The rear end of the jail was
wrecked, but the prisoners' escape was
prevented. ,
As one important result of the cap
ture of Santiago, the iron and eteol
mines are to resume operations at once.
American companies will handle the
output of the Cuban mines as was the
case before their operation was suspend
ed by order of the Spanish officers.
( Shot From Ambush.
. Cincinnati, July 25. The Commer
cial Tribune's special from Barbours-.
ville, Ky., says: Jolm Baker and a
oolored man were killed yesterday by
unknown persons in ambush. Baker
was out on bail and was accompanied
by two negroes, whom he employed to
guard him en route to Manchester.
One of the negroes escaped. All con
nected with the White-Howard, or the
Garrard-Baker factions are guarded
when they travel.
Particulars of the Battle on the North
Coast of Cuba.
Key West, Fla., July 26. Acting
under orders of Rear-Admiral Samp
son, four American warships Thursday
afternoon entered the harbor of Nipe,
on the northeast coaet of the province
of Santiago de Cuba, and after a furious
bombardment, took possession of the
harbor. The vessels engaged were thd
Topeka, Annapolis, Wasp and Leyden.
In the course of an hour they si
lenced the forts, sank the Spanish gun
boat Jorge Joan and scattered the
Spanish riflemen who had taken part in
the engagement. Captain Hunker then
ordered the ships to go in. The Wasp
and Leyden, being the smallest of the
quartette, led the Way, followed by the
Annapolis, while the Topeka, . which
carried a heavier battery, brought up
the rear. The channel is very narrow,
and on the bluff to the right was a fort
and signal station.
As the Wasp and Leyden rounded
the point, the forts fired a dozen shots,
uoue of which, however, fell near
them, and the Topeka returned the fire
with her three-pounders. Almost im-
Lmediately the "Spaniards deserted the
forts, and the Topeka continued 1 to
send shells into them. A body of
riflemen on the beach returned the fire
with a few wild shots, but they, too,
were quiokly dispersed by the Topeka's
smaller guns. The Topeka also dis
charged two torpedoes. At the same
lime, another small tort to the left of
the channel fired on the American
ships; but it was silenced as easily as
the other. . .
Meanwhile, the Wasp and Leyden
opened a cross fire at the Jorge Juan,
which lay to the south, in front of the
town of Mayari. Her position was
about a mile and a quarter from the
beach, and behind her was the third
fort. This fort opened on the Wasp
and Leyden, and as the Annapolis and
Topeka came up, the Spanish gunboat
joined in the fighting, and a general
battle followed. The Topeka anohored
in the middle of the harbor, ' about
4,000 yards from the Jorge Juan, and
the other three American boats drew
up on either side and formed a semi
circle. The Americans then closed in
on the Spanish ship, pouring in a de
structive fire and on the forts behind.
The TopeKa sent four-inch shells crash
ing 'into the Jorge Juan at such a rate
that she sank within 20 minutes.
When the firing beoame heavy, the
officers and crew of the Spaniard put
off in a small boat and made the shore
under a heavy fire and escaped into the
woods. Two shots from the Topeka's
bow gun dropped, squarely into the
Mayari forts. The Spanish pennants
disappeared and the white flag was run
up. This ended a short but one of the
most vicious battles of the war.
Bow Spanish Prisoners Thanked Uncle
' Bam for Bis Kindness
Now York, July 26. Piisoners oi
war oheerlng the flag of their captors
Was the unusual sight witnessed at the
Union dock in Brooklyn today. The
sight was all the more significant as
the cheers came from Spanish throats.
Tire 254 prisoners captured on the four
prize steamers now in port were about
to sail for borne under the British flag.
They were on board the Hesperia, and
just as she backed out of the dock, one
of the patrol gunboats camp by. With
one accord, the prisoners raised three
mighty cheers, which startled the peo
ple on the Brooklyn bridge, and could
be heard on Governor's island. It
was the best tbey could do in thanking
Uncle Sam for the kindness lavished
on them while prisoners. The Hes
peria left at 8 P. M. The prisoners
were A happy lot, and their appearance
showed that they bad been well treated
while In enforced idleness. Among the
prisoners were six officers. They have
saloon acommodations, while the oth
ers are in the steerage,
Examination of Cervera's Ships Proves
It Was Due to an External Cause.
Of! Santiago de Cuba, July 26.
"Any doubt that may, have existed
that the Maine was blown up by an
outside bomb is dispelled by an exami
nation of the destroyed Spanish ships,"
said a member of the board of survey
"that examined the remnants of Ad
miral Cervera's fleet. "Of: the four
ships examined, three were blown up
by their magazine exploded and every
torpedo in addition, yet on none of
them was there the same effect pro
duced as by the explosion " on the
Maine. There was no upheaval of the
keel, and little bulging of the plates,
except in the immediate vicinity ol
the explosion. The effect was nearly
altogether upward, in some cases the
protected deck being lifted; but outside
of the springing of a few plates, the
hulls were intaot." '
The examination of the wrecks oi
the Spanish ships was made first for
the purpose of ascertaining the ' effect
of American gunnery, and second, to
find the effect of an internal explosion.
Both subjeots bore upon the Mains
incident, aB noted above.
., Out of Harm's Way.
London, July 26. Lloyd's agent re
ports that two Spanish gunboats have
entered the harbor of Figuaiia, at the
mouth of the Mondego, Portugal.
More Klondike Gold.
Seattle, Wash., July 26. One hun
dred and thirteen Klondikers, who ar
rived at Victoria this morning on the
steamer Garrone, readied here this
afternoon. The most conservative es
timate places the amount of gold they
brought at half a millon dollars. Dr.
D. W. Ward, of Portland, says there
are many who have large . amounts,
while on the other hand, many are
oomlng out broke. ,
All are reticent
The highest waterfall in the world
is Cholock oascade, at Yosemite, Cal.,
which is 2,635 feet high, or just half a
Not within living memory has there
been known so abnormally snowlees a
winter in European Russia as the past
season. ,
, A medical correspondent at Paris
writes that Dr. Mosso has established
the fact that the blood ot eels is poi
sonous. -
A curious fact has been noted by
Arotic travelers snow when at a ve.-y
low temperature absorbs moisture and
dries garments. :
Gun cotton is cotton wool, washed
then soaked in nitrio aold and three
parts of sulphuric acid, washed in
water, pulped and dried.
It has been found in Switzerland that
in building a railway, laborers could
work one-third as long at a height of
10,000 feet as a mile lower.
- The Rhind manuscript now in the
British museum is the oldest intelligi
ble mathematical work extant that has
ever been deciphered. .
The largest theater in the world Is '
the Grand opera house of Pat is. It
covers more than three aores of ground,
and cost 63,000,000 francs. . . , .
. The creatures known as ocean hydras
have no heart, no lungs, no liver, no
brains, no nervous system, nor organs
save mouth and skin.
Glaciers vary in length from year to
year, and apparently in cycles of years
also, those of the-Alps having shown a
general djmunition sinoe 1850.-'"-
The king of Siam has a bodyguard of
female warriors i. e., 400 girls chosen
from among the strongest and most
handsome of all the women in the land.
A recent landslide in Chirla revealed
a pile of money equaling in value 7,
000,000 coppers. The coins were made
about the middle of the eleventh cen
tury. Porous glass is one of the latest nov
elties. ' The holes are so small that
neither dust nor draught follows its
use, and yet the ventilation is said to
be excellent. ;
Great differences exist between the
Arctic and Antarctic regions, and while
there is a polar sea at the north, it is
believed that a continent exists at the
South-Pole. , .
Seven Chinose war vessels are at pre
sent being built in Germany. , Among
them are four torpedo boat destroyers
which will have a speed of 33 knots an
hour. :" ; ';
The Peruvian Central railroad oover
ing a distance of 10 miles is at an eleva
tion only about 2,000 feet lower than the
summit of the highest mountain in
Gained forty-Eight Pounds.
"I had a strong' appetite, for liquor
which was the beginning of the break
ing down of my health. 1 was also a
slave to tea and ooffee drinking. I took
the gold cure, but it did not help me."
This is a portion of an interview
clipped from the Daily Herald, of Clin
ton, Iowa. It might well be taken for
the subject of a temperance lecture but
that Is not our object in publishing it.
It is to show how a system run down
by drink aud disease, may be restored.
We oannot do better than quote futther
from the same :
"For years I was
unable to do my
work. I could not
sleep nights or, rest
days on account of
continuous pains in
my stomaoh and
back. 1 wits unable
to digest my food.
Headaches . and
painful urination
were frequent, and
my heart's action
became increased.
I left my farm and
retired to city life,
for 1 was . a con
firmed invalid, and
the doctor said I l retina to city lift.
would never be well again.
i "Soon after I happened to use four
boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People and since then I have been
free from all pain, headache and dys
pepsia. I eat heartily and have no ap
petite for strong drink or tea or ooffee,'
and feel twenty years younger. f
1 "My weight has increased 48 pounds.
I oannot say too much for Dr. Wil
liams' Pills and claim that they have
oured me... JOHN B. COOK.','..
' t Subscribed and sworn to before me
this sixteenth day of February, 1897.
A. P. Barker, Notary Publlo.
: ; To people run down in health; from
whatever cause drink or disease the
above interview will be of interest.
The truth of It is undoubted, as the
statement is svrorn to, and we reproduce
the oath here. For-any further facts
concerning this, medicine write to Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y. ;
The name and address of the subject
of aliove inteiview is John B. Cook, of
208 South 5th street, Lyon, Iowa.
An historic landmark of the town of
Hadley, Mass., the old Hooker house,
which stood for almost two centuries,
was burned recently. It was in this
house that General , Joe Hooker was
born in 1814. ;
' , HOWS . THISf
We 'offer One Hundred DollarMloward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be enred by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. -
F.J.CIJENEY&CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the past 15 yearB, and believe him perfectly
hoiinrahln in nil huninnss transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made'
ny tueir nrm. . ,.
Wholesale Drunglsts, Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan A Marvin,
Wholeaale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ol
tho system. Price 7Sc Der bottle. Bold hr all
druggists. Testimonials free.
iiaii a i tue ueei.
You cannot afford to drink
colored tea. v
; It undermines health, and the
coloring hides defects.
Schilling's Best needs no
coloring ; it is good enough.
The Trans-tftlsslsslppl Stamps.
. Of the Transmississlppi Exhibition
stamps, the 50-cent stamp, which is
dark green in color, is from a drawing
by Frederic Remington of a "Western
Mining Prospector," showing a pros
pector in the mountains with his pack
mules. The $1 stamp is in black and
white, from J. MacWhirter's "Western
Cattle in Storm." The 12 stamp is
brown, showing an engraving of "The
Mississippi River Bridge" at St. Louis.
Gunpowder Motor.
Explosive powder is, used to operate
a new motor, a small quantity of the
powder being fed into the oylinder and
ignited .by an electric spark to drive
the piston rod, the expanded gas escap
ing through a -.valve as the piston
returns. " - '
' -, Celluloid Balloon. - '
In an Improved balloon the basket is
carried by four air cells adjustably
mouuted on a railing around the basket,
making it possible for tliff remaining
cells to support the aeronaut if one cell
should collapse .
Wheel Nuts With Handles.
An improved nut for wagons and
other machinery where the nut would
soil the hands li touched has a project
ing knob on one side which fits in a
hole drilled in one jaw of the wrench
to prevent the nut from slipping out
The new improved , Btougliton wagons
stand the racket. Three more car loads are
onthewav. It pavs to have the best.
"Write for free catalogue. JOHN TOOLE,
Sole agent, foot of Morrison street, (Port
land, Or. 1 .
A miorobo that lives and multiplies
in strong alcohol has been discovered
by Veley.
The attention of the public is called
to the professional work of Dr. T. H.
White, No. 271 Morrison street,
Portland, Or. His electrical appli
ances are the most modem, and his
crown and bridge work is of such artis
tic form and finish, that his patients
are delighted not only with the looks,
but with the comfort they receive from
the use of euoh artificial work. All
operations are painless under his meth
ods. Seo that y6ur teeth are properly
cared for and that by a skillful dentist.
There is no need to suffer the discom
forts of broken-down and stained teeth
when they can be made useful and
plbasant to look upon without pain!
Moore's Revealed Remedy wllldo It. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get it from
your druggist or an; wholesale drug house , or
torn Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Uso Bfgtt fqr unnatural
disuharges, inflammations,
Irritatiotifl or ulcerations
of mucous membranes
rainless, and not astriu
gent or poisonous.
Sold br IrnirirlatfA.
r Bent In plain wrapper.
fUK), or 8 oottles, $3.Tft.
urouiar sent on requost
r lp 1 to &!;. J
ffebjf oot to Mitotan.
A Beautiful Present
In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the manufacturers, I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have
decided to Q1VB AWAY a beautiful present with each package of
starch sold. These presents are in the form of
I Beautiful Paste
They are 13x19 inches in size,
Lilacs and
J MQUWE! NO COOrmff - iMtt!
These rare pictures, four In number, by
R. LeRov. of New York, have been
New York, have been
in nis studio ana are now orrerea ior tne nrst time to toe puDiic. i
The pictures are accurately reproduced in all the colors used in the orig
inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art.: .
. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing
tnem in Deauty, rienness otcoior ana
One 01 these pictures
will be given away
with each package of
purchased of your grocer. It is the
is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask
beautiful picture.
' Short renclls Spliced.
Short pencils can be spliced by means
of a new devloe consisting of a short
tube internally threaded and having
bell shaped ends for the introduction of
the pencils and : interior transverse
grooves to form outting dies for the
threads. -
; To Chalk the Cue.
Billiard players will appreciate a
new chalk-holder, which consists of a
metal plate to bo sorewed on the wall
to support a piece of chalk, whioh is
hollowed out in the center to receive
the tip of the cue. ,t!' "'';
V "A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
WaiicrCaKers co:s
Absolutely Pure,
Delicious,' V
y. .Costs Less man ONE CENT a Cup..
Be sure that you get the Genuine Article. ,
made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by
Established vfia.
Bishop Scott Icademy FssKto4
A ))otlrdiK and Daj Bohool for boys.
Military riiavlulfne hi charge of U. HL
Army ofjlocr. Primary, preparatory
arid actuletialo departments. Manual
Training qr Bloydh&s recently been in
eUktled, IUiys af all ages received.
Special instruction In musio, modern
languages, 8 tonography. Through coU
l!ge preparation a specialty. CawHogu
on application to tbe principal, J. W.
HILL, M. D , . O. I)rower 17, Port
land, Or. '
... MANtrPACTrjRED BY ;.. '
made on a small I
Make money by succesf nl
speculation in Chicago. We
buy and sell wheat on mar
gins. Fortunes have been
lures, write ior iuu particulars.- uest ox -rat .
erence given. Several yeare' experience on tha
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNIN0, HOPKINS & Co.,
Chici;o Board of Trade Brokers. Offices Id
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
tj AunANirw
at once
Dr. J.C. Hoffman, 484 Isabella Bldg, Chicago,! U.
K. r. N. c.
No. 81, 't8.
BEN writing: to advertisers please
mention tbls paper.
and are entitled as follows:
Lilacs and
the renowned castel artist.
chosen frc
chosen from the very choicest subjects
s ui cuiur iiiiu arusuc merit. . ;
Elastic Starch
artistic merit.
best laundry starch on the market, and
your crocer for this starch and eet a